path: root/src/main/java
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java')
8 files changed, 1461 insertions, 1052 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/CommonStartup.java b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/CommonStartup.java
index 7c1ff22..869a5c7 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/CommonStartup.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/CommonStartup.java
@@ -1,324 +1,341 @@
* ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
* ================================================================================
* Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
* ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.URL;
-import java.nio.charset.Charset;
-import java.nio.file.Files;
-import java.nio.file.Paths;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Queue;
-import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
-import javax.servlet.ServletException;
-import org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException;
-import org.json.JSONArray;
-import org.json.JSONException;
-import org.json.JSONObject;
-import org.openecomp.dcae.restapi.RestfulCollectorServlet;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import com.att.nsa.apiServer.ApiServer;
-import com.att.nsa.apiServer.ApiServerConnector;
-import com.att.nsa.apiServer.endpoints.NsaBaseEndpoint;
-import com.att.nsa.cmdLine.NsaCommandLineUtil;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.framework.DrumlinServlet;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.impl.nvPropertiesFile;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.impl.nvReadableStack;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.impl.nvReadableTable;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable.invalidSettingValue;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable.loadException;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable.missingReqdSetting;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
-import com.github.fge.jsonschema.exceptions.ProcessingException;
-import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.JsonSchema;
-import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.JsonSchemaFactory;
-import com.github.fge.jsonschema.report.ProcessingMessage;
-import com.github.fge.jsonschema.report.ProcessingReport;
-import com.github.fge.jsonschema.util.JsonLoader;
-public class CommonStartup extends NsaBaseEndpoint implements Runnable
- public static final String kConfig = "c";
- public static final String kSetting_Port = "collector.service.port";
- public static final int kDefault_Port = 8080;
- public static final String kSetting_SecurePort = "collector.service.secure.port";
- public static final int kDefault_SecurePort = -1;
- public static final String kSetting_KeystorePassfile = "collector.keystore.passwordfile";
- public static final String kDefault_KeystorePassfile = "../etc/passwordfile";
- public static final String kSetting_KeystoreFile = "collector.keystore.file.location";
- public static final String kDefault_KeystoreFile = "../etc/keystore";
- public static final String kSetting_KeyAlias = "collector.keystore.alias";
- public static final String kDefault_KeyAlias = "tomcat";
- public static final String kSetting_ProcessingConfigs = "collector.hpprocessing";
- protected static final String[] kDefault_ProcessingConfigs = new String[] { "etc/HPProcessingConfig.json" };
- public static final String kSetting_MaxQueuedEvents = "collector.inputQueue.maxPending";
- public static final int kDefault_MaxQueuedEvents = 1024*4;
- public static final String kSetting_schemaValidator = "collector.schema.checkflag";
- public static final int kDefault_schemaValidator = -1;
- public static final String kSetting_schemaFile = "collector.schema.file";
- public static final String kSetting_ExceptionConfig = "exceptionConfig";
- public static final String kSetting_dmaapStreamid = "collector.dmaap.streamid";
- public static final String kSetting_authflag = "header.authflag";
- public static final int kDefault_authflag = 0;
- public static final String kSetting_authid = "header.authid";
- public static final String kSetting_authpwd = "header.authpwd";
- public static final String kSetting_authstore = "header.authstore";
- public static final String kSetting_authlist = "header.authlist";
- public static final Logger inlog = LoggerFactory.getLogger ("org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.input" );
- public static final Logger oplog = LoggerFactory.getLogger ("org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.output");
- public static final Logger eplog = LoggerFactory.getLogger ("org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.error");
- public static final Logger metriclog = LoggerFactory.getLogger ("com.att.ecomp.metrics" );
- public static int schema_Validatorflag = -1;
- public static int authflag = 1;
- public static String schemaFile = null;
- public static String exceptionConfig = null;
- public static String cambriaConfigFile = null;
- private boolean listnerstatus = false;
- static String streamid = null;
- private CommonStartup(rrNvReadable settings) throws loadException, missingReqdSetting, IOException, rrNvReadable.missingReqdSetting, rrNvReadable.invalidSettingValue, ServletException, InterruptedException
- {
- final List<ApiServerConnector> connectors = new LinkedList<ApiServerConnector> ();
- if (settings.getInt ( kSetting_Port, kDefault_Port ) > 0)
- {
- // http service
- connectors.add (
- new ApiServerConnector.Builder ( settings.getInt ( kSetting_Port, kDefault_Port ) )
- .secure ( false )
- .build ()
- );
- }
- // optional https service
- final int securePort = settings.getInt(kSetting_SecurePort, kDefault_SecurePort);
- final String keystoreFile = settings.getString(kSetting_KeystoreFile, kDefault_KeystoreFile);
- final String keystorePasswordFile = settings.getString(kSetting_KeystorePassfile, kDefault_KeystorePassfile);
- final String keyAlias = settings.getString (kSetting_KeyAlias, kDefault_KeyAlias);
- if (securePort > 0)
- {
- final String kSetting_KeystorePass = readFile(keystorePasswordFile, Charset.defaultCharset());
- connectors.add(new ApiServerConnector.Builder(securePort)
- .secure(true)
- .keystorePassword(kSetting_KeystorePass)
- .keystoreFile(keystoreFile)
- .keyAlias(keyAlias)
- .build());
- }
- //Reading other config properties
- schema_Validatorflag = settings.getInt(kSetting_schemaValidator, kDefault_schemaValidator );
- if (schema_Validatorflag > 0){
- schemaFile = settings.getString(kSetting_schemaFile,null);
- }
- exceptionConfig = settings.getString(kSetting_ExceptionConfig, null);
- authflag = settings.getInt(CommonStartup.kSetting_authflag, CommonStartup.kDefault_authflag );
- String [] currentconffile = settings.getStrings (CommonStartup.kSetting_ProcessingConfigs, CommonStartup.kDefault_ProcessingConfigs ) ;
- cambriaConfigFile= currentconffile[0] ;
- streamid = settings.getString(kSetting_dmaapStreamid,null);
- fTomcatServer = new ApiServer.Builder(connectors, new RestfulCollectorServlet(settings))
- .encodeSlashes(true)
- .name("collector")
- .build();
- //Load override exception map
- CustomExceptionLoader.LoadMap();
- setListnerstatus(true);
- }
- public static void main ( String[] args )
- {
- try
- {
- // process command line arguments
- final Map<String, String> argMap = NsaCommandLineUtil.processCmdLine ( args, true );
- final String config = NsaCommandLineUtil.getSetting ( argMap, kConfig, "collector.properties" );
- final URL settingStream = DrumlinServlet.findStream ( config, CommonStartup.class );
- final nvReadableStack settings = new nvReadableStack ();
- settings.push ( new nvPropertiesFile ( settingStream ) );
- settings.push ( new nvReadableTable ( argMap ) );
- fProcessingInputQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<JSONObject> (CommonStartup.kDefault_MaxQueuedEvents);
- CommonStartup cs= new CommonStartup ( settings );
- Thread csmain = new Thread(cs);
- csmain.start();
- EventProcessor ep = new EventProcessor ();
- Thread epThread=new Thread(ep);
- epThread.start();
- //cs.startAndAwait ();
- }
- catch ( loadException | missingReqdSetting | IOException | invalidSettingValue | ServletException | InterruptedException e )
- {
- CommonStartup.eplog.error("FATAL_STARTUP_ERROR" + e.getMessage() );
- throw new RuntimeException ( e );
- }
- }
- public void run() {
- try {
- fTomcatServer.start ();
- } catch (LifecycleException | IOException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- fTomcatServer.await ();
- }
- public boolean isListnerstatus() {
- return listnerstatus;
- }
- public void setListnerstatus(boolean listnerstatus) {
- this.listnerstatus = listnerstatus;
- }
- public static Queue<JSONObject> getProcessingInputQueue ()
- {
- return fProcessingInputQueue;
- }
- public static class QueueFullException extends Exception
- {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- }
- public static void handleEvents ( JSONArray a ) throws QueueFullException, JSONException, IOException
- {
- final Queue<JSONObject> queue = getProcessingInputQueue ();
- try
- {
- CommonStartup.metriclog.info("EVENT_PUBLISH_START" );
- for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
- if ( !queue.offer ( a.getJSONObject(i) ) ) {
- throw new QueueFullException ();
- }
- }
- log.debug("CommonStartup.handleEvents:EVENTS has been published successfully!");
- CommonStartup.metriclog.info("EVENT_PUBLISH_END");
- //ecomplogger.debug(secloggerMessageEnum.SEC_COLLECT_AND_PULIBISH_SUCCESS);
- }
- catch ( JSONException e ){
- throw e;
- }
- }
- static String readFile(String path, Charset encoding)
- throws IOException
- {
- byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path));
- String pwd = new String(encoded);
- return pwd.substring(0,pwd.length()-1);
- }
- public static String schemavalidate( String jsonData, String jsonSchema) {
- ProcessingReport report = null;
- String result = "false";
- try {
- //System.out.println("Applying schema: @<@<"+jsonSchema+">@>@ to data: #<#<"+jsonData+">#>#");
- log.trace("Schema validation for event:" + jsonData);
- JsonNode schemaNode = JsonLoader.fromString(jsonSchema);
- JsonNode data = JsonLoader.fromString(jsonData);
- JsonSchemaFactory factory = JsonSchemaFactory.byDefault();
- JsonSchema schema = factory.getJsonSchema(schemaNode);
- report = schema.validate(data);
- } catch (JsonParseException e) {
- log.error("schemavalidate:JsonParseException for event:" + jsonData );
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- return e.getMessage().toString();
- } catch (ProcessingException e) {
- log.error("schemavalidate:Processing exception for event:" + jsonData );
