
DCAE VESCollector

This is the repository for VES Collector for Open DCAE.

Virtual Event Streaming (VES) Collector is RESTful collector for processing JSON messages into DCAE. The collector verifies the source (when authentication is enabled) and validates the events against VES schema before distributing to DMAAP MR topics for downstream system to subscribe. The VESCollector also provides configurable event transformation function and event distribution to DMAAP MR topics.

The collector supports individual events or eventbatch posted to collector end-point(s) and post them to interface/bus for other application to subscribe.

Build Instructions

This project is organized as a mvn project and has "org.onap.dcaegen2" as parent project. The build generate a jar and package into docker container.

git clone ssh://vv770d@gerrit.onap.org:29418/dcaegen2/collectors/ves
mvn clean install

Running Locally

VES Collector is a Spring Boot application

mvn spring-boot:run

Build the image (it will go into your local docker repository)

mvn clean package

Run the image using docker

docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 <container_id>

Run the image using docker-compose.yml

docker-compose up

Developer mode - run application from IDE

To connect with "real" Consul instance you need to activate developer mode during starting VES application from IDE. Attention: Without developer mode (default mode) Ves started from IDE will not use Consul.

  1. Configure host mapping

    For Linux: In host file add mapping for config-binding-service

    vi /etc/hosts
    SET_HERE_IP config-binding-service
  2. At lab open port for config-binding-service

    • Get basic information about config-binding-service

      ubuntu@onap-7607-rke-node:~$ kubectl -n onap get services | grep config-binding-service config-binding-service ClusterIP <none> 10000/TCP,10443/TCP 6d2h - Edit config-binding-service to change ClusterIP to NodePort to expose port

      kubectl -n onap edit service config-binding-service

    • Get information about opened port for config-binding-service

      ubuntu@onap-7607-rke-node:~$ kubectl -n onap get services | grep config-binding-service config-binding-service NodePort <none> 10000:31029/TCP,10443:32719/TCP 6d2h

  3. Run application with properties

    -DdevMode=true -DcbsPort=31029

Generate auth credential

Library to generate new cryptographic password is stored in dcaegen2/sdk -"security/crypt-password"

or download artifact from:


How to use:

java -jar crypt-password-<version>.jar password_to_crypt

Mechanism to validate Certificate Subject DN value

When application is in certOnly or certBasicAuth mode then certificates are also validated by regexp in certSubjectMatcher.properties, only SubjectDn field in certificate description are checked. Default regexp value is .* means that we approve all SubjectDN values.

Environment variables in Docker Container

Most of the configuration of how VESCollector should be started and managed is done through environment variables. Some of them are set during the image build process and some of them are defined manually or by a particular deployment system.

Variables set manually / coming from deployment system: - COLLECTOR_IP - DMAAPHOST - should contain an address to DMaaP, so that event publishing can work - CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE - should be a name of CBS - CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT - should be an http port of CBS - HOSTNAME - should be a name of VESCollector application as it is registered in CBS catalog - CBS_CLIENT_CONFIG_PATH - (optional) should contain path to application config file.

Docker file system layout

The main directory where all code resides in docker container looks like this and is located in /opt/app/VESCollector

<host>:/opt/app/VESCollector# ls
Dockerfile  bin  etc  lib  logs  specs
  • bin contains sh scripts (path here is denoted by env var $SCRIPTS_PATH)
  • etc contains various application configuration, most notably it reflects 'etc' directory from repository
  • lib contains all libraries that are pulled into the app during maven build
  • logs contains all application logs, especially collector.log file which is a main log file denoted by $MAIN_LOG_FILE variable
  • specs contains json schemas specs for ves-collector

Managing application in Docker container

Scripts directory contain .sh scripts that are used to start & stop & configure the VESCollector application inside the docker image. These scripts are packaged inside the docker image by a mvn assembly & docker plugins.

How the application starts inside container

General flow goes like this - Docker image is build, and it points docker-entry.sh as the entrypoint. - Docker-entry point, depending on the deployment type, configures a bunch of things and starts the application in a separate process and loops indefinitely to hold the docker container process.

Release images

For R1 - image/version pushed to nexus3



VESCollector in DCAE will be deployed as mS via DCAEGEN2 controller. A blueprint will be generated (CLAMP/SDC) which will fetch the docker image and install on the dockerhost identified. VESCollector on startup will query the configbindingService for updated configuration and starts the service. When configuration change is detected by DCAEGEN2 controller (via policy flow) - then contoller will notify Collector to fetch new configuration again.

For testing purpose, the docker image includes preset configuration which can be ran without DCAEGEN2 platform.

Dynamic configuration

Application properties like /etc/collector.properties and Dmaap configuration /etc/DmaapConfig.json are updated frequently by configuration stored in config file or if it doesn't exist, in Consul (CBS) http://:30270/ui/#/dc1/kv/ By default, config file is located in /app-config/application_config.yaml and this path can be changed by CBS_CLIENT_CONFIG_PATH env. Configuration stored in config file has the biggest priority and always will override local configuration. If config file doesn't exist then configuration will be fetched from Consul server. Frequently how often configuration will be dynamically fetched is manageable in /etc/collector.properties property "collector.dynamic.config.update.frequency={time in minutes}". To fetch configuration, VES collector uses CBS client from DCAE SDK.

Sample configuration of VESCollector K-V store can be found under /dpo/data-formats/ConsulConfig.json

How to send event locally

  1. In /etc/hosts add: onap-dmaap
  2. Go into: ./src/test/resources/dmaap-msg-router
  3. Run: docker-compose -f message-router-compose.yml up -d
  4. Run ves application
  5. Now you can send events to ves
  6. Check topics on message-router: curl


For R1 as only measurement and faults are expected in ONAP, configuration are preset currently sto support these two topics only.

