path: root/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm')
34 files changed, 0 insertions, 1381 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-entitlement-pool-create-schema.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-entitlement-pool-create-schema.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b1d78d9..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-entitlement-pool-create-schema.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: ep-create
-version: onap-1.0
- sample1:
- name: create license entitlement Pool
- input: --threshold-value 99 --license-model-id 4904E77EC4EF4CB18083E8ED7D283585 --ep-name demo121 --ep-description demo --threshold-unit Absolute --entitlement-metric CPU --operational-scope Availability_Zone --aggregation-function Peak --reference-number 12345 -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m
- moco: license-entitlement-pool-create-schema-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |property |value |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |ID |2366699475c943bdb283fc0b9106579c |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-entitlement-pool-show-schema.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-entitlement-pool-show-schema.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 244c1d66..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-entitlement-pool-show-schema.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: ep-show
-version: onap-1.0
- sample1:
- name: Get specific license key group
- input: -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m --license-model-id 4904E77EC4EF4CB18083E8ED7D283585 --pool-id E19CDA7DA8A9462FB1A33166C28B11D2
- moco: license-entitlement-pool-show-schema-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------+----------------------------------+--------------+
- |name |ID |description |
- +----------+----------------------------------+--------------+
- |demo121 |E19CDA7DA8A9462FB1A33166C28B11D2 |demo |
- +----------+----------------------------------+--------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-group-create-schema.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-group-create-schema.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 21ab46d2..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-group-create-schema.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: license-key-group-create
-version: onap-1.0
- sample1:
- name: create license key group
- input: --license-model-id 2366699475c943bdb283fc0b9106579c -x htipl-key-grp -y Universal -z test --operational-scope Tenant -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m
- moco: license-group-create-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |property |value |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |ID |81997d7d4795485daea7418fae26c5d0 |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-group-show-schema.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-group-show-schema.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b927cd97..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-group-show-schema.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: license-group-show
-version: onap-1.0
- sample1:
- name: Get specific license key group
- input: -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m -x 4904E77EC4EF4CB18083E8ED7D283585 -y 3F57DDC6AF55420680D499CDAC047253
- moco: license-key-group-show-schema-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------------+----------------------------------+--------------+
- |name |ID |description |
- +----------------+----------------------------------+--------------+
- |demo-key-group |3F57DDC6AF55420680D499CDAC047253 | |
- +----------------+----------------------------------+--------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-model-create-schema.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-model-create-schema.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 10fc0510..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-model-create-schema.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: license-model-create
-version: onap-1.0
- sample1:
- name: create license model
- input: -x htipl -y "sample model" -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m
- moco: license-model-create-schema-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |property |value |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |ID |2366699475c943bdb283fc0b9106579c |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-model-show-schema.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-model-show-schema.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 18e4c297..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/license-model-show-schema.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: license-model-show
-version: onap-1.0
- sample1:
- name: Get specific license model
- input: -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m -x 4904E77EC4EF4CB18083E8ED7D283585
- moco: license-model-show-schema-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------+----------------------------------+----------------------+--------+
