path: root/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/OpenLoop/__snapshots__/OpenLoopModal.test.js.snap
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ui-react/src/components/dialogs/OpenLoop/__snapshots__/OpenLoopModal.test.js.snap')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/OpenLoop/__snapshots__/OpenLoopModal.test.js.snap b/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/OpenLoop/__snapshots__/OpenLoopModal.test.js.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e722241..00000000
--- a/ui-react/src/components/dialogs/OpenLoop/__snapshots__/OpenLoopModal.test.js.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`Verify OpenLoopModal Test the render method 1`] = `
- onHide={[Function]}
- show={true}
- size="lg"
- <ModalHeader
- closeButton={true}
- closeLabel="Close"
- >
- <ModalTitle>
- Open Model
- </ModalTitle>
- </ModalHeader>
- <ModalBody>
- <FormGroup
- as={
- Object {
- "$$typeof": Symbol(react.forward_ref),
- "defaultProps": Object {
- "noGutters": false,
- },
- "render": [Function],
- }
- }
- controlId="formPlaintextEmail"
- >
- <FormLabel
- column={true}
- sm="2"
- srOnly={false}
- >
- Model Name
- </FormLabel>
- <Col
- sm="10"
- >
- <StateManager
- defaultInputValue=""
- defaultMenuIsOpen={false}
- defaultValue={null}
- onChange={[Function]}
- options={Array []}
- />
- </Col>
- </FormGroup>
- <FormGroup
- controlId="formBasicChecbox"
- >
- <FormCheck
- disabled={false}
- inline={false}
- isInvalid={false}
- isValid={false}
- title=""
- type="checkbox"
- >
- <FormCheckLabel>
- Read Only
- </FormCheckLabel>
- <Styled(FormCheckInput)
- type="checkbox"
- />
- </FormCheck>
- </FormGroup>
- </ModalBody>
- <ModalFooter>
- <Button
- active={false}
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- type="null"
- variant="secondary"
- >
- Cancel
- </Button>
- <Button
- active={false}
- disabled={false}
- onClick={[Function]}
- type="submit"
- variant="primary"
- >
- Open
- </Button>
- </ModalFooter>