BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterRelease version 1.13.0 of logging-service that contains eelf-core updateFiete Ostkamp11 months
kohn[AAI] Remove Robby Maharajh & Harish Kajur as committerswr148d3 years
istanbul[AAI] Updating the info yamls adding Robby Maharajh and removing Steven Blimkiewr148d3 years
jakarta[AAI] Updating the info yamls adding Robby Maharajh and removing Steven Blimkiewr148d3 years
honoluluModify the pom to try to get java unit test cases to recognize in sonarwr148d4 years
guilinMerge "Update Lifecycle state to mature"Venkata Harish Kajur5 years
frankfurtSetup to releaseForsyth, James (jf2512)5 years
elaltoUpversion logging-service in elaltoJimmy Forsyth6 years
dublinCorrect version to fix buildJimmy Forsyth6 years
casablancarev library versionsblimkie6 years
1.13.0commit 03d9e03645...jenkins-releng11 months
1.8.0commit b563e53e69...jenkins-releng4 years
6.0.0-ONAPcommit 9a6a09d04b...Jessica Wagantall5 years
5.0.2-ONAPcommit 60f78f44e3...Jessica Wagantall5 years
5.1.0-ONAPcommit 60f78f44e3...Jessica Wagantall5 years
5.0.1-ONAPcommit 60f78f44e3...Jessica Wagantall5 years
1.5.1commit 0354b52a99...jenkins-releng6 years
1.5.0commit f3d2c38692...Jessica Wagantall6 years
4.0.0-ONAPcommit 465c89671b...Jessica Wagantall6 years
1.4.0commit 4cd1b817e7...Jessica Wagantall6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2017-12-04Bump patch versionv1. Wagantall5-5/+5
2017-10-03Fix the sonar issue with logging servicev1. Harish K Kajur1-1/+1
2017-09-23Fixed below sonar issues.Bharat saraswal4-1134/+1129
2017-09-19Renaming openecomp to onapArul.Nambi1-2/+2
2017-09-14Renaming openecomp to onapArul.Nambi18-49/+48
2017-09-08Cleanup project's name in SonarJessica Wagantall1-1/+1
2017-08-18Update POM to inherit from oparentDileep Ranganathan1-30/+26
2017-07-31Changing the license and trademarkARUL NAMBI14-148/+122
2017-07-06Merge "Update .gitreview with onap URL"James Forsyth1-1/+1
2017-07-06Merge "Point Nexus proxy to new URL"James Forsyth0-0/+0