
DCAE service change handler

Application that is responsible for polling for ASDC distribution notification events and handling those events. Handling means:

  • Parsing the event for DCAE artifacts
  • Identifying whether its complementary DCAE service type resource in DCAE inventory has changed
  • Taking action
    • Insert a new DCAE service type
    • Update an exisintg DCAE service type
    • Deactivate an existing DCAE service type
  • Send appropriate acknowledgements back


Uses the SDC distribution client to interface with the SDC API.

To run

Two modes of operation: development and production.


The application in development mode does not actually pull from ASDC but rather takes in a file that contains a single ASDC notfication event as a third argument and processes it.

Usage of development mode:

java -jar dcae-service-change-handler-0.1.0.jar dev <config file path> <event file path>


The application in production mode continuously pulls events from ASDC and processes them.

Usage of production mode when config is a file on the filesystem:

java -jar dcae-service-change-handler-0.1.0.jar prod <config file path>

Usage of production mode when config is remote stored in Consul:

java -jar dcae-service-change-handler-0.1.0.jar prod http://consul:8500/v1/kv/service-change-handler?raw=true