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- return e.getMessage().toString();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- log.error("schemavalidate:IO exception; something went wrong trying to read json data for event:" + jsonData);
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- return e.getMessage().toString();
- }
- if (report != null) {
- Iterator<ProcessingMessage> iter = report.iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext()) {
- ProcessingMessage pm = iter.next();
- log.trace("Processing Message: "+pm.getMessage());
- }
- result = String.valueOf(report.isSuccess());
- }
- try {
- log.trace("Validation Result:" +result + " Validation report:" + report);
- }
- catch (NullPointerException e){
- log.error("schemavalidate:NullpointerException on report");
- }
- return result;
- }
- static LinkedBlockingQueue<JSONObject> fProcessingInputQueue;
- private static ApiServer fTomcatServer = null;
- private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger ( CommonStartup.class );
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.URL;
+import java.nio.charset.Charset;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Queue;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
+import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
+import javax.servlet.ServletException;
+import org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException;
+import org.json.JSONArray;
+import org.json.JSONException;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import org.openecomp.dcae.restapi.RestfulCollectorServlet;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import com.att.nsa.apiServer.ApiServer;
+import com.att.nsa.apiServer.ApiServerConnector;
+import com.att.nsa.apiServer.endpoints.NsaBaseEndpoint;
+import com.att.nsa.cmdLine.NsaCommandLineUtil;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.framework.DrumlinServlet;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.impl.nvPropertiesFile;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.impl.nvReadableStack;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.impl.nvReadableTable;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable.invalidSettingValue;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable.loadException;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable.missingReqdSetting;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
+import com.github.fge.jsonschema.exceptions.ProcessingException;
+import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.JsonSchema;
+import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.JsonSchemaFactory;
+import com.github.fge.jsonschema.report.ProcessingMessage;
+import com.github.fge.jsonschema.report.ProcessingReport;
+import com.github.fge.jsonschema.util.JsonLoader;
+public class CommonStartup extends NsaBaseEndpoint implements Runnable
+ public static final String kConfig = "c";
+ public static final String kSetting_Port = "collector.service.port";
+ public static final int kDefault_Port = 8080;
+ public static final String kSetting_SecurePort = "collector.service.secure.port";
+ public static final int kDefault_SecurePort = -1;
+ public static final String kSetting_KeystorePassfile = "collector.keystore.passwordfile";
+ public static final String kDefault_KeystorePassfile = "../etc/passwordfile";
+ public static final String kSetting_KeystoreFile = "collector.keystore.file.location";
+ public static final String kDefault_KeystoreFile = "../etc/keystore";
+ public static final String kSetting_KeyAlias = "collector.keystore.alias";
+ public static final String kDefault_KeyAlias = "tomcat";
+ public static final String kSetting_DmaapConfigs = "collector.dmaapfile";
+ protected static final String[] kDefault_DmaapConfigs = new String[] { "/etc/DmaapConfig.json" };
+ public static final String kSetting_MaxQueuedEvents = "collector.inputQueue.maxPending";
+ public static final int kDefault_MaxQueuedEvents = 1024*4;
+ public static final String kSetting_schemaValidator = "collector.schema.checkflag";
+ public static final int kDefault_schemaValidator = -1;
+ public static final String kSetting_schemaFile = "collector.schema.file";
+ public static final String kSetting_ExceptionConfig = "exceptionConfig";
+ public static final String kSetting_dmaapStreamid = "collector.dmaap.streamid";
+ public static final String kSetting_authflag = "header.authflag";
+ public static final int kDefault_authflag = -1;
+ public static final String kSetting_authid = "header.authid";
+ public static final String kSetting_authpwd = "header.authpwd";
+ public static final String kSetting_authstore = "header.authstore";
+ public static final String kSetting_authlist = "header.authlist";
+ public static final Logger inlog = LoggerFactory.getLogger ("org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.input" );
+ public static final Logger oplog = LoggerFactory.getLogger ("org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.output");
+ public static final Logger eplog = LoggerFactory.getLogger ("org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.error");
+ public static final Logger metriclog = LoggerFactory.getLogger ("com.att.ecomp.metrics" );
+ public static int schema_Validatorflag = -1;
+ public static int authflag = 1;
+ public static String schemaFile = null;
+ public static String exceptionConfig = null;
+ public static String cambriaConfigFile = null;
+ private boolean listnerstatus = false;
+ static String streamid = null;
+ private CommonStartup(rrNvReadable settings) throws loadException, missingReqdSetting, IOException, rrNvReadable.missingReqdSetting, rrNvReadable.invalidSettingValue, ServletException, InterruptedException
+ {
+ final List<ApiServerConnector> connectors = new LinkedList<ApiServerConnector> ();
+ if (settings.getInt ( kSetting_Port, kDefault_Port ) > 0)
+ {
+ // http service
+ connectors.add (
+ new ApiServerConnector.Builder ( settings.getInt ( kSetting_Port, kDefault_Port ) )
+ .secure ( false )
+ .build ()
+ );
+ }
+ // optional https service
+ final int securePort = settings.getInt(kSetting_SecurePort, kDefault_SecurePort);
+ final String keystoreFile = settings.getString(kSetting_KeystoreFile, kDefault_KeystoreFile);
+ final String keystorePasswordFile = settings.getString(kSetting_KeystorePassfile, kDefault_KeystorePassfile);
+ final String keyAlias = settings.getString (kSetting_KeyAlias, kDefault_KeyAlias);
+ if (securePort > 0)
+ {
+ final String kSetting_KeystorePass = readFile(keystorePasswordFile, Charset.defaultCharset());
+ connectors.add(new ApiServerConnector.Builder(securePort)
+ .secure(true)
+ .keystorePassword(kSetting_KeystorePass)
+ .keystoreFile(keystoreFile)
+ .keyAlias(keyAlias)
+ .build());
+ }
+ //Reading other config properties
+ schema_Validatorflag = settings.getInt(kSetting_schemaValidator, kDefault_schemaValidator );
+ if (schema_Validatorflag > 0){
+ schemaFile = settings.getString(kSetting_schemaFile,null);
+ }
+ exceptionConfig = settings.getString(kSetting_ExceptionConfig, null);
+ authflag = settings.getInt(CommonStartup.kSetting_authflag, CommonStartup.kDefault_authflag );
+ String [] currentconffile = settings.getStrings (CommonStartup.kSetting_DmaapConfigs, CommonStartup.kDefault_DmaapConfigs ) ;
+ cambriaConfigFile= currentconffile[0] ;
+ streamid = settings.getString(kSetting_dmaapStreamid,null);
+ fTomcatServer = new ApiServer.Builder(connectors, new RestfulCollectorServlet(settings))
+ .encodeSlashes(true)
+ .name("collector")
+ .build();
+ //Load override exception map
+ CustomExceptionLoader.LoadMap();
+ setListnerstatus(true);
+ }
+ public static void main ( String[] args )
+ {
+ ExecutorService executor = null;
+ try
+ {
+ // process command line arguments
+ final Map<String, String> argMap = NsaCommandLineUtil.processCmdLine ( args, true );
+ final String config = NsaCommandLineUtil.getSetting ( argMap, kConfig, "collector.properties" );
+ final URL settingStream = DrumlinServlet.findStream ( config, CommonStartup.class );
+ final nvReadableStack settings = new nvReadableStack ();
+ settings.push ( new nvPropertiesFile ( settingStream ) );
+ settings.push ( new nvReadableTable ( argMap ) );
+ fProcessingInputQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<JSONObject> (CommonStartup.kDefault_MaxQueuedEvents);
+ VESLogger.setUpEcompLogging();
+ CommonStartup cs= new CommonStartup ( settings );
+ Thread csmain = new Thread(cs);
+ csmain.start();
+ EventProcessor ep = new EventProcessor ();
+ //Thread epThread=new Thread(ep);
+ //epThread.start();
+ executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(20);
+ executor.execute(ep);
+ }
+ catch ( loadException | missingReqdSetting | IOException | invalidSettingValue | ServletException | InterruptedException e )
+ {
+ CommonStartup.eplog.error("FATAL_STARTUP_ERROR" + e.getMessage() );
+ throw new RuntimeException ( e );
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ // This will make the executor accept no new threads
+ // and finish all existing threads in the queue
+ if (executor != null){
+ executor.shutdown();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void run() {
+ try {
+ fTomcatServer.start ();
+ } catch (LifecycleException | IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ fTomcatServer.await ();
+ }
+ public boolean isListnerstatus() {
+ return listnerstatus;
+ }
+ public void setListnerstatus(boolean listnerstatus) {
+ this.listnerstatus = listnerstatus;
+ }
+ public static Queue<JSONObject> getProcessingInputQueue ()
+ {
+ return fProcessingInputQueue;
+ }
+ public static class QueueFullException extends Exception
+ {
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ }
+ public static void handleEvents ( JSONArray a ) throws QueueFullException, JSONException, IOException
+ {
+ final Queue<JSONObject> queue = getProcessingInputQueue ();
+ try
+ {
+ CommonStartup.metriclog.info("EVENT_PUBLISH_START" );
+ for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
+ if ( !queue.offer ( a.getJSONObject(i) ) ) {
+ throw new QueueFullException ();
+ }
+ }
+ log.debug("CommonStartup.handleEvents:EVENTS has been published successfully!");
+ CommonStartup.metriclog.info("EVENT_PUBLISH_END");
+ //ecomplogger.debug(secloggerMessageEnum.SEC_COLLECT_AND_PULIBISH_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ catch ( JSONException e ){
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ static String readFile(String path, Charset encoding)
+ throws IOException
+ {
+ byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path));
+ String pwd = new String(encoded);
+ return pwd.substring(0,pwd.length()-1);
+ }
+ public static String schemavalidate( String jsonData, String jsonSchema) {
+ ProcessingReport report = null;
+ String result = "false";
+ try {
+ //System.out.println("Applying schema: @<@<"+jsonSchema+">@>@ to data: #<#<"+jsonData+">#>#");
