path: root/src/app/shared/services/procOnSrvSide.service.ts
diff options
authorasgar <>2019-03-08 19:52:33 +0530
committerAsgar Samiulla <>2019-03-15 10:53:58 +0000
commitaf56b68e030085aa523152e83811705636ead79c (patch)
tree088c8faafb77a79a5fcc4001877dc13af4ffe936 /src/app/shared/services/procOnSrvSide.service.ts
parenteedac3e312c66499ca5ff9d72388c31b25813225 (diff)
added ansible server functionality
multiple ansible server for CDT Issue-ID: APPC-1510 Change-Id: I383bc63705418654efb596c617309821ebbeb9b4 Signed-off-by: Mohamed Asgar Samiulla <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/app/shared/services/procOnSrvSide.service.ts')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/app/shared/services/procOnSrvSide.service.ts b/src/app/shared/services/procOnSrvSide.service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17666d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/shared/services/procOnSrvSide.service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+//.. processing document on the server side
+import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
+//import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http';
+import { Http, Response, Headers, RequestOptions } from '@angular/http';
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
+import { NotificationsService } from 'angular2-notifications';
+import { UtilityService } from '../../shared/services/utilityService/utility.service';
+//const httpOptionsT = {
+ // headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' })
+// { providedIn: 'root' }
+export class ProcOnSrvSideSvc
+ clName: string = "ProcOnSrvSideSvc";
+ public theUrl: string = "/api/proc_cont";
+ public resUrlPfx: string = "/api/get_result";
+ public parmsUrlPfx: string = "/api/get_params";
+ public taskId: string = '';
+ public stringBuf: string;
+ public responBuf: string;
+ public procResult: string;
+ public parmsBuf: string;
+ public responObj: any;
+ // private respObs: Observable<string>;
+ private respObs: Observable<Response>;
+ private respObsObj: Observable<Object>;
+ public ppartLen: number = 102400; //.. 102912 is too large payload
+ // public ppartLen: number = 10240;
+ public ppartCnt: number = 0;
+ public p_offset: number = 0;
+ public interval: any;
+ cycleCnt: number;
+ cycleMAX: number = 40;
+ editorHolder: any;
+ templSyncer: any;
+ fHeaders: Headers;
+ rOptions: RequestOptions;
+ noptions = {
+ timeOut: 4000,
+ showProgressBar: true,
+ pauseOnHover: true,
+ clickToClose: true,
+ maxLength: 250
+ };
+ prevTstampInt: number = 0;
+ currTstampInt: number = 0;
+ notifDelayMsec: number = 1200;
+ constructor(
+ // private http: HttpClient,
+ private http: Http,
+ private utilSvc: UtilityService,
+ private nService: NotificationsService )
+ {
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": new: start");
+ this.fHeaders= new Headers({'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
+ this.rOptions= new RequestOptions({'responseType':0});
+ }
+ sendToSrv( content: string, editorHolder: any, templSyncer: any ) {
+ var methName= "sendToSrv";
+ this.stringBuf= content;
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": start: content length="+
+ this.stringBuf.length );
+ this.editorHolder= editorHolder;
+ this.templSyncer= templSyncer;
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": emptying editor...");
+ this.editorHolder.editor.session.setValue("temp empty");
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": theUrl:["+this.theUrl+"]");
+ "Start processing",
+ "sending: content length="+this.stringBuf.length, this.noptions );
+ this.taskId= '';
+ let contLen= this.stringBuf.length;
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": content length="+contLen+
+ " ppartLen="+this.ppartLen );
+ this.ppartCnt= 1+ Math.floor(contLen / this.ppartLen);
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": ppartCnt="+ this.ppartCnt );
+ if( this.ppartCnt > 1 ) {
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": will send multiple parts...");
+ "Start processing", "will send multiple parts...");
+ this.prevTstampInt=;
+ this.p_offset= 0;
+ let ppart= this.stringBuf.substr( this.p_offset, this.ppartLen );
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": First part:["+ppart+"]");
+ //.. first
+ this.sendPart( this.theUrl, ppart, 1 );
+ }
+ else { //.. ppartCnt == 1
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": will send all-in-1");
