path: root/mod/designtool/designtool-web/src/main/webapp/js/nf/canvas/nf-settings.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/designtool/designtool-web/src/main/webapp/js/nf/canvas/nf-settings.js')
1 files changed, 2373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mod/designtool/designtool-web/src/main/webapp/js/nf/canvas/nf-settings.js b/mod/designtool/designtool-web/src/main/webapp/js/nf/canvas/nf-settings.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c61dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/designtool/designtool-web/src/main/webapp/js/nf/canvas/nf-settings.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2373 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * Modifications to the original nifi code for the ONAP project are made
+ * available under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ */
+/* global define, module, require, exports */
+(function (root, factory) {
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ define(['jquery',
+ 'Slick',
+ 'd3',
+ 'nf.Client',
+ 'nf.Dialog',
+ 'nf.Storage',
+ 'nf.Common',
+ 'nf.CanvasUtils',
+ 'nf.ControllerServices',
+ 'nf.ErrorHandler',
+ 'nf.FilteredDialogCommon',
+ 'nf.ReportingTask',
+ 'nf.Shell',
+ 'nf.ComponentState',
+ 'nf.ComponentVersion',
+ 'nf.PolicyManagement'],
+ function ($, Slick, d3, nfClient, nfDialog, nfStorage, nfCommon, nfCanvasUtils, nfControllerServices, nfErrorHandler, nfFilteredDialogCommon, nfReportingTask, nfShell, nfComponentState, nfComponentVersion, nfPolicyManagement) {
+ return (nf.Settings = factory($, Slick, d3, nfClient, nfDialog, nfStorage, nfCommon, nfCanvasUtils, nfControllerServices, nfErrorHandler, nfFilteredDialogCommon, nfReportingTask, nfShell, nfComponentState, nfComponentVersion, nfPolicyManagement));
+ });
+ } else if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') {
+ module.exports = (nf.Settings =
+ factory(require('jquery'),
+ require('Slick'),
+ require('d3'),
+ require('nf.Client'),
+ require('nf.Dialog'),
+ require('nf.Storage'),
+ require('nf.Common'),
+ require('nf.CanvasUtils'),
+ require('nf.ControllerServices'),
+ require('nf.ErrorHandler'),
+ require('nf.FilteredDialogCommon'),
+ require('nf.ReportingTask'),
+ require('nf.Shell'),
+ require('nf.ComponentState'),
+ require('nf.ComponentVersion'),
+ require('nf.PolicyManagement')));
+ } else {
+ nf.Settings = factory(root.$,
+ root.Slick,
+ root.d3,
+ }
+}(this, function ($, Slick, d3, nfClient, nfDialog, nfStorage, nfCommon, nfCanvasUtils, nfControllerServices, nfErrorHandler, nfFilteredDialogCommon, nfReportingTask, nfShell, nfComponentState, nfComponentVersion, nfPolicyManagement) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var config = {
+ urls: {
+ api: '../nifi-api',
+ controllerConfig: '../nifi-api/controller/config',
+ reportingTaskTypes: '../nifi-api/flow/reporting-task-types',
+ createReportingTask: '../nifi-api/controller/reporting-tasks',
+ reportingTasks: '../nifi-api/flow/reporting-tasks',
+ registries: '../nifi-api/controller/registry-clients'
+ }
+ };
+ var gridOptions = {
+ forceFitColumns: true,
+ enableTextSelectionOnCells: true,
+ enableCellNavigation: true,
+ enableColumnReorder: false,
+ autoEdit: false,
+ multiSelect: false,
+ rowHeight: 24
+ };
+ var dcaeDistributorApiHostname;
+ //get hostname
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: '../nifi-api/flow/config',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ contentType: 'application/json',
+ success: function(data){
+ dcaeDistributorApiHostname= data.flowConfiguration.dcaeDistributorApiHostname;
+ console.log(dcaeDistributorApiHostname);
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ * Gets the controller services table.
+ *
+ * @returns {*|jQuery|HTMLElement}
+ */
+ var getDistributionEnvironmentsTable = function () {
+ return $('#distribution-environments-table');
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets the controller services table.
+ *
+ * @returns {*|jQuery|HTMLElement}
+ */
+ var getControllerServicesTable = function () {
+ return $('#controller-services-table');
+ };
+ /**
+ * Saves the settings for the controller.
+ *
+ * @param version
+ */
+ var saveSettings = function (version) {
+ // marshal the configuration details
+ var configuration = marshalConfiguration();
+ var entity = {
+ 'revision': nfClient.getRevision({
+ 'revision': {
+ 'version': version
+ }
+ }),
+ 'disconnectedNodeAcknowledged': nfStorage.isDisconnectionAcknowledged(),
+ 'component': configuration
+ };
+ // save the new configuration details
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'PUT',
+ url: config.urls.controllerConfig,
+ data: JSON.stringify(entity),
+ dataType: 'json',
+ contentType: 'application/json'
+ }).done(function (response) {
+ // close the settings dialog
+ nfDialog.showOkDialog({
+ headerText: 'Settings',
+ dialogContent: 'Settings successfully applied.'
+ });
+ // register the click listener for the save button
+ $('#settings-save').off('click').on('click', function () {
+ saveSettings(response.revision.version);
+ });
+ }).fail(nfErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initializes the general tab.
+ */
+ var initGeneral = function () {
+ };
+ /**
+ * Marshals the details to include in the configuration request.
+ */
+ var marshalConfiguration = function () {
+ // create the configuration
+ var configuration = {};
+ configuration['maxTimerDrivenThreadCount'] = $('#maximum-timer-driven-thread-count-field').val();
+ configuration['maxEventDrivenThreadCount'] = $('#maximum-event-driven-thread-count-field').val();
+ return configuration;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Determines if the item matches the filter.
+ *
+ * @param {object} item The item to filter
+ * @param {object} args The filter criteria
+ * @returns {boolean} Whether the item matches the filter
+ */
+ var matchesRegex = function (item, args) {
+ if (args.searchString === '') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ try {
+ // perform the row filtering
+ var filterExp = new RegExp(args.searchString, 'i');
+ } catch (e) {
+ // invalid regex
+ return false;
+ }
+ // determine if the item matches the filter
+ var matchesLabel = item['label'].search(filterExp) >= 0;
+ var matchesTags = item['tags'].search(filterExp) >= 0;
+ return matchesLabel || matchesTags;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Determines if the specified tags match all the tags selected by the user.
+ *
+ * @argument {string[]} tagFilters The tag filters
+ * @argument {string} tags The tags to test
+ */
+ var matchesSelectedTags = function (tagFilters, tags) {
+ var selectedTags = [];
+ $.each(tagFilters, function (_, filter) {
+ selectedTags.push(filter);
+ });
+ // normalize the tags
+ var normalizedTags = tags.toLowerCase();
+ var matches = true;
+ $.each(selectedTags, function (i, selectedTag) {
+ if (normalizedTags.indexOf(selectedTag) === -1) {
+ matches = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return matches;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Whether the specified item is selectable.
+ *
+ * @param item reporting task type
+ */
+ var isSelectable = function (item) {
+ return item.restricted === false || nfCommon.canAccessComponentRestrictions(item.explicitRestrictions);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Formatter for the name column.
+ *
+ * @param {type} row
+ * @param {type} cell
+ * @param {type} value
+ * @param {type} columnDef
+ * @param {type} dataContext
+ * @returns {String}
+ */
+ var nameFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
+ if (!dataContext.permissions.canRead) {
+ return '<span class="blank">' + nfCommon.escapeHtml( + '</span>';
+ }
+ return nfCommon.escapeHtml(;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sorts the specified data using the specified sort details.
+ *
+ * @param {object} sortDetails
+ * @param {object} data
+ */
+ var sort = function (sortDetails, data) {
+ // defines a function for sorting
+ var comparer = function (a, b) {
+ if (a.permissions.canRead && b.permissions.canRead) {
+ if (sortDetails.columnId === 'moreDetails') {
+ var aBulletins = 0;
+ if (!nfCommon.isEmpty(a.bulletins)) {
+ aBulletins = a.bulletins.length;
+ }
+ var bBulletins = 0;
+ if (!nfCommon.isEmpty(b.bulletins)) {
+ bBulletins = b.bulletins.length;
+ }
+ return aBulletins - bBulletins;
+ } else if (sortDetails.columnId === 'type') {
+ var aType = nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(a.component[sortDetails.columnId]) ? nfCommon.substringAfterLast(a.component[sortDetails.columnId], '.') : '';
+ var bType = nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(b.component[sortDetails.columnId]) ? nfCommon.substringAfterLast(b.component[sortDetails.columnId], '.') : '';
+ return aType === bType ? 0 : aType > bType ? 1 : -1;
+ } else if (sortDetails.columnId === 'state') {
+ var aState;
+ if (a.component.validationStatus === 'VALIDATING') {
+ aState = 'Validating';
+ } else if (a.component.validationStatus === 'INVALID') {
+ aState = 'Invalid';
+ } else {
+ aState = nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(a.component[sortDetails.columnId]) ? a.component[sortDetails.columnId] : '';
+ }
+ var bState;
+ if (b.component.validationStatus === 'VALIDATING') {
+ bState = 'Validating';
+ } else if (b.component.validationStatus === 'INVALID') {
+ bState = 'Invalid';
+ } else {
+ bState = nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(b.component[sortDetails.columnId]) ? b.component[sortDetails.columnId] : '';
+ }
+ return aState === bState ? 0 : aState > bState ? 1 : -1;
+ } else {
+ var aString = nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(a.component[sortDetails.columnId]) ? a.component[sortDetails.columnId] : '';
+ var bString = nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(b.component[sortDetails.columnId]) ? b.component[sortDetails.columnId] : '';
+ return aString === bString ? 0 : aString > bString ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!a.permissions.canRead && !b.permissions.canRead) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (a.permissions.canRead) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // perform the sort
+ data.sort(comparer, sortDetails.sortAsc);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Get the text out of the filter field. If the filter field doesn't
+ * have any text it will contain the text 'filter list' so this method
+ * accounts for that.
