path: root/common/src/main/webapp/thirdparty/avalon
diff options
authorAvinashS <avinash.s@huawei.com>2017-08-30 18:39:12 +0530
committerAvinashS <avinash.s@huawei.com>2017-08-31 11:35:26 +0530
commit8e30fbf41dabee082aafb60fe0639b504497674d (patch)
tree5b715fa6a11f770f59af4ba6f474b558a85156a3 /common/src/main/webapp/thirdparty/avalon
parent31dfadf9c4cb7ef2cc0f1af625bc9bd0097f0d94 (diff)
vnfsdk market place seed code refactoring
cleanup the package names and a test file correction Change-Id: Icc5a3b48189824dfe5cb84f05ce2c496bcfa3eab IssueId: VNFSDK-74 Signed-off-by: AvinashS <avinash.s@huawei.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'common/src/main/webapp/thirdparty/avalon')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 10754 deletions
diff --git a/common/src/main/webapp/thirdparty/avalon/avalon.js b/common/src/main/webapp/thirdparty/avalon/avalon.js
deleted file mode 100755
index a22bb7de..00000000
--- a/common/src/main/webapp/thirdparty/avalon/avalon.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5819 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2013-2015 司徒正美 and other contributors
- http://www.cnblogs.com/rubylouvre/
- https://github.com/RubyLouvre
- http://weibo.com/jslouvre/
- Released under the MIT license
- avalon.js 1.45 built in 2015.7.17
- support IE6+ and other browsers
- ==================================================*/
-(function(global, factory) {
- if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
- // For CommonJS and CommonJS-like environments where a proper `window`
- // is present, execute the factory and get avalon.
- // For environments that do not have a `window` with a `document`
- // (such as Node.js), expose a factory as module.exports.
- // This accentuates the need for the creation of a real `window`.
- // e.g. var avalon = require("avalon")(window);
- module.exports = global.document ? factory(global, true) : function(w) {
- if (!w.document) {
- throw new Error("Avalon requires a window with a document")
- }
- return factory(w)
- }
- } else {
- factory(global)
- }
-// Pass this if window is not defined yet
-}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function(window, noGlobal){
- * 全局变量及方法 *
- **********************************************************************/
-var expose = new Date() - 0
-var DOC = window.document
-var head = DOC.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] //HEAD元素
-var ifGroup = head.insertBefore(document.createElement("avalon"), head.firstChild) //避免IE6 base标签BUG
-ifGroup.innerHTML = "X<style id='avalonStyle'>.avalonHide{ display: none!important }</style>"
-ifGroup.setAttribute("ms-skip", "1")
-ifGroup.className = "avalonHide"
-var rnative = /\[native code\]/ //判定是否原生函数
-function log() {
- if (window.console && avalon.config.debug) {
- // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8785624/how-to-safely-wrap-console-log
- Function.apply.call(console.log, console, arguments)
- }
-var subscribers = "$" + expose
-var otherRequire = window.require
-var otherDefine = window.define
-var innerRequire
-var stopRepeatAssign = false
-var rword = /[^, ]+/g //切割字符串为一个个小块,以空格或豆号分开它们,结合replace实现字符串的forEach
-var rcomplexType = /^(?:object|array)$/
-var rsvg = /^\[object SVG\w*Element\]$/
-var rwindow = /^\[object (?:Window|DOMWindow|global)\]$/
-var oproto = Object.prototype
-var ohasOwn = oproto.hasOwnProperty
-var serialize = oproto.toString
-var ap = Array.prototype
-var aslice = ap.slice
-var Registry = {} //将函数曝光到此对象上,方便访问器收集依赖
-var W3C = window.dispatchEvent
-var root = DOC.documentElement
-var avalonFragment = DOC.createDocumentFragment()
-var cinerator = DOC.createElement("div")
-var class2type = {}
-"Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".replace(rword, function (name) {
- class2type["[object " + name + "]"] = name.toLowerCase()
-function noop() {
-function oneObject(array, val) {
- if (typeof array === "string") {
- array = array.match(rword) || []
- }
- var result = {},
- value = val !== void 0 ? val : 1
- for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; i++) {
- result[array[i]] = value
- }
- return result
-//生成UUID http://stackoverflow.com/questions/105034/how-to-create-a-guid-uuid-in-javascript
-var generateID = function (prefix) {
- prefix = prefix || "avalon"
- return String(Math.random() + Math.random()).replace(/\d\.\d{4}/, prefix)
-function IE() {
- if (window.VBArray) {
- var mode = document.documentMode
- return mode ? mode : window.XMLHttpRequest ? 7 : 6
- } else {
- return NaN
- }
-var IEVersion = IE()
-avalon = function (el) { //创建jQuery式的无new 实例化结构
- return new avalon.init(el)
-avalon.profile = function () {
- if (window.console && avalon.config.profile) {
- Function.apply.call(console.log, console, arguments)
- }
-avalon.nextTick = new function () {// jshint ignore:line
- var tickImmediate = window.setImmediate
- var tickObserver = window.MutationObserver
- var tickPost = W3C && window.postMessage
- if (tickImmediate) {
- return tickImmediate.bind(window)
- }
- var queue = []
- function callback() {
- var n = queue.length
- for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- queue[i]()
- }
- queue = queue.slice(n)
- }
- if (tickObserver) {
- var node = document.createTextNode("avalon")
- new tickObserver(callback).observe(node, {characterData: true})// jshint ignore:line
- return function (fn) {
- queue.push(fn)
- node.data = Math.random()
- }
- }
- if (tickPost) {
- window.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
- var source = e.source
- if ((source === window || source === null) && e.data === "process-tick") {
- e.stopPropagation()
- callback()
- }
- })
- return function (fn) {
- queue.push(fn)
- window.postMessage('process-tick', '*')
- }
- }
- return function (fn) {
- setTimeout(fn, 0)
- }
-}// jshint ignore:line
- * avalon的静态方法定义区 *
- **********************************************************************/
-avalon.init = function (el) {
- this[0] = this.element = el
-avalon.fn = avalon.prototype = avalon.init.prototype
-avalon.type = function (obj) { //取得目标的类型
- if (obj == null) {
- return String(obj)
- }
- // 早期的webkit内核浏览器实现了已废弃的ecma262v4标准,可以将正则字面量当作函数使用,因此typeof在判定正则时会返回function
- return typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function" ?
- class2type[serialize.call(obj)] || "object" :
- typeof obj
-var isFunction = typeof alert === "object" ? function (fn) {
- try {
- return /^\s*\bfunction\b/.test(fn + "")
- } catch (e) {
- return false
- }
-} : function (fn) {
- return serialize.call(fn) === "[object Function]"
-avalon.isFunction = isFunction
-avalon.isWindow = function (obj) {
- if (!obj)
- return false
- // 利用IE678 window == document为true,document == window竟然为false的神奇特性
- // 标准浏览器及IE9,IE10等使用 正则检测
- return obj == obj.document && obj.document != obj //jshint ignore:line
-function isWindow(obj) {
- return rwindow.test(serialize.call(obj))
-if (isWindow(window)) {
- avalon.isWindow = isWindow
-var enu
-for (enu in avalon({})) {
- break
-var enumerateBUG = enu !== "0" //IE6下为true, 其他为false
-avalon.isPlainObject = function (obj, key) {
- if (!obj || avalon.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || avalon.isWindow(obj)) {
- return false;
- }
- try { //IE内置对象没有constructor
- if (obj.constructor && !ohasOwn.call(obj, "constructor") && !ohasOwn.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf")) {
- return false;
- }
- } catch (e) { //IE8 9会在这里抛错
- return false;
- }
- if (enumerateBUG) {
- for (key in obj) {
- return ohasOwn.call(obj, key)
- }
- }
- for (key in obj) {
- }
- return key === void 0 || ohasOwn.call(obj, key)
-if (rnative.test(Object.getPrototypeOf)) {
- avalon.isPlainObject = function (obj) {
- // 简单的 typeof obj === "object"检测,会致使用isPlainObject(window)在opera下通不过
- return serialize.call(obj) === "[object Object]" && Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === oproto
- }
-avalon.mix = avalon.fn.mix = function () {
- var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
- target = arguments[0] || {},
- i = 1,
- length = arguments.length,
- deep = false
- // 如果第一个参数为布尔,判定是否深拷贝
- if (typeof target === "boolean") {
- deep = target
- target = arguments[1] || {}
- i++
- }
- //确保接受方为一个复杂的数据类型
- if (typeof target !== "object" && !isFunction(target)) {
- target = {}
- }
- //如果只有一个参数,那么新成员添加于mix所在的对象上
- if (i === length) {
- target = this
- i--
- }
- for (; i < length; i++) {
- //只处理非空参数
- if ((options = arguments[i]) != null) {
- for (name in options) {
- src = target[name]
- try {
- copy = options[name] //当options为VBS对象时报错
- } catch (e) {
- continue
- }
- // 防止环引用
- if (target === copy) {
- continue
- }
- if (deep && copy && (avalon.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = Array.isArray(copy)))) {
- if (copyIsArray) {
- copyIsArray = false
- clone = src && Array.isArray(src) ? src : []
- } else {
- clone = src && avalon.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {}
- }
- target[name] = avalon.mix(deep, clone, copy)
- } else if (copy !== void 0) {
- target[name] = copy
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return target
-function _number(a, len) { //用于模拟slice, splice的效果
- a = Math.floor(a) || 0
- return a < 0 ? Math.max(len + a, 0) : Math.min(a, len);
- rword: rword,
- subscribers: subscribers,
- version: 1.45,
- ui: {},
- log: log,
- slice: W3C ? function (nodes, start, end) {
- return aslice.call(nodes, start, end)
- } : function (nodes, start, end) {
- var ret = []
- var len = nodes.length
- if (end === void 0)
- end = len
- if (typeof end === "number" && isFinite(end)) {
- start = _number(start, len)
- end = _number(end, len)
- for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
- ret[i - start] = nodes[i]
- }
- }
- return ret
- },
- noop: noop,
- /*如果不用Error对象封装一下,str在控制台下可能会乱码*/
- error: function (str, e) {
- throw (e || Error)(str)
- },
- /*将一个以空格或逗号隔开的字符串或数组,转换成一个键值都为1的对象*/
- oneObject: oneObject,
- /* avalon.range(10)
- => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
- avalon.range(1, 11)
- => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
- avalon.range(0, 30, 5)
- => [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25]
- avalon.range(0, -10, -1)
- => [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9]
- avalon.range(0)
- => []*/
- range: function (start, end, step) { // 用于生成整数数组
- step || (step = 1)
- if (end == null) {
- end = start || 0
- start = 0
- }
- var index = -1,
- length = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((end - start) / step)),
- result = new Array(length)
- while (++index < length) {
- result[index] = start
- start += step
- }
- return result
- },
- eventHooks: [],
- /*绑定事件*/
- bind: function(el, type, fn, phase) {
- var hooks = avalon.eventHooks
- var hook = hooks[type]
- if (typeof hook === "object") {
- type = hook.type
- if (hook.deel) {
- fn = hook.deel(el, type, fn, phase)
- }
- }
- var callback = W3C ? fn : function(e) {
- fn.call(el, fixEvent(e));
- }
- if (W3C) {
- el.addEventListener(type, callback, !!phase)
- } else {
- el.attachEvent("on" + type, callback)
- }
- return callback
- },
- /*卸载事件*/
- unbind: function(el, type, fn, phase) {
- var hooks = avalon.eventHooks
- var hook = hooks[type]
- var callback = fn || noop
- if (typeof hook === "object") {
- type = hook.type
- if (hook.deel) {
- fn = hook.deel(el, type, fn, false)
- }
- }
- if (W3C) {
- el.removeEventListener(type, callback, !!phase)
- } else {
- el.detachEvent("on" + type, callback)
- }
- },
- /*读写删除元素节点的样式*/
- css: function (node, name, value) {
- if (node instanceof avalon) {
- node = node[0]
- }
- var prop = /[_-]/.test(name) ? camelize(name) : name, fn
- name = avalon.cssName(prop) || prop
- if (value === void 0 || typeof value === "boolean") { //获取样式
- fn = cssHooks[prop + ":get"] || cssHooks["@:get"]
- if (name === "background") {
- name = "backgroundColor"
- }
- var val = fn(node, name)
- return value === true ? parseFloat(val) || 0 : val
- } else if (value === "") { //请除样式
- node.style[name] = ""
- } else { //设置样式
- if (value == null || value !== value) {
- return
- }
- if (isFinite(value) && !avalon.cssNumber[prop]) {
- value += "px"
- }
- fn = cssHooks[prop + ":set"] || cssHooks["@:set"]
- fn(node, name, value)
- }
- },
- /*遍历数组与对象,回调的第一个参数为索引或键名,第二个或元素或键值*/
- each: function (obj, fn) {
- if (obj) { //排除null, undefined
- var i = 0
- if (isArrayLike(obj)) {
- for (var n = obj.length; i < n; i++) {
- if (fn(i, obj[i]) === false)
- break
- }
- } else {
- for (i in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i) && fn(i, obj[i]) === false) {
- break
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- //收集元素的data-{{prefix}}-*属性,并转换为对象
- getWidgetData: function (elem, prefix) {
- var raw = avalon(elem).data()
- var result = {}
- for (var i in raw) {
- if (i.indexOf(prefix) === 0) {
- result[i.replace(prefix, "").replace(/\w/, function (a) {
- return a.toLowerCase()
- })] = raw[i]
- }
- }
- return result
- },
- Array: {
- /*只有当前数组不存在此元素时只添加它*/
- ensure: function (target, item) {
- if (target.indexOf(item) === -1) {
- return target.push(item)
- }
- },
- /*移除数组中指定位置的元素,返回布尔表示成功与否*/
- removeAt: function (target, index) {
- return !!target.splice(index, 1).length
- },
- /*移除数组中第一个匹配传参的那个元素,返回布尔表示成功与否*/
- remove: function (target, item) {
- var index = target.indexOf(item)
- if (~index)
- return avalon.Array.removeAt(target, index)
- return false
- }
- }
-var bindingHandlers = avalon.bindingHandlers = {}
-var bindingExecutors = avalon.bindingExecutors = {}
-function isArrayLike(obj) {
- if (!obj)
- return false
- var n = obj.length
- if (n === (n >>> 0)) { //检测length属性是否为非负整数
- var type = serialize.call(obj).slice(8, -1)
- if (/(?:regexp|string|function|window|global)$/i.test(type))
- return false
- if (type === "Array")
- return true
- try {
- if ({}.propertyIsEnumerable.call(obj, "length") === false) { //如果是原生对象
- return /^\s?function/.test(obj.item || obj.callee)
- }
- return true
- } catch (e) { //IE的NodeList直接抛错
- return !obj.window //IE6-8 window
- }
- }
- return false
-// https://github.com/rsms/js-lru
-var Cache = new function() {// jshint ignore:line
- function LRU(maxLength) {
- this.size = 0
- this.limit = maxLength
- this.head = this.tail = void 0
- this._keymap = {}
- }
- var p = LRU.prototype
- p.put = function(key, value) {
- var entry = {
- key: key,
- value: value
- }
- this._keymap[key] = entry
- if (this.tail) {
- this.tail.newer = entry
- entry.older = this.tail
- } else {
- this.head = entry
- }
- this.tail = entry
- if (this.size === this.limit) {
- this.shift()
- } else {
- this.size++
- }
- return value
- }
- p.shift = function() {
- var entry = this.head
- if (entry) {
- this.head = this.head.newer
- this.head.older =
- entry.newer =
- entry.older =
- this._keymap[entry.key] = void 0
- }
- }
- p.get = function(key) {
- var entry = this._keymap[key]
- if (entry === void 0)
- return
- if (entry === this.tail) {
- return entry.value
- }
- // HEAD--------------TAIL
- // <.older .newer>
- // <--- add direction --
- // A B C <D> E
- if (entry.newer) {
- if (entry === this.head) {
- this.head = entry.newer
- }
- entry.newer.older = entry.older // C <-- E.
- }
- if (entry.older) {
- entry.older.newer = entry.newer // C. --> E
- }
- entry.newer = void 0 // D --x
- entry.older = this.tail // D. --> E
- if (this.tail) {
- this.tail.newer = entry // E. <-- D
- }
- this.tail = entry
- return entry.value
- }
- return LRU
-}// jshint ignore:line
- * javascript 底层补丁 *
- **********************************************************************/
-if (!"司徒正美".trim) {
- var rtrim = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g
- String.prototype.trim = function () {
- return this.replace(rtrim, "")
- }
-var hasDontEnumBug = !({
- 'toString': null
- hasProtoEnumBug = (function () {
- }).propertyIsEnumerable('prototype'),
- dontEnums = [
- "toString",
- "toLocaleString",
- "valueOf",
- "hasOwnProperty",
- "isPrototypeOf",
- "propertyIsEnumerable",
- "constructor"
- ],
- dontEnumsLength = dontEnums.length;
-if (!Object.keys) {
- Object.keys = function (object) { //ecma262v5
- var theKeys = []
- var skipProto = hasProtoEnumBug && typeof object === "function"
- if (typeof object === "string" || (object && object.callee)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < object.length; ++i) {
- theKeys.push(String(i))
- }
- } else {
- for (var name in object) {
- if (!(skipProto && name === "prototype") && ohasOwn.call(object, name)) {
- theKeys.push(String(name))
- }
- }
- }
- if (hasDontEnumBug) {
- var ctor = object.constructor,
- skipConstructor = ctor && ctor.prototype === object
- for (var j = 0; j < dontEnumsLength; j++) {
- var dontEnum = dontEnums[j]
- if (!(skipConstructor && dontEnum === "constructor") && ohasOwn.call(object, dontEnum)) {
- theKeys.push(dontEnum)
- }
- }
- }
- return theKeys
- }
-if (!Array.isArray) {
- Array.isArray = function (a) {
- return serialize.call(a) === "[object Array]"
- }
-if (!noop.bind) {
- Function.prototype.bind = function (scope) {
- if (arguments.length < 2 && scope === void 0)
- return this
- var fn = this,
- argv = arguments
- return function () {
- var args = [],
- i
- for (i = 1; i < argv.length; i++)
- args.push(argv[i])
- for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
- args.push(arguments[i])
- return fn.apply(scope, args)
- }
- }
-function iterator(vars, body, ret) {
- var fun = 'for(var ' + vars + 'i=0,n = this.length; i < n; i++){' + body.replace('_', '((i in this) && fn.call(scope,this[i],i,this))') + '}' + ret
- /* jshint ignore:start */
- return Function("fn,scope", fun)
- /* jshint ignore:end */
-if (!rnative.test([].map)) {
- avalon.mix(ap, {
- //定位操作,返回数组中第一个等于给定参数的元素的索引值。
- indexOf: function (item, index) {
- var n = this.length,
- i = ~~index
- if (i < 0)
- i += n
- for (; i < n; i++)
- if (this[i] === item)
- return i
- return -1
- },
- //定位操作,同上,不过是从后遍历。
- lastIndexOf: function (item, index) {
- var n = this.length,
- i = index == null ? n - 1 : index
- if (i < 0)
- i = Math.max(0, n + i)
- for (; i >= 0; i--)
- if (this[i] === item)
- return i
- return -1
- },
- //迭代操作,将数组的元素挨个儿传入一个函数中执行。Prototype.js的对应名字为each。
- forEach: iterator("", '_', ""),
- //迭代类 在数组中的每个项上运行一个函数,如果此函数的值为真,则此元素作为新数组的元素收集起来,并返回新数组
- filter: iterator('r=[],j=0,', 'if(_)r[j++]=this[i]', 'return r'),
- //收集操作,将数组的元素挨个儿传入一个函数中执行,然后把它们的返回值组成一个新数组返回。Prototype.js的对应名字为collect。
- map: iterator('r=[],', 'r[i]=_', 'return r'),
- //只要数组中有一个元素满足条件(放进给定函数返回true),那么它就返回true。Prototype.js的对应名字为any。
- some: iterator("", 'if(_)return true', 'return false'),
- //只有数组中的元素都满足条件(放进给定函数返回true),它才返回true。Prototype.js的对应名字为all。
- every: iterator("", 'if(!_)return false', 'return true')
- })
- * DOM 底层补丁 *
- **********************************************************************/
-function fixContains(root, el) {
- try { //IE6-8,游离于DOM树外的文本节点,访问parentNode有时会抛错
- while ((el = el.parentNode))
- if (el === root)
- return true
- return false
- } catch (e) {
- return false
- }
-avalon.contains = fixContains
-if (!DOC.contains) {
- DOC.contains = function (b) {
- return fixContains(DOC, b)
- }
-function outerHTML() {
- return new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(this)
-if (window.SVGElement) {
- //safari5+是把contains方法放在Element.prototype上而不是Node.prototype
- if (!DOC.createTextNode("x").contains) {
- Node.prototype.contains = function (arg) {//IE6-8没有Node对象
- return !!(this.compareDocumentPosition(arg) & 16)
- }
- }
- var svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
- var svg = DOC.createElementNS(svgns, "svg")
- svg.innerHTML = '<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="red" />'
- if (!rsvg.test(svg.firstChild)) { // #409
- function enumerateNode(node, targetNode) {// jshint ignore:line
- if (node && node.childNodes) {
- var nodes = node.childNodes
- for (var i = 0, el; el = nodes[i++]; ) {
- if (el.tagName) {
- var svg = DOC.createElementNS(svgns,
- el.tagName.toLowerCase())
- ap.forEach.call(el.attributes, function (attr) {
- svg.setAttribute(attr.name, attr.value) //复制属性
- })// jshint ignore:line
- // 递归处理子节点
- enumerateNode(el, svg)
- targetNode.appendChild(svg)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Object.defineProperties(SVGElement.prototype, {
- "outerHTML": {//IE9-11,firefox不支持SVG元素的innerHTML,outerHTML属性
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- get: outerHTML,
- set: function (html) {
- var tagName = this.tagName.toLowerCase(),
- par = this.parentNode,
- frag = avalon.parseHTML(html)
- // 操作的svg,直接插入
- if (tagName === "svg") {
- par.insertBefore(frag, this)
- // svg节点的子节点类似
- } else {
- var newFrag = DOC.createDocumentFragment()
- enumerateNode(frag, newFrag)
- par.insertBefore(newFrag, this)
- }
- par.removeChild(this)
- }
- },
- "innerHTML": {
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- get: function () {
- var s = this.outerHTML
- var ropen = new RegExp("<" + this.nodeName + '\\b(?:(["\'])[^"]*?(\\1)|[^>])*>', "i")
- var rclose = new RegExp("<\/" + this.nodeName + ">$", "i")
- return s.replace(ropen, "").replace(rclose, "")
- },
- set: function (html) {
- if (avalon.clearHTML) {
- avalon.clearHTML(this)
- var frag = avalon.parseHTML(html)
- enumerateNode(frag, this)
- }
- }
- }
- })
- }
-if (!root.outerHTML && window.HTMLElement) { //firefox 到11时才有outerHTML
- HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("outerHTML", outerHTML);
-//============================= event binding =======================
-var rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu|drag)|click/
-function fixEvent(event) {
- var ret = {}
- for (var i in event) {
- ret[i] = event[i]
- }
- var target = ret.target = event.srcElement
- if (event.type.indexOf("key") === 0) {
- ret.which = event.charCode != null ? event.charCode : event.keyCode
- } else if (rmouseEvent.test(event.type)) {
- var doc = target.ownerDocument || DOC
- var box = doc.compatMode === "BackCompat" ? doc.body : doc.documentElement
- ret.pageX = event.clientX + (box.scrollLeft >> 0) - (box.clientLeft >> 0)
- ret.pageY = event.clientY + (box.scrollTop >> 0) - (box.clientTop >> 0)
- ret.wheelDeltaY = ret.wheelDelta
- ret.wheelDeltaX = 0
- }
- ret.timeStamp = new Date() - 0
- ret.originalEvent = event
- ret.preventDefault = function () { //阻止默认行为
- event.returnValue = false
- }
- ret.stopPropagation = function () { //阻止事件在DOM树中的传播
- event.cancelBubble = true
- }
- return ret
-var eventHooks = avalon.eventHooks
-//针对firefox, chrome修正mouseenter, mouseleave
-if (!("onmouseenter" in root)) {
- avalon.each({
- mouseenter: "mouseover",
- mouseleave: "mouseout"
- }, function (origType, fixType) {
- eventHooks[origType] = {
- type: fixType,
- deel: function (elem, _, fn) {
- return function (e) {
- var t = e.relatedTarget
- if (!t || (t !== elem && !(elem.compareDocumentPosition(t) & 16))) {
- delete e.type
- e.type = origType
- return fn.call(elem, e)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- })
-//针对IE9+, w3c修正animationend
- AnimationEvent: "animationend",
- WebKitAnimationEvent: "webkitAnimationEnd"
-}, function (construct, fixType) {
- if (window[construct] && !eventHooks.animationend) {
- eventHooks.animationend = {
- type: fixType
- }
- }
-if (!("oninput" in DOC.createElement("input"))) {
- eventHooks.input = {
- type: "propertychange",
- deel: function (elem, _, fn) {
- return function (e) {
- if (e.propertyName === "value") {
- e.type = "input"
- return fn.call(elem, e)
- }
- }
- }
- }
-if (DOC.onmousewheel === void 0) {
- /* IE6-11 chrome mousewheel wheelDetla 下 -120 上 120
- firefox DOMMouseScroll detail 下3 上-3
- firefox wheel detlaY 下3 上-3
- IE9-11 wheel deltaY 下40 上-40
- chrome wheel deltaY 下100 上-100 */
- var fixWheelType = DOC.onwheel !== void 0 ? "wheel" : "DOMMouseScroll"
- var fixWheelDelta = fixWheelType === "wheel" ? "deltaY" : "detail"
- eventHooks.mousewheel = {
- type: fixWheelType,
- deel: function (elem, _, fn) {
- return function (e) {
- e.wheelDeltaY = e.wheelDelta = e[fixWheelDelta] > 0 ? -120 : 120
- e.wheelDeltaX = 0
- if (Object.defineProperty) {
- Object.defineProperty(e, "type", {
- value: "mousewheel"
- })
- }
- fn.call(elem, e)
- }
- }
- }
- * 配置系统 *
- **********************************************************************/
-function kernel(settings) {
- for (var p in settings) {
- if (!ohasOwn.call(settings, p))
- continue
- var val = settings[p]
- if (typeof kernel.plugins[p] === "function") {
- kernel.plugins[p](val)
- } else if (typeof kernel[p] === "object") {
- avalon.mix(kernel[p], val)
- } else {
- kernel[p] = val
- }
- }
- return this
-var openTag, closeTag, rexpr, rexprg, rbind, rregexp = /[-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\]/g
-function escapeRegExp(target) {
- //http://stevenlevithan.com/regex/xregexp/
- //将字符串安全格式化为正则表达式的源码
- return (target + "").replace(rregexp, "\\$&")
-var plugins = {
- loader: function (builtin) {
- var flag = innerRequire && builtin
- window.require = flag ? innerRequire : otherRequire
- window.define = flag ? innerRequire.define : otherDefine
- },
- interpolate: function (array) {
- openTag = array[0]
- closeTag = array[1]
- if (openTag === closeTag) {
- throw new SyntaxError("openTag!==closeTag")
- var test = openTag + "test" + closeTag
- cinerator.innerHTML = test
- if (cinerator.innerHTML !== test && cinerator.innerHTML.indexOf("&lt;") > -1) {
- throw new SyntaxError("此定界符不合法")
- }
- cinerator.innerHTML = ""
- }
- var o = escapeRegExp(openTag),
- c = escapeRegExp(closeTag)
- rexpr = new RegExp(o + "(.*?)" + c)
- rexprg = new RegExp(o + "(.*?)" + c, "g")
- rbind = new RegExp(o + ".*?" + c + "|\\sms-")
- }
-kernel.debug = true
-kernel.plugins = plugins
-kernel.plugins['interpolate'](["{{", "}}"])
-kernel.paths = {}
-kernel.shim = {}
-kernel.maxRepeatSize = 100
-avalon.config = kernel
-var ravalon = /(\w+)\[(avalonctrl)="(\S+)"\]/
-var findNodes = DOC.querySelectorAll ? function(str) {
- return DOC.querySelectorAll(str)
-} : function(str) {
- var match = str.match(ravalon)
- var all = DOC.getElementsByTagName(match[1])
- var nodes = []
- for (var i = 0, el; el = all[i++]; ) {
- if (el.getAttribute(match[2]) === match[3]) {
- nodes.push(el)
- }
- }
- return nodes
- * 事件总线 *
- **********************************************************************/
-var EventBus = {
- $watch: function (type, callback) {
- if (typeof callback === "function") {
- var callbacks = this.$events[type]
- if (callbacks) {
- callbacks.push(callback)
- } else {
- this.$events[type] = [callback]
- }
- } else { //重新开始监听此VM的第一重简单属性的变动
- this.$events = this.$watch.backup
- }
- return this
- },
- $unwatch: function (type, callback) {
- var n = arguments.length
- if (n === 0) { //让此VM的所有$watch回调无效化
- this.$watch.backup = this.$events
- this.$events = {}
- } else if (n === 1) {
- this.$events[type] = []
- } else {
- var callbacks = this.$events[type] || []
- var i = callbacks.length
- while (~--i < 0) {
- if (callbacks[i] === callback) {
- return callbacks.splice(i, 1)
- }
- }
- }
- return this
- },
- $fire: function (type) {
