path: root/test
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1 files changed, 3 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/test/apitest/apitest_SUITE.erl b/test/apitest/apitest_SUITE.erl
index 1f7a3b2..c15dffc 100644
--- a/test/apitest/apitest_SUITE.erl
+++ b/test/apitest/apitest_SUITE.erl
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ hydrator_wdeps_deploy(C) ->
hydrator_test(C) ->
%test te app by injecting some data into the stream and getting it out
%Sleeping since HTTP services may still be booting up: see https://issues.cask.co/browse/CDAP-812
- ok = timer:sleep(30000), %30s
+ ok = timer:sleep(60000), %60s
%curl into stream
{200, _} = httpabs:post(?XER, ?PLG(hydrator_stream_url, C), "text/plain", "beer, vodka, gin"),
%query data out
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ hydrator_test(C) ->
app_test(C) ->
%Sleeping since HTTP services may still be booting up: see https://issues.cask.co/browse/CDAP-812
- ok = timer:sleep(30000), %30s
+ ok = timer:sleep(60000), %60s
{200, _} = httpabs:post(?XER, ?PLG(stream_url, C), "text/plain", "'Prince of Darkness'"),
{200, "Hello 'Prince of Darkness'!"} = httpabs:get(?XER,?SC([?PLG(app_url, C), "/services/Greeting/methods/greet"])).
@@ -537,8 +537,6 @@ app_reconfigure(C) ->
%do the reconfig
ReconfigMap = util:ejson_to_map({[{<<"foo REDUX EDITION">>, <<"bar">>}, {<<"LEAVE ME ALONE">>, <<"CONFIG EDITION">>}]}),
- %test httpabs bad body (not encoded as JSON)
- {400,"ERROR: The request Body is malformed"} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/reconfigure"]), "application/json", {[{<<"reconfiguration_type">>, <<"program-flowlet-app-config">>}, {<<"config">>, ReconfigMap}]}),
%do it properly
{200, _} = httpabs:put(?XER, ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "/reconfigure"]), "application/json", jiffy:encode({[{<<"reconfiguration_type">>, <<"program-flowlet-app-config">>},{<<"config">>, ReconfigMap}]})),
%test new config right in consul
@@ -723,10 +721,6 @@ test_failures(C) ->
%malformed Broker put
URL = ?SC([?PLG(broker_app_url, C), "FAILURETEST"]),
- Body = {[
- {<<"malformed">>, <<"i am">>}
- ]},
- {400, "State: Bad Request. Return Body: Invalid PUT Body or unparseable URL"} = httpabs:put(?XER, URL, "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body)),
%deploy a bad CDAP app with a bad program_id
Body2 = {[
@@ -768,24 +762,7 @@ test_failures(C) ->
{<<"programs">>, [{[{<<"program_type">>, <<"flows">>},{<<"program_id">>, <<"WhoFlow">>}]},{[{<<"program_type">>, <<"services">>},{<<"program_id">>, <<"Greeting">>}]}]},
{<<"program_preferences">>, [{[{<<"program_type">>,<<"flows">>}, {<<"program_id">>, <<"WhoFlow">>}, {<<"program_pref">>, ?PLG(whoflowpref, C)}]}]}
- {404, _} = httpabs:put(?XER, URL, "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body3)),
- %try to deploy with a bad URL where bad means malformed
- Body4 = {[
- {<<"cdap_application_type">>, <<"program-flowlet">>},
- {<<"namespace">>, ?PLG(namespace, C)},
- {<<"streamname">>, ?PLG(streamname, C)},
- {<<"jar_url">>, <<"THIS IS NOT EVEN A URL WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME">>},
- {<<"artifact_name">>, ?PLG(art_name, C)},
- {<<"artifact_version">>, ?PLG(art_ver, C)},
- {<<"app_config">>, ?PLG(init_config, C)},
- {<<"app_preferences">>, ?PLG(init_preferences, C)},
- {<<"services">>, [{[{<<"service_name">>, <<"Greeting">>}, {<<"service_endpoint">>, <<"greet">>}, {<<"endpoint_method">>, <<"GET">>}]}]},
- {<<"programs">>, [{[{<<"program_type">>, <<"flows">>},{<<"program_id">>, <<"WhoFlow">>}]},{[{<<"program_type">>, <<"services">>},{<<"program_id">>, <<"Greeting">>}]}]},
- {<<"program_preferences">>, [{[{<<"program_type">>,<<"flows">>}, {<<"program_id">>, <<"WhoFlow">>}, {<<"program_pref">>, ?PLG(whoflowpref, C)}]}]}
- ]},
- {400,"State: Bad Request. Return Body: ERROR: The following URL is malformed: THIS IS NOT EVEN A URL WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME"} = httpabs:put(?XER, URL, "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body4))
- .
+ {404, _} = httpabs:put(?XER, URL, "application/json", jiffy:encode(Body3)).
delete_all(C) ->
%test invalid key