path: root/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/ b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ef9c38d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ * TLSConnectionState
+ *
+ * This class encapsulates the read or write state of a TLS connection,
+ * and implementes the encrypting and hashing of packets.
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Henri Torgemane
+ *
+ * See LICENSE.txt for full license information.
+ */
+package com.hurlant.crypto.tls {
+ import flash.utils.IDataInput;
+ import flash.utils.ByteArray;
+ import com.hurlant.crypto.hash.MD5;
+ import com.hurlant.crypto.hash.MAC;
+ import com.hurlant.crypto.hash.IHash;
+ import com.hurlant.crypto.symmetric.ICipher;
+ import com.hurlant.crypto.symmetric.IVMode;
+ import com.hurlant.util.Hex;
+ import com.hurlant.util.ArrayUtil;
+ public class SSLConnectionState implements IConnectionState {
+ // compression state
+ // cipher state
+ private var bulkCipher:uint;
+ private var cipherType:uint;
+ private var CIPHER_key:ByteArray;
+ private var CIPHER_IV:ByteArray;
+ private var cipher:ICipher;
+ private var ivmode:IVMode;
+ // mac secret
+ private var macAlgorithm:uint;
+ private var MAC_write_secret:ByteArray;
+ private var mac:MAC;
+ // sequence number. uint64
+ private var seq_lo:uint = 0x0;
+ private var seq_hi:uint = 0x0;
+ public function SSLConnectionState(
+ bulkCipher:uint=0, cipherType:uint=0, macAlgorithm:uint=0,
+ mac_enc:ByteArray=null, key:ByteArray=null, IV:ByteArray=null) {
+ this.bulkCipher = bulkCipher;
+ this.cipherType = cipherType;
+ this.macAlgorithm = macAlgorithm;
+ MAC_write_secret = mac_enc;
+ mac = MACs.getMAC(macAlgorithm);
+ CIPHER_key = key;
+ cipher = BulkCiphers.getCipher(bulkCipher, key, 0x0300);
+ if (cipher is IVMode) {
+ ivmode = cipher as IVMode;
+ ivmode.IV = IV;
+ }
+ }
+ public function decrypt(type:uint, length:uint, p:ByteArray):ByteArray {
+ // decompression is a nop.
+ if (cipherType == BulkCiphers.STREAM_CIPHER) {
+ if (bulkCipher == BulkCiphers.NULL) {
+ // no-op
+ } else {
+ cipher.decrypt(p);
+ }
+ } else {
+ p.position = 0;
+ // block cipher
+ if (bulkCipher == BulkCiphers.NULL) {
+ } else {
+ var nextIV:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
+ nextIV.writeBytes(p, p.length-CIPHER_IV.length, CIPHER_IV.length);
+ p.position = 0;
+ cipher.decrypt(p);
+ CIPHER_IV = nextIV;
+ ivmode.IV = nextIV;
+ }
+ }
+ if (macAlgorithm!=MACs.NULL) {
+ // there will be CTX delay here as well,
+ // I should probably optmize the hell out of it
+ var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
+ var len:uint = p.length - mac.getHashSize();
+ data.writeUnsignedInt(seq_hi);
+ data.writeUnsignedInt(seq_lo);
+ data.writeByte(type);
+ data.writeShort(len);
+ if (len!=0) {
+ data.writeBytes(p, 0, len);
+ }
+ var mac_enc:ByteArray = mac.compute(MAC_write_secret, data);
+ // compare "mac" with the last X bytes of p.
+ var mac_received:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
+ mac_received.writeBytes(p, len, mac.getHashSize());
+ if (ArrayUtil.equals(mac_enc, mac_received)) {
+ // happy happy joy joy
+ } else {
+ throw new TLSError("Bad Mac Data", TLSError.bad_record_mac);
+ }
+ p.length = len;
+ p.position = 0;
+ }
+ // increment seq
+ seq_lo++;
+ if (seq_lo==0) seq_hi++;
+ return p;
+ }
+ public function encrypt(type:uint, p:ByteArray):ByteArray {
+ var mac_enc:ByteArray = null;
+ if (macAlgorithm!=MACs.NULL) {
+ var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
+ // data.writeUnsignedInt(seq);
+ // Sequence
+ data.writeUnsignedInt(seq_hi);
+ data.writeUnsignedInt(seq_lo);
+ // Type
+ data.writeByte(type);
+ // Length
+ data.writeShort(p.length);
+ // The data
+ if (p.length!=0) {
+ data.writeBytes(p);
+ }
+ // trace("data for the MAC: " + Hex.fromArray(data));
+ mac_enc = mac.compute(MAC_write_secret, data);
+ // trace("MAC: " + Hex.fromArray( mac_enc ));
+ p.position = p.length;
+ p.writeBytes(mac_enc);
+ }
+ // trace("Record to encrypt: " + Hex.fromArray(p));
+ p.position = 0;
+ if (cipherType == BulkCiphers.STREAM_CIPHER) {
+ // stream cipher
+ if (bulkCipher == BulkCiphers.NULL) {
+ // no-op
+ } else {
+ cipher.encrypt(p);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // block cipher
+ cipher.encrypt(p);
+ // adjust IV
+ var nextIV:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
+ nextIV.writeBytes(p, p.length-CIPHER_IV.length, CIPHER_IV.length);
+ CIPHER_IV = nextIV;
+ ivmode.IV = nextIV;
+ }
+ // increment seq
+ seq_lo++;
+ if (seq_lo==0) seq_hi++;
+ return p;
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file