path: root/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/yargs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/yargs/')
1 files changed, 926 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/yargs/ b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/yargs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99086e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/yargs/
@@ -0,0 +1,926 @@
+Yargs be a node.js library fer hearties tryin' ter parse optstrings.
+With yargs, ye be havin' a map that leads straight to yer treasure! Treasure of course, being a simple option hash.
+[![Build Status](](
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+> Yargs is the official successor to optimist. Please feel free to submit issues and pull requests. If you'd like to contribute and don't know where to start, have a look at [the issue list]( :)
+With yargs, the options be just a hash!
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var argv = require('yargs').argv;
+if (argv.ships > 3 && argv.distance < 53.5) {
+ console.log('Plunder more riffiwobbles!');
+else {
+ console.log('Retreat from the xupptumblers!');
+ $ ./plunder.js --ships=4 --distance=22
+ Plunder more riffiwobbles!
+ $ ./plunder.js --ships 12 --distance 98.7
+ Retreat from the xupptumblers!
+![Joe was one optimistic pirate.](
+But don't walk the plank just yet! There be more! You can do short options:
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var argv = require('yargs').argv;
+console.log('(%d,%d)', argv.x, argv.y);
+ $ ./short.js -x 10 -y 21
+ (10,21)
+And booleans, both long, short, and even grouped:
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var util = require('util');
+var argv = require('yargs').argv;
+if (argv.s) {
+ util.print( ? 'Le perroquet dit: ' : 'The parrot says: ');
+ ( ? 'couac' : 'squawk') + (argv.p ? '!' : '')
+ $ ./bool.js -s
+ The parrot says: squawk
+ $ ./bool.js -sp
+ The parrot says: squawk!
+ $ ./bool.js -sp --fr
+ Le perroquet dit: couac!
+And non-hyphenated options too! Just use `argv._`!
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var argv = require('yargs').argv;
+console.log('(%d,%d)', argv.x, argv.y);
+ $ ./nonopt.js -x 6.82 -y 3.35 rum
+ (6.82,3.35)
+ [ 'rum' ]
+ $ ./nonopt.js "me hearties" -x 0.54 yo -y 1.12 ho
+ (0.54,1.12)
+ [ 'me hearties', 'yo', 'ho' ]
+Yargs even counts your booleans!
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .count('verbose')
+ .alias('v', 'verbose')
+ .argv;
+VERBOSE_LEVEL = argv.verbose;
+function WARN() { VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 0 && console.log.apply(console, arguments); }
+function INFO() { VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 && console.log.apply(console, arguments); }
+function DEBUG() { VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 2 && console.log.apply(console, arguments); }
+WARN("Showing only important stuff");
+INFO("Showing semi-mportant stuff too");
+DEBUG("Extra chatty mode");
+ $ node count.js
+ Showing only important stuff
+ $ node count.js -v
+ Showing only important stuff
+ Showing semi-important stuff too
+ $ node count.js -vv
+ Showing only important stuff
+ Showing semi-important stuff too
+ Extra chatty mode
+ $ node count.js -v --verbose
+ Showing only important stuff
+ Showing semi-important stuff too
+ Extra chatty mode
+Tell users how to use yer options and make demands.
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .usage('Usage: $0 -w [num] -yh[num]')
+ .demand(['w','h'])
+ .argv;
+console.log("The area is:", argv.w * argv.h);
+ $ ./area.js -w 55 -h 11
+ 605
+ $ node ./area.js -w 4.91 -w 2.51
+ Usage: node ./area.js -w [num] -h [num]
+ Options:
+ -w [required]
+ -h [required]
+ Missing required arguments: h
+After yer demands have been met, demand more! Ask for non-hypenated arguments!
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .demand(2)
+ .argv;
+ $ ./demand_count.js a
+ Not enough arguments, expected 2, but only found 1
+ $ ./demand_count.js a b
+ { _: [ 'a', 'b' ], '$0': 'node ./demand_count.js' }
+ $ ./demand_count.js a b c
+ { _: [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ], '$0': 'node ./demand_count.js' }
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .default('x', 10)
+ .default('y', 10)
+ .argv
+console.log(argv.x + argv.y);
+ $ ./default_singles.js -x 5
+ 15
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .default({ x : 10, y : 10 })
+ .argv
+console.log(argv.x + argv.y);
+ $ ./default_hash.js -y 7
+ 17
+And if you really want to get all descriptive about it...