- var special, i, v, callback
- if (/^(\w+)!(\S+)$/.test(type)) {
- special = RegExp.$1
- type = RegExp.$2
- }
- var events = this.$events
- if (!events)
- return
- var args = aslice.call(arguments, 1)
- var detail = [type].concat(args)
- if (special === "all") {
- for (i in avalon.vmodels) {
- v = avalon.vmodels[i]
- if (v !== this) {
- v.$fire.apply(v, detail)
- }
- }
- } else if (special === "up" || special === "down") {
- var elements = events.expr ? findNodes(events.expr) : []
- if (elements.length === 0)
- return
- for (i in avalon.vmodels) {
- v = avalon.vmodels[i]
- if (v !== this) {
- if (v.$events.expr) {
- var eventNodes = findNodes(v.$events.expr)
- if (eventNodes.length === 0) {
- continue
- }
- //循环两个vmodel中的节点,查找匹配(向上匹配或者向下匹配)的节点并设置标识
- /* jshint ignore:start */
- ap.forEach.call(eventNodes, function (node) {
- ap.forEach.call(elements, function (element) {
- var ok = special === "down" ? element.contains(node) : //向下捕获
- node.contains(element) //向上冒泡
- if (ok) {
- node._avalon = v //符合条件的加一个标识
- }
- });
- })
- /* jshint ignore:end */
- }
- }
- }
- var nodes = DOC.getElementsByTagName("*") //实现节点排序
- var alls = []
- ap.forEach.call(nodes, function (el) {
- if (el._avalon) {
- alls.push(el._avalon)
- el._avalon = ""
- el.removeAttribute("_avalon")
- }
- })
- if (special === "up") {
- alls.reverse()
- }
- for (i = 0; callback = alls[i++]; ) {
- if (callback.$fire.apply(callback, detail) === false) {
- break
- }
- }
- } else {
- var callbacks = events[type] || []
- var all = events.$all || []
- for (i = 0; callback = callbacks[i++]; ) {
- if (isFunction(callback))
- callback.apply(this, args)
- }
- for (i = 0; callback = all[i++]; ) {
- if (isFunction(callback))
- callback.apply(this, arguments)
- }
- }
- }
- * modelFactory *
- **********************************************************************/
-var VMODELS = avalon.vmodels = {} //所有vmodel都储存在这里
-avalon.define = function (id, factory) {
- var $id = id.$id || id
- if (!$id) {
- log("warning: vm必须指定$id")
- }
- if (VMODELS[$id]) {
- log("warning: " + $id + " 已经存在于avalon.vmodels中")
- }
- if (typeof id === "object") {
- var model = modelFactory(id)
- } else {
- var scope = {
- $watch: noop
- }
- factory(scope) //得到所有定义
- model = modelFactory(scope) //偷天换日,将scope换为model
- stopRepeatAssign = true
- factory(model)
- stopRepeatAssign = false
- }
- model.$id = $id
- return VMODELS[$id] = model
-var $$skipArray = String("$id,$watch,$unwatch,$fire,$events,$model,$skipArray,$proxy,$reinitialize,$propertyNames").match(rword)
-var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty
-var canHideOwn = true
-//标准浏览器使用__defineGetter__, __defineSetter__实现
-try {
- defineProperty({}, "_", {
- value: "x"
- })
- var defineProperties = Object.defineProperties
-} catch (e) {
- canHideOwn = false
-function modelFactory(source, $special, $model) {
- if (Array.isArray(source)) {
- var arr = source.concat()
- source.length = 0
- var collection = arrayFactory(source)
- collection.pushArray(arr)
- return collection
- }
- //0 null undefined || Node || VModel(fix IE6-8 createWithProxy $val: val引发的BUG)
- if (!source || source.nodeType > 0 || (source.$id && source.$events)) {
- return source
- }
- var $skipArray = Array.isArray(source.$skipArray) ? source.$skipArray : []
- $skipArray.$special = $special || {} //强制要监听的属性
- var $vmodel = {} //要返回的对象, 它在IE6-8下可能被偷龙转凤
- $model = $model || {} //vmodels.$model属性
- var $events = {} //vmodel.$events属性
- var accessors = {} //监控属性
- var computed = []
- $$skipArray.forEach(function (name) {
- delete source[name]
- })
- var names = Object.keys(source)
- /* jshint ignore:start */
- names.forEach(function (name, accessor) {
- var val = source[name]
- $model[name] = val
- if (isObservable(name, val, $skipArray)) {
- //总共产生三种accessor
- $events[name] = []
- var valueType = avalon.type(val)
- //总共产生三种accessor
- if (valueType === "object" && isFunction(val.get) && Object.keys(val).length <= 2) {
- accessor = makeComputedAccessor(name, val)
- computed.push(accessor)
- } else if (rcomplexType.test(valueType)) {
- accessor = makeComplexAccessor(name, val, valueType, $events[name])
- } else {
- accessor = makeSimpleAccessor(name, val)
- }
- accessors[name] = accessor
- }
- })
- /* jshint ignore:end */
- $vmodel = defineProperties($vmodel, descriptorFactory(accessors), source) //生成一个空的ViewModel
- for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
- var name = names[i]
- if (!accessors[name]) {
- $vmodel[name] = source[name]
- }
- }
- //添加$id, $model, $events, $watch, $unwatch, $fire
- $vmodel.$propertyNames = names.join("&shy;")
- $vmodel.$id = generateID()
- $vmodel.$model = $model
- $vmodel.$events = $events
- for (i in EventBus) {
- var fn = EventBus[i]
- if (!W3C) { //在IE6-8下,VB对象的方法里的this并不指向自身,需要用bind处理一下
- fn = fn.bind($vmodel)
- }
- $vmodel[i] = fn
- }
- if (canHideOwn) {
- Object.defineProperty($vmodel, "hasOwnProperty", hasOwnDescriptor)
- } else {
- /* jshint ignore:start */
- $vmodel.hasOwnProperty = function (name) {
- return name in $vmodel.$model
- }
- /* jshint ignore:end */
- }
- $vmodel.$reinitialize = function () {
- computed.forEach(function (accessor) {
- delete accessor._value
- delete accessor.oldArgs
- accessor.digest = function () {
- accessor.call($vmodel)
- }
- dependencyDetection.begin({
- callback: function (vm, dependency) {//dependency为一个accessor
- var name = dependency._name
- if (dependency !== accessor) {
- var list = vm.$events[name]
- injectDependency(list, accessor.digest)
- }
- }
- })
- try {
- accessor.get.call($vmodel)
- } finally {
- dependencyDetection.end()
- }
- })
- }
- $vmodel.$reinitialize()
- return $vmodel
-var hasOwnDescriptor = {
- value: function (name) {
- return name in this.$model
- },
- writable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- configurable: true
-function makeSimpleAccessor(name, value) {
- function accessor(value) {
- var oldValue = accessor._value
- if (arguments.length > 0) {
- if (!stopRepeatAssign && !isEqual(value, oldValue)) {
- accessor.updateValue(this, value)
- accessor.notify(this, value, oldValue)
- }
- return this
- } else {
- dependencyDetection.collectDependency(this, accessor)
- return oldValue
- }
- }
- accessorFactory(accessor, name)
- accessor._value = value
- return accessor;
-function makeComputedAccessor(name, options) {
- function accessor(value) {//计算属性
- var oldValue = accessor._value
- var init = ("_value" in accessor)
- if (arguments.length > 0) {
- if (stopRepeatAssign) {
- return this
- }
- if (typeof accessor.set === "function") {
- if (accessor.oldArgs !== value) {
- accessor.oldArgs = value
- var $events = this.$events
- var lock = $events[name]
- $events[name] = [] //清空回调,防止内部冒泡而触发多次$fire
- accessor.set.call(this, value)
- $events[name] = lock
- value = accessor.get.call(this)
- if (value !== oldValue) {
- accessor.updateValue(this, value)
- accessor.notify(this, value, oldValue) //触发$watch回调
- }
- }
- }
- return this
- } else {
- //将依赖于自己的高层访问器或视图刷新函数(以绑定对象形式)放到自己的订阅数组中
- //将自己注入到低层访问器的订阅数组中
- value = accessor.get.call(this)
- accessor.updateValue(this, value)
- if (init && oldValue !== value) {
- accessor.notify(this, value, oldValue) //触发$watch回调
- }
- return value
- }
- }
- accessor.set = options.set
- accessor.get = options.get
- accessorFactory(accessor, name)
- return accessor
-function makeComplexAccessor(name, initValue, valueType, list) {
- function accessor(value) {
- var oldValue = accessor._value
- var son = accessor._vmodel
- if (arguments.length > 0) {
- if (stopRepeatAssign) {
- return this
- }
- if (valueType === "array") {
- var a = son, b = value,
- an = a.length,
- bn = b.length
- a.$lock = true
- if (an > bn) {
- a.splice(bn, an - bn)
- } else if (bn > an) {
- a.push.apply(a, b.slice(an))
- }
- var n = Math.min(an, bn)
- for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- a.set(i, b[i])
- }
- delete a.$lock
- a._fire("set")
- } else if (valueType === "object") {
- var newPropertyNames = Object.keys(value).join("&shy;")
- if (son.$propertyNames === newPropertyNames) {
- for (i in value) {
- son[i] = value[i]
- }
- } else {
- var sson = accessor._vmodel = modelFactory(value)
- var sevent = sson.$events
- var oevent = son.$events
- for (var i in sevent) {
- var arr = sevent[i]
- if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
- arr = arr.concat(oevent[i])
- }
- }
- sevent[subscribers] = oevent[subscribers]
- sson.$proxy = son.$proxy
- son = sson
- }
- }
- accessor.updateValue(this, son.$model)
- accessor.notify(this, this._value, oldValue)
- return this
- } else {
- dependencyDetection.collectDependency(this, accessor)
- return son
- }
- }
- accessorFactory(accessor, name)
- var son = accessor._vmodel = modelFactory(initValue)
- son.$events[subscribers] = list
- return accessor
-function globalUpdateValue(vmodel, value) {
- vmodel.$model[this._name] = this._value = value
-function globalNotify(vmodel, value, oldValue) {
- var name = this._name
- var array = vmodel.$events[name] //刷新值
- if (array) {
- fireDependencies(array) //同步视图
- EventBus.$fire.call(vmodel, name, value, oldValue) //触发$watch回调
- }
-function accessorFactory(accessor, name) {
- accessor._name = name
- //同时更新_value与model
- accessor.updateValue = globalUpdateValue
- accessor.notify = globalNotify
-var isEqual = Object.is || function (v1, v2) {
- if (v1 === 0 && v2 === 0) {
- return 1 / v1 === 1 / v2
- } else if (v1 !== v1) {
- return v2 !== v2
- } else {
- return v1 === v2
- }
-function isObservable(name, value, $skipArray) {
- if (isFunction(value) || value && value.nodeType) {
- return false
- }
- if ($skipArray.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
- return false
- }
- var $special = $skipArray.$special
- if (name && name.charAt(0) === "$" && !$special[name]) {
- return false
- }
- return true
-var descriptorFactory = W3C ? function (obj) {
- var descriptors = {}
- for (var i in obj) {
- descriptors[i] = {
- get: obj[i],
- set: obj[i],
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- }
- }
- return descriptors
-} : function (a) {
- return a
-if (!canHideOwn) {
- if ("__defineGetter__" in avalon) {
- defineProperty = function (obj, prop, desc) {
- if ('value' in desc) {
- obj[prop] = desc.value
- }
- if ("get" in desc) {
- obj.__defineGetter__(prop, desc.get)
- }
- if ('set' in desc) {
- obj.__defineSetter__(prop, desc.set)
- }
- return obj
- }
- defineProperties = function (obj, descs) {
- for (var prop in descs) {
- if (descs.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- defineProperty(obj, prop, descs[prop])
- }
- }
- return obj
- }
- }
- if (IEVersion) {
- var VBClassPool = {}
- window.execScript([// jshint ignore:line
- "Function parseVB(code)",
- "\tExecuteGlobal(code)",
- "End Function" //转换一段文本为VB代码
- ].join("\n"), "VBScript")
- function VBMediator(instance, accessors, name, value) {// jshint ignore:line
- var accessor = accessors[name]
- if (arguments.length === 4) {
- accessor.call(instance, value)
- } else {
- return accessor.call(instance)
- }
- }
- defineProperties = function (name, accessors, properties) {
- // jshint ignore:line
- var buffer = []
- buffer.push(
- "\r\n\tPrivate [__data__], [__proxy__]",
- "\tPublic Default Function [__const__](d, p)",
- "\t\tSet [__data__] = d: set [__proxy__] = p",
- "\t\tSet [__const__] = Me", //链式调用
- "\tEnd Function")
- //添加普通属性,因为VBScript对象不能像JS那样随意增删属性,必须在这里预先定义好
- for (name in properties) {
- if (!accessors.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- buffer.push("\tPublic [" + name + "]")
- }
- }
- $$skipArray.forEach(function (name) {
- if (!accessors.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- buffer.push("\tPublic [" + name + "]")
- }
- })
- buffer.push("\tPublic [" + 'hasOwnProperty' + "]")
- //添加访问器属性
- for (name in accessors) {
- buffer.push(
- //由于不知对方会传入什么,因此set, let都用上
- "\tPublic Property Let [" + name + "](val" + expose + ")", //setter
- "\t\tCall [__proxy__](Me,[__data__], \"" + name + "\", val" + expose + ")",
- "\tEnd Property",
- "\tPublic Property Set [" + name + "](val" + expose + ")", //setter
- "\t\tCall [__proxy__](Me,[__data__], \"" + name + "\", val" + expose + ")",
- "\tEnd Property",
- "\tPublic Property Get [" + name + "]", //getter
- "\tOn Error Resume Next", //必须优先使用set语句,否则它会误将数组当字符串返回
- "\t\tSet[" + name + "] = [__proxy__](Me,[__data__],\"" + name + "\")",
- "\tIf Err.Number <> 0 Then",
- "\t\t[" + name + "] = [__proxy__](Me,[__data__],\"" + name + "\")",
- "\tEnd If",
- "\tOn Error Goto 0",
- "\tEnd Property")
- }
- buffer.push("End Class")
- var body = buffer.join("\r\n")
- var className =VBClassPool[body]
- if (!className) {
- className = generateID("VBClass")
- window.parseVB("Class " + className + body)
- window.parseVB([
- "Function " + className + "Factory(a, b)", //创建实例并传入两个关键的参数
- "\tDim o",
- "\tSet o = (New " + className + ")(a, b)",
- "\tSet " + className + "Factory = o",
- "End Function"
- ].join("\r\n"))
- VBClassPool[body] = className
- }
- var ret = window[className + "Factory"](accessors, VBMediator) //得到其产品
- return ret //得到其产品
- }
- }
- * 监控数组(与ms-each, ms-repeat配合使用) *
- **********************************************************************/
-function arrayFactory(model) {
- var array = []
- array.$id = generateID()
- array.$model = model //数据模型
- array.$events = {}
- array.$events[subscribers] = []
- array._ = modelFactory({
- length: model.length
- })
- array._.$watch("length", function (a, b) {
- array.$fire("length", a, b)
- })
- for (var i in EventBus) {
- array[i] = EventBus[i]
- }
- avalon.mix(array, arrayPrototype)
- return array
-function mutateArray(method, pos, n, index, method2, pos2, n2) {
- var oldLen = this.length, loop = 2
- while (--loop) {
- switch (method) {
- case "add":
- /* jshint ignore:start */
- var array = this.$model.slice(pos, pos + n).map(function (el) {
- if (rcomplexType.test(avalon.type(el))) {
- return el.$id ? el : modelFactory(el, 0, el)
- } else {
- return el
- }
- })
- /* jshint ignore:end */
- _splice.apply(this, [pos, 0].concat(array))
- this._fire("add", pos, n)
- break
- case "del":
- var ret = this._splice(pos, n)
- this._fire("del", pos, n)
- break
- }
- if (method2) {
- method = method2
- pos = pos2
- n = n2
- loop = 2
- method2 = 0
- }
- }
- this._fire("index", index)
- if (this.length !== oldLen) {
- this._.length = this.length
- }
- return ret
-var _splice = ap.splice
-var arrayPrototype = {
- _splice: _splice,
- _fire: function (method, a, b) {
- fireDependencies(this.$events[subscribers], method, a, b)
- },
- size: function () { //取得数组长度,这个函数可以同步视图,length不能
- return this._.length
- },
- pushArray: function (array) {
- var m = array.length, n = this.length
- if (m) {
- ap.push.apply(this.$model, array)
- mutateArray.call(this, "add", n, m, Math.max(0, n - 1))
- }
- return m + n
- },
- push: function () {
- //http://jsperf.com/closure-with-arguments
- var array = []
- var i, n = arguments.length
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- array[i] = arguments[i]
- }
- return this.pushArray(array)
- },
- unshift: function () {
- var m = arguments.length, n = this.length
- if (m) {
- ap.unshift.apply(this.$model, arguments)
- mutateArray.call(this, "add", 0, m, 0)
- }
- return m + n //IE67的unshift不会返回长度
- },
- shift: function () {
- if (this.length) {
- var el = this.$model.shift()
- mutateArray.call(this, "del", 0, 1, 0)
- return el //返回被移除的元素
- }
- },
- pop: function () {
- var n = this.length
- if (n) {
- var el = this.$model.pop()
- mutateArray.call(this, "del", n - 1, 1, Math.max(0, n - 2))
- return el //返回被移除的元素
- }
- },
- splice: function (start) {
- var m = arguments.length, args = [], change
- var removed = _splice.apply(this.$model, arguments)
- if (removed.length) { //如果用户删掉了元素
- args.push("del", start, removed.length, 0)
- change = true
- }
- if (m > 2) { //如果用户添加了元素
- if (change) {
- args.splice(3, 1, 0, "add", start, m - 2)
- } else {
- args.push("add", start, m - 2, 0)
- }
- change = true
- }
- if (change) { //返回被移除的元素
- return mutateArray.apply(this, args)
- } else {
- return []
- }
- },
- contains: function (el) { //判定是否包含
- return this.indexOf(el) !== -1
- },
- remove: function (el) { //移除第一个等于给定值的元素
- return this.removeAt(this.indexOf(el))
- },
- removeAt: function (index) { //移除指定索引上的元素
- if (index >= 0) {
- this.$model.splice(index, 1)
- return mutateArray.call(this, "del", index, 1, 0)
- }
- return []
- },
- clear: function () {
- this.$model.length = this.length = this._.length = 0 //清空数组
- this._fire("clear", 0)
- return this
- },
- removeAll: function (all) { //移除N个元素
- if (Array.isArray(all)) {
- for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (all.indexOf(this[i]) !== -1) {
- this.removeAt(i)
- }
- }
- } else if (typeof all === "function") {
- for ( i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var el = this[i]
- if (all(el, i)) {
- this.removeAt(i)
- }
- }
- } else {
- this.clear()
- }
- },
- ensure: function (el) {
- if (!this.contains(el)) { //只有不存在才push
- this.push(el)
- }
- return this
- },
- set: function (index, val) {
- if (index >= 0) {
- var valueType = avalon.type(val)
- if (val && val.$model) {
- val = val.$model
- }
- var target = this[index]
- if (valueType === "object") {
- for (var i in val) {
- if (target.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
- target[i] = val[i]
- }
- }
- } else if (valueType === "array") {
- target.clear().push.apply(target, val)
- } else if (target !== val) {
- this[index] = val
- this.$model[index] = val
- this._fire("set", index, val)
- }
- }
- return this
- }
-//相当于原来bindingExecutors.repeat 的index分支
-function resetIndex(array, pos) {
- var last = array.length - 1
- for (var el; el = array[pos]; pos++) {
- el.$index = pos
- el.$first = pos === 0
- el.$last = pos === last
- }
-function sortByIndex(array, indexes) {
- var map = {};
- for (var i = 0, n = indexes.length; i < n; i++) {
- map[i] = array[i] // preserve
- var j = indexes[i]
- if (j in map) {
- array[i] = map[j]
- delete map[j]
- } else {
- array[i] = array[j]
- }
- }
-"sort,reverse".replace(rword, function (method) {
- arrayPrototype[method] = function () {
- var newArray = this.$model//这是要排序的新数组
- var oldArray = newArray.concat() //保持原来状态的旧数组
- var mask = Math.random()
- var indexes = []
- var hasSort
- ap[method].apply(newArray, arguments) //排序
- for (var i = 0, n = oldArray.length; i < n; i++) {
- var neo = newArray[i]
- var old = oldArray[i]
- if (isEqual(neo, old)) {
- indexes.push(i)
- } else {
- var index = oldArray.indexOf(neo)
- indexes.push(index)//得到新数组的每个元素在旧数组对应的位置
- oldArray[index] = mask //屏蔽已经找过的元素
- hasSort = true
- }
- }
- if (hasSort) {
- sortByIndex(this, indexes)
- // sortByIndex(this.$proxy, indexes)
- this._fire("move", indexes)
- this._fire("index", 0)
- }
- return this
- }
- * 依赖调度系统 *
- **********************************************************************/
-var dependencyDetection = (function () {
- var outerFrames = []
- var currentFrame
- return {
- begin: function (accessorObject) {
- //accessorObject为一个拥有callback的对象
- outerFrames.push(currentFrame)
- currentFrame = accessorObject
- },
- end: function () {
- currentFrame = outerFrames.pop()
- },
- collectDependency: function (vmodel, accessor) {
- if (currentFrame) {
- //被dependencyDetection.begin调用
- currentFrame.callback(vmodel, accessor);
- }
- }
- };
-var ronduplex = /^(duplex|on)$/
-avalon.injectBinding = function (data) {
- var valueFn = data.evaluator
- if (valueFn) { //如果是求值函数
- dependencyDetection.begin({
- callback: function (vmodel, dependency) {
- injectDependency(vmodel.$events[dependency._name], data)
- }
- })
- try {
- var value = ronduplex.test(data.type) ? data : valueFn.apply(0, data.args)
- if(value === void 0){
- delete data.evaluator
- }
- data.handler(value, data.element, data)
- } catch (e) {
- //log("warning:exception throwed in [avalon.injectBinding] " + e)
- delete data.evaluator
- var node = data.element
- if (node.nodeType === 3) {
- var parent = node.parentNode
- if (kernel.commentInterpolate) {
- parent.replaceChild(DOC.createComment(data.value), node)
- } else {
- node.data = openTag + (data.oneTime ? "::" : "") + data.value + closeTag
- }
- }
- } finally {
- dependencyDetection.end()
- }
- }
-function injectDependency(list, data) {
- if (data.oneTime)
- return
- if (list && avalon.Array.ensure(list, data) && data.element) {
- injectDisposeQueue(data, list)
- }
-function fireDependencies(list) {
- if (list && list.length) {
- if (new Date() - beginTime > 444 && typeof list[0] === "object") {
- rejectDisposeQueue()
- }
- var args = aslice.call(arguments, 1)
- for (var i = list.length, fn; fn = list[--i]; ) {
- var el = fn.element
- if (el && el.parentNode) {
- try {
- var valueFn = fn.evaluator
- if (fn.$repeat) {
- fn.handler.apply(fn, args) //处理监控数组的方法
- }else if("$repeat" in fn || !valueFn ){//如果没有eval,先eval
- bindingHandlers[fn.type](fn, fn.vmodels)
- } else if (fn.type !== "on") { //事件绑定只能由用户触发,不能由程序触发
- var value = valueFn.apply(0, fn.args || [])
- fn.handler(value, el, fn)
- }
- } catch (e) { }
- }
- }
- }
- * 定时GC回收机制 *
- **********************************************************************/
-var disposeCount = 0
-var disposeQueue = avalon.$$subscribers = []
-var beginTime = new Date()
-var oldInfo = {}
-var uuid2Node = {}
-function getUid(obj, makeID) { //IE9+,标准浏览器
- if (!obj.uuid && !makeID) {
- obj.uuid = ++disposeCount
- uuid2Node[obj.uuid] = obj
- }
- return obj.uuid
-function getNode(uuid) {
- return uuid2Node[uuid]
-function injectDisposeQueue(data, list) {
- var elem = data.element
- if (!data.uuid) {
- if (elem.nodeType !== 1) {
- data.uuid = data.type + (data.pos || 0) + "-" + getUid(elem.parentNode)
- } else {
- data.uuid = data.name + "-" + getUid(elem)
- }
- }
- var lists = data.lists || (data.lists = [])
- avalon.Array.ensure(lists, list)
- list.$uuid = list.$uuid || generateID()
- if (!disposeQueue[data.uuid]) {
- disposeQueue[data.uuid] = 1
- disposeQueue.push(data)
- }
-function rejectDisposeQueue(data) {
- if (avalon.optimize)
- return
- var i = disposeQueue.length
- var n = i
- var allTypes = []
- var iffishTypes = {}
- var newInfo = {}
- //对页面上所有绑定对象进行分门别类, 只检测个数发生变化的类型
- while (data = disposeQueue[--i]) {
- var type = data.type
- if (newInfo[type]) {
- newInfo[type]++
- } else {
- newInfo[type] = 1
- allTypes.push(type)
- }
- }
- var diff = false
- allTypes.forEach(function (type) {
- if (oldInfo[type] !== newInfo[type]) {
- iffishTypes[type] = 1
- diff = true
- }
- })
- i = n
- if (diff) {
- while (data = disposeQueue[--i]) {
- if (!data.element)
- continue
- if (iffishTypes[data.type] && shouldDispose(data.element)) { //如果它没有在DOM树
- disposeQueue.splice(i, 1)
- delete disposeQueue[data.uuid]
- delete uuid2Node[data.element.uuid]
- var lists = data.lists
- for (var k = 0, list; list = lists[k++]; ) {
- avalon.Array.remove(lists, list)
- avalon.Array.remove(list, data)
- }
- disposeData(data)
- }
- }
- }
- oldInfo = newInfo
- beginTime = new Date()
-function disposeData(data) {
- data.element = null
- data.rollback && data.rollback()
- for (var key in data) {
- data[key] = null
- }
-function shouldDispose(el) {
- try {//IE下,如果文本节点脱离DOM树,访问parentNode会报错
- if (!el.parentNode) {
- return true
- }
- } catch (e) {
- return true
- }
- return el.msRetain ? 0 : (el.nodeType === 1 ? !root.contains(el) : !avalon.contains(root, el))
- * HTML处理(parseHTML, innerHTML, clearHTML) *
- ************************************************************************/
-// We have to close these tags to support XHTML
-var tagHooks = {
- area: [1, "<map>", "</map>"],
- param: [1, "<object>", "</object>"],
- col: [2, "<table><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>"],
- legend: [1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>"],
- option: [1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>"],
- thead: [1, "<table>", "</table>"],
- tr: [2, "<table>", "</table>"],
- td: [3, "<table><tr>", "</tr></table>"],
- g: [1, '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1">', '</svg>'],
- //IE6-8在用innerHTML生成节点时,不能直接创建no-scope元素与HTML5的新标签
- _default: W3C ? [0, "", ""] : [1, "X<div>", "</div>"] //div可以不用闭合
-tagHooks.th = tagHooks.td
-tagHooks.optgroup = tagHooks.option
-tagHooks.tbody = tagHooks.tfoot = tagHooks.colgroup = tagHooks.caption = tagHooks.thead
-String("circle,defs,ellipse,image,line,path,polygon,polyline,rect,symbol,text,use").replace(rword, function (tag) {
- tagHooks[tag] = tagHooks.g //处理SVG
-var rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/ //取得其tagName
-var rxhtml = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig
-var rcreate = W3C ? /[^\d\D]/ : /(<(?:script|link|style|meta|noscript))/ig
-var scriptTypes = oneObject(["", "text/javascript", "text/ecmascript", "application/ecmascript", "application/javascript"])
-var rnest = /<(?:tb|td|tf|th|tr|col|opt|leg|cap|area)/ //需要处理套嵌关系的标签
-var script = DOC.createElement("script")
-var rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/
-avalon.parseHTML = function (html) {
- var fragment = avalonFragment.cloneNode(false)
- if (typeof html !== "string") {
- return fragment
- }
- if (!rhtml.test(html)) {
- fragment.appendChild(DOC.createTextNode(html))
- return fragment
- }
- html = html.replace(rxhtml, "<$1></$2>").trim()
- var tag = (rtagName.exec(html) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(),
- //取得其标签名
- wrap = tagHooks[tag] || tagHooks._default,
- wrapper = cinerator,
- firstChild, neo
- if (!W3C) { //fix IE
- html = html.replace(rcreate, "<br class=msNoScope>$1") //在link style script等标签之前添加一个补丁
- }
- wrapper.innerHTML = wrap[1] + html + wrap[2]
- var els = wrapper.getElementsByTagName("script")
- if (els.length) { //使用innerHTML生成的script节点不会发出请求与执行text属性
- for (var i = 0, el; el = els[i++]; ) {
- if (scriptTypes[el.type]) {
- //以偷龙转凤方式恢复执行脚本功能
- neo = script.cloneNode(false) //FF不能省略参数
- ap.forEach.call(el.attributes, function (attr) {
- if (attr && attr.specified) {
- neo[attr.name] = attr.value //复制其属性
- neo.setAttribute(attr.name, attr.value)
- }
- }) // jshint ignore:line
- neo.text = el.text
- el.parentNode.replaceChild(neo, el) //替换节点
- }
- }
- }
- if (!W3C) { //fix IE
- var target = wrap[1] === "X<div>" ? wrapper.lastChild.firstChild : wrapper.lastChild
- if (target && target.tagName === "TABLE" && tag !== "tbody") {
- //IE6-7处理 <thead> --> <thead>,<tbody>
- //<tfoot> --> <tfoot>,<tbody>
- //<table> --> <table><tbody></table>
- for (els = target.childNodes, i = 0; el = els[i++]; ) {
- if (el.tagName === "TBODY" && !el.innerHTML) {
- target.removeChild(el)
- break
- }
- }
- }
- els = wrapper.getElementsByTagName("br")
- var n = els.length
- while (el = els[--n]) {
- if (el.className === "msNoScope") {
- el.parentNode.removeChild(el)
- }
- }
- for (els = wrapper.all, i = 0; el = els[i++]; ) { //fix VML
- if (isVML(el)) {
- fixVML(el)
- }
- }
- }
- //移除我们为了符合套嵌关系而添加的标签
- for (i = wrap[0]; i--; wrapper = wrapper.lastChild) {
- }
- while (firstChild = wrapper.firstChild) { // 将wrapper上的节点转移到文档碎片上!
