web-service for policies to be used by DCAE-Controller
- GET /policy_latest/\
-- get the latest policy from policy-engine - receives the push notifications from policy-engine through the web-socket, filters and gets the full policy-configs, and delivers that to deploy-handler
manual http API
- GET /catch_up -- catch up with the latest state of the policy-engine
- GET /policies_latest -- get all the latest policies in policy-engine through web-service API
- GET /shutdown -- shutdown the server
virtualenv policy_venv
cd policy_venv
source bin/activate
cd ../policy_handler
pip install -r requirements.txt
preparation to run
cd policy_venv
source bin/activate
cd ../policy_handler
in folder policy_handler
- `config.json` contains
- `"scope_prefixes" : ["DCAE.Config_"]` - the list of policy-scope-class values
- `"policy_engine"` - the http connect info to ONAP **policy-engine**
- headers.ClientAuth : base64(<mech-id with namespace>:<password>)
- headers.Authorization : base64(<policy-engine server auth>)
- `"deploy_handler"` - the http connect info to _policy part_ of the **deploy-handler**
- `policy_engine.properties` contains config info for the client lib of ONAP **policy-engine** that receives push notifications from the ONAP **policy-engine** server
- CLIENT_ID is the mech-id with the namespace - need to register with policy-engine team thru email
- CLIENT_KEY is the base64 of the mech-id password - separate passwords for TEST versus PROD
in folder policy_handler
customization per company
company is expected to place any company specific files required to be in the docker image in the folder
change the
script to perform company specific actions during docker image build -
script is expected to be overridden by company to customize docker image build
contains CustomizeBase
and Customize
defines the interface and the default=ONAP behavior -
is owned by ONAP and should not be changed by the company -
policy-handler instantiates
to get the customized behavior -
is owned by the company and should be changed by the company -
ONAP is not going to change
the methods of
are expected to be overridden by the company to change the behavior of the policy-handler -
samples are provided for methods in
class as the commented out lines -
Company is allowed to add more files to customize/ folder if that is required for better structuring of their code as soon as it is invoked by the methods of
here is an example of customizer.py
"""contains the Customizer class with method overrides per company specification"""
from .customizer_base import CustomizerBase
class Customizer(CustomizerBase):
the Customizer class inherits CustomizerBase that is owned by ONAP
:Customizer: class is owned by the company that needs to customize the policy-handler
:override: any method defined in the CustomizerBase class to customize the behavior of the policy-handler
def __init__(self):
"""class that contains the customization"""
super(Customizer, self).__init__()
def get_service_url(self, audit, service_name, service):
returns the service url when called from DiscoveryClient
this is just a sample code - replace it with the real customization
service_url = super(Customizer, self).get_service_url(audit, service_name, service)
audit.info("TODO: customization for service_url on {0}".format(service_name))
return service_url
def get_deploy_handler_kwargs(self, audit):
returns the optional dict-kwargs for requests.post to deploy-handler
this is just a sample code - replace it with the real customization
kwargs = {"verify": "/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/aafcacert.crt"}
audit.info("kwargs for requests.post to deploy-handler: {0}".format(json.dumps(kwargs)))
return kwargs