path: root/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/socket.io-client/lib/vendor/web-socket-js/flash-src/com/hurlant/crypto/tls/TLSSecurityParameters.as
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Diffstat (limited to 'vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/socket.io-client/lib/vendor/web-socket-js/flash-src/com/hurlant/crypto/tls/TLSSecurityParameters.as')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/socket.io-client/lib/vendor/web-socket-js/flash-src/com/hurlant/crypto/tls/TLSSecurityParameters.as b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/socket.io-client/lib/vendor/web-socket-js/flash-src/com/hurlant/crypto/tls/TLSSecurityParameters.as
deleted file mode 100644
index 2637811f..00000000
--- a/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/socket.io-client/lib/vendor/web-socket-js/flash-src/com/hurlant/crypto/tls/TLSSecurityParameters.as
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
- * TLSSecurityParameters
- *
- * This class encapsulates all the security parameters that get negotiated
- * during the TLS handshake. It also holds all the key derivation methods.
- * Copyright (c) 2007 Henri Torgemane
- *
- * Patched by Bobby Parker (sh0rtwave@gmail.com)
- *
- * See LICENSE.txt for full license information.
- */
-package com.hurlant.crypto.tls {
- import com.hurlant.crypto.hash.MD5;
- import com.hurlant.crypto.hash.SHA1;
- import com.hurlant.crypto.prng.TLSPRF;
- import com.hurlant.util.Hex;
- import flash.utils.ByteArray;
- import com.hurlant.crypto.rsa.RSAKey;
- public class TLSSecurityParameters implements ISecurityParameters {
- public static const COMPRESSION_NULL:uint = 0;
- // This is probably not smart. Revise this to use all settings from TLSConfig, since this shouldn't really know about
- // user settings, those are best handled from the engine at a session level.
- public static var IGNORE_CN_MISMATCH:Boolean = true;
- public static var ENABLE_USER_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE:Boolean = false;
- public static var USER_CERTIFICATE:String;
- private var cert:ByteArray; // Local Cert
- private var key:RSAKey; // local key
- private var entity:uint; // SERVER | CLIENT
- private var bulkCipher:uint; // BULK_CIPHER_*
- private var cipherType:uint; // STREAM_CIPHER | BLOCK_CIPHER
- private var keySize:uint;
- private var keyMaterialLength:uint;
- private var IVSize:uint;
- private var macAlgorithm:uint; // MAC_*
- private var hashSize:uint;
- private var compression:uint; // COMPRESSION_NULL
- private var masterSecret:ByteArray; // 48 bytes
- private var clientRandom:ByteArray; // 32 bytes
- private var serverRandom:ByteArray; // 32 bytes
- private var ignoreCNMismatch:Boolean = true;
- private var trustAllCerts:Boolean = false;
- private var trustSelfSigned:Boolean = false;
- public static const PROTOCOL_VERSION:uint = 0x0301;
- private var tlsDebug:Boolean = false;
- // not strictly speaking part of this, but yeah.
