path: root/docs/sections/services/pm-subscription-handler/configuration.rst
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-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. Configuration:
-The PMSH is configured and deployed via the DCAE dashboard.
-Application specific configuration
-The application config is the basic information that PMSH needs to run. The following parameters are required, they are
-specified in the dashboard deployment GUI.
-| Field | Description | Type | Required | Default |
-| tag_version | Docker image to be used. | string | True | |
-| replicas | Number of instances. | integer | True | 1 |
-| pm_publish_topic_name | The topic that PMSH will publish to, and which policy will subscribe to. | string | True | unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT |
-| policy_feedback_topic_name | The topic that PMSH will subscribe to, and which policy will publish to. | string | True | unauthenticated.PMSH_CL_INPUT |
-| aai_notification_topic_name | The topic that PMSH will subscribe to, and which AAI will publish change events to. | string | True | AAI-EVENT |
-| publisher_client_role | The client role used to publish to the topic that policy will subscribe to. | string | True | org.onap.dcae.pmPublisher |
-| subscriber_client_role | The client role used to subscribe to the topic that AAI will publish change events to. | string | True | org.onap.dcae.pmSubscriber |
-| dcae_location | Location of the DCAE cluster. | string | True | san-francisco |
-| cpu_limit | CPU limit for the PMSH service. | string | True | 1000m |
-| cpu_request | Requested CPU for the PMSH service. | string | True | 1000m |
-| memory_limit | Memory limit for the PMSH service. | string | True | 1024Mi |
-| memory_request | Requested Memory for the PMSH service. | string | True | 1024Mi |
-| pgaas_cluster_name | Cluster name for Postgres As A Service. | string | True | dcae-pg-primary.onap |
-| enable_tls | Boolean flag to toggle HTTPS cert auth support. | boolean | True | true |
-| protocol | HTTP protocol for PMSH. If 'enable_tls' is false, protocol must be set to http. | string | True | https |
-.. _Subscription:
-Subscription configuration
-The subscription is configured within the monitoring policy. The subscription model schema is as follows:
-.. code-block:: json
- {
- "subscription":{
- "subscriptionName":"someExtraPM-All-gNB-R2B",
- "operationalPolicyName":"operational-policy-name",
- "controlLoopName":"controlLoop-name",
- "nfFilter":{
- "nfNames":[
- "^pnf1.*"
- ],
- "modelInvariantIDs":[
- "5845y423-g654-6fju-po78-8n53154532k6",
- "7129e420-d396-4efb-af02-6b83499b12f8"
- ],
- "modelVersionIDs":[
- "e80a6ae3-cafd-4d24-850d-e14c084a5ca9"
- ],
- "modelNames": [
- "pnf102"
- ]
- },
- "measurementGroups":[
- {
- "measurementGroup":{
- "measurementGroupName":"msgroupname",
- "administrativeState":"UNLOCKED",
- "fileBasedGP":15,
- "fileLocation":"/pm/pm.xml",
- "measurementTypes":[
- {
- "measurementType":"EutranCell.*"
- },
- {
- "measurementType":"EutranCellRelation.pmCounter1"
- },
- {
- "measurementType":"EutranCellRelation.pmCounter2"
- }
- ],
- "managedObjectDNsBasic":[
- {
- "DN":"ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCell=CityCenter1"
- },
- {
- "DN":"ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCell=CityCenter1, EUtranCellRelation=CityCenter2"
- },
- {
- "DN":"ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCell=CityCenter1, EUtranCellRelation=CityCenter3"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
-| Field | Description | Type | Required | Values |
-| subscriptionName | Name of the subscription. | string | True | subscriptionName |
-| operationalPolicyName | Name of the operational policy to be executed. | string | True | operationalPolicyName |
-| controlLoopName | Name of the control loop. | string | True | controlLoopName |
-| nfFilter | The network function filter will be used to filter the list of nf's stored in A&AI to produce a subset. | list | False | |
-| measurementGroups | List containing measurementGroup. | list | True | List of measurementGroup |
-.. note::
- Since release Istanbul of ONAP, PMSH Subscriptions model schema is updated.
- Subscription model is centric to ``measurementGroup``, for instance any update on attributes administrativeState, fileBasedGP,
- fileLocation, nfFilter will be applicable to only individual measurementGroup object.
-The ``nfFilter`` will be used in order to filter the list of NF's retrieved from A&AI. There are four criteria that
-can be filtered on, nfNames, modelInvariantIDs, modelVersionIDs and/or modelNames. All 4 of these are optional fields but at
-least 1 must be present for the filter to work.
