path: root/portal-common/src/main/webapp/common/thirdparty/zTree/js/jquery.ztree.excheck.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'portal-common/src/main/webapp/common/thirdparty/zTree/js/jquery.ztree.excheck.js')
1 files changed, 629 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/portal-common/src/main/webapp/common/thirdparty/zTree/js/jquery.ztree.excheck.js b/portal-common/src/main/webapp/common/thirdparty/zTree/js/jquery.ztree.excheck.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6887c664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/portal-common/src/main/webapp/common/thirdparty/zTree/js/jquery.ztree.excheck.js
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+ * JQuery zTree excheck v3.5.16
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Hunter.z
+ *
+ * Licensed same as jquery - MIT License
+ *
+ *
+ * email:
+ * Date: 2014-03-09
+ */
+ //default consts of excheck
+ var _consts = {
+ event: {
+ CHECK: "ztree_check"
+ },
+ id: {
+ CHECK: "_check"
+ },
+ checkbox: {
+ STYLE: "checkbox",
+ DEFAULT: "chk",
+ DISABLED: "disable",
+ FALSE: "false",
+ TRUE: "true",
+ FULL: "full",
+ PART: "part",
+ FOCUS: "focus"
+ },
+ radio: {
+ STYLE: "radio",
+ TYPE_ALL: "all",
+ TYPE_LEVEL: "level"
+ }
+ },
+ //default setting of excheck
+ _setting = {
+ check: {
+ enable: false,
+ autoCheckTrigger: false,
+ chkStyle: _consts.checkbox.STYLE,
+ nocheckInherit: false,
+ chkDisabledInherit: false,
+ radioType:,
+ chkboxType: {
+ "Y": "ps",
+ "N": "ps"
+ }
+ },
+ data: {
+ key: {
+ checked: "checked"
+ }
+ },
+ callback: {
+ beforeCheck:null,
+ onCheck:null
+ }
+ },
+ //default root of excheck
+ _initRoot = function (setting) {
+ var r = data.getRoot(setting);
+ r.radioCheckedList = [];
+ },
+ //default cache of excheck
+ _initCache = function(treeId) {},
+ //default bind event of excheck
+ _bindEvent = function(setting) {
+ var o = setting.treeObj,
+ c = consts.event;
+ o.bind(c.CHECK, function (event, srcEvent, treeId, node) {
+ event.srcEvent = srcEvent;
+ tools.apply(setting.callback.onCheck, [event, treeId, node]);
+ });
+ },
+ _unbindEvent = function(setting) {
+ var o = setting.treeObj,
+ c = consts.event;
+ o.unbind(c.CHECK);
+ },
+ //default event proxy of excheck
+ _eventProxy = function(e) {
+ var target =,
+ setting = data.getSetting(,
+ tId = "", node = null,
+ nodeEventType = "", treeEventType = "",
+ nodeEventCallback = null, treeEventCallback = null;
+ if (tools.eqs(e.type, "mouseover")) {
+ if (setting.check.enable && tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ !== null) {
+ tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id;
+ nodeEventType = "mouseoverCheck";
+ }
+ } else if (tools.eqs(e.type, "mouseout")) {
+ if (setting.check.enable && tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ !== null) {
+ tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id;
+ nodeEventType = "mouseoutCheck";
+ }
+ } else if (tools.eqs(e.type, "click")) {
+ if (setting.check.enable && tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ !== null) {
+ tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id;
+ nodeEventType = "checkNode";
+ }
+ }
+ if (tId.length>0) {
+ node = data.getNodeCache(setting, tId);
+ switch (nodeEventType) {
+ case "checkNode" :
+ nodeEventCallback = _handler.onCheckNode;
+ break;
+ case "mouseoverCheck" :
+ nodeEventCallback = _handler.onMouseoverCheck;
+ break;
+ case "mouseoutCheck" :
+ nodeEventCallback = _handler.onMouseoutCheck;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var proxyResult = {
+ stop: nodeEventType === "checkNode",
+ node: node,
+ nodeEventType: nodeEventType,
+ nodeEventCallback: nodeEventCallback,
+ treeEventType: treeEventType,
+ treeEventCallback: treeEventCallback
+ };
+ return proxyResult
+ },
+ //default init node of excheck
+ _initNode = function(setting, level, n, parentNode, isFirstNode, isLastNode, openFlag) {
+ if (!n) return;
+ var checkedKey =;
+ if (typeof n[checkedKey] == "string") n[checkedKey] = tools.eqs(n[checkedKey], "true");
+ n[checkedKey] = !!n[checkedKey];
+ n.checkedOld = n[checkedKey];
+ if (typeof n.nocheck == "string") n.nocheck = tools.eqs(n.nocheck, "true");
+ n.nocheck = !!n.nocheck || (setting.check.nocheckInherit && parentNode && !!parentNode.nocheck);
+ if (typeof n.chkDisabled == "string") n.chkDisabled = tools.eqs(n.chkDisabled, "true");
