path: root/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy
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Diffstat (limited to 'cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy')
4 files changed, 40 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/CmHandleQueryServiceImplSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/CmHandleQueryServiceImplSpec.groovy
index 0c50e3d4ee..ce08156fec 100644
--- a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/CmHandleQueryServiceImplSpec.groovy
+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/CmHandleQueryServiceImplSpec.groovy
@@ -199,22 +199,26 @@ class CmHandleQueryServiceImplSpec extends Specification {
assert result.contains(cmHandleDataNode)
- def 'Get all cm handles by dmi plugin identifier'() {
+ def 'Get all cm handles by dmi plugin identifier and alternate id output option where #scenario'() {
given: 'the DataNodes queried for a given cpsPath are returned from the persistence service.'
- when: 'cm Handles are fetched for a given dmi plugin identifier'
- def result = objectUnderTest.getCmHandleIdsByDmiPluginIdentifier('my-dmi-plugin-identifier')
+ when: 'cm Handles are fetched for a given dmi plugin identifier and alternate id output option'
+ def result = objectUnderTest.getCmHandleReferencesByDmiPluginIdentifier('my-dmi-plugin-identifier', outputAlternateId)
then: 'result is the correct size'
assert result.size() == 3
and: 'result contains the correct cm handles'
- assert result.containsAll('PNFDemo', 'PNFDemo2', 'PNFDemo4')
+ assert result.containsAll(expectedResult)
+ where:
+ scenario | outputAlternateId || expectedResult
+ 'output is for alternate ids' | true || ['alt-PNFDemo', 'alt-PNFDemo2', 'alt-PNFDemo4']
+ 'output is for cm handle ids' | false || ['PNFDemo', 'PNFDemo2', 'PNFDemo4']
def 'Get all alternateIds by dmi plugin identifier'() {
given: 'the DataNodes queried for a given cpsPath are returned from the persistence service.'
when: 'cm Handles are fetched for a given dmi plugin identifier'
- def result = objectUnderTest.getCmHandleReferencesByDmiPluginIdentifier('my-dmi-plugin-identifier').values()
+ def result = objectUnderTest.getCmHandleReferencesMapByDmiPluginIdentifier('my-dmi-plugin-identifier').values()
then: 'result is the correct size'
assert result.size() == 3
and: 'result contains the correct alternate Ids'
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/InventoryPersistenceImplSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/InventoryPersistenceImplSpec.groovy
index 34d9374f78..00f092ff75 100644
--- a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/InventoryPersistenceImplSpec.groovy
+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/InventoryPersistenceImplSpec.groovy
@@ -381,9 +381,7 @@ class InventoryPersistenceImplSpec extends Specification {
def 'Check if cm handle exists for a given cm handle id'() {
given: 'data service returns a datanode with correct cm handle id'
- when: 'method is called to check if cm handle exists from cm handle id'
- def result = objectUnderTest.isExistingCmHandleId('some-cm-handle')
- then: 'check if cm handle id in datanode is equal to given cm handle id'
- assert result == true
+ expect: 'cm handle exists for given cm handle id'
+ assert true == objectUnderTest.isExistingCmHandleId('some-cm-handle')
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/NetworkCmProxyInventoryFacadeSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/NetworkCmProxyInventoryFacadeSpec.groovy
index 4c554c6af5..282bd9e89b 100644
--- a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/NetworkCmProxyInventoryFacadeSpec.groovy
+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/NetworkCmProxyInventoryFacadeSpec.groovy
@@ -78,15 +78,20 @@ class NetworkCmProxyInventoryFacadeSpec extends Specification {
assert result.contains('cmHandle2')
- def 'Get all cm handle IDs by DMI plugin identifier.' () {
- given: 'cm handle queries service returns cm handles'
- 1 * mockCmHandleQueryService.getCmHandleIdsByDmiPluginIdentifier('some-dmi-plugin-identifier') >> ['cm-handle-1','cm-handle-2']
- when: 'cm handle Ids are requested with dmi plugin identifier'