+ */
+ var getReportingTaskTypeFilterText = function () {
+ return $('#reporting-task-type-filter').val();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Filters the reporting task type table.
+ */
+ var applyReportingTaskTypeFilter = function () {
+ // get the dataview
+ var reportingTaskTypesGrid = $('#reporting-task-types-table').data('gridInstance');
+ // ensure the grid has been initialized
+ if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(reportingTaskTypesGrid)) {
+ var reportingTaskTypesData = reportingTaskTypesGrid.getData();
+ // update the search criteria
+ reportingTaskTypesData.setFilterArgs({
+ searchString: getReportingTaskTypeFilterText()
+ });
+ reportingTaskTypesData.refresh();
+ // update the buttons to possibly trigger the disabled state
+ $('#new-reporting-task-dialog').modal('refreshButtons');
+ // update the selection if possible
+ if (reportingTaskTypesData.getLength() > 0) {
+ nfFilteredDialogCommon.choseFirstRow(reportingTaskTypesGrid);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Hides the selected reporting task.
+ */
+ var clearSelectedReportingTask = function () {
+ $('#reporting-task-type-description').attr('title', '').text('');
+ $('#reporting-task-type-name').attr('title', '').text('');
+ $('#reporting-task-type-bundle').attr('title', '').text('');
+ $('#selected-reporting-task-name').text('');
+ $('#selected-reporting-task-type').text('').removeData('bundle');
+ $('#reporting-task-description-container').hide();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Clears the selected reporting task type.
+ */
+ var clearReportingTaskSelection = function () {
+ // clear the selected row
+ clearSelectedReportingTask();
+ // clear the active cell the it can be reselected when its included
+ var reportingTaskTypesGrid = $('#reporting-task-types-table').data('gridInstance');
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.resetActiveCell();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Performs the filtering.
+ *
+ * @param {object} item The item subject to filtering
+ * @param {object} args Filter arguments
+ * @returns {Boolean} Whether or not to include the item
+ */
+ var filterReportingTaskTypes = function (item, args) {
+ // determine if the item matches the filter
+ var matchesFilter = matchesRegex(item, args);
+ // determine if the row matches the selected tags
+ var matchesTags = true;
+ if (matchesFilter) {
+ var tagFilters = $('#reporting-task-tag-cloud').tagcloud('getSelectedTags');
+ var hasSelectedTags = tagFilters.length > 0;
+ if (hasSelectedTags) {
+ matchesTags = matchesSelectedTags(tagFilters, item['tags']);
+ }
+ }
+ // determine if the row matches the selected source group
+ var matchesGroup = true;
+ if (matchesFilter && matchesTags) {
+ var bundleGroup = $('#reporting-task-bundle-group-combo').combo('getSelectedOption');
+ if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(bundleGroup) && bundleGroup.value !== '') {
+ matchesGroup = ( === bundleGroup.value);
+ }
+ }
+ // determine if this row should be visible
+ var matches = matchesFilter && matchesTags && matchesGroup;
+ // if this row is currently selected and its being filtered
+ if (matches === false && $('#selected-reporting-task-type').text() === item['type']) {
+ clearReportingTaskSelection();
+ }
+ return matches;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Adds the currently selected reporting task.
+ */
+ var addSelectedReportingTask = function () {
+ var selectedTaskType = $('#selected-reporting-task-type').text();
+ var selectedTaskBundle = $('#selected-reporting-task-type').data('bundle');
+ // ensure something was selected
+ if (selectedTaskType === '') {
+ nfDialog.showOkDialog({
+ headerText: 'Settings',
+ dialogContent: 'The type of reporting task to create must be selected.'
+ });
+ } else {
+ addReportingTask(selectedTaskType, selectedTaskBundle);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Adds a new reporting task of the specified type.
+ *
+ * @param {string} reportingTaskType
+ * @param {object} reportingTaskBundle
+ */
+ var addReportingTask = function (reportingTaskType, reportingTaskBundle) {
+ // build the reporting task entity
+ var reportingTaskEntity = {
+ 'revision': nfClient.getRevision({
+ 'revision': {
+ 'version': 0
+ }
+ }),
+ 'disconnectedNodeAcknowledged': nfStorage.isDisconnectionAcknowledged(),
+ 'component': {
+ 'type': reportingTaskType,
+ 'bundle': reportingTaskBundle
+ }
+ };
+ // add the new reporting task
+ var addTask = $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ url: config.urls.createReportingTask,
+ data: JSON.stringify(reportingTaskEntity),
+ dataType: 'json',
+ contentType: 'application/json'
+ }).done(function (reportingTaskEntity) {
+ // add the item
+ var reportingTaskGrid = $('#reporting-tasks-table').data('gridInstance');
+ var reportingTaskData = reportingTaskGrid.getData();
+ reportingTaskData.addItem($.extend({
+ type: 'ReportingTask',
+ bulletins: []
+ }, reportingTaskEntity));
+ // resort
+ reportingTaskData.reSort();
+ reportingTaskGrid.invalidate();
+ // select the new reporting task
+ var row = reportingTaskData.getRowById(;
+ nfFilteredDialogCommon.choseRow(reportingTaskGrid, row);
+ reportingTaskGrid.scrollRowIntoView(row);
+ }).fail(nfErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+ // hide the dialog
+ $('#new-reporting-task-dialog').modal('hide');
+ return addTask;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Adds the specified entity.
+ */
+ var addRegistry = function () {
+ var registryEntity = {
+ 'revision': nfClient.getRevision({
+ 'revision': {
+ 'version': 0
+ }
+ }),
+ 'disconnectedNodeAcknowledged': nfStorage.isDisconnectionAcknowledged(),
+ 'component': {
+ 'name': $('#registry-name').val(),
+ 'uri': $('#registry-location').val(),
+ 'description': $('#registry-description').val()
+ }
+ };
+ // add the new registry
+ var addRegistry = $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ url: config.urls.registries,
+ data: JSON.stringify(registryEntity),
+ dataType: 'json',
+ contentType: 'application/json'
+ }).done(function (registryEntity) {
+ // add the item
+ var registriesGrid = $('#registries-table').data('gridInstance');
+ var registriesData = registriesGrid.getData();
+ registriesData.addItem($.extend({
+ type: 'Registry'
+ }, registryEntity));
+ // resort
+ registriesData.reSort();
+ registriesGrid.invalidate();
+ // select the new reporting task
+ var row = registriesData.getRowById(;
+ nfFilteredDialogCommon.choseRow(registriesGrid, row);
+ registriesGrid.scrollRowIntoView(row);
+ }).fail(nfErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+ // hide the dialog
+ $('#registry-configuration-dialog').modal('hide');
+ return addRegistry;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Adds the specific environment.
+ */
+ var addDistributionEnvironment= function () {
+ var environmentEntity = {
+ 'name': $('#distribution-environment-name').val(),
+ 'runtimeApiUrl': $('#distribution-environment-location').val(),
+ 'description': $('#distribution-environment-description').val()
+// 'nextDistributionTargetId': $('#distribution-environment-nextDistributionTargetId').val()
+ };
+ console.log("before POST call ");
+ console.log(environmentEntity);
+ // add the new distribution environment
+ var addDistributionEnvironment= $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ url: dcaeDistributorApiHostname+'/distribution-targets',
+ data: JSON.stringify(environmentEntity),
+ dataType: 'json',
+ contentType: 'application/json'
+ }).done(function (environmentEntity) {
+ // add the item
+ console.log("after POST call in response ");
+ console.log(environmentEntity);
+ var environmentsGrid = $('#distribution-environments-table').data('gridInstance');
+ console.log(environmentsGrid);
+ var environmentsData = environmentsGrid.getData();
+ environmentsData.addItem($.extend({
+ type: 'Environment'
+ }, environmentEntity));
+ // resort
+ environmentsData.reSort();
+ environmentsGrid.invalidate();
+ // select the new distribution env.
