path: root/src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts b/src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts
index 8d96554..e07ff93 100644
--- a/src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts
+++ b/src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts
@@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
-/* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable */
-// Modules
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed,inject } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { DebugElement } from '@angular/core';
@@ -31,23 +28,32 @@ import { FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { RouterTestingModule } from '@angular/router/testing';
import { SimpleNotificationsModule } from 'angular2-notifications';
import { Http, Response, Headers, RequestOptions, HttpModule } from '@angular/http';
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
+import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';
+import 'rxjs/add/observable/from';
+import 'rxjs/add/observable/empty';
+import 'rxjs/add/observable/throw';
-// Component
import { TestComponent } from './test.component';
-// Services
import { NotificationService } from '../shared/services/notification.service';
import { ParamShareService } from '.././shared/services/paramShare.service';
import { MappingEditorService } from '../shared/services/mapping-editor.service';
import { HttpUtilService } from '../shared/services/httpUtil/http-util.service';
import { UtilityService } from '../shared/services/utilityService/utility.service';
+import { environment } from '../.././environments/environment';
import { NgProgress } from 'ngx-progressbar';
-import {NgProgressModule} from 'ngx-progressbar';
+import { NgProgressModule } from 'ngx-progressbar';
+class MockService {
+ doStuff() {
+ return this;
+ }
describe( 'TestComponent', () => {
let component: TestComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;
+ let http = new MockService();
beforeEach(async(() => {
@@ -60,12 +66,13 @@ describe( 'TestComponent', () => {
providers: [
- NotificationService,
+ NotificationService,
- NgProgress
+ NgProgress,
+ {provide: Http, useValue: http}
@@ -77,82 +84,300 @@ describe( 'TestComponent', () => {
- it( 'should create', () => {
- expect(component).toBeTruthy();
- });
+ it('should ...', inject([HttpUtilService], (service: HttpUtilService) => {
+ let spy = spyOn(service, 'post').and.returnValue(Observable.empty());
+ fixture.detectChanges(); // onInit()
- // it('test', () => {
- // expect(2).toEqual(1)
- // });
+ component.pollTestStatus();
+ expect(service).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(spy.calls.any()).toBe(true, 'test');
+ }));
+ // Test download Method
+ describe('Test download Method', () => {
+ it('Should have download method', () => {
+ expect(;
+ });
+ it('test if apiRequest if true', inject( [SimpleNotificationsModule], (service: SimpleNotificationsModule) => {
+ component.apiRequest = '{"input":{"common-header":{"timestamp":"2018-03-05T07:41:14.329Z","api-ver":"2.00","originator-id":"CDT","request-id":"1520235674330","sub-request-id":"1520235674330","flags":{"mode":"NORMAL","force":"TRUE","ttl":3600}},"action":"ConfigModify","action-identifiers":{"vnf-id":"testVnf","vserver-id":"test"},"payload":""';
+ component.apiResponse = '';
+ component.action = 'ConfigModify';
+ component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = 'testVnf';
+ let fileName = 'test_' + component.action + '_' + component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] + '_request';
+ let theJSON = component.apiRequest;
+ var blob = new Blob([theJSON], {
+ type: 'text/json'
+ });
+ expect(service instanceof SimpleNotificationsModule).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(component.apiRequest).not.toBe('');
+ expect(fileName).not.toBe('');
+ expect(fileName).not.toBeNull();
+ expect(fileName).toContain('test_');
+ expect(fileName).toContain('_request');
+ expect(typeof (blob)).toBe('object');
- // it('test preparfilename', inject([MappingEditorService], (mappingEditorService: MappingEditorService) => {
- // // fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);
- // // component = fixture.componentInstance;
- // mappingEditorService.latestAction=undefined
+ }));
- // expect(component.prepareFileName()).toBe(undefined);
- // }));
+ it('test method if apiResponse is true', () => {
+ component.apiResponse = '{"input":{"common-header":{"timestamp":"2018-03-05T07:41:14.329Z","api-ver":"2.00","originator-id":"CDT","request-id":"1520235674330","sub-request-id":"1520235674330","flags":{"mode":"NORMAL","force":"TRUE","ttl":3600}},"action":"ConfigModify","action-identifiers":{"vnf-id":"testvnf","vserver-id":"test"},"payload":""';
+ component.apiRequest = '';
+ component.action = 'ConfigModify';
+ component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = 'testvnf';
+ let fileName = 'test_' + component.action + '_' + component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] + '_response';
+ let theJSON = component.apiRequest;
+ var blob = new Blob([theJSON], {
+ type: 'text/json'
+ });
- it('Should have download method', () => {
- expect(;
+ expect(component.apiResponse).not.toBe('');
+ expect(fileName).not.toBe('');
+ expect(fileName).not.toBeNull();
+ expect(fileName).toContain('test_');
+ expect(fileName).toContain('_response');
+ expect(typeof (blob)).toBe('object');
+ });
// Test abortTest Method
- it('Should have abortTest method', () => {
- expect(component.abortTest).toBeDefined();
+ describe('Test abortTest Method', () => {
+ it('Should have abortTest method', () => {
+ expect(component.abortTest).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it('Test abortTest Method', () => {
+ const temp = component.abortTest();
+ expect(component.enableBrowse).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(component.enableTestButton).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(component.enablePollButton).toBeTruthy();
+ });
- it('Test abortTest Method', () => {
- const temp = component.abortTest();
- expect(component.enableBrowse).toBeTruthy();
- expect(component.enableTestButton).toBeTruthy();
+ // Test excelBrowseOption Method
+ describe('Test excelBrowseOption Method', () => {
+ it('test excelBrowseOption', () => {
+ spyOn(component, 'excelBrowseOption');
+ let button = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('#excelInputFile ~ button.browse'));
+ expect(component.excelBrowseOption).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ });
- it('Should have excelBrowseOption method', () => {
- expect(component.excelBrowseOption).toBeDefined();
+ // Test Upload Method
+ describe('Test Upload Method', () => {
+ it('Should have upload method', () => {
+ expect(component.upload).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it('should execute if file extension is XLS, XLSX', () => {
+ let fileExtension = 'XLS';
+ let event = { isTrusted: true, type: "change", target: {files: [{name:'foo.XLS', size: 500001}]} }
+ let reader = new FileReader();
+ spyOn(reader, 'onload');
+ component.upload(event);
+ expect(reader instanceof FileReader).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(reader.onload).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(component.enableTestButton).toBeTruthy();
+ console.log('aaa',component.enableTestButton, component.uploadFileName);
+ });
+ it('should return an error if file extension is not XLS, XLSX', () => {
+ spyOn(component, 'upload');
+ let ele = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('#filesparam'));
+ const target = { files: ['']};
+ component.uploadFileName = 'test.doc';
+ let fileExtension = 'DOC';
+ component.upload('change');
+ expect(target.files.length).toEqual(1)
+ expect(fileExtension).not.toBe('XLS');
+ expect(fileExtension).not.toBe('XLSX');
+ });
- it('Should have upload method', () => {
- expect(component.upload).toBeDefined();
+ // Test processUploadedFile Method
+ describe('Test processUploadedFile Method', () => {
+ it('should return valid payload', () => {
+ let data = [
+ {"TagName":"action","Value":"ConfigModify"},
+ {"List Name":"action-identifiers","TagName":"vserver-id","Value":"test"},
+ {"List Name":"payload","List Name_1":"request-parameters","TagName":"vnf-name","Value":"testVnf"},
+ {"List Name":"payload","List Name_1":"request-parameters","List Name_2":"[vm]","List Name_3":"vnfc","TagName":"vnfc-name","Value":"testVnfcName"},
+ {"List Name":"payload","List Name_1":"configuration-parameters","TagName":"testConfigParam","Value":"testConfigValue"}
+ ]
+ let payload = component.processUploadedFile(data);
+ });
- it('Should have constructTestPayload method', () => {
- expect(component.constructTestPayload).toBeDefined();
+ // Test uploadedFileResult Method
+ describe('Test uploadedFileResult', () => {
+ it('should return success message', inject([SimpleNotificationsModule],(service: SimpleNotificationsModule) => {
+ component.action = 'ConfigModify';
+ component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = 'testvnf';
+ component.uploadedFileResult();
+ expect(service instanceof SimpleNotificationsModule).toBeTruthy();
+ }));
+ it('should return error message', inject([SimpleNotificationsModule], (service: SimpleNotificationsModule) => {
+ component.action = '';
+ component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = '';
+ component.uploadedFileResult();
+ expect(service instanceof SimpleNotificationsModule).toBeTruthy();
+ }));
- it('Should have constructRequest method', () => {
- expect(component.constructRequest).toBeDefined();
+ // Test constructTestPayload Method
+ describe('Test constructTestPayload Method', () => {
+ //3rd , 4th columnd, tag name , tag value
+ it('Should have constructTestPayload method', () => {
+ expect(component.constructTestPayload).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it('test if listName2, listName3 are undefined', () => {
+ let temp = component.constructTestPayload(undefined, undefined, 'vnfc-type', 'testvnfc');
+ expect(component.subPayload['vnfc-type']).toEqual('testvnfc')
+ });
+ it('test if lastName2 is not undefined', () => {
+ let temp = component.constructTestPayload(['vm'], undefined, 'vnfc-type', 'testvnfc');
+ expect(typeof(component.vmJson)).toEqual('object');
+ expect(typeof(component.vnfcJson)).toEqual('object');
+ expect(component.vmJson['vnfc-type']).toBe('testvnfc');
+ expect(component.flag).toBe(0);
+ });
+ it('test if lastNmae2, lastName3 are not undefined', () => {
+ let temp = component.constructTestPayload(['vm'], 'vnfc', 'vnfc-type', 'testvnfc');
+ expect(component.vnfcJson['vnfc-type']).toEqual('testvnfc');
+ expect(component.vmJson['vnfc']['vnfc-type']).toEqual('testvnfc');
+ expect(component.flag).toBe(1);
+ })
- it('Should have testVnf method', () => {
- expect(component.testVnf).toBeDefined();
+ // Test constructRequest Method
+ describe('Test constructRequest Method', () => {
+ it('Should have constructRequest method', () => {
+ expect(component.constructRequest).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it('test method', () => {
+ let temp = component.constructRequest();
+ });
- it('Should have pollTestStatus method', () => {
- expect(component.pollTestStatus).toBeDefined();
+ // Test testVnf Method
+ describe('Test testVnf Method', () => {
+ it('Should have testVnf method', () => {
+ expect(component.testVnf).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it('should return response on success', inject([HttpUtilService, NgProgress], (httpUtilService: HttpUtilService, ngProgress: NgProgress) => {
+ let spy = spyOn(httpUtilService, 'post').and.callFake( ({}) => {
+ return Observable.empty();
+ });
+ component.action = 'ConfigModify';
+ component.testVnf();
+ expect(component.enableBrowse).toBeFalsy()
+ expect(component.enableTestButton).toBeFalsy();
+ expect(component.enablePollButton).toBeFalsy();
+ expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ }));
+ it('should return an error if fails', inject([HttpUtilService],( httpUtilService: HttpUtilService) => {
+ let error = 'Error in connecting to APPC Server';
+ let spy = spyOn(httpUtilService, 'post').and.returnValue(Observable.throw(error));
+ component.action = 'ConfigModify';
+ component.testVnf();
+ expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(component.enableBrowse).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(component.enableTestButton).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(component.enablePollButton).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(component.enableCounterDiv).toBeFalsy();
+ }));
+ it('test setTimeout', inject([NgProgress], (ngProgress: NgProgress) => {
+ let spy = spyOn(ngProgress, 'done');
+ component.action = 'ConfigModify';
+ component.testVnf();
+ }));
+ // Test pollTestStatus Method
+ describe('Test pollTestStatus Method', () => {
+ it('Should have pollTestStatus method', () => {
+ expect(component.pollTestStatus).toBeDefined();
+ });
- // Test getUrlEndPoint Method
- it('Should have getUrlEndPoint method', () => {
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint).toBeDefined();
+ it('test method', () => {
+ let temp = component.pollTestStatus();
+ let requestId = new Date().getTime().toString();
+ let actionIdentifiers = 123456;
+ });
+ it('should call fake server', inject([HttpUtilService], (httpUtilService: HttpUtilService) => {
+ let spy = spyOn(httpUtilService, 'post').and.callFake(({}) => {
+ return Observable.empty();
+ });
+ component.pollTestStatus();
+ expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ }));
+ it('should return an error if fails', inject([HttpUtilService], (httpUtilService: HttpUtilService) => {
+ let error = 'Error Connecting to APPC server';
+ let spy = spyOn(httpUtilService, 'post').and.callFake( ({}) => {
+ return Observable.throw(error);
+ });
+ component.requestId = null;
+ component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = false;
+ component.pollTestStatus();
+ expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ }));
+ // Test getUrlEndPoint Method
+ describe('Test getUrlEndPoint Method', () => {
+ it('Should have getUrlEndPoint method', () => {
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint).toBeDefined();
+ });
- it('getUrlEndPoint Should return value', () => {
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('configmodify')).toEqual('config-modify');
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('configbackup')).toEqual('config-backup');
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('configrestore')).toEqual('config-restore');
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('healthcheck')).toEqual('health-check');
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('quiescetraffic')).toEqual('quiesce-traffic');
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('resumetraffic')).toEqual('resume-traffic');
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('startapplication')).toEqual('start-application');
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('stopapplication')).toEqual('stop-application');
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('upgradebackout')).toEqual('upgrade-backout');
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('upgradepostcheck')).toEqual('upgrade-post-check');
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('upgradeprecheck')).toEqual('upgrade-pre-check');
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('upgradesoftware')).toEqual('upgrade-software');
- expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('DeFaultCASE')).toEqual('defaultcase');
+ it('getUrlEndPoint Should return value', () => {
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('configmodify')).toEqual('config-modify');
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('configbackup')).toEqual('config-backup');
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('configrestore')).toEqual('config-restore');
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('healthcheck')).toEqual('health-check');
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('quiescetraffic')).toEqual('quiesce-traffic');
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('resumetraffic')).toEqual('resume-traffic');
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('startapplication')).toEqual('start-application');
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('stopapplication')).toEqual('stop-application');
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('upgradebackout')).toEqual('upgrade-backout');
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('upgradepostcheck')).toEqual('upgrade-post-check');
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('upgradeprecheck')).toEqual('upgrade-pre-check');
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('upgradesoftware')).toEqual('upgrade-software');
+ expect(component.getUrlEndPoint('DeFaultCASE')).toEqual('defaultcase');
+ });
+}) \ No newline at end of file