path: root/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/yauzl/README.md
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+# yauzl
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/thejoshwolfe/yauzl.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/thejoshwolfe/yauzl)
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+yet another unzip library for node. For zipping, see
+Design principles:
+ * Follow the spec.
+ Don't scan for local file headers.
+ Read the central directory for file metadata.
+ (see [No Streaming Unzip API](#no-streaming-unzip-api)).
+ * Don't block the JavaScript thread.
+ Use and provide async APIs.
+ * Keep memory usage under control.
+ Don't attempt to buffer entire files in RAM at once.
+ * Never crash (if used properly).
+ Don't let malformed zip files bring down client applications who are trying to catch errors.
+ * Catch unsafe filenames entries.
+ A zip file entry throws an error if its file name starts with `"/"` or `/[A-Za-z]:\//`
+ or if it contains `".."` path segments or `"\\"` (per the spec).
+## Usage
+var yauzl = require("yauzl");
+var fs = require("fs");
+var path = require("path");
+var mkdirp = require("mkdirp"); // or similar
+yauzl.open("path/to/file.zip", {lazyEntries: true}, function(err, zipfile) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ zipfile.readEntry();
+ zipfile.on("entry", function(entry) {
+ if (/\/$/.test(entry.fileName)) {
+ // directory file names end with '/'
+ mkdirp(entry.fileName, function(err) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ zipfile.readEntry();
+ });
+ } else {
+ // file entry
+ zipfile.openReadStream(entry, function(err, readStream) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ // ensure parent directory exists
+ mkdirp(path.dirname(entry.fileName), function(err) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ readStream.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(entry.fileName));
+ readStream.on("end", function() {
+ zipfile.readEntry();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+## API
+The default for every optional `callback` parameter is:
+function defaultCallback(err) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+### open(path, [options], [callback])
+Calls `fs.open(path, "r")` and gives the `fd`, `options`, and `callback` to `fromFd()` below.
+`options` may be omitted or `null`. The defaults are `{autoClose: true, lazyEntries: false}`.
+`autoClose` is effectively equivalent to:
+zipfile.once("end", function() {
+ zipfile.close();
+`lazyEntries` indicates that entries should be read only when `readEntry()` is called.
+If `lazyEntries` is `false`, `entry` events will be emitted as fast as possible to allow `pipe()`ing
+file data from all entries in parallel.
+This is not recommended, as it can lead to out of control memory usage for zip files with many entries.
+See [issue #22](https://github.com/thejoshwolfe/yauzl/issues/22).
+If `lazyEntries` is `true`, an `entry` or `end` event will be emitted in response to each call to `readEntry()`.
+This allows processing of one entry at a time, and will keep memory usage under control for zip files with many entries.
+### fromFd(fd, [options], [callback])
+Reads from the fd, which is presumed to be an open .zip file.
+Note that random access is required by the zip file specification,
+so the fd cannot be an open socket or any other fd that does not support random access.
+The `callback` is given the arguments `(err, zipfile)`.
+An `err` is provided if the End of Central Directory Record Signature cannot be found in the file,
+which indicates that the fd is not a zip file.
+`zipfile` is an instance of `ZipFile`.
+`options` may be omitted or `null`. The defaults are `{autoClose: false, lazyEntries: false}`.
+See `open()` for the meaning of the options.
+### fromBuffer(buffer, [options], [callback])
+Like `fromFd()`, but reads from a RAM buffer instead of an open file.
+`buffer` is a `Buffer`.
+`callback` is effectively passed directly to `fromFd()`.
+If a `ZipFile` is acquired from this method,
+it will never emit the `close` event,
+and calling `close()` is not necessary.
+`options` may be omitted or `null`. The defaults are `{lazyEntries: false}`.
+See `open()` for the meaning of the options.
+The `autoClose` option is ignored for this method.
+### fromRandomAccessReader(reader, totalSize, [options], [callback])
+This method of creating a zip file allows clients to implement their own back-end file system.
+For example, a client might translate read calls into network requests.
+The `reader` parameter must be of a type that is a subclass of
+[RandomAccessReader](#class-randomaccessreader) that implements the required methods.
+The `totalSize` is a Number and indicates the total file size of the zip file.
+`options` may be omitted or `null`. The defaults are `{autoClose: true, lazyEntries: false}`.
+See `open()` for the meaning of the options.
+### dosDateTimeToDate(date, time)
+Converts MS-DOS `date` and `time` data into a JavaScript `Date` object.