-.. code-block:: json
- "nfFilter": {
- "nfNames":[
- "^pnf.*",
- "^vnf.*"
- ],
- "modelInvariantIDs": [
- "5845y423-g654-6fju-po78-8n53154532k6",
- "7129e420-d396-4efb-af02-6b83499b12f8"
- ],
- "modelVersionIDs": [
- "e80a6ae3-cafd-4d24-850d-e14c084a5ca9"
- ],
- "modelNames": [
- "pnf102"
- ]
- }
-| Field | Description | Type | Required |
-| nfNames | List of NF names. These names are regexes, which will be parsed by the PMSH. | list | False |
-| modelInvariantIDs | List of modelInvariantIDs. These UUIDs will be checked for exact matches with AAI entities. | list | False |
-| modelVersionIDs | List of modelVersionIDs. These IDs will be checked for exact matches with AAI entities. | list | False |
-| modelNames | List of modelNames. These names will be checked for exact matches with AAI entities. | list | False |
-``measurementGroup`` is used to specify the group of measurements that will be collected.
-.. code-block:: json
- "measurementGroup": {
- "measurementGroupName":"msgroupname",
- "administrativeState":"UNLOCKED",
- "fileBasedGP":15,
- "fileLocation":"/pm/pm.xml",
- "measurementTypes": [
- {
- "measurementType": "EutranCell.*"
- },
- {
- "measurementType": "EutranCellRelation.pmCounter1"
- },
- {
- "measurementType": "EutranCellRelation.pmCounter2"
- }
- ],
- "managedObjectDNsBasic": [
- {
- "DN": "ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCell=CityCenter1"
- },
- {
- "DN": "ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCell=CityCenter1, EUtranCellRelation=CityCenter2"
- },
- {
- "DN": "ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCell=CityCenter1, EUtranCellRelation=CityCenter3"
- }
- ]
- }
-| Field | Description | Type | Required | Values |
-| measurementGroupName | Unique identifier for measurementGroup. | | | |
-| administrativeState | Setting a measurementGroup to UNLOCKED will apply the subscription changes to the NF instances immediately. If it is set to LOCKED, it will not be applied until it is later unlocked. | | | |
-| fileBasedGP | The frequency at which measurements are produced. | | | |
-| fileLocation | Location of Report Output Period file. | | | |
-| measurementTypes | List of measurement types. These are regexes, and it is expected that either the CDS blueprint, or NF can parse them. As the PMSH will not do so. | list | True | |
-| managedObjectDNsBasic | List of managed object distinguished names. | list | True | |
-.. _Topics:
-MR Topics
-This topic is used so that the PMSH can listen for new NFs getting added or deleted. If the NF matches the NF filter (See
-:ref:`Configuration<Configuration>`) it will be added to the relevant subscription.
- unauthenticated.PMSH_CL_INPUT
-This topic enables the operational policy to provide feedback on the status of a subscription attempt, back to
-PMSH, with a message of either success or failed.
-Example of successful CREATE event sent from policy:
-.. code-block:: json
- {
- "name": "ResponseEvent",
- "nameSpace": "org.onap.policy.apex.onap.pmcontrol",
- "source": "APEX",
- "target": "DCAE",
- "version": "0.0.1",
- "status": {
- "subscriptionName": "subscriptiona",
- "measurementGroupName":"msgroupname",
- "nfName": "PNF104",
- "changeType": "CREATE",
- "message": "success"
- }
- }
-.. _DCAE_CL_OUTPUT_Topic:
- unauthenticated.DCAE_CL_OUTPUT
-PMSH publishes subscriptions to this topic. They will be consumed by an operational policy which will make a request to CDS to
-change the state of the subscription.
-.. note::
- Since release Istanbul of ONAP, PMSH Publish Subscriptions event format is updated.
- A new attribute ``measurementGroupName`` is added as a unique identifier for ``measurementGroup`` and a single ``measurementGroup`` is associated with
- PMSH Subscription event.
-Example event sent from PMSH:
-.. code-block:: json
- {
- "nfName":"PNF104",
- "ipv4Address": "",
- "policyName":"operational-policy-name",
- "closedLoopControlName":"controlLoop-name",
- "blueprintName":"pm_control",
- "blueprintVersion":"1.2.4",
- "changeType":"CREATE",
- "subscription":{
- "administrativeState":"UNLOCKED",
- "subscriptionName":"subscriptiona",
- "fileBasedGP":15,
- "fileLocation":"/pm/pm.xml",
- "measurementGroup":{
- "measurementGroupName":"msgroupname",
- "measurementTypes":[
- {
- "measurementType":"countera"
- },
- {
- "measurementType":"counterb"
- }
- ],
- "managedObjectDNsBasic":[
- {
- "DN":"dna"
- },
- {
- "DN":"dnb"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- } \ No newline at end of file