path: root/vvp/README.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vvp/README.md')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vvp/README.md b/vvp/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e45ff791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vvp/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# ice
+This project is generated with [yo angular generator](https://github.com/yeoman/generator-angular)
+version 0.15.1.
+## Build & development
+Run `grunt` for building and `grunt serve` for preview.
+## Testing
+Running `grunt test` will run the unit tests with karma.
+- We created the base project with yeoman generator running
+- When a new library is added to the project we need to perform 'bower install' and 'npm install'
+- package.json is the generated file by NPM after performing 'npm install <3'rdParty> --save' the output is inserted to the node_modules
+- bower.json is enhanced after performing 'bower install <3'rd party> --save'
+ The output directory is: bower_components
+- 'grunt build' the dist directoy. Gruntfile.js hold all the grunt targets (e.g build, serve)
+ - build: mostly building the dist directory
+ - serve: this is used only for dev mode (for example building the app.env.js with settings to dev mode)
+ grunt --stack will show in verbose mode
+app directory:
+- index.html is the automatically called when site is accessed
+- <!-- bower:css --> section is identified by bower to add the css from 3'rd party
+- body: declaring the main controller 'App Controller'
+- app.module.js: declaring the main module: 'ice' it holds all other modules: infrastructure models such ngSanitize and applicative modules such as ice.vf.service
+- app.controller.js: The main controller
+- app.config: All sort of angular configuration such as interceptors (for error handling)
+- app.constants enums
+- app.run: this could have written in the controller but it runs after the app.controller.
+ runBlock: gloabals on the rootScopes
+ Event that is fired when the state is changed (state = url), we clean the alert object
+- cache service holds all urls of all services. '@' sign is replaced in each service with the uuid (e.g eng_uuid)
+- app.route: this is the router: when it get the url in the browser it need to combine MVC combination. Otherwise is when he's not familiar with any pattern --> go to login
+The page section. the router is touting by state.go(stateName) or ui-sref(state)
+-activation directory hold all logic related to the user
+Each page (login, signup, dashboard etc) is composed from 4files:
+- XXX.module. state name (e.g app.login) is the identifier of the router
+- url is the client side address of the page
+- views: there is a seperation between the page section. each view has its controller, it's view (html) and the model (data from server)
+- starts with init(). Each page has it
+- the header (app/core/layout/full-page-with-header) holds the headerTiltle and headerDescription set in the controller
+- ice.loadre is the progree bar when requesting something from the EM
+Each function or variable we want to reflect from the controller to the html (or vise versa) should start with 'vm' (e.g vm.submitForm() this will call the function submitForm)
+- directive (piece of code that performs something). <ice-loader...> has a jquery selector to find the class of the div and show the loader
+- ice-messages show the message with type if alert.message==true
+- the page is divided to cols. bootstrap allows 12 colls
+XXX.less - turns into css after grant build
+holds all classes under body-class (this is defined in the XXX.module)
+There are also bootstrap inline css e.g class=form-group
+Filters - you can define in the html "|" that takes a variable and format it (e.g trusted that manipulate it as a valid html)
+toolbar - upper bar (log, dashboard caption, logout)
+controller fetch the number of notifications
+left side of dashboard - Engagement list. The data is publisehd to the right side by broadcast event. dashboard listens to the event (.$on(eventName, args))