path: root/django/validationmanager/em_integration/
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Diffstat (limited to 'django/validationmanager/em_integration/')
1 files changed, 739 insertions, 0 deletions
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+++ b/django/validationmanager/em_integration/
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+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.vvp/engagementmgr
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ===================================================================
+# Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed
+# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
+# you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all documentation contained herein is licensed
+# under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the “License”);
+# you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, documentation
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END============================================
+# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
+from uuid import uuid4
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.db.models.query_utils import Q
+from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
+from django.template.loader import render_to_string
+import requests
+from engagementmanager.decorator.retry import retry_connection
+from engagementmanager.models import Engagement, IceUserProfile, Role, Checklist, \
+ ChecklistDecision, ChecklistLineItem, CheckListState, ChecklistTemplate, VF
+from engagementmanager.serializers import VFModelSerializerForSignal
+from engagementmanager.utils.constants import Roles, EngagementStage, \
+ CheckListLineType, JenkinsBuildParametersNames, RGWApermission
+from engagementmanager.utils.cryptography import CryptographyText
+from engagementmanager.utils.validator import logEncoding
+from import GitlabFilesResultsREST
+from import \
+ JenkinsTestsResultsREST
+from import RGWAKeysService
+from validationmanager.rados.rgwa_client_factory import RGWAClientFactory
+from validationmanager.utils.clients import get_jenkins_client, \
+ get_gitlab_client
+from engagementmanager.service.logging_service import LoggingServiceFactory
+logger = LoggingServiceFactory.get_logger()
+config_xml_content = None
+jenkins_mock_object = JenkinsTestsResultsREST()
+def jenkins_job_and_gitlab_repo_exists_callback(vf):
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ return True
+ logger.debug(
+ "Engagement Manager has signaled to check if repo exists")
+ if not get_jenkins_client().job_exists(vf.jenkins_job_name()):
+ logger.debug("Jenkins job %s doesnt exists...", vf.jenkins_job_name())
+ return False
+ gitlab = get_gitlab_client()
+ # ensure group git gitlab was created
+ existing_group = gitlab.search_group_by_name(
+ vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id)
+ if not existing_group:
+ logger.debug(
+ "Group %s doesnt exists in gitlab...",
+ vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id)
+ return False
+ """Return the id for Gitlab project, creating it if it does not exist."""
+ project = gitlab.search_project_in_group(, existing_group['id'])
+ if not project:
+ logger.debug("Project %s doesnt exists...",
+ return False
+ return True
+def cl_from_pending_to_automation_callback(vf, checklist):
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+, checklist.uuid)
+ else:
+ logger.debug(
+ "Engagement Manager has signaled that a checklist state was " +
+ "changed from pending to automation")
+ get_jenkins_client().build_job(
+ vf.jenkins_job_name(), {
+ 'checklist_uuid': checklist.uuid,
+ 'git_repo_url': vf.git_repo_url,
+ })
+def provision_new_vf_callback(vf):
+ """Given a new vf, provision Gitlab and Jenkins for it.
+ Note: despite its name, this signal is not used only for new vfs,
+ but to update existing gitlab and jenkins provisioning when a vf
+ changes e.g. when team members are added or removed.
+ This function will either succeed (and return None), or throw
+ an exception.
+ """
+ logger.debug(
+ "Engagement Manager has signaled that a new VF has been created")
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ ensure_checklists(vf)
+ else:
+ if not vf:
+ raise ValueError("vf %r not found" % vf)
+ ensure_git_entities(vf)
+ ensure_jenkins_job(vf)
+ ensure_checklists(vf)
+ ensure_rgwa_entities(vf)
+def get_list_of_repo_files_callback(vf):
+ """Given a vf, return its file list.
+ This function will either succeed (and return a list),
+ or throw an exception.
