path: root/uiframe-iui/src/main/resources/webroot/vendor/ict/dashboard-jq/assets/js/c3-angular.min.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'uiframe-iui/src/main/resources/webroot/vendor/ict/dashboard-jq/assets/js/c3-angular.min.js')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/uiframe-iui/src/main/resources/webroot/vendor/ict/dashboard-jq/assets/js/c3-angular.min.js b/uiframe-iui/src/main/resources/webroot/vendor/ict/dashboard-jq/assets/js/c3-angular.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19e7d3ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uiframe-iui/src/main/resources/webroot/vendor/ict/dashboard-jq/assets/js/c3-angular.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+/*! c3-angular - v0.1.0 - 2015-01-01
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 ; Licensed */
+angular.module("gridshore.c3js.chart", []).controller("ChartController", ["$scope", function (a) {
+ function b(b, c, d, e) {
+ void 0 !== c && (a.types[b] = c), void 0 !== d && (null === a.names && (a.names = {}), a.names[b] = d), void 0 !== e && (null === a.colors && (a.colors = {}), a.colors[b] = e)
+ }
+ function c() {
+ a.jsonKeys = {}, a.jsonKeys.value = [], angular.forEach(a.chartColumns, function (c) {
+ a.jsonKeys.value.push(, b(, c.type,, c.color)
+ }), a.chartX && (a.jsonKeys.x =, a.names && ( = a.names), a.colors && ( = a.colors), = a.jsonKeys, = a.chartData, a.chart = c3.generate(a.config)
+ }
+ a.chart = null, a.columns = [], a.types = {}, a.axis = {}, a.axes = {}, a.xValues = null, a.xTick = null, a.names = null, a.colors = null, a.grid = null, a.legend = null, a.tooltip = null, a.chartSize = null, a.colors = null, a.jsonKeys = null, this.showGraph = function () {
+ var b = {};
+ b.bindto = "#" + a.bindto, = {}, a.xValues && ( = a.xValues), a.columns && ( = a.columns), = a.types, = a.axes, a.names && ( = a.names), a.colors && ( = a.colors), a.showLabels && "true" === a.showLabels && ( = !0), a.showSubchart && "true" === a.showSubchart && (b.subchart = {show: !0}), a.enableZoom && "true" === a.enableZoom && (b.zoom = {enabled: !0}), b.axis = a.axis, a.xTick && (b.axis.x.tick = a.xTick), null != a.grid && (b.grid = a.grid), null != a.legend && (b.legend = a.legend), null != a.tooltip && (b.tooltip = a.tooltip), null != a.chartSize && (b.size = a.chartSize), null != a.colors && (b.color = {pattern: a.colors}), a.config = b, a.chartData && a.chartColumns ? a.$watchCollection("chartData", function () {
+ c()
+ }) : a.chart = c3.generate(a.config)
+ }, this.addColumn = function (c, d, e, f) {
+ a.columns.push(c), b(c[0], d, e, f)
+ }, this.addYAxis = function (b) {
+ a.axes = b, a.axis.y2 || (a.axis.y2 = {show: !0})
+ }, this.addXAxisValues = function (b) {
+ a.xValues = b
+ }, this.addAxisProperties = function (b, c) {
+ a.axis[b] = c
+ }, this.addXTick = function (b) {
+ a.xTick = b
+ }, this.rotateAxis = function () {
+ a.axis.rotated = !0
+ }, this.addGrid = function (b) {
+ null == a.grid && (a.grid = {}), null == a.grid[b] && (a.grid[b] = {}), a.grid[b].show = !0
+ }, this.addGridLine = function (b, c, d) {
+ null == a.grid && (a.grid = {}), "x" === b ? (void 0 === a.grid.x && (a.grid.x = {}), void 0 === a.grid.x.lines && (a.grid.x.lines = [])) : (void 0 === a.grid.y && (a.grid.y = {}), void 0 === a.grid.y.lines && (a.grid.y.lines = [])), "y2" === b ? a.grid.y.lines.push({
+ value: c,
+ text: d,
+ axis: "y2"
+ }) : a.grid[b].lines.push({value: c, text: d})
+ }, this.addLegend = function (b) {
+ a.legend = b
+ }, this.addTooltip = function (b) {
+ a.tooltip = b
+ }, this.addSize = function (b) {
+ a.chartSize = b
+ }, this.addColors = function (b) {
+ a.colors = b
+ }
+}]).directive("c3chart", ["$timeout", function (a) {
+ var b = function (b, c, d, e) {
+ a(function () {
+ e.showGraph()
+ })
+ };
+ return {
+ restrict: "E",
+ controller: "ChartController",
+ scope: {
+ bindto: "@bindtoId",
+ showLabels: "@showLabels",
+ showSubchart: "@showSubchart",
+ enableZoom: "@enableZoom",
+ chartData: "=chartData",
+ chartColumns: "=chartColumns",
+ chartX: "=chartX"
+ },
+ template: "<div><div id='{{bindto}}'></div><div ng-transclude></div></div>",
+ replace: !0,
+ transclude: !0,
+ link: b
+ }