+Each parameter is a `Number` treated as an unsigned 16-bit integer.
+Note that this format does not support timezones,
+so the returned object will use the local timezone.
+### Class: ZipFile
+The constructor for the class is not part of the public API.
+Use `open()`, `fromFd()`, `fromBuffer()`, or `fromRandomAccessReader()` instead.
+#### Event: "entry"
+Callback gets `(entry)`, which is an `Entry`.
+See `open()` and `readEntry()` for when this event is emitted.
+#### Event: "end"
+Emitted after the last `entry` event has been emitted.
+See `open()` and `readEntry()` for more info on when this event is emitted.
+#### Event: "close"
+Emitted after the fd is actually closed.
+This is after calling `close()` (or after the `end` event when `autoClose` is `true`),
+and after all stream pipelines created from `openReadStream()` have finished reading data from the fd.
+If this `ZipFile` was acquired from `fromRandomAccessReader()`,
+the "fd" in the previous paragraph refers to the `RandomAccessReader` implemented by the client.
+If this `ZipFile` was acquired from `fromBuffer()`, this event is never emitted.
+#### Event: "error"
+Emitted in the case of errors with reading the zip file.
+(Note that other errors can be emitted from the streams created from `openReadStream()` as well.)
+After this event has been emitted, no further `entry`, `end`, or `error` events will be emitted,
+but the `close` event may still be emitted.
+#### readEntry()
+Causes this `ZipFile` to emit an `entry` or `end` event (or an `error` event).
+This method must only be called when this `ZipFile` was created with the `lazyEntries` option set to `true` (see `open()`).
+When this `ZipFile` was created with the `lazyEntries` option set to `true`,
+`entry` and `end` events are only ever emitted in response to this method call.
+The event that is emitted in response to this method will not be emitted until after this method has returned,
+so it is safe to call this method before attaching event listeners.
+After calling this method, calling this method again before the response event has been emitted will cause undefined behavior.
+Calling this method after the `end` event has been emitted will cause undefined behavior.
+Calling this method after calling `close()` will cause undefined behavior.
+#### openReadStream(entry, callback)
+`entry` must be an `Entry` object from this `ZipFile`.
+`callback` gets `(err, readStream)`, where `readStream` is a `Readable Stream`.
+If the entry is compressed (with a supported compression method),
+the read stream provides the decompressed data.
+If this zipfile is already closed (see `close()`), the `callback` will receive an `err`.
+It's possible for the `readStream` it to emit errors for several reasons.
+For example, if zlib cannot decompress the data, the zlib error will be emitted from the `readStream`.
+Two more error cases are if the decompressed data has too many or too few actual bytes
+compared to the reported byte count from the entry's `uncompressedSize` field.
+yauzl notices this false information and emits an error from the `readStream`
+after some number of bytes have already been piped through the stream.
+Because of this check, clients can always trust the `uncompressedSize` field in `Entry` objects.
+Guarding against [zip bomb](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_bomb) attacks can be accomplished by
+doing some heuristic checks on the size metadata and then watching out for the above errors.
+Such heuristics are outside the scope of this library,
+but enforcing the `uncompressedSize` is implemented here as a security feature.
+It is possible to destroy the `readStream` before it has piped all of its data.
+To do this, call `readStream.destroy()`.
+You must `unpipe()` the `readStream` from any destination before calling `readStream.destroy()`.
+If this zipfile was created using `fromRandomAccessReader()`, the `RandomAccessReader` implementation
+must provide readable streams that implement a `.destroy()` method (see `randomAccessReader._readStreamForRange()`)
+in order for calls to `readStream.destroy()` to work in this context.
+#### close()
+Causes all future calls to `openReadStream()` to fail,
+and closes the fd after all streams created by `openReadStream()` have emitted their `end` events.
+If the `autoClose` option is set to `true` (see `open()`),
+this function will be called automatically effectively in response to this object's `end` event.
+If the `lazyEntries` option is set to `false` (see `open()`) and this object's `end` event has not been emitted yet,
+this function causes undefined behavior.
+If the `lazyEntries` option is set to `true`,
+you can call this function instead of calling `readEntry()` to abort reading the entries of a zipfile.
+It is safe to call this function multiple times; after the first call, successive calls have no effect.
+This includes situations where the `autoClose` option effectively calls this function for you.
+#### isOpen
+`Boolean`. `true` until `close()` is called; then it's `false`.
+#### entryCount
+`Number`. Total number of central directory records.
