path: root/d2ice.att.io/app/app.run.js
diff options
authorEdan Binshtok <eb578m@intl.att.com>2017-10-17 17:42:16 +0300
committerEdan Binshtok <eb578m@intl.att.com>2017-10-17 17:42:16 +0300
commitd0ea6a49ce88f043a6b7ce7ff8a7bb6333bd691c (patch)
tree4696cef781de91936b152e57aa26ee96042e4fbe /d2ice.att.io/app/app.run.js
parent1cd02f285d4d778dddfe34024da4b31afdc0afcd (diff)
Removal of AT&T Proprietary
Remove Terms of d2ice Remove d2ice and att in js Remove fonts Change-Id: I383d96979e0f9f7af923365f2dba7b0c7fb8f0eb Issue-Id: VVP-25 Signed-off-by: Edan Binshtok <eb578m@intl.att.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'd2ice.att.io/app/app.run.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 244 deletions
diff --git a/d2ice.att.io/app/app.run.js b/d2ice.att.io/app/app.run.js
deleted file mode 100755
index b1a4871f..00000000
--- a/d2ice.att.io/app/app.run.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-// ============LICENSE_START==========================================
-// org.onap.vvp/portal
-// ===================================================================
-// Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-// ===================================================================
-// Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
-// under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
-// you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http:www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
-// under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
-// you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// https:creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// ============LICENSE_END============================================
-// ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
-(function () {
- 'use strict';
- angular
- .module('ice')
- .run(runBlock);
- function runBlock($rootScope, toastService, sessionStorageService, $state, cacheService, ENV, $window, $log) {
- var documentationLastPageSessionKey = 'LastDocumentationPageId';
- var init = function() {
- $rootScope.user = {};
- $rootScope.ice = {};
- $rootScope.ice.loader = {};
- $rootScope.state = $state;
- $rootScope.baseURL = ENV.apiBase;
- i18NextSetup();
- var stateChangeStartEvent = $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
- clearToastData();
- clearDocumentationLastPage(toState);
- });
- var stateChangeSuccessEvent = $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function () {
- });
- $rootScope.$on('$destroy', function () {
- stateChangeStartEvent();
- stateChangeSuccessEvent();
- });
- cacheService.set('configuration', {
- "urls": {
- "auth": {
- "login": $rootScope.baseURL + "login/@t",
- "register": $rootScope.baseURL + "signup",
- "addVfs": $rootScope.baseURL + "vf/",
- "getCompanies": $rootScope.baseURL + "vendors",
- "resendActivationMail": $rootScope.baseURL + "users/activation-mail/@user_uuid",
- "addVendorContact": $rootScope.baseURL + "add-contact",
- "single_engagement": $rootScope.baseURL + "single-engagement/@engagementUuid",
- "engagements": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagement",
- "inviteMembers": $rootScope.baseURL + "invite-team-members",
- "activities": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagement/@engagementUuid/activities/",
- "updateDaysLeft": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engagementUuid/target_date", //set_attr
- "updateLabEntryDaysLeft": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engagementUuid/target_lab_date",
- "setSSHKey": $rootScope.baseURL + "users/ssh",
- "getIceUser": $rootScope.baseURL + "users",
- "getRGWASecret": $rootScope.baseURL + "users/account/rgwa/",
- "account": $rootScope.baseURL + "users/account",
- "updatePassword": $rootScope.baseURL + "users/pwd/",
- "sendResetPwdInstructions": $rootScope.baseURL + "users/pwd/reset-instructions/"
- },
- "notifications": {
- "getNotifications": $rootScope.baseURL + "notifications/num",
- "resetNotificationNum": $rootScope.baseURL + "notifications/reset",
- "notificationsDelete": $rootScope.baseURL + "notifications/@uuid",
- "getNotificationsDescription": $rootScope.baseURL + "notifications/@userUuid/@offset/@limit"
- },
- "steps": {
- "get": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engagement/nextsteps/@progress",
- "add": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engagement/nextsteps", // set_attr
- "edit": $rootScope.baseURL + "nextsteps/@stepUuid/engagement/@engUuid",
- "order_next_steps": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engUuid/nextsteps/order_next_steps",
- "update": $rootScope.baseURL + "nextsteps/@stepUuid/state", // put
- "delete": $rootScope.baseURL + "nextsteps/@stepUuid",
- "createChecklistNextStep": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagement/@engUuid/checklist/@checkListUuid/nextstep/",
- "createNextStep": $rootScope.baseURL + "eng/@engUuid/nextstep/",
- "getByUser": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/user/nextsteps/"
- },
- "vf": {
- "updateVfs": {
