path: root/README.md
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1 files changed, 668 insertions, 356 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 08489f2..98e47f5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,392 +9,704 @@ Champ is an abstraction from underlying graph storage systems that A&AI would ot
Building Champ
-Good ol' 'mvn clean install' does the trick.
+To build Champ run the following maven command from the project's root level pom directory:
+ mvn clean install
+Deploying The Microservice
+Push the Docker image that you have built to your Docker repository and pull it down to the location from which you will be running the service.
+**Create the following directories on the host machine:**
+ ../logs
+ ../appconfig
+ ../appconfig/auth
+ ../dynamic/conf
+You will be mounting these as data volumes when you start the Docker container.
+#### Configuring the Microservice
+Create beans file **../dynamic/conf/champ-beans.xml**
+ <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:util="http://www.springframework.org/schema/util"
+ xsi:schemaLocation="
+ http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans
+ http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
+ http://www.springframework.org/schema/util
+ http://www.springframework.org/schema/util/spring-util.xsd
+ ">
+ <util:constant id="DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE" static-field="com.att.ecomp.event.client.DMaaPEventPublisher.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE" />
+ <util:constant id="DEFAULT_BATCH_AGE" static-field="com.att.ecomp.event.client.DMaaPEventPublisher.DEFAULT_BATCH_AGE" />
+ <util:constant id="DEFAULT_BATCH_DELAY" static-field="com.att.ecomp.event.client.DMaaPEventPublisher.DEFAULT_BATCH_DELAY" />
+ <bean id="champEventPublisher" class="com.att.ecomp.event.client.DMaaPEventPublisher" >
+ <constructor-arg name="host" value="<%= @CHAMP_EVBUS_HOSTS %>" />
+ <constructor-arg name="topic" value="<%= @CHAMP_EVENT_TOPIC %>" />
+ <constructor-arg name="username" value="<%= @CHAMP_DMAAP_API_KEY %>" />
+ <constructor-arg name="password" value="<%= @CHAMP_DMAAP_API_SECRET %>" />
+ <constructor-arg name="maxBatchSize" ref="DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE" />
+ <constructor-arg name="maxAgeMs" ref="DEFAULT_BATCH_AGE" />
+ <constructor-arg name="delayBetweenBatchesMs" ref="DEFAULT_BATCH_DELAY" />
+ <constructor-arg name="transportType" value="HTTPAUTH" />
+ </bean>
+ <!-- Graph Implementation Configuration-->
+ <util:map id="props" map-class="java.util.HashMap" key-type="java.lang.String" value-type="java.lang.Object">
+ <entry key="champcore.event.stream.buffer.capacity" value="50" value-type="java.lang.Integer"/>
+ <entry key="champcore.event.stream.publisher-pool-size" value="10" value-type="java.lang.Integer"/>
+ <entry key="champcore.event.stream.publisher" value-ref="champEventPublisher"/>
+ <entry key="graph.name" value="<%= @CHAMP_GRAPH_NAME %>"/>
+ <entry key="storage.backend" value="<%= @CHAMP_STORAGE_BACKEND_DB %>"/>
+ <entry key="storage.hostname" value="<%= @CHAMP_GRAPH_HOST %>"/>
+ <!-- Hbase Config -->
+ <entry key="storage.hbase.ext.hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort" value="<%= @CHAMP_GRAPH_PORT %>"/>
+ <entry key="storage.hbase.ext.zookeeper.znode.parent" value="/hbase-unsecure"/>
+ <!-- Cassandra Config -->
+ <entry key="storage.port" value="<%= @CHAMP_GRAPH_PORT %>"/>
+ </util:map>
+ <!-- Janus Implementation -->
+ <bean id="graphBuilder" class="org.onap.aai.champjanus.graph.impl.JanusChampGraphImpl$Builder">
+ <constructor-arg value="<%= @CHAMP_GRAPH_NAME %>"/>
+ <constructor-arg ref="props" />
+ </bean>
+ <bean id="graphImpl" class="org.onap.aai.champjanus.graph.impl.JanusChampGraphImpl">
+ <constructor-arg ref="graphBuilder" />
+ </bean>
+ <bean id="champRestService" class="org.onap.champ.ChampRESTAPI" >
+ <constructor-arg ref="graphImpl" />
+ <constructor-arg name="txTimeOutInSec" value="300" />
+ </bean>
+ </beans>
+Create configuration file **../appconfig/auth/champ-policy.json**
+This policy file defines which client certificates are authorized to use the service's APIs. An example policy file follows:
+ {
+ "roles": [
+ {
+ "name": "admin",
+ "functions": [
+ {
+ "name": "search", "methods": [ { "name": "GET" },{ "name": "DELETE" }, { "name": "PUT" }, { "name": "POST" } ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "users": [
+ {
+ "username": "CN=admin, OU=My Organization Unit, O=, L=Sometown, ST=SomeProvince, C=CA"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Create keystore file **../appconfig/auth/tomcat\_keystore**
+Create a keystore with this name containing whatever CA certificates that you want your instance of the CHAMP service to accept for HTTPS traffic.
