path: root/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware')
6 files changed, 563 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/common.js b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/common.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e37475d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/common.js
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * This module contains some common helpers shared between middlewares
+ */
+var mime = require('mime')
+var log = require('../logger').create('web-server')
+var PromiseContainer = function () {
+ var promise
+ this.then = function (success, error) {
+ return promise.then(success, error)
+ }
+ this.set = function (newPromise) {
+ promise = newPromise
+ }
+var serve404 = function (response, path) {
+ log.warn('404: ' + path)
+ response.writeHead(404)
+ return response.end('NOT FOUND')
+var createServeFile = function (fs, directory) {
+ var cache = Object.create(null)
+ return function (filepath, response, transform, content) {
+ var responseData
+ if (directory) {
+ filepath = directory + filepath
+ }
+ if (!content && cache[filepath]) {
+ content = cache[filepath]
+ }
+ // serve from cache
+ if (content) {
+ response.setHeader('Content-Type', mime.lookup(filepath, 'text/plain'))
+ // call custom transform fn to transform the data
+ responseData = transform && transform(content) || content
+ response.writeHead(200)
+ log.debug('serving (cached): ' + filepath)
+ return response.end(responseData)
+ }
+ return fs.readFile(filepath, function (error, data) {
+ if (error) {
+ return serve404(response, filepath)
+ }
+ cache[filepath] = data.toString()
+ response.setHeader('Content-Type', mime.lookup(filepath, 'text/plain'))
+ // call custom transform fn to transform the data
+ responseData = transform && transform(data.toString()) || data
+ response.writeHead(200)
+ log.debug('serving: ' + filepath)
+ return response.end(responseData)
+ })
+ }
+var setNoCacheHeaders = function (response) {
+ response.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
+ response.setHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache')
+ response.setHeader('Expires', (new Date(0)).toString())
+var setHeavyCacheHeaders = function (response) {
+ response.setHeader('Cache-Control', ['public', 'max-age=31536000'])
+exports.PromiseContainer = PromiseContainer
+exports.createServeFile = createServeFile
+exports.setNoCacheHeaders = setNoCacheHeaders
+exports.setHeavyCacheHeaders = setHeavyCacheHeaders
+exports.serve404 = serve404
diff --git a/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/karma.js b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/karma.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9186fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/karma.js
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * Karma middleware is responsible for serving:
+ * - client.html (the entrypoint for capturing a browser)
+ * - debug.html
+ * - context.html (the execution context, loaded within an iframe)
+ * - karma.js
+ *
+ * The main part is generating context.html, as it contains:
+ * - generating mappings
+ * - including <script> and <link> tags
+ * - setting propert caching headers
+ */
+var path = require('path')
+var util = require('util')
+var url = require('url')
+var urlparse = function (urlStr) {
+ var urlObj = url.parse(urlStr, true)
+ urlObj.query = urlObj.query || {}
+ return urlObj
+var common = require('./common')
+var VERSION = require('../constants').VERSION
+var SCRIPT_TAG = '<script type="%s" src="%s"></script>'
+var LINK_TAG_CSS = '<link type="text/css" href="%s" rel="stylesheet">'
+var LINK_TAG_HTML = '<link href="%s" rel="import">'
+var SCRIPT_TYPE = {
+ '.js': 'text/javascript',
+ '.dart': 'application/dart'
+var filePathToUrlPath = function (filePath, basePath) {
+ if (filePath.indexOf(basePath) === 0) {
+ return '/base' + filePath.substr(basePath.length)
+ }
+ return '/absolute' + filePath
+var getXUACompatibleMetaElement = function (url) {
+ var tag = ''
+ var urlObj = urlparse(url)
+ if (urlObj.query['x-ua-compatible']) {
+ tag = '\n<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="' +
+ urlObj.query['x-ua-compatible'] + '"/>'
+ }
+ return tag
+var getXUACompatibleUrl = function (url) {
+ var value = ''
+ var urlObj = urlparse(url)
+ if (urlObj.query['x-ua-compatible']) {
+ value = '?x-ua-compatible=' + encodeURIComponent(urlObj.query['x-ua-compatible'])
+ }
+ return value
