diff options
authorvarun gudisena <varuneshwar.gudisena@att.com>2019-02-21 17:37:40 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <gerrit@onap.org>2019-02-21 17:37:40 +0000
commitecd4be66f501c6cbbcd53b302f477bd0c8d17a6a (patch)
parent1ec13e9d01818702d2890528934c247e0a5fa4ed (diff)
parent7ecdac335b89831e5d9043434f05beb21dff640a (diff)
Merge "Added new fields to dr_sub API"
6 files changed, 264 insertions, 213 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 34a8952..235e0d0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -46,165 +46,120 @@ mvn clean install javadoc:javadoc
A description of the API is generated, and found in targets/generated-source/swagger.json.
-### Configurable Parameters
+### Properties File
-Behavior of the API is controlled by settings in a properties file (typically etc/dmaapbc.properties).
-The following describes these properties:
-# Configuration parameters fixed at startup for the DMaaP Bus Controller
-# URI to retrieve dynamic DR configuration
-ProvisioningURI: /internal/prov
-# Allow http access to API
-HttpAllowed: true
-# The port number for http as seen within the server
-IntHttpPort: 8080
-# The port number for https as seen within the server
-# Set to 0 if no certificate is available yet...
-IntHttpsPort: 8443
-# The external port number for https taking port mapping into account
-ExtHttpsPort: 443
-# The type of keystore for https
-KeyStoreType: jks
-# The path to the keystore for https
-KeyStoreFile: etc/keystore
-# The password for the https keystore
-KeyStorePassword: changeit
-# The password for the private key in the https keystore
-KeyPassword: changeit
-# The type of truststore for https
-TrustStoreType: jks
-# The path to the truststore for https
-TrustStoreFile: /opt/app/java/jdk/jdk180/jre/security/cacerts
-# The password for the https truststore
-TrustStorePassword: changeit
-# The path to the file used to trigger an orderly shutdown
-QuiesceFile: etc/SHUTDOWN
-# Enable postgress
-UsePGSQL: true
-# The host for postgres access
-DB.host: HostNotSet
-# For postgres access
-DB.cred: ValueNotSet
-# Name of this environment
-DmaapName: DeploymentEnvName
-# Name of DR prov server
-DR.provhost: dcae-drps.domain.notset.com
-# The Role and credentials of the MirrorMaker Provisioner. This is used by DMaaP Bus Controller to pub to the provisioning topic
-# Not part of 1701
-#MM.ProvRole: org.openecomp.dmaapBC.MMprov.prov
-#MM.ProvUserMechId: idNotSet@namespaceNotSet
-#MM.ProvUserPwd: enc:fMxh-hzYZldbtyXumQq9aJU08SslhbM6mXtt
-# The Role of the MirrorMaker Agent. This is used by MM to sub to provisioning topic
-MM.AgentRole: org.openecomp.dmaapBC.MMagent.agent
-# AAF Properties:
-# regarding password encryption:
-# In the dependencies that Maven retrieves (e.g., under dcae_dmaapbc/target/deps/ is a jar file cadi-core-version.jar. Generate the key file with:
-# java \u2013jar wherever/cadi-core-*.jar keygen keyfilename
-# chmod 400 keyfilename
-# To encrypt a key:
-# java \u2013jar wherever/cadi-core-*.jar digest password-to-encrypt keyfilename
-# This will generate a string. Put \u201Cenc:\u201D on the front of the string, and put the result in this properties file.
-# Location of the Codec Keyfile which is used to decrypt passwords in this properties file before they are passed to AAF
-# REF: https://wiki.domain.notset.com/display/cadi/CADI+Deployment
-CredentialCodecKeyfile: etc/LocalKey
-# URL of AAF environment to use.
-aaf.URL: https://authentication.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8095/proxy/
-# TopicMgr mechid@namespace
-aaf.TopicMgrUser: idNotSet@namespaceNotSet
-# TopicMgr password
-aaf.TopicMgrPassword: enc:zyRL9zbI0py3rJAjMS0dFOnYfEw_mJhO
-# Bus Controller Namespace Admin mechid@namespace
-aaf.AdminUser: idNotSet@namespaceNotSet
-# Bus Controller Namespace Admin password
-aaf.AdminPassword: enc:YEaHwOJrwhDY8a6usetlhbB9mEjUq9m
-# endof AAF Properties
-# PolicyEngine Properties
-# Flag to turn on/off Authentication
-UsePE: false
-# Argument to decisionAttributes.put("AAF_ENVIRONMENT", X);
-# where X is: TEST= UAT, PROD = PROD, DEVL = TEST
-PeAafEnvironment: DEVL
-# Name of PolicyEngineApi properties file
-PolicyEngineProperties: config/PolicyEngineApi.properties
-# Namespace for URI values for API used to create AAF permissions
-# e.g. if ApiNamespace is X.Y..dmaapBC.api then for URI /topics we create an AAF perm X.Y..dmaapBC.api.topics
-ApiNamespace: org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi
-# endof PolicyEngineProperties
+This section is intended to describe the behavior customization of Bus Controller that can be obtained via properties file used by the dbcapi library.