- |name |ID |description |status |
- +----------+----------------------------------+----------------------+--------+
- |5aa8a88c |4904E77EC4EF4CB18083E8ED7D283585 |vendor license model |Locked |
- +----------+----------------------------------+----------------------+--------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-aggreement-create-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-aggreement-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 44038797..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-aggreement-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-[ {
- "request" : {
- "method" : "post",
- "uri" : "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7/versions/1.1/license-agreements",
- "headers" : {
- "Authorization" : "Basic Y3MwMDA4OmRlbW8xMjM0NTYh",
- "X-FromAppId" : "onap-cli",
- "Accept" : "application/json",
- "USER_ID" : "cs0008",
- "X-TransactionId" : "req-4edc751f-3742-4381-b58b-86e6cf50fe78",
- "Content-Type" : "application/json"
- },
- "json" : {
- "addedFeatureGroupsIds" : [ "3a2fb75b52a54e9c8093e7c154210f9e" ],
- "description" : "kanag cli la",
- "licenseTerm" : {
- "choice" : "Fixed_Term",
- "other" : ""
- },
- "name" : "kanag-cli-la"
- }
- },
- "response" : {
- "status" : 200,
- "json" : {
- "value" : "77e151d0503b45ecb7e40f5f5f1a887e"
- }
- }
-} ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-aggreement-create-schema-1.1-sample.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-aggreement-create-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2acd3d84..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-aggreement-create-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-aggreement-create
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-aggreement-create
- input: --name kanag-cli-la --description kanag cli la --vlm-feature-group-id 3a2fb75b52a54e9c8093e7c154210f9e --vlm-id cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 --vlm-version 1.1
- moco: vlm-aggreement-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |property |value |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |ID |77e151d0503b45ecb7e40f5f5f1a887e |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-aggreement-list-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-aggreement-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3da67ac8..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-aggreement-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-[ {
- "request" : {
- "method" : "get",
- "uri" : "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7/versions/2.0/license-agreements",
- "headers" : {
- "Authorization" : "Basic Y3MwMDA4OmRlbW8xMjM0NTYh",
- "X-FromAppId" : "onap-cli",
- "Accept" : "application/json",
- "USER_ID" : "cs0008",
- "X-TransactionId" : "req-66a37478-d840-44f8-b436-56f4a3b6f640",
- "Content-Type" : "application/json"
- },
- "json" : null
- },
- "response" : {
- "status" : 200,
- "json" : {
- "listCount" : 2,
- "results" : [ {
- "name" : "sf",
- "description" : "sdfgdf",
- "licenseTerm" : {
- "choice" : "Fixed_Term",
- "other" : ""
- },
- "id" : "1e2edfccaca847f896070d0fac26667a",
- "featureGroupsIds" : [ "3a2fb75b52a54e9c8093e7c154210f9e" ]
- }, {
- "name" : "kanag-cli-la",
- "description" : "kanag cli la",
- "licenseTerm" : {
- "choice" : "Fixed_Term",
- "other" : ""
- },
- "id" : "77e151d0503b45ecb7e40f5f5f1a887e",
- "featureGroupsIds" : [ "3a2fb75b52a54e9c8093e7c154210f9e" ]
- } ]
- }
- }
-} ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-aggreement-list-schema-1.1-sample.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-aggreement-list-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 976ba65e..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-aggreement-list-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-aggreement-list
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-aggreement-list
- input: --vlm-id cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 --vlm-version 2.0
- moco: vlm-aggreement-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------------------------------+--------------+
- |ID |name |
- +----------------------------------+--------------+
- |1e2edfccaca847f896070d0fac26667a |sf |
- +----------------------------------+--------------+
- |77e151d0503b45ecb7e40f5f5f1a887e |kanag-cli-la |
- +----------------------------------+--------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-checkin-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-checkin-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c62f721c..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-checkin-schema-1.1-moco.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-[ {
- "request" : {
- "method" : "put",
- "uri" : "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7/versions/1.1/actions",
- "headers" : {
- "Authorization" : "Basic Y3MwMDA4OmRlbW8xMjM0NTYh",
- "X-FromAppId" : "onap-cli",
- "Accept" : "application/json",
- "USER_ID" : "cs0008",
- "X-TransactionId" : "req-beafede7-5380-474d-b53f-793545527f89",
- "Content-Type" : "application/json"
- },
- "json" : {
- "action" : "Checkin"
- }
- },
- "response" : {
- "status" : 200,
- "json" : { }
- }
-} ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-checkin-schema-1.1-sample.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-checkin-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b74d54b5..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-checkin-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-checkin
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-checkin
- input: --vlm-id cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 --vlm-version 1.1
- moco: vlm-checkin-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-checkout-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-checkout-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 164a59c7..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-checkout-schema-1.1-moco.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-[ {
- "request" : {
- "method" : "put",
- "uri" : "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7/versions/0.1/actions",
- "headers" : {
- "Authorization" : "Basic Y3MwMDA4OmRlbW8xMjM0NTYh",
- "X-FromAppId" : "onap-cli",
- "Accept" : "application/json",
- "USER_ID" : "cs0008",
- "X-TransactionId" : "req-0f5b7ef1-7f7a-4ccf-bbbf-b7eaf45fc573",
- "Content-Type" : "application/json"
- },
- "json" : {
- "action" : "Checkout"
- }
- },
- "response" : {
- "status" : 200,
- "json" : { }
- }
-} ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-checkout-schema-1.1-sample.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-checkout-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e17cf398..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-checkout-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-checkout
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-checkout
- input: --vlm-id cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 --vlm-version 0.1
- moco: vlm-checkout-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-create-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 57445daf..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-[ {
- "request" : {
- "method" : "post",
- "uri" : "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models",
- "headers" : {
- "Authorization" : "Basic Y3MwMDA4OmRlbW8xMjM0NTYh",
- "X-FromAppId" : "onap-cli",
- "Accept" : "application/json",
- "USER_ID" : "cs0008",
- "X-TransactionId" : "req-dfe8f907-9276-45ad-8fa8-ff557d61f661",
- "Content-Type" : "application/json"
- },
- "json" : {
- "vendorName" : "kanag-cli",
- "description" : "First License created from CLI",
- "iconRef" : "icon"
- }
- },
- "response" : {
- "status" : 200,
- "json" : {
- "value" : "cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7"
- }
- }
-} ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-create-schema-1.1-sample.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-create-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1897b099..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-create-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-create
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-create
- input: --vendor-name kanag-cli --description First License created from CLI
- moco: vlm-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |property |value |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |ID |cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-entitlement-pool-create-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-entitlement-pool-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f40193ad..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-entitlement-pool-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-[ {
- "request" : {
- "method" : "post",
- "uri" : "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7/versions/0.1/entitlement-pools",
- "headers" : {
- "Authorization" : "Basic Y3MwMDA4OmRlbW8xMjM0NTYh",
- "X-FromAppId" : "onap-cli",
- "Accept" : "application/json",
- "USER_ID" : "cs0008",
- "X-TransactionId" : "req-381f2f59-c387-4730-a6b5-74a380acf1f3",
- "Content-Type" : "application/json"
- },
- "json" : {
- "aggregationFunction" : {
- "choice" : "Peak",
- "other" : ""
- },
- "description" : "kanag vlm ep",
- "entitlementMetric" : {
- "choice" : "CPU",
- "other" : ""
- },
- "increments" : "1",
- "manufacturerReferenceNumber" : "mkr123456",
- "name" : "kanag-cli-ep",
- "operationalScope" : {
- "choices" : [ "Availability_Zone" ],
- "other" : ""
- },
- "thresholdUnits" : "Absolute",
- "thresholdValue" : "99",
- "time" : {
- "choice" : "Hour",
- "other" : ""
- }
- }
- },
- "response" : {
- "status" : 200,
- "json" : {
- "value" : "aa61080fd965455ba5edbf60f4e375ef"
- }
- }
-} ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-entitlement-pool-create-schema-1.1-sample.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-entitlement-pool-create-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7135810e..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-entitlement-pool-create-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-entitlement-pool-create
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-entitlement-pool-create
- input: --name kanag-cli-ep --vlm-id cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 --description kanag vlm ep --manufacture-reference-number mkr123456 -d --vlm-version 0.1