+ log.trace("Schema validation for event:" + jsonData);
+ JsonNode schemaNode = JsonLoader.fromString(jsonSchema);
+ JsonNode data = JsonLoader.fromString(jsonData);
+ JsonSchemaFactory factory = JsonSchemaFactory.byDefault();
+ JsonSchema schema = factory.getJsonSchema(schemaNode);
+ report = schema.validate(data);
+ } catch (JsonParseException e) {
+ log.error("schemavalidate:JsonParseException for event:" + jsonData );
+ System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+ return e.getMessage().toString();
+ } catch (ProcessingException e) {
+ log.error("schemavalidate:Processing exception for event:" + jsonData );
+ System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+ return e.getMessage().toString();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ log.error("schemavalidate:IO exception; something went wrong trying to read json data for event:" + jsonData);
+ System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+ return e.getMessage().toString();
+ }
+ if (report != null) {
+ Iterator<ProcessingMessage> iter = report.iterator();
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ ProcessingMessage pm = iter.next();
+ log.trace("Processing Message: "+pm.getMessage());
+ }
+ result = String.valueOf(report.isSuccess());
+ }
+ try {
+ log.debug("Validation Result:" +result + " Validation report:" + report);
+ }
+ catch (NullPointerException e){
+ log.error("schemavalidate:NullpointerException on report");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ static LinkedBlockingQueue<JSONObject> fProcessingInputQueue;
+ private static ApiServer fTomcatServer = null;
+ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger ( CommonStartup.class );
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/CustomExceptionLoader.java b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/CustomExceptionLoader.java
index 0adf7b4..245f9b4 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/CustomExceptionLoader.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/CustomExceptionLoader.java
@@ -1,121 +1,131 @@
* ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
* ================================================================================
* Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
* ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map.Entry;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
-import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
-import com.google.gson.JsonIOException;
-import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
-import com.google.gson.JsonParser;
-import com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException;
-public class CustomExceptionLoader {
- public static HashMap<String, JsonArray> map = null;
- private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger ( CustomExceptionLoader.class );
- //For standalone test
- //LoadMap Invoked from servletSetup
- /*
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- System.out.println("CustomExceptionLoader.main --> Arguments -- ExceptionConfig file: " + args[0] + "StatusCode:" + args[1]+ " Error Msg:" + args[2]);
- CommonStartup.exceptionConfig = args[0];
- //Read the Custom exception JSON file into map
- LoadMap();
- System.out.println("CustomExceptionLoader.main --> Map info post LoadMap:" + map);
- String[] str= LookupMap(args[1],args[2]);
- if (! (str==null)) {
- System.out.println("CustomExceptionLoader.main --> Return from lookup function" + str[0] + "value:" + str[1]);
- }
- }
- */
- public static void LoadMap () {
- map = new HashMap<String, JsonArray>();
- try {
- JsonElement root = null;
- root = new JsonParser().parse(new FileReader(CommonStartup.exceptionConfig));
- JsonObject jsonObject = root.getAsJsonObject().get("code").getAsJsonObject();
- for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : jsonObject.entrySet()) {
- map.put(entry.getKey(), (JsonArray) entry.getValue());
- }
- log.debug("CustomExceptionLoader.LoadMap --> Map loaded - " + map);
- } catch (JsonIOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- public static String[] LookupMap (String error, String errormsg) {
- String[] retarray = null;
- log.debug("CustomExceptionLoader.LookupMap -->" + " HTTP StatusCode:" + error + " Msg:" + errormsg);
- try{
- JsonArray jarray = map.get(error);
- for (int i = 0; i < jarray.size(); i++) {
- JsonElement val = jarray.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("Reason");
- JsonArray ec = (JsonArray) jarray.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("ErrorCode");
- log.trace("CustomExceptionLoader.LookupMap Parameter -> Error msg : " + errormsg + " Reason text being matched:" + val);
- if (errormsg.contains(val.toString().replace("\"", ""))){
- log.trace("CustomExceptionLoader.LookupMap Successful! Exception matched to error message StatusCode:" + ec.get(0).toString() + "ErrorMessage:" + ec.get(1).toString());
- retarray = new String[2];
- retarray[0]=ec.get(0).toString();
- retarray[1]=ec.get(1).toString();
- return retarray;
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- System.out.println(e.getMessage());
- }
- return retarray;
- }
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.FileReader;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
+import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
+import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
+import com.google.gson.JsonIOException;
+import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
+import com.google.gson.JsonParser;
+import com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+public class CustomExceptionLoader {
+ public static HashMap<String, JsonArray> map = null;
+ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger ( CustomExceptionLoader.class );
+ //static private final VESLogger log = VESLogger.getLogger(CustomExceptionLoader.class, VESLogger.VES_AGENT);
+ //For standalone test
+ //LoadMap Invoked from servletSetup
+ /*
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ System.out.println("CustomExceptionLoader.main --> Arguments -- ExceptionConfig file: " + args[0] + "StatusCode:" + args[1]+ " Error Msg:" + args[2]);
+ CommonStartup.exceptionConfig = args[0];
+ //Read the Custom exception JSON file into map
+ LoadMap();
+ System.out.println("CustomExceptionLoader.main --> Map info post LoadMap:" + map);
+ String[] str= LookupMap(args[1],args[2]);
+ if (! (str==null)) {
+ System.out.println("CustomExceptionLoader.main --> Return from lookup function" + str[0] + "value:" + str[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ public static void LoadMap () {
+ map = new HashMap<String, JsonArray>();
+ FileReader fr = null;
+ try {
+ JsonElement root = null;
+ fr = new FileReader(CommonStartup.exceptionConfig);
+ root = new JsonParser().parse(fr);
+ JsonObject jsonObject = root.getAsJsonObject().get("code").getAsJsonObject();
+ for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : jsonObject.entrySet()) {
+ map.put(entry.getKey(), (JsonArray) entry.getValue());
+ }
+ log.debug("CustomExceptionLoader.LoadMap --> Map loaded - " + map);
+ } catch (JsonIOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ finally {
+ if (fr != null) {
+ try {
+ fr.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ log.error("Error closing file reader stream : " +e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static String[] LookupMap (String error, String errormsg) {
+ String[] retarray = null;
+ log.debug("CustomExceptionLoader.LookupMap -->" + " HTTP StatusCode:" + error + " Msg:" + errormsg);
+ try{
+ JsonArray jarray = map.get(error);
+ for (int i = 0; i < jarray.size(); i++) {
+ JsonElement val = jarray.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("Reason");
+ JsonArray ec = (JsonArray) jarray.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("ErrorCode");
+ log.trace("CustomExceptionLoader.LookupMap Parameter -> Error msg : " + errormsg + " Reason text being matched:" + val);
+ if (errormsg.contains(val.toString().replace("\"", ""))){
+ log.trace("CustomExceptionLoader.LookupMap Successful! Exception matched to error message StatusCode:" + ec.get(0).toString() + "ErrorMessage:" + ec.get(1).toString());
+ retarray = new String[2];
+ retarray[0]=ec.get(0).toString();
+ retarray[1]=ec.get(1).toString();
+ return retarray;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+ }
+ return retarray;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/DmaapPropertyReader.java b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/DmaapPropertyReader.java
index 18e6d59..9cf7fc8 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/DmaapPropertyReader.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/DmaapPropertyReader.java
@@ -1,107 +1,118 @@
* ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
* ================================================================================
* Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
* ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
-import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
-import com.google.gson.JsonIOException;
-import com.google.gson.JsonParser;
-import com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException;
-public class DmaapPropertyReader {
- private static DmaapPropertyReader instance = null;
- private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger ( DmaapPropertyReader.class );
- public HashMap<String, String> dmaap_hash = new HashMap<String, String>();
- private DmaapPropertyReader(String CambriaConfigFile) {
- try {
- JsonElement root = null;
- root = new JsonParser().parse(new FileReader(CambriaConfigFile));
- JsonArray jsonObject = (JsonArray) root.getAsJsonObject().get("channels");
- for (int i = 0; i < jsonObject.size(); i++) {
- log.debug("TOPIC:" + jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.topic") +
- " HOST-URL:" + jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.url") +
- " HOSTS:" + jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.hosts") +
- " PWD:" + jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("basicAuthPassword") +
- " USER:" + jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("basicAuthUsername") +
- " NAME:" + jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("name") );
- String convertedname = jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("name").toString().replace("\"","");
- dmaap_hash.put(convertedname + ".cambria.topic", jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.topic").toString().replace("\"","") );
- if (jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.hosts") != null)
- {
- dmaap_hash.put(convertedname + ".cambria.hosts", jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.hosts").toString().replace("\"","") );
- }