- fragment.appendChild(firstChild)
- }
- return fragment
-function isVML(src) {
- var nodeName = src.nodeName
- return nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName && src.scopeName && src.outerText === ""
-function fixVML(node) {
- if (node.currentStyle.behavior !== "url(#default#VML)") {
- node.style.behavior = "url(#default#VML)"
- node.style.display = "inline-block"
- node.style.zoom = 1 //hasLayout
- }
-avalon.innerHTML = function (node, html) {
- if (!W3C && (!rcreate.test(html) && !rnest.test(html))) {
- try {
- node.innerHTML = html
- return
- } catch (e) {
- }
- }
- var a = this.parseHTML(html)
- this.clearHTML(node).appendChild(a)
-avalon.clearHTML = function (node) {
- node.textContent = ""
- while (node.firstChild) {
- node.removeChild(node.firstChild)
- }
- return node
- * avalon的原型方法定义区 *
- **********************************************************************/
-function hyphen(target) {
- //转换为连字符线风格
- return target.replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z]+)/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase()
-function camelize(target) {
- //提前判断,提高getStyle等的效率
- if (!target || target.indexOf("-") < 0 && target.indexOf("_") < 0) {
- return target
- }
- //转换为驼峰风格
- return target.replace(/[-_][^-_]/g, function(match) {
- return match.charAt(1).toUpperCase()
- })
-var fakeClassListMethods = {
- _toString: function() {
- var node = this.node
- var cls = node.className
- var str = typeof cls === "string" ? cls : cls.baseVal
- return str.split(/\s+/).join(" ")
- },
- _contains: function(cls) {
- return (" " + this + " ").indexOf(" " + cls + " ") > -1
- },
- _add: function(cls) {
- if (!this.contains(cls)) {
- this._set(this + " " + cls)
- }
- },
- _remove: function(cls) {
- this._set((" " + this + " ").replace(" " + cls + " ", " "))
- },
- __set: function(cls) {
- cls = cls.trim()
- var node = this.node
- if (rsvg.test(node)) {
- //SVG元素的className是一个对象 SVGAnimatedString { baseVal="", animVal=""},只能通过set/getAttribute操作
- node.setAttribute("class", cls)
- } else {
- node.className = cls
- }
- } //toggle存在版本差异,因此不使用它
- function fakeClassList(node) {
- if (!("classList" in node)) {
- node.classList = {
- node: node
- }
- for (var k in fakeClassListMethods) {
- node.classList[k.slice(1)] = fakeClassListMethods[k]
- }
- }
- return node.classList
- }
- "add,remove".replace(rword, function(method) {
- avalon.fn[method + "Class"] = function(cls) {
- var el = this[0]
- //https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/26
- if (cls && typeof cls === "string" && el && el.nodeType === 1) {
- cls.replace(/\S+/g, function(c) {
- fakeClassList(el)[method](c)
- })
- }
- return this
- }
- })
- avalon.fn.mix({
- hasClass: function(cls) {
- var el = this[0] || {}
- return el.nodeType === 1 && fakeClassList(el).contains(cls)
- },
- toggleClass: function(value, stateVal) {
- var className, i = 0
- var classNames = String(value).split(/\s+/)
- var isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean"
- while ((className = classNames[i++])) {
- var state = isBool ? stateVal : !this.hasClass(className)
- this[state ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](className)
- }
- return this
- },
- attr: function(name, value) {
- if (arguments.length === 2) {
- this[0].setAttribute(name, value)
- return this
- } else {
- return this[0].getAttribute(name)
- }
- },
- data: function(name, value) {
- name = "data-" + hyphen(name || "")
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 2:
- this.attr(name, value)
- return this
- case 1:
- var val = this.attr(name)
- return parseData(val)
- case 0:
- var ret = {}
- ap.forEach.call(this[0].attributes, function(attr) {
- if (attr) {
- name = attr.name
- if (!name.indexOf("data-")) {
- name = camelize(name.slice(5))
- ret[name] = parseData(attr.value)
- }
- }
- })
- return ret
- }
- },
- removeData: function(name) {
- name = "data-" + hyphen(name)
- this[0].removeAttribute(name)
- return this
- },
- css: function(name, value) {
- if (avalon.isPlainObject(name)) {
- for (var i in name) {
- avalon.css(this, i, name[i])
- }
- } else {
- var ret = avalon.css(this, name, value)
- }
- return ret !== void 0 ? ret : this
- },
- position: function() {
- var offsetParent, offset,
- elem = this[0],
- parentOffset = {
- top: 0,
- left: 0
- }
- if (!elem) {
- return
- }
- if (this.css("position") === "fixed") {
- offset = elem.getBoundingClientRect()
- } else {
- offsetParent = this.offsetParent() //得到真正的offsetParent
- offset = this.offset() // 得到正确的offsetParent
- if (offsetParent[0].tagName !== "HTML") {
- parentOffset = offsetParent.offset()
- }
- parentOffset.top += avalon.css(offsetParent[0], "borderTopWidth", true)
- parentOffset.left += avalon.css(offsetParent[0], "borderLeftWidth", true)
- // Subtract offsetParent scroll positions
- parentOffset.top -= offsetParent.scrollTop()
- parentOffset.left -= offsetParent.scrollLeft()
- }
- return {
- top: offset.top - parentOffset.top - avalon.css(elem, "marginTop", true),
- left: offset.left - parentOffset.left - avalon.css(elem, "marginLeft", true)
- }
- },
- offsetParent: function() {
- var offsetParent = this[0].offsetParent
- while (offsetParent && avalon.css(offsetParent, "position") === "static") {
- offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
- }
- return avalon(offsetParent || root)
- },
- bind: function(type, fn, phase) {
- if (this[0]) { //此方法不会链
- return avalon.bind(this[0], type, fn, phase)
- }
- },
- unbind: function(type, fn, phase) {
- if (this[0]) {
- avalon.unbind(this[0], type, fn, phase)
- }
- return this
- },
- val: function(value) {
- var node = this[0]
- if (node && node.nodeType === 1) {
- var get = arguments.length === 0
- var access = get ? ":get" : ":set"
- var fn = valHooks[getValType(node) + access]
- if (fn) {
- var val = fn(node, value)
- } else if (get) {
- return (node.value || "").replace(/\r/g, "")
- } else {
- node.value = value
- }
- }
- return get ? val : this
- }
- })
- function parseData(data) {
- try {
- if (typeof data === "object")
- return data
- data = data === "true" ? true :
- data === "false" ? false :
- data === "null" ? null : +data + "" === data ? +data : rbrace.test(data) ? avalon.parseJSON(data) : data
- } catch (e) {}
- return data
- }
-var rbrace = /(?:\{[\s\S]*\}|\[[\s\S]*\])$/,
- rvalidchars = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/,
- rvalidbraces = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,
- rvalidescape = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[\da-fA-F]{4})/g,
- rvalidtokens = /"[^"\\\r\n]*"|true|false|null|-?(?:\d+\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/g
-avalon.parseJSON = window.JSON ? JSON.parse : function(data) {
- if (typeof data === "string") {
- data = data.trim();
- if (data) {
- if (rvalidchars.test(data.replace(rvalidescape, "@")
- .replace(rvalidtokens, "]")
- .replace(rvalidbraces, ""))) {
- return (new Function("return " + data))() // jshint ignore:line
- }
- }
- avalon.error("Invalid JSON: " + data)
- }
- return data
-//生成avalon.fn.scrollLeft, avalon.fn.scrollTop方法
- scrollLeft: "pageXOffset",
- scrollTop: "pageYOffset"
-}, function(method, prop) {
- avalon.fn[method] = function(val) {
- var node = this[0] || {}, win = getWindow(node),
- top = method === "scrollTop"
- if (!arguments.length) {
- return win ? (prop in win) ? win[prop] : root[method] : node[method]
- } else {
- if (win) {
- win.scrollTo(!top ? val : avalon(win).scrollLeft(), top ? val : avalon(win).scrollTop())
- } else {
- node[method] = val
- }
- }
- }
-function getWindow(node) {
- return node.window && node.document ? node : node.nodeType === 9 ? node.defaultView || node.parentWindow : false;
-var cssHooks = avalon.cssHooks = {}
-var prefixes = ["", "-webkit-", "-o-", "-moz-", "-ms-"]
-var cssMap = {
- "float": W3C ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat"
-avalon.cssNumber = oneObject("columnCount,order,fillOpacity,fontWeight,lineHeight,opacity,orphans,widows,zIndex,zoom")
-avalon.cssName = function(name, host, camelCase) {
- if (cssMap[name]) {
- return cssMap[name]
- }
- host = host || root.style
- for (var i = 0, n = prefixes.length; i < n; i++) {
- camelCase = camelize(prefixes[i] + name)
- if (camelCase in host) {
- return (cssMap[name] = camelCase)
- }
- }
- return null
-cssHooks["@:set"] = function(node, name, value) {
- try { //node.style.width = NaN;node.style.width = "xxxxxxx";node.style.width = undefine 在旧式IE下会抛异常
- node.style[name] = value
- } catch (e) {}
-if (window.getComputedStyle) {
- cssHooks["@:get"] = function(node, name) {
- if (!node || !node.style) {
- throw new Error("getComputedStyle要求传入一个节点 " + node)
- }
- var ret, styles = getComputedStyle(node, null)
- if (styles) {
- ret = name === "filter" ? styles.getPropertyValue(name) : styles[name]
- if (ret === "") {
- ret = node.style[name] //其他浏览器需要我们手动取内联样式
- }
- }
- return ret
- }
- cssHooks["opacity:get"] = function(node) {
- var ret = cssHooks["@:get"](node, "opacity")
- return ret === "" ? "1" : ret
- }
-} else {
- var rnumnonpx = /^-?(?:\d*\.)?\d+(?!px)[^\d\s]+$/i
- var rposition = /^(top|right|bottom|left)$/
- var ralpha = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i
- var ie8 = !! window.XDomainRequest
- var salpha = "DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha"
- var border = {
- thin: ie8 ? '1px' : '2px',
- medium: ie8 ? '3px' : '4px',
- thick: ie8 ? '5px' : '6px'
- }
- cssHooks["@:get"] = function(node, name) {
- //取得精确值,不过它有可能是带em,pc,mm,pt,%等单位
- var currentStyle = node.currentStyle
- var ret = currentStyle[name]
- if ((rnumnonpx.test(ret) && !rposition.test(ret))) {
- //①,保存原有的style.left, runtimeStyle.left,
- var style = node.style,
- left = style.left,
- rsLeft = node.runtimeStyle.left
- //②由于③处的style.left = xxx会影响到currentStyle.left,
- //因此把它currentStyle.left放到runtimeStyle.left,
- //runtimeStyle.left拥有最高优先级,不会style.left影响
- node.runtimeStyle.left = currentStyle.left
- //③将精确值赋给到style.left,然后通过IE的另一个私有属性 style.pixelLeft
- //得到单位为px的结果;fontSize的分支见http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/760
- style.left = name === 'fontSize' ? '1em' : (ret || 0)
- ret = style.pixelLeft + "px"
- //④还原 style.left,runtimeStyle.left
- style.left = left
- node.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft
- }
- if (ret === "medium") {
- name = name.replace("Width", "Style")
- //border width 默认值为medium,即使其为0"
- if (currentStyle[name] === "none") {
- ret = "0px"
- }
- }
- return ret === "" ? "auto" : border[ret] || ret
- }
- cssHooks["opacity:set"] = function(node, name, value) {
- var style = node.style
- var opacity = isFinite(value) && value <= 1 ? "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")" : ""
- var filter = style.filter || "";
- style.zoom = 1
- //不能使用以下方式设置透明度
- //node.filters.alpha.opacity = value * 100
- style.filter = (ralpha.test(filter) ?
- filter.replace(ralpha, opacity) :
- filter + " " + opacity).trim()
- if (!style.filter) {
- style.removeAttribute("filter")
- }
- }
- cssHooks["opacity:get"] = function(node) {
- //这是最快的获取IE透明值的方式,不需要动用正则了!
- var alpha = node.filters.alpha || node.filters[salpha],
- op = alpha && alpha.enabled ? alpha.opacity : 100
- return (op / 100) + "" //确保返回的是字符串
- }
-"top,left".replace(rword, function(name) {
- cssHooks[name + ":get"] = function(node) {
- var computed = cssHooks["@:get"](node, name)
- return /px$/.test(computed) ? computed :
- avalon(node).position()[name] + "px"
- }
-var cssShow = {
- position: "absolute",
- visibility: "hidden",
- display: "block"
-var rdisplayswap = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/
- function showHidden(node, array) {
- //http://www.cnblogs.com/rubylouvre/archive/2012/10/27/2742529.html
- if (node.offsetWidth <= 0) { //opera.offsetWidth可能小于0
- if (rdisplayswap.test(cssHooks["@:get"](node, "display"))) {
- var obj = {
- node: node
- }
- for (var name in cssShow) {
- obj[name] = node.style[name]
- node.style[name] = cssShow[name]
- }
- array.push(obj)
- }
- var parent = node.parentNode
- if (parent && parent.nodeType === 1) {
- showHidden(parent, array)
- }
- }
- }
- "Width,Height".replace(rword, function(name) { //fix 481
- var method = name.toLowerCase(),
- clientProp = "client" + name,
- scrollProp = "scroll" + name,
- offsetProp = "offset" + name
- cssHooks[method + ":get"] = function(node, which, override) {
- var boxSizing = -4
- if (typeof override === "number") {
- boxSizing = override
- }
- which = name === "Width" ? ["Left", "Right"] : ["Top", "Bottom"]
- var ret = node[offsetProp] // border-box 0
- if (boxSizing === 2) { // margin-box 2
- return ret + avalon.css(node, "margin" + which[0], true) + avalon.css(node, "margin" + which[1], true)
- }
- if (boxSizing < 0) { // padding-box -2
- ret = ret - avalon.css(node, "border" + which[0] + "Width", true) - avalon.css(node, "border" + which[1] + "Width", true)
- }
- if (boxSizing === -4) { // content-box -4
- ret = ret - avalon.css(node, "padding" + which[0], true) - avalon.css(node, "padding" + which[1], true)
- }
- return ret
- }
- cssHooks[method + "&get"] = function(node) {
- var hidden = [];
- showHidden(node, hidden);
- var val = cssHooks[method + ":get"](node)
- for (var i = 0, obj; obj = hidden[i++];) {
- node = obj.node
- for (var n in obj) {
- if (typeof obj[n] === "string") {
- node.style[n] = obj[n]
- }
- }
- }
- return val;
- }
- avalon.fn[method] = function(value) { //会忽视其display
- var node = this[0]
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- if (node.setTimeout) { //取得窗口尺寸,IE9后可以用node.innerWidth /innerHeight代替
- return node["inner" + name] || node.document.documentElement[clientProp]
- }
- if (node.nodeType === 9) { //取得页面尺寸
- var doc = node.documentElement
- //FF chrome html.scrollHeight< body.scrollHeight
- //IE 标准模式 : html.scrollHeight> body.scrollHeight
- //IE 怪异模式 : html.scrollHeight 最大等于可视窗口多一点?
- return Math.max(node.body[scrollProp], doc[scrollProp], node.body[offsetProp], doc[offsetProp], doc[clientProp])
- }
- return cssHooks[method + "&get"](node)
- } else {
- return this.css(method, value)
- }
- }
- avalon.fn["inner" + name] = function() {
- return cssHooks[method + ":get"](this[0], void 0, -2)
- }
- avalon.fn["outer" + name] = function(includeMargin) {
- return cssHooks[method + ":get"](this[0], void 0, includeMargin === true ? 2 : 0)
- }
- })
- avalon.fn.offset = function() { //取得距离页面左右角的坐标
- var node = this[0],
- box = {
- left: 0,
- top: 0
- }
- if (!node || !node.tagName || !node.ownerDocument) {
- return box
- }
- var doc = node.ownerDocument,
- body = doc.body,
- root = doc.documentElement,
- win = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow
- if (!avalon.contains(root, node)) {
- return box
- }
- //http://hkom.blog1.fc2.com/?mode=m&no=750 body的偏移量是不包含margin的
- //我们可以通过getBoundingClientRect来获得元素相对于client的rect.
- //http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536433.aspx
- if (node.getBoundingClientRect) {
- box = node.getBoundingClientRect() // BlackBerry 5, iOS 3 (original iPhone)
- }
- //chrome/IE6: body.scrollTop, firefox/other: root.scrollTop
- var clientTop = root.clientTop || body.clientTop,
- clientLeft = root.clientLeft || body.clientLeft,
- scrollTop = Math.max(win.pageYOffset || 0, root.scrollTop, body.scrollTop),
- scrollLeft = Math.max(win.pageXOffset || 0, root.scrollLeft, body.scrollLeft)
- // 把滚动距离加到left,top中去。
- // IE一些版本中会自动为HTML元素加上2px的border,我们需要去掉它
- // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533564(VS.85).aspx
- return {
- top: box.top + scrollTop - clientTop,
- left: box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft
- }
- }
- //==================================val相关============================
- function getValType(elem) {
- var ret = elem.tagName.toLowerCase()
- return ret === "input" && /checkbox|radio/.test(elem.type) ? "checked" : ret
- }
-var roption = /^<option(?:\s+\w+(?:\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s>]+))?)*\s+value[\s=]/i
-var valHooks = {
- "option:get": IEVersion ? function(node) {
- //在IE11及W3C,如果没有指定value,那么node.value默认为node.text(存在trim作),但IE9-10则是取innerHTML(没trim操作)
- //specified并不可靠,因此通过分析outerHTML判定用户有没有显示定义value
- return roption.test(node.outerHTML) ? node.value : node.text.trim()
- } : function(node) {
- return node.value
- },
- "select:get": function(node, value) {
- var option, options = node.options,
- index = node.selectedIndex,
- getter = valHooks["option:get"],
- one = node.type === "select-one" || index < 0,
- values = one ? null : [],
- max = one ? index + 1 : options.length,
- i = index < 0 ? max : one ? index : 0
- for (; i < max; i++) {
- option = options[i]
- //旧式IE在reset后不会改变selected,需要改用i === index判定
- //我们过滤所有disabled的option元素,但在safari5下,如果设置select为disable,那么其所有孩子都disable
- //因此当一个元素为disable,需要检测其是否显式设置了disable及其父节点的disable情况
- if ((option.selected || i === index) && !option.disabled) {
- value = getter(option)
- if (one) {
- return value
- }
- //收集所有selected值组成数组返回
- values.push(value)
- }
- }
- return values
- },
- "select:set": function(node, values, optionSet) {
- values = [].concat(values) //强制转换为数组
- var getter = valHooks["option:get"]
- for (var i = 0, el; el = node.options[i++];) {
- if ((el.selected = values.indexOf(getter(el)) > -1)) {
- optionSet = true
- }
- }
- if (!optionSet) {
- node.selectedIndex = -1
- }
- }
- * 编译系统 *
- **********************************************************************/
-var meta = {
- '\b': '\\b',
- '\t': '\\t',
- '\n': '\\n',
- '\f': '\\f',
- '\r': '\\r',
- '"': '\\"',
- '\\': '\\\\'
-var quote = window.JSON && JSON.stringify || function(str) {
- return '"' + str.replace(/[\\\"\x00-\x1f]/g, function(a) {
- var c = meta[a];
- return typeof c === 'string' ? c :
- '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
- }) + '"'
-var keywords = [
- "break,case,catch,continue,debugger,default,delete,do,else,false",
- "finally,for,function,if,in,instanceof,new,null,return,switch,this",
- "throw,true,try,typeof,var,void,while,with", /* 关键字*/
- "abstract,boolean,byte,char,class,const,double,enum,export,extends",
- "final,float,goto,implements,import,int,interface,long,native",
- "package,private,protected,public,short,static,super,synchronized",
- "throws,transient,volatile", /*保留字*/
- "arguments,let,yield,undefined" /* ECMA 5 - use strict*/].join(",")
-var rrexpstr = /\/\*[\w\W]*?\*\/|\/\/[^\n]*\n|\/\/[^\n]*$|"(?:[^"\\]|\\[\w\W])*"|'(?:[^'\\]|\\[\w\W])*'|[\s\t\n]*\.[\s\t\n]*[$\w\.]+/g
-var rsplit = /[^\w$]+/g
-var rkeywords = new RegExp(["\\b" + keywords.replace(/,/g, '\\b|\\b') + "\\b"].join('|'), 'g')
-var rnumber = /\b\d[^,]*/g
-var rcomma = /^,+|,+$/g
-var variablePool = new Cache(512)
-var getVariables = function (code) {
- var key = "," + code.trim()
- var ret = variablePool.get(key)
- if (ret) {
- return ret
- }
- var match = code
- .replace(rrexpstr, "")
- .replace(rsplit, ",")
- .replace(rkeywords, "")
- .replace(rnumber, "")
- .replace(rcomma, "")
- .split(/^$|,+/)
- return variablePool.put(key, uniqSet(match))
-function addAssign(vars, scope, name, data) {
- var ret = [],
- prefix = " = " + name + "."
- for (var i = vars.length, prop; prop = vars[--i]; ) {
- if (scope.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- ret.push(prop + prefix + prop)
- data.vars.push(prop)
- if (data.type === "duplex") {
- vars.get = name + "." + prop
- }
- vars.splice(i, 1)
- }
- }
- return ret
-function uniqSet(array) {
- var ret = [],
- unique = {}
- for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
- var el = array[i]
- var id = el && typeof el.$id === "string" ? el.$id : el
- if (!unique[id]) {
- unique[id] = ret.push(el)
- }
- }
- return ret
-var evaluatorPool = new Cache(128)
-var rduplex = /\w\[.*\]|\w\.\w/
-var rproxy = /(\$proxy\$[a-z]+)\d+$/
-var rthimRightParentheses = /\)\s*$/
-var rthimOtherParentheses = /\)\s*\|/g
-var rquoteFilterName = /\|\s*([$\w]+)/g
-var rpatchBracket = /"\s*\["/g
-var rthimLeftParentheses = /"\s*\(/g
-function parseFilter(val, filters) {
- filters = filters
- .replace(rthimRightParentheses, "")//处理最后的小括号
- .replace(rthimOtherParentheses, function () {//处理其他小括号
- return "],|"
- })
- .replace(rquoteFilterName, function (a, b) { //处理|及它后面的过滤器的名字
- return "[" + quote(b)
- })
- .replace(rpatchBracket, function () {
- return '"],["'
- })
- .replace(rthimLeftParentheses, function () {
- return '",'
- }) + "]"
- return "return avalon.filters.$filter(" + val + ", " + filters + ")"
-function parseExpr(code, scopes, data) {
- var dataType = data.type
- var filters = data.filters || ""
- var exprId = scopes.map(function (el) {
- return String(el.$id).replace(rproxy, "$1")
- }) + code + dataType + filters
- var vars = getVariables(code).concat(),
- assigns = [],
- names = [],
- args = [],
- prefix = ""
- //args 是一个对象数组, names 是将要生成的求值函数的参数
- scopes = uniqSet(scopes)
- data.vars = []
- for (var i = 0, sn = scopes.length; i < sn; i++) {
- if (vars.length) {
- var name = "vm" + expose + "_" + i
- names.push(name)
- args.push(scopes[i])
- assigns.push.apply(assigns, addAssign(vars, scopes[i], name, data))
- }
- }
- if (!assigns.length && dataType === "duplex") {
- return
- }
- if (dataType !== "duplex" && (code.indexOf("||") > -1 || code.indexOf("&&") > -1)) {
- //https://github.com/RubyLouvre/avalon/issues/583
- data.vars.forEach(function (v) {
- var reg = new RegExp("\\b" + v + "(?:\\.\\w+|\\[\\w+\\])+", "ig")
- code = code.replace(reg, function (_) {
- var c = _.charAt(v.length)
- var r = IEVersion ? code.slice(arguments[1] + _.length) : RegExp.rightContext
- var method = /^\s*\(/.test(r)
- if (c === "." || c === "[" || method) {//比如v为aa,我们只匹配aa.bb,aa[cc],不匹配aaa.xxx
- var name = "var" + String(Math.random()).replace(/^0\./, "")
- if (method) {//array.size()
- var array = _.split(".")