+var createKarmaMiddleware = function (filesPromise, serveStaticFile,
+ /* config.basePath */ basePath, /* config.urlRoot */ urlRoot, /* config.client */ client) {
+ return function (request, response, next) {
+ var requestUrl = request.normalizedUrl.replace(/\?.*/, '')
+ // redirect /__karma__ to /__karma__ (trailing slash)
+ if (requestUrl === urlRoot.substr(0, urlRoot.length - 1)) {
+ response.setHeader('Location', urlRoot)
+ response.writeHead(301)
+ return response.end('MOVED PERMANENTLY')
+ }
+ // ignore urls outside urlRoot
+ if (requestUrl.indexOf(urlRoot) !== 0) {
+ return next()
+ }
+ // remove urlRoot prefix
+ requestUrl = requestUrl.substr(urlRoot.length - 1)
+ // serve client.html
+ if (requestUrl === '/') {
+ return serveStaticFile('/client.html', response, function (data) {
+ return data
+ .replace('\n%X_UA_COMPATIBLE%', getXUACompatibleMetaElement(request.url))
+ .replace('%X_UA_COMPATIBLE_URL%', getXUACompatibleUrl(request.url))
+ })
+ }
+ // serve karma.js
+ if (requestUrl === '/karma.js') {
+ return serveStaticFile(requestUrl, response, function (data) {
+ return data.replace('%KARMA_URL_ROOT%', urlRoot)
+ .replace('%KARMA_VERSION%', VERSION)
+ })
+ }
+ // serve the favicon
+ if (requestUrl === '/favicon.ico') {
+ return serveStaticFile(requestUrl, response)
+ }
+ // serve context.html - execution context within the iframe
+ // or debug.html - execution context without channel to the server
+ if (requestUrl === '/context.html' || requestUrl === '/debug.html') {
+ return filesPromise.then(function (files) {
+ serveStaticFile(requestUrl, response, function (data) {
+ common.setNoCacheHeaders(response)
+ var scriptTags = (file) {
+ var filePath = file.path
+ var fileExt = path.extname(filePath)
+ if (!file.isUrl) {
+ // TODO(vojta): serve these files from within urlRoot as well
+ filePath = filePathToUrlPath(filePath, basePath)
+ if (requestUrl === '/context.html') {
+ filePath += '?' + file.sha
+ }
+ }
+ if (fileExt === '.css') {
+ return util.format(LINK_TAG_CSS, filePath)
+ }
+ if (fileExt === '.html') {
+ return util.format(LINK_TAG_HTML, filePath)
+ }
+ return util.format(SCRIPT_TAG, SCRIPT_TYPE[fileExt] || 'text/javascript', filePath)
+ })
+ // TODO(vojta): don't compute if it's not in the template
+ var mappings = (file) {
+ // Windows paths contain backslashes and generate bad IDs if not escaped
+ var filePath = filePathToUrlPath(file.path, basePath).replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
+ return util.format(" '%s': '%s'", filePath, file.sha)
+ })
+ var clientConfig = ''
+ if (requestUrl === '/debug.html') {
+ clientConfig = 'window.__karma__.config = ' + JSON.stringify(client) + ';\n'
+ }
+ mappings = 'window.__karma__.files = {\n' + mappings.join(',\n') + '\n};\n'
+ return data
+ .replace('%SCRIPTS%', scriptTags.join('\n'))
+ .replace('%CLIENT_CONFIG%', clientConfig)
+ .replace('%MAPPINGS%', mappings)
+ .replace('\n%X_UA_COMPATIBLE%', getXUACompatibleMetaElement(request.url))
+ })
+ }, function (errorFiles) {
+ serveStaticFile(requestUrl, response, function (data) {
+ common.setNoCacheHeaders(response)
+ return data.replace('%SCRIPTS%', '').replace('%CLIENT_CONFIG%', '').replace('%MAPPINGS%',
+ 'window.__karma__.error("TEST RUN WAS CANCELLED because ' +
+ (errorFiles.length > 1 ? 'these files contain' : 'this file contains') +
+ ' some errors:\\n ' + errorFiles.join('\\n ') + '");')
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ return next()
+ }
+createKarmaMiddleware.$inject = ['filesPromise', 'serveStaticFile',
+ 'config.basePath', 'config.urlRoot', 'config.client']
+exports.create = createKarmaMiddleware
diff --git a/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/proxy.js b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/proxy.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3e9f001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/proxy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+var url = require('url')
+var httpProxy = require('http-proxy')
+var log = require('../logger').create('proxy')
+var parseProxyConfig = function (proxies, config) {
+ var proxyConfig = {}
+ var endsWithSlash = function (str) {
+ return str.substr(-1) === '/'
+ }
+ if (!proxies) {
+ return proxyConfig
+ }
+ Object.keys(proxies).forEach(function (proxyPath) {
+ var proxyUrl = proxies[proxyPath]
+ var proxyDetails = url.parse(proxyUrl)
+ var pathname = proxyDetails.pathname
+ // normalize the proxies config
+ // should we move this to lib/config.js ?
