path: root/pgaas/src/stage/opt/app/pgaas/lib/iDNS-responder.py
diff options
authorHansen, Tony (th1395) <th1395@att.com>2018-03-29 12:57:06 +0000
committerHansen, Tony (th1395) <th1395@att.com>2018-03-29 12:57:23 +0000
commitbd5129dbad044907bd1818b2f8cda3c60da9b3e8 (patch)
treeedc355d63e440a87a1c97ad65357681f279e6ba0 /pgaas/src/stage/opt/app/pgaas/lib/iDNS-responder.py
parent4e1b45a2e3e474606965ca3b66bd5f82f526b0ce (diff)
remove most of this code for R2 Beijing
This package is not being used in R2 Beijing because of the move to Kubernetes with OOM. If you need this package, use the R1 Amsterdam release packages. I'm not removing the repo though because it is likely that we will need to add things in R3 Casablanca. Change-Id: I40a46886cfa2f3803f97918ad5cea149f5fcf696 Signed-off-by: Hansen, Tony (th1395) <th1395@att.com> Issue-ID: CCSDK-231
Diffstat (limited to 'pgaas/src/stage/opt/app/pgaas/lib/iDNS-responder.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1105 deletions
diff --git a/pgaas/src/stage/opt/app/pgaas/lib/iDNS-responder.py b/pgaas/src/stage/opt/app/pgaas/lib/iDNS-responder.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f295040..0000000
--- a/pgaas/src/stage/opt/app/pgaas/lib/iDNS-responder.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1105 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this code except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
-# at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-# permissions and limitations under the License.
-import http.server, socket
-import time, os, sys, re, subprocess, traceback, html, base64, argparse
-import psycopg2
-# TODO - move lots of code to a common library to share with other python modules
-# sys.path.append("/opt/app/pgaas/lib")
-# import dbtools
-DEF_HOST_NAME = os.popen("hostname -f").readlines()[0].strip()
-validPerDbTables = [ "pg_tables", "pg_indexes", "pg_views" ]
-topButton = "&nbsp;<font size='1'><a href='#'>^</a></font>"
-getLogDict = { }
-def openLogFile(fname):
- """
- Open a log file for append and remember the file descriptor.
- Remember its inode/dev pair.
- If either changes, reopen it.
- """
- reopen = False
- try:
- curstat = os.stat(fname)
- except:
- reopen = True
- global getLogDict
- # print("top: reopen(%s)=%s" % (fname, reopen))
- if not reopen and getLogDict.get(fname):
- # print("found getLogDict.get(" + fname + ")")
- d = getLogDict[fname]
- fd = d["fd"] if "fd" in d else None
- oldstat = d["stat"] if "stat" in d else None
- if fd is None:
- reopen = True
- elif oldstat is None:
- reopen = True
- elif oldstat.st_ino != curstat.st_ino or oldstat.st_dev != curstat.st_dev:
- reopen = True
- if reopen or not getLogDict.get(fname):
- # print("closing old fd")
- oldd = getLogDict.get(fname)
- if oldd is not None:
- oldfd = oldd.get("fd")
- if oldfd is not None:
- oldfd.close()
- # print("reopening " + fname)
- fd = open(fname, "a")
- st = os.stat(fname)
- getLogDict[fname] = { "fd": fd, "stat": st }
- return getLogDict[fname]["fd"]
-def traceMsg(msg):
- """ print a trace message. By default, this goes to trace.out """
- file = sys.stderr if testOn else openLogFile("/opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/idns/trace.log")
- print(time.asctime(), msg, file=file)
- file.flush()
-def errTrace(msg):
- """ print an error message. By default, sys.stderr is rerouted to error.log """
- file = sys.stderr if testOn else openLogFile("/opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/idns/error.log")
- sys.stderr = file
- print(time.asctime(), msg, file=file)
- file.flush()
-def debugTrace(msg):
- """ print a debug message. By default, this goes to debug.log """
- if debugOn:
- file = sys.stderr if testOn else openLogFile("/opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/idns/debug.log")
- print(time.asctime(), msg, file=file)
- file.flush()
-def readFile(file, defStr = None, mode = "r"):
- """ read a file and return its contents """
- ret = defStr
- try:
- with open(file, mode) as f:
- ret = f.read()
- except Exception as e:
- if defStr is not None:
- ret = defStr
- pass
- else:
- raise e
- return ret
-def readFileBinary(file, defStr = None):
- return readFile(file, defStr = defStr, mode = "rb")
-def readFileHtml(file, defStr = None):
- """ read a file and return its contents, escaping anything important to HTML """
- return html.escape(readFile(file, defStr))
-def readPipe(cmd, ignoreError = False):
- """ read a pipe and return its contents """
- ret = ""
- try:
- with os.popen(cmd) as p:
- ret = p.read()
- except Exception as e:
- if ignoreError:
- pass
- else:
- raise e