+ var row = environmentsData.getRowById(;
+ nfFilteredDialogCommon.choseRow(environmentsGrid, row);
+ registriesGrid.scrollRowIntoView(row);
+ }).fail(nfErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+ // hide the dialog
+ $('#distribution-environment-dialog').modal('hide');
+ return addDistributionEnvironment;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates the registry with the specified id.
+ *
+ * @param registryId
+ */
+ var updateRegistry = function (registryId) {
+ var registriesGrid = $('#registries-table').data('gridInstance');
+ var registriesData = registriesGrid.getData();
+ var registryEntity = registriesData.getItemById(registryId);
+ var requestRegistryEntity = {
+ 'revision': nfClient.getRevision(registryEntity),
+ 'disconnectedNodeAcknowledged': nfStorage.isDisconnectionAcknowledged(),
+ 'component': {
+ 'id': registryId,
+ 'name': $('#registry-name').val(),
+ 'uri': $('#registry-location').val(),
+ 'description': $('#registry-description').val()
+ }
+ };
+ // add the new reporting task
+ var updateRegistry = $.ajax({
+ type: 'PUT',
+ url: registryEntity.uri,
+ data: JSON.stringify(requestRegistryEntity),
+ dataType: 'json',
+ contentType: 'application/json'
+ }).done(function (registryEntity) {
+ // add the item
+ registriesData.updateItem(registryId, $.extend({
+ type: 'Registry'
+ }, registryEntity));
+ }).fail(nfErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+ // hide the dialog
+ $('#registry-configuration-dialog').modal('hide');
+ return updateRegistry;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates the distribution environment with the specified id.
+ *
+ * @param environmentId
+ */
+ var updateDistributionEnvironment = function (environmentId) {
+ var environmentsGrid = $('#distribution-environments-table').data('gridInstance');
+ var environmentsData = environmentsGrid.getData();
+ var environmentEntity = environmentsData.getItemById(environmentId);
+ var requestEnvironmentEntity = {
+ 'id': environmentId,
+ 'name': $('#distribution-environment-name').val(),
+ 'runtimeApiUrl': $('#distribution-environment-location').val(),
+ 'description': $('#distribution-environment-description').val(),
+// 'nextDistributionTargetId': $('#distribution-environment-nextDistributionTargetId').val()
+ };
+ console.log(requestEnvironmentEntity);
+ // updating distribution environment
+ var updateDistributionEnvironment = $.ajax({
+ type: 'PUT',
+ url: dcaeDistributorApiHostname+'/distribution-targets/',
+ data: JSON.stringify(requestEnvironmentEntity),
+ dataType: 'json',
+ contentType: 'application/json'
+ }).done(function (environmentEntity) {
+ // update the item
+ console.log(environmentsGrid);
+ environmentsData.updateItem(environmentId, $.extend({
+ type: 'Environment'
+ }, environmentEntity));
+ }).fail(nfErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+ // hide the dialog
+ $('#distribution-environment-dialog').modal('hide');
+ return updateDistributionEnvironment;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Initializes the new reporting task dialog.
+ */
+ var initNewReportingTaskDialog = function () {
+ // initialize the reporting task type table
+ var reportingTaskTypesColumns = [
+ {
+ id: 'type',
+ name: 'Type',
+ field: 'label',
+ formatter: nfCommon.typeFormatter,
+ sortable: true,
+ resizable: true
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'version',
+ name: 'Version',
+ field: 'version',
+ formatter: nfCommon.typeVersionFormatter,
+ sortable: true,
+ resizable: true
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'tags',
+ name: 'Tags',
+ field: 'tags',
+ sortable: true,
+ resizable: true,
+ formatter: nfCommon.genericValueFormatter
+ }
+ ];
+ // initialize the dataview
+ var reportingTaskTypesData = new Slick.Data.DataView({
+ inlineFilters: false
+ });
+ reportingTaskTypesData.setItems([]);
+ reportingTaskTypesData.setFilterArgs({
+ searchString: getReportingTaskTypeFilterText()
+ });
+ reportingTaskTypesData.setFilter(filterReportingTaskTypes);
+ // initialize the sort
+ nfCommon.sortType({
+ columnId: 'type',
+ sortAsc: true
+ }, reportingTaskTypesData);
+ // initialize the grid
+ var reportingTaskTypesGrid = new Slick.Grid('#reporting-task-types-table', reportingTaskTypesData, reportingTaskTypesColumns, gridOptions);
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.setSelectionModel(new Slick.RowSelectionModel());
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.registerPlugin(new Slick.AutoTooltips());
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.setSortColumn('type', true);
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.onSort.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ nfCommon.sortType({
+ columnId: args.sortCol.field,
+ sortAsc: args.sortAsc
+ }, reportingTaskTypesData);
+ });
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.onSelectedRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ if ($.isArray(args.rows) && args.rows.length === 1) {
+ var reportingTaskTypeIndex = args.rows[0];
+ var reportingTaskType = reportingTaskTypesGrid.getDataItem(reportingTaskTypeIndex);
+ // set the reporting task type description
+ if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(reportingTaskType)) {
+ // show the selected reporting task
+ $('#reporting-task-description-container').show();
+ if (nfCommon.isBlank(reportingTaskType.description)) {
+ $('#reporting-task-type-description')
+ .attr('title', '')
+ .html('<span class="unset">No description specified</span>');
+ } else {
+ $('#reporting-task-type-description')
+ .width($('#reporting-task-description-container').innerWidth() - 1)
+ .html(reportingTaskType.description)
+ .ellipsis();
+ }
+ var bundle = nfCommon.formatBundle(reportingTaskType.bundle);
+ var type = nfCommon.formatType(reportingTaskType);
+ // populate the dom
+ $('#reporting-task-type-name').text(type).attr('title', type);
+ $('#reporting-task-type-bundle').text(bundle).attr('title', bundle);
+ $('#selected-reporting-task-name').text(reportingTaskType.label);
+ $('#selected-reporting-task-type').text(reportingTaskType.type).data('bundle', reportingTaskType.bundle);
+ // refresh the buttons based on the current selection
+ $('#new-reporting-task-dialog').modal('refreshButtons');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.onDblClick.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ var reportingTaskType = reportingTaskTypesGrid.getDataItem(args.row);
+ if (isSelectable(reportingTaskType)) {
+ addReportingTask(reportingTaskType.type, reportingTaskType.bundle);
+ }
+ });
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.onViewportChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ nfCommon.cleanUpTooltips($('#reporting-task-types-table'), 'div.view-usage-restriction');
+ });
+ // wire up the dataview to the grid
+ reportingTaskTypesData.onRowCountChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.updateRowCount();
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.render();
+ // update the total number of displayed processors
+ $('#displayed-reporting-task-types').text(args.current);
+ });
+ reportingTaskTypesData.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.invalidateRows(args.rows);
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.render();
+ });
+ reportingTaskTypesData.syncGridSelection(reportingTaskTypesGrid, true);
+ // hold onto an instance of the grid
+ $('#reporting-task-types-table').data('gridInstance', reportingTaskTypesGrid).on('mouseenter', 'div.slick-cell', function (e) {
+ var usageRestriction = $(this).find('div.view-usage-restriction');
+ if (usageRestriction.length && !'qtip')) {
+ var rowId = $(this).find('span.row-id').text();
+ // get the status item
+ var item = reportingTaskTypesData.getItemById(rowId);
+ // show the tooltip
+ if (item.restricted === true) {
+ var restrictionTip = $('<div></div>');
+ if (nfCommon.isBlank(item.usageRestriction)) {
+ restrictionTip.append($('<p style="margin-bottom: 3px;"></p>').text('Requires the following permissions:'));
+ } else {
+ restrictionTip.append($('<p style="margin-bottom: 3px;"></p>').text(item.usageRestriction + ' Requires the following permissions:'));
+ }
+ var restrictions = [];