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .boolean('v')
+ .argv
+ $ ./boolean_single.js -v "me hearties" yo ho
+ true
+ [ 'me hearties', 'yo', 'ho' ]
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .boolean(['x','y','z'])
+ .argv
+console.dir([ argv.x, argv.y, argv.z ]);
+ $ ./boolean_double.js -x -z one two three
+ [ true, false, true ]
+ [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ]
+Yargs is here to help you...
+Ye can describe parameters fer help messages and set aliases. Yargs figures
+out how ter format a handy help string automatically.
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .usage('Usage: $0 <command> [options]')
+ .command('count', 'Count the lines in a file')
+ .demand(1)
+ .example('$0 count -f foo.js', 'count the lines in the given file')
+ .demand('f')
+ .alias('f', 'file')
+ .nargs('f', 1)
+ .describe('f', 'Load a file')
+ .help('h')
+ .alias('h', 'help')
+ .epilog('copyright 2015')
+ .argv;
+var fs = require('fs');
+var s = fs.createReadStream(argv.file);
+var lines = 0;
+s.on('data', function (buf) {
+ lines += buf.toString().match(/\n/g).length;
+s.on('end', function () {
+ console.log(lines);
+ $ node line_count.js count
+ Usage: node test.js <command> [options]
+ Commands:
+ count Count the lines in a file
+ Options:
+ -f, --file Load a file [required]
+ -h, --help Show help
+ Examples:
+ node test.js count -f foo.js count the lines in the given file
+ copyright 2015
+ Missing required arguments: f
+ $ node line_count.js count --file line_count.js
+ 20
+ $ node line_count.js count -f line_count.js
+ 20
+By itself,
+will use `process.argv` array to construct the `argv` object.
+You can pass in the `process.argv` yourself:
+require('yargs')([ '-x', '1', '-y', '2' ]).argv
+or use .parse() to do the same thing:
+require('yargs').parse([ '-x', '1', '-y', '2' ])
+The rest of these methods below come in just before the terminating `.argv`.
+.alias(key, alias)
+Set key names as equivalent such that updates to a key will propagate to aliases
+and vice-versa.
+Optionally `.alias()` can take an object that maps keys to aliases.
+Each key of this object should be the canonical version of the option, and each
+value should be a string or an array of strings.
+.default(key, value, [description])
+Set `argv[key]` to `value` if no option was specified on `process.argv`.
+Optionally `.default()` can take an object that maps keys to default values.
+But wait, there's more! the default value can be a `function` which returns
+a value. The name of the function will be used in the usage string:
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .default('random', function randomValue() {
+ return Math.random() * 256;
+ }).argv;
+Optionally, `description` can also be provided and will take precedence over
+displaying the value in the usage instructions:
+.default('timeout', 60000, '(one-minute)');
+.demand(key, [msg | boolean])
+.require(key, [msg | boolean])
+.required(key, [msg | boolean])
+If `key` is a string, show the usage information and exit if `key` wasn't
+specified in `process.argv`.
+If `key` is a number, demand at least as many non-option arguments, which show
+up in `argv._`.
+If `key` is an Array, demand each element.
+If a `msg` string is given, it will be printed when the argument is missing,
+instead of the standard error message. This is especially helpful for the non-option arguments in `argv._`.
+If a `boolean` value is given, it controls whether the option is demanded;
+this is useful when using `.options()` to specify command line parameters.
+Specifies either a single option key (string), or an array of options that
+must be followed by option values. If any option value is missing, show the
+usage information and exit.
+The default behaviour is to set the value of any key not followed by an
+option value to `true`.
+.implies(x, y)
+Given the key `x` is set, it is required that the key `y` is set.
+implies can also accept an object specifying multiple implications.
+.describe(key, desc)
+Describe a `key` for the generated usage information.
+Optionally `.describe()` can take an object that maps keys to descriptions.
+.option(key, opt)
+.options(key, opt)
+Instead of chaining together `.alias().demand().default().describe().string()`, you can specify
+keys in `opt` for each of the chainable methods.
+For example:
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .option('f', {
+ alias : 'file',
+ demand: true,
+ default: '/etc/passwd',
+ describe: 'x marks the spot',
+ type: 'string'
+ })
+ .argv
+is the same as
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .alias('f', 'file')
+ .default('f', '/etc/passwd')
+ .argv
+Optionally `.options()` can take an object that maps keys to `opt` parameters.
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .options({
+ 'f': {
+ alias: 'file',
+ demand: true,
+ default: '/etc/passwd',
+ describe: 'x marks the spot',
+ type: 'string'
+ }
+ })
+ .argv
+.usage(message, opts)
+Set a usage message to show which commands to use. Inside `message`, the string
+`$0` will get interpolated to the current script name or node command for the
+present script similar to how `$0` works in bash or perl.