+ if (endsWithSlash(proxyPath) && !endsWithSlash(proxyUrl)) {
+ log.warn('proxy "%s" normalized to "%s"', proxyUrl, proxyUrl + '/')
+ proxyUrl += '/'
+ pathname += '/'
+ }
+ if (!endsWithSlash(proxyPath) && endsWithSlash(proxyUrl)) {
+ log.warn('proxy "%s" normalized to "%s"', proxyPath, proxyPath + '/')
+ proxyPath += '/'
+ }
+ if (pathname === '/' && !endsWithSlash(proxyUrl)) {
+ pathname = ''
+ }
+ proxyConfig[proxyPath] = {
+ host: proxyDetails.hostname,
+ port: proxyDetails.port,
+ baseProxyUrl: pathname,
+ https: proxyDetails.protocol === 'https:'
+ }
+ if (!proxyConfig[proxyPath].port) {
+ if (!proxyConfig[proxyPath].host) {
+ proxyConfig[proxyPath].host = config.hostname
+ proxyConfig[proxyPath].port = config.port
+ } else {
+ proxyConfig[proxyPath].port = proxyConfig[proxyPath].https ? '443' : '80'
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ return proxyConfig
+ * Returns a handler which understands the proxies and its redirects, along with the proxy to use
+ * @param proxy A http-proxy.RoutingProxy object with the proxyRequest method
+ * @param proxies a map of routes to proxy url
+ * @return {Function} handler function
+ */
+var createProxyHandler = function (proxy, proxyConfig, proxyValidateSSL, urlRoot, config) {
+ var proxies = parseProxyConfig(proxyConfig, config)
+ var proxiesList = Object.keys(proxies).sort().reverse()
+ if (!proxiesList.length) {
+ var nullProxy = function createNullProxy (request, response, next) {
+ return next()
+ }
+ nullProxy.upgrade = function upgradeNullProxy () {}
+ return nullProxy
+ }
+ proxy.on('proxyError', function (err, req) {
+ if (err.code === 'ECONNRESET' && req.socket.destroyed) {
+ log.debug('failed to proxy %s (browser hung up the socket)', req.url)
+ } else {
+ log.warn('failed to proxy %s (%s)', req.url, err.message)
+ }
+ })
+ var middleware = function createProxy (request, response, next) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < proxiesList.length; i++) {
+ if (request.url.indexOf(proxiesList[i]) === 0) {
+ var proxiedUrl = proxies[proxiesList[i]]
+ log.debug('proxying request - %s to %s:%s', request.url,, proxiedUrl.port)
+ request.url = request.url.replace(proxiesList[i], proxiedUrl.baseProxyUrl)
+ proxy.proxyRequest(request, response, {
+ host:,
+ port: proxiedUrl.port,
+ target: {https: proxiedUrl.https, rejectUnauthorized: proxyValidateSSL}
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ return next()
+ }
+ middleware.upgrade = function upgradeProxy (request, socket, head) {
+ // special-case karma's route to avoid upgrading it
+ if (request.url.indexOf(urlRoot) === 0) {
+ log.debug('NOT upgrading proxyWebSocketRequest %s', request.url)
+ return
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < proxiesList.length; i++) {
+ if (request.url.indexOf(proxiesList[i]) === 0) {
+ var proxiedUrl = proxies[proxiesList[i]]
+ log.debug('upgrade proxyWebSocketRequest %s to %s:%s',
+ request.url,, proxiedUrl.port)
+ proxy.proxyWebSocketRequest(request, socket, head,
+ {host:, port: proxiedUrl.port})
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return middleware
+var createProxyHandlerFactory = function (/* config */ config, /* config.proxies */ proxies,
+ /* config.proxyValidateSSL */ validateSSL) {
+ return createProxyHandler(new httpProxy.RoutingProxy({changeOrigin: true}),
+ proxies, validateSSL, config.urlRoot, config)
+createProxyHandlerFactory.$inject = ['config', 'config.proxies', 'config.proxyValidateSSL']
+exports.create = createProxyHandlerFactory
diff --git a/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/runner.js b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/runner.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36c8055b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/runner.js
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Runner middleware is reponsible for communication with `karma run`.
+ *
+ * It basically triggers a test run and streams stdout back.