- moco: vlm-entitlement-pool-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |property |value |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |ID |aa61080fd965455ba5edbf60f4e375ef |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-entitlement-pool-list-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-entitlement-pool-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index acf1f022..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-entitlement-pool-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-[ {
- "request" : {
- "method" : "get",
- "uri" : "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7/versions/2.0/entitlement-pools",
- "headers" : {
- "Authorization" : "Basic Y3MwMDA4OmRlbW8xMjM0NTYh",
- "X-FromAppId" : "onap-cli",
- "Accept" : "application/json",
- "USER_ID" : "cs0008",
- "X-TransactionId" : "req-f1ba8f39-54be-4390-a3c2-49ff4e11d854",
- "Content-Type" : "application/json"
- },
- "json" : null
- },
- "response" : {
- "status" : 200,
- "json" : {
- "listCount" : 2,
- "results" : [ {
- "name" : "797153a1-d8f6-4eb0-abfc",
- "description" : "vendor entitlement pool",
- "thresholdValue" : 99,
- "thresholdUnits" : "Absolute",
- "increments" : "robot",
- "operationalScope" : {
- "choices" : [ "Availability_Zone" ],
- "other" : ""
- },
- "id" : "dae0a02f2173444e82bfa765601abcc9",
- "referencingFeatureGroups" : [ ]
- }, {
- "name" : "kanag-cli-ep",
- "description" : "kanag vlm ep",
- "thresholdValue" : 99,
- "thresholdUnits" : "Absolute",
- "increments" : "1",
- "operationalScope" : {
- "choices" : [ "Availability_Zone" ],
- "other" : ""
- },
- "id" : "aa61080fd965455ba5edbf60f4e375ef",
- "referencingFeatureGroups" : [ "3a2fb75b52a54e9c8093e7c154210f9e" ]
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- }
- }
-} ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-entitlement-pool-list-schema-1.1-sample.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-entitlement-pool-list-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 25457ef4..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-entitlement-pool-list-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-entitlement-pool-list
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-entitlement-pool-list
- input: --vlm-id cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 --vlm-version 2.0
- moco: vlm-entitlement-pool-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+
- |ID |name |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+
- |dae0a02f2173444e82bfa765601abcc9 |797153a1-d8f6-4eb0-abfc |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+
- |aa61080fd965455ba5edbf60f4e375ef |kanag-cli-ep |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-feature-group-create-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-feature-group-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d3b8c0d2..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-feature-group-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-[ {
- "request" : {
- "method" : "post",
- "uri" : "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7/versions/0.1/feature-groups",
- "headers" : {
- "Authorization" : "Basic Y3MwMDA4OmRlbW8xMjM0NTYh",
- "X-FromAppId" : "onap-cli",
- "Accept" : "application/json",
- "USER_ID" : "cs0008",
- "X-TransactionId" : "req-cd4bdcc4-2d36-4131-a863-8d56f96e9278",
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- },
- "json" : {
- "name" : "kanag-cli-fg",
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- "addedEntitlementPoolsIds" : [ "aa61080fd965455ba5edbf60f4e375ef" ],
- "partNumber" : "123455",
- "manufacturerReferenceNumber" : "mkr123456",
- "description" : "Kanag cli feature group"
- }
- },
- "response" : {
- "status" : 200,
- "json" : {
- "value" : "3a2fb75b52a54e9c8093e7c154210f9e"
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 645683ed..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-feature-group-create-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-feature-group-create
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-feature-group-create
- input: --name kanag-cli-fg --description Kanag cli feature group --vlm-id cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 --vlm-version 0.1 --vlm-key-group-id c37a1f205f444161a573f55dfec5f170 --vlm-entitle-pool-id aa61080fd965455ba5edbf60f4e375ef --part-number 123455 --manufacture-reference-number mkr123456
- moco: vlm-feature-group-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |property |value |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |ID |3a2fb75b52a54e9c8093e7c154210f9e |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-feature-group-list-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-feature-group-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ac09b4eb..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-feature-group-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-[ {
- "request" : {
- "method" : "get",
- "uri" : "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7/versions/2.0/feature-groups",
- "headers" : {
- "Authorization" : "Basic Y3MwMDA4OmRlbW8xMjM0NTYh",
