path: root/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/bl/test/test.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/bl/test/test.js')
1 files changed, 571 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/bl/test/test.js b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/bl/test/test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f0c6d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/node_modules/bl/test/test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+var tape = require('tape')
+ , crypto = require('crypto')
+ , fs = require('fs')
+ , hash = require('hash_file')
+ , BufferList = require('../')
+ , encodings =
+ ('hex utf8 utf-8 ascii binary base64'
+ + (process.browser ? '' : ' ucs2 ucs-2 utf16le utf-16le')).split(' ')
+tape('single bytes from single buffer', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
+ t.equal(bl.length, 4)
+ t.equal(bl.get(0), 97)
+ t.equal(bl.get(1), 98)
+ t.equal(bl.get(2), 99)
+ t.equal(bl.get(3), 100)
+ t.end()
+tape('single bytes from multiple buffers', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
+ t.equal(bl.length, 10)
+ t.equal(bl.get(0), 97)
+ t.equal(bl.get(1), 98)
+ t.equal(bl.get(2), 99)
+ t.equal(bl.get(3), 100)
+ t.equal(bl.get(4), 101)
+ t.equal(bl.get(5), 102)
+ t.equal(bl.get(6), 103)
+ t.equal(bl.get(7), 104)
+ t.equal(bl.get(8), 105)
+ t.equal(bl.get(9), 106)
+ t.end()
+tape('multi bytes from single buffer', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
+ t.equal(bl.length, 4)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 4).toString('ascii'), 'abcd')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 3).toString('ascii'), 'abc')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(1, 4).toString('ascii'), 'bcd')
+ t.end()
+tape('multiple bytes from multiple buffers', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
+ t.equal(bl.length, 10)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 10).toString('ascii'), 'abcdefghij')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 10).toString('ascii'), 'defghij')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 6).toString('ascii'), 'def')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 8).toString('ascii'), 'defgh')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(5, 10).toString('ascii'), 'fghij')
+ t.end()
+tape('multiple bytes from multiple buffer lists', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new BufferList([new Buffer('abcd'), new Buffer('efg')]))
+ bl.append(new BufferList([new Buffer('hi'), new Buffer('j')]))
+ t.equal(bl.length, 10)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 10).toString('ascii'), 'abcdefghij')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 10).toString('ascii'), 'defghij')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 6).toString('ascii'), 'def')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(3, 8).toString('ascii'), 'defgh')
+ t.equal(bl.slice(5, 10).toString('ascii'), 'fghij')
+ t.end()
+tape('consuming from multiple buffers', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
+ t.equal(bl.length, 10)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 10).toString('ascii'), 'abcdefghij')
+ bl.consume(3)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 7)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 7).toString('ascii'), 'defghij')
+ bl.consume(2)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 5)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 5).toString('ascii'), 'fghij')
+ bl.consume(1)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 4)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 4).toString('ascii'), 'ghij')
+ bl.consume(1)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 3)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 3).toString('ascii'), 'hij')
+ bl.consume(2)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 1)
+ t.equal(bl.slice(0, 1).toString('ascii'), 'j')
+ t.end()
+tape('complete consumption', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('a'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('b'))
+ bl.consume(2)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 0)
+ t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.end()
+tape('test readUInt8 / readInt8', function (t) {
+ var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
+ , buf3 = new Buffer(3)
+ , bl = new BufferList()
+ buf2[1] = 0x3
+ buf2[2] = 0x4
+ buf3[0] = 0x23
+ buf3[1] = 0x42
+ bl.append(buf1)
+ bl.append(buf2)