+By default, this file is located in etc/dmaapbc.properties.
+However, a java argument -DConfigFile can be set to a different path. (Our kubernetes deployment relies on this and points to a configmap, for example.)
+The table below lists all the settings, default values (if not set), and shows any explicit setting in ONAP oom kubernetes deployment.
+| Property | Description | Default | ONAP Kubernetes Setting |
+|UseAAF | Flag for whether AAF authz API is to be used | false | false |
+|csit | Flag for stubbing out many southbound calls in a CSIT environment | No | No |
+|DR.provhost | FQDN of Data Router Provisioning Server (deprecated - now set via API) | notSet | dcae-drps.domain.not.set |
+|ProvisioningURI | URI to retrieve dynamic DR configuration | /internal/prov | /internal/prov |
+|Feed.deleteHandling | indicator for handling feed delete request | DeleteOnDR | SimulateDelete |
+| | DeleteOnDR - means use the DR API to DELETE a feed. (default for backwards compatibility) | | |
+| | SimulateDelete - means preserve the feed on DR (after cleaning it up), and mark as DELETED in DBCL. | | |
+|UsePGSQL | flag indicates whether to retain data in Postgresql | false | true |
+| | when false, objects will be kept in memory but will be | | |
+| | lost on restart and not shared between instances | | |
+|DB.host | FQDN or service name of Postresql host | dcae-pstg-write-ftl.domain.notset.com | dbc-pg-primary |
+|DB.name | name of Postresql database | dmaap | |
+|DB.schema | name of database schema | public | |
+|DB.user | username for Postgresql access | dmaap_admin | |
+|DB.cred | password for Postrgresql access | test234-ftl | onapdemodb |
+|MR.multisite | Indicates if there can be multiple sites (locations) where MR is deployed | true | false |
+|MR.CentralCname | FQDN or service name of MR (deployed in central if multilocation is true) | MRcname.not.set | message-router |
+|MR ClientDeleteLevel | MR Client Delete thoroughness | 0 | 1 |
+| | 0 = don't delete | | |
+| | 1 = delete from persistent store (PG) | | |
+| | 2 = delete from persistent store (PG) and authorization store (AAF) | | |
+|MR.TopicFactoryNS | AAF namespace used to create perms for MR topics | MR.topicFactoryNS.not.set | org.onap.dmaap.mr.topicFactory |
+|MR.TopicMgrRole | AAF Role used by Buscontroller to create topics on MR | MR.TopicMgrRole.not.set | org.onap.dmaap-bc-topic-mgr.client |
+|MR.projectID | Value for some constructs of fully qualified topic names | 99999 | ONAP |
+|cadi.properties | Path to CADI properties file | /opt/app/osaaf/local/org.onap.dmaap-bc.props | /opt/app/osaaf/lcoal/org.onap.dmaap-bc.props |
+|aaf.URL | URL of the AAF server | https://authentication.domain.netset.com:8095/proxy/ | https://aaf-authz/ |
+|aaf.TopicMgrUser | AAF Identity of Topic Mgr | noMechId@domain.netset.com | dmaap-bc-topic-mgr@dmaap-bc-topic-mgr.onap.org |
+|aaf.TopicMgrPassword | AAF Credential for Topic Mgr | notSet | demo123456! |
+|aaf.AdminUser | AAF Identity of user with Admin role for API namespace | noMechId@domain.netset.com | aaf_admin@people.osaaf.org |
+|aaf.AdminPassword | AAF credential of AdminUser | notSet | demo123456! |
+|aaf.NsOwnerIdentity | AAF Identity to be used as topic Namespace owner | notSet | aaf_admin@people.osaaf.org |
+|topicNsRoot | AAF namespace value used to create FQTN | org.onap.dcae.dmaap | org.onap.dcae.dmaap |
+|CredentialCodeKeyfile | location of the codec keyfile used to decrypt passwords | LocalKey | etc/LocalKey |
+| | in this properties file before they are passed to AAF | LocalKey | etc/LocalKey |
+|AafDecryption.Class | Specifies the Class to be used for decryption | org.onap.dmaap.dbcapi.aaf.ClearDecrypt | |