+ if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(item.explicitRestrictions)) {
+ $.each(item.explicitRestrictions, function (_, explicitRestriction) {
+ var requiredPermission = explicitRestriction.requiredPermission;
+ restrictions.push("'" + requiredPermission.label + "' - " + nfCommon.escapeHtml(explicitRestriction.explanation));
+ });
+ } else {
+ restrictions.push('Access to restricted components regardless of restrictions.');
+ }
+ restrictionTip.append(nfCommon.formatUnorderedList(restrictions));
+ usageRestriction.qtip($.extend({}, nfCommon.config.tooltipConfig, {
+ content: restrictionTip,
+ position: {
+ container: $('#summary'),
+ at: 'bottom right',
+ my: 'top left',
+ adjust: {
+ x: 4,
+ y: 4
+ }
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var generalRestriction = nfCommon.getPolicyTypeListing('restricted-components');
+ // load the available reporting tasks
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: config.urls.reportingTaskTypes,
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }).done(function (response) {
+ var id = 0;
+ var tags = [];
+ var groups = d3.set();
+ var restrictedUsage =;
+ var requiredPermissions =;
+ // begin the update
+ reportingTaskTypesData.beginUpdate();
+ // go through each reporting task type
+ $.each(response.reportingTaskTypes, function (i, documentedType) {
+ if (documentedType.restricted === true) {
+ if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(documentedType.explicitRestrictions)) {
+ $.each(documentedType.explicitRestrictions, function (_, explicitRestriction) {
+ var requiredPermission = explicitRestriction.requiredPermission;
+ // update required permissions
+ if (!requiredPermissions.has( {
+ requiredPermissions.set(, requiredPermission.label);
+ }
+ // update component restrictions
+ if (!restrictedUsage.has( {
+ restrictedUsage.set(, []);
+ }
+ restrictedUsage.get({
+ type: nfCommon.formatType(documentedType),
+ bundle: nfCommon.formatBundle(documentedType.bundle),
+ explanation: nfCommon.escapeHtml(explicitRestriction.explanation)
+ })
+ });
+ } else {
+ // update required permissions
+ if (!requiredPermissions.has(generalRestriction.value)) {
+ requiredPermissions.set(generalRestriction.value, generalRestriction.text);
+ }
+ // update component restrictions
+ if (!restrictedUsage.has(generalRestriction.value)) {
+ restrictedUsage.set(generalRestriction.value, []);
+ }
+ restrictedUsage.get(generalRestriction.value).push({
+ type: nfCommon.formatType(documentedType),
+ bundle: nfCommon.formatBundle(documentedType.bundle),
+ explanation: nfCommon.escapeHtml(documentedType.usageRestriction)
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // record the group
+ groups.add(;
+ // add the documented type
+ reportingTaskTypesData.addItem({
+ id: id++,
+ label: nfCommon.substringAfterLast(documentedType.type, '.'),
+ type: documentedType.type,
+ bundle: documentedType.bundle,
+ description: nfCommon.escapeHtml(documentedType.description),
+ restricted: documentedType.restricted,
+ usageRestriction: nfCommon.escapeHtml(documentedType.usageRestriction),
+ explicitRestrictions: documentedType.explicitRestrictions,
+ tags: documentedType.tags.join(', ')
+ });
+ // count the frequency of each tag for this type
+ $.each(documentedType.tags, function (i, tag) {
+ tags.push(tag.toLowerCase());
+ });
+ });
+ // end the update
+ reportingTaskTypesData.endUpdate();
+ // resort
+ reportingTaskTypesData.reSort();
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.invalidate();
+ // set the component restrictions and the corresponding required permissions
+ nfCanvasUtils.addComponentRestrictions(restrictedUsage, requiredPermissions);
+ // set the total number of processors
+ $('#total-reporting-task-types, #displayed-reporting-task-types').text(response.reportingTaskTypes.length);
+ // create the tag cloud
+ $('#reporting-task-tag-cloud').tagcloud({
+ tags: tags,
+ select: applyReportingTaskTypeFilter,
+ remove: applyReportingTaskTypeFilter
+ });
+ // build the combo options
+ var options = [{
+ text: 'all groups',
+ value: ''
+ }];
+ groups.each(function (group) {
+ options.push({
+ text: group,
+ value: group
+ });
+ });
+ // initialize the bundle group combo
+ $('#reporting-task-bundle-group-combo').combo({
+ options: options,
+ select: applyReportingTaskTypeFilter
+ });
+ }).fail(nfErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+ var navigationKeys = [$.ui.keyCode.UP, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP, $.ui.keyCode.DOWN, $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN];
+ // define the function for filtering the list
+ $('#reporting-task-type-filter').off('keyup').on('keyup', function (e) {
+ var code = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which;
+ // ignore navigation keys
+ if ($.inArray(code, navigationKeys) !== -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (code === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
+ var selected = reportingTaskTypesGrid.getSelectedRows();
+ if (selected.length > 0) {
+ // grid configured with multi-select = false
+ var item = reportingTaskTypesGrid.getDataItem(selected[0]);
+ if (isSelectable(item)) {
+ addSelectedReportingTask();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ applyReportingTaskTypeFilter();
+ }
+ });
+ // setup row navigation
+ nfFilteredDialogCommon.addKeydownListener('#reporting-task-type-filter', reportingTaskTypesGrid, reportingTaskTypesGrid.getData());
+ // initialize the reporting task dialog
+ $('#new-reporting-task-dialog').modal({
+ scrollableContentStyle: 'scrollable',
+ headerText: 'Add Reporting Task',
+ buttons: [{
+ buttonText: 'Add',
+ color: {
+ base: '#728E9B',
+ hover: '#004849',
+ text: '#ffffff'
+ },
+ disabled: function () {
+ var selected = reportingTaskTypesGrid.getSelectedRows();
+ if (selected.length > 0) {
+ // grid configured with multi-select = false
+ var item = reportingTaskTypesGrid.getDataItem(selected[0]);
+ return isSelectable(item) === false;
+ } else {
+ return reportingTaskTypesGrid.getData().getLength() === 0;
+ }
+ },
+ handler: {
+ click: function () {
+ addSelectedReportingTask();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ buttonText: 'Cancel',
+ color: {
+ base: '#E3E8EB',
+ hover: '#C7D2D7',
+ text: '#004849'
+ },
+ handler: {
+ click: function () {
+ $(this).modal('hide');
+ }
+ }
+ }],
+ handler: {
+ close: function () {
+ // clear the selected row
+ clearSelectedReportingTask();
+ // clear any filter strings
+ $('#reporting-task-type-filter').val('');
+ // clear the tagcloud
+ $('#reporting-task-tag-cloud').tagcloud('clearSelectedTags');
+ // reset the group combo
+ $('#reporting-task-bundle-group-combo').combo('setSelectedOption', {
+ value: ''
+ });
+ // reset the filter
+ applyReportingTaskTypeFilter();
+ // unselect any current selection
+ var reportingTaskTypesGrid = $('#reporting-task-types-table').data('gridInstance');
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.setSelectedRows([]);
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.resetActiveCell();
+ },
+ resize: function () {
+ $('#reporting-task-type-description')
+ .width($('#reporting-task-description-container').innerWidth() - 1)
+ .text($('#reporting-task-type-description').attr('title'))
+ .ellipsis();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // initialize the registry configuration dialog
+ $('#registry-configuration-dialog').modal({
+ scrollableContentStyle: 'scrollable',
+ handler: {
+ close: function () {
+ $('#registry-id').text('');
+ $('#registry-name').val('');
+ $('#registry-location').val('');
+ $('#registry-description').val('');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // initialize the distribution environment dialog
+ $('#distribution-environment-dialog').modal({
+ scrollableContentStyle: 'scrollable',
+ handler: {
+ close: function () {
+ $('#distribution-environment-id').text('');
+ $('#distribution-environment-name').val('');
+ $('#distribution-environment-location').val('');
+ $('#distribution-environment-description').val('');
+// $('#distribution-environment-nextDistributionTargetId').val('');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Initializes the reporting tasks tab.