- return ret
-def readPipeHtml(file, defStr = None):
- """ read a pipe and return its contents, escaping anything important to HTML """
- return html.escape(readPipe(file, defStr))
-def readFileOrGz(file, defStr = None):
- """ read a file and return its contents. If the file ends in .gz, use gunzip on it """
- if file.endswith(".gz"):
- return readPipe("gunzip < '" + file + "'", defStr)
- else:
- return readFile(file, defStr)
-def readFileOrGzHtml(file, defStr = None):
- """ read a file and return its contents, escaping anything important to HTML. If the file ends in .gz, use gunzip on it """
- return html.escape(readFileOrGz(file, defStr))
-def getCdfPropValue(nm, encrypted=False, cfg="/opt/app/cdf/lib/cdf.cfg", dflt=None):
- """
- Return a value from the configuration file /opt/app/cdf/lib/cdf.cfg
- """
- return getPropValue(nm=nm, encrypted=encrypted, cfg=cfg, dflt=dflt)
-def getPgaasPropValue(nm, encrypted=False, cfg="/opt/app/pgaas/lib/pgaas.cfg", dflt=None):
- """
- Return a value from the configuration file /opt/app/pgaas/lib/pgaas.cfg
- """
- return getPropValue(nm=nm, encrypted=encrypted, cfg=cfg, dflt=dflt)
-getPropDict = { }
-def getPropValue(nm, encrypted=False, cfg=None, dflt=None):
- """
- Return a value from the specified configuration file
- """
- if cfg is None:
- return None
- global getPropDict
- if getPropDict.get(cfg):
- savedDate = getPropDict[cfg]
- debugTrace("getPropValue: savedDate[" + cfg + "]=" + str(savedDate))
- cfgDate = os.path.getmtime(cfg)
- debugTrace("getPropValue: cfgDate=" + str(cfgDate))
- if float(savedDate) >= float(cfgDate): # cfg has not changed
- val = getPropDict.get(cfg + ":" + nm)
- debugTrace("getPropValue: val=" + str(val))
- if val is not None:
- debugTrace("getPropValue: getPropValue(saved) => '%s'" % str(val))
- return val
- else: # clear out any previously saved keys
- cfgcolon = cfg + ":"
- for k in list(getPropDict.keys()):
- if re.match(cfgcolon, k):
- del getPropDict[k]
- getPropValueProgram = '/opt/app/cdf/bin/getpropvalue'
- if encrypted:
- cmd = [getPropValueProgram, "-f", cfg, "-x", "-n", nm]
- else:
- cmd = [getPropValueProgram, "-f", cfg, "-n", nm]
- debugTrace("getPropValue: cmd=%s" % str(cmd))
- try:
- with subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=False,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as p:
- (origString, stderrString) = p.communicate()
- except Exception as e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- errTrace("Error decoding string because {0}".format(e))
- return None
- else:
- if stderrString:
- if not re.search("Configuration property .* must be defined", stderrString.decode('utf-8')): # and dflt is not None:
- errTrace("Error decoding string because: {0} ".format(stderrString))
- return dflt
- else:
- debugTrace("getPropValue() => '%s'" % str(origString))
- getPropDict[cfg] = os.path.getmtime(cfg)
- val = origString.decode('utf-8').rstrip('\n')
- debugTrace("getPropValue() => '%s'" % val)
- getPropDict[cfg + ":" + nm] = val
- return val
-def checkFileAge(full_path,number_of_days):
- """
- return True if the file is >= number_of_days old from right now
- """
- time_n_days_ago = time.time() - (number_of_days * 24 * 60 * 60)
- stat = os.stat(full_path)
- return time_n_days_ago >= stat.st_mtime
-def jumpTable(prefix, *args):
- """
- Return a string consisting of a series of <a href='#prefix-xxx'>xxx</a>.
- Include <font size='1'></font> around all of it.
- """
- header = "<font size='1'>"
- sep = ""
- for table in args:
- header = header + sep + "<a href='#" + prefix + "-" + table + "'>" + table + "</a> "
- sep = " | "
- header = header + "</font>"
- return header
-def addFilenameHrefs(prefix, str):
- """
- for each line in a list of filenames, change the last two elements of the path to an anchor.
- """
- ret = ""
- for line in str.splitlines():
- line = re.sub("/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$", '/\g<1>' + "/<a href='" + prefix + '\g<1>/\g<2>' + "'>" + '\g<2>' + "</a>", line)
- ret = ret + line + "\n"
- return ret
-def ifEmpty(str, defStr):
- """ if a string is empty, return the defStr in its place """
- if str is None or str == "":
- str = defStr
- return str
-def isExe(fname):
- """ check if a path exists and is executable """
- return os.path.exists(fname) and os.access(fname, os.X_OK)
-def replaceQuoteNewline(str):
- return re.sub('"', "'", re.sub("\n", " ", str))
-class MyHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
- def isServerUp(self):
- """
- Check if the postgres server is up and running by calling pg_ctl and
- looking for "server is running" (or "no server running").