+#### Start the service
+You can now start the Docker container in the following manner:
+ docker run -d \
+ -p 9520:9520 \
+ -e CONFIG_HOME=/opt/app/champ-service/config/ \
+ -e KEY_STORE_PASSWORD={{obfuscated password}} \
+ -e KEY_MANAGER_PASSWORD=OBF:{{obfuscated password}} \
+ -v /<path>/logs:/opt/aai/logroot/AAI-CHAMP \
+ -v /<path>/appconfig:/opt/app/champ-service/config \
+ --name champ-service \
+ {{your docker repo}}/champ-service
+ {{your docker repo}} = The Docker repository you have published your CHAMP Service image to.
+ {{obfuscated password}} = The password for your key store/key manager after running it through the Jetty obfuscation tool.
API Specification
-Champ has CRUD methods for:
+Champ has methods for:
1) Objects
2) Relationships
-3) Partitions (subgraphs)
-3) Indices (on object and relationship properties)
-4) Schemas
+3) Transactions
-For each of these types, we offer builders and a more user-friendly fluent interface.
-In the future we plan on adding in traversals, but at the moment that is outside the scope of Champ. If you have suggestions on how this should be implemented, we look forward to your pull request.
+In the future we plan on adding in partitions, indicies, schemas, and traversals, but at the moment that is outside the scope of Champ. If you have suggestions on how this should be implemented, we look forward to your pull request.
API Implementations
-Champ ships with a simple in-memory implementation as well as a Titan implementation. We recommend the in-memory implementation for unit testing and prototyping. If you would like to have your implementation referenced in this readme, please create a pull-request. Please note that all implementations will reside in their own repository - not in the Champ repository.
-### ChampAPI
-The ChampAPI interface is basically just for tracking and properly shutting down multiple graph instances. If you need this functionality, use the ChampAPI. However, if you only ever access 1 graph, you may choose to use a single ChampGraph.
-For getting started quickly, use the ChampAPI.Factory or ChampGraph.Factory to create either an In-memory implementation (for dev/test) or if you're running Titan locally, you can start a Titan instance. For complex environments, each ChampGraph implementation will vary - the Titan implementation is described below.
-### ChampGraph
-This is the meat and potatoes of Champ. It contains all of the CRUD methods mentioned above for Objects, Relationships, Partitions, Indices, and Schemas. Each implementation varies in how you instantiate it. The ones that ship with Champ are described below.
-#### In-memory ChampGraph
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(ChampGraph.Type.IN_MEMORY, "someGraphName");
-//Do stuff with graph
+Champ ships with both Titan and Janus implementations. These are switchable after deployment, but the champ-beans.xml file needs to be changed and the champ-service must be restarted.
+Event Generation
+Champ can be configured to generate a notification whenever it is used to modify data in the graph. The notification comes in the form of an event which is posted to the **champRawEvents** Event Bus topic. This event stream allows downstream clients to be notified about objects and relationships which are added/modified/deleted in the graph.
+The following configuration parameters define the behaviour of the event generation feature:
-final ChampAPI api = ChampAPI.Factory.newInstance(ChampGraph.Type.IN_MEMORY);
-final ChampGraph dogsGraph = api.getGraph("dogsGraph");
-final ChampGraph catsGraph = api.getGraph("catsGraph");
+- **champ.event.stream.publisher**: _EventClientPublisher_ instance to use for forwarding events to the event stream (see below).
