path: root/portal-lifecyclemgr/src/main/webapp/lifecyclemgr/gsolcmmain.html
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author“shentao” <>2017-01-26 16:19:00 +0800
committer“shentao” <>2017-01-26 16:21:54 +0800
commit6f01a8756fe38c0d6565c369005142adda4b9b57 (patch)
tree5f360e44ac9bb70f83781af1303d3915bb45cd3f /portal-lifecyclemgr/src/main/webapp/lifecyclemgr/gsolcmmain.html
parent3f47ae6567e95e118c4a477e24cdc509dd0dce89 (diff)
rebuild GUI structure(only changed modules' name)
Issue-id : CLIENT-14 Change-Id: Ie4fa30f1a51393576fbdc68e12d810565cbf06eb Signed-off-by: “shentao” <>
Diffstat (limited to 'portal-lifecyclemgr/src/main/webapp/lifecyclemgr/gsolcmmain.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 640 deletions
diff --git a/portal-lifecyclemgr/src/main/webapp/lifecyclemgr/gsolcmmain.html b/portal-lifecyclemgr/src/main/webapp/lifecyclemgr/gsolcmmain.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 23a3209b..00000000
--- a/portal-lifecyclemgr/src/main/webapp/lifecyclemgr/gsolcmmain.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,640 +0,0 @@
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