path: root/test/ete/labs/huawei
diff options
authorGary Wu <gary.i.wu@huawei.com>2018-01-19 12:28:33 -0800
committerGary Wu <gary.i.wu@huawei.com>2018-01-19 12:28:33 -0800
commitb4b4f3145c20eb95cb6cc9a7c1db397558a4a892 (patch)
tree36620f15f3727b4f42ad0c0917d55b35d3f6fa03 /test/ete/labs/huawei
parentfe1deb3f4a651268b23a180666028014eea06476 (diff)
Refactored OOM heat template/env file locations
Change-Id: Ib0fcf2cac1fe209b252027d183f12ce7cdfee953 Issue-ID: INT-381 Signed-off-by: Gary Wu <gary.i.wu@huawei.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'test/ete/labs/huawei')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/test/ete/labs/huawei/k8s_vm_entrypoint.sh b/test/ete/labs/huawei/k8s_vm_entrypoint.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index cae0f392b..000000000
--- a/test/ete/labs/huawei/k8s_vm_entrypoint.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash -x
-mkdir -p /opt/config
-echo "__rancher_ip_addr__" > /opt/config/rancher_ip_addr.txt
-echo `hostname -I` `hostname` >> /etc/hosts
-mkdir -p /etc/docker
-cat > /etc/docker/daemon.json <<EOF
- "insecure-registries" : ["__docker_proxy__"]
-cat > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/30proxy<<EOF
-Acquire::http { Proxy "http://__apt_proxy__"; };
-Acquire::https::Proxy "DIRECT";
-apt-get -y update
-apt-get -y install jq
-cd ~
-# install docker 1.12
-curl -s https://releases.rancher.com/install-docker/1.12.sh | sh
-usermod -aG docker ubuntu
-# install kubernetes 1.8.6
-curl -s -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.8.6/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
-chmod +x ./kubectl
-sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
-mkdir ~/.kube
-# install helm 2.3
-wget -q http://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-helm/helm-v2.3.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
-tar -zxvf helm-v2.3.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
-sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
-# Fix virtual memory allocation for onap-log:elasticsearch:
-echo "vm.max_map_count=262144" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
-sysctl -p
-# install rancher agent
-echo export RANCHER_IP=__rancher_ip_addr__ > api-keys-rc
-source api-keys-rc
-sleep 50
-until curl -s -o projects.json -H "Accept: application/json" http://$RANCHER_IP:8080/v2-beta/projects; do
- sleep 10
-OLD_PID=$(jq -r '.data[0].id' projects.json)
-curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"accountId":"1a1"}' http://$RANCHER_IP:8080/v2-beta/apikeys | tee apikeys.json
-echo export RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY=`jq -r '.publicValue' apikeys.json` >> api-keys-rc
-echo export RANCHER_SECRET_KEY=`jq -r '.secretValue' apikeys.json` >> api-keys-rc
-source api-keys-rc
-curl -s -u "${RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY}:${RANCHER_SECRET_KEY}" -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' "http://$RANCHER_IP:8080/v2-beta/projects/$OLD_PID"
-until [ ! -z "$TEMPLATE_ID" ] && [ "$TEMPLATE_ID" != "null" ]; do
- sleep 5
- curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" http://$RANCHER_IP:8080/v2-beta/projectTemplates?name=Kubernetes | tee projectTemplatesKubernetes.json
- TEMPLATE_ID=$(jq -r '.data[0].id' projectTemplatesKubernetes.json)
-curl -s -u "${RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY}:${RANCHER_SECRET_KEY}" -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "name":"oom", "projectTemplateId":"'$TEMPLATE_ID'" }' "http://$RANCHER_IP:8080/v2-beta/projects" | tee project.json
-PID=`jq -r '.id' project.json`