- def result = objectUnderTest.getAllCmHandleIdsByDmiPluginIdentifier('some-dmi-plugin-identifier')
+ def 'Get all cm handle references by DMI plugin identifier and alternate id output option where #scenario.' () {
+ given: 'cm handle queries service returns cm handle references'
+ mockCmHandleQueryService.getCmHandleReferencesByDmiPluginIdentifier('some-dmi-plugin-identifier', false) >> ['cm-handle-1','cm-handle-2']
+ mockCmHandleQueryService.getCmHandleReferencesByDmiPluginIdentifier('some-dmi-plugin-identifier', true) >> ['alternate-id-1','alternate-id-2']
+ when: 'cm handle references are requested with dmi plugin identifier and alternate id output option'
+ def result = objectUnderTest.getAllCmHandleReferencesByDmiPluginIdentifier('some-dmi-plugin-identifier', outputAlternateId)
then: 'the result size is correct'
assert result.size() == 2
and: 'the result returns the correct details'
- assert result.containsAll('cm-handle-1','cm-handle-2')
+ assert result.containsAll(expectedResult)
+ where:
+ scenario | outputAlternateId || expectedResult
+ 'output is for alternate ids' | true || ['alternate-id-1', 'alternate-id-2']
+ 'output is for cm handle ids' | false || ['cm-handle-1','cm-handle-2']
def 'Getting Yang Resources for a given #scenario'() {
diff --git a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/ParameterizedCmHandleQueryServiceSpec.groovy b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/ParameterizedCmHandleQueryServiceSpec.groovy
index 9a81807ef9..0c44196348 100644
--- a/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/ParameterizedCmHandleQueryServiceSpec.groovy
+++ b/cps-ncmp-service/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/ncmp/impl/inventory/ParameterizedCmHandleQueryServiceSpec.groovy
@@ -200,22 +200,31 @@ class ParameterizedCmHandleQueryServiceSpec extends Specification {
'additional properties, no matching cm handles' | 'hasAllAdditionalProperties' | null | [] || 0
- def 'Retrieve CMHandleIds by different DMI properties with #scenario.' () {
+ def 'Retrieve alternate ids by different DMI properties.' () {
given: 'a query object created with dmi plugin as condition'
def cmHandleQueryParameters = new CmHandleQueryServiceParameters()
def conditionProperties = createConditionProperties('cmHandleWithDmiPlugin', [['some-key': 'some-value']])
and: 'the inventoryPersistence returns different CmHandleIds'
- partiallyMockedCmHandleQueries.getCmHandleIdsByDmiPluginIdentifier(*_) >> cmHandleQueryResult
- partiallyMockedCmHandleQueries.getCmHandleReferencesByDmiPluginIdentifier(*_) >> cmHandleQueryResult
+ partiallyMockedCmHandleQueries.getCmHandleReferencesMapByDmiPluginIdentifier(*_) >> [:]
when: 'the query executed'
- def result = objectUnderTestWithPartiallyMockedQueries.queryCmHandleIdsForInventory(cmHandleQueryParameters, outputAlternateId)
+ def result = objectUnderTestWithPartiallyMockedQueries.queryCmHandleIdsForInventory(cmHandleQueryParameters, true)
then: 'the expected number of results are returned.'
- assert result.size() == expectedCmHandleIdsSize
- where: 'the following data is used'
- scenario | cmHandleQueryResult | outputAlternateId || expectedCmHandleIdsSize
- 'some matches' | ['h1','h2'] | false || 2
- 'no matches' | [:] | true || 0
+ assert result.size() == 0
+ }
+ def 'Retrieve cm handle ids by different DMI properties.' () {
+ given: 'a query object created with dmi plugin as condition'
+ def cmHandleQueryParameters = new CmHandleQueryServiceParameters()
+ def conditionProperties = createConditionProperties('cmHandleWithDmiPlugin', [['some-key': 'some-value']])
+ cmHandleQueryParameters.setCmHandleQueryParameters([conditionProperties])
+ and: 'the inventoryPersistence returns different CmHandleIds'
+ partiallyMockedCmHandleQueries.getCmHandleReferencesByDmiPluginIdentifier(_, _) >> ['h1','h2']
+ when: 'the query executed'
+ def result = objectUnderTestWithPartiallyMockedQueries.queryCmHandleIdsForInventory(cmHandleQueryParameters, false)
+ then: 'the expected number of results are returned.'
+ assert result.size() == 2
def 'Combine two query results where #scenario.'() {