- Then call ps -fu postgres and make sure we're not waiting on a master:
- postgres 20815 20812 0 15:52 ? 00:00:00 postgres: startup process waiting for 000000010000000000000001
- """
- PGCTLPATH1 = "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin/pg_ctl"
- PGCTLPATH2 = "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/pg_ctl"
- PGCTLPATH3 = "/opt/app/postgresql-9.5.2/bin/pg_ctl"
- if isExe(PGCTLPATH1):
- statusLines = readPipe(PGCTLPATH1 + " status -D /dbroot/pgdata/main/")
- elif isExe(PGCTLPATH2):
- statusLines = readPipe(PGCTLPATH2 + " status -D /dbroot/pgdata/main/")
- else:
- statusLines = readPipe(PGCTLPATH3 + " status -D /dbroot/pgdata/main/")
- debugTrace("isServerUp(): statusLines = %s" % statusLines)
- psLines = readPipe("ps -fu postgres")
- debugTrace("isServerUp(): ps -fu postgres = %s" % psLines)
- ret = len(statusLines) > 0 and re.search("server is running", statusLines, re.MULTILINE) and not re.search("startup process\\s+waiting", psLines, re.MULTILINE)
- debugTrace("isServerUp(): returning = %s" % ret)
- return ret
- def isRepmgrdUp(self):
- """
- Check if the repmgrd server is up and running by calling "pgrep repmgrd" and
- looking for a process id.
- """
- statusLines = readPipe("pgrep repmgrd")
- debugTrace("isServerUp(): statusLines = %s" % statusLines)
- ret = len(statusLines) > 0 and re.search("[0-9]+", statusLines, re.MULTILINE) != None
- debugTrace("isServerUp(): returning = %s" % ret)
- return ret
- def isMaster(self):
- """
- Check if the postgresql server is a master by asking the server if it is in recovery (meaning not a master)
- """
- ret = None
- con = None
- try:
- pwd = getCdfPropValue("postgres", True)
- # debugTrace("using pwd=%s" % pwd)
- con = psycopg2.connect(database = "postgres", user="postgres", password=pwd, host= HOST_NAME)
- str = dbGetFirstRowOneValue(con, "select pg_is_in_recovery()")
- debugTrace("pg_is_in_recovery() <= %s" % str)
- ret = not str
- except psycopg2.DatabaseError as e:
- errTrace('Database Error %s' % e)
- except Exception as e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- errTrace(str(e))
- finally:
- if con is not None:
- con.close()
- debugTrace("isMaster(): returning = %s" % ret)
- return ret
- def hasRepmgr(self):
- """
- Check if the postgresql server is a master by asking the server if it is in recovery (meaning not a master)
- """
- ret = None
- con = None
- try:
- pwd = getCdfPropValue("postgres", True)
- # debugTrace("using pwd=%s" % pwd)
- con = psycopg2.connect(database = "postgres", user="postgres", password=pwd, host= HOST_NAME)
- str = dbGetFirstRowOneValue(con, "select * from pg_database where datname = 'repmgr'")
- debugTrace("repmgr database check() <= %s" % str)
- ret = str
- except psycopg2.DatabaseError as e:
- errTrace('Database Error %s' % e)
- except Exception as e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- errTrace(str(e))
- finally:
- if con is not None:
- con.close()
- debugTrace("isMaster(): returning = %s" % ret)
- return ret
- def isValidPgHost(self, host):
- """
- Check a hostname against the list of nodes stored in the pgnodes CDF configuration file.
- """
- pgnodes = getCdfPropValue("pgnodes", "").split('|')
- ret = host in pgnodes
- debugTrace("isValidPgHost(): looking for host='%s' in pgnodes='%s' => %s" % (host, str(pgnodes), ret))
- return ret
- def checkAuth(self):
- """
- HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
- Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2014 16:50:53 GMT
- WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="WallyWorld"
- Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
- """
- pswd = getCdfPropValue("wgetpswd", True)
- b64pswd = base64.b64encode(("pgaas:" + pswd).encode("ascii"))
- basicPlusPswd = "Basic %s" % b64pswd.decode("ascii")
- if self.headers['Authorization'] == None:
- return False
- elif self.headers['Authorization'] == basicPlusPswd:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def pgStatus(self, *pgargs):
- """ return a table(s), using the system database of postgres """
- return self.pgStatusDBx("postgres", *pgargs)
- def pgStatusDB(self, DB, *pgargs):
- """ return a table(s), using the given database """
- return self.pgStatusDBx(DB, *pgargs)
- def pgStatusDBx(self, DB, *pgargs):
- """ return a table(s), using the given database """
- debugTrace("pgStatusDBx(DB=" + DB + ")")
- con = None
- ret = None
- try:
- con = psycopg2.connect(database = DB, user="postgres", password=getCdfPropValue("postgres", True), host= HOST_NAME)
- ret = getTableHtmls(con, DB, pgargs)
- except psycopg2.DatabaseError as e:
- errTrace('Database Error %s' % e)
- except Exception as e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- errTrace(str(e))
- finally:
- if con is not None:
- con.close()
- return ret
- def do_HEAD(self):
- """Respond to a HEAD request."""
- self.doHEADandGET(False)
- def do_GET(self):
- """Respond to a GET request."""