+ */
+ var initReportingTasks = function () {
+ // initialize the new reporting task dialog
+ initNewReportingTaskDialog();
+ var moreReportingTaskDetails = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
+ if (!dataContext.permissions.canRead) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ var markup = '<div title="View Details" class="pointer view-reporting-task fa fa-info-circle"></div>';
+ // always include a button to view the usage
+ markup += '<div title="Usage" class="pointer reporting-task-usage fa fa-book"></div>';
+ var hasErrors = !nfCommon.isEmpty(dataContext.component.validationErrors);
+ var hasBulletins = !nfCommon.isEmpty(dataContext.bulletins);
+ if (hasErrors) {
+ markup += '<div class="pointer has-errors fa fa-warning" ></div>';
+ }
+ if (hasBulletins) {
+ markup += '<div class="has-bulletins fa fa-sticky-note-o"></div>';
+ }
+ if (hasErrors || hasBulletins) {
+ markup += '<span class="hidden row-id">' + nfCommon.escapeHtml( + '</span>';
+ }
+ return markup;
+ };
+ var reportingTaskRunStatusFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
+ // determine the appropriate label
+ var icon = '', label = '';
+ if (dataContext.status.validationStatus === 'VALIDATING') {
+ icon = 'validating fa fa-spin fa-circle-notch';
+ label = 'Validating';
+ } else if (dataContext.status.validationStatus === 'INVALID') {
+ icon = 'invalid fa fa-warning';
+ label = 'Invalid';
+ } else {
+ if (dataContext.status.runStatus === 'STOPPED') {
+ label = 'Stopped';
+ icon = 'fa fa-stop stopped';
+ } else if (dataContext.status.runStatus === 'RUNNING') {
+ label = 'Running';
+ icon = 'fa fa-play running';
+ } else {
+ label = 'Disabled';
+ icon = 'icon icon-enable-false disabled';
+ }
+ }
+ // include the active thread count if appropriate
+ var activeThreadCount = '';
+ if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(dataContext.status.activeThreadCount) && dataContext.status.activeThreadCount > 0) {
+ activeThreadCount = '(' + dataContext.status.activeThreadCount + ')';
+ }
+ // format the markup
+ var formattedValue = '<div layout="row"><div class="' + icon + '"></div>';
+ return formattedValue + '<div class="status-text">' + nfCommon.escapeHtml(label) + '</div><div style="float: left; margin-left: 4px;">' + nfCommon.escapeHtml(activeThreadCount) + '</div></div>';
+ };
+ var reportingTaskActionFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
+ var markup = '';
+ var canWrite = dataContext.permissions.canWrite;
+ var canRead = dataContext.permissions.canRead;
+ var canOperate = dataContext.operatePermissions.canWrite || canWrite;
+ var isStopped = dataContext.status.runStatus === 'STOPPED';
+ if (dataContext.status.runStatus === 'RUNNING') {
+ if (canOperate) {
+ markup += '<div title="Stop" class="pointer stop-reporting-task fa fa-stop"></div>';
+ }
+ } else if (isStopped || dataContext.status.runStatus === 'DISABLED') {
+ if (canRead && canWrite) {
+ markup += '<div title="Edit" class="pointer edit-reporting-task fa fa-pencil"></div>';
+ }
+ // support starting when stopped and no validation errors
+ if (canOperate && dataContext.status.runStatus === 'STOPPED' && dataContext.status.validationStatus === 'VALID') {
+ markup += '<div title="Start" class="pointer start-reporting-task fa fa-play"></div>';
+ }
+ if (canRead && canWrite && dataContext.component.multipleVersionsAvailable === true) {
+ markup += '<div title="Change Version" class="pointer change-version-reporting-task fa fa-exchange"></div>';
+ }
+ if (canRead && canWrite && nfCommon.canModifyController()) {
+ markup += '<div title="Remove" class="pointer delete-reporting-task fa fa-trash"></div>';
+ }
+ }
+ if (canRead && canWrite && dataContext.component.persistsState === true) {
+ markup += '<div title="View State" class="pointer view-state-reporting-task fa fa-tasks"></div>';
+ }
+ // allow policy configuration conditionally
+ if (nfCanvasUtils.isManagedAuthorizer() && nfCommon.canAccessTenants()) {
+ markup += '<div title="Access Policies" class="pointer edit-access-policies fa fa-key"></div>';
+ }
+ return markup;
+ };
+ // define the column model for the reporting tasks table
+ var reportingTasksColumnModel = [
+ {
+ id: 'moreDetails',
+ name: '&nbsp;',
+ resizable: false,
+ formatter: moreReportingTaskDetails,
+ sortable: true,
+ width: 90,
+ maxWidth: 90,
+ toolTip: 'Sorts based on presence of bulletins'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'name',
+ name: 'Name',
+ sortable: true,
+ resizable: true,
+ formatter: nameFormatter
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'type',
+ name: 'Type',
+ formatter: nfCommon.instanceTypeFormatter,
+ sortable: true,
+ resizable: true
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'bundle',
+ name: 'Bundle',
+ formatter: nfCommon.instanceBundleFormatter,
+ sortable: true,
+ resizable: true
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'state',
+ name: 'Run Status',
+ sortable: true,
+ resizeable: true,
+ formatter: reportingTaskRunStatusFormatter
+ }
+ ];
+ // action column should always be last
+ reportingTasksColumnModel.push({
+ id: 'actions',
+ name: '&nbsp;',
+ resizable: false,
+ formatter: reportingTaskActionFormatter,
+ sortable: false,
+ width: 90,
+ maxWidth: 90
+ });
+ // initialize the dataview
+ var reportingTasksData = new Slick.Data.DataView({
+ inlineFilters: false
+ });
+ reportingTasksData.setItems([]);
+ // initialize the sort
+ sort({
+ columnId: 'name',
+ sortAsc: true
+ }, reportingTasksData);
+ // initialize the grid
+ var reportingTasksGrid = new Slick.Grid('#reporting-tasks-table', reportingTasksData, reportingTasksColumnModel, gridOptions);
+ reportingTasksGrid.setSelectionModel(new Slick.RowSelectionModel());
+ reportingTasksGrid.registerPlugin(new Slick.AutoTooltips());
+ reportingTasksGrid.setSortColumn('name', true);
+ reportingTasksGrid.onSort.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ sort({
+ columnId:,
+ sortAsc: args.sortAsc
+ }, reportingTasksData);
+ });
+ // configure a click listener
+ reportingTasksGrid.onClick.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ var target = $(;
+ // get the service at this row
+ var reportingTaskEntity = reportingTasksData.getItem(args.row);
+ // determine the desired action
+ if (reportingTasksGrid.getColumns()[args.cell].id === 'actions') {
+ if (target.hasClass('edit-reporting-task')) {
+ nfReportingTask.showConfiguration(reportingTaskEntity);
+ } else if (target.hasClass('start-reporting-task')) {
+ nfReportingTask.start(reportingTaskEntity);
+ } else if (target.hasClass('stop-reporting-task')) {
+ nfReportingTask.stop(reportingTaskEntity);
+ } else if (target.hasClass('delete-reporting-task')) {
+ nfReportingTask.promptToDeleteReportingTask(reportingTaskEntity);
+ } else if (target.hasClass('view-state-reporting-task')) {
+ var canClear = reportingTaskEntity.status.runStatus === 'STOPPED' && reportingTaskEntity.status.activeThreadCount === 0;
+ nfComponentState.showState(reportingTaskEntity, canClear);
+ } else if (target.hasClass('change-version-reporting-task')) {
+ nfComponentVersion.promptForVersionChange(reportingTaskEntity);
+ } else if (target.hasClass('edit-access-policies')) {
+ // show the policies for this service
+ nfPolicyManagement.showReportingTaskPolicy(reportingTaskEntity);
+ // close the settings dialog
+ $('#shell-close-button').click();
+ }
+ } else if (reportingTasksGrid.getColumns()[args.cell].id === 'moreDetails') {
+ if (target.hasClass('view-reporting-task')) {
+ nfReportingTask.showDetails(reportingTaskEntity);
+ } else if (target.hasClass('reporting-task-usage')) {
+ // close the settings dialog
+ $('#shell-close-button').click();
+ // open the documentation for this reporting task
+ nfShell.showPage('../nifi-docs/documentation?' + $.param({
+ select: reportingTaskEntity.component.type,
+ group:,
+ artifact: reportingTaskEntity.component.bundle.artifact,
+ version: reportingTaskEntity.component.bundle.version
+ })).done(function () {
+ nfSettings.showSettings();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // wire up the dataview to the grid
+ reportingTasksData.onRowCountChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ reportingTasksGrid.updateRowCount();
+ reportingTasksGrid.render();
+ });
+ reportingTasksData.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ reportingTasksGrid.invalidateRows(args.rows);
+ reportingTasksGrid.render();
+ });
+ reportingTasksData.syncGridSelection(reportingTasksGrid, true);
+ // hold onto an instance of the grid
+ $('#reporting-tasks-table').data('gridInstance', reportingTasksGrid).on('mouseenter', 'div.slick-cell', function (e) {
+ var errorIcon = $(this).find('div.has-errors');
+ if (errorIcon.length && !'qtip')) {
+ var taskId = $(this).find('span.row-id').text();
+ // get the task item
+ var reportingTaskEntity = reportingTasksData.getItemById(taskId);
+ // format the errors
+ var tooltip = nfCommon.formatUnorderedList(reportingTaskEntity.component.validationErrors);
+ // show the tooltip
+ if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(tooltip)) {
+ errorIcon.qtip($.extend({},
+ nfCommon.config.tooltipConfig,
+ {
+ content: tooltip,
+ position: {
+ target: 'mouse',
+ viewport: $('#shell-container'),
+ adjust: {
+ x: 8,
+ y: 8,
+ method: 'flipinvert flipinvert'
+ }
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ var bulletinIcon = $(this).find('div.has-bulletins');
+ if (bulletinIcon.length && !'qtip')) {
+ var taskId = $(this).find('span.row-id').text();
+ // get the task item
+ var reportingTaskEntity = reportingTasksData.getItemById(taskId);
+ // format the tooltip