+ n.chkDisabled = !!n.chkDisabled || (setting.check.chkDisabledInherit && parentNode && !!parentNode.chkDisabled);
+ if (typeof n.halfCheck == "string") n.halfCheck = tools.eqs(n.halfCheck, "true");
+ n.halfCheck = !!n.halfCheck;
+ n.check_Child_State = -1;
+ n.check_Focus = false;
+ n.getCheckStatus = function() {return data.getCheckStatus(setting, n);};
+ if (setting.check.chkStyle == && setting.check.radioType == && n[checkedKey] ) {
+ var r = data.getRoot(setting);
+ r.radioCheckedList.push(n);
+ }
+ },
+ //add dom for check
+ _beforeA = function(setting, node, html) {
+ var checkedKey =;
+ if (setting.check.enable) {
+ data.makeChkFlag(setting, node);
+ html.push("<span ID='", node.tId,, "' class='", view.makeChkClass(setting, node), "' treeNode",, (node.nocheck === true?" style='display:none;'":""),"></span>");
+ }
+ },
+ //update zTreeObj, add method of check
+ _zTreeTools = function(setting, zTreeTools) {
+ zTreeTools.checkNode = function(node, checked, checkTypeFlag, callbackFlag) {
+ var checkedKey =;
+ if (node.chkDisabled === true) return;
+ if (checked !== true && checked !== false) {
+ checked = !node[checkedKey];
+ }
+ callbackFlag = !!callbackFlag;
+ if (node[checkedKey] === checked && !checkTypeFlag) {
+ return;
+ } else if (callbackFlag && tools.apply(this.setting.callback.beforeCheck, [this.setting.treeId, node], true) == false) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tools.uCanDo(this.setting) && this.setting.check.enable && node.nocheck !== true) {
+ node[checkedKey] = checked;
+ var checkObj = $$(node,, this.setting);
+ if (checkTypeFlag || this.setting.check.chkStyle === view.checkNodeRelation(this.setting, node);
+ view.setChkClass(this.setting, checkObj, node);
+ view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(this.setting, node);
+ if (callbackFlag) {
+ this.setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [null, this.setting.treeId, node]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zTreeTools.checkAllNodes = function(checked) {
+ view.repairAllChk(this.setting, !!checked);
+ }
+ zTreeTools.getCheckedNodes = function(checked) {
+ var childKey =;
+ checked = (checked !== false);
+ return data.getTreeCheckedNodes(this.setting, data.getRoot(this.setting)[childKey], checked);
+ }
+ zTreeTools.getChangeCheckedNodes = function() {
+ var childKey =;
+ return data.getTreeChangeCheckedNodes(this.setting, data.getRoot(this.setting)[childKey]);
+ }
+ zTreeTools.setChkDisabled = function(node, disabled, inheritParent, inheritChildren) {
+ disabled = !!disabled;
+ inheritParent = !!inheritParent;
+ inheritChildren = !!inheritChildren;
+ view.repairSonChkDisabled(this.setting, node, disabled, inheritChildren);
+ view.repairParentChkDisabled(this.setting, node.getParentNode(), disabled, inheritParent);
+ }
+ var _updateNode = zTreeTools.updateNode;
+ zTreeTools.updateNode = function(node, checkTypeFlag) {
+ if (_updateNode) _updateNode.apply(zTreeTools, arguments);
+ if (!node || !this.setting.check.enable) return;
+ var nObj = $$(node, this.setting);
+ if (nObj.get(0) && tools.uCanDo(this.setting)) {
+ var checkObj = $$(node,, this.setting);
+ if (checkTypeFlag == true || this.setting.check.chkStyle === view.checkNodeRelation(this.setting, node);
+ view.setChkClass(this.setting, checkObj, node);
+ view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(this.setting, node);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ //method of operate data
+ _data = {
+ getRadioCheckedList: function(setting) {
+ var checkedList = data.getRoot(setting).radioCheckedList;
+ for (var i=0, j=checkedList.length; i<j; i++) {
+ if(!data.getNodeCache(setting, checkedList[i].tId)) {
+ checkedList.splice(i, 1);
+ i--; j--;
+ }
+ }
+ return checkedList;
+ },
+ getCheckStatus: function(setting, node) {
+ if (!setting.check.enable || node.nocheck || node.chkDisabled) return null;
+ var checkedKey =,
+ r = {
+ checked: node[checkedKey],
+ half: node.halfCheck ? node.halfCheck : (setting.check.chkStyle == ? (node.check_Child_State === 2) : (node[checkedKey] ? (node.check_Child_State > -1 && node.check_Child_State < 2) : (node.check_Child_State > 0)))
+ };
+ return r;
+ },
+ getTreeCheckedNodes: function(setting, nodes, checked, results) {
+ if (!nodes) return [];
