path: root/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/micromatch/lib/expand.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/micromatch/lib/expand.js')
1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/micromatch/lib/expand.js b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/micromatch/lib/expand.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e99b081e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/micromatch/lib/expand.js
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+ * micromatch <https://github.com/jonschlinkert/micromatch>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License.
+ */
+'use strict';
+var utils = require('./utils');
+var Glob = require('./glob');
+ * Expose `expand`
+ */
+module.exports = expand;
+ * Expand a glob pattern to resolve braces and
+ * similar patterns before converting to regex.
+ *
+ * @param {String|Array} `pattern`
+ * @param {Array} `files`
+ * @param {Options} `opts`
+ * @return {Array}
+ */
+function expand(pattern, options) {
+ if (typeof pattern !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('micromatch.expand(): argument should be a string.');
+ }
+ var glob = new Glob(pattern, options || {});
+ var opts = glob.options;
+ if (!utils.isGlob(pattern)) {
+ glob.pattern = glob.pattern.replace(/([\/.])/g, '\\$1');
+ return glob;
+ }
+ glob.pattern = glob.pattern.replace(/(\+)(?!\()/g, '\\$1');
+ glob.pattern = glob.pattern.split('$').join('\\$');
+ if (typeof opts.braces !== 'boolean' && typeof opts.nobraces !== 'boolean') {
+ opts.braces = true;
+ }
+ if (glob.pattern === '.*') {
+ return {
+ pattern: '\\.' + star,
+ tokens: tok,
+ options: opts
+ };
+ }
+ if (glob.pattern === '*') {
+ return {
+ pattern: oneStar(opts.dot),
+ tokens: tok,
+ options: opts
+ };
+ }
+ // parse the glob pattern into tokens
+ glob.parse();
+ var tok = glob.tokens;
+ tok.is.negated = opts.negated;
+ // dotfile handling
+ if ((opts.dotfiles === true || tok.is.dotfile) && opts.dot !== false) {
+ opts.dotfiles = true;
+ opts.dot = true;
+ }
+ if ((opts.dotdirs === true || tok.is.dotdir) && opts.dot !== false) {
+ opts.dotdirs = true;
+ opts.dot = true;
+ }
+ // check for braces with a dotfile pattern
+ if (/[{,]\./.test(glob.pattern)) {
+ opts.makeRe = false;
+ opts.dot = true;
+ }
+ if (opts.nonegate !== true) {
+ opts.negated = glob.negated;
+ }
+ // if the leading character is a dot or a slash, escape it
+ if (glob.pattern.charAt(0) === '.' && glob.pattern.charAt(1) !== '/') {
+ glob.pattern = '\\' + glob.pattern;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extended globs
+ */
+ // expand braces, e.g `{1..5}`
+ glob.track('before braces');
+ if (tok.is.braces) {
+ glob.braces();
+ }
+ glob.track('after braces');
+ // expand extglobs, e.g `foo/!(a|b)`
+ glob.track('before extglob');
+ if (tok.is.extglob) {
+ glob.extglob();
+ }
+ glob.track('after extglob');
+ // expand brackets, e.g `[[:alpha:]]`
+ glob.track('before brackets');
+ if (tok.is.brackets) {
+ glob.brackets();
+ }
+ glob.track('after brackets');
+ // special patterns
+ glob._replace('[!', '[^');
+ glob._replace('(?', '(%~');
+ glob._replace(/\[\]/, '\\[\\]');
+ glob._replace('/[', '/' + (opts.dot ? dotfiles : nodot) + '[', true);
+ glob._replace('/?', '/' + (opts.dot ? dotfiles : nodot) + '[^/]', true);
+ glob._replace('/.', '/(?=.)\\.', true);
+ // windows drives
+ glob._replace(/^(\w):([\\\/]+?)/gi, '(?=.)$1:$2', true);
+ // negate slashes in exclusion ranges
+ if (glob.pattern.indexOf('[^') !== -1) {
+ glob.pattern = negateSlash(glob.pattern);
+ }
+ if (opts.globstar !== false && glob.pattern === '**') {
+ glob.pattern = globstar(opts.dot);
+ } else {
+ glob.pattern = balance(glob.pattern, '[', ']');
+ glob.escape(glob.pattern);
+ // if the pattern has `**`
+ if (tok.is.globstar) {
+ glob.pattern = collapse(glob.pattern, '/**');
+ glob.pattern = collapse(glob.pattern, '**/');
+ glob._replace('/**/', '(?:/' + globstar(opts.dot) + '/|/)', true);