- "put": $rootScope.baseURL + "vf/@vf_uuid/validation-details/",
- },
- "deployment_target": {
- "getDeployTargets": $rootScope.baseURL + "deployment-targets",
- "updateDeployTargets": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagement/@engagementUuid//deployment-targets/@deployment_target_uuid",
- },
- "ecomp": {
- "getECOMPReleases": $rootScope.baseURL + "ecomp-releases",
- "updateECOMPReleases": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagement/@engagementUuid/ecomp-releases/@ecomp_uuid",
- },
- "version": {
- "getVFVersion": $rootScope.baseURL + "vf/@vfUuid/vf-version/",
- }
- },
- "vfcs": {
- "add": $rootScope.baseURL + "vfcs/",
- "get": $rootScope.baseURL + "vf/@vfUuid/vfcs/",
- "delete": $rootScope.baseURL + "vf/@vfUuid/vfcs/@vfcUuid",
- },
- "status": {
- "get": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engagement/status",
- "add": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engagement/status",// set_attr
- "update": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engagement/status"
- },
- "feedback": {
- "add":$rootScope.baseURL + "add-feedback"
- },
- "dtsite": {
- "get": $rootScope.baseURL + "dtsites/",
- "getVFSites": $rootScope.baseURL + "vf/@vfUuid/dtsites/",
- "add": $rootScope.baseURL + "dtsites/",
- "delete": $rootScope.baseURL + "vf/@vfUuid/dtsites/@dtsUuid",
- },
- "checklist": {
- "state":{
- "put": $rootScope.baseURL + "checklist/@cl_uuid/state/",
- },
- "createChecklist": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagement/@engUuid/checklist/new/",
- "getDataForChecklist": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagement/@engUuid/checklist/new/",
- "getChecklist": $rootScope.baseURL + "checklist/@checklistUuid",
- "putDataForChecklist": $rootScope.baseURL + "checklist/@checklist_uuid",
- "checklistDecision": $rootScope.baseURL + "checklist/decision/@decisionUuid",
- "createAuditlogChecklist": $rootScope.baseURL + "checklist/@checklist_uuid/auditlog/",
- "createAuditlogDecisionChecklist": $rootScope.baseURL + "checklist/decision/@decision_uuid/auditlog/",
- "getChecklistTemplates": $rootScope.baseURL + "checklist/templates/",
- "getChecklistTemplate": $rootScope.baseURL + "checklist/template/@templateUuid",
- "saveChecklistTemplate": $rootScope.baseURL + "checklist/template/"
- },
- "engagement": {
- "put": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engagementUuid/",
- "updateProgress": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engagementUuid/progress", // put
- "setStage": $rootScope.baseURL + "single-engagement/@engagementUuid/stage/@stage",
- "starred_engagement": {
- "put" : $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/starred_eng/",
- "get" : $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/starred_eng/",
- },
- "recent_engagement": {
- "get" : $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/recent_eng/",
- },
- "engagement_team": {
- "put" : $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/engagement-team/",
- },
- "engagementsExpanded": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagement/expanded/",
- "exportEngagementsCSV": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagement/export/?stage=@stage&keyword=@keyword",
- "reviewer": {"put": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engagementUuid/reviewer/"},
- "peerreviewer": {"put": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engagementUuid/peerreviewer/"},
- "switchReviewers": {"put": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engagementUuid/switch-reviewers/"},
- "archive": {"put": $rootScope.baseURL + "engagements/@engagementUuid/archive/"},
- },
- "welcome": {
- "welcome": $rootScope.baseURL + "welcome/",
- },
- "cms":{
- "posts": {
- "get": $rootScope.baseURL + "cms/posts/?limit=@limit&offset=@offset&fromLastDays=@fromLastDays&category=@category",
- },
- "pages": {
- "get": $rootScope.baseURL + "cms/pages/?title=@title",
- "getById": $rootScope.baseURL + "cms/pages/@id/",
- "search": $rootScope.baseURL + "cms/pages/search/?keyword=@keyword"
- }
- },
- "users": {
- "engagementleads": {
- "get": $rootScope.baseURL + "users/engagementleads/",
- },
- "activate": $rootScope.baseURL + "users/activate/@userid/@token"
- },
- }
- });
- };
- var clearToastData = function () {
- var toast = toastService.getToast();
- if (toast && !toast.sticky) {
- toastService.clearToast();
- }
- };
- var clearDocumentationLastPage = function(toState) {
- if(toState && toState.name && toState.name !== 'app.documentation.page' && toState.name !== 'app.documentation') {
- sessionStorageService.delete(documentationLastPageSessionKey);
- }
- };
- var i18NextSetup = function() {
- if($window.i18next) {
- $window.i18next.use($window.i18nextXHRBackend)
- $window.i18next.init({
- debug: false,
- lng: 'en',
- fallbackLng: 'en',
- backend: {
- loadPath: 'locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'
- },
- useCookie: false,
- useLocalStorage: false
- }, function (err, t) {
- if(err) {
- $log.error(err);
- }
- });
- }
- };
- init();
- }