+ "Start processing",
+ "will send all-in-1 part", this.noptions);
+ this.prevTstampInt=;
+ //.. single
+ var sUrl= this.theUrl+"?part=1of1";
+ this.sendPart( sUrl, this.stringBuf, 1 );
+ };
+ }
+ sendPart( postUrl: string, contPart: string, partNum: number ) {
+ var methName= "sendPart";
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": start: Url:["+postUrl+"]");
+ this.currTstampInt=;
+ let ntDiff= this.currTstampInt - this.prevTstampInt;
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 1 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+
+ ": prevTstampInt="+this.prevTstampInt+
+ " currTstampInt="+this.currTstampInt+" the diff="+ntDiff );
+ if( ntDiff > this.notifDelayMsec ) {
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 1 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": notif.delay's long enough.");
+ this.prevTstampInt= this.currTstampInt;
+ "Transferring file",
+ " part Number="+partNum, this.noptions );
+ };
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": part length="+ contPart.length );
+ this.respObs=
+ postUrl, contPart, this.rOptions );
+ //<string>( postUrl, contPart, httpOptionsT );
+ // this.respObs.subscribe( (respo: string) => {
+ this.respObs.subscribe( (respo: Response) => {
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": got response:["+respo+"]");
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 1 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": json:["+
+ JSON.stringify(respo)+"]");
+ this.responBuf= respo.text();
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": responBuf:["+this.responBuf+"]");
+ if( this.taskId.length < 1 ) {
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+
+ ": taskId is empty -get it from response");
+ let respObj= JSON.parse(this.responBuf);
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": respObj.taskId:["+
+ respObj.taskId+"]");
+ if( respObj.taskId == null || respObj.taskId.length == 0 ) {
+ let errMsg= this.clName+": "+methName+
+ ": Error: failed to get taskId from the server response !";
+ console.log( errMsg );
+ this.nService.error( "Transferring file", errMsg, this.noptions );
+ return;
+ }
+ else { //.. extracted respObj.taskId
+ this.taskId= respObj.taskId;
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": obtained new taskId:["+
+ this.taskId+"]");
+ "Transferring file",
+ "current taskId:["+this.taskId+"]", this.noptions);
+ };
+ };
+ let tpercent= (100.0*partNum/this.ppartCnt).toFixed();
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+
+ ": part#="+partNum+" transfer percent="+tpercent );
+ this.currTstampInt=;
+ let ntDiff= this.currTstampInt - this.prevTstampInt;
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 1 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+
+ ": prevTstampInt="+this.prevTstampInt+
+ " currTstampInt="+this.currTstampInt+" the diff="+ntDiff );
+ if( ntDiff > this.notifDelayMsec ) {
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 1 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": notif.delay long enough.");
+ this.prevTstampInt= this.currTstampInt;
+ "Transferring file",
+ " progress: "+tpercent+" %", this.noptions );
+ //" part Number="+partNum+" vs part Count="+this.ppartCnt, this.noptions );
+ };
+ if( partNum < this.ppartCnt ) {
+ // methName,"need to send more parts...");
+ let partN= partNum + 1;
+ this.p_offset= this.p_offset + this.ppartLen;
+ var ppart= '';
+ if( partN < this.ppartCnt ) {
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+
+ ": next part is not the last: partN="+partN );
+ ppart= this.stringBuf.substr( this.p_offset, this.ppartLen );
+ }
+ else {
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+ ": next part is the last.");
+ ppart= this.stringBuf.substr( this.p_offset );
+ };
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": next part:["+ppart+"]");
+ let nUrl=
+ this.theUrl+"?taskId="+this.taskId+"&part="+partN+"of"+this.ppartCnt;
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": next Url:["+nUrl+"]");
+ this.sendPart( nUrl, ppart, partN );
+ }
+ else { //.. partNum == this.ppartCnt
+ "Transferring file",
+ "all "+this.ppartCnt+ " parts are sent - check processing...",
+ this.noptions);
+ var progrUrl= "/api/get_progress?taskId="+this.taskId;
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": progrUrl:["+progrUrl+"]");
+ this.showProcProgr( progrUrl );
+ };
+ },
+ error => {
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+