- if (jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.url") != null)
- {
- dmaap_hash.put(convertedname + ".cambria.url", jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.url").toString().replace("\"","") );
- }
- if (jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("basicAuthPassword") != null)
- {
- dmaap_hash.put(convertedname + ".basicAuthPassword", jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("basicAuthPassword").toString().replace("\"","") );
- }
- if (jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("basicAuthUsername") != null)
- {
- dmaap_hash.put(convertedname+ ".basicAuthUsername", jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("basicAuthUsername").toString().replace("\"","") );
- }
- }
- } catch (JsonIOException | JsonSyntaxException | FileNotFoundException e1) {
- e1.printStackTrace();
- log.error("Problem loading Dmaap Channel configuration file: " +e1.toString());
- }
- }
- public static synchronized DmaapPropertyReader getInstance(String ChannelConfig){
- if (instance == null) {
- instance = new DmaapPropertyReader(ChannelConfig);
- }
- return instance;
- }
- public String getKeyValue(String HashKey){
- return this.dmaap_hash.get(HashKey);
- }
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import java.io.FileReader;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
+import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
+import com.google.gson.JsonIOException;
+import com.google.gson.JsonParser;
+import com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException;
+public class DmaapPropertyReader {
+ private static DmaapPropertyReader instance = null;
+ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger ( DmaapPropertyReader.class );
+ //static private final VESLogger log = VESLogger.getLogger(DmaapPropertyReader.class, VESLogger.VES_AGENT);
+ public HashMap<String, String> dmaap_hash = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ private DmaapPropertyReader(String CambriaConfigFile) {
+ FileReader fr = null;
+ try {
+ JsonElement root = null;
+ fr = new FileReader(CambriaConfigFile);
+ root = new JsonParser().parse(fr);
+ JsonArray jsonObject = (JsonArray) root.getAsJsonObject().get("channels");
+ for (int i = 0; i < jsonObject.size(); i++) {
+ log.debug("TOPIC:" + jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.topic") +
+ " HOST-URL:" + jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.url") +
+ " HOSTS:" + jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.hosts") +
+ " PWD:" + jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("basicAuthPassword") +
+ " USER:" + jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("basicAuthUsername") +
+ " NAME:" + jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("name") );
+ String convertedname = jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("name").toString().replace("\"","");
+ dmaap_hash.put(convertedname + ".cambria.topic", jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.topic").toString().replace("\"","") );
+ if (jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.hosts") != null)
+ {
+ dmaap_hash.put(convertedname + ".cambria.hosts", jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.hosts").toString().replace("\"","") );
+ }
+ if (jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.url") != null)
+ {
+ dmaap_hash.put(convertedname + ".cambria.url", jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("cambria.url").toString().replace("\"","") );
+ }
+ if (jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("basicAuthPassword") != null)
+ {
+ dmaap_hash.put(convertedname + ".basicAuthPassword", jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("basicAuthPassword").toString().replace("\"","") );
+ }
+ if (jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("basicAuthUsername") != null)
+ {
+ dmaap_hash.put(convertedname+ ".basicAuthUsername", jsonObject.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("basicAuthUsername").toString().replace("\"","") );
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (JsonIOException | JsonSyntaxException | FileNotFoundException e1) {
+ e1.printStackTrace();
+ log.error("Problem loading Dmaap Channel configuration file: " +e1.toString());
+ }
+ finally {
+ if (fr != null) {
+ try {
+ fr.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ log.error("Error closing file reader stream : " +e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static synchronized DmaapPropertyReader getInstance(String ChannelConfig){
+ if (instance == null) {
+ instance = new DmaapPropertyReader(ChannelConfig);
+ }
+ return instance;
+ }
+ public String getKeyValue(String HashKey){
+ return this.dmaap_hash.get(HashKey);
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/EventProcessor.java b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/EventProcessor.java
index 0e6f7e7..a5e90b9 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/EventProcessor.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/EventProcessor.java
@@ -20,40 +20,81 @@
package org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction;
-import org.json.JSONObject;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import com.att.nsa.clock.SaClock;
+import com.att.nsa.logging.LoggingContext;
+import com.att.nsa.logging.log4j.EcompFields;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.TimeZone;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import org.json.JSONArray;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
public class EventProcessor implements Runnable {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventProcessor.class);
+ private static HashMap<String, String[]> streamid_hash = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
private JSONObject event = null;
public EventProcessor() {
log.debug("EventProcessor: Default Constructor");
+ String list[] = CommonStartup.streamid.split("\\|");
+ for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ String domain = list[i].split("=")[0];
+ //String streamIdList[] = list[i].split("=")[1].split(",");
+ String streamIdList[] = list[i].substring(list[i].indexOf("=") +1).split(",");
+ log.debug("Domain: " + domain + " streamIdList:" + Arrays.toString(streamIdList));
+ streamid_hash.put(domain, streamIdList);
+ }
public void run() {
try {
event = CommonStartup.fProcessingInputQueue.take();
log.info("EventProcessor\tRemoving element: " + event);
+ //EventPublisher Ep=new EventPublisher();
while (event != null) {
- // As long as the producer is running,
- // we remove elements from the queue.
+ // As long as the producer is running we remove elements from the queue.
- // log.info("EventProcessor\tRemoving element: " +
- // this.queue.remove());
- if (CommonStartup.streamid == null) {
+ //UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(event.get("VESuniqueId").toString());
+ String uuid = event.get("VESuniqueId").toString();
+ LoggingContext localLC = VESLogger.getLoggingContextForThread(uuid.toString());
+ localLC .put ( EcompFields.kBeginTimestampMs, SaClock.now () );
+ log.debug("event.VESuniqueId" + event.get("VESuniqueId") + "event.commonEventHeader.domain:" + event.getJSONObject("event").getJSONObject("commonEventHeader").getString("domain"));
+ String streamIdList[]=streamid_hash.get(event.getJSONObject("event").getJSONObject("commonEventHeader").getString("domain"));
+ log.debug("streamIdList:" + streamIdList);
+ if (streamIdList.length == 0) {
log.error("No StreamID defined for publish - Message dropped" + event.toString());
- } else {
- EventPublisher.getInstance(CommonStartup.cambriaConfigFile, CommonStartup.streamid)
- .sendEvent(event.toString(), CommonStartup.streamid);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (int i=0; i < streamIdList.length; i++)
+ {
+ log.info("Invoking publisher for streamId:" + streamIdList[i]);
+ this.overrideEvent();
+ EventPublisher.getInstance(streamIdList[i]).sendEvent(event);
+ }
log.debug("Message published" + event.toString());
event = CommonStartup.fProcessingInputQueue.take();
+ // log.info("EventProcessor\tRemoving element: " + this.queue.remove());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.error("EventProcessor InterruptedException" + e.getMessage());
@@ -61,4 +102,20 @@ public class EventProcessor implements Runnable {
+ public void overrideEvent()
+ {
+ //Set collector timestamp in event payload before publish
+ final Date currentTime = new Date();
+ final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, MM dd yyyy hh:mm:ss z");
+ sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
+ JSONArray additionalParametersarray = new JSONArray().put(new JSONObject().put("collectorTimeStamp", sdf.format(currentTime)));
+ JSONObject additionalParameter = new JSONObject().put("additionalParameters",additionalParametersarray );
+ JSONObject commonEventHeaderkey = event.getJSONObject("event").getJSONObject("commonEventHeader");
+ commonEventHeaderkey.put("internalHeaderFields", additionalParameter);
+ event.getJSONObject("event").put("commonEventHeader",commonEventHeaderkey);
+ log.debug("Modified event:" + event);
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/EventPublisher.java b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/EventPublisher.java
index 4aa6da4..b40fb24 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/EventPublisher.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/EventPublisher.java
@@ -1,136 +1,181 @@
* ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
* ================================================================================
* Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
* ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
-import java.net.MalformedURLException;
-import com.att.nsa.cambria.client.CambriaBatchingPublisher;
-import com.att.nsa.cambria.client.CambriaClientBuilders;
-public class EventPublisher {
- private static EventPublisher instance = null;
- private static CambriaBatchingPublisher pub = null;
- private String streamid = "";
- private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventPublisher.class.getName());
- private EventPublisher(String CambriaConfigFile, String newstreamid) {
- this.streamid = newstreamid;
- try {
- String basicAuthUsername = DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CambriaConfigFile).getKeyValue(streamid+".basicAuthUsername");
- if (basicAuthUsername != null)
- {
- //log.debug(streamid+".cambria.url" + streamid+".cambria.topic");
- log.debug("URL:" + DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CambriaConfigFile).getKeyValue(streamid+".cambria.url") + "TOPIC:" + DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CambriaConfigFile).getKeyValue(streamid+".cambria.topic") + "AuthUser:" + DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CambriaConfigFile).getKeyValue(streamid+".basicAuthUsername") + "Authpwd:" + DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CambriaConfigFile).getKeyValue(streamid+".basicAuthPassword"));