- self.doHEADandGET(True)
- def doHEADandGET(self, sendMsg):
- resp = 400
- msg = ""
- sendBinary = False
- contentType = "text/plain"
- global debugOn
- if self.path == "/statusall":
- self.path = "/all/status/pgstatus"
- elif self.path == "/pgstatusall":
- self.path = "/pgstatus"
- if self.path == '/ro':
- if os.path.isfile("/var/run/postgresql/force-ro-off"):
- isrw = "FORCE-RO-OFF"
- elif os.path.isfile("/var/run/postgresql/force-ro-on"):
- isrw = "Secondary"
- else:
- isrw = readFile("/var/run/postgresql/isrw", "n/a")
- debugTrace("/ro: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
- if re.match("Secondary", isrw) or re.match("Master", isrw):
- resp = 200
- msg = "server is up"
- else:
- msg = "server is not up " + isrw
- errTrace("/ro: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
- elif self.path == '/rw':
- isrw = readFile("/var/run/postgresql/isrw", "n/a")
- debugTrace("/rw: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
- if re.match("Master", isrw):
- resp = 200
- msg = "master server is up"
- elif re.match("Secondary", isrw):
- msg = "non-master server is up"
- else:
- msg = "server is not up " + isrw
- errTrace("/ro: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
- elif self.path == '/isrw':
- isrw = readFile("/var/run/postgresql/isrw", "n/a")
- debugTrace("/isrw: returns %s" % isrw)
- resp = 200
- msg = isrw
- elif self.path == '/healthcheck/status':
- hs = readFile("/var/run/postgresql/check_cluster", "n/a")
- debugTrace("/healthcheck/status: returns %s" % hs)
- resp = 429 if hs == "n/a" else 200
- msg = '{ "output": "%s" }' % replaceQuoteNewline(hs)
- elif self.path == '/healthcheck/writablestatus':
- isrw = readFile("/var/run/postgresql/isrw", "n/a")
- debugTrace("/rw: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
- resp = 429
- if re.match("Master", isrw):
- resp = 200
- msg = '{ "output": "master server is up" }'
- elif re.match("Secondary", isrw):
- msg = '{ "output": "non-master server is up" }'
- else:
- msg = '{ "output": "server is not up %s" }' % replaceQuoteNewline(isrw)
- errTrace("/ro: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
- elif self.path == '/healthcheck/readonlystatus':
- if os.path.isfile("/var/run/postgresql/force-ro-off"):
- isrw = "FORCE-RO-OFF"
- elif os.path.isfile("/var/run/postgresql/force-ro-on"):
- isrw = "Secondary"
- else:
- isrw = readFile("/var/run/postgresql/isrw", "n/a")
- debugTrace("/ro: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
- resp = 429
- if re.match("Secondary", isrw) or re.match("Master", isrw):
- resp = 200
- msg = '{ "output": "server is up" }'
- else:
- msg = '{ "output": "server is not up %s" }' % replaceQuoteNewline(isrw)
- errTrace("/ro: isrw returns %s" % isrw)
- elif self.path == '/':
- ui = readFile("/opt/app/pgaas/man/iDNS-responder.swagger.json", "n/a")
- debugTrace("/: returns %s" % ui)
- msg = ui
- if ui != "n/a":
- resp = 200
- contentType = "application/json"
- elif not self.checkAuth():
- resp = 401
- msg = "not authenticated"
- elif self.path == '/ismaster':
- masterYes = self.isMaster()
- msg = ""
- if masterYes:
- resp = 200
- msg = "master server"
- else:
- msg = "non-master server"
- elif self.path == '/issecondary':
- masterYes = self.isMaster()
- msg = ""
- if not masterYes:
- resp = 200
- msg = "secondary server"
- else:
- msg = "non-secondary server"
- elif self.path == '/ismaintenance':
- msg = ""
- if os.path.exists("/var/run/postgresql/inmaintenance"):
- resp = 200
- msg = "in maintenance mode"
- else:
- msg = "not in maintenance mode"
- elif self.path == '/getpubkey':
- try:
- resp = 200
- msg = readFile(os.path.expanduser("~postgres/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"))
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- resp = 404
- msg = "key does not exist"
- elif re.match("/getssh/", self.path):
- # getssh/hostname - push ssh pub/private keys across
- host = re.sub("^/getssh/", "", self.path)
- debugTrace("#1: /getssh/ host='%s'" % host)
- host = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]", "", host)
- debugTrace("#2: /getssh/ host='%s'" % host)
- if self.isValidPgHost(host):
- p = readPipe("scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~postgres/.ssh/id_rsa ~postgres/.ssh/id_rsa* postgres@" + host + ":.ssh/ 2>&1")
- debugTrace("#3: /getssh/ to '%s' returns '%s'" % (host, p))
- msg = "OK " + p
- resp = 200
- else:
- resp = 404
- elif re.match("/getcdf/", self.path):
- # getcdf/hostname - push cdf.cfg file across
- fi = "/opt/app/cdf/lib/cdf.cfg"
- # make sure that the file exists and contains the encrypted postgres password
- if re.search("postgres.x", readFile(fi, "n/a")) and re.search("repmgr.x", readFile(fi, "n/a")):
- host = re.sub("^/getcdf/", "", self.path)
- debugTrace("#1: /getcdf/ host='%s'" % host)
- host = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]", "", host)
- debugTrace("#2: /getcdf/ host='%s'" % host)
- if self.isValidPgHost(host):
- p = readPipe("scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~postgres/.ssh/id_rsa " + fi + " postgres@" + host + ":/opt/app/cdf/lib/cdf.cfg 2>&1")