- "X-FromAppId" : "onap-cli",
- "Accept" : "application/json",
- "USER_ID" : "cs0008",
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- },
- "json" : null
- },
- "response" : {
- "status" : 200,
- "json" : {
- "listCount" : 1,
- "results" : [ {
- "name" : "kanag-cli-fg",
- "description" : "Kanag cli feature group",
- "partNumber" : "123455",
- "manufacturerReferenceNumber" : "mkr123456",
- "id" : "3a2fb75b52a54e9c8093e7c154210f9e",
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- } ]
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- }
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diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-feature-group-list-schema-1.1-sample.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-feature-group-list-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1df75991..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-feature-group-list-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-feature-group-list
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-feature-group-list
- input: --vlm-id cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 --vlm-version 2.0
- moco: vlm-feature-group-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------------------------------+--------------+
- |ID |name |
- +----------------------------------+--------------+
- |3a2fb75b52a54e9c8093e7c154210f9e |kanag-cli-fg |
- +----------------------------------+--------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-key-group-create-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-key-group-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ac759e9..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-key-group-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-[ {
- "request" : {
- "method" : "post",
- "uri" : "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7/versions/0.1/license-key-groups",
- "headers" : {
- "Authorization" : "Basic Y3MwMDA4OmRlbW8xMjM0NTYh",
- "X-FromAppId" : "onap-cli",
- "Accept" : "application/json",
- "USER_ID" : "cs0008",
- "X-TransactionId" : "req-bf1823d9-7c60-4156-b22f-fa765af714fe",
- "Content-Type" : "application/json"
- },
- "json" : {
- "description" : "Kanag CLI key group",
- "name" : "kanag-cli-kg",
- "type" : "Universal"
- }
- },
- "response" : {
- "status" : 200,
- "json" : {
- "value" : "c37a1f205f444161a573f55dfec5f170"
- }
- }
-} ] \ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index b76ea390..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-key-group-create-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-key-group-create
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-key-group-create
- input: --vlm-id cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 --name kanag-cli-kg --description Kanag CLI key group -d --vlm-version 0.1
- moco: vlm-key-group-create-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: |
- |property |value |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
- |ID |c37a1f205f444161a573f55dfec5f170 |
- +----------+----------------------------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-key-group-list-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-key-group-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cb688bbc..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-key-group-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-[ {
- "request" : {
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- "uri" : "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7/versions/2.0/license-key-groups",
- "headers" : {
- "Authorization" : "Basic Y3MwMDA4OmRlbW8xMjM0NTYh",
- "X-FromAppId" : "onap-cli",
- "Accept" : "application/json",
- "USER_ID" : "cs0008",
- "X-TransactionId" : "req-20464538-e30b-4a78-bbae-e8ef2a72f616",
- "Content-Type" : "application/json"
- },
- "json" : null
- },
- "response" : {
- "status" : 200,
- "json" : {
- "listCount" : 2,
- "results" : [ {
- "name" : "kanag-cli-kg",
- "description" : "Kanag CLI key group",
- "type" : "Universal",
- "operationalScope" : { },
- "id" : "c37a1f205f444161a573f55dfec5f170",
- "referencingFeatureGroups" : [ "3a2fb75b52a54e9c8093e7c154210f9e" ]
- }, {
- "name" : "kanag-cli-key-group",
- "description" : "Kanag CLI key group",
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deleted file mode 100644
index d2131fc7..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-key-group-list-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-key-group-list
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-key-group-list
- input: --vlm-id cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 --vlm-version 2.0
- moco: vlm-key-group-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------------------------------+----------------------+
- |ID |name |
- +----------------------------------+----------------------+
- |c37a1f205f444161a573f55dfec5f170 |kanag-cli-kg |
- +----------------------------------+----------------------+
- |f0a684fa680b44979edee03fcc12ca85 |kanag-cli-key-group |
- +----------------------------------+----------------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-list-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8634d109..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