-echo export RANCHER_URL=http://$RANCHER_IP:8080/v1/projects/$PID >> api-keys-rc
-source api-keys-rc
-until [ $(jq -r '.state' project.json) == "active" ]; do
- sleep 5
- curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" http://$RANCHER_IP:8080/v1/projects/$PID | tee project.json
-TID=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://$RANCHER_IP:8080/v1/projects/$PID/registrationTokens | jq -r '.id')
-touch token.json
-while [ $(jq -r .command token.json | wc -c) -lt 10 ]; do
- sleep 5
- curl -s -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" http://$RANCHER_IP:8080/v1/projects/$PID/registrationToken/$TID | tee token.json
-CMD=$(jq -r .command token.json)
-eval $CMD
-# download rancher CLI
-wget -q https://github.com/rancher/cli/releases/download/v0.6.7/rancher-linux-amd64-v0.6.7.tar.xz
-unxz rancher-linux-amd64-v0.6.7.tar.xz
-tar xvf rancher-linux-amd64-v0.6.7.tar
-# Clone OOM:
-cd ~
-git clone -b amsterdam http://gerrit.onap.org/r/oom
-# Update values.yaml to point to docker-proxy instead of nexus3:
-cd ~/oom/kubernetes
-perl -p -i -e 's/nexus3.onap.org:10001/__docker_proxy__/g' `find ./ -name values.yaml` oneclick/setenv.bash
-KUBETOKEN=$(echo -n 'Basic '$(echo -n "$RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY:$RANCHER_SECRET_KEY" | base64 -w 0) | base64 -w 0)
-# create .kube/config
-cat > ~/.kube/config <<EOF
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Config
-- cluster:
- api-version: v1
- insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
- server: "https://$RANCHER_IP:8080/r/projects/$PID/kubernetes:6443"
- name: "oom"
-- context:
- cluster: "oom"
- user: "oom"
- name: "oom"
-current-context: "oom"
-- name: "oom"
- user:
- token: "$KUBETOKEN"
-export KUBECONFIG=/root/.kube/config
-kubectl config view
-# Update ~/oom/kubernetes/kube2msb/values.yaml kubeMasterAuthToken to use the token from ~/.kube/config
-sed -i "s/kubeMasterAuthToken:.*/kubeMasterAuthToken: $KUBETOKEN/" ~/oom/kubernetes/kube2msb/values.yaml
-# Put your onap_key ssh private key in ~/.ssh/onap_key
-# Create or edit ~/oom/kubernetes/config/onap-parameters.yaml
-cp ~/oom/kubernetes/config/onap-parameters-sample.yaml ~/oom/kubernetes/config/onap-parameters.yaml
-cat >> ~/oom/kubernetes/config/onap-parameters.yaml <<EOF
-# Overridden by k8s_vm_entrypoint.sh
-OPENSTACK_UBUNTU_14_IMAGE: "__ubuntu_1404_image__"
-OPENSTACK_UBUNTU_16_IMAGE: "__ubuntu_1604_image__"
-OPENSTACK_CENTOS_7_IMAGE: "__centos_7_image__"
-OPENSTACK_PUBLIC_NET_ID: "__public_net_id__"
-OPENSTACK_PUBLIC_NET_NAME: "__public_net_name__"
-OPENSTACK_OAM_NETWORK_CIDR: "__oam_network_cidr__"
-OPENSTACK_TENANT_NAME: "__openstack_tenant_name__"
-OPENSTACK_TENANT_ID: "__openstack_tenant_id__"
-OPENSTACK_USERNAME: "__openstack_username__"
-OPENSTACK_API_KEY: "__openstack_api_key__"
-OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL: "__keystone_url__"
-DCAE_IP_ADDR: "__dcae_ip_addr__"
-DCAE_KEYSTONE_URL: "__keystone_url__/v2.0"
-DNS_LIST: "__dns_list__"
-DNS_FORWARDER: "__dns_forwarder__"
-DNSAAS_KEYSTONE_URL: "__keystone_url__/v2.0"
-DNSAAS_TENANT_NAME: "__openstack_tenant_name__"
-DNSAAS_USERNAME: "__openstack_username__"
-DNSAAS_PASSWORD: "__openstack_api_key__"
-cat ~/oom/kubernetes/config/onap-parameters.yaml
-# wait for kubernetes to initialze
-sleep 100
-until [ $(kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system | tail -n +2 | grep -c Running) -ge 6 ]; do
- sleep 10
-# Source the environment file:
-cd ~/oom/kubernetes/oneclick/
-source setenv.bash
-# run the config pod creation
-cd ~/oom/kubernetes/config
-./createConfig.sh -n onap
-# Wait until the config container completes.