- if (array.length > 2) {
- var last = array.pop()
- assigns.push(name + " = " + array.join("."))
- return name + "." + last
- } else {
- return _
- }
- }
- assigns.push(name + " = " + _)
- return name
- } else {
- return _
- }
- })
- })
- }
- //---------------args----------------
- data.args = args
- //---------------cache----------------
- delete data.vars
- var fn = evaluatorPool.get(exprId) //直接从缓存,免得重复生成
- if (fn) {
- data.evaluator = fn
- return
- }
- prefix = assigns.join(", ")
- if (prefix) {
- prefix = "var " + prefix
- }
- if (/\S/.test(filters)) { //文本绑定,双工绑定才有过滤器
- if (!/text|html/.test(data.type)) {
- throw Error("ms-" + data.type + "不支持过滤器")
- }
- code = "\nvar ret" + expose + " = " + code + ";\r\n"
- code += parseFilter("ret" + expose, filters)
- } else if (dataType === "duplex") { //双工绑定
- var _body = "'use strict';\nreturn function(vvv){\n\t" +
- prefix +
- ";\n\tif(!arguments.length){\n\t\treturn " +
- code +
- "\n\t}\n\t" + (!rduplex.test(code) ? vars.get : code) +
- "= vvv;\n} "
- try {
- fn = Function.apply(noop, names.concat(_body))
- data.evaluator = evaluatorPool.put(exprId, fn)
- } catch (e) {
- log("debug: parse error," + e.message)
- }
- return
- } else if (dataType === "on") { //事件绑定
- if (code.indexOf("(") === -1) {
- code += ".call(this, $event)"
- } else {
- code = code.replace("(", ".call(this,")
- }
- names.push("$event")
- code = "\nreturn " + code + ";" //IE全家 Function("return ")出错,需要Function("return ;")
- var lastIndex = code.lastIndexOf("\nreturn")
- var header = code.slice(0, lastIndex)
- var footer = code.slice(lastIndex)
- code = header + "\n" + footer
- } else { //其他绑定
- code = "\nreturn " + code + ";" //IE全家 Function("return ")出错,需要Function("return ;")
- }
- try {
- fn = Function.apply(noop, names.concat("'use strict';\n" + prefix + code))
- data.evaluator = evaluatorPool.put(exprId, fn)
- } catch (e) {
- log("debug: parse error," + e.message)
- } finally {
- vars = assigns = names = null //释放内存
- }
-function parseExprProxy(code, scopes, data, tokens, noRegister) {
- if (Array.isArray(tokens)) {
- code = tokens.map(function (el) {
- return el.expr ? "(" + el.value + ")" : quote(el.value)
- }).join(" + ")
- }
- parseExpr(code, scopes, data)
- if (data.evaluator && !noRegister) {
- data.handler = bindingExecutors[data.handlerName || data.type]
- //方便调试
- //这里非常重要,我们通过判定视图刷新函数的element是否在DOM树决定
- //将它移出订阅者列表
- avalon.injectBinding(data)
- }
-avalon.parseExprProxy = parseExprProxy
- * 扫描系统 *
- **********************************************************************/
-avalon.scan = function(elem, vmodel) {
- elem = elem || root
- var vmodels = vmodel ? [].concat(vmodel) : []
- scanTag(elem, vmodels)
-var stopScan = oneObject("area,base,basefont,br,col,command,embed,hr,img,input,link,meta,param,source,track,wbr,noscript,script,style,textarea".toUpperCase())
-function checkScan(elem, callback, innerHTML) {
- var id = setTimeout(function() {
- var currHTML = elem.innerHTML
- clearTimeout(id)
- if (currHTML === innerHTML) {
- callback()
- } else {
- checkScan(elem, callback, currHTML)
- }
- })
-function createSignalTower(elem, vmodel) {
- var id = elem.getAttribute("avalonctrl") || vmodel.$id
- elem.setAttribute("avalonctrl", id)
- vmodel.$events.expr = elem.tagName + '[avalonctrl="' + id + '"]'
-var getBindingCallback = function(elem, name, vmodels) {
- var callback = elem.getAttribute(name)
- if (callback) {
- for (var i = 0, vm; vm = vmodels[i++]; ) {
- if (vm.hasOwnProperty(callback) && typeof vm[callback] === "function") {
- return vm[callback]
- }
- }
- }
-function executeBindings(bindings, vmodels) {
- for (var i = 0, data; data = bindings[i++]; ) {
- data.vmodels = vmodels
- bindingHandlers[data.type](data, vmodels)
- if (data.evaluator && data.element && data.element.nodeType === 1) { //移除数据绑定,防止被二次解析
- //chrome使用removeAttributeNode移除不存在的特性节点时会报错 https://github.com/RubyLouvre/avalon/issues/99
- data.element.removeAttribute(data.name)
- }
- }
- bindings.length = 0
-var mergeTextNodes = IEVersion && window.MutationObserver ? function (elem) {
- var node = elem.firstChild, text
- while (node) {
- var aaa = node.nextSibling
- if (node.nodeType === 3) {
- if (text) {
- text.nodeValue += node.nodeValue
- elem.removeChild(node)
- } else {
- text = node
- }
- } else {
- text = null
- }
- node = aaa
- }
-} : 0
-var roneTime = /^\s*::/
-var rmsAttr = /ms-(\w+)-?(.*)/
-var priorityMap = {
- "if": 10,
- "repeat": 90,
- "data": 100,
- "widget": 110,
- "each": 1400,
- "with": 1500,
- "duplex": 2000,
- "on": 3000
-var events = oneObject("animationend,blur,change,input,click,dblclick,focus,keydown,keypress,keyup,mousedown,mouseenter,mouseleave,mousemove,mouseout,mouseover,mouseup,scan,scroll,submit")
-var obsoleteAttrs = oneObject("value,title,alt,checked,selected,disabled,readonly,enabled")
-function bindingSorter(a, b) {
- return a.priority - b.priority
-function scanAttr(elem, vmodels, match) {
- var scanNode = true
- if (vmodels.length) {
- var attributes = getAttributes ? getAttributes(elem) : elem.attributes
- var bindings = []
- var fixAttrs = []
- var msData = {}
- for (var i = 0, attr; attr = attributes[i++]; ) {
- if (attr.specified) {
- if (match = attr.name.match(rmsAttr)) {
- //如果是以指定前缀命名的
- var type = match[1]
- var param = match[2] || ""
- var value = attr.value
- var name = attr.name
- if (events[type]) {
- param = type
- type = "on"
- } else if (obsoleteAttrs[type]) {
- if (type === "enabled") {//吃掉ms-enabled绑定,用ms-disabled代替
- log("warning!ms-enabled或ms-attr-enabled已经被废弃")
- type = "disabled"
- value = "!(" + value + ")"
- }
- param = type
- type = "attr"
- name = "ms-" + type + "-"+ param
- fixAttrs.push([attr.name, name, value])
- }
- msData[name] = value
- if (typeof bindingHandlers[type] === "function") {
- var newValue = value.replace(roneTime, "")
- var oneTime = value !== newValue
- var binding = {
- type: type,
- param: param,
- element: elem,
- name: name,
- value: newValue,
- oneTime: oneTime,
- uuid: name+"-"+getUid(elem),
- //chrome与firefox下Number(param)得到的值不一样 #855
- priority: (priorityMap[type] || type.charCodeAt(0) * 10 )+ (Number(param.replace(/\D/g, "")) || 0)
- }
- if (type === "html" || type === "text") {
- var token = getToken(value)
- avalon.mix(binding, token)
- binding.filters = binding.filters.replace(rhasHtml, function () {
- binding.type = "html"
- binding.group = 1
- return ""
- })// jshint ignore:line
- } else if (type === "duplex") {
- var hasDuplex = name
- } else if (name === "ms-if-loop") {
- binding.priority += 100
- }
- bindings.push(binding)
- if (type === "widget") {
- elem.msData = elem.msData || msData
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (bindings.length) {
- bindings.sort(bindingSorter)
- fixAttrs.forEach(function (arr) {
- log("warning!请改用" + arr[1] + "代替" + arr[0] + "!")
- elem.removeAttribute(arr[0])
- elem.setAttribute(arr[1], arr[2])
- })
- //http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/7071
- //在IE下对VML读取type属性,会让此元素所有属性都变成<Failed>
- if (hasDuplex) {
- if (msData["ms-attr-checked"]) {
- log("warning!一个控件不能同时定义ms-attr-checked与" + hasDuplex)
- }
- if (msData["ms-attr-value"]) {
- log("warning!一个控件不能同时定义ms-attr-value与" + hasDuplex)
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; binding = bindings[i]; i++) {
- type = binding.type
- if (rnoscanAttrBinding.test(type)) {
- return executeBindings(bindings.slice(0, i + 1), vmodels)
- } else if (scanNode) {
- scanNode = !rnoscanNodeBinding.test(type)
- }
- }
- executeBindings(bindings, vmodels)
- }
- }
- if (scanNode && !stopScan[elem.tagName] && rbind.test(elem.innerHTML.replace(rlt, "<").replace(rgt, ">"))) {
- mergeTextNodes && mergeTextNodes(elem)
- scanNodeList(elem, vmodels) //扫描子孙元素
- }
-var rnoscanAttrBinding = /^if|widget|repeat$/
-var rnoscanNodeBinding = /^each|with|html|include$/
-if (!"1" [0]) {
- var attrPool = new Cache(512)
- var rattrs = /\s+(ms-[^=\s]+)(?:=("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s>]+))?/g,
- rquote = /^['"]/,
- rtag = /<\w+\b(?:(["'])[^"]*?(\1)|[^>])*>/i,
- ramp = /&amp;/g
- //IE6-8解析HTML5新标签,会将它分解两个元素节点与一个文本节点
- //<body><section>ddd</section></body>
- // window.onload = function() {
- // var body = document.body
- // for (var i = 0, el; el = body.children[i++]; ) {
- // avalon.log(el.outerHTML)
- // }
- // }
- //依次输出<SECTION>, </SECTION>
- var getAttributes = function (elem) {
- var html = elem.outerHTML
- //处理IE6-8解析HTML5新标签的情况,及<br>等半闭合标签outerHTML为空的情况
- if (html.slice(0, 2) === "</" || !html.trim()) {
- return []
- }
- var str = html.match(rtag)[0]
- var attributes = [],
- match,
- k, v
- var ret = attrPool.get(str)
- if (ret) {
- return ret
- }
- while (k = rattrs.exec(str)) {
- v = k[2]
- if (v) {
- v = (rquote.test(v) ? v.slice(1, -1) : v).replace(ramp, "&")
- }
- var name = k[1].toLowerCase()
- match = name.match(rmsAttr)
- var binding = {
- name: name,
- specified: true,
- value: v || ""
- }
- attributes.push(binding)
- }
- return attrPool.put(str, attributes)
- }
-function scanNodeList(parent, vmodels) {
- var nodes = avalon.slice(parent.childNodes)
- scanNodeArray(nodes, vmodels)
-function scanNodeArray(nodes, vmodels) {
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i++];) {
- switch (node.nodeType) {
- case 1:
- scanTag(node, vmodels) //扫描元素节点
- if (node.msCallback) {
- node.msCallback()
- node.msCallback = void 0
- }
- break
- case 3:
- if(rexpr.test(node.nodeValue)){
- scanText(node, vmodels, i) //扫描文本节点
- }
- break
- }
- }
-function scanTag(elem, vmodels, node) {
- //扫描顺序 ms-skip(0) --> ms-important(1) --> ms-controller(2) --> ms-if(10) --> ms-repeat(100)
- //--> ms-if-loop(110) --> ms-attr(970) ...--> ms-each(1400)-->ms-with(1500)--〉ms-duplex(2000)垫后
- var a = elem.getAttribute("ms-skip")
- //#360 在旧式IE中 Object标签在引入Flash等资源时,可能出现没有getAttributeNode,innerHTML的情形
- if (!elem.getAttributeNode) {
- return log("warning " + elem.tagName + " no getAttributeNode method")
- }
- var b = elem.getAttributeNode("ms-important")
- var c = elem.getAttributeNode("ms-controller")
- if (typeof a === "string") {
- return
- } else if (node = b || c) {
- var newVmodel = avalon.vmodels[node.value]
- if (!newVmodel) {
- return
- }
- //ms-important不包含父VM,ms-controller相反
- vmodels = node === b ? [newVmodel] : [newVmodel].concat(vmodels)
- var name = node.name
- elem.removeAttribute(name) //removeAttributeNode不会刷新[ms-controller]样式规则
- avalon(elem).removeClass(name)
- createSignalTower(elem, newVmodel)
- }
- scanAttr(elem, vmodels) //扫描特性节点
-var rhasHtml = /\|\s*html(?:\b|$)/,
- r11a = /\|\|/g,
- rlt = /&lt;/g,
- rgt = /&gt;/g,
- rstringLiteral = /(['"])(\\\1|.)+?\1/g
-function getToken(value) {
- if (value.indexOf("|") > 0) {
- var scapegoat = value.replace(rstringLiteral, function (_) {
- return Array(_.length + 1).join("1")// jshint ignore:line
- })
- var index = scapegoat.replace(r11a, "\u1122\u3344").indexOf("|") //干掉所有短路或
- if (index > -1) {
- return {
- filters: value.slice(index),
- value: value.slice(0, index),
- expr: true
- }
- }
- }
- return {
- value: value,
- filters: "",
- expr: true
- }
-function scanExpr(str) {
- var tokens = [],
- value, start = 0,
- stop
- do {
- stop = str.indexOf(openTag, start)
- if (stop === -1) {
- break
- }
- value = str.slice(start, stop)
- if (value) { // {{ 左边的文本
- tokens.push({
- value: value,
- filters: "",
- expr: false
- })
- }
- start = stop + openTag.length
- stop = str.indexOf(closeTag, start)
- if (stop === -1) {
- break
- }
- value = str.slice(start, stop)
- if (value) { //处理{{ }}插值表达式
- tokens.push(getToken(value, start))
- }
- start = stop + closeTag.length
- } while (1)
- value = str.slice(start)
- if (value) { //}} 右边的文本
- tokens.push({
- value: value,
- expr: false,
- filters: ""
- })
- }
- return tokens
-function scanText(textNode, vmodels, index) {
- var bindings = []
- tokens = scanExpr(textNode.data)
- if (tokens.length) {
- for (var i = 0; token = tokens[i++]; ) {
- var node = DOC.createTextNode(token.value) //将文本转换为文本节点,并替换原来的文本节点
- if (token.expr) {
- token.value = token.value.replace(roneTime, function () {
- token.oneTime = true
- return ""
- })
- token.type = "text"
- token.element = node
- token.filters = token.filters.replace(rhasHtml, function (a, b,c) {
- token.type = "html"
- return ""
- })// jshint ignore:line
- token.pos = index * 1000 + i
- bindings.push(token) //收集带有插值表达式的文本
- }
- avalonFragment.appendChild(node)
- }
- textNode.parentNode.replaceChild(avalonFragment, textNode)
- if (bindings.length)
- executeBindings(bindings, vmodels)
- }
-var bools = ["autofocus,autoplay,async,allowTransparency,checked,controls",
- "declare,disabled,defer,defaultChecked,defaultSelected",
- "contentEditable,isMap,loop,multiple,noHref,noResize,noShade",
- "open,readOnly,selected"
-var boolMap = {}
-bools.replace(rword, function(name) {
- boolMap[name.toLowerCase()] = name
-var propMap = { //属性名映射
- "accept-charset": "acceptCharset",
- "char": "ch",
- "charoff": "chOff",
- "class": "className",
- "for": "htmlFor",
- "http-equiv": "httpEquiv"
-var anomaly = ["accessKey,bgColor,cellPadding,cellSpacing,codeBase,codeType,colSpan",
- "dateTime,defaultValue,frameBorder,longDesc,maxLength,marginWidth,marginHeight",
- "rowSpan,tabIndex,useMap,vSpace,valueType,vAlign"
-anomaly.replace(rword, function(name) {
- propMap[name.toLowerCase()] = name
-var rnoscripts = /<noscript.*?>(?:[\s\S]+?)<\/noscript>/img
-var rnoscriptText = /<noscript.*?>([\s\S]+?)<\/noscript>/im
-var getXHR = function() {
- return new(window.XMLHttpRequest || ActiveXObject)("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") // jshint ignore:line
-var templatePool = avalon.templateCache = {}
-bindingHandlers.attr = function(data, vmodels) {
- var text = data.value.trim(),
- simple = true
- if (text.indexOf(openTag) > -1 && text.indexOf(closeTag) > 2) {
- simple = false
- if (rexpr.test(text) && RegExp.rightContext === "" && RegExp.leftContext === "") {
- simple = true
- text = RegExp.$1
- }
- }
- if (data.type === "include") {
- var elem = data.element
- data.includeRendered = getBindingCallback(elem, "data-include-rendered", vmodels)
- data.includeLoaded = getBindingCallback(elem, "data-include-loaded", vmodels)
- var outer = data.includeReplace = !! avalon(elem).data("includeReplace")
- if (avalon(elem).data("includeCache")) {
- data.templateCache = {}
- }
- data.startInclude = DOC.createComment("ms-include")
- data.endInclude = DOC.createComment("ms-include-end")
- if (outer) {
- data.element = data.startInclude
- elem.parentNode.insertBefore(data.startInclude, elem)
- elem.parentNode.insertBefore(data.endInclude, elem.nextSibling)
- } else {
- elem.insertBefore(data.startInclude, elem.firstChild)
- elem.appendChild(data.endInclude)
- }
- }
- data.handlerName = "attr" //handleName用于处理多种绑定共用同一种bindingExecutor的情况
- parseExprProxy(text, vmodels, data, (simple ? 0 : scanExpr(data.value)))
-bindingExecutors.attr = function(val, elem, data) {
- var method = data.type,
- attrName = data.param
- if (method === "css") {
- avalon(elem).css(attrName, val)
- } else if (method === "attr") {
- // ms-attr-class="xxx" vm.xxx="aaa bbb ccc"将元素的className设置为aaa bbb ccc
- // ms-attr-class="xxx" vm.xxx=false 清空元素的所有类名
- // ms-attr-name="yyy" vm.yyy="ooo" 为元素设置name属性
- var toRemove = (val === false) || (val === null) || (val === void 0)
- if (!W3C && propMap[attrName]) { //旧式IE下需要进行名字映射
- attrName = propMap[attrName]
- }
- var bool = boolMap[attrName]
- if (typeof elem[bool] === "boolean") {
- elem[bool] = !! val //布尔属性必须使用el.xxx = true|false方式设值
- if (!val) { //如果为false, IE全系列下相当于setAttribute(xxx,''),会影响到样式,需要进一步处理
- toRemove = true
- }
- }
- if (toRemove) {
- return elem.removeAttribute(attrName)
- }
- //SVG只能使用setAttribute(xxx, yyy), VML只能使用elem.xxx = yyy ,HTML的固有属性必须elem.xxx = yyy
- var isInnate = rsvg.test(elem) ? false : (DOC.namespaces && isVML(elem)) ? true : attrName in elem.cloneNode(false)
- if (isInnate) {
- elem[attrName] = val+""
- } else {
- elem.setAttribute(attrName, val)
- }
- } else if (method === "include" && val) {
- var vmodels = data.vmodels
- var rendered = data.includeRendered
- var loaded = data.includeLoaded
- var replace = data.includeReplace
- var target = replace ? elem.parentNode : elem
- var scanTemplate = function(text) {
- if (loaded) {
- var newText = loaded.apply(target, [text].concat(vmodels))
- if (typeof newText === "string")
- text = newText
- }
- if (rendered) {
- checkScan(target, function() {
- rendered.call(target)
- }, NaN)
- }
- var lastID = data.includeLastID
- if (data.templateCache && lastID && lastID !== val) {
- var lastTemplate = data.templateCache[lastID]
- if (!lastTemplate) {
- lastTemplate = data.templateCache[lastID] = DOC.createElement("div")
- ifGroup.appendChild(lastTemplate)
- }
- }
- data.includeLastID = val
- while (true) {
- var node = data.startInclude.nextSibling
- if (node && node !== data.endInclude) {
- target.removeChild(node)
- if (lastTemplate)
- lastTemplate.appendChild(node)
- } else {
- break
- }
- }
- var dom = getTemplateNodes(data, val, text)
- var nodes = avalon.slice(dom.childNodes)
- target.insertBefore(dom, data.endInclude)
- scanNodeArray(nodes, vmodels)
- }
- if (data.param === "src") {
- if (typeof templatePool[val] === "string") {
- avalon.nextTick(function() {
- scanTemplate(templatePool[val])
- })
- } else if (Array.isArray(templatePool[val])) { //#805 防止在循环绑定中发出许多相同的请求
- templatePool[val].push(scanTemplate)
- } else {
- var xhr = getXHR()
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
- if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
- var s = xhr.status
- if (s >= 200 && s < 300 || s === 304 || s === 1223) {
- var text = xhr.responseText
- for (var f = 0, fn; fn = templatePool[val][f++];) {
- fn(text)
- }
- templatePool[val] = text
- }
- }
- }
- templatePool[val] = [scanTemplate]
- xhr.open("GET", val, true)
- if ("withCredentials" in xhr) {
- xhr.withCredentials = true
- }
- xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
- xhr.send(null)
- }
- } else {
- //IE系列与够新的标准浏览器支持通过ID取得元素(firefox14+)
- //http://tjvantoll.com/2012/07/19/dom-element-references-as-global-variables/
- var el = val && val.nodeType === 1 ? val : DOC.getElementById(val)
- if (el) {
- if (el.tagName === "NOSCRIPT" && !(el.innerHTML || el.fixIE78)) { //IE7-8 innerText,innerHTML都无法取得其内容,IE6能取得其innerHTML
- xhr = getXHR() //IE9-11与chrome的innerHTML会得到转义的内容,它们的innerText可以
- xhr.open("GET", location, false) //谢谢Nodejs 乱炖群 深圳-纯属虚构
- xhr.send(null)
- //http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390349046?page=1#post-393492653
- var noscripts = DOC.getElementsByTagName("noscript")
- var array = (xhr.responseText || "").match(rnoscripts) || []
- var n = array.length
- for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- var tag = noscripts[i]
- if (tag) { //IE6-8中noscript标签的innerHTML,innerText是只读的
- tag.style.display = "none" //http://haslayout.net/css/noscript-Ghost-Bug
- tag.fixIE78 = (array[i].match(rnoscriptText) || ["", "&nbsp;"])[1]
- }
- }
- }
- avalon.nextTick(function() {
- scanTemplate(el.fixIE78 || el.value || el.innerText || el.innerHTML)
- })
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (!root.hasAttribute && typeof val === "string" && (method === "src" || method === "href")) {
- val = val.replace(/&amp;/g, "&") //处理IE67自动转义的问题
- }
- elem[method] = val
- if (window.chrome && elem.tagName === "EMBED") {
- var parent = elem.parentNode //#525 chrome1-37下embed标签动态设置src不能发生请求
- var comment = document.createComment("ms-src")
- parent.replaceChild(comment, elem)
- parent.replaceChild(elem, comment)
- }
- }
-function getTemplateNodes(data, id, text) {
- var div = data.templateCache && data.templateCache[id]
- if (div) {
- var dom = DOC.createDocumentFragment(),
- firstChild
- while (firstChild = div.firstChild) {
- dom.appendChild(firstChild)
- }
- return dom
- }
- return avalon.parseHTML(text)
-"title,alt,src,value,css,include,href".replace(rword, function(name) {
- bindingHandlers[name] = bindingHandlers.attr
-//根据VM的属性值或表达式的值切换类名,ms-class="xxx yyy zzz:flag"
-bindingHandlers["class"] = function(data, vmodels) {
- var oldStyle = data.param,
- text = data.value,
- rightExpr
- data.handlerName = "class"
- if (!oldStyle || isFinite(oldStyle)) {
- data.param = "" //去掉数字
- var noExpr = text.replace(rexprg, function(a) {
- return a.replace(/./g, "0")
- //return Math.pow(10, a.length - 1) //将插值表达式插入10的N-1次方来占位
- })
- var colonIndex = noExpr.indexOf(":") //取得第一个冒号的位置
- if (colonIndex === -1) { // 比如 ms-class="aaa bbb ccc" 的情况
- var className = text
- } else { // 比如 ms-class-1="ui-state-active:checked" 的情况
- className = text.slice(0, colonIndex)
- rightExpr = text.slice(colonIndex + 1)
- parseExpr(rightExpr, vmodels, data) //决定是添加还是删除
- if (!data.evaluator) {
- log("debug: ms-class '" + (rightExpr || "").trim() + "' 不存在于VM中")
- return false
- } else {
- data._evaluator = data.evaluator
- data._args = data.args
- }
- }
- var hasExpr = rexpr.test(className) //比如ms-class="width{{w}}"的情况
- if (!hasExpr) {
- data.immobileClass = className
- }
- parseExprProxy("", vmodels, data, (hasExpr ? scanExpr(className) : 0))
- } else {
- data.immobileClass = data.oldStyle = data.param
- parseExprProxy(text, vmodels, data)
- }
-bindingExecutors["class"] = function(val, elem, data) {
- var $elem = avalon(elem),
- method = data.type
- if (method === "class" && data.oldStyle) { //如果是旧风格
- $elem.toggleClass(data.oldStyle, !! val)
- } else {
- //如果存在冒号就有求值函数
- data.toggleClass = data._evaluator ? !! data._evaluator.apply(elem, data._args) : true
- data.newClass = data.immobileClass || val
- if (data.oldClass && data.newClass !== data.oldClass) {
- $elem.removeClass(data.oldClass)
- }
- data.oldClass = data.newClass
- switch (method) {
- case "class":
- $elem.toggleClass(data.newClass, data.toggleClass)
- break
- case "hover":
- case "active":
- if (!data.hasBindEvent) { //确保只绑定一次
- var activate = "mouseenter" //在移出移入时切换类名
- var abandon = "mouseleave"
- if (method === "active") { //在聚焦失焦中切换类名
- elem.tabIndex = elem.tabIndex || -1
- activate = "mousedown"
- abandon = "mouseup"
- var fn0 = $elem.bind("mouseleave", function() {
- data.toggleClass && $elem.removeClass(data.newClass)
- })
- }
- var fn1 = $elem.bind(activate, function() {
- data.toggleClass && $elem.addClass(data.newClass)
- })
- var fn2 = $elem.bind(abandon, function() {
- data.toggleClass && $elem.removeClass(data.newClass)
- })
- data.rollback = function() {
- $elem.unbind("mouseleave", fn0)
- $elem.unbind(activate, fn1)
- $elem.unbind(abandon, fn2)
- }
- data.hasBindEvent = true
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-"hover,active".replace(rword, function(method) {
- bindingHandlers[method] = bindingHandlers["class"]
-//ms-controller绑定已经在scanTag 方法中实现
-// bindingHandlers.data 定义在if.js
-bindingExecutors.data = function(val, elem, data) {
- var key = "data-" + data.param
- if (val && typeof val === "object") {
- elem[key] = val
- } else {
- elem.setAttribute(key, String(val))
- }
-var duplexBinding = bindingHandlers.duplex = function(data, vmodels) {
- var elem = data.element,
- hasCast
- parseExprProxy(data.value, vmodels, data, 0, 1)
- data.changed = getBindingCallback(elem, "data-duplex-changed", vmodels) || noop
- if (data.evaluator && data.args) {
- var params = []
- var casting = oneObject("string,number,boolean,checked")
- if (elem.type === "radio" && data.param === "") {
- data.param = "checked"
- }
- if (elem.msData) {
- elem.msData["ms-duplex"] = data.value
- }
- data.param.replace(/\w+/g, function(name) {
- if (/^(checkbox|radio)$/.test(elem.type) && /^(radio|checked)$/.test(name)) {
- if (name === "radio")
- log("ms-duplex-radio已经更名为ms-duplex-checked")
- name = "checked"
- data.isChecked = true
- }
- if (name === "bool") {
- name = "boolean"
- log("ms-duplex-bool已经更名为ms-duplex-boolean")
- } else if (name === "text") {
- name = "string"
- log("ms-duplex-text已经更名为ms-duplex-string")
- }
- if (casting[name]) {
- hasCast = true
- }
- avalon.Array.ensure(params, name)
- })
- if (!hasCast) {
- params.push("string")
- }
- data.param = params.join("-")
- data.bound = function(type, callback) {
- if (elem.addEventListener) {
- elem.addEventListener(type, callback, false)
- } else {
- elem.attachEvent("on" + type, callback)
- }
- var old = data.rollback
- data.rollback = function() {
- elem.avalonSetter = null
- avalon.unbind(elem, type, callback)
- old && old()
- }
- }
- for (var i in avalon.vmodels) {
- var v = avalon.vmodels[i]
- v.$fire("avalon-ms-duplex-init", data)
- }
- var cpipe = data.pipe || (data.pipe = pipe)
- cpipe(null, data, "init")
- var tagName = elem.tagName
- duplexBinding[tagName] && duplexBinding[tagName](elem, data.evaluator.apply(null, data.args), data)
- }
-//不存在 bindingExecutors.duplex
- function fixNull(val) {
- return val == null ? "" : val
- }
-avalon.duplexHooks = {
- checked: {
- get: function(val, data) {
- return !data.element.oldValue
- }
- },
- string: {
- get: function(val) { //同步到VM
- return val
- },
- set: fixNull
- },
- "boolean": {
- get: function(val) {
- return val === "true"
- },
- set: fixNull
- },
- number: {
- get: function(val, data) {
- var number = parseFloat(val)
- if (-val === -number) {
- return number
- }
- var arr = /strong|medium|weak/.exec(data.element.getAttribute("data-duplex-number")) || ["medium"]
- switch (arr[0]) {
- case "strong":
- return 0
- case "medium":
- return val === "" ? "" : 0
- case "weak":
- return val
- }
- },
- set: fixNull
- }
-function pipe(val, data, action, e) {
- data.param.replace(/\w+/g, function(name) {
- var hook = avalon.duplexHooks[name]
- if (hook && typeof hook[action] === "function") {
- val = hook[action](val, data)
- }
- })
- return val
-var TimerID, ribbon = []
- avalon.tick = function(fn) {
- if (ribbon.push(fn) === 1) {
- TimerID = setInterval(ticker, 60)
- }
- }
- function ticker() {
- for (var n = ribbon.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
- var el = ribbon[n]
- if (el() === false) {
- ribbon.splice(n, 1)
- }
- }
- if (!ribbon.length) {
- clearInterval(TimerID)
- }
- }
-var watchValueInTimer = noop
-var rmsinput = /text|password|hidden/