+ */
+var path = require('path')
+var helper = require('../helper')
+var log = require('../logger').create()
+var constant = require('../constants')
+var json = require('connect').json()
+// TODO(vojta): disable when single-run mode
+var createRunnerMiddleware = function (emitter, fileList, capturedBrowsers, reporter, executor,
+ /* config.hostname */ hostname, /* config.port */ port, /* config.urlRoot */ urlRoot, config) {
+ return function (request, response, next) {
+ if (request.url !== '/__run__' && request.url !== urlRoot + 'run') {
+ return next()
+ }
+ log.debug('Execution (fired by runner)')
+ response.writeHead(200)
+ if (!capturedBrowsers.length) {
+ var url = 'http://' + hostname + ':' + port + urlRoot
+ return response.end('No captured browser, open ' + url + '\n')
+ }
+ json(request, response, function () {
+ if (!capturedBrowsers.areAllReady([])) {
+ response.write('Waiting for previous execution...\n')
+ }
+ emitter.once('run_start', function () {
+ var responseWrite = response.write.bind(response)
+ reporter.addAdapter(responseWrite)
+ // clean up, close runner response
+ emitter.once('run_complete', function (browsers, results) {
+ reporter.removeAdapter(responseWrite)
+ response.end(constant.EXIT_CODE + results.exitCode)
+ })
+ })
+ var data = request.body
+ log.debug('Setting client.args to ', data.args)
+ config.client.args = data.args
+ var fullRefresh = true
+ if (helper.isArray(data.changedFiles)) {
+ data.changedFiles.forEach(function (filepath) {
+ fileList.changeFile(path.resolve(config.basePath, filepath))
+ fullRefresh = false
+ })
+ }
+ if (helper.isArray(data.addedFiles)) {
+ data.addedFiles.forEach(function (filepath) {
+ fileList.addFile(path.resolve(config.basePath, filepath))
+ fullRefresh = false
+ })
+ }
+ if (helper.isArray(data.removedFiles)) {
+ data.removedFiles.forEach(function (filepath) {
+ fileList.removeFile(path.resolve(config.basePath, filepath))
+ fullRefresh = false
+ })
+ }
+ if (fullRefresh && data.refresh !== false) {
+ log.debug('Refreshing all the files / patterns')
+ fileList.refresh()
+ if (!config.autoWatch) {
+ executor.schedule()
+ }
+ } else {
+ executor.schedule()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+createRunnerMiddleware.$inject = ['emitter', 'fileList', 'capturedBrowsers', 'reporter', 'executor',
+ 'config.hostname', 'config.port', 'config.urlRoot', 'config']
+exports.create = createRunnerMiddleware
diff --git a/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/source_files.js b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/source_files.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95d4c032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/source_files.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Source Files middleware is responsible for serving all the source files under the test.
+ */
+var querystring = require('querystring')
+var common = require('./common')
+var pause = require('connect').utils.pause
+var findByPath = function (files, path) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
+ if (files[i].path === path) {
+ return files[i]
+ }
+ }
+ return null
+var createSourceFilesMiddleware = function (filesPromise, serveFile,
+ /* config.basePath */ basePath) {
+ return function (request, response, next) {
+ // TODO(vojta): serve files under urlRoot (also update the formatError)
+ var requestedFilePath = querystring.unescape(request.url)
+ .replace(/\?.*$/, '')
+ .replace(/^\/absolute/, '')
+ .replace(/^\/base/, basePath)
+ // Need to pause the request because of proxying, see:
+ //!topic/q-continuum/xr8znxc_K5E/discussion
+ // TODO(vojta): remove once we don't care about Node 0.8
+ var pausedRequest = pause(request)
+ return filesPromise.then(function (files) {
+ // TODO(vojta): change served to be a map rather then an array
+ var file = findByPath(files.served, requestedFilePath)
+ if (file) {
+ serveFile(file.contentPath || file.path, response, function () {
+ if (/\?\w+/.test(request.url)) {
+ // files with timestamps - cache one year, rely on timestamps
+ common.setHeavyCacheHeaders(response)
+ } else {
+ // without timestamps - no cache (debug)
+ common.setNoCacheHeaders(response)
+ }
+ }, file.content)
+ } else {
+ next()
+ }
+ pausedRequest.resume()
+ })
+ }
+createSourceFilesMiddleware.$inject = ['filesPromise', 'serveFile', 'config.basePath']
+exports.create = createSourceFilesMiddleware
diff --git a/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/strip_host.js b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/strip_host.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6851b779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/karma/lib/middleware/strip_host.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ * Strip host middleware is responsible for stripping hostname from request path
+ * This to handle requests that uses (normally over proxies) an absolutURI as request path
+ */
+var createStripHostMiddleware = function () {
+ return function (request, response, next) {
+ function stripHostFromUrl (url) {
+ return url.replace(/^http[s]?:\/\/([a-z\-\.\:\d]+)\//, '/')
+ }
+ request.normalizedUrl = stripHostFromUrl(request.url) || request.url
+ next()
+ }
+exports.create = createStripHostMiddleware