BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterDepedecies update - Vulnerabilities foundlapentafd4 weeks
osloRelease version 3.0.2 of parent pomsDan Timoney7 weeks
newdelhiRelease version 2.7.0 parent pomsDan Timoney5 months
montrealRelease version 2.6.1 parent pomsDan Timoney16 months
londonAdd springboot parent 31 for LondonJohnKeeney18 months
kohnRelease version 2.4.6 parent pomsDan Timoney2 years
jakartaRelease version 2.3.4 parent pomsDan Timoney3 years
istanbulRelease parent pom version 2.2.4Dan Timoney3 years
honoluluRelease version 1.1.8 of ccsdk/parentDan Timoney4 years
guilinRelease 2.0.5 parent and roll to next snapshotDan Timoney4 years
3.0.2commit 711a9860ea...jenkins-releng7 weeks
3.0.1commit 87cc30fca5...jenkins-releng3 months
2.7.0commit 658358599e...jenkins-releng5 months
3.0.0commit 454d4327ff...jenkins-releng5 months
2.8.0commit ba1d615d68...jenkins-releng5 months
2.6.1commit cea9699ed3...jenkins-releng16 months
2.6.0commit 742c4e19fb...jenkins-releng19 months
2.5.5commit 2f6cb33686...jenkins-releng21 months
2.5.4commit 8356f77ce0...jenkins-releng23 months
2.5.3commit e005ae33ca...jenkins-releng2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2019-09-12Release ccsdk/parent1.4.2jenkins-releng19-84/+84
2019-09-10Roll version for El Alto releaseTimoney, Dan (dt5972)19-80/+80
2019-09-10Release version 1.4.1 parent pomTimoney, Dan (dt5972)1-0/+5
2019-09-09Fix versions of netty and jersey-guavaTimoney, Dan (dt5972)9-72/+206
2019-09-06Fix errors in INFO.yamlTimoney, Dan (dt5972)1-17/+5
2019-09-03Revert "Use preinstalled version of mariadb"Timoney, Dan (dt5972)9-9/+9
2019-09-03Use preinstalled version of mariadbTimoney, Dan (dt5972)9-9/+9
2019-08-28Roll versionsTimoney, Dan (dt5972)19-80/+80
2019-08-23Release 1.4.0 parent pomsTimoney, Dan (dt5972)1-0/+5
2019-08-15ASDC lib version updateslalena.aria1-2/+2