-new function() { // jshint ignore:line
- try { //#272 IE9-IE11, firefox
- var setters = {}
- var aproto = HTMLInputElement.prototype
- var bproto = HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype
- function newSetter(value) { // jshint ignore:line
- setters[this.tagName].call(this, value)
- if (rmsinput.test(this.type) && !this.msFocus && this.avalonSetter) {
- this.avalonSetter()
- }
- }
- var inputProto = HTMLInputElement.prototype
- Object.getOwnPropertyNames(inputProto) //故意引发IE6-8等浏览器报错
- setters["INPUT"] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(aproto, "value").set
- Object.defineProperty(aproto, "value", {
- set: newSetter
- })
- setters["TEXTAREA"] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(bproto, "value").set
- Object.defineProperty(bproto, "value", {
- set: newSetter
- })
- } catch (e) {
- //在chrome 43中 ms-duplex终于不需要使用定时器实现双向绑定了
- // http://updates.html5rocks.com/2015/04/DOM-attributes-now-on-the-prototype
- // https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jwA8mtClwxI-QJuHT7872Z0pxpZz8PBkf2bGAbsUtqs/edit?pli=1
- watchValueInTimer = avalon.tick
- }
-} // jshint ignore:line
-if (IEVersion) {
- avalon.bind(DOC, "selectionchange", function(e) {
- var el = DOC.activeElement
- if (el && typeof el.avalonSetter === "function") {
- el.avalonSetter()
- }
- })
-//处理radio, checkbox, text, textarea, password
-duplexBinding.INPUT = function(element, evaluator, data) {
- var $type = element.type,
- bound = data.bound,
- $elem = avalon(element),
- composing = false
- function callback(value) {
- data.changed.call(this, value, data)
- }
- function compositionStart() {
- composing = true
- }
- function compositionEnd() {
- composing = false
- }
- //当value变化时改变model的值
- var updateVModel = function() {
- if (composing) //处理中文输入法在minlengh下引发的BUG
- return
- var val = element.oldValue = element.value //防止递归调用形成死循环
- var lastValue = data.pipe(val, data, "get")
- if ($elem.data("duplexObserve") !== false) {
- evaluator(lastValue)
- callback.call(element, lastValue)
- if ($elem.data("duplex-focus")) {
- avalon.nextTick(function() {
- element.focus()
- })
- }
- }
- }
- //当model变化时,它就会改变value的值
- data.handler = function() {
- var val = data.pipe(evaluator(), data, "set") + "" //fix #673
- if (val !== element.oldValue) {
- element.value = val
- }
- }
- if (data.isChecked || $type === "radio") {
- var IE6 = IEVersion === 6
- updateVModel = function() {
- if ($elem.data("duplexObserve") !== false) {
- var lastValue = data.pipe(element.value, data, "get")
- evaluator(lastValue)
- callback.call(element, lastValue)
- }
- }
- data.handler = function() {
- var val = evaluator()
- var checked = data.isChecked ? !! val : val + "" === element.value
- element.oldValue = checked
- if (IE6) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- //IE8 checkbox, radio是使用defaultChecked控制选中状态,
- //并且要先设置defaultChecked后设置checked
- //并且必须设置延迟
- element.defaultChecked = checked
- element.checked = checked
- }, 31)
- } else {
- element.checked = checked
- }
- }
- bound("click", updateVModel)
- } else if ($type === "checkbox") {
- updateVModel = function() {
- if ($elem.data("duplexObserve") !== false) {
- var method = element.checked ? "ensure" : "remove"
- var array = evaluator()
- if (!Array.isArray(array)) {
- log("ms-duplex应用于checkbox上要对应一个数组")
- array = [array]
- }
- var val = data.pipe(element.value, data, "get")
- avalon.Array[method](array, val)
- callback.call(element, array)
- }
- }
- data.handler = function() {
- var array = [].concat(evaluator()) //强制转换为数组
- var val = data.pipe(element.value, data, "get")
- element.checked = array.indexOf(val) > -1
- }
- bound(W3C ? "change" : "click", updateVModel)
- } else {
- var events = element.getAttribute("data-duplex-event") || "input"
- if (element.attributes["data-event"]) {
- log("data-event指令已经废弃,请改用data-duplex-event")
- }
- function delay(e) { // jshint ignore:line
- setTimeout(function() {
- updateVModel(e)
- })
- }
- events.replace(rword, function(name) {
- switch (name) {
- case "input":
- if (!IEVersion) { // W3C
- bound("input", updateVModel)
- //非IE浏览器才用这个
- bound("compositionstart", compositionStart)
- bound("compositionend", compositionEnd)
- bound("DOMAutoComplete", updateVModel)
- } else { //onpropertychange事件无法区分是程序触发还是用户触发
- // IE下通过selectionchange事件监听IE9+点击input右边的X的清空行为,及粘贴,剪切,删除行为
- if (IEVersion > 8) {
- bound("input", updateVModel) //IE9使用propertychange无法监听中文输入改动
- } else {
- bound("propertychange", function(e) { //IE6-8下第一次修改时不会触发,需要使用keydown或selectionchange修正
- if (e.propertyName === "value") {
- updateVModel()
- }
- })
- }
- bound("dragend", delay)
- //http://www.cnblogs.com/rubylouvre/archive/2013/02/17/2914604.html
- //http://www.matts411.com/post/internet-explorer-9-oninput/
- }
- break
- default:
- bound(name, updateVModel)
- break
- }
- })
- bound("focus", function() {
- element.msFocus = true
- })
- bound("blur", function() {
- element.msFocus = false
- })
- if (rmsinput.test($type)) {
- watchValueInTimer(function() {
- if (root.contains(element)) {
- if (!element.msFocus && element.oldValue !== element.value) {
- updateVModel()
- }
- } else if (!element.msRetain) {
- return false
- }
- })
- }
- element.avalonSetter = updateVModel //#765
- }
- element.oldValue = element.value
- avalon.injectBinding(data)
- callback.call(element, element.value)
-duplexBinding.TEXTAREA = duplexBinding.INPUT
-duplexBinding.SELECT = function(element, evaluator, data) {
- var $elem = avalon(element)
- function updateVModel() {
- if ($elem.data("duplexObserve") !== false) {
- var val = $elem.val() //字符串或字符串数组
- if (Array.isArray(val)) {
- val = val.map(function(v) {
- return data.pipe(v, data, "get")
- })
- } else {
- val = data.pipe(val, data, "get")
- }
- if (val + "" !== element.oldValue) {
- evaluator(val)
- }
- data.changed.call(element, val, data)
- }
- }
- data.handler = function() {
- var val = evaluator()
- val = val && val.$model || val
- if (Array.isArray(val)) {
- if (!element.multiple) {
- log("ms-duplex在<select multiple=true>上要求对应一个数组")
- }
- } else {
- if (element.multiple) {
- log("ms-duplex在<select multiple=false>不能对应一个数组")
- }
- }
- //必须变成字符串后才能比较
- val = Array.isArray(val) ? val.map(String) : val + ""
- if (val + "" !== element.oldValue) {
- $elem.val(val)
- element.oldValue = val + ""
- }
- }
- data.bound("change", updateVModel)
- element.msCallback = function() {
- avalon.injectBinding(data)
- data.changed.call(element, evaluator(), data)
- }
-// bindingHandlers.html 定义在if.js
-bindingExecutors.html = function (val, elem, data) {
- var isHtmlFilter = elem.nodeType !== 1
- var parent = isHtmlFilter ? elem.parentNode : elem
- if (!parent)
- return
- val = val == null ? "" : val
- if (data.oldText !== val) {
- data.oldText = val
- } else {
- return
- }
- if (elem.nodeType === 3) {
- var signature = generateID("html")
- parent.insertBefore(DOC.createComment(signature), elem)
- data.element = DOC.createComment(signature + ":end")
- parent.replaceChild(data.element, elem)
- elem = data.element
- }
- if (typeof val !== "object") {//string, number, boolean
- var fragment = avalon.parseHTML(String(val))
- } else if (val.nodeType === 11) { //将val转换为文档碎片
- fragment = val
- } else if (val.nodeType === 1 || val.item) {
- var nodes = val.nodeType === 1 ? val.childNodes : val.item
- fragment = avalonFragment.cloneNode(true)
- while (nodes[0]) {
- fragment.appendChild(nodes[0])
- }
- }
- nodes = avalon.slice(fragment.childNodes)
- //插入占位符, 如果是过滤器,需要有节制地移除指定的数量,如果是html指令,直接清空
- if (isHtmlFilter) {
- var endValue = elem.nodeValue.slice(0, -4)
- while (true) {
- var node = elem.previousSibling
- if (!node || node.nodeType === 8 && node.nodeValue === endValue) {
- break
- } else {
- parent.removeChild(node)
- }
- }
- parent.insertBefore(fragment, elem)
- } else {
- avalon.clearHTML(elem).appendChild(fragment)
- }
- scanNodeArray(nodes, data.vmodels)
-bindingHandlers["if"] =
- bindingHandlers.data =
- bindingHandlers.text =
- bindingHandlers.html =
- function(data, vmodels) {
- parseExprProxy(data.value, vmodels, data)
-bindingExecutors["if"] = function(val, elem, data) {
- try {
- if(!elem.parentNode) return
- } catch(e) {return}
- if (val) { //插回DOM树
- if (elem.nodeType === 8) {
- elem.parentNode.replaceChild(data.template, elem)
- // animate.enter(data.template, elem.parentNode)
- elem = data.element = data.template //这时可能为null
- }
- if (elem.getAttribute(data.name)) {
- elem.removeAttribute(data.name)
- scanAttr(elem, data.vmodels)
- }
- data.rollback = null
- } else { //移出DOM树,并用注释节点占据原位置
- if (elem.nodeType === 1) {
- var node = data.element = DOC.createComment("ms-if")
- elem.parentNode.replaceChild(node, elem)
- // animate.leave(elem, node.parentNode, node)
- data.template = elem //元素节点
- ifGroup.appendChild(elem)
- data.rollback = function() {
- if (elem.parentNode === ifGroup) {
- ifGroup.removeChild(elem)
- }
- }
- }
- }
-//ms-important绑定已经在scanTag 方法中实现
-var rdash = /\(([^)]*)\)/
-bindingHandlers.on = function(data, vmodels) {
- var value = data.value
- data.type = "on"
- var eventType = data.param.replace(/-\d+$/, "") // ms-on-mousemove-10
- if (typeof bindingHandlers.on[eventType + "Hook"] === "function") {
- bindingHandlers.on[eventType + "Hook"](data)
- }
- if (value.indexOf("(") > 0 && value.indexOf(")") > -1) {
- var matched = (value.match(rdash) || ["", ""])[1].trim()
- if (matched === "" || matched === "$event") { // aaa() aaa($event)当成aaa处理
- value = value.replace(rdash, "")
- }
- }
- parseExprProxy(value, vmodels, data)
-bindingExecutors.on = function(callback, elem, data) {
- callback = function(e) {
- var fn = data.evaluator || noop
- return fn.apply(this, data.args.concat(e))
- }
- var eventType = data.param.replace(/-\d+$/, "") // ms-on-mousemove-10
- if (eventType === "scan") {
- callback.call(elem, {
- type: eventType
- })
- } else if (typeof data.specialBind === "function") {
- data.specialBind(elem, callback)
- } else {
- var removeFn = avalon.bind(elem, eventType, callback)
- }
- data.rollback = function() {
- if (typeof data.specialUnbind === "function") {
- data.specialUnbind()
- } else {
- avalon.unbind(elem, eventType, removeFn)
- }
- }
-bindingHandlers.repeat = function (data, vmodels) {
- var type = data.type
- parseExprProxy(data.value, vmodels, data, 0, 1)
- data.proxies = []
- var freturn = false
- try {
- var $repeat = data.$repeat = data.evaluator.apply(0, data.args || [])
- var xtype = avalon.type($repeat)
- if (xtype !== "object" && xtype !== "array") {
- freturn = true
- avalon.log("warning:" + data.value + "只能是对象或数组")
- }
- } catch (e) {
- freturn = true
- }
- var arr = data.value.split(".") || []
- if (arr.length > 1) {
- arr.pop()
- var n = arr[0]
- for (var i = 0, v; v = vmodels[i++]; ) {
- if (v && v.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
- var events = v[n].$events || {}
- events[subscribers] = events[subscribers] || []
- events[subscribers].push(data)
- break
- }
- }
- }
- var elem = data.element
- if (elem.nodeType === 1) {
- elem.removeAttribute(data.name)
- data.sortedCallback = getBindingCallback(elem, "data-with-sorted", vmodels)
- data.renderedCallback = getBindingCallback(elem, "data-" + type + "-rendered", vmodels)
- var signature = generateID(type)
- var start = DOC.createComment(signature)
- var end = DOC.createComment(signature + ":end")
- data.signature = signature
- data.template = avalonFragment.cloneNode(false)
- if (type === "repeat") {
- var parent = elem.parentNode
- parent.replaceChild(end, elem)
- parent.insertBefore(start, end)
- data.template.appendChild(elem)
- } else {
- while (elem.firstChild) {
- data.template.appendChild(elem.firstChild)
- }
- elem.appendChild(start)
- elem.appendChild(end)
- }
- data.element = end
- data.handler = bindingExecutors.repeat
- data.rollback = function () {
- var elem = data.element
- if (!elem)
- return
- data.handler("clear")
- }
- }
- if (freturn) {
- return
- }
- data.$outer = {}
- var check0 = "$key"
- var check1 = "$val"
- if (Array.isArray($repeat)) {
- check0 = "$first"
- check1 = "$last"
- }
- for (i = 0; v = vmodels[i++]; ) {
- if (v.hasOwnProperty(check0) && v.hasOwnProperty(check1)) {
- data.$outer = v
- break
- }
- }
- var $events = $repeat.$events
- var $list = ($events || {})[subscribers]
- injectDependency($list, data)
- if (xtype === "object") {
- data.$with = true
- $repeat.$proxy || ($repeat.$proxy = {})
- data.handler("append", $repeat)
- } else if ($repeat.length) {
- data.handler("add", 0, $repeat.length)
- }
-bindingExecutors.repeat = function (method, pos, el) {
- if (!method && this.$with) {
- method = "append"
- var flag = "update"
- }
- if (method) {
- var data = this, start, fragment
- var end = data.element
- var comments = getComments(data)
- var parent = end.parentNode
- var proxies = data.proxies
- var transation = avalonFragment.cloneNode(false)
- switch (method) {
- case "add": //在pos位置后添加el数组(pos为插入位置,el为要插入的个数)
- var n = pos + el
- var fragments = []
- for (var i = pos; i < n; i++) {
- var proxy = eachProxyAgent(i, data)
- proxies.splice(i, 0, proxy)
- shimController(data, transation, proxy, fragments)
- }
- var now = new Date() - 0
- avalon.optimize = avalon.optimize || now
- for (i = 0; fragment = fragments[i++]; ) {
- scanNodeArray(fragment.nodes, fragment.vmodels)
- fragment.nodes = fragment.vmodels = null
- }
- if (avalon.optimize === now) {
- avalon.optimize = null
- }
- parent.insertBefore(transation, comments[pos] || end)
- avalon.profile("插入操作花费了 " + (new Date - now))
- break
- case "del": //将pos后的el个元素删掉(pos, el都是数字)
- sweepNodes(comments[pos], comments[pos + el] || end)
- var removed = proxies.splice(pos, el)
- recycleProxies(removed, "each")
- break
- case "clear":
- start = comments[0]
- if (start) {
- sweepNodes(start, end)
- if (data.$with) {
- parent.insertBefore(start, end)
- }
- }
- recycleProxies(proxies, "each")
- break
- case "move":
- start = comments[0]
- if (start) {
- var signature = start.nodeValue
- var rooms = []
- var room = [],
- node
- sweepNodes(start, end, function () {
- room.unshift(this)
- if (this.nodeValue === signature) {
- rooms.unshift(room)
- room = []
- }
- })
- sortByIndex(rooms, pos)
- sortByIndex(proxies, pos)
- while (room = rooms.shift()) {
- while (node = room.shift()) {
- transation.appendChild(node)
- }
- }
- parent.insertBefore(transation, end)
- }
- break
- case "index": //将proxies中的第pos个起的所有元素重新索引
- var last = proxies.length - 1
- for (; el = proxies[pos]; pos++) {
- el.$index = pos
- el.$first = pos === 0
- el.$last = pos === last
- }
- return
- case "set": //将proxies中的第pos个元素的VM设置为el(pos为数字,el任意)
- proxy = proxies[pos]
- if (proxy) {
- fireDependencies(proxy.$events[data.param || "el"])
- }
- break
- case "append":
- var object = data.$repeat //原来第2参数, 被循环对象
- var oldProxy = object.$proxy //代理对象组成的hash
- var keys = []
- now = new Date() - 0
- avalon.optimize = avalon.optimize || now
- if (flag === "update") {
- if (!data.evaluator) {
- parseExprProxy(data.value, data.vmodels, data, 0, 1)
- }
- object = data.$repeat = data.evaluator.apply(0, data.args || [])
- object.$proxy = oldProxy
- }
- var pool = object.$proxy || {}
- removed = []
- var nodes = data.element.parentNode.childNodes
- var add = false
- for (i = 0; node = nodes[i++]; ) {
- if (node.nodeValue === data.signature) {
- add = true
- } else if (node.nodeValue === data.signature + ":end") {
- add = false
- }
- if (add) {
- removed.push(node)
- }
- }
- var indexNode = [], item
- var keyIndex = data.keyIndex || (data.keyIndex = {})
- //将现有的节点全部移出DOM树
- for ( i = 0; i < removed.length; i++) {
- el = removed[i]
- if (el.nodeValue === data.signature) {
- item = avalonFragment.cloneNode(false)
- indexNode.push(item)
- }
- item.appendChild(el)
- }
- for (var key in object) { //当前对象的所有键名
- if (object.hasOwnProperty(key) && key !== "hasOwnProperty" && key !== "$proxy") {
- keys.push(key)
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; key = keys[i++]; ) {
- if (!pool.hasOwnProperty(key)) {//添加缺失的代理VM
- pool[key] = withProxyAgent(pool[key], key, data)
- } else {
- pool[key].$val = object[key]
- }
- }
- for ( key in pool) {
- if (keys.indexOf(key) === -1) {//删除没用的代理VM
- proxyRecycler(pool[key], withProxyPool) //去掉之前的代理VM
- delete pool[key]
- }
- }
- var fragments = []
- var renderKeys = keys //需要渲染到DOM树去的键名
- var end = data.element
- if (data.sortedCallback) { //如果有回调,则让它们排序
- var keys2 = data.sortedCallback.call(parent, keys)
- if (keys2 && Array.isArray(keys2)) {
- renderKeys = keys2
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < renderKeys.length; i++) {
- key = renderKeys[i]
- if (typeof keyIndex[key] === "number") {
- transation.appendChild(indexNode[keyIndex[key]])
- fragments.push({})
- } else {
- shimController(data, transation, pool[key], fragments)
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < renderKeys.length; i++) {
- keyIndex[renderKeys[i]] = i
- }
- for (i = 0; fragment = fragments[i++]; ) {
- if (fragment.nodes) {
- scanNodeArray(fragment.nodes, fragment.vmodels)
- fragment.nodes = fragment.vmodels = null
- }
- }
- if (avalon.optimize === now) {
- avalon.optimize = null
- }
- parent.insertBefore(transation, end)
- avalon.profile("插入操作花费了 " + (new Date - now))
- break
- }
- if (!data.$repeat || data.$repeat.hasOwnProperty("$lock")) //IE6-8 VBScript对象会报错, 有时候data.$repeat不存在
- return
- if (method === "clear")
- method = "del"
- var callback = data.renderedCallback || noop,
- args = arguments
- if (parent.oldValue && parent.tagName === "SELECT") { //fix #503
- avalon(parent).val(parent.oldValue.split(","))
- }
- callback.apply(parent, args)
- }
-"with,each".replace(rword, function (name) {
- bindingHandlers[name] = bindingHandlers.repeat
-function shimController(data, transation, proxy, fragments) {
- var content = data.template.cloneNode(true)
- var nodes = avalon.slice(content.childNodes)
- content.insertBefore(DOC.createComment(data.signature), content.firstChild)
- transation.appendChild(content)
- var nv = [proxy].concat(data.vmodels)
- var fragment = {
- nodes: nodes,
- vmodels: nv
- }
- fragments.push(fragment)
-function getComments(data) {
- var ret = []
- var nodes = data.element.parentNode.childNodes
- for(var i= 0, node; node = nodes[i++];){
- if(node.nodeValue === data.signature){
- ret.push( node )
- }else if(node.nodeValue === data.signature+":end"){
- break
- }
- }
- return ret
-function sweepNodes(start, end, callback) {
- while (true) {
- var node = end.previousSibling
- if (!node)
- break
- node.parentNode.removeChild(node)
- callback && callback.call(node)
- if (node === start) {
- break
- }
- }
-// 为ms-each,ms-with, ms-repeat会创建一个代理VM,
-// 通过它们保持一个下上文,让用户能调用$index,$first,$last,$remove,$key,$val,$outer等属性与方法
-// 所有代理VM的产生,消费,收集,存放通过xxxProxyFactory,xxxProxyAgent, recycleProxies,xxxProxyPool实现
-var withProxyPool = []
-function withProxyFactory() {
- var proxy = modelFactory({
- $key: "",
- $outer: {},
- $host: {},
- $val: {
- get: function () {
- return this.$host[this.$key]
- },
- set: function (val) {
- this.$host[this.$key] = val
- }
- }
- }, {
- $val: 1
- })
- proxy.$id = generateID("$proxy$with")
- return proxy
-function withProxyAgent(proxy, key, data) {
- proxy = proxy || withProxyPool.pop()
- if (!proxy) {
- proxy = withProxyFactory()
- } else {
- proxy.$reinitialize()
- }
- var host = data.$repeat
- proxy.$key = key
- proxy.$host = host
- proxy.$outer = data.$outer
- if (host.$events) {
- proxy.$events.$val = host.$events[key]
- } else {
- proxy.$events = {}
- }
- return proxy
-function recycleProxies(proxies) {
- eachProxyRecycler(proxies)
-function eachProxyRecycler(proxies) {
- proxies.forEach(function (proxy) {
- proxyRecycler(proxy, eachProxyPool)
- })
- proxies.length = 0
-var eachProxyPool = []
-function eachProxyFactory(name) {
- var source = {
- $host: [],
- $outer: {},
- $index: 0,
- $first: false,
- $last: false,
- $remove: avalon.noop
- }
- source[name] = {
- get: function () {
- var e = this.$events
- var array = e.$index
- e.$index = e[name] //#817 通过$index为el收集依赖
- try {
- return this.$host[this.$index]
- } finally {
- e.$index = array
- }
- },
- set: function (val) {
- try {
- var e = this.$events
- var array = e.$index
- e.$index = []
- this.$host.set(this.$index, val)
- } finally {
- e.$index = array
- }
- }
- }
- var second = {
- $last: 1,
- $first: 1,
- $index: 1
- }
- var proxy = modelFactory(source, second)
- proxy.$id = generateID("$proxy$each")
- return proxy
-function eachProxyAgent(index, data) {
- var param = data.param || "el",
- proxy
- for (var i = 0, n = eachProxyPool.length; i < n; i++) {
- var candidate = eachProxyPool[i]
- if (candidate && candidate.hasOwnProperty(param)) {
- proxy = candidate
- eachProxyPool.splice(i, 1)
- }
- }
- if (!proxy) {
- proxy = eachProxyFactory(param)
- }
- var host = data.$repeat
- var last = host.length - 1
- proxy.$index = index
- proxy.$first = index === 0
- proxy.$last = index === last
- proxy.$host = host
- proxy.$outer = data.$outer
- proxy.$remove = function () {
- return host.removeAt(proxy.$index)
- }
- return proxy
-function proxyRecycler(proxy, proxyPool) {
- for (var i in proxy.$events) {
- if (Array.isArray(proxy.$events[i])) {
- proxy.$events[i].forEach(function (data) {
- if (typeof data === "object")
- disposeData(data)
- })// jshint ignore:line
- proxy.$events[i].length = 0
- }
- }
- proxy.$host = proxy.$outer = {}
- if (proxyPool.unshift(proxy) > kernel.maxRepeatSize) {
- proxyPool.pop()
- }
- * 各种指令 *
- **********************************************************************/
-//ms-skip绑定已经在scanTag 方法中实现
-// bindingHandlers.text 定义在if.js
-bindingExecutors.text = function(val, elem) {
- val = val == null ? "" : val //不在页面上显示undefined null
- if (elem.nodeType === 3) { //绑定在文本节点上
- try { //IE对游离于DOM树外的节点赋值会报错
- elem.data = val
- } catch (e) {}
- } else { //绑定在特性节点上
- if ("textContent" in elem) {
- elem.textContent = val
- } else {
- elem.innerText = val
- }
- }
-function parseDisplay(nodeName, val) {
- //用于取得此类标签的默认display值
- var key = "_" + nodeName
- if (!parseDisplay[key]) {
- var node = DOC.createElement(nodeName)
- root.appendChild(node)
- if (W3C) {
- val = getComputedStyle(node, null).display
- } else {
- val = node.currentStyle.display
- }
- root.removeChild(node)
- parseDisplay[key] = val
- }
- return parseDisplay[key]
-avalon.parseDisplay = parseDisplay
-bindingHandlers.visible = function(data, vmodels) {
- var elem = data.element
- var display = elem.style.display
- if(display === "none"){
- display = parseDisplay(elem.nodeName)
- }
- data.display = display
- parseExprProxy(data.value, vmodels, data)
-bindingExecutors.visible = function(val, elem, data) {
- elem.style.display = val ? data.display : "none"
-bindingHandlers.widget = function(data, vmodels) {
- var args = data.value.match(rword)
- var elem = data.element
- var widget = args[0]
- var id = args[1]
- if (!id || id === "$") { //没有定义或为$时,取组件名+随机数
- id = generateID(widget)
- }
- var optName = args[2] || widget //没有定义,取组件名
- var constructor = avalon.ui[widget]
- if (typeof constructor === "function") { //ms-widget="tabs,tabsAAA,optname"
- vmodels = elem.vmodels || vmodels
- for (var i = 0, v; v = vmodels[i++];) {
- if (v.hasOwnProperty(optName) && typeof v[optName] === "object") {
- var vmOptions = v[optName]
- vmOptions = vmOptions.$model || vmOptions
- break
- }
- }
- if (vmOptions) {
- var wid = vmOptions[widget + "Id"]
- if (typeof wid === "string") {
- log("warning!不再支持" + widget + "Id")
- id = wid
- }
- }
- //抽取data-tooltip-text、data-tooltip-attr属性,组成一个配置对象
- var widgetData = avalon.getWidgetData(elem, widget)
- data.value = [widget, id, optName].join(",")
- data[widget + "Id"] = id
- data.evaluator = noop
- elem.msData["ms-widget-id"] = id
- var options = data[widget + "Options"] = avalon.mix({}, constructor.defaults, vmOptions || {}, widgetData)
- elem.removeAttribute("ms-widget")
- var vmodel = constructor(elem, data, vmodels) || {} //防止组件不返回VM
- if (vmodel.$id) {
- avalon.vmodels[id] = vmodel
- createSignalTower(elem, vmodel)
- try {
- vmodel.$init(function() {
- avalon.scan(elem, [vmodel].concat(vmodels))
- if (typeof options.onInit === "function") {
- options.onInit.call(elem, vmodel, options, vmodels)
- }
- })
- } catch (e) {}
- data.rollback = function() {
- try {
- vmodel.widgetElement = null
- vmodel.$remove()
- } catch (e) {}
- elem.msData = {}
- delete avalon.vmodels[vmodel.$id]
- }
- injectDisposeQueue(data, widgetList)
- if (window.chrome) {
- elem.addEventListener("DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument", function() {
- setTimeout(rejectDisposeQueue)
- })
- }
- } else {
- avalon.scan(elem, vmodels)
- }
- } else if (vmodels.length) { //如果该组件还没有加载,那么保存当前的vmodels
- elem.vmodels = vmodels
- }
-var widgetList = []
-//不存在 bindingExecutors.widget
- * 自带过滤器 *
- **********************************************************************/
-var rscripts = /<script[^>]*>([\S\s]*?)<\/script\s*>/gim
-var ron = /\s+(on[^=\s]+)(?:=("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s>]+))?/g
-var ropen = /<\w+\b(?:(["'])[^"]*?(\1)|[^>])*>/ig
-var rsanitize = {
- a: /\b(href)\=("javascript[^"]*"|'javascript[^']*')/ig,
- img: /\b(src)\=("javascript[^"]*"|'javascript[^']*')/ig,
- form: /\b(action)\=("javascript[^"]*"|'javascript[^']*')/ig
-var rsurrogate = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g
-var rnoalphanumeric = /([^\#-~| |!])/g;
-function numberFormat(number, decimals, point, thousands) {
- //form http://phpjs.org/functions/number_format/
- //number 必需,要格式化的数字
- //decimals 可选,规定多少个小数位。
- //point 可选,规定用作小数点的字符串(默认为 . )。
- //thousands 可选,规定用作千位分隔符的字符串(默认为 , ),如果设置了该参数,那么所有其他参数都是必需的。
- number = (number + '')
- .replace(/[^0-9+\-Ee.]/g, '')
- var n = !isFinite(+number) ? 0 : +number,
- prec = !isFinite(+decimals) ? 3 : Math.abs(decimals),
- sep = thousands || ",",
- dec = point || ".",
- s = '',
- toFixedFix = function(n, prec) {
- var k = Math.pow(10, prec)
- return '' + (Math.round(n * k) / k)
- .toFixed(prec)
- }
- // Fix for IE parseFloat(0.55).toFixed(0) = 0;
- s = (prec ? toFixedFix(n, prec) : '' + Math.round(n))
- .split('.')
