path: root/logo/logo_onap_2017.svg
diff options
authorthmsdt <>2024-08-12 14:01:03 +0200
committerthmsdt <>2024-08-12 14:01:36 +0200
commitb985ab932bd90edcd514387c814c135276970391 (patch)
treea3ae97d7aef504504dea564a35a44874260b0fbd /logo/logo_onap_2017.svg
parent93b7cc0d79c69019b73c37ca27fca1382d3ca822 (diff)
logo updateHEADmaster
Issue-ID: DOC-826 Change-Id: I8fe775a3b3444994b329e6914a9e7b215bb7c6d5 Signed-off-by: thmsdt <>
Diffstat (limited to 'logo/logo_onap_2017.svg')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
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