+|ApiNamespace | Root namespace for AAF perms related to dbcapi access | apiNamespace.not.set | org.onap.dmaap-bc.api |
+|ApiPermission.Class | the Class that determines if a call to API is authorized| allow | |
+|MM.ProvRole | AAF Role of client publishing MM prov cmds | notSet | org.onap.dmaap-bc-mm-prov.prov |
+|MM.ProvUserMechId | AAF Identity when publishing to MM command topic | notSet | dmaap-bc-mm-prov@dmaap-bc-mm-prov.onap.org|
+|MM.ProvUserPwd | AAF credenital for ProvUserMechId | notSet | demo123456! |
+|MM.AgentRole | AAF Role of client susbcribing to MM command topic | notSet | org.onal.dmaap-bc-mm-prov.agent |
+|DR.provApi | Version name of DR API (ONAP or AT&T) | ONAP | ONAP |
+|DR.onBehalfHeader | String for "On Behalf Of" HTTP Header in DR API | X-DR-ON-BEHALF-OF | X-DR-ON-BEHALF-OF |
+|DR.feedContentType | Value for Content-Type Header in DR Feed API | application/vnd.dr.feed | application/vnd.dr.feed |
+|DR subContentType | Value for Content-Type Header in DR Subscription API | application/vnd.dr.subscription | application/vnd.dr.subscription |
+|HttpAllowed | flag indicating whether http is supported | false | true |
+|IntHttpPort | Internal port for http service | 80 | 8080 |
+|IntHttpsPort | Internal port for https service (0 if no cert is avail) | 443 | 8443 |
+|ExtHttpsPort | Externally advertised port for https service (deprecated)| 443 | 443 |
+|KeyStoreType | Format of Java keystore | jks | jks |
+|KeyStoreFile | Path to java keystore | etc/keystore | etc/keystore |
+|KeyStorePassword | Password for keystore | changeit | <provided by Certificate Authority> |
+|KeyPassword | Password for private key in the https keystore | changeit | <provided by Certificate Authority> |
+|TrustStoreType | Format of Trust Store file | jks | jks |
+|TrustStoreFile | Path to Trust Store file | | etc/org.onap.dmaap-bc.trust.jks |
+|TrustStorePassword | Password for Trust Store | | <provided by Certificate Authority> |
+|QuiesceFile | Path to file which signals needs to queiesce | | etc/SHUTDOWN |
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index b735c48..8a27fa9 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
- <artifact.version>1.0.22-SNAPSHOT</artifact.version>
+ <artifact.version>1.0.23-SNAPSHOT</artifact.version>
<!-- SONAR -->
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onap/dmaap/dbcapi/model/DR_Sub.java b/src/main/java/org/onap/dmaap/dbcapi/model/DR_Sub.java
index a5d9999..dd0b85d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onap/dmaap/dbcapi/model/DR_Sub.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onap/dmaap/dbcapi/model/DR_Sub.java
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ public class DR_Sub extends DmaapObject {
private boolean use100;
private boolean suspended;
private String owner;
+ private boolean guaranteedDelivery;
+ private boolean guaranteedSequence;
+ private boolean privilegedSubscriber;
public DR_Sub() {
@@ -81,13 +84,32 @@ public class DR_Sub extends DmaapObject {
this.setOwner( (String) jsonObj.get("subscriber"));
this.setSuspended( (boolean) jsonObj.get("suspend"));
- JSONObject links = (JSONObject) jsonObj.get("links");
- String url = (String) links.get("feed");
- this.setFeedId( url.substring( url.lastIndexOf('/')+1, url.length() ));
- url = (String) links.get("self");
- this.setSubId( url.substring( url.lastIndexOf('/')+1, url.length() ));
- logger.info( "feedid="+ this.getFeedId() );
- this.setLogURL( (String) links.get("log") );
+ try {
+ JSONObject links = (JSONObject) jsonObj.get("links");
+ String url = (String) links.get("feed");
+ this.setFeedId( url.substring( url.lastIndexOf('/')+1, url.length() ));
+ url = (String) links.get("self");
+ this.setSubId( url.substring( url.lastIndexOf('/')+1, url.length() ));