+ var childKey =,
+ checkedKey =,
+ onlyOne = (checked && setting.check.chkStyle == && setting.check.radioType ==;
+ results = !results ? [] : results;
+ for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (nodes[i].nocheck !== true && nodes[i].chkDisabled !== true && nodes[i][checkedKey] == checked) {
+ results.push(nodes[i]);
+ if(onlyOne) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ data.getTreeCheckedNodes(setting, nodes[i][childKey], checked, results);
+ if(onlyOne && results.length > 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+ },
+ getTreeChangeCheckedNodes: function(setting, nodes, results) {
+ if (!nodes) return [];
+ var childKey =,
+ checkedKey =;
+ results = !results ? [] : results;
+ for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (nodes[i].nocheck !== true && nodes[i].chkDisabled !== true && nodes[i][checkedKey] != nodes[i].checkedOld) {
+ results.push(nodes[i]);
+ }
+ data.getTreeChangeCheckedNodes(setting, nodes[i][childKey], results);
+ }
+ return results;
+ },
+ makeChkFlag: function(setting, node) {
+ if (!node) return;
+ var childKey =,
+ checkedKey =,
+ chkFlag = -1;
+ if (node[childKey]) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = node[childKey].length; i < l; i++) {
+ var cNode = node[childKey][i];
+ var tmp = -1;
+ if (setting.check.chkStyle == {
+ if (cNode.nocheck === true || cNode.chkDisabled === true) {
+ tmp = cNode.check_Child_State;
+ } else if (cNode.halfCheck === true) {
+ tmp = 2;
+ } else if (cNode[checkedKey]) {
+ tmp = 2;
+ } else {
+ tmp = cNode.check_Child_State > 0 ? 2:0;
+ }
+ if (tmp == 2) {
+ chkFlag = 2; break;
+ } else if (tmp == 0){
+ chkFlag = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (setting.check.chkStyle == consts.checkbox.STYLE) {
+ if (cNode.nocheck === true || cNode.chkDisabled === true) {
+ tmp = cNode.check_Child_State;
+ } else if (cNode.halfCheck === true) {
+ tmp = 1;
+ } else if (cNode[checkedKey] ) {
+ tmp = (cNode.check_Child_State === -1 || cNode.check_Child_State === 2) ? 2 : 1;
+ } else {
+ tmp = (cNode.check_Child_State > 0) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ if (tmp === 1) {
+ chkFlag = 1; break;
+ } else if (tmp === 2 && chkFlag > -1 && i > 0 && tmp !== chkFlag) {
+ chkFlag = 1; break;
+ } else if (chkFlag === 2 && tmp > -1 && tmp < 2) {
+ chkFlag = 1; break;
+ } else if (tmp > -1) {
+ chkFlag = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node.check_Child_State = chkFlag;
+ }
+ },
+ //method of event proxy
+ _event = {
+ },
+ //method of event handler
+ _handler = {
+ onCheckNode: function (event, node) {
+ if (node.chkDisabled === true) return false;
+ var setting = data.getSetting(,
+ checkedKey =;
+ if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeCheck, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false) return true;
+ node[checkedKey] = !node[checkedKey];
+ view.checkNodeRelation(setting, node);
+ var checkObj = $$(node,, setting);
+ view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node);
+ view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(setting, node);
+ setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [event, setting.treeId, node]);
+ return true;
+ },
+ onMouseoverCheck: function(event, node) {
+ if (node.chkDisabled === true) return false;
+ var setting = data.getSetting(,
+ checkObj = $$(node,, setting);
+ node.check_Focus = true;
+ view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node);
+ return true;
+ },
+ onMouseoutCheck: function(event, node) {
+ if (node.chkDisabled === true) return false;
+ var setting = data.getSetting(,
+ checkObj = $$(node,, setting);
+ node.check_Focus = false;
+ view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node);
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ //method of tools for zTree
+ _tools = {
+ },
+ //method of operate ztree dom
+ _view = {
+ checkNodeRelation: function(setting, node) {
+ var pNode, i, l,
+ childKey =,
+ checkedKey =,
+ r =;
+ if (setting.check.chkStyle == r.STYLE) {
+ var checkedList = data.getRadioCheckedList(setting);
+ if (node[checkedKey]) {
+ if (setting.check.radioType == r.TYPE_ALL) {
+ for (i = checkedList.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ pNode = checkedList[i];
+ if (pNode[checkedKey] && pNode != node) {
+ pNode[checkedKey] = false;
+ checkedList.splice(i, 1);