- debugTrace("#3: /getcdf/ to '%s' returns '%s'" % (host, p))
- msg = "OK " + p
- resp = 200
- else:
- resp = 404
- else:
- msg = "NOT OK YET"
- resp = 404
- elif self.path == '/hasrepmgr':
- repmgrYes = self.hasRepmgr()
- msg = ""
- if repmgrYes:
- resp = 200
- msg = "OK"
- else:
- msg = "NOT OK YET"
- elif self.path == '/status':
- resp = 200
- contentType = "text/html"
- isServerUp = self.isServerUp()
- isRepmgrdUp = self.isRepmgrdUp()
- isMaster = self.isMaster()
- color = "green" if (isServerUp and isRepmgrdUp) else "yellow" if (isServerUp or isRepmgrdUp) else "red"
- dashed = "solid" if isMaster else "dashed"
- jump = jumpTable("status", "ps", "repmgr", "df", "uptime", "loadavg", "cpuinfo", "meminfo", "pgaas-failures", "pgaas-inst-report", "nslookup", "ip-addr-show", "who-br")
- msg = """<table style='border: 10px %s %s' width='100%%'><tr><td>
- <b>isServerUp</b> %s
- <b>isRepmgrdUp</b> %s
- <b>isMaster</b> %s
- <b>isrw</b> %s %s\n<br/>
- %s
- <h2><a name='status-ps'>ps</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
- <h2><a name='status-repmgr'>repmgr cluster show</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
- <h2><a name='status-df'>df</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
- <h2><a name='status-uptime'>uptime</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
- <h2>/proc/uptime%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
- <h2><a name='status-loadavg'>loadavg</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
- <h2><a name='status-cpuinfo'>cpuinfo</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
- <h2><a name='status-meminfo'>meminfo</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
- <h2><a name='status-pgaas-failures'>pgaas-failures</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
- <h2><a name='status-pgaas-inst-report'>pgaas.inst.report</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
- <h2><a name='status-nslookup'>nslookup</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
- <h2><a name='status-ip-addr-show'>ip addr</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
- <h2><a name='status-who-br'>who -br</a>%s</h2>\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n
- </td></tr></table>""" % (color, dashed, isServerUp, isRepmgrdUp, isMaster,
- readFileHtml("/var/run/postgresql/isrw", "n/a"),
- readPipeHtml("hostname -f"), jump,
- topButton, readPipeHtml("ps -fu postgres"),
- topButton, readPipeHtml("/opt/app/pgaas/bin/repmgrc cluster show"),
- topButton, readPipeHtml("df -h"),
- topButton, readPipeHtml("uptime", defStr="n/a"),
- topButton, readFileHtml("/proc/uptime", defStr="n/a"),
- topButton, readFileHtml("/proc/loadavg", defStr="n/a"),
- topButton, readFileHtml("/proc/cpuinfo", defStr="n/a"),
- topButton, readFileHtml("/proc/meminfo", defStr="n/a"),
- topButton, readFileHtml("/tmp/pgaas-failures", defStr="n/a"),
- topButton, readFileHtml("/tmp/pgaas.inst.report", defStr="n/a"),
- topButton, readPipeHtml("nslookup $(hostname -f)", defStr="n/a"),
- topButton, readPipeHtml("ip addr show", defStr="n/a"),
- topButton, readPipeHtml("who -br", defStr="n/a"))
- elif self.path == '/stoplight':
- isServerUp = self.isServerUp()
- isRepmgrdUp = self.isRepmgrdUp()
- isMaster = self.isMaster()
- color = "green" if (isServerUp and isRepmgrdUp) else "yellow" if (isServerUp or isRepmgrdUp) else "red"
- masterSecondary = "master" if isMaster else "secondary"
- sendBinary = True
- contentType = "image/gif"
- msg = readFileBinary("/opt/app/postgresql/lib/gif/stoplight-" + masterSecondary + "-" + color + ".gif", "")
- elif re.match("/perdb-", self.path):
- # /perdb-
- rest = re.sub("^/perdb-", "", self.path)
- debugTrace("#1: /perdb- others='%s'" % rest)
- rest = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_./-]", "", rest)
- debugTrace("#2: /perdb- rest='%s'" % rest)
- pgothers = [ x for x in rest.split('-') if x in validPerDbTables ]
- resp = 200
- contentType = "text/html"
- con = None
- try:
- pwd = getCdfPropValue("postgres", True)
- con = psycopg2.connect(database = "postgres", user="postgres", password=pwd, host= HOST_NAME)
- databases = dbGetFirstColumn(con, "select datname from pg_database")
- debugTrace("after select datname from pg_database")
- databases[:] = [DB for DB in databases if not re.match("template[0-9]", DB)]
- msg = msg + jumpTable("db", *databases) + "<br/>"
- for DB in databases:
- debugTrace("looking at DB=" + DB)
- msg = msg + "<h1><a name='db-" + DB + "'>" + DB + "</a>" + topButton + "</h1>\n"
- msg = msg + jumpTable(DB + "-table", *pgothers)
- msg = msg + self.pgStatusDB(DB, *pgothers)
- except psycopg2.DatabaseError as e:
- errTrace('Database Error %s' % e)
- msg = "DB is down"
- except Exception as e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- errTrace(str(e))
- finally:
- if con is not None:
- con.close()
- elif self.path == '/pgstatus':
- tables = [ "pg_stat_activity", "pg_stat_archiver", "pg_stat_bgwriter", "pg_stat_database", "pg_stat_database_conflicts", "pg_stat_user_tables", "pg_stat_user_indexes", "pg_statio_user_tables", "pg_statio_user_indexes", "pg_statio_user_sequences", "pg_roles", "pg_database", "pg_tables", "pg_namespace", "pg_roles", "pg_group" ]