1)  Get the VESCollector image from Nexus
        docker pull nexus.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.ves.vescollector:latest
2)  Start the container (change the DMAAPHOST environment value to running DMAAP instance host)
        docker run -d -p 8080:8080/tcp -p 8443:8443/tcp -P -e DMAAPHOST='' nexus.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.ves.vescollector:1.1
3)  Login into container and tail /opt/app/VESCollector/logs/collector.log
4)  Simulate event into VEScollector (can be done from different vm or same)
        curl -i -X POST -d @measurement.txt --header "Content-Type: application/json" https://localhost:8443/eventListener/v5 -k
        or curl -i  -X POST -d @measurement.txt --header "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/eventListener/v5 -k
        Note: If DMAAPHOST provided is invalid, you will see exception around publish on the collector.logs (collector queues and attempts to resend the event hence exceptions reported will be periodic).   If you don’t want to see the error, publish to dmaap can be disabled by changing either “collector.dmaap.streamid” on etc/collector.properties OR by modifying the “name” defined on  etc/DmaapConfig.json. 

    Any changes to property within container requires collector restart
    cd /opt/app/VESCollector/
    ./bin/appController.sh stop
    ./bin/appController.sh start 

5)  If DMAAP instance (and DMAAPHOST passed during VESCollector startup) and VES input is valid, then events will be pushed to below topics depending on the domain
    Fault :http://<dmaaphost>:3904/events/unauthenticated.SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT
    Measurement : http://<dmaaphost>:3904/events/unauthenticated.SEC_MEASUREMENT_OUTPUT
6)  When test is done – do ensure to remove the container (docker rm -f <containerid>) to avoid port conflict

Authentication is set by default to "noauth" (via auth.method property) on the container; below are the steps for enabling HTTPS/authentication for VESCollector.

1) Login to the container
2) Open /opt/app/VESCollector/etc/collector.properties and edit below properties
                a) Comment below property (with authentication enabled, standard http should be disabled)
                b) Enable basic-authentication
     Note: The actual credentials is stored part of header.authlist parameter. This is list of userid,password values. Default configuration has below set
                where password maps to same value as username.
                Password is generated by crypt-password tool (https://nexus.onap.org/#nexus-search;quick~crypt-password)
3) Restart the collector
                cd /opt/app/VESCollector
                ./bin/appController.sh stop
                ./bin/appController.sh start                              
4) Exit from container and ensure tcp port on VM is not hanging on finwait  you can execute netstat -an | grep 8443 . If under FIN_WAIT2, wait for server to release.
5) Simulate via curl (Note - username/pwd will be required)
    Example of successfull POST:
        vv770d@osdcae-dev-16:~$ curl -i  -u 'sample1:sample1' -X POST -d @volte.txt --header "Content-Type: application/json" https://localhost:8443/eventListener/v5 -k
        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
        X-Rathravane: ~ software is craft ~
        Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1
        Content-Length: 17
        Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2017 22:23:49 GMT
        Message Accepted

    Example of authentication failure:
        vv770d@osdcae-dev-16:~$ curl -i -X POST -d @volte.txt --header "Content-Type: application/json" https://localhost:8443/eventListener/v5 -k
        HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
        Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
        X-Rathravane: ~ software is craft ~
        Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1
        Content-Length: 96
        Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2017 22:20:43 GMT
        Connection: close
        {"requestError":{"GeneralException":{"MessagID":"\"POL2000\"","text":"\"Unauthorized user\""}}}

Note: In general support for HTTPS also require certificate/keystore be installed on target VM with FS mapped into the container for VESCollector to load. For demo and testing purpose - a self signed certificate is included within docker build. When deployed via DCAEGEN2 platform - these configuration will be overridden dynamically to map to required path/certificate name. This will be exercised post R1 though.

A client's certificate verification is disabled on the container by default; below are the steps for enabling mutual TLS authentication for VESCollector. ``` 1) Login to the container 2) Open /opt/app/VESCollector/etc/collector.properties and edit below properties a) Comment below property (with authentication enabled, standard http should be disabled) collector.service.port=8080 b) Enable a client's certificate verification auth.method=certOnly (only certificate verification)
or auth.method=certBasicAuth ( certificate verification with basic auth verification ) 3) Restart the collector cd /opt/app/VESCollector ./bin/appController.sh stop ./bin/appController.sh start 4) Exit from container and ensure tcp port on VM is not hanging on finwait – you can execute “netstat -an | grep 8443” . If under FIN_WAIT2, wait for server to release. 5) In order for VESCollector to accept a connection from a client, the client has to use TLS certificate signed by CA that is present in VESCollector truststore. If a default VESCollector truststore is used then a client's certificate may be generated using following steps: a) Generate a client's private key openssl genrsa -out client.key 2048 b) Create the signing openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr c) Create the client's certificate (CA key password should be obtained from [VESCollectorRepository]/certs/password) openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -CA [VESCollectorRepository]/certs/rootCA.crt -CAkey [VESCollectorRepository]/certs/rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out client.crt -days 500 -sha256 6) Simulate via curl (assuming that the certificate was created via step 5) Example of successfull POST: curl -i -X POST -d @event.json --header "Content-Type: application/json" https://localhost:8443/eventListener/v7 -k --cert client.crt --key client.key HTTP/1.1 100

    HTTP/1.1 202 
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: 8
    Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 11:37:58 GMT

Example of authentication failure (without a client's certificate):
    curl -i -X POST -d @event.json --header "Content-Type: application/json" https://localhost:8443/eventListener/v7 -k
    curl: (35) error:14094412:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert bad certificate