+- **champ.event.stream.publisher-pool-size**: Optional: number of worker threads to use for event publishing.
+- **champ.event.stream.buffer.capacity**: Optional: maximum number of events which may be enqueued waiting to be published at any given time.
-api.shutdown(); //This will shutdown all graphs started by api.getGraph(String)
+The following examples illustrate snippets of typical spring-beans configuration file which instantiate a producer (if your client is not spring enabled then you may just directly instantiate an _EventBusPublisher_ - refer to the _ECOMP Event Bus Client_ library for details):
+_Instantiating an event producer backed by a native Kafka implementation:_
-#### Titan ChampGraph
+ <!-- Event publisher to pass to the Champ library for logging raw graph events. -->
+ <bean id="champEventPublisher" class="com.att.ecomp.event.client.KafkaEventPublisher" >
+ <constructor-arg name="hosts" value=",," />
+ <constructor-arg name="topic" value="champRawEvents" />
+ </bean>
-For a Titan instance running on top of Cassandra locally, simply:
+_Instantiating an event producer backed by a DMaaP Client implementation:_
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(ChampGraph.Type.TITAN, "dogsGraph");
+ <bean id="champEventPublisher" class="com.att.ecomp.event.client.DMaaPEventPublisher" >
+ <constructor-arg name="urlList" value=",," />
+ <constructor-arg name="topic" value="champRawEvents" />
+ <constructor-arg name="apiKey" value="OBF:1r2v1qc51i0r1l6n1m4q1jew1bpt1lkp1ll11bot1jee1m7o1l6n1i0z1qax1r53" />
+ <constructor-arg name="apiSecret" value="OBF:1ro81caa1myq1mzs1nx31kfl1d2q1zsp1yt81nz31f8h1hmd1hmx1fa51nxb1yte1zt11d3g1kct1nzb1mxi1myk1cb01rqe" />
+ </bean>
-//Do stuff with graph
-final ChampAPI api = ChampAPI.Factory.newInstance(ChampGraph.Type.TITAN);
-final ChampGraph dogsGraph = api.getGraph("dogsGraph");
-final ChampGraph cats Graph = api.getGraph("catsGraph");
-api.shutdown(); //This will shutdown all graph started by api.getGraph(String);
-For more complex/customized configurations:
- final ChampGraph graph = new TitanChampGraphImpl.Builder(graphName)
- .property("storage.backend", "cassandrathrift")
- .property("storage.hostname", "localhost")
- .build();
+### Echo
-The calls to .property(String, String) accept all configuration options found [here](http://s3.thinkaurelius.com/docs/titan/1.0.0/titan-config-ref.html)
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/echo-service/echo/<input>
+ Method: GET
+ Success Response: 200 OK
-You could also implement the ChampAPI interface to manage multiple graphs connected to this Titan cluster. See the ChampAPIImpl class for an example of how to do this.
-### Creating Objects
+### Objects
#### Create a new object
- .ofType("foo") //The "foo" type of object can be constrained by a ChampObjectConstraint
- .withoutKey() //No key for this object indicates that the underlying Champ implementation should create this object
- .withProperty("bar", "string") //Zero or more properties can be set on a ChampObject
- .withProperty("baz", 30)
- .build()
-#### Copy an existing object
- .from(foo) //'foo' is a reference to a ChampObject
- .withoutKey()
- .withProperty("pi", 3.14f)
- .build()
-#### Persisting an object
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(graphType, "neighborhoodDogsGraph");
-graph.storeObject(foo); //'foo' is a reference to a ChampObject
-graph.shutdown(); //The ChampGraph is thread-safe, and only one needs to be created
- //Once your application is finished using it, call shutdown()
- //to cleanup any loose ends
+Inserts a new object into the graph with the type and properties from the body of the request. Returns the object that was created, along with its assigned key and timestamps.