+`opts` is optional and acts like calling `.options(opts)`.
+.command(cmd, desc, [fn])
+Document the commands exposed by your application.
+use `desc` to provide a description for each command your application accepts (the
+values stored in `argv._`).
+Optionally, you can provide a handler `fn` which will be executed when
+a given command is provided. The handler will be executed with an instance
+of `yargs`, which can be used to compose nested commands.
+Here's an example of top-level and nested commands in action:
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .usage('npm <command>')
+ .command('install', 'tis a mighty fine package to install')
+ .command('publish', 'shiver me timbers, should you be sharing all that', function (yargs) {
+ argv = yargs.option('f', {
+ alias: 'force',
+ description: 'yar, it usually be a bad idea'
+ })
+ .help('help')
+ .argv
+ })
+ .help('help')
+ .argv;
+.example(cmd, desc)
+Give some example invocations of your program. Inside `cmd`, the string
+`$0` will get interpolated to the current script name or node command for the
+present script similar to how `$0` works in bash or perl.
+Examples will be printed out as part of the help message.
+A message to print at the end of the usage instructions, e.g.,
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .epilogue('for more information, find our manual at');
+Check that certain conditions are met in the provided arguments.
+`fn` is called with two arguments, the parsed `argv` hash and an array of options and their aliases.
+If `fn` throws or returns a non-truthy value, show the thrown error, usage information, and
+Method to execute when a failure occurs, rather then printing the failure message.
+`fn` is called with the failure message that would have been printed.
+Interpret `key` as a boolean. If a non-flag option follows `key` in
+`process.argv`, that string won't get set as the value of `key`.
+`key` will default to `false`, unless an `default(key, undefined)` is
+explicitly set.
+If `key` is an Array, interpret all the elements as booleans.
+Tell the parser logic not to interpret `key` as a number or boolean.
+This can be useful if you need to preserve leading zeros in an input.
+If `key` is an Array, interpret all the elements as strings.
+`.string('_')` will result in non-hyphenated arguments being interpreted as strings,
+regardless of whether they resemble numbers.
+Tell the parser to interpret `key` as an array. If `.array('foo')` is set,
+`--foo foo bar` will be parsed as `['foo', 'bar']` rather than as `'bar'`.
+.nargs(key, count)
+The number of arguments that should be consumed after a key. This can be a
+useful hint to prevent parsing ambiguity:
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .nargs('token', 1)
+ .parse(['--token', '-my-token']);
+parses as:
+`{ _: [], token: '-my-token', '$0': 'node test' }`
+Optionally `.nargs()` can take an object of `key`/`narg` pairs.
+Tells the parser that if the option specified by `key` is passed in, it
+should be interpreted as a path to a JSON config file. The file is loaded
+and parsed, and its properties are set as arguments.
+Format usage output to wrap at `columns` many columns.
+By default wrap will be set to `Math.min(80, windowWidth)`. Use `.wrap(null)` to
+specify no column limit.
+`yargs.wrap(yargs.terminalWidth())` can be used to maximize the width
+of yargs' usage instructions.
+Any command-line argument given that is not demanded, or does not have a
+corresponding description, will be reported as an error.
+[option, [description]])
+Add an option (e.g., `--help`) that displays the usage string and exits the
+process. If present, the `description` parameter customises the description of
+the help option in the usage string.
+If invoked without parameters, `.help` returns the generated usage string.
+var yargs = require("yargs")
+ .usage("$0 -operand1 number -operand2 number -operation [add|subtract]");
+Later on, ```argv``` can be retrived with ```yargs.argv```
+.version(version, [option], [description])
+Add an option (e.g., `--version`) that displays the version number (given by the
+`version` parameter) and exits the process. If present, the `description`
+parameter customizes the description of the version option in the usage string.
+You can provide a `function` for version, rather than a string.
+This is useful if you want to use the version from your package.json:
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .version(function() {
+ return require('../package').version;
+ })
+ .argv;
+.showHelpOnFail(enable, [message])
+By default, yargs outputs a usage string if any error is detected. Use the
+`.showHelpOnFail` method to customize this behaviour. if `enable` is `false`,
+the usage string is not output. If the `message` parameter is present, this
+message is output after the error message.
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .usage('Count the lines in a file.\nUsage: $0')
+ .demand('f')
+ .alias('f', 'file')
+ .describe('f', 'Load a file')
+ .showHelpOnFail(false, "Specify --help for available options")
+ .argv;
+// etc.
+ $ node line_count.js --file
+ Missing argument value: f
+ Specify --help for available options
+Print the usage data using the [`console`]( function `consoleLevel` for printing.