- pub = new CambriaClientBuilders.PublisherBuilder ()
- .usingHosts (DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CambriaConfigFile).dmaap_hash.get(streamid+".cambria.url"))
- .onTopic (DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CambriaConfigFile).dmaap_hash.get(streamid+".cambria.topic"))
- .usingHttps()
- .authenticatedByHttp ( DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CambriaConfigFile).dmaap_hash.get(streamid+".basicAuthUsername"), DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CambriaConfigFile).dmaap_hash.get(streamid+".basicAuthPassword") )
- .build ();
- }
- else
- {
- //log.debug(streamid+".cambria.url" + streamid+".cambria.topic");
- log.debug("URL:" + DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CambriaConfigFile).getKeyValue(streamid+".cambria.url") + "TOPIC:" + DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CambriaConfigFile).getKeyValue(streamid+".cambria.topic"));
- pub = new CambriaClientBuilders.PublisherBuilder ()
- .usingHosts (DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CambriaConfigFile).dmaap_hash.get(streamid+".cambria.hosts"))
- .onTopic (DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CambriaConfigFile).dmaap_hash.get(streamid+".cambria.topic"))
- .build ();
- }
- }
- catch(GeneralSecurityException | MalformedURLException e ) {
- log.error("CambriaClientBuilders connection exception : " + e.getMessage());
- }
- catch(Exception e) {
- log.error("CambriaClientBuilders connection exception : " + e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- public static synchronized EventPublisher getInstance( String CambriaConfigFile, String streamid){
- if (instance == null) {
- instance = new EventPublisher(CambriaConfigFile, streamid);
- }
- return instance;
- }
- public synchronized void sendEvent(String event, String newstreamid ) {
- //Check if streamid changed
- if(! newstreamid.equals(this.streamid)) {
- closePublisher();
- instance = new EventPublisher (CommonStartup.cambriaConfigFile, newstreamid);
- }
- try {
- int pendingMsgs = pub.send("MyPartitionKey", event.toString());
- if(pendingMsgs > 100) {
- log.info("Pending Message Count="+pendingMsgs);
- }
- CommonStartup.oplog.info ("Event Published:" + event);
- } catch(IOException ioe) {
- log.error("Unable to publish event:" + event + " Exception:" + ioe.toString());
- }
- }
- public synchronized void closePublisher() {
- try {
- final List<?> stuck = pub.close(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
- if ( stuck.size () > 0 ) {
- log.error(stuck.size() + " messages unsent" );
- }
- }
- catch(InterruptedException ie) {
- log.error("Caught an Interrupted Exception on Close event");
- }catch(IOException ioe) {
- log.error("Caught IO Exception: " + ioe.toString());
- }
- }
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
+import com.att.nsa.cambria.client.CambriaBatchingPublisher;
+import com.att.nsa.cambria.client.CambriaClientBuilders;
+import com.att.nsa.clock.SaClock;
+import com.att.nsa.logging.LoggingContext;
+import com.att.nsa.logging.log4j.EcompFields;
+public class EventPublisher {
+ private static EventPublisher instance = null;
+ private static CambriaBatchingPublisher pub = null;
+ private String streamid = "";
+ private String ueburl="";
+ private String topic="";
+ private String authuser="";
+ private String authpwd="";
+ private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventPublisher.class);
+ private EventPublisher( String newstreamid) {
+ this.streamid = newstreamid;
+ try {
+ ueburl=DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CommonStartup.cambriaConfigFile).dmaap_hash.get(streamid+".cambria.url");
+ if (ueburl==null){
+ ueburl= DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CommonStartup.cambriaConfigFile).dmaap_hash.get(streamid+".cambria.hosts");
+ }
+ topic= DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CommonStartup.cambriaConfigFile).getKeyValue(streamid+".cambria.topic");
+ authuser = DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CommonStartup.cambriaConfigFile).getKeyValue(streamid+".basicAuthUsername");
+ if (authuser != null) {
+ authpwd= DmaapPropertyReader.getInstance(CommonStartup.cambriaConfigFile).dmaap_hash.get(streamid+".basicAuthPassword");
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e) {
+ log.error("CambriaClientBuilders connection reader exception : " + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ public static synchronized EventPublisher getInstance( String streamid){
+ if (instance == null) {
+ instance = new EventPublisher(streamid);
+ }
+ if (!instance.streamid.equals(streamid)){
+ instance.closePublisher();
+ instance = new EventPublisher(streamid);
+ }
+ return instance;
+ }
+ public synchronized void sendEvent(JSONObject event) {
+ log.debug("EventPublisher.sendEvent: instance for publish is ready");
+ if (event.has("VESuniqueId"))
+ {
+ String uuid = event.get("VESuniqueId").toString();
+ LoggingContext localLC = VESLogger.getLoggingContextForThread(uuid.toString());
+ localLC .put ( EcompFields.kBeginTimestampMs, SaClock.now () );
+ log.debug("Removing VESuniqueid object from event");
+ event.remove("VESuniqueId");
+ }
+ try {
+ if (authuser != null)
+ {
+ log.debug("URL:" + ueburl + "TOPIC:" + topic + "AuthUser:" + authuser + "Authpwd:" + authpwd);
+ pub = new CambriaClientBuilders.PublisherBuilder ()
+ .usingHosts (ueburl)
+ .onTopic (topic)
+ .usingHttps()
+ .authenticatedByHttp (authuser, authpwd )
+ .logSendFailuresAfter(5)
+ // .logTo(log)
+ // .limitBatch(100, 10)
+ .build ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ log.debug("URL:" + ueburl + "TOPIC:" + topic );
+ pub = new CambriaClientBuilders.PublisherBuilder ()
+ .usingHosts (ueburl)
+ .onTopic (topic)
+ // .logTo(log)
+ .logSendFailuresAfter(5)
+ // .limitBatch(100, 10)
+ .build ();
+ }
+ int pendingMsgs = pub.send("MyPartitionKey", event.toString());
+ //this.wait(2000);
+ if(pendingMsgs > 100) {
+ log.info("Pending Message Count="+pendingMsgs);
+ }
+ //closePublisher();
+ log.info("pub.send invoked - no error");
+ CommonStartup.oplog.info ("URL:" + ueburl + "TOPIC:" + topic + "Event Published:" + event);
+ } catch(IOException e) {
+ log.error("IOException:Unable to publish event:" + event + " streamid:" + this.streamid + " Exception:" + e.toString());
+ } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ log.error("GeneralSecurityException:Unable to publish event:" + event + " streamid:" + this.streamid + " Exception:" + e.toString());
+ }
+ catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
+ {
+ log.error("IllegalArgumentException:Unable to publish event:" + event + " streamid:" + this.streamid + " Exception:" + e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public synchronized void closePublisher() {
+ try {
+ if (pub!= null)
+ {
+ final List<?> stuck = pub.close(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
+ if ( stuck.size () > 0 ) {
+ log.error(stuck.size() + " messages unsent" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(InterruptedException ie) {
+ log.error("Caught an Interrupted Exception on Close event");
+ }catch(IOException ioe) {
+ log.error("Caught IO Exception: " + ioe.toString());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/VESLogger.java b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/VESLogger.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a70013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/commonFunction/VESLogger.java
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights
+ * reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction;
+import java.net.InetAddress;
+import java.net.UnknownHostException;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import com.att.nsa.clock.SaClock;
+import com.att.nsa.logging.LoggingContext;
+import com.att.nsa.logging.LoggingContextFactory;
+import com.att.nsa.logging.log4j.EcompFields;
+import jline.internal.Log;
+public class VESLogger {
+ public static final String VES_AGENT = "VES_AGENT";
+ public static Logger auditLog;
+ public static Logger metricsLog;
+ public static Logger errorLog;
+ public static Logger debugLog;
+ // Common LoggingContext
+ private static LoggingContext commonLC = null;
+ // Thread-specific LoggingContext
+ private static LoggingContext threadLC = null;
+ public LoggingContext lc ;
+ /**
+ * Returns the common LoggingContext instance that is the base context
+ * for all subsequent instances.
+ *
+ * @return the common LoggingContext
+ */
+ public static LoggingContext getCommonLoggingContext()
+ {
+ if (commonLC == null)
+ {
+ commonLC = new LoggingContextFactory.Builder().build();
+ final UUID uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID();
+ commonLC.put("requestId", uuid.toString());
+ }
+ return commonLC;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a logging context for the current thread that's based on the common logging context.
+ * Populate the context with context-specific values.
+ *
+ * @return a LoggingContext for the current thread
+ */
+ public static LoggingContext getLoggingContextForThread (UUID aUuid)
+ {
+ // note that this operation requires everything from the common context
+ // to be (re)copied into the target context. That seems slow, but it actually
+ // helps prevent the thread from overwriting supposedly common data. It also
+ // should be fairly quick compared with the overhead of handling the actual
+ // service call.
+ threadLC = new LoggingContextFactory.Builder().
+ withBaseContext ( getCommonLoggingContext () ).
+ build();
+ // Establish the request-specific UUID, as long as we are here...
+ threadLC.put("requestId", aUuid.toString());
+ threadLC.put ( EcompFields.kEndTimestamp, SaClock.now () );
+ return threadLC;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a logging context for the current thread that's based on the common logging context.
+ * Populate the context with context-specific values.
+ *
+ * @return a LoggingContext for the current thread
+ */
+ public static LoggingContext getLoggingContextForThread (String aUuid)
+ {
+ // note that this operation requires everything from the common context
+ // to be (re)copied into the target context. That seems slow, but it actually
+ // helps prevent the thread from overwriting supposedly common data. It also
+ // should be fairly quick compared with the overhead of handling the actual
+ // service call.
+ threadLC = new LoggingContextFactory.Builder().
+ withBaseContext ( getCommonLoggingContext () ).
+ build();
+ // Establish the request-specific UUID, as long as we are here...