- header = jumpTable("postgres-table", *tables)
- msg = self.pgStatus(*tables)
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- msg = header + msg
- elif self.path == '/pg_stat_activity':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_activity")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_stat_archiver':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_archiver")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_stat_bgwriter':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_bgwriter")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_stat_database':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_database")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_stat_database_conflicts':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_database_conflicts")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_stat_user_tables':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_user_tables")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_stat_user_indexes':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_stat_user_indexes")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_statio_user_tables':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_statio_user_tables")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_statio_user_indexes':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_statio_user_indexes")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_statio_user_sequences':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_statio_user_sequences")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_roles':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_roles")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_database':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_database")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_tables':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_tables")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_namespace':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_namespace")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif self.path == '/pg_group':
- msg = self.pgStatus("pg_group")
- if msg is not None:
- contentType = "text/html"
- resp = 200
- elif re.match("/all/", self.path) or re.match("/small/", self.path):
- if re.match("/small/", self.path):
- height = 40
- else:
- height = 400
- # /all/others
- rest = re.sub("^/all/", "", self.path)
- rest = re.sub("^/small/", "", self.path)
- rest = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_./-]", "", rest)
- debugTrace("/all/ rest='%s'" % rest)
- others = rest.split('/')
- try:
- resp = 200
- contentType = "text/html"
- pgnodes = getCdfPropValue("pgnodes", "").split('|')
- msg = msg + jumpTable("node", *pgnodes)
- for node in pgnodes:
- hnode = html.escape(node)
- msg = msg + "<h2><a name='node-" + hnode + "'>" + hnode + "</a>" + topButton + "</h2>\n"
- msg = msg + jumpTable(hnode + "-other", *others)
- for other in others:
- msg = msg + "<h3><a name='" + hnode + "-other-" + other + "'>" + other + "</a>" + topButton + "</h3>\n"
- msg = msg + "<iframe src='http://" + hnode + ":" + str(PORT_NUMBER) + "/" + other + "' frameborder='1' scrolling='yes' height='" + str(height) + "' width='1200'></iframe>\n"
- except Exception as e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- errTrace(str(e))
- elif self.path == '/swmstatus':
- resp = 200
- contentType = "text/html"
- msg = "<pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % readPipeHtml("set -x;sed -n '/^STARTING/,/^ENDING/p' /opt/app/aft/aftswmnode/stage/*/com/att/ecomp/dcae/storage/pgaas/*/*/proc_out")
- elif self.path == '/debugon':
- msg = "ON"
- resp = 200
- debugOn = True
- elif self.path == '/debugoff':
- msg = "OFF"
- resp = 200
- debugOn = False
- elif self.path == '/log' or self.path == '/log/':
- msg = "<h2>%s</h2><pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (self.path, addFilenameHrefs("/log/", readPipeHtml("ls -l /opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/*/*")))
- resp = 200
- contentType = "text/html"
- elif self.path == '/mlog' or self.path == '/mlog/':
- # /opt/app/dcae-controller-service-common-vm-manager/logs
- msg = "<h2>%s</h2><pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (self.path, addFilenameHrefs("/mlog/", readPipeHtml("ls -l /opt/app/dcae-controller-service-common-vm-manager/logs/*")))
- resp = 200
- contentType = "text/html"
- elif self.path == '/tmp' or self.path == '/tmp/':
- msg = "<h2>%s</h2><pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (self.path, addFilenameHrefs("/tmp/", readPipeHtml("ls -l /tmp/*")))
- resp = 200
- contentType = "text/html"
- elif re.match("/log/", self.path):
- # /log/dir/path
- rest = re.sub("^/log/", "", self.path)
- debugTrace("#1: /log/ others='%s'" % rest)
- rest = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_./-]", "", rest)
- rest = re.sub("/[.][.]/", "", rest)
- debugTrace("#2: /log/ rest='%s'" % rest)