+ bl.append(buf3)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt8(2), 0x3)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt8(2), 0x3)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt8(3), 0x4)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt8(3), 0x4)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt8(4), 0x23)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt8(4), 0x23)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt8(5), 0x42)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt8(5), 0x42)
+ t.end()
+tape('test readUInt16LE / readUInt16BE / readInt16LE / readInt16BE', function (t) {
+ var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
+ , buf3 = new Buffer(3)
+ , bl = new BufferList()
+ buf2[1] = 0x3
+ buf2[2] = 0x4
+ buf3[0] = 0x23
+ buf3[1] = 0x42
+ bl.append(buf1)
+ bl.append(buf2)
+ bl.append(buf3)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt16BE(2), 0x0304)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt16LE(2), 0x0403)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt16BE(2), 0x0304)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt16LE(2), 0x0403)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt16BE(3), 0x0423)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt16LE(3), 0x2304)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt16BE(3), 0x0423)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt16LE(3), 0x2304)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt16BE(4), 0x2342)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt16LE(4), 0x4223)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt16BE(4), 0x2342)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt16LE(4), 0x4223)
+ t.end()
+tape('test readUInt32LE / readUInt32BE / readInt32LE / readInt32BE', function (t) {
+ var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
+ , buf3 = new Buffer(3)
+ , bl = new BufferList()
+ buf2[1] = 0x3
+ buf2[2] = 0x4
+ buf3[0] = 0x23
+ buf3[1] = 0x42
+ bl.append(buf1)
+ bl.append(buf2)
+ bl.append(buf3)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt32BE(2), 0x03042342)
+ t.equal(bl.readUInt32LE(2), 0x42230403)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt32BE(2), 0x03042342)
+ t.equal(bl.readInt32LE(2), 0x42230403)
+ t.end()
+tape('test readFloatLE / readFloatBE', function (t) {
+ var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
+ , buf3 = new Buffer(3)
+ , bl = new BufferList()
+ buf2[1] = 0x00
+ buf2[2] = 0x00
+ buf3[0] = 0x80
+ buf3[1] = 0x3f
+ bl.append(buf1)
+ bl.append(buf2)
+ bl.append(buf3)
+ t.equal(bl.readFloatLE(2), 0x01)
+ t.end()
+tape('test readDoubleLE / readDoubleBE', function (t) {
+ var buf1 = new Buffer(1)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(3)
+ , buf3 = new Buffer(10)
+ , bl = new BufferList()
+ buf2[1] = 0x55
+ buf2[2] = 0x55
+ buf3[0] = 0x55
+ buf3[1] = 0x55
+ buf3[2] = 0x55
+ buf3[3] = 0x55
+ buf3[4] = 0xd5
+ buf3[5] = 0x3f
+ bl.append(buf1)
+ bl.append(buf2)
+ bl.append(buf3)
+ t.equal(bl.readDoubleLE(2), 0.3333333333333333)
+ t.end()
+tape('test toString', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
+ t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 0, 10), 'abcdefghij')
+ t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 3, 10), 'defghij')
+ t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 3, 6), 'def')
+ t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 3, 8), 'defgh')
+ t.equal(bl.toString('ascii', 5, 10), 'fghij')
+ t.end()
+tape('test toString encoding', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ , b = new Buffer('abcdefghij\xff\x00')
+ bl.append(new Buffer('abcd'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('efg'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('hi'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('j'))
+ bl.append(new Buffer('\xff\x00'))
+ encodings.forEach(function (enc) {
+ t.equal(bl.toString(enc), b.toString(enc), enc)
+ })
+ t.end()
+!process.browser && tape('test stream', function (t) {
+ var random = crypto.randomBytes(65534)
+ , rndhash = hash(random, 'md5')
+ , md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5')
+ , bl = new BufferList(function (err, buf) {
+ t.ok(Buffer.isBuffer(buf))
+ t.ok(err === null)
+ t.equal(rndhash, hash(bl.slice(), 'md5'))
+ t.equal(rndhash, hash(buf, 'md5'))
+ bl.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('/tmp/bl_test_rnd_out.dat'))
+ .on('close', function () {
+ var s = fs.createReadStream('/tmp/bl_test_rnd_out.dat')
+ s.on('data', md5sum.update.bind(md5sum))
+ s.on('end', function() {
+ t.equal(rndhash, md5sum.digest('hex'), 'woohoo! correct hash!')
