path: root/src/main/resources/schema_1.sql
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/resources/schema_1.sql')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/resources/schema_1.sql b/src/main/resources/schema_1.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27ae13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/schema_1.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+-- ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+-- OpenECOMP - org.openecomp.dmaapbc
+-- ================================================================================
+-- Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+-- ================================================================================
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+@drop table dcae_location;
+create table dcae_location (
+ dcae_location_name VARCHAR(100),
+ clli VARCHAR(100),
+ dcae_layer VARCHAR(100),
+ open_stack_availability_zone VARCHAR(100),
+ last_mod TIMESTAMP,
+ PRIMARY KEY(dcae_location_name)
+@drop table dmaap;
+create table dmaap (
+ version VARCHAR(100),
+ topic_ns_root VARCHAR(100),
+ dmaap_name VARCHAR(100),
+ dr_prov_url VARCHAR(200),
+ node_key VARCHAR(100),
+ access_key_owner VARCHAR(100),
+ last_mod TIMESTAMP,
+ status VARCHAR(100),
+ bridge_admin_topic VARCHAR(100),
+ logging_url VARCHAR(200)
+@drop table dr_node;
+create table dr_node (
+ fqdn VARCHAR(100),
+ dcae_location_name VARCHAR(100),
+ host_name VARCHAR(100),
+ version VARCHAR(100),
+@drop table dr_pub;
+create table dr_pub (
+ dcae_location_name VARCHAR(100),
+ username VARCHAR(100),
+ userpwd VARCHAR(100),
+ feed_id VARCHAR(100),
+ pub_id VARCHAR(100),
+ status VARCHAR(100),
+ PRIMARY KEY(pub_id)
+@drop table dr_sub;
+create table dr_sub (
+ owner VARCHAR(100),
+ suspended BOOLEAN,
+ status VARCHAR(100),
+ use100 BOOLEAN,
+ dcae_location_name VARCHAR(100),
+ username VARCHAR(100),
+ userpwd VARCHAR(100),
+ feed_id VARCHAR(100),
+ delivery_u_r_l VARCHAR(200),
+ log_u_r_l VARCHAR(200),
+ sub_id VARCHAR(100),
+ PRIMARY KEY(sub_id)
+@drop table mr_client;
+create table mr_client (
+ dcae_location_name VARCHAR(100),
+ fqtn VARCHAR(100),
+ client_role VARCHAR(100),
+ action VARCHAR(300),
+ mr_client_id VARCHAR(100),
+ status VARCHAR(100),
+ topic_u_r_l VARCHAR(200),
+ last_mod TIMESTAMP,
+ PRIMARY KEY(mr_client_id)
+@drop table mr_cluster;
+create table mr_cluster (
+ last_mod TIMESTAMP,
+ dcae_location_name VARCHAR(100),
+ fqdn VARCHAR(100),
+ hosts VARCHAR(300),
+ topic_protocol VARCHAR(100),
+ topic_port VARCHAR(100),
+ PRIMARY KEY(dcae_location_name)
+@drop table feed;
+create table feed (
+ suspended BOOLEAN,
+ subscribe_u_r_l VARCHAR(200),
+ feed_id VARCHAR(100),
+ feed_name VARCHAR(100),
+ feed_version VARCHAR(100),
+ feed_description VARCHAR(1000),
+ owner VARCHAR(100),
+ aspr_classification VARCHAR(100),
+ publish_u_r_l VARCHAR(200),
+ log_u_r_l VARCHAR(200),
+ status VARCHAR(100),
+ -- pubs not stored here
+ -- subs not stored here
+ PRIMARY KEY(feed_id)
+@drop table topic;
+create table topic (
+ last_mod TIMESTAMP,
+ fqtn VARCHAR(100),
+ topic_name VARCHAR(100),
+ topic_description VARCHAR(1000),
+ tnx_enabled VARCHAR(100),
+ owner VARCHAR(100),
+ status VARCHAR(100),
+ -- clients not stored here
+@drop table mirror_maker;
+create table mirror_maker (
+ mm_name VARCHAR(100),
+ source_cluster VARCHAR(100),
+ target_cluster VARCHAR(100),
+ last_mod TIMESTAMP,
+ vectors TEXT,
+ PRIMARY KEY(source_cluster)
+update dmaapbc_sch_ver set version = 1 where version = 0;