+ var bulletins = nfCommon.getFormattedBulletins(reportingTaskEntity.bulletins);
+ var tooltip = nfCommon.formatUnorderedList(bulletins);
+ // show the tooltip
+ if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(tooltip)) {
+ bulletinIcon.qtip($.extend({},
+ nfCommon.config.tooltipConfig,
+ {
+ content: tooltip,
+ position: {
+ target: 'mouse',
+ viewport: $('#shell-container'),
+ adjust: {
+ x: 8,
+ y: 8,
+ method: 'flipinvert flipinvert'
+ }
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Initializing Registry table
+ */
+ var initRegistriesTable = function () {
+ var locationFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
+ if (!dataContext.permissions.canRead) {
+ return '<span class="blank">' + nfCommon.escapeHtml( + '</span>';
+ }
+ return nfCommon.escapeHtml(dataContext.component.uri);
+ };
+ var descriptionFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
+ if (!dataContext.permissions.canRead) {
+ return '<span class="blank">' + nfCommon.escapeHtml( + '</span>';
+ }
+ return nfCommon.escapeHtml(dataContext.component.description);
+ };
+ var registriesActionFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
+ var markup = '';
+ if (nfCommon.canModifyController()) {
+ // edit registry
+ markup += '<div title="Edit" class="pointer edit-registry fa fa-pencil"></div>';
+ // remove registry
+ markup += '<div title="Remove" class="pointer remove-registry fa fa-trash"></div>';
+ }
+ return markup;
+ };
+ // define the column model for the reporting tasks table
+ var registriesColumnModel = [
+ {
+ id: 'name',
+ name: 'Name',
+ field: 'name',
+ formatter: nameFormatter,
+ sortable: true,
+ resizable: true
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'uri',
+ name: 'Location',
+ field: 'uri',
+ formatter: locationFormatter,
+ sortable: true,
+ resizable: true
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'description',
+ name: 'Description',
+ field: 'description',
+ formatter: descriptionFormatter,
+ sortable: true,
+ resizable: true
+ }
+ ];
+ // action column should always be last
+ registriesColumnModel.push({
+ id: 'actions',
+ name: '&nbsp;',
+ resizable: false,
+ formatter: registriesActionFormatter,
+ sortable: false,
+ width: 90,
+ maxWidth: 90
+ });
+ // initialize the dataview
+ var registriesData = new Slick.Data.DataView({
+ inlineFilters: false
+ });
+ registriesData.setItems([]);
+ // initialize the sort
+ sort({
+ columnId: 'name',
+ sortAsc: true
+ }, registriesData);
+ // initialize the grid
+ var registriesGrid = new Slick.Grid('#registries-table', registriesData, registriesColumnModel, gridOptions);
+ registriesGrid.setSelectionModel(new Slick.RowSelectionModel());
+ registriesGrid.registerPlugin(new Slick.AutoTooltips());
+ registriesGrid.setSortColumn('name', true);
+ registriesGrid.onSort.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ sort({
+ columnId:,
+ sortAsc: args.sortAsc
+ }, registriesData);
+ });
+ // configure a click listener
+ registriesGrid.onClick.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ var target = $(;
+ // get the service at this row
+ var registryEntity = registriesData.getItem(args.row);
+ // determine the desired action
+ if (registriesGrid.getColumns()[args.cell].id === 'actions') {
+ if (target.hasClass('edit-registry')) {
+ editRegistry(registryEntity);
+ } else if (target.hasClass('remove-registry')) {
+ promptToRemoveRegistry(registryEntity);
+ }
+ } else if (registriesGrid.getColumns()[args.cell].id === 'moreDetails') {
+ // if (target.hasClass('view-reporting-task')) {
+ // nfReportingTask.showDetails(reportingTaskEntity);
+ // } else if (target.hasClass('reporting-task-usage')) {
+ // // close the settings dialog
+ // $('#shell-close-button').click();
+ //
+ // // open the documentation for this reporting task
+ // nfShell.showPage('../nifi-docs/documentation?' + $.param({
+ // select: reportingTaskEntity.component.type,
+ // group:,
+ // artifact: reportingTaskEntity.component.bundle.artifact,
+ // version: reportingTaskEntity.component.bundle.version
+ // })).done(function () {
+ // nfSettings.showSettings();
+ // });
+ // }
+ }
+ });
+ // wire up the dataview to the grid
+ registriesData.onRowCountChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ registriesGrid.updateRowCount();
+ registriesGrid.render();
+ });
+ registriesData.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ registriesGrid.invalidateRows(args.rows);
+ registriesGrid.render();
+ });
+ registriesData.syncGridSelection(registriesGrid, true);
+ // hold onto an instance of the grid
+ $('#registries-table').data('gridInstance', registriesGrid);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Initializing Distribution Environments table
+ */
+ var initDistributionEnvironmentsTable = function () {
+ var locationFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
+// if (!dataContext.permissions.canRead) {
+ return '<span class="blank">' + nfCommon.escapeHtml( + '</span>';
+// }
+ return nfCommon.escapeHtml(dataContext.component.uri);
+ };
+ var descriptionFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
+// if (!dataContext.permissions.canRead) {
+ return '<span class="blank">' + nfCommon.escapeHtml( + '</span>';
+// }
+ return nfCommon.escapeHtml(dataContext.component.description);
+ };
+ var envActionFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
+ var markup = '';
+ if (nfCommon.canModifyController()) {
+ // edit environment
+ markup += '<div title="Edit" class="pointer edit-registry fa fa-pencil"></div>';
+ // remove environment
+ markup += '<div title="Remove" class="pointer remove-registry fa fa-trash"></div>';
+ }
+ return markup;
+ };
+ // define the column model for the Distribution environments table
+ var environmentsColumnModel = [
+ {
+ id: 'name',
+ name: 'Name',
+ field: 'name',
+// formatter: nameFormatter,
+ sortable: true,
+ resizable: true
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'runtimeApiUrl',
+ name: 'Location',
+ field: 'runtimeApiUrl',
+// formatter: locationFormatter,
+ sortable: true,
+ resizable: true
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'description',
+ name: 'Description',
+ field: 'description',
+// formatter: descriptionFormatter,
+ sortable: true,
+ resizable: true
+ }
+// ,
+// {
+// id: 'nextDistributionTargetId',
+// name: 'Next Distribution TargetId',
+// field: 'nextDistributionTargetId',
+// formatter: descriptionFormatter,
+// sortable: true,
+// resizable: true
+// }
+ ];
+ // action column should always be last
+ environmentsColumnModel.push({
+ id: 'actions',
+ name: '&nbsp;',
+ resizable: false,
+ formatter: envActionFormatter,
+ sortable: false,
+ width: 90,
+ maxWidth: 90
+ });
+ // initialize the dataview
+ var environmentsData = new Slick.Data.DataView({
+ inlineFilters: false
+ });
+ environmentsData.setItems([]);
+ // initialize the sort
+ sort({
+ columnId: 'name',
+ sortAsc: true
+ }, environmentsData);
+ // initialize the grid
+ var environmentsGrid = new Slick.Grid('#distribution-environments-table', environmentsData, environmentsColumnModel, gridOptions);
+ environmentsGrid.setSelectionModel(new Slick.RowSelectionModel());
+ environmentsGrid.registerPlugin(new Slick.AutoTooltips());
+ environmentsGrid.setSortColumn('name', true);
+ environmentsGrid.onSort.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ sort({
+ columnId:,
+ sortAsc: args.sortAsc
+ }, environmentsData);
+ });
+ // configure a click listener
+ environmentsGrid.onClick.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ var target = $(;
+ // get the service at this row
+ var environmentEntity = environmentsData.getItem(args.row);
+ // determine the desired action
+ if (environmentsGrid.getColumns()[args.cell].id === 'actions') {
+ if (target.hasClass('edit-registry')) { //left it as edit-registry intentionally to inherit styles
+ editDistributionEnvironment(environmentEntity);
+ } else if (target.hasClass('remove-registry')) { //left it as remove-registry intentionally to inherit styles
+ promptToRemoveDistributionEnvironment(environmentEntity);
+ }
+ } else if (environmentsGrid.getColumns()[args.cell].id === 'moreDetails') { }
+ });
+ // wire up the dataview to the grid
+ environmentsData.onRowCountChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ environmentsGrid.updateRowCount();
+ environmentsGrid.render();
+ });
+ environmentsData.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+ environmentsGrid.invalidateRows(args.rows);
+ environmentsGrid.render();
+ });
+ environmentsData.syncGridSelection(environmentsGrid, true);
+ // hold onto an instance of the grid
+ $('#distribution-environments-table').data('gridInstance', environmentsGrid);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Edits the specified registry entity.
+ *
+ * @param registryEntity
+ */
+ var editRegistry = function (registryEntity) {
+ // populate the dialog
+ $('#registry-id').text(;
+ $('#registry-name').val(;
+ $('#registry-location').val(registryEntity.component.uri);
+ $('#registry-description').val(registryEntity.component.description);
+ // show the dialog
+ $('#registry-configuration-dialog').modal('setHeaderText', 'Edit Registry Client').modal('setButtonModel', [{
+ buttonText: 'Update',
+ color: {
+ base: '#728E9B',
+ hover: '#004849',
+ text: '#ffffff'
+ },
+ handler: {
+ click: function () {
+ updateRegistry(;
+ }
+ }
+ }, {
+ buttonText: 'Cancel',
+ color: {
+ base: '#E3E8EB',
+ hover: '#C7D2D7',
+ text: '#004849'
+ },
+ handler: {
+ click: function () {
+ $(this).modal('hide');
+ }
+ }
+ }]).modal('show');
+ };
+ /**
+ * Edits the specified distribution environment entity.
