BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterMerge "Refactor CM Handle Properties to be more realistic into K6 tests"Toine Siebelink56 min.
oslodocs config for oslo releasethmsdt9 weeks
newdelhiBump CPS to 3.4.11 for New DelhiArpit Singh7 months
montrealBump CPS to 3.3.13 for montrealArpit Singh13 months
londonAdd RTD link to CPS in Release notesToineSiebelink21 months
kohnRTD - Remove placeholder for next Release (in Kohn)ToineSiebelink2 years
jakartaRemove NotNull on revision for YangResourceEntitylukegleeson2 years
istanbulAdd bounds to sphinx requirementCédric Ollivier3 years
honoluluAdd Security waiver to Release NotesToineSiebelink4 years
3.6.1commit 2cab1b62e6...jenkins-releng8 days
3.6.0commit f928563b73...jenkins-releng6 weeks
3.5.5commit 6f57863c38...jenkins-releng3 months
3.5.4commit 0ff1d7df57...jenkins-releng5 months
3.5.3commit 5d17a1c527...jenkins-releng5 months
3.5.2commit 50b1ca8b90...jenkins-releng7 months
3.4.10commit 5ce942b222...jenkins-releng7 months
3.5.1commit 3a87b28067...jenkins-releng8 months
3.5.0commit ad1bdac24f...jenkins-releng9 months
3.4.9commit 079c4c6524...jenkins-releng10 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
56 min.Merge "Refactor CM Handle Properties to be more realistic into K6 tests"HEADmasterToine Siebelink3-15/+26
58 min.Merge "Zip and store logs for containers"Toine Siebelink2-5/+46
18 hoursMerge "Added query limits to NCMP service methods"Toine Siebelink5-10/+28
20 hoursZip and store logs for containershalil.cakal2-5/+46
25 hoursMerge "Optimize registration parameters"Toine Siebelink4-4/+4
4 daysMerge "Fix test-tools metrics script"Priyank Maheshwari1-6/+6
4 daysRefactor CM Handle Properties to be more realistic into K6 testssourabh_sourabh3-15/+26
4 daysMerge "Omit decendents when resolving AlternateId"Daniel Hanrahan5-19/+25
4 daysOptimize registration parametershalil.cakal4-4/+4
5 daysMerge "Randomize cm handle ids in a legacy batch array"Daniel Hanrahan2-4/+17