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/objects
+ Method: POST
+ Body:
+ {
+ "type" : "test",
+ "properties" : {
+ "key1" : "val1",
+ "key2" : "val2"
+ }
+ }
+ Success Response:
+ Code: 201
+ Content:
+ {
+ "key": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "type": "test",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val1",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "aai-created-ts": 1516731449014,
+ "aai-last-mod-ts": 1516731449014
+ }
+ }
#### Retrieve an object
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(graphType, "neighborhoodDogsGraph");
-final Optional<ChampObject> object = graph.retrieveObject("329847"); //Note that the key is usually only known by virtue of previously storing/retrieving/querying it
-#### Query objects
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(graphType, "neighborhoodDogsGraph");
-final Stream<ChampObject> objects = graph.queryObjects(Collection.singletonMap("favoriteDog", "Ace"));
-objects.close(); //You must close the stream when you are finished with it
-### Creating Relationships
+A GET request that returns the object with the given key
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/objects/<key>
+ Method: GET
+ Success Response:
+ Code: 200 OK
+ Content:
+ {
+ "key": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "type": "test",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val1",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "aai-created-ts": 1516731449014,
+ "aai-last-mod-ts": 1516731449014
+ }
+ }
+#### Updating an object
+Replace any of the properties with a PUT request, get the updated object back. Inclusion of timestamps is optional, but the request will be rejected if they do not match the DB.
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/objects/<key>
+ Method: PUT
+ Content:
+ {
+ "key": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "type": "test",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val3",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "key4": "val4",
+ "aai-created-ts": 1516731449014
+ }
+ }
+ Response:
+ Code: 200 OK
+ Content:
+ {
+ "key": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "type": "test",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val3",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "key4": "val4",
+ "aai-created-ts": 1516731449014,
+ "aai-last-mod-ts": 1516730919213
+ }
+ }
+#### Delete objects
+Deletes the object from the graph if there are no connected relationships
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/objects/<key>
+ Method: DELETE
+ Success Response:
+ Code: 200 OK
+#### Filtered object search
+Get a list of objects filtered by key/value pairs
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/objects/filter?<key>=<val>
+ Method: GET
+ Success Response:
+ [
+ {
+ "key": "e0d3a253-4a1b-4ca4-a862-8a52b1e3fdfb",
+ "type": "test2",
+ "properties": {}
+ }
+ ]
+Get a list of objects filtered by key/value pairs with specific properties
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/objects/filter?<key>=<val>&properties=<prop1>&properties=<prop2>
+ Method: GET
+ Success Response:
+ [
+ {
+ "key": "e0d3a253-4a1b-4ca4-a862-8a52b1e3fdfb",
+ "type": "test2",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val1",
+ "filter-sample": "yes"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+Get a list of objects filtered by key/value pairs with all properties
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/objects/filter?<key>=<val>&properties=all
+ Method: GET
+ Success Response:
+ [
+ {
+ "key": "e0d3a253-4a1b-4ca4-a862-8a52b1e3fdfb",
+ "type": "test2",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val1",
+ "aai-uuid": "e0d3a253-4a1b-4ca4-a862-8a52b1e3fdfb",
+ "filter-sample": "yes"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+### Relationships
+Relationships are used to create a connection between two pre-existing objects.
#### Create a new relationship
-In this example we create the relationship:
-dog eats dogPellets
- .ofType("eats")
- .withoutKey()
- .withSource()
- .ofType("dog")
- .withoutKey()
- .withProperty("name", "champ")
- .build()
- .withTarget()
- .ofType("dogPellets")
- .withoutKey()
- .withProperty("brand", "costco")
- .build()
- .withProperty("at", System.currentTimeMillis())
- .build()
-#### Persisting a relationship
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(graphType, "neighborhoodDogsGraph");
-graph.storeRelationship(champEatsCostcoFood); //'champEatsCostcoFood' is a reference to a ChampRelationship
-graph.shutdown(); //The ChampGraph is thread-safe, and only one needs to be created
- //Once your application is finished using it, call shutdown()
- //to cleanup any loose ends
-#### Retrieving incident relationships
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(graphType, "neighborhoodDogsGraph");
-final Stream<ChampRelationship> relationships = graph.retrieveRelationships(ChampObject.create().withKey("foo").build());
-relationships.close(); //You must close the stream when you are done with it
-graph.shutdown(); //The ChampGraph is thread-safe, and only one needs to be created
-#### Querying relationship
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(graphType, "neighborhoodDogsGraph");
-final Stream<ChampRelationship> relationships = graph.queryRelationships(Collections.singletonMap("favoriteHydrant", 42);
-relationships.close(); //You must close the stream when you are done with it
-graph.shutdown(); //The ChampGraph is thread-safe, and only one needs to be created
-### Creating partitions
-#### Create a new partition
-Champ partitions are subgraphs (i.e. a collection of objects and relationships)
-** Note: We are still in the proces of creating a fluent API for partitions **
- .withObject(
- ChampObject.create()
- .ofType("dog")
- .withoutKey()
- .build()
- )
- .withObject(
- ChampObject.create()
- .ofType("cat")
- .withoutKey()
- .build()
- .withObject(
- ChampObject.create()
- .ofType("bird")
- .withoutKey()
- .build()
- )
- .withRelationship(
- ChampRelationship.create()
- ...