+ """
+ logger.debug(
+ "Engagement Manager has signaled that there is a need " +
+ "to fetch the VF associated files")
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ files = GitlabFilesResultsREST().get(vf)
+ return files
+ else:
+ gitlab = get_gitlab_client()
+ project = get_project_by_vf(vf, gitlab)
+ project_id = project['id']
+ logger.debug(
+ "Project_id for fetched associated files is %s", project_id)
+ files = gitlab.get_repository_files(project_id)
+ logger.debug("gitlab.get_repository_files returned %r", files)
+ return files
+def ssh_key_created_or_updated_callback(user):
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ return None
+ logger.debug("Engagement Manager has signaled that a user has " +
+ "created or updated an ssh key")
+ user_dict = model_to_dict(user)
+ gitlab = get_gitlab_client()
+ gitlab_user = gitlab.get_user_by_email(
+ if not gitlab_user:
+ gitlab_user = create_user_in_gitlab(user_dict, gitlab)
+ logger.debug("created user in gitlab=%s",
+ if 'id' not in gitlab_user:
+ err_msg = "coudln't get gitlab user %s " % user.uuid
+ raise ValueError(err_msg)
+ update_user_ssh_keys(user_dict, gitlab, gitlab_user)
+ logger.debug(
+ "Successfuly created/updated user in the git in " +
+ "key_created_or_updated signal")
+def ensure_checklists(vf):
+ '''
+ Ensure there is at least one entry of all checklists template for a
+ given vf
+ '''
+ engagement = vf.engagement
+ reviewer = engagement.reviewer
+ existing_checklists = Checklist.objects.filter(engagement=engagement)
+ existing_checklists_templates = set([c.template.category
+ for c in existing_checklists])
+ cts = ChecklistTemplate.objects.all()
+ for ct in cts:
+ if ct.category in existing_checklists_templates:
+ continue
+ # grab all the line items to determine the state to create the line
+ line_items_list = ChecklistLineItem.objects.filter(template=ct)
+ line_items_manual = [li.line_type ==
+ for li in line_items_list]
+ # set the checklist state
+ checklist_state =
+ if all(line_items_manual):
+ checklist_state =
+ checklist = Checklist.objects.create(
+ validation_cycle=1,
+ associated_files=[],
+ state=checklist_state,
+ engagement=engagement,
+ template=ct,
+ creator=reviewer,
+ owner=reviewer)
+ for line_item in line_items_list:
+ ChecklistDecision.objects.create(
+ checklist=checklist,
+ template=ct,
+ lineitem=line_item)
+def ensure_jenkins_job(vf):
+ """Given a vf, ensure that its jenkins/TestEngine job exists.
+ This function will either succeed (and return None), or throw an exception.
+ """
+ # we cache the configuration in a module-level variable.
+ global config_xml_content
+ if config_xml_content is None:
+ config_xml_content = get_jenkins_job_config()
+ jenkins = get_jenkins_client()
+ job_name = vf.jenkins_job_name()
+ # FIXME test-then-set can cause a race condition, so maybe better
+ # to attempt to create and ignore "already exists" error.
+ if jenkins.job_exists(job_name):
+ logger.debug(
+ "TestEngine job %s for VF %s already provisioned, skipping.",
+ job_name,
+ return None
+ logger.debug("creating TestEngine job %s for VF %s", job_name,
+ jenkins.create_job(job_name, config_xml_content)
+def get_jenkins_build_log(vf, checklistUuid):
+ """Given a vf, retrieve its jenkins build log.
+ This function will either succeed (and return the build log).
+ """
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ return jenkins_mock_object.get(vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id,
+ logger.debug("Retrieving VF's(%s) last Jenkins build log " % (
+ jenkins = get_jenkins_client()
+ job_name = vf.jenkins_job_name()
+ vf_builds = jenkins.server.get_job_info(
+ job_name, depth=1, fetch_all_builds=True)
+ build_num = -1
+ logs = ''
+ for build in vf_builds['builds']:
+ for parameter in build['actions'][0]['parameters']:
+ if parameter['name'] == JenkinsBuildParametersNames.CHECKLIST_UUID:
+ if parameter['value'] == checklistUuid:
+ logger.debug(
+ "I have succeeded to match the given checklist uuid to one of the VF's builds' checklist_uuid")
+ build_num = build['number']
+ if build_num < 0:
+ logger.error(
+ "Failed to match the given checklist uuid to one of the VF's builds' checklist_uuid")
+ else:
+ logs = jenkins.server.get_build_console_output(job_name, build_num)
+ return logs
+def get_jenkins_job_config():
+ """Return the XML configuration for a Jenkins/TestEngine build job.