- public var keyExchange:uint;
- public function TLSSecurityParameters(entity:uint, localCert:ByteArray = null, localKey:RSAKey = null) {
- this.entity = entity;
- reset();
- key = localKey;
- cert = localCert;
- }
- public function get version() : uint {
- }
- public function reset():void {
- bulkCipher = BulkCiphers.NULL;
- cipherType = BulkCiphers.BLOCK_CIPHER;
- macAlgorithm = MACs.NULL;
- compression = COMPRESSION_NULL;
- masterSecret = null;
- }
- public function getBulkCipher():uint {
- return bulkCipher;
- }
- public function getCipherType():uint {
- return cipherType;
- }
- public function getMacAlgorithm():uint {
- return macAlgorithm;
- }
- public function setCipher(cipher:uint):void {
- bulkCipher = CipherSuites.getBulkCipher(cipher);
- cipherType = BulkCiphers.getType(bulkCipher);
- keySize = BulkCiphers.getExpandedKeyBytes(bulkCipher); // 8
- keyMaterialLength = BulkCiphers.getKeyBytes(bulkCipher); // 5
- IVSize = BulkCiphers.getIVSize(bulkCipher);
- keyExchange = CipherSuites.getKeyExchange(cipher);
- macAlgorithm = CipherSuites.getMac(cipher);
- hashSize = MACs.getHashSize(macAlgorithm);
- }
- public function setCompression(algo:uint):void {
- compression = algo;
- }
- public function setPreMasterSecret(secret:ByteArray):void {
- // compute master_secret
- var seed:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
- seed.writeBytes(clientRandom, 0, clientRandom.length);
- seed.writeBytes(serverRandom, 0, serverRandom.length);
- var prf:TLSPRF = new TLSPRF(secret, "master secret", seed);
- masterSecret = new ByteArray;
- prf.nextBytes(masterSecret, 48);
- if (tlsDebug)
- trace("Master Secret: " + Hex.fromArray( masterSecret, true ));
- }
- public function setClientRandom(secret:ByteArray):void {
- clientRandom = secret;
- }
- public function setServerRandom(secret:ByteArray):void {
- serverRandom = secret;
- }
- public function get useRSA():Boolean {
- return KeyExchanges.useRSA(keyExchange);
- }
- public function computeVerifyData(side:uint, handshakeMessages:ByteArray):ByteArray {
- var seed:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
- var md5:MD5 = new MD5;
- if (tlsDebug)
- trace("Handshake value: " + Hex.fromArray(handshakeMessages, true ));
- seed.writeBytes(md5.hash(handshakeMessages),0,md5.getHashSize());
- var sha:SHA1 = new SHA1;
- seed.writeBytes(sha.hash(handshakeMessages),0,sha.getHashSize());
- if (tlsDebug)
- trace("Seed in: " + Hex.fromArray(seed, true ));
- var prf:TLSPRF = new TLSPRF(masterSecret, (side==TLSEngine.CLIENT) ? "client finished" : "server finished", seed);
- var out:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
- prf.nextBytes(out, 12);
- if (tlsDebug)
- trace("Finished out: " + Hex.fromArray(out, true ));
- out.position = 0;
- return out;
- }
- // client side certficate check - This is probably incorrect somehow
- public function computeCertificateVerify( side:uint, handshakeMessages:ByteArray ):ByteArray {
- var seed:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
- var md5:MD5 = new MD5;
- seed.writeBytes(md5.hash(handshakeMessages),0,md5.getHashSize());
- var sha:SHA1 = new SHA1;
- seed.writeBytes(sha.hash(handshakeMessages),0,sha.getHashSize());
- // Now that I have my hashes of existing handshake messages (which I'm not sure about the length of yet) then
- // Sign that with my private key
- seed.position = 0;
- var out:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
- key.sign( seed, out, seed.bytesAvailable);
- out.position = 0;
- return out;
- }
- public function getConnectionStates():Object {
- if (masterSecret != null) {
- var seed:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
- seed.writeBytes(serverRandom, 0, serverRandom.length);
- seed.writeBytes(clientRandom, 0, clientRandom.length);
- var prf:TLSPRF = new TLSPRF(masterSecret, "key expansion", seed);
- var client_write_MAC:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
- prf.nextBytes(client_write_MAC, hashSize);
- var server_write_MAC:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
- prf.nextBytes(server_write_MAC, hashSize);
- var client_write_key:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
- prf.nextBytes(client_write_key, keyMaterialLength);
- var server_write_key:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
- prf.nextBytes(server_write_key, keyMaterialLength);
- var client_write_IV:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
- prf.nextBytes(client_write_IV, IVSize);
- var server_write_IV:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
- prf.nextBytes(server_write_IV, IVSize);
- var client_write:TLSConnectionState = new TLSConnectionState(
- bulkCipher, cipherType, macAlgorithm,
- client_write_MAC, client_write_key, client_write_IV);
- var server_write:TLSConnectionState = new TLSConnectionState(
- bulkCipher, cipherType, macAlgorithm,
- server_write_MAC, server_write_key, server_write_IV);
- if (entity == TLSEngine.CLIENT) {
- return {read:server_write, write:client_write};
- } else {
- return {read:client_write, write:server_write};
- }
- } else {
- return {read:new TLSConnectionState, write:new TLSConnectionState};
- }
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file