+ threadLC.put("requestId", aUuid);
+ threadLC.put ( "statusCode", "COMPLETED" );
+ threadLC.put ( EcompFields.kEndTimestamp, SaClock.now () );
+ return threadLC;
+ }
+ public static void setUpEcompLogging()
+ {
+ // Create ECOMP Logger instances
+ auditLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("com.att.ecomp.audit");
+ metricsLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("com.att.ecomp.metrics");
+ debugLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("com.att.ecomp.debug");
+ errorLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("com.att.ecomp.error");
+ final LoggingContext lc = getCommonLoggingContext();
+ String ipAddr = "";
+ String hostname = "localhost";
+ try
+ {
+ final InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost ();
+ hostname = ip.getCanonicalHostName ();
+ ipAddr = ip.getHostAddress();
+ }
+ catch ( UnknownHostException x )
+ {
+ Log.debug(x.getMessage());
+ }
+ lc.put ( "serverName", hostname );
+ lc.put ( "serviceName", "VESCollecor" );
+ lc.put ( "statusCode", "RUNNING" );
+ lc.put ( "targetEntity", "NULL");
+ lc.put ( "targetServiceName", "NULL");
+ lc.put ( "server", hostname );
+ lc.put ( "serverIpAddress", ipAddr.toString () );
+ // instance UUID is meaningless here, so we just create a new one each time the
+ // server starts. One could argue each new instantiation of the service should
+ // have a new instance ID.
+ lc.put ( "instanceUuid", "" );
+ lc.put ( "severity", "" );
+ lc.put ( EcompFields.kEndTimestamp, SaClock.now () );
+ lc.put("EndTimestamp", SaClock.now ());
+ lc.put("partnerName", "NA");
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/restapi/RestfulCollectorServlet.java b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/restapi/RestfulCollectorServlet.java
index bd9be55..9cee97c 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/restapi/RestfulCollectorServlet.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/restapi/RestfulCollectorServlet.java
@@ -1,146 +1,150 @@
* ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
* ================================================================================
* Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
* ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.openecomp.dcae.restapi;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.net.URL;
-import javax.servlet.ServletException;
-import org.apache.tomcat.util.codec.binary.Base64;
-import org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.CommonStartup;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import com.att.nsa.apiServer.CommonServlet;
-import com.att.nsa.configs.ConfigDbException;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.framework.DrumlinErrorHandler;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.framework.context.DrumlinRequestContext;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.framework.routing.DrumlinRequestRouter;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.framework.routing.playish.DrumlinPlayishRoutingFileSource;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.standards.HttpStatusCodes;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable.loadException;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable.missingReqdSetting;
-import com.att.nsa.security.NsaAuthenticator;
-import com.att.nsa.security.authenticators.SimpleAuthenticator;
-import com.att.nsa.security.db.simple.NsaSimpleApiKey;
-public class RestfulCollectorServlet extends CommonServlet
- String authid = null;
- String authpwd = null;
- String authlist = null;
- public RestfulCollectorServlet ( rrNvReadable settings ) throws loadException, missingReqdSetting
- {
- super ( settings, "collector", false );
- authid = settings.getString(CommonStartup.kSetting_authid,null);
- if (authid != null)
- {
- String authpwdtemp = settings.getString(CommonStartup.kSetting_authpwd,null);
- authpwd = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(authpwdtemp));
- }
- authlist = settings.getString(CommonStartup.kSetting_authlist,null);
- }
- /**
- * This is called once at server start. Use it to init any shared objects and setup the route mapping.
- */
- @Override
- protected void servletSetup () throws rrNvReadable.missingReqdSetting, rrNvReadable.invalidSettingValue, ServletException
- {
- super.servletSetup ();
- try
- {
- // the base class provides a bunch of things like API authentication and ECOMP compliant
- // logging. The Restful Collector likely doesn't need API authentication, so for now,
- // we init the base class services with an in-memory (and empty!) config DB.
- commonServletSetup ( ConfigDbType.MEMORY );
- // setup the servlet routing and error handling
- final DrumlinRequestRouter drr = getRequestRouter ();
- // you can tell the request router what to do when a particular kind of exception is thrown.
- drr.setHandlerForException( IllegalArgumentException.class, new DrumlinErrorHandler()
- {
- @Override
- public void handle ( DrumlinRequestContext ctx, Throwable cause )
- {
- sendJsonReply ( ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest, cause.getMessage() );
- }
- });
- // load the routes from the config file
- final URL routes = findStream ( "routes.conf" );
- if ( routes == null ) throw new rrNvReadable.missingReqdSetting ( "No routing configuration." );
- final DrumlinPlayishRoutingFileSource drs = new DrumlinPlayishRoutingFileSource ( routes );
- drr.addRouteSource ( drs );
- NsaAuthenticator<NsaSimpleApiKey> NsaAuth = new SimpleAuthenticator ();
- if (authlist != null)
- {
- String authpair[] = authlist.split("\\|");
- for (String pair: authpair) {
- String lineid[] = pair.split(",");
- String listauthid = lineid[0];
- String listauthpwd = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(lineid[1]));
- ((SimpleAuthenticator) NsaAuth).add(listauthid,listauthpwd);
- }
- }
- else if (authid != null)
- {
- ((SimpleAuthenticator) NsaAuth).add(authid,authpwd);
- }
- else
- {
- //add a default test account
- ((SimpleAuthenticator) NsaAuth).add("admin","collectorpasscode");
- }
- this.getSecurityManager().addAuthenticator(NsaAuth);
- log.info ( "Restful Collector Servlet is up." );
- }
- catch ( SecurityException e )
- {
- throw new ServletException ( e );
- }
- catch ( IOException e )
- {
- throw new ServletException ( e );
- }
- catch ( ConfigDbException e )
- {
- throw new ServletException ( e );
- }
- }
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger ( RestfulCollectorServlet.class );
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.dcae.restapi;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.URL;
+import javax.servlet.ServletException;
+import org.apache.tomcat.util.codec.binary.Base64;
+import org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.CommonStartup;
+import org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.VESLogger;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import com.att.nsa.apiServer.CommonServlet;
+import com.att.nsa.configs.ConfigDbException;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.framework.DrumlinErrorHandler;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.framework.context.DrumlinRequestContext;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.framework.routing.DrumlinRequestRouter;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.framework.routing.playish.DrumlinPlayishRoutingFileSource;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.standards.HttpStatusCodes;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable.loadException;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.till.nv.rrNvReadable.missingReqdSetting;
+import com.att.nsa.security.NsaAuthenticator;
+import com.att.nsa.security.authenticators.SimpleAuthenticator;
+import com.att.nsa.security.db.simple.NsaSimpleApiKey;
+public class RestfulCollectorServlet extends CommonServlet
+ String authid = null;
+ String authpwd = null;
+ String authlist = null;
+ public RestfulCollectorServlet ( rrNvReadable settings ) throws loadException, missingReqdSetting
+ {
+ super ( settings, "collector", false );
+ authid = settings.getString(CommonStartup.kSetting_authid,null);
+ if (authid != null)
+ {
+ String authpwdtemp = settings.getString(CommonStartup.kSetting_authpwd,null);
+ authpwd = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(authpwdtemp));
+ }
+ authlist = settings.getString(CommonStartup.kSetting_authlist,null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is called once at server start. Use it to init any shared objects and setup the route mapping.
+ */
+ @Override
+ protected void servletSetup () throws rrNvReadable.missingReqdSetting, rrNvReadable.invalidSettingValue, ServletException
+ {
+ super.servletSetup ();
+ try
+ {
+ // the base class provides a bunch of things like API authentication and ECOMP compliant
+ // logging. The Restful Collector likely doesn't need API authentication, so for now,
+ // we init the base class services with an in-memory (and empty!) config DB.
+ commonServletSetup ( ConfigDbType.MEMORY );
+ VESLogger.setUpEcompLogging();
+ // setup the servlet routing and error handling
+ final DrumlinRequestRouter drr = getRequestRouter ();
+ // you can tell the request router what to do when a particular kind of exception is thrown.