- .build()
- )
- .build()
-#### Persisting a partition
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(graphType, "neighborhoodDogsGraph");
-graph.storePartition(dogsOnMyBlock); //'dogsOnMyBlock' is a reference to a ChampPartition
-graph.shutdown(); //The ChampGraph is thread-safe, and only one needs to be created
- //Once your application is finished using it, call shutdown()
- //to cleanup any loose ends
-### Creating indices
-#### Create an object index
- .ofName("dogName")
- .onType("dog")
- .forField("name")
- .build()
-#### Create a relationship index
- .ofName("eatsAtTime")
- .onType("eats")
- .forField("at")
- .build()
-#### Persisting an object index
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(graphType, "neighborhoodDogsGraph");
-graph.storeObjectIndex(dogName); //'dogName' is a reference to a ChampObjectIndex
-graph.shutdown(); //The ChampGraph is thread-safe, and only one needs to be created
- //Once your application is finished using it, call shutdown()
- //to cleanup any loose ends
-#### Persisting a relationship index
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(graphType, "neighborhoodDogsGraph");
-graph.storeRelationshipIndex(eatsAtTime); //'eatsAtTime' is a reference to a ChampObjectIndex
-graph.shutdown(); //The ChampGraph is thread-safe, and only one needs to be created
- //Once your application is finished using it, call shutdown()
- //to cleanup any loose ends
-#### Retrieving an object index
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(graphType, "neighborhoodDogsGraph");
-#### Retrieving a relationship index
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(graphType, "neighborhoodDogsGraph");
-### Creating schemas
-#### Create a schema
-The following schema restricts objects of type foo to have a required property "property1" as an Integer, and optional property "property2" as a String (Strings are the default type for object properties). It also restricts relationships of type bar to only be allowed to originate from the object type foo.
- .withObjectConstraint()
- .onType("foo")
- .withPropertyConstraint()
- .onField("property1")
- .ofType(Integer.class)
- .required()
- .build()
- .withPropertyConstraint()
- .onField("property2")
- .optional()
- .build()
- .build()
- .withRelationshipConstraint()
- .onType("bar")
- .withPropertyConstraint()
- .onField("at")
- .ofType(String.class)
- .optional()
- .build()
- .withConnectionConstraint()
- .sourcedFrom("foo")
- .targetToAny()
- .build()
- .build()
- .build();
-#### Persisting a schema
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(graphType, "neighborhoodDogsGraph");
-graph.storeSchema(neighborhoodDogsSchema); //'neighborhoodDogsSchema' is a reference to a ChampObjectIndex
-graph.updateSchema(neighborhoodDogConstraint); //'neighborhoosDogConstraint' is a reference to a ChampObjectConstraint
-graph.updateSchema(eatsAtConstraint); //'eatsAtConstraint' is a reference to a ChampRelationshipIndex
-graph.shutdown(); //The ChampGraph is thread-safe, and only one needs to be created
- //Once your application is finished using it, call shutdown()
- //to cleanup any loose ends
-#### Retrieving a schema
-final ChampGraph graph = ChampGraph.Factory.newInstance(graphType, "neighborhoodDogsGraph");
-final ChampSchema schema = graph.retrieveSchema();
-### Champ Performance Testing
-There is a jar-with-dependencies provided in maven that contains a performance test you can move around and get some idea of how well Champ is running on a cluster of your choice. At the moment, the test only runs against a Titan implementation.