- msg = "<h2>%s</h2><pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (rest, ifEmpty(readFileOrGzHtml("/opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/" + rest, "n/a"), "<i>empty</i>"))
- resp = 200
- contentType = "text/html"
- elif re.match("/mlog/", self.path):
- # /log/dir/path
- rest = re.sub("^/mlog/", "", self.path)
- debugTrace("#1: /mlog/ others='%s'" % rest)
- rest = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_./-]", "", rest)
- rest = re.sub("/[.][.]/", "", rest)
- rest = re.sub("^logs/", "", rest)
- debugTrace("#2: /mlog/ rest='%s'" % rest)
- msg = "<h2>%s</h2><pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (rest, ifEmpty(readFileOrGzHtml("/opt/app/dcae-controller-service-common-vm-manager/logs/" + rest, "n/a"), "<i>empty</i>"))
- resp = 200
- contentType = "text/html"
- elif re.match("/tmp/", self.path):
- # /log/dir/path
- rest = re.sub("^/tmp/", "", self.path)
- debugTrace("#1: /tmp/ others='%s'" % rest)
- rest = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_./-]", "", rest)
- rest = re.sub("/[.][.]/", "", rest)
- rest = re.sub("^tmp/", "", rest)
- debugTrace("#2: /tmp/ rest='%s'" % rest)
- msg = "<h2>%s</h2><pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (rest, ifEmpty(readFileOrGzHtml("/tmp/" + rest, "n/a"), "<i>empty</i>"))
- resp = 200
- contentType = "text/html"
- elif self.path == '/oldro':
- serverYes = self.isServerUp()
- if serverYes:
- resp = 200
- msg = "server is up"
- else:
- msg = "server is not up"
- elif self.path == '/oldrw':
- serverYes = self.isServerUp()
- masterYes = self.isMaster()
- msg = ""
- if serverYes:
- if masterYes:
- resp = 200
- msg = "master server is up"
- elif masterYes is not None:
- msg = "non-master server is up"
- else:
- msg = "master status is up, but not answering"
- else:
- if masterYes:
- msg = "status is down, but responded as master server"
- elif masterYes is not None:
- msg = "status is down, but responded as non-master"
- else:
- msg = "status is down, server is not up"
- elif self.path == "/help":
- resp = 200
- contentType = "text/html"
- msg = """<pre>
- <a href='/statusall'>statusall</a> == all/status/pgstatus
- <a href='/ro'>ro</a> == iDNS readonly
- <a href='/rw'>rw</a> == iDNS readwrite
- <a href='/isrw'>isrw</a> == /var/run/postgresql/isrw
- <a href='/ismaster'>ismaster</a> == is master
- <a href='/issecondary'>issecondary</a> == is secondary
- <a href='/ismaintenance'>ismaintenance</a> == is in maintenance mode
- <a href='/healthcheck/status'>healthcheck/status</a> == Consul healthcheck
- <a href='/healthcheck/writablestatus'>healthcheck/writablestatus</a> == Consul writable healthcheck
- <a href='/healthcheck/readonlystatus'>healthcheck/readonlystatus</a> == Consul readonly healthcheck
- <a href='/getpubkey'>getpubkey</a> == retrieve public key
- <a href='/hasrepmgr'>hasrepmgr</a> == repmgr id and database are set up
- <a href='/status'>status</a> == lots of info
- <a href='/perdb-pg_tables-pg_indexes-pg_views'>perdb</a>-{<a href='/perdb-pg_tables'>pg_tables</a>-<a href='/perdb-pg_indexes'>pg_indexes</a>-<a href='/perdb-pg_views'>pg_views</a>} == info per DB
- <a href='/pgstatus'>pgstatus</a> == lots of database info
- <a href='/pg_stat_activity'>pg_stat_activity</a>, <a href='/pg_stat_archiver'>pg_stat_archiver</a>, <a href='/pg_stat_bgwriter'>pg_stat_bgwriter</a>,
- <a href='/pg_stat_database'>pg_stat_database</a>, <a href='/pg_stat_database_conflicts'>pg_stat_database_conflicts</a>, <a href='/pg_stat_user_tables'>pg_stat_user_tables</a>,
- <a href='/pg_stat_user_indexes'>pg_stat_user_indexes</a>, <a href='/pg_statio_user_tables'>pg_statio_user_tables</a>, <a href='/pg_statio_user_indexes'>pg_statio_user_indexes</a>,
- <a href='/pg_statio_user_sequences'>pg_statio_user_sequences</a>,
- <a href='/pg_roles'>pg_roles</a>, <a href='/pg_database'>pg_database</a>,
- <a href='/pg_tables'>pg_tables</a>, <a href='/pg_namespace'>pg_namespace</a>,
- <a href='/pg_group'>pg_group</a>,
- <a href='/swmstatus'>swm proc_out files</a>
- <a href='/log'>log</a> == ls -l logs
- log/foo == log foo
- <a href='/mlog'>mlog</a> == ls -l manager logs
- mlog/foo == mlog foo
- <a href='/tmp'>tmp</a> == ls -l /tmp
- </pre>"""
- else:
- resp = 404
- msg = "path does not exist"
- # TODO == encode msg when binary
- if sendBinary:
- debugTrace("%s: Returning %d/%d/%s" % (self.path, resp, len(msg), "--binary--"))
- else:
- debugTrace("%s: Returning %d/%d/%s" % (self.path, resp, len(msg), msg))
- traceMsg("- %s - \"%s %s %s\" %d %d" % (self.client_address[0], self.command, self.path, self.request_version, resp, len(msg)))
- self.send_response(resp)
- if resp == 401:
- self.send_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="PGaaS"')
- self.send_header("Content-type", contentType)
- self.end_headers()
- if sendMsg:
- if msg is None:
- msg = ""
- if sendBinary:
- self.wfile.write(msg)
- else:
- self.wfile.write((msg + "\n").encode("utf-8"))
- sys.stderr.flush()
-database utility functions
-# def dbGetMap(con, cmd, args=[], skipTrace=False):
-# def dbGetOneRowMap(con, cmd, args=[], skipTrace=False):
-def dbGetFirstRowOneValue(con, cmd, args=[], skipTrace=False):
- """
- Do a select and return a single value from the first row
- """
- row = dbGetFirstRow(con, cmd, args, skipTrace)
- debugTrace("row=" + str(row))
- if row is not None and len(row) > 0:
- return row[0]
- return None
-def dbGetFirstRow(con, cmd, args=[], skipTrace=False):
- """
- Do a select and return the values from the first row
- """
- cursor = dbExecute(con, cmd, args, skipTrace)
- return cursor.fetchone()
-def dbGetFirstColumn(con, cmd, args=[], skipTrace=False):
- """
- Do a select and return the first column's value from each row
- """
- ret = []
- cursor = dbExecute(con, cmd, args, skipTrace)
- for row in cursor:
- for col in row:
- ret.append(col)
- break
- return ret
-def dbGetFirstColumnAsMap(con, cmd, args=[], skipTrace=False, val=1):
- """
- Do a select and return the first column's value from each row
- """
- ret = {}
- cursor = dbExecute(con, cmd, args, skipTrace)
- for row in cursor:
- for col in row:
- ret[col] = val
- break
- return ret
-def dumpTable(con, tableName, max=-1):
- """
- If being extra verbose, print out the entire table
- """
- if verbose < 2:
- return
- traceOutput = sys.stderr if testOn else openLogFile("/opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/idns/debug.log")
- print("================ " + tableName + " ================", file=traceOutput)
- cols = dbGetFirstColumn(con, "select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='" + tableName + "'", skipTrace=True)
- print("num", end="|", file=traceOutput)
- for col in cols:
- print(col, end="|", file=traceOutput)
- print("", file=traceOutput)
- if max > -1:
- cursor = dbExecute(con, "select * from " + tableName + " limit " + str(max), skipTrace=True)
- else:
- cursor = dbExecute(con, "select * from " + tableName, skipTrace=True)
- i = 0
- for row in cursor:
- print("%d" % i, end="|", file=traceOutput)
- i += 1
- for col in row:
- print("%s" % (col), end="|", file=traceOutput)
- print("", file=traceOutput)
- print("================================================", file=traceOutput)
-def getTableHtmls(con, DB, tableNames):
- """
- Retrieve a dump of all specified tables, in HTML format
- """
- ret = ""
- for tn in tableNames:
- ret = ret + getTableHtml(con, DB, tn)
- return ret
-def getTableHtml(con, DB, tableName, max=-1):
- """
- Retrieve a dump of a given table, in HTML format
- """
- # errTrace("getting %s" % str(tableName))
- ret = "<h2><a name='" + DB + "-table-" + tableName + "'>" + DB + "&nbsp;" + tableName + "</a>" + topButton + "</h2>\n"
- ret = ret + "<table border='1'>\n"
- # ret = ret + "<tr><th colspan='" + str(len(cols)+1) + "'>" + tableName + "</th></tr>\n"
- cols = dbGetFirstColumn(con, "select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='" + tableName + "'", skipTrace=True)
- ret = ret + "<tr><th>num</th>"
- for col in cols:
- ret = ret + "<th>" + str(col) + "</th>"
- ret = ret + "</tr>\n"
- if max > -1:
- cursor = dbExecute(con, "select * from " + tableName + " limit " + str(max), skipTrace=True)
- else:
- cursor = dbExecute(con, "select * from " + tableName, skipTrace=True)
- i = 0
- for row in cursor:
- ret = ret + "<tr><th>" + str(i) + "</th>"
- i = i + 1
- for col in row:
- ret = ret + "<td>" + str(col) + "</td>"
- ret = ret + "</tr>\n"
- ret = ret + "</table>\n"
- return ret
-def dbExecute(con, statement, args=[], skipTrace=False):
- """
- Create a cursor, instantiate the arguments into a statement, trace print the statement, and execute the statement.
- Return the cursor
- """
- cursor = con.cursor()
- stmt = cursor.mogrify(statement, args);
- if not skipTrace:
- debugTrace("executing:" + str(stmt))
- cursor.execute(stmt)
- if not skipTrace:
- debugTrace("statusmessage=" + cursor.statusmessage + ", rowcount=" + str(cursor.rowcount))
- return cursor
-class HTTPServerIPv6(http.server.HTTPServer):
- address_family = socket.AF_INET6
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Respond to HTTP requests")
- parser.add_argument("-d","--debug",help="turn on debugging",action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-t","--test",help="turn on test mode",action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-H", "--host", type=str, help="Hostname, defaults to '%s'" % DEF_HOST_NAME,
- default=DEF_HOST_NAME)
- parser.add_argument("-P", "--port", type=int, help="Port to listen on, defaults to '%d'" % DEF_PORT_NUMBER,
- default=DEF_PORT_NUMBER)
- args = parser.parse_args()
- global debugOn, testOn, HOST_NAME, PORT_NUMBER
- debugOn = args.debug
- testOn = args.test
- HOST_NAME = args.host
- PORT_NUMBER = args.port
- if not debugOn:
- sys.stderr = openLogFile("/opt/logs/dcae/postgresql/idns/error.log")
- # server_class = http.server.HTTPServer
- # httpd = server_class(("", PORT_NUMBER), MyHandler)
- server_class = HTTPServerIPv6
- httpd = server_class(("", PORT_NUMBER), MyHandler)
- errTrace("Server Starts - %s:%s" % (HOST_NAME, PORT_NUMBER))
- try:
- httpd.serve_forever()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- httpd.server_close()
- errTrace("Server Stops - %s:%s" % (HOST_NAME, PORT_NUMBER))