+ drr.setHandlerForException( IllegalArgumentException.class, new DrumlinErrorHandler()
+ {
+ @Override
+ public void handle ( DrumlinRequestContext ctx, Throwable cause )
+ {
+ sendJsonReply ( ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest, cause.getMessage() );
+ }
+ });
+ // load the routes from the config file
+ final URL routes = findStream ( "routes.conf" );
+ if ( routes == null ) throw new rrNvReadable.missingReqdSetting ( "No routing configuration." );
+ final DrumlinPlayishRoutingFileSource drs = new DrumlinPlayishRoutingFileSource ( routes );
+ drr.addRouteSource ( drs );
+ if (CommonStartup.authflag > 0) {
+ NsaAuthenticator<NsaSimpleApiKey> NsaAuth = new SimpleAuthenticator ();
+ if (authlist != null)
+ {
+ String authpair[] = authlist.split("\\|");
+ for (String pair: authpair) {
+ String lineid[] = pair.split(",");
+ String listauthid = lineid[0];
+ String listauthpwd = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(lineid[1]));
+ ((SimpleAuthenticator) NsaAuth).add(listauthid,listauthpwd);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (authid != null)
+ {
+ ((SimpleAuthenticator) NsaAuth).add(authid,authpwd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //add a default test account
+ ((SimpleAuthenticator) NsaAuth).add("admin","collectorpasscode");
+ }
+ this.getSecurityManager().addAuthenticator(NsaAuth);
+ }
+ log.info ( "Restful Collector Servlet is up." );
+ }
+ catch ( SecurityException e )
+ {
+ throw new ServletException ( e );
+ }
+ catch ( IOException e )
+ {
+ throw new ServletException ( e );
+ }
+ catch ( ConfigDbException e )
+ {
+ throw new ServletException ( e );
+ }
+ }
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger ( RestfulCollectorServlet.class );
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/restapi/endpoints/EventReceipt.java b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/restapi/endpoints/EventReceipt.java
index 54512e7..173b4d0 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/restapi/endpoints/EventReceipt.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/openecomp/dcae/restapi/endpoints/EventReceipt.java
@@ -1,243 +1,338 @@
* ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
* ================================================================================
* Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
* ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-package org.openecomp.dcae.restapi.endpoints;
-import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import org.json.JSONArray;
-import org.json.JSONException;
-import org.json.JSONObject;
-import org.json.JSONTokener;
-import org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.CommonStartup;
-import org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.CustomExceptionLoader;
-import org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.CommonStartup.QueueFullException;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import com.att.nsa.apiServer.endpoints.NsaBaseEndpoint;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.framework.context.DrumlinRequestContext;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.standards.HttpStatusCodes;
-import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.standards.MimeTypes;
-import com.att.nsa.security.db.simple.NsaSimpleApiKey;
-import com.google.gson.JsonParser;
-public class EventReceipt extends NsaBaseEndpoint {
- static String valresult = null;
- static JSONObject customerror = null;
- public static void receiveSingleEvent(DrumlinRequestContext ctx) throws IOException {
- NsaSimpleApiKey retkey = null;
- JSONObject jsonObject = null;
- //String br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ctx.request().getBodyStream())).readLine();
- try {
- //JsonElement msg = new JsonParser().parse(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ctx.request().getBodyStream())).readLine());
- jsonObject = new JSONObject ( new JSONTokener ( ctx.request ().getBodyStream () ) );
- CommonStartup.inlog.info("Input Messsage: " + jsonObject);
- log.info("Input Messsage: " + jsonObject);
- try {
- if (CommonStartup.authflag == 1) {
- retkey = NsaBaseEndpoint.getAuthenticatedUser(ctx);
- }
- } catch (NullPointerException x) {
- log.info("Invalid user request " + ctx.request().getContentType() + " Message:" + jsonObject.toString());
- CommonStartup.eplog.info("EVENT_RECEIPT_FAILURE: Unauthorized user" + x.toString() );
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized, "Invalid user");
- return;
- }
- if (retkey != null || CommonStartup.authflag == 0) {
- if (CommonStartup.schema_Validatorflag > 0) {
- String schema = new JsonParser().parse(new FileReader(CommonStartup.schemaFile)).toString();
- valresult = CommonStartup.schemavalidate(jsonObject.toString(), schema);
- if (valresult.equals("true")) {
- log.info("Validation successful");
- } else if (valresult.equals("false")) {
- log.info("Validation failed");
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest, "Schema validation failed");
- return;
- } else {
- log.error("Validation errored" + valresult);
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,"Couldn't parse JSON object");
- return;
- }
- }
- // reject anything that's not JSON
- if (!ctx.request().getContentType().equalsIgnoreCase("application/json")) {
- log.info("Rejecting request with content type " + ctx.request().getContentType() + " Message:"
- + jsonObject);
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
- "Incorrect message content-type; only accepts application/json messages");
- return;
- }
- final JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray().put(jsonObject);
- CommonStartup.handleEvents(jsonArray);
- } else {
- log.info("Unauthorized request " + ctx.request().getContentType() + " Message:" + jsonObject.toString());
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized, "Unauthorized user");
- return;
- }
- } catch (JSONException | NullPointerException | IOException x) {
- log.error("Couldn't parse JSON Array - HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest" + HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest
- + " Message:" + x.getMessage());
- CommonStartup.eplog.info("EVENT_RECEIPT_FAILURE: Invalid user request " + x.toString() );
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest, "Couldn't parse JSON object");
- return;
- } catch (QueueFullException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- log.error("Collector internal queue full :" + e.getMessage());
- CommonStartup.eplog.info("EVENT_RECEIPT_FAILURE: QueueFull" + e.toString() );
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k503_serviceUnavailable, "Queue full");
- return;
- }
- log.info("MessageAccepted and k200_ok to be sent");
- ctx.response().sendErrorAndBody(HttpStatusCodes.k200_ok, "Message Accepted", MimeTypes.kAppJson);
- }
- public static void receiveMultipleEvents(DrumlinRequestContext ctx) throws IOException {
- // the request body carries events. assume for now it's an array
- // of json objects that fits in memory. (See cambria's parsing for handling large messages)
- NsaSimpleApiKey retkey = null;
- JSONArray jsonArray = null;
- try {
- //String br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ctx.request().getBodyStream())).readLine();
- //JsonElement msg = new JsonParser().parse(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ctx.request().getBodyStream())).readLine());
- jsonArray = new JSONArray ( new JSONTokener ( ctx.request ().getBodyStream () ) );
- CommonStartup.inlog.info("Input Messsage: " + jsonArray);
- log.info("Input Messsage: " + jsonArray);
- try {
- if (CommonStartup.authflag == 1) {
- retkey = NsaBaseEndpoint.getAuthenticatedUser(ctx);
- }
- } catch (NullPointerException x) {
- log.info("Invalid user request " + ctx.request().getContentType() + " Message:" + jsonArray.toString());
- CommonStartup.eplog.info("EVENT_RECEIPT_FAILURE: Unauthorized user" + x.toString() );
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized, "Invalid user");
- return;
- }
- if (retkey != null || CommonStartup.authflag == 0) {
- if (CommonStartup.schema_Validatorflag > 0) {
- String schema = new JsonParser().parse(new FileReader(CommonStartup.schemaFile)).toString();
- for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
- valresult = CommonStartup.schemavalidate(jsonArray.getJSONObject(i).toString(), schema);
- if (valresult.equals("false")) {
- log.info("Validation failed");
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,"Standard schema validation failed");
- return;
- } else if (!valresult.equals("true")) {
- log.error("Validation errored" + valresult);
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,"Couldn't parse JSON object");
- return;
- }
- }
- log.info("Validation successful for all events in batch");
- }
- // reject anything that's not JSON
- if (!ctx.request().getContentType().equalsIgnoreCase("application/json")) {
- log.info("Rejecting request with content type " + ctx.request().getContentType() + " Message:"
- + jsonArray.toString());
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
- "Incorrect message content-type; only accepts application/json messages");
- return;
- }
- CommonStartup.handleEvents(jsonArray);
- } else {
- log.info("Unauthorized request " + ctx.request().getContentType() + " Message:" + jsonArray.toString());
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized, "Unauthorized request");
- return;
- }
- } catch (JSONException | NullPointerException | IOException x) {
- log.error("Couldn't parse JSON Array - HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest" + HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest
- + " Message:" + x.getMessage());
- CommonStartup.eplog.info("EVENT_RECEIPT_FAILURE: Invalid user request " + x.toString() );
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest, "Couldn't parse JSON object");
- return;
- } catch (QueueFullException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- log.error("Collector internal HP queue full :" + e.getMessage() );
- CommonStartup.eplog.info("EVENT_RECEIPT_FAILURE: QueueFull" + e.toString() );
- respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k503_serviceUnavailable, "Queue full");
- return;
- }
- ctx.response().sendErrorAndBody(HttpStatusCodes.k200_ok, "Message Accepted", MimeTypes.kAppJson);
- }
- public static void respondWithCustomMsginJson(DrumlinRequestContext ctx, int sc, String msg) {
- String[] str = null;
- String ExceptionType = "GeneralException";
- str = CustomExceptionLoader.LookupMap(String.valueOf(sc), msg);
- System.out.println("Post CustomExceptionLoader.LookupMap" + str);
- if (str != null) {
- if (str[0].matches("SVC")) {
- ExceptionType = "ServiceException";
- } else if (str[1].matches("POL")) {
- ExceptionType = "PolicyException";
- }
- JSONObject jb = new JSONObject().put("requestError",
- new JSONObject().put(ExceptionType, new JSONObject().put("MessagID", str[0]).put("text", str[1])));
- log.debug("Constructed json error : " + jb.toString());
- ctx.response().sendErrorAndBody(sc, jb.toString(), MimeTypes.kAppJson);
- } else {
- JSONObject jb = new JSONObject().put("requestError",
- new JSONObject().put(ExceptionType, new JSONObject().put("Status", sc).put("Error", msg)));
- ctx.response().sendErrorAndBody(sc, jb.toString(), MimeTypes.kAppJson);
- }
- }
- private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventReceipt.class);
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.dcae.restapi.endpoints;
