path: root/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/common/thirdparty/bootstrap/_plugins/example.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/common/thirdparty/bootstrap/_plugins/example.rb')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/common/thirdparty/bootstrap/_plugins/example.rb b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/common/thirdparty/bootstrap/_plugins/example.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91328972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vnfmarket/src/main/webapp/vnfmarket/common/thirdparty/bootstrap/_plugins/example.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+module Jekyll
+ module Tags
+ class ExampleBlock < Liquid::Block
+ include Liquid::StandardFilters
+ # The regular expression syntax checker. Start with the language specifier.
+ # Follow that by zero or more space separated options that take one of three
+ # forms: name, name=value, or name="<quoted list>"
+ #
+ # <quoted list> is a space-separated list of numbers
+ SYNTAX = /^([a-zA-Z0-9.+#-]+)((\s+\w+(=((\w|[0-9_-])+|"([0-9]+\s)*[0-9]+"))?)*)$/
+ def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
+ super
+ if markup.strip =~ SYNTAX
+ @lang = $1.downcase
+ @options = {}
+ if defined?($2) && $2 != ''
+ # Split along 3 possible forms -- key="<quoted list>", key=value, or key
+ $2.scan(/(?:\w+(?:=(?:(?:\w|[0-9_-])+|"[^"]*")?)?)/) do |opt|
+ key, value = opt.split('=')
+ # If a quoted list, convert to array
+ if value && value.include?("\"")
+ value.gsub!(/"/, "")
+ value = value.split
+ end
+ @options[key.to_sym] = value || true
+ end
+ end
+ @options[:linenos] = false
+ else
+ raise <<-eos
+Syntax Error in tag 'example' while parsing the following markup:
+ #{markup}
+Valid syntax: example <lang> [id=foo]
+ end
+ end
+ def render(context)
+ prefix = context["highlighter_prefix"] || ""
+ suffix = context["highlighter_suffix"] || ""
+ code = super.to_s.strip
+ output = case context.registers[:site].highlighter
+ when 'rouge'
+ render_rouge(code)
+ end
+ rendered_output = example(code) + add_code_tag(output)
+ prefix + rendered_output + suffix
+ end
+ def example(output)
+ "<div class=\"bd-example\"" + (@options[:id] ? " data-example-id=\"#{@options[:id]}\"" : "") + ">\n#{output}\n</div>"
+ end
+ def remove_holderjs(code)
+ code = code.gsub(/data-src="holder.js.+?"/, 'src="..."')
+ end
+ def remove_example_classes(code)
+ # Find `bd-` classes and remove them from the highlighted code. Because of how this regex works, it will also
+ # remove classes that are after the `bd-` class. While this is a bug, I left it because it can be helpful too.
+ # To fix the bug, replace `(?=")` with `(?=("|\ ))`.
+ code = code.gsub(/(?!class=".)\ *?bd-.+?(?=")/, "")
+ # Find empty class attributes after the previous regex and remove those too.
+ code = code.gsub(/\ class=""/, "")
+ end
+ def render_rouge(code)
+ require 'rouge'
+ formatter = @options[:linenos], wrap: false)
+ lexer = Rouge::Lexer.find_fancy(@lang, code) || Rouge::Lexers::PlainText
+ code = remove_holderjs(code)
+ code = remove_example_classes(code)
+ code = formatter.format(lexer.lex(code))
+ "<div class=\"highlight\"><pre>#{code}</pre></div>"
+ end
+ def add_code_tag(code)
+ # Add nested <code> tags to code blocks
+ code = code.sub(/<pre>\n*/,'<pre><code class="language-' + @lang.to_s.gsub("+", "-") + '" data-lang="' + @lang.to_s + '">')
+ code = code.sub(/\n*<\/pre>/,"</code></pre>")
+ code.strip
+ end
+ end
+ end
+Liquid::Template.register_tag('example', Jekyll::Tags::ExampleBlock)