+ *@author Renu
+ * @param distributionEnvironmentEntity
+ */
+ var editDistributionEnvironment = function (distributionEnvironmentEntity) {
+ // populate the dialog
+ $('#distribution-environment-id').text(;
+ $('#distribution-environment-name').val(;
+ $('#distribution-environment-location').val(distributionEnvironmentEntity.runtimeApiUrl);
+ $('#distribution-environment-description').val(distributionEnvironmentEntity.description);
+// $('#distribution-environment-nextDistributionTargetId ').val(distributionEnvironmentEntity.component.description);
+ // show the dialog
+ $('#distribution-environment-dialog').modal('setHeaderText', 'Edit Environment').modal('setButtonModel', [{
+ buttonText: 'Update',
+ color: {
+ base: '#728E9B',
+ hover: '#004849',
+ text: '#ffffff'
+ },
+ handler: {
+ click: function () {
+ updateDistributionEnvironment(;
+ }
+ }
+ }, {
+ buttonText: 'Cancel',
+ color: {
+ base: '#E3E8EB',
+ hover: '#C7D2D7',
+ text: '#004849'
+ },
+ handler: {
+ click: function () {
+ $(this).modal('hide');
+ }
+ }
+ }]).modal('show');
+ };
+ /**
+ * Prompts the user before attempting to delete the specified environment.
+ *
+ * @param {object} environmentEntity
+ */
+ var promptToRemoveDistributionEnvironment = function (environmentEntity) {
+ // prompt for deletion
+ nfDialog.showYesNoDialog({
+ headerText: 'Delete Environment',
+ dialogContent: 'Delete Environment \'' + nfCommon.escapeHtml( + '\'?',
+ yesHandler: function () {
+ removeDistributionEnvironment(environmentEntity);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the specified environment.
+ *
+ * @param {object} environmentEntity
+ */
+ var removeDistributionEnvironment = function (environmentEntity) {
+ console.log(environmentEntity);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'DELETE',
+ url: dcaeDistributorApiHostname+'/distribution-targets/',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }).done(function (response) {
+ console.log(response);
+ // remove the task
+ var environmentsGrid = $('#distribution-environments-table').data('gridInstance');
+ console.log(environmentsGrid);
+ var environmentsData = environmentsGrid.getData();
+ environmentsData.deleteItem(;
+ }).fail(nfErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Prompts the user before attempting to delete the specified registry.
+ *
+ * @param {object} registryEntity
+ */
+ var promptToRemoveRegistry = function (registryEntity) {
+ // prompt for deletion
+ nfDialog.showYesNoDialog({
+ headerText: 'Delete Registry',
+ dialogContent: 'Delete registry \'' + nfCommon.escapeHtml( + '\'?',
+ yesHandler: function () {
+ removeRegistry(registryEntity);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Deletes the specified registry.
+ *
+ * @param {object} registryEntity
+ */
+ var removeRegistry = function (registryEntity) {
+ var revision = nfClient.getRevision(registryEntity);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'DELETE',
+ url: registryEntity.uri + '?' + $.param({
+ 'version': revision.version,
+ 'clientId': revision.clientId,
+ 'disconnectedNodeAcknowledged': nfStorage.isDisconnectionAcknowledged()
+ }),
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }).done(function (response) {
+ // remove the task
+ var registryGrid = $('#registries-table').data('gridInstance');
+ var registryData = registryGrid.getData();
+ registryData.deleteItem(;
+ }).fail(nfErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Loads the settings.
+ */
+ var loadSettings = function () {
+ var setUnauthorizedText = function () {
+ $('#read-only-maximum-timer-driven-thread-count-field').addClass('unset').text('Unauthorized');
+ $('#read-only-maximum-event-driven-thread-count-field').addClass('unset').text('Unauthorized');
+ };
+ var setEditable = function (editable) {
+ if (editable) {
+ $('#general-settings div.editable').show();
+ $('#general-settings').hide();
+ $('#settings-save').show();
+ } else {
+ $('#general-settings div.editable').hide();
+ $('#general-settings').show();
+ $('#settings-save').hide();
+ }
+ };
+ var settings = $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: config.urls.controllerConfig,
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }).done(function (response) {
+ if (response.permissions.canWrite) {
+ // populate the settings
+ $('#maximum-timer-driven-thread-count-field').removeClass('unset').val(response.component.maxTimerDrivenThreadCount);
+ $('#maximum-event-driven-thread-count-field').removeClass('unset').val(response.component.maxEventDrivenThreadCount);
+ setEditable(true);
+ // register the click listener for the save button
+ $('#settings-save').off('click').on('click', function () {
+ saveSettings(response.revision.version);
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (response.permissions.canRead) {
+ // populate the settings
+ $('#read-only-maximum-timer-driven-thread-count-field').removeClass('unset').text(response.component.maxTimerDrivenThreadCount);
+ $('#read-only-maximum-event-driven-thread-count-field').removeClass('unset').text(response.component.maxEventDrivenThreadCount);
+ } else {
+ setUnauthorizedText();
+ }
+ setEditable(false);
+ }
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }).fail(function (xhr, status, error) {
+ if (xhr.status === 403) {
+ setUnauthorizedText();
+ setEditable(false);
+ deferred.resolve();
+ } else {
+ deferred.reject(xhr, status, error);
+ }
+ });
+ }).promise();
+ // load the controller services
+ var controllerServicesUri = config.urls.api + '/flow/controller/controller-services';
+ var controllerServicesXhr = nfControllerServices.loadControllerServices(controllerServicesUri, getControllerServicesTable());
+ // load the reporting tasks
+ var reportingTasks = loadReportingTasks();
+ // load the registries
+ var registries = loadRegistries();
+ // load the distribution environments
+ var distributionEnvironments = loadDistributionEnvironments();
+ // return a deferred for all parts of the settings
+ return $.when(settings, controllerServicesXhr, reportingTasks).done(function (settingsResult, controllerServicesResult) {
+ var controllerServicesResponse = controllerServicesResult[0];
+ // update the current time
+ $('#settings-last-refreshed').text(controllerServicesResponse.currentTime);
+ }).fail(nfErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Loads the reporting tasks.
+ */
+ var loadReportingTasks = function () {
+ return $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: config.urls.reportingTasks,
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }).done(function (response) {
+ var tasks = [];
+ $.each(response.reportingTasks, function (_, task) {
+ tasks.push($.extend({
+ type: 'ReportingTask',
+ bulletins: []
+ }, task));
+ });
+ var reportingTasksElement = $('#reporting-tasks-table');
+ nfCommon.cleanUpTooltips(reportingTasksElement, 'div.has-errors');
+ nfCommon.cleanUpTooltips(reportingTasksElement, 'div.has-bulletins');
+ var reportingTasksGrid ='gridInstance');
+ var reportingTasksData = reportingTasksGrid.getData();
+ // update the reporting tasks
+ reportingTasksData.setItems(tasks);
+ reportingTasksData.reSort();
+ reportingTasksGrid.invalidate();
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Loads the registries.
+ */
+ var loadRegistries = function () {
+ return $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: config.urls.registries,
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }).done(function (response) {
+ var registries = [];
+ $.each(response.registries, function (_, registryEntity) {
+ registries.push($.extend({
+ type: 'Registry'
+ }, registryEntity));
+ });
+ var registriesGrid = $('#registries-table').data('gridInstance');
+ var registriesData = registriesGrid.getData();
+ // update the registries
+ registriesData.setItems(registries);
+ registriesData.reSort();
+ registriesGrid.invalidate();
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Loads the distribution environments.
+ */
+ var loadDistributionEnvironments = function(){
+ console.log("in loadDistributionEnvironments.. ");
+ return $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: dcaeDistributorApiHostname+'/distribution-targets',
+ dataType: 'json'
+ }).done(function (response) {
+ console.log(response);
+ var environments = [];
+ $.each(response.distributionTargets, function (_, environmentEntity) {
+ console.log(environmentEntity);
+ environments.push($.extend({
+ type: 'Environment'
+ }, environmentEntity));
+ });
+ console.log(environments);
+ var environmentsGrid = $('#distribution-environments-table').data('gridInstance');
+ console.log(environmentsGrid);
+ var environmentsData = environmentsGrid.getData();
+ // update the distribution environments
+ environmentsData.setItems(environments);
+ environmentsData.reSort();
+ environmentsGrid.invalidate();
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Shows the process group configuration.
+ */
+ var showSettings = function () {
+ // show the settings dialog
+ nfShell.showContent('#settings').done(function () {
+ reset();
+ });
+ //reset content to account for possible policy changes
+ $('#settings-tabs').find('.selected-tab').click();
+ // adjust the table size
+ nfSettings.resetTableSize();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reset state of this dialog.
+ */
+ var reset = function () {
+ // reset button state
+ $('#settings-save').mouseout();
+ };
+ var nfSettings = {
+ /**
+ * Initializes the settings page.