+}]).directive("chartColumn", function () {
+ var a = function (a, b, c, d) {
+ var e = c.columnValues.split(",");
+ e.unshift(c.columnId), d.addColumn(e, c.columnType, c.columnName, c.columnColor)
+ };
+ return {require: "^c3chart", restrict: "E", scope: {}, replace: !0, link: a}
+}).directive("chartAxes", function () {
+ var a = function (a, b, c, d) {
+ var e = c.valuesX;
+ e && d.addXAxisValues(e);
+ var f = c.y, g = c.y2, h = {};
+ if (g) {
+ var i = g.split(",");
+ for (var j in i)h[i[j]] = "y2";
+ if (f) {
+ var k = f.split(",");
+ for (var l in k)h[k[l]] = "y"
+ }
+ d.addYAxis(h)
+ }
+ };
+ return {require: "^c3chart", restrict: "E", scope: {}, replace: !0, link: a}
+}).directive("chartAxis", function () {
+ var a = function (a, b, c, d) {
+ var e = c.axisRotate;
+ e && d.rotateAxis()
+ };
+ return {
+ require: "^c3chart",
+ restrict: "E",
+ scope: {},
+ transclude: !0,
+ template: "<div ng-transclude></div>",
+ replace: !0,
+ link: a
+ }
+}).directive("chartAxisX", function () {
+ var a = function (a, b, c, d) {
+ var e = c.axisPosition, f = c.axisLabel, g = {label: {text: f, position: e}}, h = c.axisType;
+ h && (g.type = h);
+ var i = c.axisHeight;
+ i && (g.height = i), d.addAxisProperties("x", g)
+ };
+ return {
+ require: "^c3chart",
+ restrict: "E",
+ scope: {},
+ transclude: !0,
+ template: "<div ng-transclude></div>",
+ replace: !0,
+ link: a
+ }
+}).directive("chartAxisY", function () {
+ var a = function (a, b, c, d) {
+ var e = c.axisId, f = c.axisPosition, g = c.axisLabel, h = {label: {text: g, position: f}};
+ "y2" === e && ( = !0);
+ var i = c.paddingTop, j = c.paddingBottom;
+ (i || j) && (i = i ? i : 0, j = j ? j : 0, h.padding = {top: parseInt(i), bottom: parseInt(j)});
+ var k = c.rangeMax, l = c.rangeMin;
+ k && (h.max = parseInt(k)), l && (h.min = parseInt(l)), d.addAxisProperties(e, h)
+ };
+ return {require: "^c3chart", restrict: "E", scope: {}, replace: !0, link: a}
+}).directive("chartGrid", function () {
+ var a = function (a, b, c, d) {
+ var e = c.showX;
+ e && "true" === e && d.addGrid("x");
+ var f = c.showY;
+ f && "true" === f && d.addGrid("y");
+ var g = c.showY2;
+ g && "true" === g && d.addGrid("y2")
+ };
+ return {
+ require: "^c3chart",
+ restrict: "E",
+ scope: {},
+ replace: !0,
+ link: a,
+ transclude: !0,
+ template: "<div ng-transclude></div>"
+ }
+}).directive("chartGridOptional", function () {
+ var a = function (a, b, c, d) {
+ var e = c.axisId, f = c.gridValue, g = c.gridText;
+ d.addGridLine(e, f, g)
+ };
+ return {require: "^c3chart", restrict: "E", scope: {}, replace: !0, link: a}
+}).directive("chartAxisXTick", function () {
+ var a = function (a, b, c, d) {
+ var e = {}, f = c.tickCount;
+ f && (e.count = f);
+ var g = c.tickFormat;
+ g && (e.format = g);
+ var h = c.tickCulling;
+ h && (e.culling = h);
+ var i = c.tickRotate;
+ i && (e.rotate = i);
+ var j = c.tickFit;
+ j && ( = j), d.addXTick(e)
+ };
+ return {require: "^c3chart", restrict: "E", scope: {}, replace: !0, link: a}
+}).directive("chartLegend", function () {
+ var a = function (a, b, c, d) {
+ var e = null, f = c.showLegend;
+ if (f && "false" === f)e = {show: !1}; else {
+ var g = c.legendPosition;
+ g && (e = {position: g})
+ }
+ null != e && d.addLegend(e)
+ };
+ return {require: "^c3chart", restrict: "E", scope: {}, replace: !0, link: a}
+}).directive("chartTooltip", function () {
+ var a = function (a, b, c, d) {
+ var e = null, f = c.showTooltip;
+ if (f && "false" === f)e = {show: !1}; else {
+ var g = c.groupTooltip;
+ g && "false" === g && (e = {grouped: !1})
+ }
+ null != e && d.addTooltip(e)
+ };
+ return {require: "^c3chart", restrict: "E", scope: {}, replace: !0, link: a}
+}).directive("chartSize", function () {
+ var a = function (a, b, c, d) {
+ var e = null, f = c.chartWidth, g = c.chartHeight;
+ (f || g) && (e = {}, f && (e.width = parseInt(f)), g && (e.height = parseInt(g)), d.addSize(e))
+ };
+ return {require: "^c3chart", restrict: "E", scope: {}, replace: !0, link: a}
+}).directive("chartColors", function () {
+ var a = function (a, b, c, d) {
+ var e = c.colorPattern;
+ e && d.addColors(e.split(","))
+ };
+ return {require: "^c3chart", restrict: "E", scope: {}, replace: !0, link: a}
+//# \ No newline at end of file