

Feeds the Gallifrey time database with entity events

Building the project

  1. mvn clean install
  2. mvn package

Generating a code coverage report

  1. mvn clean install
  2. mvn exec:java -Dexec.classpathScope=test -Dexec.mainClass='clojure.main' -Dexec.args="--main cloverage.coverage -n 'chameleon.*' -t 'chameleon.testing'"

    2.1. Follow the instructions to view the report.

  3. To tweak the report generation, follow the instrustions here: https://github.com/cloverage/cloverage


  1. I use Leiningen for building my clojure project and for dependency management. You can read about Leiningen and follow the tutorial at the link: https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen

  2. If you make changes to the project.clj file, you are required to re-generate the pom.xml by running lein pom (requires leiningen to be instaled).

You can also add your changes to the pom.xml file manually.

  1. I use Emacs as my editor and CIDER for interactive development in Clojure. - CIDER: https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider - Emacs: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/
  • Here is a tutorial on Emacs: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/tour/
  • Here is the emacs configuration I've used, it includes the CIDER package: https://github.com/sandhu/emacs.d
  1. Start nrepl C-c M-j (you have to be in any *.clj file in the chameleon project). If the cider-repl buffer doesn't open automatically, use C-x b and use the arrow keys to find the cider-repl chameleon buffer and press enter.

  2. Open the dev.clj file by C-x C-f, load it C-c C-k and switch your namespace to dev C-c M-n.

  3. In the repl buffer you should see that the namespace went from user to dev.

  4. Make sure the configuration is correct in the dev.clj file and once verified, in the repl buffer type (go) and press enter.

  5. You can verify everthing is running by generating/adding an event to dmaap and seeing it flow through chameleon in the error.log file.

Running it locally (Assumming you're not using Emacs and using

lein repl from the command line)

Make you're in the directory at the root of your project. Open the file chameleon/dev.clj and update the config to the correct dmaap host, topic, and make sure you're using the correct consumer group and id.

  1. On the command line, execute lein repl

  2. Once in the clojure repl, load the dev namespace (load "dev")

  3. Go into the dev namespace (in-ns 'dev)

  4. Run the following command in the repl (go)