+ */
+ init: function () {
+ // initialize the settings tabs
+ $('#settings-tabs').tabbs({
+ tabStyle: 'tab',
+ selectedTabStyle: 'selected-tab',
+ scrollableTabContentStyle: 'scrollable',
+ tabs: [{
+ name: 'General',
+ tabContentId: 'general-settings-tab-content'
+ }, {
+ name: 'Reporting Task Controller Services',
+ tabContentId: 'controller-services-tab-content'
+ }, {
+ name: 'Reporting Tasks',
+ tabContentId: 'reporting-tasks-tab-content'
+ }, {
+ name: 'Registry Clients',
+ tabContentId: 'registries-tab-content'
+ },{
+ name: 'Distribution Target Environments',
+ tabContentId: 'distribution-environment-content'
+ }
+ ],
+ select: function () {
+ var tab = $(this).text();
+ if (tab === 'General') {
+ $('#controller-cs-availability').hide();
+ $('#new-service-or-task').hide();
+ $('#settings-save').show();
+ } else {
+ var canModifyController = false;
+ if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(nfCommon.currentUser)) {
+ // only consider write permissions for creating new controller services/reporting tasks
+ canModifyController = nfCommon.currentUser.controllerPermissions.canWrite === true;
+ }
+ if (canModifyController) {
+ $('#new-service-or-task').show();
+ $('div.controller-settings-table').css('top', '32px');
+ // update the tooltip on the button
+ $('#new-service-or-task').attr('title', function () {
+ if (tab === 'Reporting Task Controller Services') {
+ $('#settings-save').hide();
+ return 'Create a new reporting task controller service';
+ } else if (tab === 'Reporting Tasks') {
+ $('#settings-save').hide();
+ return 'Create a new reporting task';
+ } else if (tab === 'Registry Clients') {
+ $('#settings-save').hide();
+ return 'Register a new registry client';
+ }else if (tab === 'Distribution Target Environments') {
+ console.log("in env tab...");
+ $('#settings-save').hide();
+ return 'Add a new distribution environment';
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ $('#new-service-or-task').hide();
+ $('div.controller-settings-table').css('top', '0');
+ }
+ if (tab === 'Reporting Task Controller Services') {
+ $('#controller-cs-availability').show();
+ } else if (tab === 'Reporting Tasks' || tab === 'Registry Clients'|| tab === 'Distribution Target Environments') {
+ $('#controller-cs-availability').hide();
+ }
+ // resize the table
+ nfSettings.resetTableSize();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // settings refresh button
+ $('#settings-refresh-button').click(function () {
+ loadSettings();
+ });
+ // create a new controller service or reporting task
+ $('#new-service-or-task').on('click', function () {
+ console.log("on Add Buttton clicked");
+ var selectedTab = $('#settings-tabs li.selected-tab').text();
+ if (selectedTab === 'Reporting Task Controller Services') {
+ var controllerServicesUri = config.urls.api + '/controller/controller-services';
+ nfControllerServices.promptNewControllerService(controllerServicesUri, getControllerServicesTable());
+ } else if (selectedTab === 'Reporting Tasks') {
+ $('#new-reporting-task-dialog').modal('show');
+ var reportingTaskTypesGrid = $('#reporting-task-types-table').data('gridInstance');
+ if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(reportingTaskTypesGrid)) {
+ var reportingTaskTypesData = reportingTaskTypesGrid.getData();
+ // reset the canvas size after the dialog is shown
+ reportingTaskTypesGrid.resizeCanvas();
+ // select the first row if possible
+ if (reportingTaskTypesData.getLength() > 0) {
+ nfFilteredDialogCommon.choseFirstRow(reportingTaskTypesGrid);
+ }
+ }
+ // set the initial focus
+ $('#reporting-task-type-filter').focus();
+ } else if (selectedTab === 'Registry Clients') {
+ $('#registry-configuration-dialog').modal('setHeaderText', 'Add Registry Client').modal('setButtonModel', [{
+ buttonText: 'Add',
+ color: {
+ base: '#728E9B',
+ hover: '#004849',
+ text: '#ffffff'
+ },
+ handler: {
+ click: function () {
+ addRegistry();
+ }
+ }
+ }, {
+ buttonText: 'Cancel',
+ color: {
+ base: '#E3E8EB',
+ hover: '#C7D2D7',
+ text: '#004849'
+ },
+ handler: {
+ click: function () {
+ $(this).modal('hide');
+ }
+ }
+ }]).modal('show');
+ // set the initial focus
+ $('#registry-name').focus();
+ } else if (selectedTab === 'Distribution Target Environments') {
+ $('#distribution-environment-dialog').modal('setHeaderText', 'Add New Environment').modal('setButtonModel', [{
+ buttonText: 'Add',
+ color: {
+ base: '#728E9B',
+ hover: '#004849',
+ text: '#ffffff'
+ },
+ handler: {
+ click: function () {
+ addDistributionEnvironment();
+ }
+ }
+ }, {
+ buttonText: 'Cancel',
+ color: {
+ base: '#E3E8EB',
+ hover: '#C7D2D7',
+ text: '#004849'
+ },
+ handler: {
+ click: function () {
+ $(this).modal('hide');
+ }
+ }
+ }]).modal('show');
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ var x=0;
+ console.log(x);
+ $("#distribution-environment-content").text(x= x + 1);
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ var x=0;
+ console.log(x);
+ $("#distribution-environments-table").text(x= x + 1);
+ console.log(x);
+ console.log("resizing...table...");
+ });
+ // set the initial focus
+ $('#distribution-environment-name').focus();
+ }
+ });
+ // initialize each tab
+ initGeneral();
+ nfControllerServices.init(getControllerServicesTable(), nfSettings.showSettings);
+ initReportingTasks();
+ initRegistriesTable();
+ initDistributionEnvironmentsTable();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Update the size of the grid based on its container's current size.
+ */
+ resetTableSize: function () {
+ nfControllerServices.resetTableSize(getControllerServicesTable());
+ nfControllerServices.resetTableSize(getDistributionEnvironmentsTable());
+ var reportingTasksGrid = $('#reporting-tasks-table').data('gridInstance');
+ if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(reportingTasksGrid)) {
+ reportingTasksGrid.resizeCanvas();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Shows the settings dialog.
+ */
+ showSettings: function () {
+ return loadSettings().done(showSettings);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Loads the settings dialogs.
+ */
+ loadSettings: function () {
+ return loadSettings();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Selects the specified controller service.
+ *
+ * @param {string} controllerServiceId
+ */
+ selectControllerService: function (controllerServiceId) {
+ var controllerServiceGrid = getControllerServicesTable().data('gridInstance');
+ var controllerServiceData = controllerServiceGrid.getData();
+ // select the desired service
+ var row = controllerServiceData.getRowById(controllerServiceId);
+ nfFilteredDialogCommon.choseRow(controllerServiceGrid, row);
+ controllerServiceGrid.scrollRowIntoView(row);
+ // select the controller services tab
+ $('#settings-tabs').find('li:eq(1)').click();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Selects the specified reporting task.
+ *
+ * @param {string} reportingTaskId
+ */
+ selectReportingTask: function (reportingTaskId) {
+ var reportingTaskGrid = $('#reporting-tasks-table').data('gridInstance');
+ var reportingTaskData = reportingTaskGrid.getData();
+ // select the desired service
+ var row = reportingTaskData.getRowById(reportingTaskId);
+ nfFilteredDialogCommon.choseRow(reportingTaskGrid, row);
+ reportingTaskGrid.scrollRowIntoView(row);
+ // select the controller services tab
+ $('#settings-tabs').find('li:eq(2)').click();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets the controller service and reporting task bulletins in their respective tables.
+ *
+ * @param {object} controllerServiceBulletins
+ * @param {object} reportingTaskBulletins
+ */
+ setBulletins: function (controllerServiceBulletins, reportingTaskBulletins) {
+ if ($('#controller-services-table').data('gridInstance')) {
+ nfControllerServices.setBulletins(getControllerServicesTable(), controllerServiceBulletins);
+ }
+ // reporting tasks
+ var reportingTasksGrid = $('#reporting-tasks-table').data('gridInstance');
+ var reportingTasksData = reportingTasksGrid.getData();
+ reportingTasksData.beginUpdate();
+ // if there are some bulletins process them
+ if (!nfCommon.isEmpty(reportingTaskBulletins)) {
+ var reportingTaskBulletinsBySource = d3.nest()
+ .key(function (d) {
+ return d.sourceId;
+ })
+ .map(reportingTaskBulletins,;
+ reportingTaskBulletinsBySource.each(function (sourceBulletins, sourceId) {
+ var reportingTask = reportingTasksData.getItemById(sourceId);
+ if (nfCommon.isDefinedAndNotNull(reportingTask)) {
+ reportingTasksData.updateItem(sourceId, $.extend(reportingTask, {
+ bulletins: sourceBulletins
+ }));
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ // if there are no bulletins clear all
+ var reportingTasks = reportingTasksData.getItems();
+ $.each(reportingTasks, function (_, reportingTask) {
+ reportingTasksData.updateItem(, $.extend(reportingTask, {
+ bulletins: []
+ }));
+ });
+ }
+ reportingTasksData.endUpdate();
+ }
+ };
+ return nfSettings;