+ view.setChkClass(setting, $$(pNode,, setting), pNode);
+ if (pNode.parentTId != node.parentTId) {
+ view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(setting, pNode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ checkedList.push(node);
+ } else {
+ var parentNode = (node.parentTId) ? node.getParentNode() : data.getRoot(setting);
+ for (i = 0, l = parentNode[childKey].length; i < l; i++) {
+ pNode = parentNode[childKey][i];
+ if (pNode[checkedKey] && pNode != node) {
+ pNode[checkedKey] = false;
+ view.setChkClass(setting, $$(pNode,, setting), pNode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (setting.check.radioType == r.TYPE_ALL) {
+ for (i = 0, l = checkedList.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (node == checkedList[i]) {
+ checkedList.splice(i, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (node[checkedKey] && (!node[childKey] || node[childKey].length==0 || setting.check.chkboxType.Y.indexOf("s") > -1)) {
+ view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, node, true);
+ }
+ if (!node[checkedKey] && (!node[childKey] || node[childKey].length==0 || setting.check.chkboxType.N.indexOf("s") > -1)) {
+ view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, node, false);
+ }
+ if (node[checkedKey] && setting.check.chkboxType.Y.indexOf("p") > -1) {
+ view.setParentNodeCheckBox(setting, node, true);
+ }
+ if (!node[checkedKey] && setting.check.chkboxType.N.indexOf("p") > -1) {
+ view.setParentNodeCheckBox(setting, node, false);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ makeChkClass: function(setting, node) {
+ var checkedKey =,
+ c = consts.checkbox, r =,
+ fullStyle = "";
+ if (node.chkDisabled === true) {
+ fullStyle = c.DISABLED;
+ } else if (node.halfCheck) {
+ fullStyle = c.PART;
+ } else if (setting.check.chkStyle == r.STYLE) {
+ fullStyle = (node.check_Child_State < 1)? c.FULL:c.PART;
+ } else {
+ fullStyle = node[checkedKey] ? ((node.check_Child_State === 2 || node.check_Child_State === -1) ? c.FULL:c.PART) : ((node.check_Child_State < 1)? c.FULL:c.PART);
+ }
+ var chkName = setting.check.chkStyle + "_" + (node[checkedKey] ? c.TRUE : c.FALSE) + "_" + fullStyle;
+ chkName = (node.check_Focus && node.chkDisabled !== true) ? chkName + "_" + c.FOCUS : chkName;
+ return consts.className.BUTTON + " " + c.DEFAULT + " " + chkName;
+ },
+ repairAllChk: function(setting, checked) {
+ if (setting.check.enable && setting.check.chkStyle === consts.checkbox.STYLE) {
+ var checkedKey =,
+ childKey =,
+ root = data.getRoot(setting);
+ for (var i = 0, l = root[childKey].length; i<l ; i++) {
+ var node = root[childKey][i];
+ if (node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) {
+ node[checkedKey] = checked;
+ }
+ view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, node, checked);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ repairChkClass: function(setting, node) {
+ if (!node) return;
+ data.makeChkFlag(setting, node);
+ if (node.nocheck !== true) {
+ var checkObj = $$(node,, setting);
+ view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node);
+ }
+ },
+ repairParentChkClass: function(setting, node) {
+ if (!node || !node.parentTId) return;
+ var pNode = node.getParentNode();
+ view.repairChkClass(setting, pNode);
+ view.repairParentChkClass(setting, pNode);
+ },
+ repairParentChkClassWithSelf: function(setting, node) {
+ if (!node) return;
+ var childKey =;
+ if (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0) {
+ view.repairParentChkClass(setting, node[childKey][0]);
+ } else {
+ view.repairParentChkClass(setting, node);
+ }
+ },
+ repairSonChkDisabled: function(setting, node, chkDisabled, inherit) {
+ if (!node) return;
+ var childKey =;
+ if (node.chkDisabled != chkDisabled) {
+ node.chkDisabled = chkDisabled;
+ }
+ view.repairChkClass(setting, node);
+ if (node[childKey] && inherit) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = node[childKey].length; i < l; i++) {
+ var sNode = node[childKey][i];
+ view.repairSonChkDisabled(setting, sNode, chkDisabled, inherit);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ repairParentChkDisabled: function(setting, node, chkDisabled, inherit) {
+ if (!node) return;
+ if (node.chkDisabled != chkDisabled && inherit) {
+ node.chkDisabled = chkDisabled;
+ }
+ view.repairChkClass(setting, node);