-#### Example running an in-memory test
-java -cp champ-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.onap.aai.champ.perf.ChampAPIPerformanceTest --champ.graph.type=IN_MEMORY
-#### Example running a Titan test
-Note that after the --champ.graph.type=TITAN parameter is provided, you may provide any configuration that is specified by Titan (see link above for the documentation)
-java -cp champ-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.onap.aai.champ.perf.ChampAPIPerformanceTest --champ.graph.type=TITAN --storage.backend=cassandrathrift --storage.hostname=localhost
+Creates a new relationship with the specified properties. "source" and "target" must be objects that have already been created, specified by their keys. Returns the created relationship with its key and timestamps.
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/relationships
+ Method: POST
+ Content:
+ {
+ "type": "testOnTest2",
+ "properties": {
+ "beep": "boop",
+ "a": "b"
+ },
+ "source": {
+ "key": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "type": "test",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val3",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "key": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "type": "test2",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val1",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Response:
+ Code: 201 Created
+ Content:
+ {
+ "key": "7a3282d0-6904-40f2-ae1e-8246bb1f49c1",
+ "type": "testOnTest2",
+ "properties": {
+ "beep": "boop",
+ "a": "b",
+ "aai-uuid": "7a3282d0-6904-40f2-ae1e-8246bb1f49c1"
+ "aai-last-mod-ts": 1516730919213,
+ "aai-created-ts": 1516730919213
+ },
+ "source": {
+ "key": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "type": "test",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val3",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "key": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "type": "test2",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val1",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#### Retrieving relationships
+Returns the relationship, looked up by key.
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/relationships/<key>
+ Method: GET
+ Response:
+ Code: 200 OK
+ Content:
+ {
+ "key": "7a3282d0-6904-40f2-ae1e-8246bb1f49c1",
+ "type": "testOnTest2",
+ "properties": {
+ "beep": "boop",
+ "a": "b",
+ "aai-uuid": "7a3282d0-6904-40f2-ae1e-8246bb1f49c1"
+ "aai-last-mod-ts": 1516730919213,
+ "aai-created-ts": 1516730919213
+ },
+ "source": {
+ "key": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "type": "test",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val3",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "key": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "type": "test2",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val1",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #### Get relationships for an object
+ Given an object, returns all connected relationships.
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/objects/relationships/<object-id>
+ Method: GET
+ Success Response:
+ Code: 200 OK
+ Content:
+ [
+ {
+ "key": "4ba8dcc2-806d-4312-aecb-503435f355e5",
+ "type": "testOnTest2",
+ "properties": {
+ "beep": "fdsa",
+ "a": "c",
+ "aai-uuid": "4ba8dcc2-806d-4312-aecb-503435f355e5"
+ },
+ "source": {
+ "key": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "type": "test",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val3",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "key": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "type": "test2",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val1",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "a3096bb8-dc66-4a9c-ab33-a1183f784fbb",
+ "type": "testOnTest2",
+ "properties": {
+ "beep": "fdsa",
+ "a": "c",
+ "aai-uuid": "a3096bb8-dc66-4a9c-ab33-a1183f784fbb"
+ },
+ "source": {
+ "key": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "type": "test",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val3",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "key": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "type": "test2",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val1",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+#### Updating relationships
+Update the relationship properties. Passing timestamps is optional, but the request will be rejected if they are incorrect.
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/relationships/<key>
+ Method: PUT
+ Content:
+ {
+ "key": "7a3282d0-6904-40f2-ae1e-8246bb1f49c1",
+ "type": "testOnTest2",
+ "properties": {
+ "beep": "borp",
+ "a": "c",
+ "aai-uuid": "7a3282d0-6904-40f2-ae1e-8246bb1f49c1"
+ },
+ "source": {
+ "key": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "type": "test",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val3",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "key": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "type": "test2",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val1",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Response:
+ Code: 200 OK
+ Content:
+ {
+ "key": "7a3282d0-6904-40f2-ae1e-8246bb1f49c1",
+ "type": "testOnTest2",
+ "properties": {
+ "beep": "borp",
+ "a": "c",
+ "aai-uuid": "7a3282d0-6904-40f2-ae1e-8246bb1f49c1",
+ "aai-last-mod-ts": 1516734987294,
+ "aai-created-ts": 1516730919213
+ },
+ "source": {
+ "key": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "type": "test",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val3",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "key": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "type": "test2",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val1",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#### Deleting relationships
+Deletes the relationship specified by key.