+ The configuration is templated, and the context provided will
+ include the appropriate webhook endpoint for its notification
+ callbacks. It is not cached; do that from a higher level caller.
+ """
+ # replacing auth in the view name 'jenkins-notification-endpoint'
+ # ( and appending it to the url from settings
+ webhook_endpoint = "http://%s%s" % (
+ settings.API_DOMAIN,
+ reverse('jenkins-notification-endpoint',
+ kwargs={'auth_token': settings.WEBHOOK_TOKEN}))
+ return render_to_string('jenkins_job_config.xml',
+ {'notification_endpoint': webhook_endpoint})
+def ensure_git_webhook(gitlab, project_id):
+ """Given a gitlab client and project id, set its webhook
+ notification endpoint appropriately and exclusively.
+ Any other existing webhooks will be removed.
+ This function will either succeed (and return None),
+ or throw an exception.
+ """
+ webhook_endpoint = "http://%s%s" % (settings.API_DOMAIN, reverse(
+ 'git-push-endpoint', kwargs={'auth_token': settings.WEBHOOK_TOKEN}))
+ logger.debug("setting gitlab project %r webhook_endpoint to %s",
+ project_id, webhook_endpoint)
+ exists = False
+ for hook in gitlab.list_project_hooks(project_id):
+ if (hook['url'] == webhook_endpoint and
+ hook['push_events'] and
+ hook['enable_ssl_verification']):
+ logger.debug(
+ "webhook to %r already set correctly in project %r",
+ hook['url'], project_id)
+ exists = True
+ continue
+ logger.debug(
+ "deleting old webhook to %r in project %r",
+ hook['url'], project_id)
+ gitlab.delete_project_hook(project_id, hook['id'])
+ if not exists:
+ logger.debug(
+ "installing new webhook to %r in project %r",
+ webhook_endpoint, project_id)
+ gitlab.edit_project_hook(
+ project_id, webhook_endpoint, push_events=True,
+ enable_ssl_verification=True)
+def add_users_to_git_project(gitlab, formated_vf, project_id):
+ # add users to project
+ # hold array of all members added to project in order to exclude them in
+ # further queries.
+ el_role = Role.objects.get( # @UndefinedVariable
+ admin_role = Role.objects.get( # @UndefinedVariable
+ user_added = None
+ engagement_team_list = []
+ for user in formated_vf['engagement']['engagement_team']:
+ engagement_team_list.append(user['uuid'])
+ # @UndefinedVariable
+ engagement_stage = formated_vf['engagement']['engagement_stage']
+ if (engagement_stage == or
+ user['role']['name'] in (,
+ user_added = send_user_data_to_gitlab_and_to_project(
+ user, project_id, gitlab)
+ if not user_added:
+ err_msg = "Failed: Engagement team user with uuid " + \
+ user['uuid'] + " was not added to project"
+ logger.error(err_msg)
+ raise Exception(err_msg)
+ # In case a project has been created add all EL & Admins that not already
+ # part of the git project
+ el_admin_list = IceUserProfile.objects.all().filter(Q(role=el_role) | Q(
+ role=admin_role)).exclude(uuid__in=engagement_team_list).values()
+ for user in el_admin_list:
+ user_added = send_user_data_to_gitlab_and_to_project(
+ user, project_id, gitlab)
+ if not user_added:
+ err_msg = "el/admin user with uuid " + \
+ user['uuid'] + " was not added to project " + project_id
+ logger.error(logEncoding(err_msg))
+ raise Exception(err_msg)
+def ensure_git_entities(vf):
+ """Given a vf, ensure that its Gitlab group/project are
+ created, with webhook and users.
+ This function will either succeed (and return None),
+ or throw an exception.