- if (s[0].length > 3) {
- s[0] = s[0].replace(/\B(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, sep)
- }
- if ((s[1] || '')
- .length < prec) {
- s[1] = s[1] || ''
- s[1] += new Array(prec - s[1].length + 1)
- .join('0')
- }
- return s.join(dec)
-var filters = avalon.filters = {
- uppercase: function(str) {
- return str.toUpperCase()
- },
- lowercase: function(str) {
- return str.toLowerCase()
- },
- truncate: function(str, length, truncation) {
- //length,新字符串长度,truncation,新字符串的结尾的字段,返回新字符串
- length = length || 30
- truncation = typeof truncation === "string" ? truncation : "..."
- return str.length > length ? str.slice(0, length - truncation.length) + truncation : String(str)
- },
- $filter: function(val) {
- for (var i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
- var array = arguments[i]
- var fn = avalon.filters[array.shift()]
- if (typeof fn === "function") {
- var arr = [val].concat(array)
- val = fn.apply(null, arr)
- }
- }
- return val
- },
- camelize: camelize,
- //https://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_Filter_Evasion_Cheat_Sheet
- // <a href="javasc&NewLine;ript&colon;alert('XSS')">chrome</a>
- // <a href="data:text/html;base64, PGltZyBzcmM9eCBvbmVycm9yPWFsZXJ0KDEpPg==">chrome</a>
- // <a href="jav ascript:alert('XSS');">IE67chrome</a>
- // <a href="jav&#x09;ascript:alert('XSS');">IE67chrome</a>
- // <a href="jav&#x0A;ascript:alert('XSS');">IE67chrome</a>
- sanitize: function(str) {
- return str.replace(rscripts, "").replace(ropen, function(a, b) {
- var match = a.toLowerCase().match(/<(\w+)\s/)
- if (match) { //处理a标签的href属性,img标签的src属性,form标签的action属性
- var reg = rsanitize[match[1]]
- if (reg) {
- a = a.replace(reg, function(s, name, value) {
- var quote = value.charAt(0)
- return name + "=" + quote + "javascript:void(0)" + quote// jshint ignore:line
- })
- }
- }
- return a.replace(ron, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ") //移除onXXX事件
- })
- },
- escape: function(str) {
- //将字符串经过 str 转义得到适合在页面中显示的内容, 例如替换 < 为 &lt
- return String(str).
- replace(/&/g, '&amp;').
- replace(rsurrogate, function(value) {
- var hi = value.charCodeAt(0)
- var low = value.charCodeAt(1)
- return '&#' + (((hi - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (low - 0xDC00) + 0x10000) + ';'
- }).
- replace(rnoalphanumeric, function(value) {
- return '&#' + value.charCodeAt(0) + ';'
- }).
- replace(/</g, '&lt;').
- replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
- },
- currency: function(amount, symbol, fractionSize) {
- return (symbol || "\uFFE5") + numberFormat(amount, isFinite(fractionSize) ? fractionSize : 2)
- },
- number: numberFormat
- 'yyyy': 4 digit representation of year (e.g. AD 1 => 0001, AD 2010 => 2010)
- 'yy': 2 digit representation of year, padded (00-99). (e.g. AD 2001 => 01, AD 2010 => 10)
- 'y': 1 digit representation of year, e.g. (AD 1 => 1, AD 199 => 199)
- 'MMMM': Month in year (January-December)
- 'MMM': Month in year (Jan-Dec)
- 'MM': Month in year, padded (01-12)
- 'M': Month in year (1-12)
- 'dd': Day in month, padded (01-31)
- 'd': Day in month (1-31)
- 'EEEE': Day in Week,(Sunday-Saturday)
- 'EEE': Day in Week, (Sun-Sat)
- 'HH': Hour in day, padded (00-23)
- 'H': Hour in day (0-23)
- 'hh': Hour in am/pm, padded (01-12)
- 'h': Hour in am/pm, (1-12)
- 'mm': Minute in hour, padded (00-59)
- 'm': Minute in hour (0-59)
- 'ss': Second in minute, padded (00-59)
- 's': Second in minute (0-59)
- 'a': am/pm marker
- 'Z': 4 digit (+sign) representation of the timezone offset (-1200-+1200)
- format string can also be one of the following predefined localizable formats:
- 'medium': equivalent to 'MMM d, y h:mm:ss a' for en_US locale (e.g. Sep 3, 2010 12:05:08 pm)
- 'short': equivalent to 'M/d/yy h:mm a' for en_US locale (e.g. 9/3/10 12:05 pm)
- 'fullDate': equivalent to 'EEEE, MMMM d,y' for en_US locale (e.g. Friday, September 3, 2010)
- 'longDate': equivalent to 'MMMM d, y' for en_US locale (e.g. September 3, 2010
- 'mediumDate': equivalent to 'MMM d, y' for en_US locale (e.g. Sep 3, 2010)
- 'shortDate': equivalent to 'M/d/yy' for en_US locale (e.g. 9/3/10)
- 'mediumTime': equivalent to 'h:mm:ss a' for en_US locale (e.g. 12:05:08 pm)
- 'shortTime': equivalent to 'h:mm a' for en_US locale (e.g. 12:05 pm)
- */
-new function() {// jshint ignore:line
- function toInt(str) {
- return parseInt(str, 10) || 0
- }
- function padNumber(num, digits, trim) {
- var neg = ""
- if (num < 0) {
- neg = '-'
- num = -num
- }
- num = "" + num
- while (num.length < digits)
- num = "0" + num
- if (trim)
- num = num.substr(num.length - digits)
- return neg + num
- }
- function dateGetter(name, size, offset, trim) {
- return function(date) {
- var value = date["get" + name]()
- if (offset > 0 || value > -offset)
- value += offset
- if (value === 0 && offset === -12) {
- value = 12
- }
- return padNumber(value, size, trim)
- }
- }
- function dateStrGetter(name, shortForm) {
- return function(date, formats) {
- var value = date["get" + name]()
- var get = (shortForm ? ("SHORT" + name) : name).toUpperCase()
- return formats[get][value]
- }
- }
- function timeZoneGetter(date) {
- var zone = -1 * date.getTimezoneOffset()
- var paddedZone = (zone >= 0) ? "+" : ""
- paddedZone += padNumber(Math[zone > 0 ? "floor" : "ceil"](zone / 60), 2) + padNumber(Math.abs(zone % 60), 2)
- return paddedZone
- }
- //取得上午下午
- function ampmGetter(date, formats) {
- return date.getHours() < 12 ? formats.AMPMS[0] : formats.AMPMS[1]
- }
- var DATE_FORMATS = {
- yyyy: dateGetter("FullYear", 4),
- yy: dateGetter("FullYear", 2, 0, true),
- y: dateGetter("FullYear", 1),
- MMMM: dateStrGetter("Month"),
- MMM: dateStrGetter("Month", true),
- MM: dateGetter("Month", 2, 1),
- M: dateGetter("Month", 1, 1),
- dd: dateGetter("Date", 2),
- d: dateGetter("Date", 1),
- HH: dateGetter("Hours", 2),
- H: dateGetter("Hours", 1),
- hh: dateGetter("Hours", 2, -12),
- h: dateGetter("Hours", 1, -12),
- mm: dateGetter("Minutes", 2),
- m: dateGetter("Minutes", 1),
- ss: dateGetter("Seconds", 2),
- s: dateGetter("Seconds", 1),
- sss: dateGetter("Milliseconds", 3),
- EEEE: dateStrGetter("Day"),
- EEE: dateStrGetter("Day", true),
- a: ampmGetter,
- Z: timeZoneGetter
- }
- var rdateFormat = /((?:[^yMdHhmsaZE']+)|(?:'(?:[^']|'')*')|(?:E+|y+|M+|d+|H+|h+|m+|s+|a|Z))(.*)/
- var raspnetjson = /^\/Date\((\d+)\)\/$/
- filters.date = function(date, format) {
- var locate = filters.date.locate,
- text = "",
- parts = [],
- fn, match
- format = format || "mediumDate"
- format = locate[format] || format
- if (typeof date === "string") {
- if (/^\d+$/.test(date)) {
- date = toInt(date)
- } else if (raspnetjson.test(date)) {
- date = +RegExp.$1
- } else {
- var trimDate = date.trim()
- var dateArray = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- var oDate = new Date(0)
- //取得年月日
- trimDate = trimDate.replace(/^(\d+)\D(\d+)\D(\d+)/, function(_, a, b, c) {
- var array = c.length === 4 ? [c, a, b] : [a, b, c]
- dateArray[0] = toInt(array[0]) //年
- dateArray[1] = toInt(array[1]) - 1 //月
- dateArray[2] = toInt(array[2]) //日
- return ""
- })
- var dateSetter = oDate.setFullYear
- var timeSetter = oDate.setHours
- trimDate = trimDate.replace(/[T\s](\d+):(\d+):?(\d+)?\.?(\d)?/, function(_, a, b, c, d) {
- dateArray[3] = toInt(a) //小时
- dateArray[4] = toInt(b) //分钟
- dateArray[5] = toInt(c) //秒
- if (d) { //毫秒
- dateArray[6] = Math.round(parseFloat("0." + d) * 1000)
- }
- return ""
- })
- var tzHour = 0
- var tzMin = 0
- trimDate = trimDate.replace(/Z|([+-])(\d\d):?(\d\d)/, function(z, symbol, c, d) {
- dateSetter = oDate.setUTCFullYear
- timeSetter = oDate.setUTCHours
- if (symbol) {
- tzHour = toInt(symbol + c)
- tzMin = toInt(symbol + d)
- }
- return ""
- })
- dateArray[3] -= tzHour
- dateArray[4] -= tzMin
- dateSetter.apply(oDate, dateArray.slice(0, 3))
- timeSetter.apply(oDate, dateArray.slice(3))
- date = oDate
- }
- }
- if (typeof date === "number") {
- date = new Date(date)
- }
- if (avalon.type(date) !== "date") {
- return
- }
- while (format) {
- match = rdateFormat.exec(format)
- if (match) {
- parts = parts.concat(match.slice(1))
- format = parts.pop()
- } else {
- parts.push(format)
- format = null
- }
- }
- parts.forEach(function(value) {
- fn = DATE_FORMATS[value]
- text += fn ? fn(date, locate) : value.replace(/(^'|'$)/g, "").replace(/''/g, "'")
- })
- return text
- }
- var locate = {
- AMPMS: {
- 0: "上午",
- 1: "下午"
- },
- DAY: {
- 0: "星期日",
- 1: "星期一",
- 2: "星期二",
- 3: "星期三",
- 4: "星期四",
- 5: "星期五",
- 6: "星期六"
- },
- MONTH: {
- 0: "1月",
- 1: "2月",
- 2: "3月",
- 3: "4月",
- 4: "5月",
- 5: "6月",
- 6: "7月",
- 7: "8月",
- 8: "9月",
- 9: "10月",
- 10: "11月",
- 11: "12月"
- },
- "0": "周日",
- "1": "周一",
- "2": "周二",
- "3": "周三",
- "4": "周四",
- "5": "周五",
- "6": "周六"
- },
- fullDate: "y年M月d日EEEE",
- longDate: "y年M月d日",
- medium: "yyyy-M-d H:mm:ss",
- mediumDate: "yyyy-M-d",
- mediumTime: "H:mm:ss",
- "short": "yy-M-d ah:mm",
- shortDate: "yy-M-d",
- shortTime: "ah:mm"
- }
- locate.SHORTMONTH = locate.MONTH
- filters.date.locate = locate
-}// jshint ignore:line
- * AMD加载器 *
- **********************************************************************/
-var modules = avalon.modules = {
- "domReady!": {
- exports: avalon,
- state: 3
- },
- "avalon": {
- exports: avalon,
- state: 4
- }
-// undefined 没有定义
-// 1(send) 已经发出请求
-// 2(loading) 已经被执行但还没有执行完成,在这个阶段define方法会被执行
-// 3(loaded) 执行完毕,通过onload/onreadystatechange回调判定,在这个阶段checkDeps方法会执行
-// 4(execute) 其依赖也执行完毕, 值放到exports对象上,在这个阶段fireFactory方法会执行
-modules.exports = modules.avalon
-new function () {// jshint ignore:line
- var loadings = [] //正在加载中的模块列表
- var factorys = [] //放置define方法的factory函数
- var rjsext = /\.js$/i
- function makeRequest(name, config) {
-//1. 去掉资源前缀
- var res = "js"
- name = name.replace(/^(\w+)\!/, function (a, b) {
- res = b
- return ""
- })
- if (res === "ready") {
- log("debug: ready!已经被废弃,请使用domReady!")
- res = "domReady"
- }
-//2. 去掉querystring, hash
- var query = ""
- name = name.replace(rquery, function (a) {
- query = a
- return ""
- })
- //3. 去掉扩展名
- var suffix = "." + res
- var ext = /js|css/.test(suffix) ? suffix : ""
- name = name.replace(/\.[a-z0-9]+$/g, function (a) {
- if (a === suffix) {
- ext = a
- return ""
- } else {
- return a
- }
- })
- var req = avalon.mix({
- query: query,
- ext: ext,
- res: res,
- name: name,
- toUrl: toUrl
- }, config)
- req.toUrl(name)
- return req
- }
- function fireRequest(req) {
- var name = req.name
- var res = req.res
- //1. 如果该模块已经发出请求,直接返回
- var module = modules[name]
- var urlNoQuery = name && req.urlNoQuery
- if (module && module.state >= 1) {
- return name
- }
- module = modules[urlNoQuery]
- if (module && module.state >= 3) {
- innerRequire(module.deps || [], module.factory, urlNoQuery)
- return urlNoQuery
- }
- if (name && !module) {
- module = modules[urlNoQuery] = {
- id: urlNoQuery,
- state: 1 //send
- }
- var wrap = function (obj) {
- resources[res] = obj
- obj.load(name, req, function (a) {
- if (arguments.length && a !== void 0) {
- module.exports = a
- }
- module.state = 4
- checkDeps()
- })
- }
- if (!resources[res]) {
- innerRequire([res], wrap)
- } else {
- wrap(resources[res])
- }
- }
- return name ? urlNoQuery : res + "!"
- }
-//核心API之一 require
- var requireQueue = []
- var isUserFirstRequire = false
- innerRequire = avalon.require = function (array, factory, parentUrl, defineConfig) {
- if (!isUserFirstRequire) {
- requireQueue.push(avalon.slice(arguments))
- if (arguments.length <= 2) {
- isUserFirstRequire = true
- var queue = requireQueue.splice(0, requireQueue.length), args
- while (args = queue.shift()) {
- innerRequire.apply(null, args)
- }
- }
- return
- }
- if (!Array.isArray(array)) {
- avalon.error("require方法的第一个参数应为数组 " + array)
- }
- var deps = [] // 放置所有依赖项的完整路径
- var uniq = {}
- var id = parentUrl || "callback" + setTimeout("1")// jshint ignore:line
- defineConfig = defineConfig || {}
- defineConfig.baseUrl = kernel.baseUrl
- var isBuilt = !!defineConfig.built
- if (parentUrl) {
- defineConfig.parentUrl = parentUrl.substr(0, parentUrl.lastIndexOf("/"))
- defineConfig.mapUrl = parentUrl.replace(rjsext, "")
- }
- if (isBuilt) {
- var req = makeRequest(defineConfig.defineName, defineConfig)
- id = req.urlNoQuery
- } else {
- array.forEach(function (name) {
- var req = makeRequest(name, defineConfig)
- var url = fireRequest(req) //加载资源,并返回该资源的完整地址
- if (url) {
- if (!uniq[url]) {
- deps.push(url)
- uniq[url] = "司徒正美" //去重
- }
- }
- })
- }
- var module = modules[id]
- if (!module || module.state !== 4) {
- modules[id] = {
- id: id,
- deps: isBuilt ? array.concat() : deps,
- factory: factory || noop,
- state: 3
- }
- }
- if (!module) {
- //如果此模块是定义在另一个JS文件中, 那必须等该文件加载完毕, 才能放到检测列队中
- loadings.push(id)
- }
- checkDeps()
- }
-//核心API之二 require
- innerRequire.define = function (name, deps, factory) { //模块名,依赖列表,模块本身
- if (typeof name !== "string") {
- factory = deps
- deps = name
- name = "anonymous"
- }
- if (!Array.isArray(deps)) {
- factory = deps
- deps = []
- }
- var config = {
- built: !isUserFirstRequire, //用r.js打包后,所有define会放到requirejs之前
- defineName: name
- }
- var args = [deps, factory, config]
- factory.require = function (url) {
- args.splice(2, 0, url)
- if (modules[url]) {
- modules[url].state = 3 //loaded
- var isCycle = false
- try {
- isCycle = checkCycle(modules[url].deps, url)
- } catch (e) {
- }
- if (isCycle) {
- avalon.error(url + "模块与之前的模块存在循环依赖,请不要直接用script标签引入" + url + "模块")
- }
- }
- delete factory.require //释放内存
- innerRequire.apply(null, args) //0,1,2 --> 1,2,0
- }
-//较新的浏览器中(IE8+ 、FireFox3.5+ 、Chrome4+ 、Safari4+),为了减小请求时间以优化体验,
-//但如果script标签是动态插入的, 就未必按照先请求先执行的原则了,目测只有firefox遵守
-//唯一比较一致的是,IE10+及其他标准浏览器,一旦开始解析脚本, 就会一直堵在那里,直接脚本解析完毕
- var url = config.built ? "unknown" : getCurrentScript()
- if (url) {
- var module = modules[url]
- if (module) {
- module.state = 2
- }
- factory.require(url)
- } else {//合并前后的safari,合并后的IE6-9走此分支
- factorys.push(factory)
- }
- }
-//核心API之三 require.config(settings)
- innerRequire.config = kernel
- //核心API之四 define.amd 标识其符合AMD规范
- innerRequire.define.amd = modules
- //==========================对用户配置项进行再加工==========================
- var allpaths = kernel["orig.paths"] = {}
- var allmaps = kernel["orig.map"] = {}
- var allpackages = kernel["packages"] = []
- var allargs = kernel["orig.args"] = {}
- avalon.mix(plugins, {
- paths: function (hash) {
- avalon.mix(allpaths, hash)
- kernel.paths = makeIndexArray(allpaths)
- },
- map: function (hash) {
- avalon.mix(allmaps, hash)
- var list = makeIndexArray(allmaps, 1, 1)
- avalon.each(list, function (_, item) {
- item.val = makeIndexArray(item.val)
- })
- kernel.map = list
- },
- packages: function (array) {
- array = array.concat(allpackages)
- var uniq = {}
- var ret = []
- for (var i = 0, pkg; pkg = array[i++]; ) {
- pkg = typeof pkg === "string" ? {name: pkg} : pkg
- var name = pkg.name
- if (!uniq[name]) {
- var url = joinPath(pkg.location || name, pkg.main || "main")
- url = url.replace(rjsext, "")
- ret.push(pkg)
- uniq[name] = pkg.location = url
- pkg.reg = makeMatcher(name)
- }
- }
- kernel.packages = ret.sort()
- },
- urlArgs: function (hash) {
- if (typeof hash === "string") {
- hash = {"*": hash}
- }
- avalon.mix(allargs, hash)
- kernel.urlArgs = makeIndexArray(allargs, 1)
- },
- baseUrl: function (url) {
- if (!isAbsUrl(url)) {
- var baseElement = head.getElementsByTagName("base")[0]
- if (baseElement) {
- head.removeChild(baseElement)
- }
- var node = DOC.createElement("a")
- node.href = url
- url = getFullUrl(node, "href")
- if (baseElement) {
- head.insertBefore(baseElement, head.firstChild)
- }
- }
- if (url.length > 3)
- kernel.baseUrl = url
- },
- shim: function (obj) {
- for (var i in obj) {
- var value = obj[i]
- if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- value = obj[i] = {
- deps: value
- }
- }
- if (!value.exportsFn && (value.exports || value.init)) {
- value.exportsFn = makeExports(value)
- }
- }
- kernel.shim = obj
- }
- })
- //==============================内部方法=================================
- function checkCycle(deps, nick) {
- //检测是否存在循环依赖
- for (var i = 0, id; id = deps[i++]; ) {
- if (modules[id].state !== 4 &&
- (id === nick || checkCycle(modules[id].deps, nick))) {
- return true
- }
- }
- }
- function checkFail(node, onError, fuckIE) {
- var id = trimQuery(node.src) //检测是否死链
- node.onload = node.onreadystatechange = node.onerror = null
- if (onError || (fuckIE && modules[id] && !modules[id].state)) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- head.removeChild(node)
- node = null // 处理旧式IE下的循环引用问题
- })
- log("debug: 加载 " + id + " 失败" + onError + " " + (!modules[id].state))
- } else {
- return true
- }
- }
- function checkDeps() {
- //检测此JS模块的依赖是否都已安装完毕,是则安装自身
- loop: for (var i = loadings.length, id; id = loadings[--i]; ) {
- var obj = modules[id],
- deps = obj.deps
- if (!deps)
- continue
- for (var j = 0, key; key = deps[j]; j++) {
- if (Object(modules[key]).state !== 4) {
- continue loop
- }
- }
- //如果deps是空对象或者其依赖的模块的状态都是2
- if (obj.state !== 4) {
- loadings.splice(i, 1) //必须先移除再安装,防止在IE下DOM树建完后手动刷新页面,会多次执行它
- fireFactory(obj.id, obj.deps, obj.factory)
- checkDeps() //如果成功,则再执行一次,以防有些模块就差本模块没有安装好
- }
- }
- }
- var rreadyState = /complete|loaded/
- function loadJS(url, id, callback) {
- //通过script节点加载目标模块
- var node = DOC.createElement("script")
- node.className = subscribers //让getCurrentScript只处理类名为subscribers的script节点
- var supportLoad = "onload" in node
- var onEvent = supportLoad ? "onload" : "onreadystatechange"
- function onload() {
- var factory = factorys.pop()
- factory && factory.require(id)
- if (callback) {
- callback()
- }
- if (checkFail(node, false, !supportLoad)) {
- log("debug: 已成功加载 " + url)
- id && loadings.push(id)
- checkDeps()
- }
- }
- var index = 0, loadID
- node[onEvent] = supportLoad ? onload : function () {
- if (rreadyState.test(node.readyState)) {
- ++index
- if (index === 1) {
- loadID = setTimeout(onload, 500)
- } else {
- clearTimeout(loadID)
- onload()
- }
- }
- }
- node.onerror = function () {
- checkFail(node, true)
- }
- head.insertBefore(node, head.firstChild) //chrome下第二个参数不能为null
- node.src = url //插入到head的第一个节点前,防止IE6下head标签没闭合前使用appendChild抛错
- log("debug: 正准备加载 " + url) //更重要的是IE6下可以收窄getCurrentScript的寻找范围
- }
- var resources = innerRequire.plugins = {
- //三大常用资源插件 js!, css!, text!, ready!