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@@ -1,655 +0,0 @@
-[ {
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- "label" : "1.0"
- },
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- } ],
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- }, {
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- "label" : "1.0"
- } ]
- }, {
- "vendorName" : "1e5d1422-1f5f-42fe-a98e",
- "description" : "vendor license model",
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- "id" : "4bbd11c581ce4bb187a0a37131e5bb60",
- "version" : {
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- "id" : "1.0",
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- } ],
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- } ]
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- "version" : {
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- } ],
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- "id" : "1.0",
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- } ]
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- "id" : "1.0",
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- } ],
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- "label" : "1.0"
- } ]
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- "id" : "1.0",
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- } ],
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- } ]
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- "id" : "1.0",
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- } ]
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- "id" : "4b1e1efd8bb944bdbc0c3e74a9402967",
- "version" : {
- "id" : "1.0",
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- },
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- "viewableVersions" : [ {
- "id" : "1.0",
- "label" : "1.0"
- } ],
- "finalVersions" : [ {
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- "label" : "1.0"
- } ]
- }, {
- "vendorName" : "ciLicense09c55d35",
- "description" : "new vendor license model",
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- "id" : "816c04fd4ee849f2b80435e0944189fa",
- "version" : {
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- } ]
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- "version" : {
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- } ]
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- "description" : "new vendor license model",
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- "id" : "eda4e9d1cae14cad95befc1728629574",
- "version" : {
- "id" : "1.0",
- "label" : "1.0"
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- "id" : "1.0",
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- "label" : "1.0"
- } ]
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- "label" : "1.0"
- } ],
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- } ]
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- "label" : "1.0"
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diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-list-schema-1.1-sample.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-list-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c3c3bfee..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-list-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-list
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-list
- input: --long
- moco: vlm-list-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |id |vendor-name |vlm-version |status |description |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |b5ea95a60e3b483da03d0911968cd778 |ciLicensef008e06a |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |84352b5d014c4d5382ce856d7597aebf |ciLicense5c11752c |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |8e13a8b2e1f34374ad578edc9c912f11 |ciLicenseaf880546 |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |9f7053ae1aa04b8c9fa3d991f944a49b |ciLicensecce293bb |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |3f47950121bf4e31a058b4870020bc2f |ciLicense7d28e221 |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |6fc132eca87d4e49b56357b9d83843a5 |ciLicense02ddba7e |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |0094601590ec4e709e560e928c44232a |ciLicense9acc959f |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |8f82813eb6304957911955e077d9be6f |ciLicensee5394ee2 |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |b620898b5e5e4231a30a2ccecd39927e |ciLicense3eed3665 |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |12cce4998b874d5e8096070f9c5d7395 |ciLicense372060ea |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |78fd596a39534d51953e867adaef78f6 |ciLicense36e962a4 |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |651180d666c54887880b673884e03481 |ciLicensef9a1b52b |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |dd10e18e3af54234a20897ad65bfa311 |ciLicense76f62092 |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 |kanag-cli |2.0 |Final |First License created from CLI |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |144497a1b7924e0fa73004573730e1b8 |Test |0.1 |Locked |test |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |9af398f516da4e63b4ec8d344866533b |4718de22-00d3-4607-b666 |1.0 |Final |vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |1173c7be5fea4db799b1a5ef9512e57e |Kanag |4.0 |Final |Kanagaraj M @ HTIPL |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |fc0fdcc825a54ca3b08e40f473b72d05 |test-vendor |1.0 |Final |test |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |b66c5e1b4af3432ca2f6cd05adf72340 |0138a2e2-52bf-4f0b-81cd |1.0 |Final |vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |34c2c72e992742e3b7ceb78bfcd21ebb |48fa02ef-e79b-4707-895e |1.0 |Final |vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |4bbd11c581ce4bb187a0a37131e5bb60 |1e5d1422-1f5f-42fe-a98e |1.0 |Final |vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |1329476d73014587839fd3ede08c3103 |3029be5e-9135-4083-bd2e |1.0 |Final |vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |2ca684a9805b40f9993239e77b82fb52 |c6ba2ef6-fe82-4f32-ad50 |1.0 |Final |vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |1a49df7b78654777a71f64f2c6c2468f |01eb54a1-f1ff-41a2-aafc |1.0 |Final |vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |5e571e8a25c8404da04f2a0ec179f576 |a920b10d-c516-4380-835a |1.0 |Final |vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |4b1e1efd8bb944bdbc0c3e74a9402967 |ciLicense7d8bbcab |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |816c04fd4ee849f2b80435e0944189fa |ciLicense09c55d35 |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |9408208f5b6d4eb997dff1b901f1fb95 |ciLicense6bfd9421 |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |eda4e9d1cae14cad95befc1728629574 |ciLicense81acf730 |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |022140c2dc4e40bbae096aa1fb5cfbe9 |ciLicensef3f5a4fa |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |19f92b345cae423ab4ea6c5527d55ef6 |ciLicense9fddd8db |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |492d9259fc3e493d8fa6afd488054508 |ciLicense9a46fd22 |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |a5da3e50ed72483fbfb134bac84b31f6 |ciLicensed955b6d7 |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
- |9ff65b0b943141a7b99481bbcaedc294 |ciLicensef21d8db3 |1.0 |Final |new vendor license model |
- +----------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------+--------------------------------+
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-revert-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-revert-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 692cf4e1..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-revert-schema-1.1-moco.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-[ {
- "request" : {
- "method" : "put",
- "uri" : "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7/versions/0.1/actions",
- "headers" : {
- "Authorization" : "Basic Y3MwMDA4OmRlbW8xMjM0NTYh",
- "X-FromAppId" : "onap-cli",
- "Accept" : "application/json",
- "USER_ID" : "cs0008",
- "X-TransactionId" : "req-16ce9480-a0dc-4628-b49a-bc0f8aca4286",
- "Content-Type" : "application/json"
- },
- "json" : {
- "action" : "Undo_Checkout"
- }
- },
- "response" : {
- "status" : 200,
- "json" : { }
- }
-} ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-revert-schema-1.1-sample.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-revert-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f1b084dd..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-revert-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-revert
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-revert
- input: --vlm-id cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 --vlm-version 0.1
- moco: vlm-revert-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-submit-schema-1.1-moco.json b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-submit-schema-1.1-moco.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b7811539..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-submit-schema-1.1-moco.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-[ {
- "request" : {
- "method" : "put",
- "uri" : "/onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models/cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7/versions/1.1/actions",
- "headers" : {
- "Authorization" : "Basic Y3MwMDA4OmRlbW8xMjM0NTYh",
- "X-FromAppId" : "onap-cli",
- "Accept" : "application/json",
- "USER_ID" : "cs0008",
- "X-TransactionId" : "req-18ac1e35-bf92-4597-bf15-aea0e240767b",
- "Content-Type" : "application/json"
- },
- "json" : {
- "action" : "Submit"
- }
- },
- "response" : {
- "status" : 200,
- "json" : { }
- }
-} ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-submit-schema-1.1-sample.yaml b/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-submit-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 231f692a..00000000
--- a/plugins/sdc/src/test/resources/onap-cli-sample/vlm/vlm-submit-schema-1.1-sample.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-onap_cli_sample_version: 1.0
-name: vlm-submit
-version: onap-1.1
- sample1:
- name: vlm-submit
- input: --vlm-id cf2d907d998e44698ce3b4cded5f66a7 --vlm-version 1.1
- moco: vlm-submit-schema-1.1-moco.json
- output: \ No newline at end of file