+#### comment
+`String`. Always decoded with `CP437` per the spec.
+### Class: Entry
+Objects of this class represent Central Directory Records.
+Refer to the zipfile specification for more details about these fields.
+These fields are of type `Number`:
+ * `versionMadeBy`
+ * `versionNeededToExtract`
+ * `generalPurposeBitFlag`
+ * `compressionMethod`
+ * `lastModFileTime` (MS-DOS format, see `getLastModDateTime`)
+ * `lastModFileDate` (MS-DOS format, see `getLastModDateTime`)
+ * `crc32`
+ * `compressedSize`
+ * `uncompressedSize`
+ * `fileNameLength` (bytes)
+ * `extraFieldLength` (bytes)
+ * `fileCommentLength` (bytes)
+ * `internalFileAttributes`
+ * `externalFileAttributes`
+ * `relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader`
+#### fileName
+Following the spec, the bytes for the file name are decoded with
+`UTF-8` if `generalPurposeBitFlag & 0x800`, otherwise with `CP437`.
+If `fileName` would contain unsafe characters, such as an absolute path or
+a relative directory, yauzl emits an error instead of an entry.
+#### extraFields
+`Array` with each entry in the form `{id: id, data: data}`,
+where `id` is a `Number` and `data` is a `Buffer`.
+This library looks for and reads the ZIP64 Extended Information Extra Field (0x0001)
+in order to support ZIP64 format zip files.
+None of the other fields are considered significant by this library.
+#### comment
+`String` decoded with the same charset as used for `fileName`.
+#### getLastModDate()
+Effectively implemented as:
+return dosDateTimeToDate(this.lastModFileDate, this.lastModFileTime);
+### Class: RandomAccessReader
+This class is meant to be subclassed by clients and instantiated for the `fromRandomAccessReader()` function.
+An example implementation can be found in `test/test.js`.
+#### randomAccessReader._readStreamForRange(start, end)
+Subclasses *must* implement this method.
+`start` and `end` are Numbers and indicate byte offsets from the start of the file.
+`end` is exclusive, so `_readStreamForRange(0x1000, 0x2000)` would indicate to read `0x1000` bytes.
+`end - start` will always be at least `1`.
+This method should return a readable stream which will be `pipe()`ed into another stream.
+It is expected that the readable stream will provide data in several chunks if necessary.
+If the readable stream provides too many or too few bytes, an error will be emitted.
+Any errors emitted on the readable stream will be handled and re-emitted on the client-visible stream
+(returned from `zipfile.openReadStream()`) or provided as the `err` argument to the appropriate callback
+(for example, for `fromRandomAccessReader()`).
+The returned stream *must* implement a method `.destroy()`
+if you call `readStream.destroy()` on streams you get from `openReadStream()`.
+If you never call `readStream.destroy()`, then streams returned from this method do not need to implement a method `.destroy()`.
+`.destroy()` should abort any streaming that is in progress and clean up any associated resources.
+`.destroy()` will only be called after the stream has been `unpipe()`d from its destination.
+Note that the stream returned from this method might not be the same object that is provided by `openReadStream()`.
+The stream returned from this method might be `pipe()`d through one or more filter streams (for example, a zlib inflate stream).
+#### randomAccessReader.read(buffer, offset, length, position, callback)
+Subclasses may implement this method.
+The default implementation uses `createReadStream()` to fill the `buffer`.
+This method should behave like `fs.read()`.
+#### randomAccessReader.close(callback)
+Subclasses may implement this method.
+The default implementation is effectively `setImmediate(callback);`.
+`callback` takes parameters `(err)`.
+This method is called once the all streams returned from `_readStreamForRange()` have ended,
+and no more `_readStreamForRange()` or `read()` requests will be issued to this object.
+## How to Avoid Crashing
+When a malformed zipfile is encountered, the default behavior is to crash (throw an exception).
+If you want to handle errors more gracefully than this,
+be sure to do the following:
+ * Provide `callback` parameters where they are allowed, and check the `err` parameter.
+ * Attach a listener for the `error` event on any `ZipFile` object you get from `open()`, `fromFd()`, `fromBuffer()`, or `fromRandomAccessReader()`.
+ * Attach a listener for the `error` event on any stream you get from `openReadStream()`.
+## Limitations
+### No Streaming Unzip API
+Due to the design of the .zip file format, it's impossible to interpret a .zip file from start to finish
+(such as from a readable stream) without sacrificing correctness.