+ """
+ gitlab = get_gitlab_client()
+ # Target project name is of the form {ENG_MANUAL_ID}/{VF_NAME}
+ # Populate data to be entered/compared in gitlab
+ formated_vf = VFModelSerializerForSignal(vf).data
+ group_id = get_or_create_git_group(
+ vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id, gitlab)
+ project_id = get_or_create_git_project(vf, gitlab, group_id)
+ ensure_git_webhook(gitlab, project_id)
+ engagement_stage = formated_vf['engagement']['engagement_stage']
+ if (engagement_stage == or
+ engagement_stage ==
+ or engagement_stage ==
+ remove_all_standard_users_from_project(gitlab, project_id, formated_vf)
+ else:
+ add_users_to_git_project(gitlab, formated_vf, project_id)
+ logger.debug(
+ "ensure_git_entities: Successfully added all " +
+ "VF engagement team to project %s", project_id)
+def get_or_create_git_group(name, client):
+ """Return the id for Gitlab group 'name', creating it if
+ it does not exist."""
+ existing_group = client.search_group_by_name(name)
+ if existing_group:
+ logger.debug("Group %s exists...", name)
+ return existing_group['id']
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Group %s doesn't exists, creating it...", name)
+ result = client.create_group({'name': name, 'path': name})
+ logger.debug("create_group response: %r", result)
+ return result['id']
+def get_or_create_git_project(vf, gitlab, group_id):
+ """Return the id for Gitlab project, creating it if it does not exist."""
+ project = gitlab.search_project_in_group(, group_id)
+ if project:
+ logger.debug("Project %s exists...",
+ elif not vf.git_repo_url or vf.git_repo_url == '-1':
+ logger.debug("Project %s doesn't exists, creating it...",
+ """Given a vf object, create a git project for it and return its gitlab id.
+ A pre-existing project of the same group and name is an error.
+ """
+ project = gitlab.create_project(
+,' ', '_'),
+ namespace_id=group_id)
+ logger.debug(
+ "get_or_create_git_project: project created " +
+ "with id=%s", project['id'])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Couldn't find GitLab project " +
+ "but gitlab url exists. %s: %s" % (
+, vf.git_repo_url))
+ if vf.git_repo_url != project['ssh_url_to_repo']:
+ # Make sure repo url in DB is updated"
+ vf = VF.objects.get(uuid=vf.uuid)
+ vf.git_repo_url = project['ssh_url_to_repo']
+ logger.debug(
+ "get_or_create_git_project: git_repo_url=%s, " +
+ "was updated", vf.git_repo_url)
+ return project['id']
+def get_project_by_vf(vf, gitlab):
+ project_id = "%s/%s" % (vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id,
+' ', '_'))
+ try:
+ return gitlab.get_project(project_id)
+ except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc:
+ msg = "Couldn't find GitLab project %s: %s" % (
+ project_id, exc.response.content)
+ if exc.response.status_code == 404:
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+def send_user_data_to_gitlab_and_to_project(user, project_id, gitlab):
+ logger.debug(
+ "send_user_data_to_gitlab_and_to_project %r %r",
+ user['email'], project_id)
+ gitlab_user_id = None
+ existing_gitlab_user = gitlab.get_user_by_email(user['email'])
+ if not existing_gitlab_user or 'id' not in existing_gitlab_user:
+ logger.debug(
+ "User with email %s doesn't exists in gitlab, " +
+ "trying to add him", user['email'])
+ created_gitlab_user = create_user_in_gitlab(user, gitlab)
+ logger.debug("Created user %s in gitlab", user['email'])
+ gitlab_user_id = created_gitlab_user['id']
+ update_user_ssh_keys(user, gitlab, created_gitlab_user)
+ logger.debug("Updated user %s ssh keys in gitlab", user['email'])
+ else:
+ gitlab_user_id = existing_gitlab_user['id']
+ update_user_ssh_keys(user, gitlab, existing_gitlab_user)
+ user_added = gitlab.add_user_to_project(gitlab_user_id, project_id)
+ if not user_added:
+ err_msg = "GitLab User with gitlab user uuid " + \
+ gitlab_user_id + " not added to git project " + project_id
+ logger.error(logEncoding(err_msg))
+ raise Exception(err_msg)
+ return user_added
+def add_user_to_gitlab_and_to_project(user, project_id, gitlab):
+ logger.debug("add_user_to_gitlab_and_to_project %r %r",
+ user['email'], project_id)
+ gitlab_user_id = None
+ existing_gitlab_user = gitlab.get_user_by_email(user['email'])
+ if not existing_gitlab_user or 'id' not in existing_gitlab_user:
+ logger.debug(
+ "User with email %s doesn't exists in gitlab, " +
+ "trying to add him", user['email'])
+ created_gitlab_user = create_user_in_gitlab(user, gitlab)
+ logger.debug("Created user %s in gitlab", user['email'])
+ gitlab_user_id = created_gitlab_user['id']
+ update_user_ssh_keys(user, gitlab, created_gitlab_user)
+ logger.debug("Updated user %s ssh keys in gitlab", user['email'])
+ else:
+ gitlab_user_id = existing_gitlab_user['id']
+ update_user_ssh_keys(user, gitlab, existing_gitlab_user)
+ user_added = gitlab.add_user_to_project(gitlab_user_id, project_id)
+ if not user_added:
+ err_msg = "GitLab User with gitlab user uuid " + \
+ gitlab_user_id + " not added to git project " + project_id
+ logger.error(logEncoding(err_msg))
+ raise Exception(err_msg)
+ return user_added
+# Remove user from project, if their is not related to any project - delete
+# user from gitlab.
