path: root/src/generic-components/OutputVisualization.jsx
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/generic-components/OutputVisualization.jsx')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/generic-components/OutputVisualization.jsx b/src/generic-components/OutputVisualization.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..734887d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/generic-components/OutputVisualization.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * org.onap.aai
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright © 2017-2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import * as d3 from "d3";
+import 'd3-selection-multi';
+import {GlobalExtConstants} from 'utils/GlobalExtConstants.js';
+let INVLIST = GlobalExtConstants.INVLIST;
+ * This function will create a visualization from query outputs
+ * @param props
+ * @returns {*}
+ */
+var populateGraphObject = (nodes, links, data) => {
+ for(var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++){
+ nodes[data.results[i].url] = data.results[i];
+ let nodeType = data.results[i]['node-type'];
+ nodes[data.results[i].url].weight = 1/((((data.results[i].url).split('\/')).length) - 3);
+ let splitUrl = (data.results[i].url).split(nodeType + '\/');
+ nodes[data.results[i].url].nodeTypeLabel = nodeType;
+ nodes[data.results[i].url].nodeKeyLabel = splitUrl.pop();
+ let tempIconString = ((splitUrl.pop()).split('\/'));
+ tempIconString.pop(); //pop last off, not needed
+ let iconString = tempIconString.pop();
+ let iconKey = (iconString.replace(/-/g, '')).toUpperCase();
+ nodes[data.results[i].url].icon = INVLIST.INVENTORYLIST[iconKey].icon;
+ }else{
+ nodes[data.results[i].url].icon = 'icon-datanetwork-serverL';
+ }
+ console.log("icon string: " + nodes[data.results[i].url].icon);
+ nodes[data.results[i].url].id = data.results[i].url;
+ for(var j = 0; j < data.results[i]['related-to'].length; j++){
+ let linkKey = data.results[i].url + '|' + data.results[i]['related-to'][j].url;
+ let inverseLinkKey = data.results[i]['related-to'][j].url + '|' + data.results[i].url;
+ if(!links[linkKey] && !links[inverseLinkKey]){
+ links[linkKey] = data.results[i]['related-to'][j];
+ links[linkKey].source = data.results[i].url;
+ links[linkKey].target = data.results[i]['related-to'][j].url;
+ links[linkKey].weight = 1/((((data.results[i].url).split('\/')).length) - 3);
+ let subset = (data.results[i]['related-to'][j]['relationship-label']).split(/[\.]+/);
+ links[linkKey].type = subset[subset.length - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var key in links) {
+ if (links.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ console.log(key + " -> " + links[key]);
+ if(!nodes[links[key].source] || !nodes[links[key].target]){
+ delete links[key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var chart = (chartId, nodesObj, linksObj, rawData, classContext) => {
+ if(rawData.results.length <= PAGINATION_CONSTANT.RESULTS_PER_PAGE){
+ populateGraphObject( nodesObj, linksObj, rawData);
+ let links = Object.values(linksObj).map(d => Object.create(d));
+ let nodes = Object.values(nodesObj).map(d => Object.create(d));
+ let colors = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10);
+ let svg ='#'+chartId),
+ width = +svg.attr("width"),
+ height = +svg.attr("height"),
+ node,
+ link,
+ edgepaths,
+ edgelabels;
+ svg.html(null);
+ var g = svg.append("g")
+ .attr("class", "everything");
+ g.append("rect")
+ .attr("width", "100%")
+ .attr("height", "100%")
+ .attr("fill", "white");
+ var forceLink = d3
+ .forceLink().id(function (d) {
+ return;
+ })
+ .distance(function (d) {
+ return 1000 * d.weight;
+ })
+ .strength(1.5);
+ var collisionForce = d3.forceCollide(100).strength(1.5).iterations(100);
+ var simulation = d3.forceSimulation()
+ .force("link", forceLink)
+ .force("charge", d3.forceManyBody().strength(function (d, i) {
+ var a = i == 0 ? -2000 : -1000;
+ return a;
+ }).distanceMin(200).distanceMax(1000))
+ .force("center", d3.forceCenter(width / 2, height / 2))
+ .force("collisionForce",collisionForce);
+ //Zoom functions
+ function zoom_actions(){
+ g.attr("transform", d3.event.transform)
+ }
+ //add zoom capabilities
+ var zoom_handler = d3.zoom()
+ .on("zoom", zoom_actions);
+ zoom_handler(svg);
+ update(links, nodes);
+ function zoomFit() {
+ var bounds = g.node().getBBox();
+ var parent = g.node().parentElement;
+ var fullWidth = parent.clientWidth || parent.parentNode.clientWidth,
+ fullHeight = parent.clientHeight || parent.parentNode.clientHeight;
+ var width = bounds.width,
+ height = bounds.height;
+ var midX = bounds.x + width / 2,
+ midY = bounds.y + height / 2;
+ if (width == 0 || height == 0) return; // nothing to fit
+ var scale = 0.95 / Math.max(width / fullWidth, height / fullHeight);
+ var translate = [fullWidth / 2 - scale * midX, fullHeight / 2 - scale * midY];