+ ": got Error:["+JSON.stringify(error)+']');
+ this.responBuf= JSON.stringify(error);
+ this.nService.error( "Transferring file",
+ " Error:["+this.responBuf+"]", this.noptions);
+ });
+ }
+ showProcProgr( proUrl: string ) {
+ var methName= "showProcProgr";
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(methName+": start: proUrl:["+proUrl+"]");
+ this.cycleCnt= 0;
+ this.interval = setInterval( () => {
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 1 )
+ console.log(methName+": call getProcProgr");
+ this.getProcProgr( proUrl );
+ }, 2500 );
+ }
+ getProcProgr( proUrl: string ) {
+ var methName= "getProcProgr";
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( methName+": getProcProgr: start: proUrl:["+proUrl+"]");
+ this.cycleCnt++;
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( methName+": cycleCnt="+this.cycleCnt );
+ "Processing",
+ "Requesting server status...", this.noptions);
+ // this.respObsObj=
+ // this.http.get( proUrl );
+ this.respObs=
+ this.http.get( proUrl );
+ // this.respObs.subscribe( (respo: string) => {
+ //this.respObsObj.subscribe( (respo) => {
+ this.respObs.subscribe( (respo: Response) => {
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( methName+": response:["+JSON.stringify(respo)+"]");
+ this.responBuf= respo.text();
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( methName+": responBuf:["+this.responBuf+"]");
+ let respObj= JSON.parse(this.responBuf);
+ // this.responObj= respo; //.. Object
+ if( respObj.percentage != undefined &&
+ respObj.percentage != null )
+ {
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(methName+": got percentage:["+respObj.percentage+"]");
+ if( respObj.percentage >= 100.0 ) {
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(methName+": percentage == 100 !");
+ "Processing completed",
+ "The server finished: 100% !", this.noptions);
+ clearInterval( this.interval );
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(methName+": getting the processing result...");
+ this.getProcResult();
+ }
+ };
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log(methName+": cycleCnt="+this.cycleCnt+
+ " vs MAX="+this.cycleMAX );
+ if( this.cycleCnt > this.cycleMAX ) {
+ this.nService.error( "Processing",
+ "Too many status requests - stop !",this.noptions );
+ clearInterval( this.interval );
+ }
+ },
+ error => {
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": got Error:["+
+ JSON.stringify(error)+']');
+ this.responObj= error; //.. as Object
+ this.nService.error( "Processing"," Error:["+
+ JSON.stringify(error)+']', this.noptions );
+ clearInterval( this.interval );
+ });
+ }
+ getProcResult() {
+ var methName= "getProcResult";
+ let resUrl= this.resUrlPfx+"?taskId="+this.taskId;
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": start: resUrl:["+resUrl+"]");
+ this.respObs=
+ this.http.get( resUrl, this.rOptions );
+ // this.http.get( resUrl, {responseType: 'text'} );
+ // this.respObs.subscribe( (respo: string) => {
+ this.respObs.subscribe( (respo: Response) => {
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": got response:["+respo+"]");
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 1 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": json:["+
+ JSON.stringify(respo)+"]");
+ this.responBuf= respo.text();
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 1 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": responBuf:["+this.responBuf+"]");
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() == 0 ) {
+ let respoBg= this.responBuf.substr(0, 300);
+ console.log(this.clName+": "+methName+": response Begin:["+respoBg+"...]");
+ };
+ this.procResult= this.responBuf;
+ "Processing completed",
+ "the result length="+this.procResult.length, this.noptions );
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+
+ ": setting response to the editor...");
+ this.editorHolder.editor.session.setValue( this.procResult );
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": calling syncTemplate ...");
+ this.templSyncer.syncTemplate('1');
+ if( this.utilSvc.getTracelvl() > 0 )
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": finished.");
+ },
+ error => {
+ console.log( this.clName+": "+methName+": subscribe Error:["+
+ JSON.stringify(error)+']');
+ this.procResult= JSON.stringify(error);
+ this.nService.error( "Getting Processing result",
+ " Error:["+JSON.stringify(error)+']', this.noptions);
+ });
+ }