-sleep 200
-until [ $(kubectl get pods --namespace onap -a | tail -n +2 | grep -c Completed) -eq 1 ]; do
- sleep 10
-# version control the config to see what's happening
-cd /dockerdata-nfs/
-git init
-git config user.email "root@k8s"
-git config user.name "root"
-git add -A
-git commit -m "initial commit"
-# Run ONAP:
-cd ~/oom/kubernetes/oneclick/
-./createAll.bash -n onap
-# Check ONAP status:
-sleep 3
-kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
diff --git a/test/ete/labs/huawei/onap-oom.env b/test/ete/labs/huawei/onap-oom.env
deleted file mode 100644
index 423480fef..000000000
--- a/test/ete/labs/huawei/onap-oom.env
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- ##############################################
- # #
- # Parameters used across all ONAP components #
- # #
- ##############################################
- public_net_id: 3a6247f1-fac6-4167-a49f-33cc8415ccf4
- docker_proxy:
- apt_proxy:
- dns_list: ["", ""]
- oam_network_cidr:
- ubuntu_1404_image: trusty
- openstack_tenant_id: 3d228d2fcbb7447bbba3cde703431bc1
- openstack_tenant_name: onap-ci-amsterdam-heat
- openstack_username: demo
- openstack_api_key: demo
- keystone_url:
- rancher_vm_flavor: m1.small
- k8s_vm_flavor: m1.xxlarge
diff --git a/test/ete/labs/huawei/onap-oom.yaml b/test/ete/labs/huawei/onap-oom.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5db534471..000000000
--- a/test/ete/labs/huawei/onap-oom.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-heat_template_version: 2015-10-15
-description: ONAP on Kubernetes using OOM
- docker_proxy:
- type: string
- apt_proxy:
- type: string
- public_net_id:
- type: string
- description: The ID of the Public network for floating IP address allocation
- public_net_name:
- type: string
- description: The name of the Public network referred by public_net_id
- dns_list:
- type: comma_delimited_list
- description: List of External DNS for OAM ONAP network
- oam_network_cidr:
- type: string
- description: CIDR of the OAM ONAP network
- keystone_url:
- type: string
- description: URL of OpenStack Keystone
- openstack_tenant_id:
- type: string
- description: OpenStack tenant ID
- openstack_tenant_name:
- type: string
- description: OpenStack tenant name (matching with the openstack_tenant_id)
- openstack_username:
- type: string
- description: OpenStack username
- openstack_api_key:
- type: string
- description: OpenStack password or API Key
- ubuntu_1404_image:
- type: string
- description: Name of the Ubuntu 14.04 image
- ubuntu_1604_image:
- type: string
- description: Name of the Ubuntu 16.04 image
- centos_7_image:
- type: string
- description: the id/name of the CentOS 7 VM imange
- rancher_vm_flavor:
- type: string
- description: Name of the Ubuntu 14.04 image
- k8s_vm_flavor:
- type: string
- description: Name of the Ubuntu 14.04 image
- dcae_ip_addr:
- type: string
- dns_forwarder:
- type: string
- description: the forwarder address for setting up ONAP's private DNS server
- random-str:
- type: OS::Heat::RandomString
- properties:
- length: 4
- rancher_vm:
- type: OS::Nova::Server
- properties:
- name: rancher
- image: xenial
- flavor: { get_param: rancher_vm_flavor }
- key_name: onap_key
- networks:
- - network: { get_param: public_net_id }
- user_data_format: RAW
- user_data:
- str_replace:
- params:
- __docker_proxy__: { get_param: docker_proxy }
- __apt_proxy__: { get_param: apt_proxy }
- template:
- get_file: rancher_vm_entrypoint.sh
- k8s_vm:
- type: OS::Nova::Server
- properties:
- name: k8s
- image: xenial
- flavor: { get_param: k8s_vm_flavor }
- key_name: onap_key
- networks:
- - network: { get_param: public_net_id }
- user_data_format: RAW
- user_data:
- str_replace:
- params:
- __docker_proxy__: { get_param: docker_proxy }
- __apt_proxy__: { get_param: apt_proxy }
- __rancher_ip_addr__: { get_attr: [rancher_vm, first_address] }
- __openstack_tenant_id__: { get_param: openstack_tenant_id }
- __openstack_tenant_name__: { get_param: openstack_tenant_name }
- __openstack_username__: { get_param: openstack_username }
- __openstack_api_key__: { get_param : openstack_api_key }
- __public_net_id__: { get_param: public_net_id }
- __public_net_name__: { get_param: public_net_name }
- __oam_network_cidr__: { get_param: oam_network_cidr }
- __ubuntu_1404_image__: { get_param: ubuntu_1404_image }
- __ubuntu_1604_image__: { get_param: ubuntu_1604_image }
- __centos_7_image__: { get_param: centos_7_image }
- __keystone_url__: { get_param: keystone_url }
- __dcae_ip_addr__: { get_param: dcae_ip_addr }
- __dns_list__: { get_param: [dns_list, 0] }
- __dns_forwarder__: { get_param: dns_forwarder }
- template:
- get_file: k8s_vm_entrypoint.sh
diff --git a/test/ete/labs/huawei/rancher_vm_entrypoint.sh b/test/ete/labs/huawei/rancher_vm_entrypoint.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index da1955446..000000000
--- a/test/ete/labs/huawei/rancher_vm_entrypoint.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash -x
-echo `hostname -I` `hostname` >> /etc/hosts
-mkdir -p /etc/docker
-cat > /etc/docker/daemon.json <<EOF
- "insecure-registries" : ["__docker_proxy__"]
-cat > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/30proxy<<EOF
-Acquire::http { Proxy "http://__apt_proxy__"; };
-Acquire::https::Proxy "DIRECT";
-apt-get -y update
-apt-get -y install docker.io
-usermod -aG docker ubuntu
-docker run --restart unless-stopped -d -p 8080:8080 rancher/server:v1.6.10