path: root/vnfmarket/common/thirdparty/es5-shim/README.md
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-#es5-shim <sup>[![Version Badge][2]][1]</sup>
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-`es5-shim.js` and `es5-shim.min.js` monkey-patch a JavaScript context to
-contain all EcmaScript 5 methods that can be faithfully emulated with a
-legacy JavaScript engine.
-`es5-sham.js` and `es5-sham.min.js` monkey-patch other ES5 methods as
-closely as possible. For these methods, as closely as possible to ES5
-is not very close. Many of these shams are intended only to allow code
-to be written to ES5 without causing run-time errors in older engines.
-In many cases, this means that these shams cause many ES5 methods to
-silently fail. Decide carefully whether this is what you want.
-## Tests
-The tests are written with the Jasmine BDD test framework.
-To run the tests, navigate to <root-folder>/tests/.
-## Shims
-### Complete tests ###
-* Array.prototype.every
-* Array.prototype.filter
-* Array.prototype.forEach
-* Array.prototype.indexOf
-* Array.prototype.lastIndexOf
-* Array.prototype.map
-* Array.prototype.some
-* Array.prototype.reduce
-* Array.prototype.reduceRight
-* Array.isArray
-* Date.now
-* Date.prototype.toJSON
-* Function.prototype.bind
- * :warning: Caveat: the bound function has a prototype property.
- * :warning: Caveat: bound functions do not try too hard to keep you
- from manipulating their ``arguments`` and ``caller`` properties.
- * :warning: Caveat: bound functions don't have checks in ``call`` and
- ``apply`` to avoid executing as a constructor.
-* Number.prototype.toFixed
-* Object.keys
-* String.prototype.split
-* String.prototype.trim
-* String.prototype.replace
- * Firefox (through v29) natively handles capturing groups incorrectly.
-* Date.parse (for ISO parsing)
-* Date.prototype.toISOString
-* parseInt
-## Shams
-* :warning: Object.create
- For the case of simply "begetting" an object that inherits
- prototypically from another, this should work fine across legacy
- engines.
- :warning: Object.create(null) will work only in browsers that
- support prototype assignment. This creates an object that does not
- have any properties inherited from Object.prototype. It will
- silently fail otherwise.
- :warning: The second argument is passed to Object.defineProperties
- which will probably fail either silently or with extreme predudice.
-* :warning: Object.getPrototypeOf
- This will return "undefined" in some cases. It uses `__proto__` if
- it's available. Failing that, it uses constructor.prototype, which
- depends on the constructor property of the object's prototype having
- not been replaced. If your object was created like this, it won't
- work:
- function Foo() {
- }
- Foo.prototype = {};
- Because the prototype reassignment destroys the constructor
- property.
- This will work for all objects that were created using
- `Object.create` implemented with this library.
-* :warning: Object.getOwnPropertyNames
- This method uses Object.keys, so it will not be accurate on legacy
- engines.
-* Object.isSealed
- Returns "false" in all legacy engines for all objects, which is
- conveniently guaranteed to be accurate.
-* Object.isFrozen
- Returns "false" in all legacy engines for all objects, which is
- conveniently guaranteed to be accurate.
-* Object.isExtensible
- Works like a charm, by trying very hard to extend the object then
- redacting the extension.
-### May fail
-* :warning: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
- The behavior of this shim does not conform to ES5. It should
- probably not be used at this time, until its behavior has been
- reviewed and been confirmed to be useful in legacy engines.
-* :warning: Object.defineProperty
- In the worst of circumstances, IE 8 provides a version of this
- method that only works on DOM objects. This sham will not be
- installed. The given version of `defineProperty` will throw an
- exception if used on non-DOM objects.
- In slightly better circumstances, this method will silently fail to
- set "writable", "enumerable", and "configurable" properties.
- Providing a getter or setter with "get" or "set" on a descriptor
- will silently fail on engines that lack "__defineGetter__" and
- "__defineSetter__", which include all versions of IE.
- https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim/issues#issue/5
-* :warning: Object.defineProperties
- This uses the Object.defineProperty shim
-* Object.seal
- Silently fails on all legacy engines. This should be
- fine unless you are depending on the safety and security
- provisions of this method, which you cannot possibly
- obtain in legacy engines.
-* Object.freeze
- Silently fails on all legacy engines. This should be
- fine unless you are depending on the safety and security
- provisions of this method, which you cannot possibly
- obtain in legacy engines.
-* Object.preventExtensions
- Silently fails on all legacy engines. This should be
- fine unless you are depending on the safety and security
- provisions of this method, which you cannot possibly
- obtain in legacy engines.
-[1]: https://npmjs.org/package/es5-shim
-[2]: http://vb.teelaun.ch/es-shims/es5-shim.svg
-[3]: https://travis-ci.org/es-shims/es5-shim.png
-[4]: https://travis-ci.org/es-shims/es5-shim
-[5]: https://david-dm.org/es-shims/es5-shim.png
-[6]: https://david-dm.org/es-shims/es5-shim
-[7]: https://david-dm.org/es-shims/es5-shim/dev-status.png
-[8]: https://david-dm.org/es-shims/es5-shim#info=devDependencies
-[9]: https://nodei.co/npm/es5-shim.png?downloads=true&stars=true