+ t.end()
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ fs.writeFileSync('/tmp/bl_test_rnd.dat', random)
+ fs.createReadStream('/tmp/bl_test_rnd.dat').pipe(bl)
+tape('instantiation with Buffer', function (t) {
+ var buf = crypto.randomBytes(1024)
+ , buf2 = crypto.randomBytes(1024)
+ , b = BufferList(buf)
+ t.equal(buf.toString('hex'), b.slice().toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ b = BufferList([ buf, buf2 ])
+ t.equal(b.slice().toString('hex'), Buffer.concat([ buf, buf2 ]).toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('test String appendage', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ , b = new Buffer('abcdefghij\xff\x00')
+ bl.append('abcd')
+ bl.append('efg')
+ bl.append('hi')
+ bl.append('j')
+ bl.append('\xff\x00')
+ encodings.forEach(function (enc) {
+ t.equal(bl.toString(enc), b.toString(enc))
+ })
+ t.end()
+tape('test Number appendage', function (t) {
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ , b = new Buffer('1234567890')
+ bl.append(1234)
+ bl.append(567)
+ bl.append(89)
+ bl.append(0)
+ encodings.forEach(function (enc) {
+ t.equal(bl.toString(enc), b.toString(enc))
+ })
+ t.end()
+tape('write nothing, should get empty buffer', function (t) {
+ t.plan(3)
+ BufferList(function (err, data) {
+ t.notOk(err, 'no error')
+ t.ok(Buffer.isBuffer(data), 'got a buffer')
+ t.equal(0, data.length, 'got a zero-length buffer')
+ t.end()
+ }).end()
+tape('unicode string', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ var inp1 = '\u2600'
+ , inp2 = '\u2603'
+ , exp = inp1 + ' and ' + inp2
+ , bl = BufferList()
+ bl.write(inp1)
+ bl.write(' and ')
+ bl.write(inp2)
+ t.equal(exp, bl.toString())
+ t.equal(new Buffer(exp).toString('hex'), bl.toString('hex'))
+tape('should emit finish', function (t) {
+ var source = BufferList()
+ , dest = BufferList()
+ source.write('hello')
+ source.pipe(dest)
+ dest.on('finish', function () {
+ t.equal(dest.toString('utf8'), 'hello')
+ t.end()
+ })
+tape('basic copy', function (t) {
+ var buf = crypto.randomBytes(1024)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(1024)
+ , b = BufferList(buf)
+ b.copy(buf2)
+ t.equal(b.slice().toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('copy after many appends', function (t) {
+ var buf = crypto.randomBytes(512)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(1024)
+ , b = BufferList(buf)
+ b.append(buf)
+ b.copy(buf2)
+ t.equal(b.slice().toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('copy at a precise position', function (t) {
+ var buf = crypto.randomBytes(1004)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(1024)
+ , b = BufferList(buf)
+ b.copy(buf2, 20)
+ t.equal(b.slice().toString('hex'), buf2.slice(20).toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('copy starting from a precise location', function (t) {
+ var buf = crypto.randomBytes(10)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(5)
+ , b = BufferList(buf)
+ b.copy(buf2, 0, 5)
+ t.equal(b.slice(5).toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('copy in an interval', function (t) {
+ var rnd = crypto.randomBytes(10)
+ , b = BufferList(rnd) // put the random bytes there
+ , actual = new Buffer(3)
+ , expected = new Buffer(3)
+ rnd.copy(expected, 0, 5, 8)
+ b.copy(actual, 0, 5, 8)
+ t.equal(actual.toString('hex'), expected.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('copy an interval between two buffers', function (t) {
+ var buf = crypto.randomBytes(10)
+ , buf2 = new Buffer(10)
+ , b = BufferList(buf)
+ b.append(buf)
+ b.copy(buf2, 0, 5, 15)
+ t.equal(b.slice(5, 15).toString('hex'), buf2.toString('hex'), 'same buffer')
+ t.end()
+tape('duplicate', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ var bl = new BufferList('abcdefghij\xff\x00')
+ , dup = bl.duplicate()
+ t.equal(bl.prototype, dup.prototype)
+ t.equal(bl.toString('hex'), dup.toString('hex'))
+tape('destroy no pipe', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ var bl = new BufferList('alsdkfja;lsdkfja;lsdk')
+ bl.destroy()
+ t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 0)
+!process.browser && tape('destroy with pipe before read end', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/test.js')
+ .pipe(bl)
+ bl.destroy()
+ t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 0)
+!process.browser && tape('destroy with pipe before read end with race', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/test.js')
+ .pipe(bl)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ bl.destroy()
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 0)
+ }, 500)
+ }, 500)
+!process.browser && tape('destroy with pipe after read end', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/test.js')
+ .on('end', onEnd)
+ .pipe(bl)
+ function onEnd () {
+ bl.destroy()
+ t.equal(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.equal(bl.length, 0)
+ }
+!process.browser && tape('destroy with pipe while writing to a destination', function (t) {
+ t.plan(4)
+ var bl = new BufferList()
+ , ds = new BufferList()
+ fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/test.js')
+ .on('end', onEnd)
+ .pipe(bl)
+ function onEnd () {
+ bl.pipe(ds)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ bl.destroy()
+ t.equals(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.equals(bl.length, 0)
+ ds.destroy()
+ t.equals(bl._bufs.length, 0)
+ t.equals(bl.length, 0)
+ }, 100)
+ }
+!process.browser && tape('handle error', function (t) {
+ t.plan(2)
+ fs.createReadStream('/does/not/exist').pipe(BufferList(function (err, data) {
+ t.ok(err instanceof Error, 'has error')
+ t.notOk(data, 'no data')
+ }))