+var yargs = require("yargs")
+ .usage("$0 -operand1 number -operand2 number -operation [add|subtract]");
+Or, to print the usage data to `stdout` instead, you can specify the use of `console.log`:
+Later on, ```argv``` can be retrived with ```yargs.argv```
+.completion(cmd, [description], [fn]);
+Enable bash-completion shortcuts for commands and options.
+`cmd`: when present in `argv._`, will result in the `.bashrc` completion script
+being outputted. To enable bash completions, concat the generated script to your
+`.bashrc`, or `.bash_profile`.
+`description`: provide a description in your usage instructions for the command
+that generates bash completion scripts.
+`fn`, rather than relying on yargs' default completion functionlity, which
+shiver me timbers is pretty awesome, you can provide your own completion
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .completion('completion', function(current, argv) {
+ // 'current' is the current command being completed.
+ // 'argv' is the parsed arguments so far.
+ // simply return an array of completions.
+ return [
+ 'foo',
+ 'bar'
+ ];
+ })
+ .argv;
+But wait, there's more! you can provide asynchronous completions.
+var argv = require('yargs')
+ .completion('completion', function(current, argv, done) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ done([
+ 'apple',
+ 'banana'
+ ]);
+ }, 500);
+ })
+ .argv;
+Generate a bash completion script. Users of your application can install this
+script in their `.bashrc`, and yargs will provide completion shortcuts for
+commands and options.
+By default, yargs exits the process when the user passes a help flag, uses the `.version` functionality or when validation fails. Calling `.exitProcess(false)` disables this behavior, enabling further actions after yargs have been validated.
+Parse `args` instead of `process.argv`. Returns the `argv` object.
+Reset the argument object built up so far. This is useful for
+creating nested command line interfaces.
+var yargs = require('./yargs')
+ .usage('$0 command')
+ .command('hello', 'hello command')
+ .command('world', 'world command')
+ .demand(1, 'must provide a valid command'),
+ argv = yargs.argv,
+ command = argv._[0];
+if (command === 'hello') {
+ yargs.reset()
+ .usage('$0 hello')
+ .help('h')
+ .example('$0 hello', 'print the hello message!')
+ .argv
+ console.log('hello!');
+} else if (command === 'world'){
+ yargs.reset()
+ .usage('$0 world')
+ .help('h')
+ .example('$0 world', 'print the world message!')
+ .argv
+ console.log('world!');
+} else {
+ yargs.showHelp();
+Get the arguments as a plain old object.
+Arguments without a corresponding flag show up in the `argv._` array.
+The script name or node command is available at `argv.$0` similarly to how `$0`
+works in bash or perl.
+parsing tricks
+stop parsing
+Use `--` to stop parsing flags and stuff the remainder into `argv._`.
+ $ node examples/reflect.js -a 1 -b 2 -- -c 3 -d 4
+ { _: [ '-c', '3', '-d', '4' ],
+ '$0': 'node ./examples/reflect.js',
+ a: 1,
+ b: 2 }
+negate fields
+If you want to explicity set a field to false instead of just leaving it
+undefined or to override a default you can do `--no-key`.
+ $ node examples/reflect.js -a --no-b
+ { _: [],
+ '$0': 'node ./examples/reflect.js',
+ a: true,
+ b: false }
+Every argument that looks like a number (`!isNaN(Number(arg))`) is converted to
+one. This way you can just `net.createConnection(argv.port)` and you can add
+numbers out of `argv` with `+` without having that mean concatenation,
+which is super frustrating.
+If you specify a flag multiple times it will get turned into an array containing
+all the values in order.
+ $ node examples/reflect.js -x 5 -x 8 -x 0
+ { _: [],
+ '$0': 'node ./examples/reflect.js',
+ x: [ 5, 8, 0 ] }
+dot notation
+When you use dots (`.`s) in argument names, an implicit object path is assumed.
+This lets you organize arguments into nested objects.
+ $ node examples/reflect.js --foo.quux=5
+ { _: [],
+ '$0': 'node ./examples/reflect.js',
+ foo: { bar: { baz: 33 }, quux: 5 } }
+short numbers
+Short numeric `head -n5` style argument work too:
+ $ node reflect.js -n123 -m456
+ { '3': true,
+ '6': true,
+ _: [],
+ '$0': 'node ./reflect.js',
+ n: 123,
+ m: 456 }
+With [npm](, just do:
+ npm install yargs
+or clone this project on github:
+ git clone
+To run the tests with npm, just do:
+ npm test
+inspired by
+This module is loosely inspired by Perl's