+The Central Directory, which is the authority on the contents of the .zip file, is at the end of a .zip file, not the beginning.
+A streaming API would need to either buffer the entire .zip file to get to the Central Directory before interpreting anything
+(defeating the purpose of a streaming interface), or rely on the Local File Headers which are interspersed through the .zip file.
+However, the Local File Headers are explicitly denounced in the spec as being unreliable copies of the Central Directory,
+so trusting them would be a violation of the spec.
+Any library that offers a streaming unzip API must make one of the above two compromises,
+which makes the library either dishonest or nonconformant (usually the latter).
+This library insists on correctness and adherence to the spec, and so does not offer a streaming API.
+### Limitted ZIP64 Support
+For ZIP64, only zip files smaller than `8PiB` are supported,
+not the full `16EiB` range that a 64-bit integer should be able to index.
+This is due to the JavaScript Number type being an IEEE 754 double precision float.
+The Node.js `fs` module probably has this same limitation.
+### ZIP64 Extensible Data Sector Is Ignored
+The spec does not allow zip file creators to put arbitrary data here,
+but rather reserves its use for PKWARE and mentions something about Z390.
+This doesn't seem useful to expose in this library, so it is ignored.
+### No Multi-Disk Archive Support
+This library does not support multi-disk zip files.
+The multi-disk fields in the zipfile spec were intended for a zip file to span multiple floppy disks,
+which probably never happens now.
+If the "number of this disk" field in the End of Central Directory Record is not `0`,
+the `open()`, `fromFd()`, `fromBuffer()`, or `fromRandomAccessReader()` `callback` will receive an `err`.
+By extension the following zip file fields are ignored by this library and not provided to clients:
+ * Disk where central directory starts
+ * Number of central directory records on this disk
+ * Disk number where file starts
+### No Encryption Support
+Currently, the presence of encryption is not even checked,
+and encrypted zip files will cause undefined behavior.
+### Local File Headers Are Ignored
+Many unzip libraries mistakenly read the Local File Header data in zip files.
+This data is officially defined to be redundant with the Central Directory information,
+and is not to be trusted.
+Aside from checking the signature, yauzl ignores the content of the Local File Header.
+### No CRC-32 Checking
+This library provides the `crc32` field of `Entry` objects read from the Central Directory.
+However, this field is not used for anything in this library.
+### versionNeededToExtract Is Ignored
+The field `versionNeededToExtract` is ignored,
+because this library doesn't support the complete zip file spec at any version,
+### No Support For Obscure Compression Methods
+Regarding the `compressionMethod` field of `Entry` objects,
+only method `0` (stored with no compression)
+and method `8` (deflated) are supported.
+Any of the other 15 official methods will cause the `openReadStream()` `callback` to receive an `err`.
+### Data Descriptors Are Ignored
+There may or may not be Data Descriptor sections in a zip file.
+This library provides no support for finding or interpreting them.
+### Archive Extra Data Record Is Ignored
+There may or may not be an Archive Extra Data Record section in a zip file.
+This library provides no support for finding or interpreting it.
+### No Language Encoding Flag Support
+Zip files officially support charset encodings other than CP437 and UTF-8,
+but the zip file spec does not specify how it works.
+This library makes no attempt to interpret the Language Encoding Flag.
+## Change History
+ * 2.4.1
+ * Fix error handling.
+ * 2.4.0
+ * Add ZIP64 support. [issue #6](https://github.com/thejoshwolfe/yazl/issues/6)
+ * Add `lazyEntries` option. [issue #22](https://github.com/thejoshwolfe/yazl/issues/22)
+ * Add `readStream.destroy()` method. [issue #26](https://github.com/thejoshwolfe/yazl/issues/26)
+ * Add `fromRandomAccessReader()`. [issue #14](https://github.com/thejoshwolfe/yazl/issues/14)
+ * Add `examples/unzip.js`.
+ * 2.3.1
+ * Documentation updates.
+ * 2.3.0
+ * Check that `uncompressedSize` is correct, or else emit an error. [issue #13](https://github.com/thejoshwolfe/yazl/issues/13)
+ * 2.2.1
+ * Update dependencies.
+ * 2.2.0
+ * Update dependencies.
+ * 2.1.0
+ * Remove dependency on `iconv`.
+ * 2.0.3
+ * Fix crash when trying to read a 0-byte file.
+ * 2.0.2
+ * Fix event behavior after errors.
+ * 2.0.1
+ * Fix bug with using `iconv`.
+ * 2.0.0
+ * Initial release.