+def remove_all_standard_users_from_project(gitlab, project_id, formatted_vf):
+ if not settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ return None
+ el_role = Role.objects.get( # @UndefinedVariable
+ admin_role = Role.objects.get( # @UndefinedVariable
+ for user in formatted_vf['engagement']['engagement_team']:
+ if user['role']['name'] in (,
+ continue
+ # call signal that checks how many eng teams is the user involved in
+ else:
+ existing_gitlab_user = gitlab.get_user_by_email(user['email'])
+ remove_user_from_project(existing_gitlab_user, project_id, gitlab)
+ payload = {"email": user['email']}
+ logger.debug('sending test_finished with payload %s', payload)
+ num_of_eng_teams = Engagement.objects.filter(
+ engagement_team__email=user['email'],
+ if num_of_eng_teams == 0:
+ remove_user_from_gitlab(existing_gitlab_user, gitlab)
+ return None
+def create_user_in_gitlab(user, gitlab):
+ logger.debug("create_user_in_gitlab %s", user['email'])
+ user_dict = {
+ 'name': user['full_name'],
+ 'username': user['email'].replace('@', "_at_"),
+ 'password': str(uuid4()),
+ 'email': user['email'].lower(),
+ }
+ gitlab_user = gitlab.create_user(user_dict)
+ update_user_ssh_keys(user, gitlab, gitlab_user)
+ return gitlab_user
+def remove_user_from_gitlab(user, gitlab):
+ logger.debug("remove_user_from_gitlab %s", user['email'])
+ return gitlab.delete_user(user['id'])
+def remove_user_from_project(user, project_id, gitlab):
+ logger.debug("remove_user_from_project %s", user['email'])
+ return gitlab.remove_user_from_gitlab_project(project_id, user['id'])
+def update_user_ssh_keys(user_dict, gitlab, gitlab_user):
+ """Update Gitlab with the user's ssh key, and delete all others.
+ If the user has no ssh key, this will be reflected in Gitlab:
+ any ssh keys there will be deleted.
+ user_dict: dictionary of IceUserProfile model data, e.g.
+ from django.forms.models.model_to_dict()
+ gitlab: gitlab client object
+ gitlab_user: dictionary of gitlab user data
+ This function will either succeed (and return None), or throw an exception.
+ """
+ ssh_key = user_dict['ssh_public_key']
+ gitlab_user_id = gitlab_user['id']
+ logger.debug("update_user_ssh_keys for %s", user_dict['email'])
+ # remove all old ssh keys
+ for old_ssh_key in gitlab.list_ssh_keys_for_user(gitlab_user_id):
+ gitlab.remove_ssh_key_for_user(gitlab_user_id, old_ssh_key['id'])
+ if not ssh_key:
+ return None
+ try:
+ gitlab.add_ssh_key_for_user(
+ gitlab_user_id, 'ssh key added by system', ssh_key)
+ except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc:
+ if exc.response.status_code == 400:
+ # This typically occurs when a user uploads a key in use
+ # by a different user. It is accepted by engagementmanager
+ # but rejected by Gitlab.