+ logger.info( "feedid="+ this.getFeedId() );
+ this.setLogURL( (String) links.get("log") );
+ } catch (NullPointerException npe ) {
+ }
+ try {
+ this.setGuaranteedDelivery( (boolean) jsonObj.get("guaranteed_delivery"));
+ } catch( NullPointerException npe ) {
+ this.setGuaranteedDelivery(false);
+ }
+ try {
+ this.setGuaranteedSequence( (boolean) jsonObj.get("guaranteed_sequence"));
+ } catch( NullPointerException npe ) {
+ this.setGuaranteedSequence(false);
+ }
+ try {
+ this.setPrivilegedSubscriber((boolean) jsonObj.get("privilegedSubscriber"));
+ } catch( NullPointerException npe ) {
+ this.setPrivilegedSubscriber(false);
+ }
JSONObject del = (JSONObject) jsonObj.get("delivery");
this.setDeliveryURL( (String) del.get("url") );
@@ -95,6 +117,8 @@ public class DR_Sub extends DmaapObject {
this.setUserpwd( (String) del.get( "password"));
this.setUse100((boolean) del.get( "use100"));
this.setStatus( DmaapObject_Status.VALID );
logger.info( "new DR_Sub returning");
@@ -183,6 +207,29 @@ public class DR_Sub extends DmaapObject {
+ public boolean isGuaranteedDelivery() {
+ return guaranteedDelivery;
+ }
+ public void setGuaranteedDelivery(boolean guaranteedDelivery) {
+ this.guaranteedDelivery = guaranteedDelivery;
+ }
+ public boolean isGuaranteedSequence() {
+ return guaranteedSequence;
+ }
+ public void setGuaranteedSequence(boolean guaranteedSequence) {
+ this.guaranteedSequence = guaranteedSequence;
+ }
+ public boolean isPrivilegedSubscriber() {
+ return privilegedSubscriber;
+ }
+ public void setPrivilegedSubscriber(boolean privilegedSubscriber) {
+ this.privilegedSubscriber = privilegedSubscriber;
+ }
public byte[] getBytes(String provApi) {
if ( "AT&T".equals(provApi)) {
@@ -193,18 +240,21 @@ public class DR_Sub extends DmaapObject {
// returns the DR_Sub object in JSON that conforms to ONAP DR Prov Server expectations
public String toProvJSON() {
// this is the original DR API that was contributed to ONAP
- String postJSON = String.format("{\"suspend\": \"%s\", \"delivery\": "
- + "{\"url\": \"%s\", \"user\": \"%s\", \"password\": \"%s\", \"use100\": \"%s\"}"
+ String postJSON = String.format("{\"suspend\": %s, \"delivery\":"
+ + "{\"url\": \"%s\", \"user\": \"%s\", \"password\": \"%s\", \"use100\": %s }"
+ ", \"metadataOnly\": %s, \"groupid\": \"%s\", \"follow_redirect\": %s "
- + "}",
- this.suspended,
- this.getDeliveryURL(),
- this.getUsername(),
- this.getUserpwd(),
- this.isUse100(),
- "false",
- "0",
- "true");
+ + ", \"privilegedSubscriber\": %s "
+ + "}"
+ ,this.suspended
+ ,this.getDeliveryURL()
+ ,this.getUsername()
+ ,this.getUserpwd()
+ ,this.isUse100()
+ ,"false"
+ ,"0"
+ ,"true"
+ ,this.isPrivilegedSubscriber()
+ );
logger.info( postJSON );
return postJSON;
@@ -225,21 +275,22 @@ public class DR_Sub extends DmaapObject {
// TODO:
// - introduce Bus Controller API support for these attributes
// - store the default values in the DB
- String postJSON = String.format("{\"suspend\": \"%s\", \"delivery\": "
- + "{\"url\": \"%s\", \"user\": \"%s\", \"password\": \"%s\", \"use100\": \"%s\"}"
+ String postJSON = String.format("{\"suspend\": %s, \"delivery\":"
+ + "{\"url\": \"%s\", \"user\": \"%s\", \"password\": \"%s\", \"use100\": %s}"
+ ", \"metadataOnly\": %s, \"groupid\": \"%s\", \"follow_redirect\": %s "
- + ", \"guaranteed_delivery\": %s, \"guaranteed_sequence\": %s "
- + "}",
- this.suspended,
- this.getDeliveryURL(),
- this.getUsername(),
- this.getUserpwd(),
- this.isUse100(),
- "false",
- "0",
- "true",
- "false",
- "false");
+ + ", \"guaranteed_delivery\": %s, \"guaranteed_sequence\": %s"
+ + "}"
+ ,this.suspended
+ ,this.getDeliveryURL()
+ ,this.getUsername()
+ ,this.getUserpwd()
+ ,this.isUse100()
