path: root/test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Keywords.robot
diff options
authorGary Wu <gary.i.wu@huawei.com>2018-09-27 10:29:30 -0700
committerGary Wu <gary.i.wu@huawei.com>2018-09-27 12:50:28 -0700
commit2d3d8dcf6ef1bd2a161c69d561c629c5ec3f59c4 (patch)
tree652fd47a183c291e96c6721f550a5f63464f6e66 /test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Keywords.robot
parente161173e279a73134dda4c2f429605d6c9ee1fe7 (diff)
Move CSIT to integration/csit repo
To facilite branching of CSIT tests, all CSIT test code and scripts are relocated to the integration/csit repo. Change-Id: I6777cd414e43dbf2bfa6215f7e50849e1a6a2e59 Issue-ID: INT-671 Signed-off-by: Gary Wu <gary.i.wu@huawei.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Keywords.robot')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Keywords.robot b/test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Keywords.robot
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ce4be485..000000000
--- a/test/csit/tests/holmes/testcase/RuleMgt/Rule-Keywords.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Library RequestsLibrary
-Library Collections
-Resource RuleAddr.robot
-Resource ../CommonKeywords/HttpRequest.robot
-*** Keywords ***
- ${rule1} create dictionary rulename=ying001 content=package rule0001 enabled=1 description=this is first description
- ${rule2} create dictionary rulename=ying002 content=package rule0002 enabled=0 description=this is seconddescription
- ${rule3} create dictionary rulename=ying003 content=package rule0003 enabled=1 description=this is third description
- @{rulesList} create list ${rule1} ${rule2} ${rule3}
- : FOR ${row} IN @{rulesList}
- \ ${rulejson} encode ${row}
- \ log ${rulejson}
- \ createRule ${rulejson}
- ${RULEDIC} create dictionary rulename=gy2017001 description=create a new rule! content=package rule2017001 enabled=1
- set suite variable ${RULEDIC}
- [Arguments] ${queryParam} ${codeFlag}=1
- [Documentation] ${queryParam} : The data type is Json .
- create session microservices ${ruleMgtHost}
- Comment ${param} set variable queryrequest\=${queryParam}
- ${getResponse} get request microservices ${ruleMgtUrl}?queryrequest\=${queryParam}
- log ${getResponse.content}
- run keyword if ${codeFlag}==1 Should be equal as strings ${getResponse.status_code} 200
- run keyword if ${codeFlag}!=1 Should be equal as strings ${getResponse.status_code} 499
- [Return] ${getResponse}
- [Arguments] ${responseJsonData} ${expectAttrDic}
- [Documentation] ${expectAttrDic} : The data type is dictionary;
- ... key is the name of the attribute, value is the expected value of the attribute.
- @{responseRules} Get From Dictionary ${responseJsonData} correlationRules
- : FOR ${rule} IN @{responseRules}
- \ log ${rule}
- \ verifyRuleAttribute ${rule} ${expectAttrDic}
- [Arguments] ${singleRule} ${expectAttrDic}
- [Documentation] ${expectAttrDic} : The data type is dictionary; key is the name of the attributes to be traversaled, value is the expected value of the attributes.
- log ${singleRule}
- log ${expectAttrDic}
- @{attrsKeys} get dictionary keys ${expectAttrDic}
- : FOR ${attr} IN @{attrsKeys}
- \ log ${attr}
- \ ${actualResponse} get from dictionary ${singleRule} ${attr}
- \ ${expectResponse} get from dictionary ${expectAttrDic} ${attr}
- \ Comment log ${actualResponse}
- \ Comment log ${expectResponse}
- Should be equal as strings ${actualResponse} ${expectResponse}
- [Arguments] ${jsonParams} ${codeFlag}=1
- [Documentation] ${codeFlag} : The data type is string, defult value is 1, indicating that the case need to assert thatthe statues code is 200.
- ... Then other values indicating that the case need to assert that the statues code is 499.
- ${response} httpPut ${ruleMgtHost} ${ruleMgtUrl} ${jsonParams}
- log ${response.content}
- run keyword if ${codeFlag}==1 Should be equal as strings ${response.status_code} 200
- run keyword if ${codeFlag}!=1 Should be equal as strings ${response.status_code} 499
- [Return] ${response}
- [Arguments] ${jsonParams} ${codeFlag}=1
- ${response} httpPost ${ruleMgtHost} ${ruleMgtUrl} ${jsonParams}
- log ${response.content}
- run keyword if ${codeFlag}==1 Should be equal as strings ${response.status_code} 200
- run keyword if ${codeFlag}!=1 Should be equal as strings ${response.status_code} 499
- [Return] ${response}
- [Arguments] ${ruleId} ${codeFlag}=1
- ${response} httpDelete ${ruleMgtHost} ${ruleMgtUrl}/${ruleId}
- log ${response.content}
- run keyword if ${codeFlag}==1 Should be equal as strings ${response.status_code} 200
- run keyword if ${codeFlag}!=1 Should be equal as strings ${response.status_code} 499
- [Return] ${response}