+ view.repairParentChkDisabled(setting, node.getParentNode(), chkDisabled, inherit);
+ },
+ setChkClass: function(setting, obj, node) {
+ if (!obj) return;
+ if (node.nocheck === true) {
+ obj.hide();
+ } else {
+ }
+ obj.removeClass();
+ obj.addClass(view.makeChkClass(setting, node));
+ },
+ setParentNodeCheckBox: function(setting, node, value, srcNode) {
+ var childKey =,
+ checkedKey =,
+ checkObj = $$(node,, setting);
+ if (!srcNode) srcNode = node;
+ data.makeChkFlag(setting, node);
+ if (node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) {
+ node[checkedKey] = value;
+ view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node);
+ if (setting.check.autoCheckTrigger && node != srcNode) {
+ setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [null, setting.treeId, node]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (node.parentTId) {
+ var pSign = true;
+ if (!value) {
+ var pNodes = node.getParentNode()[childKey];
+ for (var i = 0, l = pNodes.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if ((pNodes[i].nocheck !== true && pNodes[i].chkDisabled !== true && pNodes[i][checkedKey])
+ || ((pNodes[i].nocheck === true || pNodes[i].chkDisabled === true) && pNodes[i].check_Child_State > 0)) {
+ pSign = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pSign) {
+ view.setParentNodeCheckBox(setting, node.getParentNode(), value, srcNode);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ setSonNodeCheckBox: function(setting, node, value, srcNode) {
+ if (!node) return;
+ var childKey =,
+ checkedKey =,
+ checkObj = $$(node,, setting);
+ if (!srcNode) srcNode = node;
+ var hasDisable = false;
+ if (node[childKey]) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = node[childKey].length; i < l && node.chkDisabled !== true; i++) {
+ var sNode = node[childKey][i];
+ view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, sNode, value, srcNode);
+ if (sNode.chkDisabled === true) hasDisable = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (node != data.getRoot(setting) && node.chkDisabled !== true) {
+ if (hasDisable && node.nocheck !== true) {
+ data.makeChkFlag(setting, node);
+ }
+ if (node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) {
+ node[checkedKey] = value;
+ if (!hasDisable) node.check_Child_State = (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0) ? (value ? 2 : 0) : -1;
+ } else {
+ node.check_Child_State = -1;
+ }
+ view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node);
+ if (setting.check.autoCheckTrigger && node != srcNode && node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) {
+ setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [null, setting.treeId, node]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _z = {
+ tools: _tools,
+ view: _view,
+ event: _event,
+ data: _data
+ };
+ $.extend(true, $.fn.zTree.consts, _consts);
+ $.extend(true, $.fn.zTree._z, _z);
+ var zt = $.fn.zTree,
+ tools =,
+ consts = zt.consts,
+ view = zt._z.view,
+ data =,
+ event = zt._z.event,
+ $$ = tools.$;
+ data.exSetting(_setting);
+ data.addInitBind(_bindEvent);
+ data.addInitUnBind(_unbindEvent);
+ data.addInitCache(_initCache);
+ data.addInitNode(_initNode);
+ data.addInitProxy(_eventProxy, true);
+ data.addInitRoot(_initRoot);
+ data.addBeforeA(_beforeA);
+ data.addZTreeTools(_zTreeTools);
+ var _createNodes = view.createNodes;
+ view.createNodes = function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode) {
+ if (_createNodes) _createNodes.apply(view, arguments);
+ if (!nodes) return;
+ view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(setting, parentNode);
+ }
+ var _removeNode = view.removeNode;
+ view.removeNode = function(setting, node) {
+ var parentNode = node.getParentNode();
+ if (_removeNode) _removeNode.apply(view, arguments);
+ if (!node || !parentNode) return;
+ view.repairChkClass(setting, parentNode);
+ view.repairParentChkClass(setting, parentNode);
+ }
+ var _appendNodes = view.appendNodes;
+ view.appendNodes = function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode, initFlag, openFlag) {
+ var html = "";
+ if (_appendNodes) {
+ html = _appendNodes.apply(view, arguments);
+ }
+ if (parentNode) {
+ data.makeChkFlag(setting, parentNode);
+ }
+ return html;
+ }
+})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file