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/relationships/<key>
+ Method: Delete
+ Response: 200 OK
+#### Filtered Relationship
+Returns a list of relationships that have key/value properties matching the filter
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/objects/filter?<key>=<val>
+ Method: GET
+ Success Response:
+ [
+ {
+ "key": "a4d51cd9-f271-4201-975d-168ec6bde501",
+ "type": "testOnTest2",
+ "properties": {
+ "beep": "yes",
+ "a": "c",
+ "aai-uuid": "a4d51cd9-f271-4201-975d-168ec6bde501"
+ },
+ "source": {
+ "key": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "type": "test",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val3",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "890c8b3f-892f-48e3-85cd-748ebf0426a5",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "key": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "type": "test2",
+ "properties": {
+ "key1": "val1",
+ "key2": "val2",
+ "aai-uuid": "559855df-62e2-4b06-a1ae-18e0d5ac9826",
+ "key4": "val4"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+### Transactions
+Transactions allow multiple graph operations to be grouped into a logical, sandboxed context, so that the option exists to either persist ALL of the grouped changes together, or NONE of them.
+Explicit use of transactions is entirely optional for the client. Calling the API methods described below without supplying a transaction
+object results in a transaction being implicitly opened for the single operation, and then automatically committed.
+However, all of the API calls described above related to persisting, retrieving, and deleting vertices, edges and graph partitions also
+expose a version of the call which optionally accepts a transaction id (acquired by explicitly calling the /transaction API endpoint).
+In this case, the supplied transaction is used for the operation, and no automatic commit occurs. It is the responsibility of
+the client to explicitly commit or rollback the transaction at his or her discretion.
+#### Open a new transaction
+To use explicit transaction the client must request a transaction id from the Champ service by making a request to open a new transaction.
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/transaction/
+ Method: POST
+ Response:
+ Code: 200 OK
+ Content: 5d90f5ae-1f1e-4c3e-b20b-2f7c45f822eb
+#### Working within a transaction
+Operations can be done within a transaction by putting the transactionId in the query string.
+ Query string: transactionId=<id>
+Example object creation:
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/objects?transactionId=5d90f5ae-1f1e-4c3e-b20b-2f7c45f822eb
+Example relationship update:
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/relationships/<key>?transactionId=5d90f5ae-1f1e-4c3e-b20b-2f7c45f822eb
+#### Checking a transaction
+If you wish to check the status of a transaction, you can do a get on it
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/transaction/<transaction-id>
+ Method: GET
+If the transaction is currently open:
+ Response:
+ Code: 200 OK
+ Content: "fa0890d9-6ac4-40aa-9838-745a25a61fa6 is OPEN"
+If the transaction is not open:
+ Response:
+ Code: 404 Not Found
+ Content: {}
+#### Committing a transaction
+Operations performed within the context of a transaction are not visible outside of that context
+until the client explicitly commits the transaction. Up until that point, there is always the
+option to just roll back the changes.
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/transaction/<transaction-id>
+ Method: PUT
+ Content: {"method":"commit"}
+ Response:
+ Code: 200 OK
+ Content: COMMITED
+### Rolling back a transaction.
+In the event that a sequence of graph operations which were performed within the same transactional context need to be aborted (for example one of the operations in the sequence encountered a failure of some kind) the entire transaction can be aborted by rolling back the transaction. This effectively undoes all of the operations which were performed within the open transaction.
+Note, once a transaction has been committed, it is no longer possible to rollback the contents of the transaction.
+ URL: https://<host>:9522/services/champ-service/v1/transaction/<transaction-id>
+ Method: PUT
+ Content: {"method":"rollback"}
+ Response:
+ Code: 200 OK
+ Content: ROLLED BACK