path: root/policyhandler/pdp_api/dmaap_mr.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'policyhandler/pdp_api/dmaap_mr.py')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/policyhandler/pdp_api/dmaap_mr.py b/policyhandler/pdp_api/dmaap_mr.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d4d468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policyhandler/pdp_api/dmaap_mr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# ================================================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+"""policy-client communicates with policy-engine thru REST API"""
+import copy
+import json
+from threading import Lock
+import requests
+from ..config import Config, Settings
+from ..onap.audit import AuditHttpCode, AuditResponseCode, Metrics
+from ..utils import Utils
+_LOGGER = Utils.get_logger(__file__)
+class DmaapMr(object):
+ """using the http API to policy-engine"""
+ _lazy_inited = False
+ _lock = Lock()
+ _settings = Settings(Config.DMAAP_MR)
+ _requests_session = None
+ _long_polling = False
+ _target_entity = None
+ _url = None
+ _query = {}
+ _headers = None
+ _custom_kwargs = {}
+ _timeout_in_secs = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS
+ @staticmethod
+ def _init(audit):
+ """init static config"""
+ DmaapMr._custom_kwargs = {}
+ tls_ca_mode = None
+ if not DmaapMr._requests_session:
+ DmaapMr._requests_session = requests.Session()
+ DmaapMr._requests_session.mount(
+ 'https://', requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=1, pool_maxsize=1,
+ pool_block=True))
+ DmaapMr._requests_session.mount(
+ 'http://', requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=1, pool_maxsize=1,
+ pool_block=True))
+ _, config = DmaapMr._settings.get_by_key(Config.DMAAP_MR)
+ if config:
+ DmaapMr._url = config.get("url")
+ DmaapMr._headers = config.get("headers", {})
+ DmaapMr._query = copy.deepcopy(config.get("query", {}))
+ if DmaapMr._query.get(Config.QUERY_TIMEOUT, 0) < 1000:
+ DmaapMr._query[Config.QUERY_TIMEOUT] = 15000
+ DmaapMr._target_entity = config.get("target_entity", Config.DMAAP_MR)
+ tls_ca_mode = config.get(Config.TLS_CA_MODE)
+ DmaapMr._custom_kwargs = Config.get_requests_kwargs(tls_ca_mode)
+ DmaapMr._timeout_in_secs = config.get(Config.TIMEOUT_IN_SECS)
+ if not DmaapMr._timeout_in_secs or DmaapMr._timeout_in_secs < 1:
+ DmaapMr._timeout_in_secs = DmaapMr.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECS
+ _LOGGER.info(
+ audit.info(("config DMaaP MR({}) url({}) query({}) headers({}) "
+ "tls_ca_mode({}) custom_kwargs({}) timeout_in_secs({}): {}").format(
+ DmaapMr._target_entity, DmaapMr._url,
+ Metrics.json_dumps(DmaapMr._query),
+ Metrics.json_dumps(DmaapMr._headers), tls_ca_mode,
+ json.dumps(DmaapMr._custom_kwargs), DmaapMr._timeout_in_secs,
+ DmaapMr._settings)))
+ DmaapMr._settings.commit_change()
+ DmaapMr._lazy_inited = True
+ @staticmethod
+ def reconfigure(audit):
+ """reconfigure"""
+ with DmaapMr._lock:
+ DmaapMr._settings.set_config(Config.discovered_config)
+ if not DmaapMr._settings.is_changed():
+ DmaapMr._settings.commit_change()
+ return False
+ DmaapMr._lazy_inited = False
+ DmaapMr._long_polling = False
+ DmaapMr._init(audit)
+ return True
+ @staticmethod
+ def _lazy_init(audit):
+ """init static config"""
+ if DmaapMr._lazy_inited:
+ return
+ with DmaapMr._lock:
+ if DmaapMr._lazy_inited:
+ return
+ DmaapMr._settings.set_config(Config.discovered_config)
+ DmaapMr._long_polling = False
+ DmaapMr._init(audit)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_policy_updates(audit):
+ """
+ get from DMaaP MR - returns json list of stringified messages
+ example [
+ "{\"deployed-policies\":[
+ {\"policy-type\":\"onap.policies.monitoring.cdap.tca.hi.lo.app\",
+ \"policy-type-version\":\"1.0.0\",
+ \"policy-id\":\"onap.scaleout.tca\",
+ \"policy-version\":\"2.2.2\",
+ \"success-count\":3,
+ \"failure-count\":0
+ }],
+ \"undeployed-policies\":[
+ {\"policy-type\":\"onap.policies.monitoring.cdap.tca.hi.lo.app\",
+ \"policy-type-version\":\"1.0.0\",
+ \"policy-id\":\"onap.scaleout.tca\",
+ \"policy-version\":\"1.0.0\",
+ \"success-count\":3,
+ \"failure-count\":0
+ }]}"
+ ]
+ """
+ DmaapMr._lazy_init(audit)
+ if not DmaapMr._url:
+ _LOGGER.error(
+ audit.error("no url for DMaaP MR", error_code=AuditResponseCode.AVAILABILITY_ERROR))
+ audit.set_http_status_code(AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
+ return None
+ with DmaapMr._lock:
+ target_entity = DmaapMr._target_entity
+ url = DmaapMr._url
+ params = copy.deepcopy(DmaapMr._query) if DmaapMr._long_polling else None
+ headers = copy.deepcopy(DmaapMr._headers)
+ timeout_in_secs = DmaapMr._timeout_in_secs
+ custom_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(DmaapMr._custom_kwargs)
+ DmaapMr._long_polling = True
+ metrics = Metrics(aud_parent=audit, targetEntity=target_entity, targetServiceName=url)
+ headers = metrics.put_request_id_into_headers(headers)
+ log_line = (
+ "get from {} at {} with params={}, headers={}, custom_kwargs({}) timeout_in_secs({})"
+ .format(target_entity, url, json.dumps(params), Metrics.json_dumps(headers),
+ json.dumps(custom_kwargs), timeout_in_secs))
+ _LOGGER.info(metrics.metrics_start(log_line))
+ res = None
+ try:
+ res = DmaapMr._requests_session.get(url, params=params, headers=headers,
+ timeout=timeout_in_secs, **custom_kwargs)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ error_code = (AuditHttpCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR.value
+ if isinstance(ex, requests.exceptions.RequestException)
+ else AuditHttpCode.SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.value)
+ error_msg = ("failed {}: {} to {}".format(type(ex).__name__, str(ex), log_line))
+ _LOGGER.exception(metrics.fatal(error_msg))
+ metrics.set_http_status_code(error_code)
+ audit.set_http_status_code(error_code)
+ metrics.metrics(error_msg)
+ return None
+ log_line = "response {} from {}: text={} headers={}".format(
+ res.status_code, log_line, res.text, Metrics.json_dumps(dict(res.headers.items())))
+ _LOGGER.info(log_line)
+ metrics.set_http_status_code(res.status_code)
+ audit.set_http_status_code(res.status_code)
+ metrics.metrics(log_line)
+ policy_updates = None
+ if res.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+ policy_updates = res.json()
+ return policy_updates