+ ,"false"
+ ,"0"
+ ,"true"
+ ,this.isGuaranteedDelivery()
+ ,this.isGuaranteedSequence()
+ );
logger.info( postJSON );
return postJSON;
diff --git a/src/main/resources/schema_12.sql b/src/main/resources/schema_12.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aaab11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/schema_12.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+-- ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+-- OpenECOMP - org.onap.dbcapi
+-- ================================================================================
+-- Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+-- ================================================================================
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+@alter table dr_sub
+ add column guaranteed_delivery boolean,
+ add column guaranteed_sequence boolean,
+ add column privileged_subscriber boolean
+update dmaapbc_sch_ver set version = 12 where version = 11;
diff --git a/src/test/java/org/onap/dmaap/dbcapi/model/DRSubTest.java b/src/test/java/org/onap/dmaap/dbcapi/model/DRSubTest.java
index e2e48cc..480ff07 100644
--- a/src/test/java/org/onap/dmaap/dbcapi/model/DRSubTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/org/onap/dmaap/dbcapi/model/DRSubTest.java
@@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ public class DRSubTest {
assertTrue( ! t.isUse100() );
assertTrue( ! t.isSuspended() );
assertTrue( t.getOwner() == null );
+ assertTrue( t.isGuaranteedDelivery() == false );
+ assertTrue( t.isGuaranteedSequence() == false );
+ assertTrue( t.isPrivilegedSubscriber() == false );
@@ -103,36 +106,48 @@ public class DRSubTest {
assertTrue( du.equals( t.getDeliveryURL() ) );
t.setLogURL( lu );
assertTrue( lu.equals( t.getLogURL() ) );
+ boolean v = true;
+ t.setGuaranteedDelivery( v );
+ assertTrue( t.isGuaranteedDelivery() == v );
+ t.setGuaranteedSequence(v);
+ assertTrue( t.isGuaranteedSequence() == v );
+ t.setPrivilegedSubscriber(v);
+ assertTrue( t.isPrivilegedSubscriber() == v );
- public void test3() {
- String json = String.format( "{ \"%s\": \"%s\", \"%s\": false, \"%s\": { \"%s\": \"%s\", \"%s\": \"%s\", \"%s\": \"%s\" }, \"%s\": { \"%s\": \"%s\", \"%s\": \"%s\", \"%s\": \"%s\", \"%s\": true } }",
- "subscriber", "owner",
- "suspend",
- "links",
- "feed", "https://feed.onap.org/publish/22",
- "self", "https://feed.onap.org/subscriber/44",
- "log" , lu,
- "delivery" ,
- "url", du,
- "user", un,
- "password", up,
- "use100"
- );
- DR_Sub t = new DR_Sub( json );
+ public void testJSONfromONAP() {
+ DR_Sub s = new DR_Sub( d, un, up, f, du, lu, u100 );
+ String j = s.toProvJSON();
+ DR_Sub t = new DR_Sub( j );
assertTrue( un.equals( t.getUsername() ));
assertTrue( up.equals( t.getUserpwd() ));
- assertTrue( f.equals( t.getFeedId() ));
+ //assertTrue( f.equals( t.getFeedId() ));
assertTrue( du.equals( t.getDeliveryURL() ) );
- assertTrue( lu.equals( t.getLogURL() ) );
+ //assertTrue( lu.equals( t.getLogURL() ) );
assertTrue( ! t.isSuspended() );
- String o = t.toString();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testJSONfromATT() {
+ DR_Sub s = new DR_Sub( d, un, up, f, du, lu, u100 );
+ DR_Sub t = new DR_Sub( s.toProvJSONforATT() );
+ assertTrue( un.equals( t.getUsername() ));
+ assertTrue( up.equals( t.getUserpwd() ));
+ //assertTrue( f.equals( t.getFeedId() ));
+ assertTrue( du.equals( t.getDeliveryURL() ) );
+ // assertTrue( lu.equals( t.getLogURL() ) );
+ assertTrue( ! t.isSuspended() );
diff --git a/version.properties b/version.properties
index 7674d90..c811740 100644
--- a/version.properties
+++ b/version.properties
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
# Release must be completed with git revision # in Jenkins