BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterReleased Version 1.4.7Guangrong Fu16 months
montrealReleased Version 1.4.7Guangrong Fu16 months
londonReleased Ver 1.4.6Guangrong Fu24 months
kohnReleasing 1.4.4Guangrong Fu3 years
jakartaOptimized retry in the exception branchGuangrong Fu3 years
istanbulRelease Artifact 1.3.5GuangrongFu4 years
guilinRelease Version 1.3.2GuangrongFu4 years
honoluluRelease Version 1.3.2GuangrongFu4 years
elaltoPublished a New VersionGuangrongFu5 years
dublinBumped the version of the moduleGuangrongFu6 years
1.4.7commit 0c0b162293...jenkins-releng16 months
1.4.6commit d7bdbdf928...jenkins-releng24 months
1.4.5commit 8f7c16beb2...jenkins-releng24 months
1.4.4commit 97a3a4c00e...jenkins-releng3 years
1.4.3commit bee97c34aa...jenkins-releng3 years
1.4.2commit c75c666f3b...jenkins-releng3 years
1.4.1commit 54746c8bf3...jenkins-releng3 years
1.4.0commit 7fc80b22d0...jenkins-releng3 years
1.3.9commit 1ca652ed70...jenkins-releng3 years
1.3.8commit e74765ae77...jenkins-releng3 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2017-11-10Fix Some Bugsv1. Fu1-1/+6
2017-11-10Fix Some BugGuangrong Fu2-19/+41
2017-11-09Fix Some BugsGuangrong Fu2-3/+8
2017-11-09Add the Stacktrace into the LogGuangrong Fu5-9/+11
2017-11-08Add a MD5 Util ClassGuangrong Fu6-13/+155
2017-11-05Add Logic for Parsing Sub Info from DCAEGuangrong Fu3-30/+31
2017-11-04Fix the DCAE integration BugsGuangrong Fu2-1/+6
2017-11-03Modify the Service Addr Query LogicGuangrong Fu7-144/+84
2017-11-02Change the "Target" to vserver-nameGuangrong Fu2-2/+1
2017-10-31Merge "Update the logic for MSB addr Query"tang peng2-4/+9