path: root/aai-resources/src/test/resources
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2024-01-10Return an index of invalid bulk operation if there are missing parameters on ...Michal Jagiello1-0/+9
2023-11-15[AAI] Update aai-schema version into v28 for cell and neighbour attributesnandkishorpatke3-4/+4
2023-11-07Model distribution from model-loader is failing with resources service versio...Fiete Ostkamp5-5/+70
2023-11-02Change default logback config to write to stdoutFiete Ostkamp1-78/+21
2023-10-19Upgrade spring-boot to 2.4Fiete Ostkamp1-2/+2
2023-10-18Update spring-boot to 2.2Fiete Ostkamp1-2/+1
2022-09-21Add aai-resources healthcheck based on Cassandra DB HealthcheckRaghav Kataria1-0/+13
2022-08-16[AAI] Upversion to 1.9.6 to include v27wr148d1-1/+1
2022-02-14[AAI] Update resources to use the new v26 schema and upversion to 1.9.4wr148d1-1/+1
2021-09-22Fix integration testsM.Hosnidokht3-0/+199
2021-08-18[AAI] Integrate Micrometer to identify slow APIs (Making aai_uri tag configur...Dimple Soni1-0/+1
2021-05-19[AAI] Export relevant key metrics for monitoring in Prometheusroger yuan1-1/+7
2020-09-08Add keycloak integrationRodrigo Lima1-1/+5
2020-07-07Update to spring boot 2Igor Dysko1-1/+1
2020-06-26support for v20LaMont, William (wl2432)1-0/+2
2020-03-03Update resources to use aai-common changesKajur, Harish (vk250x)26-177/+677
2020-02-11Add an unit test for the bug with children1.6.4Harish Venkata Kajur1-0/+12
2019-04-10Make changes to integrate latest changesKajur, Harish (vk250x)1-8/+10
2019-01-13Sync up the changes for v15Kajur, Harish (vk250x)12-7/+87
2018-08-13Update resources ms to use ingest libraryKajur, Harish (vk250x)38-805/+719
2018-03-28Update titan code to janus graph codeKajur, Harish (vk250x)5-3/+71
2018-02-28Turn ajsc 2 to using ajsc 6 spring bootVenkata Harish K Kajur2-108/+312
2018-02-12Sync up the latest logging code changesVenkata Harish K Kajur9-27699/+233
2017-12-04Update the aai-resources to verify bulk limitsMaharajh, Robby (rx2202)4-0/+454
2017-12-04Add support to bulk api for patch/deletesMaharajh, Robby (rx2202)4-0/+48
2017-12-04Support bulk api for patch/deletesMaharajh, Robby (rx2202)5-78/+83
2017-11-27Add v12 api changes for the new release codeVenkata Harish K Kajur2-4/+6078
2017-09-28Change package names org.openecomp to org.onapVenkata Harish K Kajur11-111/+176
2017-09-12Add unit test cases to increase coverage to 30%Venkata Harish K Kajur26-18331/+2154
2017-08-28Remove the att references in the resourcesVenkata Harish K Kajur7-692/+600
2017-08-15[AAI-171 Amsterdam] Move rest db to aai-commonVenkata Harish K Kajur2-0/+4
2017-08-14[AAI-149 Amsterdam] migrate vpeLin, Jerry (jl319x)7-1047/+64
2017-08-14[AAI-168 Amsterdam] add simple format testur326r7-7/+7
2017-08-11[AAI-154 Amsterdam] Check in titan refactorMuller, Andrew (am8383)8-24/+20
2017-07-14[AAI-50 Amsterdam] Add support for v11 version APIMaharajh, Robby (rx2202)3-4/+11560
2017-06-16[AAI-ONAP] Keep the onap updated and remove codeVenkata Harish K Kajur5-14/+14
2017-06-07[AAI-ONAP] Get latest changes from develop syncVenkata Harish K Kajur8-0/+0
2017-05-24Pull the latest code resources internalVenkata Harish K Kajur4-147/+5270
2017-05-12Add all of the resources repoVenkata Harish K Kajur20-0/+23315