- ready: {
- load: noop
- },
- js: {
- load: function (name, req, onLoad) {
- var url = req.url
- var id = req.urlNoQuery
- var shim = kernel.shim[name.replace(rjsext, "")]
- if (shim) { //shim机制
- innerRequire(shim.deps || [], function () {
- var args = avalon.slice(arguments)
- loadJS(url, id, function () {
- onLoad(shim.exportsFn ? shim.exportsFn.apply(0, args) : void 0)
- })
- })
- } else {
- loadJS(url, id)
- }
- }
- },
- css: {
- load: function (name, req, onLoad) {
- var url = req.url
- var node = DOC.createElement("link")
- node.rel = "stylesheet"
- node.href = url
- head.insertBefore(node, head.firstChild)
- log("debug: 已成功加载 " + url)
- onLoad()
- }
- },
- text: {
- load: function (name, req, onLoad) {
- var url = req.url
- var xhr = getXHR()
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
- if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
- var status = xhr.status;
- if (status > 399 && status < 600) {
- avalon.error(url + " 对应资源不存在或没有开启 CORS")
- } else {
- log("debug: 已成功加载 " + url)
- onLoad(xhr.responseText)
- }
- }
- }
- var time = "_=" + (new Date() - 0)
- var _url = url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? url + "?" + time : url + "&" + time
- xhr.open("GET", _url, true)
- if ("withCredentials" in xhr) {//这是处理跨域
- xhr.withCredentials = true
- }
- xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")//告诉后端这是AJAX请求
- xhr.send()
- log("debug: 正准备加载 " + url)
- }
- }
- }
- innerRequire.checkDeps = checkDeps
- var rquery = /(\?[^#]*)$/
- function trimQuery(url) {
- return (url || "").replace(rquery, "")
- }
- function isAbsUrl(path) {
- //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10687099/how-to-test-if-a-url-string-is-absolute-or-relative
- return /^(?:[a-z]+:)?\/\//i.test(String(path))
- }
- function getFullUrl(node, src) {
- return"1"[0] ? node[src] : node.getAttribute(src, 4)
- }
- function getCurrentScript() {
- // inspireb by https://github.com/samyk/jiagra/blob/master/jiagra.js
- var stack
- try {
- a.b.c() //强制报错,以便捕获e.stack
- } catch (e) { //safari5的sourceURL,firefox的fileName,它们的效果与e.stack不一样
- stack = e.stack
- if (!stack && window.opera) {
- //opera 9没有e.stack,但有e.Backtrace,但不能直接取得,需要对e对象转字符串进行抽取
- stack = (String(e).match(/of linked script \S+/g) || []).join(" ")
- }
- }
- if (stack) {
- /**e.stack最后一行在所有支持的浏览器大致如下:
- *chrome23:
- * at
- *firefox17:
- *@
- *opera12:http://www.oldapps.com/opera.php?system=Windows_XP
- *@
- *IE10:
- * at Global code (
- * //firefox4+ 可以用document.currentScript
- */
- stack = stack.split(/[@ ]/g).pop() //取得最后一行,最后一个空格或@之后的部分
- stack = stack[0] === "(" ? stack.slice(1, -1) : stack.replace(/\s/, "") //去掉换行符
- return trimQuery(stack.replace(/(:\d+)?:\d+$/i, "")) //去掉行号与或许存在的出错字符起始位置
- }
- var nodes = head.getElementsByTagName("script") //只在head标签中寻找
- for (var i = nodes.length, node; node = nodes[--i]; ) {
- if (node.className === subscribers && node.readyState === "interactive") {
- var url = getFullUrl(node, "src")
- return node.className = trimQuery(url)
- }
- }
- }
- var rcallback = /^callback\d+$/
- function fireFactory(id, deps, factory) {
- var module = Object(modules[id])
- module.state = 4
- for (var i = 0, array = [], d; d = deps[i++]; ) {
- if (d === "exports") {
- var obj = module.exports || (module.exports = {})
- array.push(obj)
- } else {
- array.push(modules[d].exports)
- }
- }
- try {
- var ret = factory.apply(window, array)
- } catch (e) {
- log("执行[" + id + "]模块的factory抛错: ", e)
- }
- if (ret !== void 0) {
- module.exports = ret
- }
- if (rcallback.test(id)) {
- delete modules[id]
- }
- delete module.factory
- return ret
- }
- function toUrl(id) {
- if (id.indexOf(this.res + "!") === 0) {
- id = id.slice(this.res.length + 1) //处理define("css!style",[], function(){})的情况
- }
- var url = id
- //1. 是否命中paths配置项
- var usePath = 0
- var baseUrl = this.baseUrl
- var rootUrl = this.parentUrl || baseUrl
- eachIndexArray(id, kernel.paths, function (value, key) {
- url = url.replace(key, value)
- usePath = 1
- })
- //2. 是否命中packages配置项
- if (!usePath) {
- eachIndexArray(id, kernel.packages, function (value, key, item) {
- url = url.replace(item.name, item.location)
- })
- }
- //3. 是否命中map配置项
- if (this.mapUrl) {
- eachIndexArray(this.mapUrl, kernel.map, function (array) {
- eachIndexArray(url, array, function (mdValue, mdKey) {
- url = url.replace(mdKey, mdValue)
- rootUrl = baseUrl
- })
- })
- }
- var ext = this.ext
- if (ext && usePath && url.slice(-ext.length) === ext) {
- url = url.slice(0, -ext.length)
- }
- //4. 转换为绝对路径
- if (!isAbsUrl(url)) {
- rootUrl = this.built || /^\w/.test(url) ? baseUrl : rootUrl
- url = joinPath(rootUrl, url)
- }
- //5. 还原扩展名,query
- var urlNoQuery = url + ext
- url = urlNoQuery + this.query
- //6. 处理urlArgs
- eachIndexArray(id, kernel.urlArgs, function (value) {
- url += (url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + value;
- })
- this.url = url
- return this.urlNoQuery = urlNoQuery
- }
- function makeIndexArray(hash, useStar, part) {
- //创建一个经过特殊算法排好序的数组
- var index = hash2array(hash, useStar, part)
- index.sort(descSorterByName)
- return index
- }
- function makeMatcher(prefix) {
- return new RegExp('^' + prefix + '(/|$)')
- }
- function makeExports(value) {
- return function () {
- var ret
- if (value.init) {
- ret = value.init.apply(window, arguments)
- }
- return ret || (value.exports && getGlobal(value.exports))
- }
- }
- function hash2array(hash, useStar, part) {
- var array = [];
- for (var key in hash) {
- if (ohasOwn.call(hash, key)) {
- var item = {
- name: key,
- val: hash[key]
- }
- array.push(item)
- item.reg = key === "*" && useStar ? /^/ : makeMatcher(key)
- if (part && key !== "*") {
- item.reg = new RegExp('\/' + key.replace(/^\//, "") + '(/|$)')
- }
- }
- }
- return array
- }
- function eachIndexArray(moduleID, array, matcher) {
- array = array || []
- for (var i = 0, el; el = array[i++]; ) {
- if (el.reg.test(moduleID)) {
- matcher(el.val, el.name, el)
- return false
- }
- }
- }
- // 根据元素的name项进行数组字符数逆序的排序函数
- function descSorterByName(a, b) {
- var aaa = a.name
- var bbb = b.name
- if (bbb === "*") {
- return -1
- }
- if (aaa === "*") {
- return 1
- }
- return bbb.length - aaa.length
- }
- var rdeuce = /\/\w+\/\.\./
- function joinPath(a, b) {
- if (a.charAt(a.length - 1) !== "/") {
- a += "/"
- }
- if (b.slice(0, 2) === "./") { //相对于兄弟路径
- return a + b.slice(2)
- }
- if (b.slice(0, 2) === "..") { //相对于父路径
- a += b
- while (rdeuce.test(a)) {
- a = a.replace(rdeuce, "")
- }
- return a
- }
- if (b.slice(0, 1) === "/") {
- return a + b.slice(1)
- }
- return a + b
- }
- function getGlobal(value) {
- if (!value) {
- return value
- }
- var g = window
- value.split(".").forEach(function (part) {
- g = g[part]
- })
- return g
- }
- var mainNode = DOC.scripts[DOC.scripts.length - 1]
- var dataMain = mainNode.getAttribute("data-main")
- if (dataMain) {
- plugins.baseUrl(dataMain)
- var href = kernel.baseUrl
- kernel.baseUrl = href.slice(0, href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
- loadJS(href.replace(rjsext, "") + ".js")
- } else {
- var loaderUrl = trimQuery(getFullUrl(mainNode, "src"))
- kernel.baseUrl = loaderUrl.slice(0, loaderUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
- }
-}// jshint ignore:line
- * DOMReady *
- **********************************************************************/
-var readyList = [], isReady
-var fireReady = function(fn) {
- isReady = true
- if (innerRequire) {
- modules["domReady!"].state = 4
- innerRequire.checkDeps()
- }
- while(fn = readyList.shift()){
- fn(avalon)
- }
-function doScrollCheck() {
- try { //IE下通过doScrollCheck检测DOM树是否建完
- root.doScroll("left")
- fireReady()
- } catch (e) {
- setTimeout(doScrollCheck)
- }
-if (DOC.readyState === "complete") {
- setTimeout(fireReady) //如果在domReady之外加载
-} else if (W3C) {
- DOC.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fireReady)
-} else {
- DOC.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function() {
- if (DOC.readyState === "complete") {
- fireReady()
- }
- })
- try {
- var isTop = window.frameElement === null
- } catch (e) {
- }
- if (root.doScroll && isTop && window.external) {//fix IE iframe BUG
- doScrollCheck()
- }
-avalon.bind(window, "load", fireReady)
-avalon.ready = function(fn) {
- if (!isReady) {
- readyList.push(fn)
- } else {
- fn(avalon)
- }
- loader: true
-avalon.ready(function() {
- avalon.scan(DOC.body)
-// Register as a named AMD module, since avalon can be concatenated with other
-// files that may use define, but not via a proper concatenation script that
-// understands anonymous AMD modules. A named AMD is safest and most robust
-// way to register. Lowercase avalon is used because AMD module names are
-// derived from file names, and Avalon is normally delivered in a lowercase
-// file name. Do this after creating the global so that if an AMD module wants
-// to call noConflict to hide this version of avalon, it will work.
-// Note that for maximum portability, libraries that are not avalon should
-// declare themselves as anonymous modules, and avoid setting a global if an
-// AMD loader is present. avalon is a special case. For more information, see
-// https://github.com/jrburke/requirejs/wiki/Updating-existing-libraries#wiki-anon
- if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
- define("avalon", [], function() {
- return avalon
- })
- }
-// Map over avalon in case of overwrite
- var _avalon = window.avalon
- avalon.noConflict = function(deep) {
- if (deep && window.avalon === avalon) {
- window.avalon = _avalon
- }
- return avalon
- }
-// Expose avalon identifiers, even in AMD
-// and CommonJS for browser emulators
- if (noGlobal === void 0) {
- window.avalon = avalon
- }
- return avalon
-})); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/src/main/webapp/thirdparty/avalon/avalon.modern.js b/common/src/main/webapp/thirdparty/avalon/avalon.modern.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 048b4241..00000000
--- a/common/src/main/webapp/thirdparty/avalon/avalon.modern.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4935 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2013-2015 司徒正美 and other contributors
- http://www.cnblogs.com/rubylouvre/
- https://github.com/RubyLouvre
- http://weibo.com/jslouvre/
- Released under the MIT license
- avalon.modern.js 1.43 built in 2015.5.21
- support IE10+ and other browsers
- ==================================================*/
-(function (global, factory) {
- if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
- // For CommonJS and CommonJS-like environments where a proper `window`
- // is present, execute the factory and get avalon.
- // For environments that do not have a `window` with a `document`
- // (such as Node.js), expose a factory as module.exports.
- // This accentuates the need for the creation of a real `window`.
- // e.g. var avalon = require("avalon")(window);
- module.exports = global.document ? factory(global, true) : function (w) {
- if (!w.document) {
- throw new Error("Avalon requires a window with a document")
- }
- return factory(w)
- }
- } else {
- factory(global)
- }
-// Pass this if window is not defined yet
-}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function (window, noGlobal) {
- /*********************************************************************
- * 全局变量及方法 *
- **********************************************************************/
- var expose = Date.now()
- var DOC = window.document
- var head = DOC.head //HEAD元素
- head.insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", '<avalon ms-skip class="avalonHide"><style id="avalonStyle">.avalonHide{ display: none!important }</style></avalon>')
- var ifGroup = head.firstChild
- function log() {
- if (avalon.config.debug) {
-// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8785624/how-to-safely-wrap-console-log
- console.log.apply(console, arguments)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new object without a prototype. This object is useful for lookup without having to
- * guard against prototypically inherited properties via hasOwnProperty.
- *
- * Related micro-benchmarks:
- * - http://jsperf.com/object-create2
- * - http://jsperf.com/proto-map-lookup/2
- * - http://jsperf.com/for-in-vs-object-keys2
- */
- function createMap() {
- return Object.create(null)
- }
- var subscribers = "$" + expose
- var otherRequire = window.require
- var otherDefine = window.define
- var innerRequire
- var stopRepeatAssign = false
- var rword = /[^, ]+/g //切割字符串为一个个小块,以空格或豆号分开它们,结合replace实现字符串的forEach
- var rcomplexType = /^(?:object|array)$/
- var rsvg = /^\[object SVG\w*Element\]$/
- var rwindow = /^\[object (?:Window|DOMWindow|global)\]$/
- var oproto = Object.prototype
- var ohasOwn = oproto.hasOwnProperty
- var serialize = oproto.toString
- var ap = Array.prototype
- var aslice = ap.slice
- var Registry = {} //将函数曝光到此对象上,方便访问器收集依赖
- var W3C = window.dispatchEvent
- var root = DOC.documentElement
- var hyperspace = DOC.createDocumentFragment()
- var cinerator = DOC.createElement("div")
- var class2type = {}
- "Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".replace(rword, function (name) {
- class2type["[object " + name + "]"] = name.toLowerCase()
- })
- function noop() {
- }
- function oneObject(array, val) {
- if (typeof array === "string") {
- array = array.match(rword) || []
- }
- var result = {},
- value = val !== void 0 ? val : 1
- for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; i++) {
- result[array[i]] = value
- }
- return result
- }
-//生成UUID http://stackoverflow.com/questions/105034/how-to-create-a-guid-uuid-in-javascript
- var generateID = function (prefix) {
- prefix = prefix || "avalon"
- return String(Math.random() + Math.random()).replace(/\d\.\d{4}/, prefix)
- }
- function IE() {
- if (window.VBArray) {
- var mode = document.documentMode
- return mode ? mode : window.XMLHttpRequest ? 7 : 6
- } else {
- return 0
- }
- }
- var IEVersion = IE()
- avalon = function (el) { //创建jQuery式的无new 实例化结构
- return new avalon.init(el)
- }
- /*视浏览器情况采用最快的异步回调*/
- avalon.nextTick = new function () {// jshint ignore:line
- var tickImmediate = window.setImmediate
- var tickObserver = window.MutationObserver
- var tickPost = W3C && window.postMessage
- if (tickImmediate) {
- return tickImmediate.bind(window)
- }
- var queue = []
- function callback() {
- var n = queue.length
- for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- queue[i]()
- }
- queue = queue.slice(n)
- }
- if (tickObserver) {
- var node = document.createTextNode("avalon")
- new tickObserver(callback).observe(node, {characterData: true})// jshint ignore:line
- return function (fn) {
- queue.push(fn)
- node.data = Math.random()
- }
- }
- if (tickPost) {
- window.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
- var source = e.source
- if ((source === window || source === null) && e.data === "process-tick") {
- e.stopPropagation()
- callback()
- }
- })
- return function (fn) {
- queue.push(fn)
- window.postMessage('process-tick', '*')
- }
- }
- return function (fn) {
- setTimeout(fn, 0)
- }
- }// jshint ignore:line
- /*********************************************************************
- * avalon的静态方法定义区 *
- **********************************************************************/
- avalon.init = function (el) {
- this[0] = this.element = el
- }
- avalon.fn = avalon.prototype = avalon.init.prototype
- avalon.type = function (obj) { //取得目标的类型
- if (obj == null) {
- return String(obj)
- }
- // 早期的webkit内核浏览器实现了已废弃的ecma262v4标准,可以将正则字面量当作函数使用,因此typeof在判定正则时会返回function
- return typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function" ?
- class2type[serialize.call(obj)] || "object" :
- typeof obj
- }
- var isFunction = function (fn) {
- return serialize.call(fn) === "[object Function]"
- }
- avalon.isFunction = isFunction
- avalon.isWindow = function (obj) {
- return rwindow.test(serialize.call(obj))
- }
- /*判定是否是一个朴素的javascript对象(Object),不是DOM对象,不是BOM对象,不是自定义类的实例*/
- avalon.isPlainObject = function (obj) {
- // 简单的 typeof obj === "object"检测,会致使用isPlainObject(window)在opera下通不过
- return serialize.call(obj) === "[object Object]" && Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === oproto
- }
- avalon.mix = avalon.fn.mix = function () {
- var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
- target = arguments[0] || {},
- i = 1,
- length = arguments.length,
- deep = false
- // 如果第一个参数为布尔,判定是否深拷贝
- if (typeof target === "boolean") {
- deep = target
- target = arguments[1] || {}
- i++
- }
- //确保接受方为一个复杂的数据类型
- if (typeof target !== "object" && !isFunction(target)) {
- target = {}
- }
- //如果只有一个参数,那么新成员添加于mix所在的对象上
- if (i === length) {
- target = this
- i--
- }
- for (; i < length; i++) {
- //只处理非空参数
- if ((options = arguments[i]) != null) {
- for (name in options) {
- src = target[name]
- copy = options[name]
- // 防止环引用
- if (target === copy) {
- continue
- }
- if (deep && copy && (avalon.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = Array.isArray(copy)))) {
- if (copyIsArray) {
- copyIsArray = false
- clone = src && Array.isArray(src) ? src : []
- } else {
- clone = src && avalon.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {}
- }
- target[name] = avalon.mix(deep, clone, copy)
- } else if (copy !== void 0) {
- target[name] = copy
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return target
- }
- function _number(a, len) { //用于模拟slice, splice的效果
- a = Math.floor(a) || 0
- return a < 0 ? Math.max(len + a, 0) : Math.min(a, len);
- }
- avalon.mix({
- rword: rword,
- subscribers: subscribers,
- version: 1.43,
- ui: {},
- log: log,
- slice: function (nodes, start, end) {
- return aslice.call(nodes, start, end)
- },
- noop: noop,
- /*如果不用Error对象封装一下,str在控制台下可能会乱码*/
- error: function (str, e) {
- throw new (e || Error)(str)// jshint ignore:line
- },
- /*将一个以空格或逗号隔开的字符串或数组,转换成一个键值都为1的对象*/
- oneObject: oneObject,
- /* avalon.range(10)
- => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
- avalon.range(1, 11)
- => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
- avalon.range(0, 30, 5)
- => [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25]
- avalon.range(0, -10, -1)
- => [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9]
- avalon.range(0)
- => []*/
- range: function (start, end, step) { // 用于生成整数数组
- step || (step = 1)
- if (end == null) {
- end = start || 0
- start = 0
- }
- var index = -1,
- length = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((end - start) / step)),
- result = new Array(length)
- while (++index < length) {
- result[index] = start
- start += step
- }
- return result
- },
- eventHooks: {},
- /*绑定事件*/
- bind: function (el, type, fn, phase) {
- var hooks = avalon.eventHooks
- var hook = hooks[type]
- if (typeof hook === "object") {
- type = hook.type
- if (hook.deel) {
- fn = hook.deel(el, type, fn, phase)
- }
- }
- if (!fn.unbind)
- el.addEventListener(type, fn, !!phase)
- return fn
- },
- /*卸载事件*/
- unbind: function (el, type, fn, phase) {
- var hooks = avalon.eventHooks
- var hook = hooks[type]
- var callback = fn || noop
- if (typeof hook === "object") {
- type = hook.type
- if (hook.deel) {
- fn = hook.deel(el, type, fn, false)
- }
- }
- el.removeEventListener(type, callback, !!phase)
- },
- /*读写删除元素节点的样式*/
- css: function (node, name, value) {
- if (node instanceof avalon) {
- node = node[0]
- }
- var prop = /[_-]/.test(name) ? camelize(name) : name, fn
- name = avalon.cssName(prop) || prop
- if (value === void 0 || typeof value === "boolean") { //获取样式
- fn = cssHooks[prop + ":get"] || cssHooks["@:get"]
- if (name === "background") {
- name = "backgroundColor"
- }
- var val = fn(node, name)
- return value === true ? parseFloat(val) || 0 : val
- } else if (value === "") { //请除样式
- node.style[name] = ""
- } else { //设置样式
- if (value == null || value !== value) {
- return
- }
- if (isFinite(value) && !avalon.cssNumber[prop]) {
- value += "px"
- }
- fn = cssHooks[prop + ":set"] || cssHooks["@:set"]
- fn(node, name, value)
- }
- },
- /*遍历数组与对象,回调的第一个参数为索引或键名,第二个或元素或键值*/
- each: function (obj, fn) {
- if (obj) { //排除null, undefined
- var i = 0
- if (isArrayLike(obj)) {
- for (var n = obj.length; i < n; i++) {
- if (fn(i, obj[i]) === false)
- break
- }
- } else {
- for (i in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i) && fn(i, obj[i]) === false) {
- break
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- //收集元素的data-{{prefix}}-*属性,并转换为对象
- getWidgetData: function (elem, prefix) {
- var raw = avalon(elem).data()
- var result = {}
- for (var i in raw) {
- if (i.indexOf(prefix) === 0) {
- result[i.replace(prefix, "").replace(/\w/, function (a) {
- return a.toLowerCase()
- })] = raw[i]
- }
- }
- return result
- },
- Array: {
- /*只有当前数组不存在此元素时只添加它*/
- ensure: function (target, item) {
- if (target.indexOf(item) === -1) {
- return target.push(item)
- }
- },
- /*移除数组中指定位置的元素,返回布尔表示成功与否*/
- removeAt: function (target, index) {
- return !!target.splice(index, 1).length
- },
- /*移除数组中第一个匹配传参的那个元素,返回布尔表示成功与否*/
- remove: function (target, item) {
- var index = target.indexOf(item)
- if (~index)
- return avalon.Array.removeAt(target, index)
- return false
- }
- }
- })
- var bindingHandlers = avalon.bindingHandlers = {}
- var bindingExecutors = avalon.bindingExecutors = {}
- /*判定是否类数组,如节点集合,纯数组,arguments与拥有非负整数的length属性的纯JS对象*/
- function isArrayLike(obj) {
- if (obj && typeof obj === "object") {
- var n = obj.length,
- str = serialize.call(obj)
- if (/(Array|List|Collection|Map|Arguments)\]$/.test(str)) {
- return true
- } else if (str === "[object Object]" && n === (n >>> 0)) {
- return true //由于ecma262v5能修改对象属性的enumerable,因此不能用propertyIsEnumerable来判定了
- }
- }
- return false
- }
-// https://github.com/rsms/js-lru
- var Cache = new function () {// jshint ignore:line
- function LRU(maxLength) {
- this.size = 0
- this.limit = maxLength
- this.head = this.tail = void 0
- this._keymap = {}
- }
- var p = LRU.prototype
- p.put = function (key, value) {
- var entry = {
- key: key,
- value: value
- }
- this._keymap[key] = entry
- if (this.tail) {
- this.tail.newer = entry
- entry.older = this.tail
- } else {
- this.head = entry
- }
- this.tail = entry
- if (this.size === this.limit) {
- this.shift()
- } else {
- this.size++
- }
- return value
- }
- p.shift = function () {
- var entry = this.head
- if (entry) {
- this.head = this.head.newer
- this.head.older =
- entry.newer =
- entry.older =
- this._keymap[entry.key] = void 0
- }
- }
- p.get = function (key) {
- var entry = this._keymap[key]
- if (entry === void 0)
- return
- if (entry === this.tail) {
- return entry.value
- }
- // HEAD--------------TAIL
- // <.older .newer>
- // <--- add direction --
- // A B C <D> E
- if (entry.newer) {
- if (entry === this.head) {
- this.head = entry.newer
- }
- entry.newer.older = entry.older // C <-- E.