+import java.io.FileReader;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import org.json.JSONArray;
+import org.json.JSONException;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import org.json.JSONTokener;
+import org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.CommonStartup;
+import org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.CustomExceptionLoader;
+import org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.VESLogger;
+import org.openecomp.dcae.commonFunction.CommonStartup.QueueFullException;
+import com.att.nsa.apiServer.endpoints.NsaBaseEndpoint;
+import com.att.nsa.clock.SaClock;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.framework.context.DrumlinRequestContext;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.standards.HttpStatusCodes;
+import com.att.nsa.drumlin.service.standards.MimeTypes;
+import com.att.nsa.logging.LoggingContext;
+import com.att.nsa.logging.log4j.EcompFields;
+import com.att.nsa.security.db.simple.NsaSimpleApiKey;
+import com.google.gson.JsonParser;
+public class EventReceipt extends NsaBaseEndpoint {
+ static String valresult = null;
+ static JSONObject customerror = null;
+ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventReceipt.class);
+ public static void receiveSingleEvent(DrumlinRequestContext ctx) throws IOException {
+ NsaSimpleApiKey retkey = null;
+ JSONObject jsonObject = null;
+ FileReader fr = null;
+ InputStream istr = null;
+ // String br = new BufferedReader(new
+ // InputStreamReader(ctx.request().getBodyStream())).readLine();
+ final UUID uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID();
+ LoggingContext localLC = VESLogger.getLoggingContextForThread(uuid);
+ localLC .put ( EcompFields.kBeginTimestampMs, SaClock.now () );
+ log.debug ("Request recieved :" + ctx.request().getRemoteAddress());
+ try {
+ // JsonElement msg = new JsonParser().parse(new BufferedReader(new
+ // InputStreamReader(ctx.request().getBodyStream())).readLine());
+ istr = ctx.request().getBodyStream();
+ jsonObject = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(istr));
+ CommonStartup.inlog.info(ctx.request().getRemoteAddress() + "Input Messsage: " + jsonObject);
+ log.info(ctx.request().getRemoteAddress() + "Input Messsage: " + jsonObject);
+ try {
+ if (CommonStartup.authflag == 1) {
+ retkey = NsaBaseEndpoint.getAuthenticatedUser(ctx);
+ }
+ } catch (NullPointerException x) {
+ log.info(
+ "Invalid user request " + ctx.request().getContentType() + " Message:" + jsonObject.toString());
+ CommonStartup.eplog.info("EVENT_RECEIPT_FAILURE: Unauthorized user" + x.toString());
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized, "Invalid user");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (retkey != null || CommonStartup.authflag == 0) {
+ if (CommonStartup.schema_Validatorflag > 0) {
+ fr = new FileReader(CommonStartup.schemaFile);
+ String schema = new JsonParser().parse(fr).toString();
+ valresult = CommonStartup.schemavalidate(jsonObject.toString(), schema);
+ if (valresult.equals("true")) {
+ log.info("Validation successful");
+ } else if (valresult.equals("false")) {
+ log.info("Validation failed");
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest, "Schema validation failed");
+ return;
+ } else {
+ log.error("Validation errored" + valresult);
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest, "Couldn't parse JSON object");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // reject anything that's not JSON
+ if (!ctx.request().getContentType().equalsIgnoreCase("application/json")) {
+ log.info("Rejecting request with content type " + ctx.request().getContentType() + " Message:"
+ + jsonObject);
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
+ "Incorrect message content-type; only accepts application/json messages");
+ return;
+ }
+ jsonObject.put("VESuniqueId", uuid);
+ final JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray().put(jsonObject);
+ CommonStartup.handleEvents(jsonArray);
+ } else {
+ log.info(
+ "Unauthorized request " + ctx.request().getContentType() + " Message:" + jsonObject.toString());
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized, "Unauthorized user");
+ return;
+ }
+ } catch (JSONException | NullPointerException | IOException x) {
+ log.error("Couldn't parse JSON Array - HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest" + HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest
+ + " Message:" + x.getMessage());
+ CommonStartup.eplog.info("EVENT_RECEIPT_FAILURE: Invalid user request " + x.toString());
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest, "Couldn't parse JSON object");
+ return;
+ } catch (QueueFullException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ log.error("Collector internal queue full :" + e.getMessage());
+ CommonStartup.eplog.info("EVENT_RECEIPT_FAILURE: QueueFull" + e.toString());
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k503_serviceUnavailable, "Queue full");
+ return;
+ } finally {
+ if (fr != null) {
+ safeClose(fr);
+ }
+ if (istr != null) {
+ safeClose(istr);
+ }
+ }
+ log.info("MessageAccepted and k200_ok to be sent");
+ ctx.response().sendErrorAndBody(HttpStatusCodes.k200_ok, "Message Accepted", MimeTypes.kAppJson);
+ }
+ public static void receiveMultipleEvents(DrumlinRequestContext ctx) throws IOException {
+ // the request body carries events. assume for now it's an array
+ // of json objects that fits in memory. (See cambria's parsing for
+ // handling large messages)
+ NsaSimpleApiKey retkey = null;
+ JSONArray jsonArray = null;
+ JSONArray jsonArrayMod = new JSONArray();
+ JSONObject event = null;
+ JSONObject jsonObject = null;
+ FileReader fr = null;
+ InputStream istr = null;
+ try {
+ // String br = new BufferedReader(new
+ // InputStreamReader(ctx.request().getBodyStream())).readLine();
+ // JsonElement msg = new JsonParser().parse(new BufferedReader(new
+ // InputStreamReader(ctx.request().getBodyStream())).readLine());
+ // jsonArray = new JSONArray ( new JSONTokener ( ctx.request
+ // ().getBodyStream () ) );
+ final UUID uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID();
+ LoggingContext localLC = VESLogger.getLoggingContextForThread(uuid);
+ localLC .put ( EcompFields.kBeginTimestampMs, SaClock.now () );
+ log.debug ("Request recieved :" + ctx.request().getRemoteAddress());
+ istr = ctx.request().getBodyStream();
+ jsonObject = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(istr));
+ // jsonObject = new JSONObject ( new JSONTokener ( ctx.request
+ // ().getBodyStream () ) );
+ CommonStartup.inlog.info(ctx.request().getRemoteAddress() + "Input Messsage: " + jsonObject);
+ log.info("Input Messsage: " + jsonObject);
+ try {
+ if (CommonStartup.authflag == 1) {
+ retkey = NsaBaseEndpoint.getAuthenticatedUser(ctx);
+ }
+ } catch (NullPointerException x) {
+ log.info(
+ "Invalid user request " + ctx.request().getContentType() + " Message:" + jsonObject.toString());
+ CommonStartup.eplog.info("EVENT_RECEIPT_FAILURE: Unauthorized user" + x.toString());
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized, "Invalid user");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (retkey != null || CommonStartup.authflag == 0) {
+ if (CommonStartup.schema_Validatorflag > 0) {
+ fr = new FileReader(CommonStartup.schemaFile);
+ String schema = new JsonParser().parse(fr).toString();
+ valresult = CommonStartup.schemavalidate(jsonObject.toString(), schema);
+ if (valresult.equals("true")) {
+ log.info("Validation successful");
+ } else if (valresult.equals("false")) {
+ log.info("Validation failed");
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest, "Schema validation failed");
+ return;
+ } else {
+ log.error("Validation errored" + valresult);
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest, "Couldn't parse JSON object");
+ return;
+ }
+ jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("eventList");
+ log.info("Validation successful for all events in batch");
+ for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
+ event = new JSONObject().put("event", jsonArray.getJSONObject(i));
+ event.put("VESuniqueId", uuid + "-"+i);
+ jsonArrayMod.put(event);
+ }
+ log.info("Modified jsonarray:" + jsonArrayMod.toString());
+ }
+ // reject anything that's not JSON
+ if (!ctx.request().getContentType().equalsIgnoreCase("application/json")) {
+ log.info("Rejecting request with content type " + ctx.request().getContentType() + " Message:"
+ + jsonObject);
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest,
+ "Incorrect message content-type; only accepts application/json messages");
+ return;
+ }
+ CommonStartup.handleEvents(jsonArrayMod);
+ } else {
+ log.info(
+ "Unauthorized request " + ctx.request().getContentType() + " Message:" + jsonObject.toString());
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k401_unauthorized, "Unauthorized user");
+ return;
+ }
+ } catch (JSONException | NullPointerException | IOException x) {
+ log.error("Couldn't parse JSON Array - HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest" + HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest
+ + " Message:" + x.getMessage());
+ CommonStartup.eplog.info("EVENT_RECEIPT_FAILURE: Invalid user request " + x.toString());
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k400_badRequest, "Couldn't parse JSON object");
+ return;
+ } catch (QueueFullException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ log.error("Collector internal queue full :" + e.getMessage());
+ CommonStartup.eplog.info("EVENT_RECEIPT_FAILURE: QueueFull" + e.toString());
+ respondWithCustomMsginJson(ctx, HttpStatusCodes.k503_serviceUnavailable, "Queue full");
+ return;
+ } finally {
+ if (fr != null) {
+ safeClose(fr);
+ }
+ if (istr != null) {
+ safeClose(istr);
+ }
+ }
+ log.info("MessageAccepted and k200_ok to be sent");
+ ctx.response().sendErrorAndBody(HttpStatusCodes.k200_ok, "Message Accepted", MimeTypes.kAppJson);
+ }
+ public static void respondWithCustomMsginJson(DrumlinRequestContext ctx, int sc, String msg) {
+ String[] str = null;
+ String ExceptionType = "GeneralException";
+ str = CustomExceptionLoader.LookupMap(String.valueOf(sc), msg);
+ System.out.println("Post CustomExceptionLoader.LookupMap" + str);
+ if (str != null) {
+ if (str[0].matches("SVC")) {
+ ExceptionType = "ServiceException";
+ } else if (str[1].matches("POL")) {
+ ExceptionType = "PolicyException";
+ }
+ JSONObject jb = new JSONObject().put("requestError",
+ new JSONObject().put(ExceptionType, new JSONObject().put("MessagID", str[0]).put("text", str[1])));
+ log.debug("Constructed json error : " + jb.toString());
+ ctx.response().sendErrorAndBody(sc, jb.toString(), MimeTypes.kAppJson);
+ } else {
+ JSONObject jb = new JSONObject().put("requestError",
+ new JSONObject().put(ExceptionType, new JSONObject().put("Status", sc).put("Error", msg)));
+ ctx.response().sendErrorAndBody(sc, jb.toString(), MimeTypes.kAppJson);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void safeClose(FileReader fr) {
+ if (fr != null) {
+ try {
+ fr.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ log.error("Error closing file reader stream : " + e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void safeClose(InputStream is) {
+ if (is != null) {
+ try {
+ is.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ log.error("Error closing Input stream : " + e.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }