path: root/src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts b/src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts
index 830effd..15dde6c 100644
--- a/src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts
+++ b/src/app/test/test.component.spec.ts
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
-ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
@@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ describe('TestComponent', () => {
// Test download Method
@@ -178,9 +177,9 @@ describe('TestComponent', () => {
it('should execute if file extension is XLS, XLSX', () => {
let reader = new FileReader();
- let file = new File(["testing"], "foo.XLS", {type: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"})
+ let file = new File(["testing"], "foo.XLS", { type: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" })
let fileExtension = 'XLS';
- let event = { isTrusted: true, type: "change", target: {files: [file]} }
+ let event = { isTrusted: true, type: "change", target: { files: [file] } }
@@ -190,10 +189,10 @@ describe('TestComponent', () => {
it('should return an error if file extension is not XLS, XLSX', () => {
let reader = new FileReader();
- let file = new File(["testing"], "foo.doc", {type: ""})
+ let file = new File(["testing"], "foo.doc", { type: "" })
let fileExtension = 'doc';
- let event = { isTrusted: true, type: "change", target: {files: [file]} }
+ let event = { isTrusted: true, type: "change", target: { files: [file] } }
expect(reader instanceof FileReader).toBeTruthy();
@@ -201,7 +200,7 @@ describe('TestComponent', () => {
it('Should return an error is files length is not equal to 1', () => {
@@ -287,35 +286,35 @@ describe('TestComponent', () => {
it('should return response on success', inject([MockBackend], (mockBackend: MockBackend) => {
- let mockData = 'testing';
- let response = new ResponseOptions({
- body: JSON.stringify(mockData)
- });
- const baseResponse = new Response(response);
- mockBackend.connections.subscribe(
- (c: MockConnection) => {
- c.mockRespond(baseResponse)
- }
- );
- component.action = 'ConfigModify';
- component.testVnf();
+ let mockData = 'testing';
+ let response = new ResponseOptions({
+ body: JSON.stringify(mockData)
+ });
+ const baseResponse = new Response(response);
+ mockBackend.connections.subscribe(
+ (c: MockConnection) => {
+ c.mockRespond(baseResponse)
+ }
+ );
+ component.action = 'ConfigModify';
+ component.testVnf();
- it('should return an error if fails', inject([HttpUtilService],( httpUtilService: HttpUtilService) => {
- let error = 'Error in connecting to APPC Server';
- let spy = spyOn(httpUtilService, 'post').and.returnValue(Observable.throw(error));
- component.action = 'ConfigModify';
- component.testVnf();
+ it('should return an error if fails', inject([HttpUtilService], (httpUtilService: HttpUtilService) => {
+ let error = 'Error in connecting to APPC Server';
+ let spy = spyOn(httpUtilService, 'post').and.returnValue(Observable.throw(error));
+ component.action = 'ConfigModify';
- expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(component.enableBrowse).toBeTruthy();
- expect(component.enableTestButton).toBeTruthy();
- expect(component.enablePollButton).toBeTruthy();
- expect(component.enableCounterDiv).toBeFalsy();
- }));
+ component.testVnf();
+ expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(component.enableBrowse).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(component.enableTestButton).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(component.enablePollButton).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(component.enableCounterDiv).toBeFalsy();
+ }));
it('test setTimeout', inject([NgProgress], (ngProgress: NgProgress) => {
let spy = spyOn(ngProgress, 'done');
@@ -334,64 +333,80 @@ describe('TestComponent', () => {
it('should call fake server', inject([MockBackend], (mockBackend: MockBackend) => {
component.requestId = new Date().getTime().toString();
- component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = 123456;
- let mockData = { "output": { "common-header": { "originator-id": "CDT", "sub-request-id": "653018029941", "timestamp": "2018-02-12T07:27:21.448Z", "api-ver": "2.00", "request-id": "653018029941", "flags": { "force": "TRUE", "mode": "NORMAL", "ttl": 3600 } }, "payload": "{\"status-reason\":\"FAILED\",\"status\":\"FAILED\"}", "status": { "message": "SUCCESS - request has been processed successfully", "code": 400 } } } ;
- let response = new ResponseOptions({
- body: JSON.stringify(mockData)
- });
- const baseResponse = new Response(response);
- mockBackend.connections.subscribe(
- (c: MockConnection) => c.mockRespond(baseResponse)
- );
- component.pollTestStatus();
+ component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = 123456;
+ let mockData = { "output": { "common-header": { "originator-id": "CDT", "sub-request-id": "653018029941", "timestamp": "2018-02-12T07:27:21.448Z", "api-ver": "2.00", "request-id": "653018029941", "flags": { "force": "TRUE", "mode": "NORMAL", "ttl": 3600 } }, "payload": "{\"status-reason\":\"FAILED\",\"status\":\"FAILED\"}", "status": { "message": "SUCCESS - request has been processed successfully", "code": 400 } } };
+ let response = new ResponseOptions({
+ body: JSON.stringify(mockData)
+ });
+ const baseResponse = new Response(response);
+ mockBackend.connections.subscribe(
+ (c: MockConnection) => c.mockRespond(baseResponse)
+ );
+ component.pollTestStatus();
it('should call fake server if status is success', inject([MockBackend], (mockBackend: MockBackend) => {
- component.requestId = new Date().getTime().toString();
- component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = 123456;
- let mockData = { "output": { "common-header": { "originator-id": "CDT", "sub-request-id": "653018029941", "timestamp": "2018-02-12T07:27:21.448Z", "api-ver": "2.00", "request-id": "653018029941", "flags": { "force": "TRUE", "mode": "NORMAL", "ttl": 3600 } }, "payload": "{\"status-reason\":\"SUCCESS\",\"status\":\"SUCCESS\"}", "status": { "message": "SUCCESS - request has been processed successfully", "code": 400 } } } ;
- let response = new ResponseOptions({
- body: JSON.stringify(mockData)
- });
- const baseResponse = new Response(response);
- mockBackend.connections.subscribe(
- (c: MockConnection) => c.mockRespond(baseResponse)
- );
- component.pollTestStatus();
- }));
- it('should execute else part if timeStamp && status && statusReason are false', inject([MockBackend], (mockBackend: MockBackend) => {
- component.requestId = new Date().getTime().toString();
- component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = 123456;
- let mockData = { "output": { "common-header": { "originator-id": "CDT", "sub-request-id": "653018029941", "timestamp": "2018-02-12T07:27:21.448Z", "api-ver": "2.00", "request-id": "653018029941", "flags": { "force": "TRUE", "mode": "NORMAL", "ttl": 3600 } }, "payload": "{\"status-reason\":\"FAILED\",\"status\":\"\"}", "status": { "message": "SUCCESS - request has been processed successfully", "code": 400 } } } ;
- let response = new ResponseOptions({
- body: JSON.stringify(mockData)
- });
- const baseResponse = new Response(response);
- mockBackend.connections.subscribe(
- (c: MockConnection) => c.mockRespond(baseResponse)
- );
- component.pollTestStatus();
- }));
- it('should return an error if fails', inject([MockBackend], (mockBackend: MockBackend) => {
- let error = 'Error Connecting to APPC server';
- component.requestId = new Date().getTime().toString();
- component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = 123456;
- let mockData = '';
- let response = new ResponseOptions({
- body: JSON.stringify(mockData)
- });
- const baseResponse = new Response(response);
- mockBackend.connections.subscribe(
- (c: MockConnection) => c.mockError(new Error(error))
- );
- component.pollTestStatus();
- }));
+ component.requestId = new Date().getTime().toString();
+ component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = 123456;
+ let mockData = { "output": { "common-header": { "originator-id": "CDT", "sub-request-id": "653018029941", "timestamp": "2018-02-12T07:27:21.448Z", "api-ver": "2.00", "request-id": "653018029941", "flags": { "force": "TRUE", "mode": "NORMAL", "ttl": 3600 } }, "payload": "{\"status-reason\":\"SUCCESS\",\"status\":\"SUCCESS\"}", "status": { "message": "SUCCESS - request has been processed successfully", "code": 400 } } };
+ let response = new ResponseOptions({
+ body: JSON.stringify(mockData)
+ });
+ const baseResponse = new Response(response);
+ mockBackend.connections.subscribe(
+ (c: MockConnection) => c.mockRespond(baseResponse)
+ );
+ component.pollTestStatus();
+ }));
+ it('should check error condition on polling where timestamp and test status are not available', inject([MockBackend], (mockBackend: MockBackend) => {
+ component.requestId = new Date().getTime().toString();
+ component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = 123456;
+ //let mockData = { "output": { "common-header": { "originator-id": "CDT", "sub-request-id": "653018029941", "timestamp": "2018-02-12T07:27:21.448Z", "api-ver": "2.00", "request-id": "653018029941", "flags": { "force": "TRUE", "mode": "NORMAL", "ttl": 3600 } }, "payload": "{\"status-reason\":\"FAILED\",\"status\":\"\"}", "status": { "message": "SUCCESS - request has been processed successfully", "code": 400 } } } ;
+ let mockData = { "output": { "common-header": { "timestamp": "2018-03-21T14:20:30.910Z", "api-ver": "2.00", "request-id": "1521642030910", "flags": { "force": "TRUE", "mode": "NORMAL", "ttl": 3600 }, "originator-id": "CDT", "sub-request-id": "1521642030910" }, "status": { "message": "INVALID INPUT PARAMETER - vserver-id", "code": 301 } } };
+ let response = new ResponseOptions({
+ body: JSON.stringify(mockData)
+ });
+ const baseResponse = new Response(response);
+ mockBackend.connections.subscribe(
+ (c: MockConnection) => c.mockRespond(baseResponse)
+ );
+ component.pollTestStatus();
+ }));
+ it('should execute else part if timeStamp && status && statusReason are false', inject([MockBackend], (mockBackend: MockBackend) => {
+ component.requestId = new Date().getTime().toString();
+ component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = 123456;
+ let mockData = { "output": { "common-header": { "originator-id": "CDT", "sub-request-id": "653018029941", "timestamp": "2018-02-12T07:27:21.448Z", "api-ver": "2.00", "request-id": "653018029941", "flags": { "force": "TRUE", "mode": "NORMAL", "ttl": 3600 } }, "payload": "{\"status-reason\":\"FAILED\",\"status\":\"\"}", "status": { "message": "SUCCESS - request has been processed successfully", "code": 400 } } };
+ let response = new ResponseOptions({
+ body: JSON.stringify(mockData)
+ });
+ const baseResponse = new Response(response);
+ mockBackend.connections.subscribe(
+ (c: MockConnection) => c.mockRespond(baseResponse)
+ );
+ component.pollTestStatus();
+ }));
+ it('should return an error if fails', inject([MockBackend], (mockBackend: MockBackend) => {
+ let error = 'Error Connecting to APPC server';
+ component.requestId = new Date().getTime().toString();
+ component.actionIdentifiers['vnf-id'] = 123456;
+ let mockData = '';
+ let response = new ResponseOptions({
+ body: JSON.stringify(mockData)
+ });
+ const baseResponse = new Response(response);
+ mockBackend.connections.subscribe(
+ (c: MockConnection) => c.mockError(new Error(error))
+ );
+ component.pollTestStatus();
+ }));
// Test getUrlEndPoint Method