+ glob._replace(/\*{2,}/g, '**');
+ // 'foo/*'
+ glob._replace(/(\w+)\*(?!\/)/g, '$1[^/]*?', true);
+ glob._replace(/\*\*\/\*(\w)/g, globstar(opts.dot) + '\\/' + (opts.dot ? dotfiles : nodot) + '[^/]*?$1', true);
+ if (opts.dot !== true) {
+ glob._replace(/\*\*\/(.)/g, '(?:**\\/|)$1');
+ }
+ // 'foo/**' or '{**,*}', but not 'foo**'
+ if (tok.path.dirname !== '' || /,\*\*|\*\*,/.test(glob.orig)) {
+ glob._replace('**', globstar(opts.dot), true);
+ }
+ }
+ // ends with /*
+ glob._replace(/\/\*$/, '\\/' + oneStar(opts.dot), true);
+ // ends with *, no slashes
+ glob._replace(/(?!\/)\*$/, star, true);
+ // has 'n*.' (partial wildcard w/ file extension)
+ glob._replace(/([^\/]+)\*/, '$1' + oneStar(true), true);
+ // has '*'
+ glob._replace('*', oneStar(opts.dot), true);
+ glob._replace('?.', '?\\.', true);
+ glob._replace('?:', '?:', true);
+ glob._replace(/\?+/g, function(match) {
+ var len = match.length;
+ if (len === 1) {
+ return qmark;
+ }
+ return qmark + '{' + len + '}';
+ });
+ // escape '.abc' => '\\.abc'
+ glob._replace(/\.([*\w]+)/g, '\\.$1');
+ // fix '[^\\\\/]'
+ glob._replace(/\[\^[\\\/]+\]/g, qmark);
+ // '///' => '\/'
+ glob._replace(/\/+/g, '\\/');
+ // '\\\\\\' => '\\'
+ glob._replace(/\\{2,}/g, '\\');
+ }
+ // unescape previously escaped patterns
+ glob.unescape(glob.pattern);
+ glob._replace('__UNESC_STAR__', '*');
+ // escape dots that follow qmarks
+ glob._replace('?.', '?\\.');
+ // remove unnecessary slashes in character classes
+ glob._replace('[^\\/]', qmark);
+ if (glob.pattern.length > 1) {
+ if (/^[\[?*]/.test(glob.pattern)) {
+ // only prepend the string if we don't want to match dotfiles
+ glob.pattern = (opts.dot ? dotfiles : nodot) + glob.pattern;
+ }
+ }
+ return glob;
+ * Collapse repeated character sequences.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * collapse('a/../../../b', '../');
+ * //=> 'a/../b'
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param {String} `str`
+ * @param {String} `ch` Character sequence to collapse
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+function collapse(str, ch) {
+ var res = str.split(ch);
+ var isFirst = res[0] === '';
+ var isLast = res[res.length - 1] === '';
+ res = res.filter(Boolean);
+ if (isFirst) res.unshift('');
+ if (isLast) res.push('');
+ return res.join(ch);
+ * Negate slashes in exclusion ranges, per glob spec:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * negateSlash('[^foo]');
+ * //=> '[^\\/foo]'
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param {String} `str` glob pattern
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+function negateSlash(str) {
+ return str.replace(/\[\^([^\]]*?)\]/g, function(match, inner) {
+ if (inner.indexOf('/') === -1) {
+ inner = '\\/' + inner;
+ }
+ return '[^' + inner + ']';
+ });
+ * Escape imbalanced braces/bracket. This is a very
+ * basic, naive implementation that only does enough
+ * to serve the purpose.
+ */
+function balance(str, a, b) {
+ var aarr = str.split(a);
+ var alen = aarr.join('').length;
+ var blen = str.split(b).join('').length;
+ if (alen !== blen) {
+ str = aarr.join('\\' + a);
+ return str.split(b).join('\\' + b);
+ }
+ return str;
+ * Special patterns to be converted to regex.
+ * Heuristics are used to simplify patterns
+ * and speed up processing.
+ */
+/* eslint no-multi-spaces: 0 */
+var qmark = '[^/]';
+var star = qmark + '*?';
+var nodot = '(?!\\.)(?=.)';
+var dotfileGlob = '(?:\\/|^)\\.{1,2}($|\\/)';
+var dotfiles = '(?!' + dotfileGlob + ')(?=.)';
+var twoStarDot = '(?:(?!' + dotfileGlob + ').)*?';
+ * Create a regex for `*`.
+ *
+ * If `dot` is true, or the pattern does not begin with
+ * a leading star, then return the simpler regex.
+ */
+function oneStar(dotfile) {
+ return dotfile ? '(?!' + dotfileGlob + ')(?=.)' + star : (nodot + star);
+function globstar(dotfile) {
+ if (dotfile) { return twoStarDot; }
+ return '(?:(?!(?:\\/|^)\\.).)*?';