+ console.trace("zoomFit", translate, scale);
+ /*zoom_handler.translateTo(g, translate[0], translate[1])
+ .scaleTo(g, scale);*/
+ }
+ function update(links, nodes) {
+ link = g.selectAll(".link")
+ .data(links)
+ .enter()
+ .append("line")
+ .attrs({
+ 'stroke': '#999',
+ 'stroke-opacity': .6,
+ 'stroke-width': '1px',
+ 'id': function (d, i) {return 'line' + chartId +}
+ });
+ link.append("title")
+ .text(function (d) {return d.type;});
+ edgepaths = g.selectAll(".edgepath")
+ .data(links)
+ .enter()
+ .append('path')
+ .attrs({
+ 'class': 'edgepath',
+ 'fill-opacity': 0,
+ 'stroke-opacity': 0,
+ 'id': function (d, i) {return 'edgepath' + chartId +}
+ })
+ .style("pointer-events", "none");
+ /*edgelabels = g.selectAll(".edgelabel")
+ .data(links)
+ .enter()
+ .append('text')
+ .style("pointer-events", "none")
+ .attrs({
+ 'class': 'edgelabel',
+ 'id': function (d, i) {return 'edgelabel' + chartId +},
+ 'font-size': 8,
+ 'fill': '#aaa'
+ });
+ edgelabels.append('textPath')
+ .attr('xlink:href', function (d, i) {return '#edgepath' + chartId +})
+ .style("text-anchor", "middle")
+ .style("pointer-events", "none")
+ .attr("startOffset", "50%")
+ .text(function (d) {return d.type});*/
+ node = g.selectAll(".node")
+ .data(nodes)
+ .enter()
+ .append("g")
+ .attr("class", "node")
+ .attr("id", function (d) {return "node" + chartId + (((decodeURIComponent(d.url)).replace(new RegExp('\/', 'g'),'-')).replace(new RegExp(':', 'g'),'-')).replace(new RegExp('\\.', 'g'),'-')})
+ .call(d3.drag()
+ .on("start", dragstarted)
+ .on("drag", dragged)
+ .on("end", dragended)
+ );
+ node.append("svg:foreignObject")
+ .attr("width", 70)
+ .attr("height", 70)
+ .attr("x", -45)
+ .attr("dy", function (d) {return -1 * (Math.max((Math.round(d.weight * 250)/10), 2));})
+ .append("xhtml:span")
+ .attr("class", function (d) {return d.icon;})
+ .style("padding", "10px")
+ .style("font-size", function (d) {return Math.max(Math.round(d.weight * 250), 20) + "px";})
+ .attr("id", function (d) {return "nodeIcon" + chartId + (((decodeURIComponent(d.url)).replace(new RegExp('\/', 'g'),'-')).replace(new RegExp(':', 'g'),'-')).replace(new RegExp('\\.', 'g'),'-')})
+ .style("color", '#387dff')
+ .style("display", "block");
+ node.append("title")
+ .text(function (d) {return decodeURIComponent(;});
+ node.append("text")
+ .attr("dy", 0)
+ .attr("dx", -10)
+ .attr('font-size', 10)
+ .text(function (d) {return d.nodeTypeLabel;})
+ .style("text-anchor", "middle");
+ node.append("text")
+ .attr("dy", function (d) {return (Math.max(Math.round(d.weight * 250) + 15, 55));})
+ .attr("dx", -10)
+ .attr('font-size', 8)
+ .text(function (d) {return decodeURIComponent(d.nodeKeyLabel);})
+ .style("text-anchor", "middle");
+ node.on("dblclick",function(d){ classContext.openNodeModal("test", d.url, d['node-type']) });
+ simulation
+ .nodes(nodes)
+ .on("tick", ticked)
+ .on("end", zoomFit);
+ simulation.force("link")
+ .links(links);
+ svg.on("dblclick.zoom", null);
+ }
+ function ticked() {
+ link
+ .attr("x1", function (d) {return d.source.x;})
+ .attr("y1", function (d) {return d.source.y;})
+ .attr("x2", function (d) {return;})
+ .attr("y2", function (d) {return;});
+ node
+ .attr("transform", function (d) {return "translate(" + d.x + ", " + d.y + ")";});
+ edgepaths.attr('d', function (d) {
+ return 'M ' + d.source.x + ' ' + d.source.y + ' L ' + + ' ' +;
+ });
+ /*edgelabels.attr('transform', function (d) {
+ if ( < d.source.x) {
+ let bbox = this.getBBox();
+ let rx = bbox.x + bbox.width / 2;
+ let ry = bbox.y + bbox.height / 2;
+ return 'rotate(180 ' + rx + ' ' + ry + ')';
+ }
+ else {
+ return 'rotate(0)';
+ }
+ });*/
+ }
+ function dragstarted(d) {
+ simulation.stop();
+ }
+ function dragged(d) {
+ d.fx = d3.event.x;
+ d.fy = d3.event.y;
+ d.x = d3.event.x;
+ d.y = d3.event.y;
+ ticked();
+ }
+ function dragended(d) {
+ d.fixed = true;
+ ticked();
+ }
+ }else{
+ let svg ='#'+chartId),
+ width = +svg.attr("width"),
+ height = +svg.attr("height"),
+ node,
+ link,
+ edgepaths,
+ edgelabels;
+ let svgHtml = "<foreignObject x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\">" +
+ "<body xmlns=\"\">" +
+ "<div class=\"svgbody\">" +
+ "<h1>Graphical output is limited to " + PAGINATION_CONSTANT.RESULTS_PER_PAGE +
+ " nodes. Your query returned " + rawData.results.length +
+ " nodes, which the GUI does not support, please limit your query or if this data" +
+ " is needed access it through our externally supported APIs." +
+ "</h1>" +
+ "</div>"+
+ "</body>"+
+ "</foreignObject>";
+ svg.html(svgHtml);
+ }
+const OutputVisualization = (props) => {
+ if (props.identifier && props.width && props.height && props.overflow) {
+ return (
+ <svg id={props.identifier} width={props.width} height={props.height} overflow={props.overflow}></svg>
+ );
+ }else{
+ return (<p>Graph Configuration Error</p>);
+ }
+export default OutputVisualization;
+export const Visualization = {
+ chart: chart