path: root/src/chameleon/route.clj
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/chameleon/route.clj')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/chameleon/route.clj b/src/chameleon/route.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b30f42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chameleon/route.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+(ns chameleon.route
+ (:require [org.httpkit.client :as kitclient]))
+(defn- interpret-response
+ "Print out the response from the Gallifrey server"
+ [key response]
+ (let [{:keys [status body]}@response]
+ (println "Response for request with key " key " resulted in status " status
+ " with body " body )))
+(defn query
+ "Retrieve an entity referenced by id at the provided host. Optionally provide
+ a time 't-k' that defines a query based on when the system knew about the
+ state of the entity."
+ [host key & [k]]
+ @(kitclient/request {
+ :url (str "https://" host "/entity/" key)
+ :method :get
+ :query-params (if-let [t-k k] {"t-k" t-k})
+ :insecure? true
+ :keepalive 300
+ :timeout 1000}))
+(defn assert-create
+ "Creates an entity in Gallifrey with an initial set of assertions coming from the provided payload"
+ [host actor key payload]
+ (print "Final: " payload)
+ (kitclient/request {
+ :url (str "https://" host "/entity/" key)
+ :method :put
+ :query-params {"actor" actor "create" "true"}
+ :body payload
+ :insecure? true
+ :keepalive 300
+ :timeout 1000}))
+(defn assert-update
+ "Update an entity in Gallifrey with a set of assertions coming from the provided payload"
+ [host actor key payload]
+ (kitclient/request {
+ :url (str "https://" host "/entity/" key)
+ :method :put
+ :query-params {"actor" actor "changes-only" "true"}
+ :body payload
+ :insecure? true
+ :keepalive 300
+ :timeout 1000}))
+(defn assert-delete
+ "Assert a deletion for an entity in Gallifrey based on the provided key."
+ [host actor key]
+ (kitclient/request {
+ :url (str "https://" host "/entity/" key)
+ :method :delete
+ :query-params {"actor" actor}
+ :insecure? true
+ :keepalive 300
+ :timeout 1000}))
+(defn assert-gallifrey [host actor payload]
+ "Propagates an assertion to Gallifrey based off of an event payload coming in from the event service."
+ (let [{:keys [meta body]} payload
+ {:keys [key operation]} meta]
+ (println operation " entity with key " key)
+ (interpret-response key (case operation
+ (assert-create host actor key body)
+ (assert-update host actor key body)
+ (assert-delete host actor key)))))