+ # FIXME: how do we, when running in a background thread,
+ # communicate this failure to the user?
+ logger.error(exc.response.content)
+ raise
+def ensure_rgwa_entities(vf):
+ """Given a vf, ensure that its RGWA BUCKET are
+ created.
+ """
+ formated_vf = VFModelSerializerForSignal(vf).data
+ engagement_stage = formated_vf['engagement']['engagement_stage']
+ if engagement_stage ==
+ bucket_name = vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id+"_"
+ bucket = get_or_create_bucket(bucket_name)
+ add_bucket_users(bucket, vf)
+ elif engagement_stage == or\
+ engagement_stage == or\
+ engagement_stage ==
+ bucket = get_or_create_bucket(vf.engagement.engagement_manual_id)
+ remove_bucket_users_grants(bucket, vf)
+def create_user_rgwa(user):
+ if settings.IS_SIGNAL_ENABLED:
+ logger.debug("Engagement Manager has signaled that a user has " +
+ "created an rgwa")
+ rgwa = RGWAClientFactory.admin()
+ rgwa_user = rgwa.get_user(user.full_name)
+ if rgwa_user is None:
+ logger.debug(
+ user.full_name + "User does not exist, a new one is created!")
+ try:
+ rgwa_user = rgwa.create_user(
+ uid=user.full_name, display_name='User "%s"' % user.full_name)
+ user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=user.uuid)
+ access_key = rgwa_user['keys'][0]['access_key']
+ secret_key = CryptographyText.encrypt(
+ rgwa_user['keys'][0]['secret_key'])
+ user.rgwa_access_key = access_key
+ user.rgwa_secret_key = secret_key
+ logger.debug(
+ "Successfuly created user in the rgwa in " +
+ "create_user_rgwa signal" +
+ str(rgwa_user))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(str(e))
+ err_msg = "coudln't get rgwa user %s " % user.full_name
+ raise ValueError(err_msg)
+ else:
+ rgwa_user = RGWAKeysService().mock_create_user(
+ uid=user.full_name, display_name='User "%s"' % user.full_name)
+ user = IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=user.uuid)
+ user.rgwa_access_key = rgwa_user['access_key']
+ user.rgwa_secret_key = CryptographyText.encrypt(rgwa_user['secret_key'])
+def validate_rgwa_user(full_name, uuid):
+ rgwa = RGWAClientFactory.admin()
+ rgwa_user = rgwa.get_user(full_name)
+ if rgwa_user is None:
+ create_user_rgwa(IceUserProfile.objects.get(uuid=uuid))
+def add_bucket_users(bucket, vf):
+ for user in vf.engagement.engagement_team.all():
+ add_bucket_user(user, bucket)
+def add_bucket_user(user, bucket):
+ try:
+ validate_rgwa_user(user.full_name, user.uuid)
+ bucket_acl = bucket.get_acl()
+ grants = set((, grant.permission)
+ for grant in bucket_acl.acl.grants)
+ for permission in [RGWApermission.READ, RGWApermission.WRITE]:
+ if (user.full_name, permission) in grants:
+ continue
+ bucket_acl.acl.add_user_grant(permission, user.full_name)
+ bucket.set_acl(bucket_acl)
+ except Exception as e:
+ err_msg = "Failed: Engagement team user with uuid " + \
+ user.uuid + " was not added to bucket"
+ logger.error(err_msg)
+ raise e
+def get_or_create_bucket(name):
+ """Return the Bucket, creating it if
+ it does not exist."""
+ boto_conn = RGWAClientFactory.standard()
+ try:
+ bucket = boto_conn.lookup(name)
+ if bucket is None:
+ bucket = boto_conn.create_bucket(name)
+ return bucket
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Problem get or create Rados GW bucket", e)
+ raise e
+def remove_bucket_users_grants(bucket, vf):
+ for user in vf.engagement.engagement_team.all():
+ remove_bucket_user_grants(bucket, user)
+def remove_bucket_user_grants(bucket, user):
+ bucket_acl = bucket.get_acl()
+ bucket_acl.acl.grants = [
+ grant for grant in bucket_acl.acl.grants if not == user.full_name]
+ bucket.set_acl(bucket_acl)