path: root/cps-rest/src/test/groovy/org/onap
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Diffstat (limited to 'cps-rest/src/test/groovy/org/onap')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/cps-rest/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/rest/controller/DataRestControllerSpec.groovy b/cps-rest/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/rest/controller/DataRestControllerSpec.groovy
index 205d85dc26..d8ab0d10eb 100755
--- a/cps-rest/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/rest/controller/DataRestControllerSpec.groovy
+++ b/cps-rest/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/rest/controller/DataRestControllerSpec.groovy
@@ -192,22 +192,25 @@ class DataRestControllerSpec extends Specification {
def rootNodeXpath = '/'
when: 'list-node endpoint is invoked with post (create) operation'
def postRequestBuilder = post("$dataNodeBaseEndpointV1/anchors/$anchorName/list-nodes")
- .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ .contentType(contentType)
.param('xpath', rootNodeXpath )
- .content(requestBodyJson)
+ .content(requestBody)
if (observedTimestamp != null)
postRequestBuilder.param('observed-timestamp', observedTimestamp)
def response = mvc.perform(postRequestBuilder).andReturn().response
then: 'a created response is returned'
response.status == expectedHttpStatus.value()
then: 'the java API was called with the correct parameters'
- expectedApiCount * mockCpsDataService.saveListElements(dataspaceName, anchorName, rootNodeXpath, expectedJsonData,
- { it == DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(observedTimestamp) })
+ expectedApiCount * mockCpsDataService.saveListElements(dataspaceName, anchorName, rootNodeXpath, expectedData,
+ { it == DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(observedTimestamp) }, expectedContentType)
- scenario | observedTimestamp || expectedApiCount | expectedHttpStatus
- 'with observed-timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED
- 'without observed-timestamp' | null || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED
- 'with invalid observed-timestamp' | 'invalid' || 0 | HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ scenario | observedTimestamp | contentType | requestBody || expectedApiCount | expectedHttpStatus | expectedData | expectedContentType
+ 'Content type JSON with observed-timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' | MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON | requestBodyJson || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED | expectedJsonData | ContentType.JSON
+ 'Content type JSON without observed-timestamp' | null | MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON | requestBodyJson || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED | expectedJsonData | ContentType.JSON
+ 'Content type JSON with invalid observed-timestamp' | 'invalid' | MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON | requestBodyJson || 0 | HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST | expectedJsonData | ContentType.JSON
+ 'Content type XML with observed-timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' | MediaType.APPLICATION_XML | requestBodyXml || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED | expectedXmlData | ContentType.XML
+ 'Content type XML without observed-timestamp' | null | MediaType.APPLICATION_XML | requestBodyXml || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED | expectedXmlData | ContentType.XML
+ 'Content type XML with invalid observed-timestamp' | 'invalid' | MediaType.APPLICATION_XML | requestBodyXml || 0 | HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST | expectedXmlData | ContentType.XML
def 'Save list elements #scenario.'() {
@@ -215,22 +218,25 @@ class DataRestControllerSpec extends Specification {
def parentNodeXpath = 'parent node xpath'
when: 'list-node endpoint is invoked with post (create) operation'
def postRequestBuilder = post("$dataNodeBaseEndpointV1/anchors/$anchorName/list-nodes")
- .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ .contentType(contentType)
.param('xpath', parentNodeXpath)
- .content(requestBodyJson)
+ .content(requestBody)
if (observedTimestamp != null)
postRequestBuilder.param('observed-timestamp', observedTimestamp)
def response = mvc.perform(postRequestBuilder).andReturn().response
then: 'a created response is returned'
response.status == expectedHttpStatus.value()
then: 'the java API was called with the correct parameters'
- expectedApiCount * mockCpsDataService.saveListElements(dataspaceName, anchorName, parentNodeXpath, expectedJsonData,
- { it == DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(observedTimestamp) })
+ expectedApiCount * mockCpsDataService.saveListElements(dataspaceName, anchorName, parentNodeXpath, expectedData,
+ { it == DateTimeUtility.toOffsetDateTime(observedTimestamp) }, expectedContentType)
- scenario | observedTimestamp || expectedApiCount | expectedHttpStatus
- 'with observed-timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED
- 'without observed-timestamp' | null || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED
- 'with invalid observed-timestamp' | 'invalid' || 0 | HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ scenario | observedTimestamp | contentType | requestBody || expectedApiCount | expectedHttpStatus | expectedData | expectedContentType
+ 'Content type JSON with observed-timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' | MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON | requestBodyJson || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED | expectedJsonData | ContentType.JSON
+ 'Content type JSON without observed-timestamp' | null | MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON | requestBodyJson || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED | expectedJsonData | ContentType.JSON
+ 'Content type JSON with invalid observed-timestamp' | 'invalid' | MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON | requestBodyJson || 0 | HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST | expectedJsonData | ContentType.JSON
+ 'Content type XML with observed-timestamp' | '2021-03-03T23:59:59.999-0400' | MediaType.APPLICATION_XML | requestBodyXml || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED | expectedXmlData | ContentType.XML
+ 'Content type XML without observed-timestamp' | null | MediaType.APPLICATION_XML | requestBodyXml || 1 | HttpStatus.CREATED | expectedXmlData | ContentType.XML
+ 'Content type XML with invalid observed-timestamp' | 'invalid' | MediaType.APPLICATION_XML | requestBodyXml || 0 | HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST | expectedXmlData | ContentType.XML
def 'Get data node with leaves'() {