- }
- if (entry.older) {
- entry.older.newer = entry.newer // C. --> E
- }
- entry.newer = void 0 // D --x
- entry.older = this.tail // D. --> E
- if (this.tail) {
- this.tail.newer = entry // E. <-- D
- }
- this.tail = entry
- return entry.value
- }
- return LRU
- }// jshint ignore:line
- /*********************************************************************
- * DOM 底层补丁 *
- **********************************************************************/
- if (!DOC.contains) {
- Node.prototype.contains = function (arg) {
- return !!(this.compareDocumentPosition(arg) & 16)
- }
- }
- avalon.contains = function (root, el) {
- try {
- while ((el = el.parentNode))
- if (el === root)
- return true
- return false
- } catch (e) {
- return false
- }
- }
- if (window.SVGElement) {
- var svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
- var svg = DOC.createElementNS(svgns, "svg")
- svg.innerHTML = '<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="red" />'
- if (!rsvg.test(svg.firstChild)) {// #409
- /* jshint ignore:start */
- function enumerateNode(node, targetNode) {
- if (node && node.childNodes) {
- var nodes = node.childNodes
- for (var i = 0, el; el = nodes[i++];) {
- if (el.tagName) {
- var svg = DOC.createElementNS(svgns,
- el.tagName.toLowerCase())
- // copy attrs
- ap.forEach.call(el.attributes, function (attr) {
- svg.setAttribute(attr.name, attr.value)
- })
- // 递归处理子节点
- enumerateNode(el, svg)
- targetNode.appendChild(svg)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* jshint ignore:end */
- Object.defineProperties(SVGElement.prototype, {
- "outerHTML": {//IE9-11,firefox不支持SVG元素的innerHTML,outerHTML属性
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- get: function () {
- return new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(this)
- },
- set: function (html) {
- var tagName = this.tagName.toLowerCase(),
- par = this.parentNode,
- frag = avalon.parseHTML(html)
- // 操作的svg,直接插入
- if (tagName === "svg") {
- par.insertBefore(frag, this)
- // svg节点的子节点类似
- } else {
- var newFrag = DOC.createDocumentFragment()
- enumerateNode(frag, newFrag)
- par.insertBefore(newFrag, this)
- }
- par.removeChild(this)
- }
- },
- "innerHTML": {
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- get: function () {
- var s = this.outerHTML
- var ropen = new RegExp("<" + this.nodeName + '\\b(?:(["\'])[^"]*?(\\1)|[^>])*>', "i")
- var rclose = new RegExp("<\/" + this.nodeName + ">$", "i")
- return s.replace(ropen, "").replace(rclose, "")
- },
- set: function (html) {
- if (avalon.clearHTML) {
- avalon.clearHTML(this)
- var frag = avalon.parseHTML(html)
- enumerateNode(frag, this)
- }
- }
- }
- })
- }
- }
-//========================= event binding ====================
- var eventHooks = avalon.eventHooks
-//针对firefox, chrome修正mouseenter, mouseleave(chrome30+)
- if (!("onmouseenter" in root)) {
- avalon.each({
- mouseenter: "mouseover",
- mouseleave: "mouseout"
- }, function (origType, fixType) {
- eventHooks[origType] = {
- type: fixType,
- deel: function (elem, _, fn) {
- return function (e) {
- var t = e.relatedTarget
- if (!t || (t !== elem && !(elem.compareDocumentPosition(t) & 16))) {
- delete e.type
- e.type = origType
- return fn.call(elem, e)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- })
- }
-//针对IE9+, w3c修正animationend
- avalon.each({
- AnimationEvent: "animationend",
- WebKitAnimationEvent: "webkitAnimationEnd"
- }, function (construct, fixType) {
- if (window[construct] && !eventHooks.animationend) {
- eventHooks.animationend = {
- type: fixType
- }
- }
- })
- if (DOC.onmousewheel === void 0) {
- /* IE6-11 chrome mousewheel wheelDetla 下 -120 上 120
- firefox DOMMouseScroll detail 下3 上-3
- firefox wheel detlaY 下3 上-3
- IE9-11 wheel deltaY 下40 上-40
- chrome wheel deltaY 下100 上-100 */
- eventHooks.mousewheel = {
- type: "wheel",
- deel: function (elem, _, fn) {
- return function (e) {
- e.wheelDeltaY = e.wheelDelta = e.deltaY > 0 ? -120 : 120
- e.wheelDeltaX = 0
- Object.defineProperty(e, "type", {
- value: "mousewheel"
- })
- fn.call(elem, e)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * 配置系统 *
- **********************************************************************/
- function kernel(settings) {
- for (var p in settings) {
- if (!ohasOwn.call(settings, p))
- continue
- var val = settings[p]
- if (typeof kernel.plugins[p] === "function") {
- kernel.plugins[p](val)
- } else if (typeof kernel[p] === "object") {
- avalon.mix(kernel[p], val)
- } else {
- kernel[p] = val
- }
- }
- return this
- }
- var openTag, closeTag, rexpr, rexprg, rbind, rregexp = /[-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\]/g
- function escapeRegExp(target) {
- //http://stevenlevithan.com/regex/xregexp/
- //将字符串安全格式化为正则表达式的源码
- return (target + "").replace(rregexp, "\\$&")
- }
- var plugins = {
- loader: function (builtin) {
- var flag = innerRequire && builtin
- window.require = flag ? innerRequire : otherRequire
- window.define = flag ? innerRequire.define : otherDefine
- },
- interpolate: function (array) {
- openTag = array[0]
- closeTag = array[1]
- if (openTag === closeTag) {
- throw new SyntaxError("openTag!==closeTag")
- } else if (array + "" === "<!--,-->") {
- kernel.commentInterpolate = true
- } else {
- var test = openTag + "test" + closeTag
- cinerator.innerHTML = test
- if (cinerator.innerHTML !== test && cinerator.innerHTML.indexOf("&lt;") > -1) {
- throw new SyntaxError("此定界符不合法")
- }
- cinerator.innerHTML = ""
- }
- var o = escapeRegExp(openTag),
- c = escapeRegExp(closeTag)
- rexpr = new RegExp(o + "(.*?)" + c)
- rexprg = new RegExp(o + "(.*?)" + c, "g")
- rbind = new RegExp(o + ".*?" + c + "|\\sms-")
- }
- }
- kernel.debug = true
- kernel.plugins = plugins
- kernel.plugins['interpolate'](["{{", "}}"])
- kernel.paths = {}
- kernel.shim = {}
- kernel.maxRepeatSize = 100
- avalon.config = kernel
- var ravalon = /(\w+)\[(avalonctrl)="(\S+)"\]/
- var findNodes = function (str) {
- return DOC.querySelectorAll(str)
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * 事件总线 *
- **********************************************************************/
- var EventBus = {
- $watch: function (type, callback) {
- if (typeof callback === "function") {
- var callbacks = this.$events[type]
- if (callbacks) {
- callbacks.push(callback)
- } else {
- this.$events[type] = [callback]
- }
- } else { //重新开始监听此VM的第一重简单属性的变动
- this.$events = this.$watch.backup
- }
- return this
- },
- $unwatch: function (type, callback) {
- var n = arguments.length
- if (n === 0) { //让此VM的所有$watch回调无效化
- this.$watch.backup = this.$events
- this.$events = {}
- } else if (n === 1) {
- this.$events[type] = []
- } else {
- var callbacks = this.$events[type] || []
- var i = callbacks.length
- while (~--i < 0) {
- if (callbacks[i] === callback) {
- return callbacks.splice(i, 1)
- }
- }
- }
- return this
- },
- $fire: function (type) {
- var special, i, v, callback
- if (/^(\w+)!(\S+)$/.test(type)) {
- special = RegExp.$1
- type = RegExp.$2
- }
- var events = this.$events
- if (!events)
- return
- var args = aslice.call(arguments, 1)
- var detail = [type].concat(args)
- if (special === "all") {
- for (i in avalon.vmodels) {
- v = avalon.vmodels[i]
- if (v !== this) {
- v.$fire.apply(v, detail)
- }
- }
- } else if (special === "up" || special === "down") {
- var elements = events.expr ? findNodes(events.expr) : []
- if (elements.length === 0)
- return
- for (i in avalon.vmodels) {
- v = avalon.vmodels[i]
- if (v !== this) {
- if (v.$events.expr) {
- var eventNodes = findNodes(v.$events.expr)
- if (eventNodes.length === 0) {
- continue
- }
- //循环两个vmodel中的节点,查找匹配(向上匹配或者向下匹配)的节点并设置标识
- /* jshint ignore:start */
- Array.prototype.forEach.call(eventNodes, function (node) {
- Array.prototype.forEach.call(elements, function (element) {
- var ok = special === "down" ? element.contains(node) : //向下捕获
- node.contains(element) //向上冒泡
- if (ok) {
- node._avalon = v //符合条件的加一个标识
- }
- });
- })
- /* jshint ignore:end */
- }
- }
- }
- var nodes = DOC.getElementsByTagName("*") //实现节点排序
- var alls = []
- Array.prototype.forEach.call(nodes, function (el) {
- if (el._avalon) {
- alls.push(el._avalon)
- el._avalon = ""
- el.removeAttribute("_avalon")
- }
- })
- if (special === "up") {
- alls.reverse()
- }
- for (i = 0; callback = alls[i++];) {
- if (callback.$fire.apply(callback, detail) === false) {
- break
- }
- }
- } else {
- var callbacks = events[type] || []
- var all = events.$all || []
- for (i = 0; callback = callbacks[i++];) {
- if (isFunction(callback))
- callback.apply(this, args)
- }
- for (i = 0; callback = all[i++];) {
- if (isFunction(callback))
- callback.apply(this, arguments)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * modelFactory *
- **********************************************************************/
- var VMODELS = avalon.vmodels = createMap() //所有vmodel都储存在这里
- avalon.define = function (id, factory) {
- var $id = id.$id || id
- if (!$id) {
- log("warning: vm必须指定$id")
- }
- if (VMODELS[$id]) {
- log("warning: " + $id + " 已经存在于avalon.vmodels中")
- }
- if (typeof id === "object") {
- var model = modelFactory(id)
- } else {
- var scope = {
- $watch: noop
- }
- factory(scope) //得到所有定义
- model = modelFactory(scope) //偷天换日,将scope换为model
- stopRepeatAssign = true
- factory(model)
- stopRepeatAssign = false
- }
- model.$id = $id
- return VMODELS[$id] = model
- }
- var $$skipArray = String("$id,$watch,$unwatch,$fire,$events,$model,$skipArray").match(rword)
- function isObservable(name, value, $skipArray) {
- if (isFunction(value) || value && value.nodeType) {
- return false
- }
- if ($skipArray.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
- return false
- }
- if ($$skipArray.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
- return false
- }
- var $special = $skipArray.$special
- if (name && name.charAt(0) === "$" && !$special[name]) {
- return false
- }
- return true
- }
-//ms-with,ms-each, ms-repeat绑定生成的代理对象储存池
- var midway = createMap()
- function getNewValue(accessor, name, value, $vmodel) {
- switch (accessor.type) {
- case 0://计算属性
- var getter = accessor.get
- var setter = accessor.set
- if (isFunction(setter)) {
- var $events = $vmodel.$events
- var lock = $events[name]
- $events[name] = [] //清空回调,防止内部冒泡而触发多次$fire
- setter.call($vmodel, value)
- $events[name] = lock
- }
- return getter.call($vmodel) //同步$model
- case 1://监控属性
- return value
- case 2://对象属性(包括数组与哈希)
- if (value !== $vmodel.$model[name]) {
- var svmodel = accessor.svmodel = objectFactory($vmodel, name, value, accessor.valueType)
- value = svmodel.$model //同步$model
- var fn = midway[svmodel.$id]
- fn && fn() //同步视图
- }
- return value
- }
- }
- function modelFactory(source, $special, $model) {
- if (Array.isArray(source)) {
- var arr = source.concat()
- source.length = 0
- var collection = Collection(source)// jshint ignore:line
- collection.pushArray(arr)
- return collection
- }
- //0 null undefined || Node || VModel
- if (!source || source.nodeType > 0 || (source.$id && source.$events)) {
- return source
- }
- if (!Array.isArray(source.$skipArray)) {
- source.$skipArray = []
- }
- source.$skipArray.$special = $special || createMap() //强制要监听的属性
- var $vmodel = {} //要返回的对象, 它在IE6-8下可能被偷龙转凤
- $model = $model || {} //vmodels.$model属性
- var $events = createMap() //vmodel.$events属性
- var watchedProperties = createMap() //监控属性
- var initCallbacks = [] //初始化才执行的函数
- for (var i in source) {
- (function (name, val) {
- $model[name] = val
- if (!isObservable(name, val, source.$skipArray)) {
- return //过滤所有非监控属性
- }
- //总共产生三种accessor
- $events[name] = []
- var valueType = avalon.type(val)
- var accessor = function (newValue) {
- var name = accessor._name
- var $vmodel = this
- var $model = $vmodel.$model
- var oldValue = $model[name]
- var $events = $vmodel.$events
- if (arguments.length) {
- if (stopRepeatAssign) {
- return
- }
- //计算属性与对象属性需要重新计算newValue
- if (accessor.type !== 1) {
- newValue = getNewValue(accessor, name, newValue, $vmodel)
- if (!accessor.type)
- return
- }
- if (!isEqual(oldValue, newValue)) {
- $model[name] = newValue
- notifySubscribers($events[name]) //同步视图
- safeFire($vmodel, name, newValue, oldValue) //触发$watch回调
- }
- } else {
- if (accessor.type === 0) { //type 0 计算属性 1 监控属性 2 对象属性
- //计算属性不需要收集视图刷新函数,都是由其他监控属性代劳
- newValue = accessor.get.call($vmodel)
- if (oldValue !== newValue) {
- $model[name] = newValue
- //这里不用同步视图
- safeFire($vmodel, name, newValue, oldValue) //触发$watch回调
- }
- return newValue
- } else {
- collectSubscribers($events[name]) //收集视图函数
- return accessor.svmodel || oldValue
- }
- }
- }
- //总共产生三种accessor
- if (valueType === "object" && isFunction(val.get) && Object.keys(val).length <= 2) {
- //第1种为计算属性, 因变量,通过其他监控属性触发其改变
- accessor.set = val.set
- accessor.get = val.get
- accessor.type = 0
- initCallbacks.push(function () {
- var data = {
- evaluator: function () {
- data.type = Math.random(),
- data.element = null
- $model[name] = accessor.get.call($vmodel)
- },
- element: head,
- type: Math.random(),
- handler: noop,
- args: []
- }
- Registry[expose] = data
- accessor.call($vmodel)
- delete Registry[expose]
- })
- } else if (rcomplexType.test(valueType)) {
- //第2种为对象属性,产生子VM与监控数组
- accessor.type = 2
- accessor.valueType = valueType
- initCallbacks.push(function () {
- var svmodel = modelFactory(val, 0, $model[name])
- accessor.svmodel = svmodel
- svmodel.$events[subscribers] = $events[name]
- })
- } else {
- accessor.type = 1
- //第3种为监控属性,对应简单的数据类型,自变量
- }
- accessor._name = name
- watchedProperties[name] = accessor
- })(i, source[i])// jshint ignore:line
- }
- $$skipArray.forEach(function (name) {
- delete source[name]
- delete $model[name] //这些特殊属性不应该在$model中出现
- })
- $vmodel = Object.defineProperties($vmodel, descriptorFactory(watchedProperties), source) //生成一个空的ViewModel
- for (var name in source) {
- if (!watchedProperties[name]) {
- $vmodel[name] = source[name]
- }
- }
- //添加$id, $model, $events, $watch, $unwatch, $fire
- $vmodel.$id = generateID()
- $vmodel.$model = $model
- $vmodel.$events = $events
- for (i in EventBus) {
- $vmodel[i] = EventBus[i]
- }
- Object.defineProperty($vmodel, "hasOwnProperty", {
- value: function (name) {
- return name in this.$model
- },
- writable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- configurable: true
- })
- initCallbacks.forEach(function (cb) { //收集依赖
- cb()
- })
- return $vmodel
- }
- var isEqual = Object.is || function (v1, v2) {
- if (v1 === 0 && v2 === 0) {
- return 1 / v1 === 1 / v2
- } else if (v1 !== v1) {
- return v2 !== v2
- } else {
- return v1 === v2
- }
- }
- function safeFire(a, b, c, d) {
- if (a.$events) {
- EventBus.$fire.call(a, b, c, d)
- }
- }
- var descriptorFactory = function (obj) {
- var descriptors = createMap()
- for (var i in obj) {
- descriptors[i] = {
- get: obj[i],
- set: obj[i],
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- }
- }
- return descriptors
- }
- function objectFactory(parent, name, value, valueType) {
- //a为原来的VM, b为新数组或新对象
- var son = parent[name]
- if (valueType === "array") {
- if (!Array.isArray(value) || son === value) {
- return son //fix https://github.com/RubyLouvre/avalon/issues/261
- }
- son._.$unwatch()
- son.clear()
- son._.$watch()
- son.pushArray(value.concat())
- return son
- } else {
- var iterators = parent.$events[name]
- var ret = modelFactory(value)
- ret.$events[subscribers] = iterators
- midway[ret.$id] = function (data) {
- while (data = iterators.shift()) {
- (function (el) {
- avalon.nextTick(function () {
- var type = el.type
- if (type && bindingHandlers[type]) { //#753
- el.rollback && el.rollback() //还原 ms-with ms-on
- bindingHandlers[type](el, el.vmodels)
- }
- })
- })(data)// jshint ignore:line
- }
- delete midway[ret.$id]
- }
- return ret
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * 监控数组(与ms-each, ms-repeat配合使用) *
- **********************************************************************/
- function Collection(model) {
- var array = []
- array.$id = generateID()
- array.$model = model //数据模型
- array.$events = {}
- array.$events[subscribers] = []
- array._ = modelFactory({
- length: model.length
- })
- array._.$watch("length", function (a, b) {
- array.$fire("length", a, b)
- })
- for (var i in EventBus) {
- array[i] = EventBus[i]
- }
- array.$map = {
- el: 1
- }
- array.$proxy = []
- avalon.mix(array, CollectionPrototype)
- return array
- }
- function mutateArray(method, pos, n, index, method2, pos2, n2) {
- var oldLen = this.length, loop = 2
- while (--loop) {
- switch (method) {
- case "add":
- /* jshint ignore:start */
- var m = pos + n
- var array = this.$model.slice(pos, m).map(function (el) {
- if (rcomplexType.test(avalon.type(el))) {//转换为VM
- return el.$id ? el : modelFactory(el, 0, el)
- } else {
- return el
- }
- })
- /* jshint ignore:end */
- for (var i = pos; i < m; i++) {//生成代理VM
- var proxy = eachProxyAgent(i, this)
- this.$proxy.splice(i, 0, proxy)
- }
- _splice.apply(this, [pos, 0].concat(array))
- this._fire("add", pos, n)
- break
- case "del":
- var ret = this._splice(pos, n)
- var removed = this.$proxy.splice(pos, n) //回收代理VM
- recycleProxies(removed, "each")
- this._fire("del", pos, n)
- break
- }
- if (method2) {
- method = method2
- pos = pos2
- n = n2
- loop = 2
- method2 = 0
- }
- }
- resetIndex(this.$proxy, index)
- if (this.length !== oldLen) {
- this._.length = this.length
- }
- return ret
- }
- var _splice = ap.splice
- var CollectionPrototype = {
- _splice: _splice,
- _fire: function (method, a, b) {
- notifySubscribers(this.$events[subscribers], method, a, b)
- },
- size: function () { //取得数组长度,这个函数可以同步视图,length不能
- return this._.length
- },
- pushArray: function (array) {
- var m = array.length, n = this.length
- if (m) {
- ap.push.apply(this.$model, array)
- mutateArray.call(this, "add", n, m, Math.max(0, n - 1))
- }
- return m + n
- },
- push: function () {
- //http://jsperf.com/closure-with-arguments
- var array = []
- var i, n = arguments.length
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- array[i] = arguments[i]
- }
- return this.pushArray(array)
- },
- unshift: function () {
- var m = arguments.length, n = this.length
- if (m) {
- ap.unshift.apply(this.$model, arguments)
- mutateArray.call(this, "add", 0, m, 0)
- }
- return m + n //IE67的unshift不会返回长度
- },
- shift: function () {
- if (this.length) {
- var el = this.$model.shift()
- mutateArray.call(this, "del", 0, 1, 0)
- return el //返回被移除的元素
- }
- },
- pop: function () {
- var n = this.length
- if (n) {
- var el = this.$model.pop()
- mutateArray.call(this, "del", n - 1, 1, Math.max(0, n - 2))
- return el //返回被移除的元素
- }
- },
- splice: function (start) {
- var m = arguments.length, args = [], change
- var removed = _splice.apply(this.$model, arguments)
- if (removed.length) { //如果用户删掉了元素
- args.push("del", start, removed.length, 0)
- change = true
- }
- if (m > 2) { //如果用户添加了元素
- if (change) {
- args.splice(3, 1, 0, "add", start, m - 2)
- } else {
- args.push("add", start, m - 2, 0)
- }
- change = true
- }
- if (change) { //返回被移除的元素
- return mutateArray.apply(this, args)
- } else {
- return []
- }
- },
- contains: function (el) { //判定是否包含
- return this.indexOf(el) !== -1
- },
- remove: function (el) { //移除第一个等于给定值的元素
- return this.removeAt(this.indexOf(el))
- },
- removeAt: function (index) { //移除指定索引上的元素
- if (index >= 0) {
- this.$model.splice(index, 1)
- return mutateArray.call(this, "del", index, 1, 0)
- }
- return []
- },
- clear: function () {
- recycleProxies(this.$proxy, "each")
- this.$model.length = this.$proxy.length = this.length = this._.length = 0 //清空数组
- this._fire("clear", 0)
- return this
- },
- removeAll: function (all) { //移除N个元素
- if (Array.isArray(all)) {
- all.forEach(function (el) {
- this.remove(el)
- }, this)
- } else if (typeof all === "function") {
- for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var el = this[i]
- if (all(el, i)) {
- this.removeAt(i)
- }
- }
- } else {
- this.clear()
- }
- },
- ensure: function (el) {
- if (!this.contains(el)) { //只有不存在才push
- this.push(el)
- }
- return this
- },
- set: function (index, val) {
- if (index >= 0) {
- var valueType = avalon.type(val)
- if (val && val.$model) {
- val = val.$model
- }
- var target = this[index]
- if (valueType === "object") {
- for (var i in val) {
- if (target.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
- target[i] = val[i]
- }
- }
- } else if (valueType === "array") {
- target.clear().push.apply(target, val)
- } else if (target !== val) {
- this[index] = val
- this.$model[index] = val
- var proxy = this.$proxy[index]
- if (proxy) {
- notifySubscribers(proxy.$events.el)
- }
- // this._fire("set", index, val)
- }
- }
- return this
- }
- }
-//相当于原来bindingExecutors.repeat 的index分支
- function resetIndex(array, pos) {
- var last = array.length - 1
- for (var el; el = array[pos]; pos++) {
- el.$index = pos
- el.$first = pos === 0
- el.$last = pos === last
- }
- }
- function sortByIndex(array, indexes) {
- var map = {};
- for (var i = 0, n = indexes.length; i < n; i++) {
- map[i] = array[i] // preserve
- var j = indexes[i]
- if (j in map) {
- array[i] = map[j]
- delete map[j]
- } else {
- array[i] = array[j]
- }
- }
- }
- "sort,reverse".replace(rword, function (method) {
- CollectionPrototype[method] = function () {
- var newArray = this.$model//这是要排序的新数组
- var oldArray = newArray.concat() //保持原来状态的旧数组
- var mask = Math.random()
- var indexes = []
- var hasSort
- ap[method].apply(newArray, arguments) //排序
- for (var i = 0, n = oldArray.length; i < n; i++) {
- var neo = newArray[i]
- var old = oldArray[i]
- if (isEqual(neo, old)) {
- indexes.push(i)
- } else {
- var index = oldArray.indexOf(neo)
- indexes.push(index)//得到新数组的每个元素在旧数组对应的位置
- oldArray[index] = mask //屏蔽已经找过的元素
- hasSort = true
- }
- }
- if (hasSort) {
- sortByIndex(this, indexes)
- sortByIndex(this.$proxy, indexes)
- this._fire("move", indexes)
- resetIndex(this.$proxy, 0)
- }
- return this
- }
- })
- /*********************************************************************
- * 依赖调度系统 *
- **********************************************************************/
- var ronduplex = /^(duplex|on)$/
- avalon.injectBinding = function (data) {
- Registry[expose] = data //暴光此函数,方便collectSubscribers收集
- avalon.openComputedCollect = true
- var fn = data.evaluator
- if (fn) { //如果是求值函数
- try {
- var c = ronduplex.test(data.type) ? data : fn.apply(0, data.args)
- if (!data.noRefresh)
- data.handler(c, data.element, data)
- } catch (e) {
- //log("warning:exception throwed in [avalon.injectBinding] " + e)
- delete data.evaluator
- var node = data.element
- if (node.nodeType === 3) {
- var parent = node.parentNode
- if (kernel.commentInterpolate) {
- parent.replaceChild(DOC.createComment(data.value), node)
- } else {
- node.data = openTag + data.value + closeTag
- }
- }
- }
- }
- avalon.openComputedCollect = false
- delete Registry[expose]
- }
- function collectSubscribers(list) { //收集依赖于这个访问器的订阅者
- var data = Registry[expose]
- if (list && data && avalon.Array.ensure(list, data) && data.element) { //只有数组不存在此元素才push进去
- addSubscribers(data, list)
- }
- }
- function addSubscribers(data, list) {
- data.$uuid = data.$uuid || generateID()
- list.$uuid = list.$uuid || generateID()
- var obj = {
- data: data,
- list: list,
- $$uuid: data.$uuid + list.$uuid
- }
- if (!$$subscribers[obj.$$uuid]) {
- $$subscribers[obj.$$uuid] = 1
- $$subscribers.push(obj)
- }
- }
- function disposeData(data) {
- data.element = null
- data.rollback && data.rollback()
- for (var key in data) {
- data[key] = null
- }
- }
- function isRemove(el) {
- try {//IE下,如果文本节点脱离DOM树,访问parentNode会报错
- if (!el.parentNode) {
- return true
- }
- } catch (e) {
- return true
- }
- return el.msRetain ? 0 : (el.nodeType === 1 ? typeof el.sourceIndex === "number" ?
- el.sourceIndex === 0 : !root.contains(el) : !avalon.contains(root, el))
- }
- var $$subscribers = avalon.$$subscribers = []
- var beginTime = new Date()
- var oldInfo = {}
- function removeSubscribers() {
- var i = $$subscribers.length
- var n = i
- var k = 0
- var obj
- var types = []
- var newInfo = {}
- var needTest = {}
- while (obj = $$subscribers[--i]) {
- var data = obj.data
- var type = data.type
- if (newInfo[type]) {
- newInfo[type]++
- } else {
- newInfo[type] = 1
- types.push(type)
- }
- }
- var diff = false
- types.forEach(function (type) {
- if (oldInfo[type] !== newInfo[type]) {
- needTest[type] = 1
- diff = true
- }
- })
- i = n
- //avalon.log("需要检测的个数 " + i)
- if (diff) {
- //avalon.log("有需要移除的元素")
- while (obj = $$subscribers[--i]) {
- data = obj.data
- if (data.element === void 0)
- continue
- if (needTest[data.type] && isRemove(data.element)) { //如果它没有在DOM树
- k++
- $$subscribers.splice(i, 1)
- delete $$subscribers[obj.$$uuid]
- avalon.Array.remove(obj.list, data)
- //log("debug: remove " + data.type)
- disposeData(data)
- obj.data = obj.list = null
- }
- }
- }
- oldInfo = newInfo
- // avalon.log("已经移除的个数 " + k)
- beginTime = new Date()
- }
- function notifySubscribers(list) { //通知依赖于这个访问器的订阅者更新自身
- if (list && list.length) {
- if (new Date() - beginTime > 444 && typeof list[0] === "object") {
- removeSubscribers()
- }
- var args = aslice.call(arguments, 1)
- for (var i = list.length, fn; fn = list[--i];) {
- var el = fn.element
- if (el && el.parentNode) {
- if (fn.$repeat) {
- fn.handler.apply(fn, args) //处理监控数组的方法
- } else if (fn.type !== "on") { //事件绑定只能由用户触发,不能由程序触发
- var fun = fn.evaluator || noop
- fn.handler(fun.apply(0, fn.args || []), el, fn)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * HTML处理(parseHTML, innerHTML, clearHTML) *
- **************************************************************************/
- var tagHooks = new function () {// jshint ignore:line
- avalon.mix(this, {
- option: DOC.createElement("select"),
- thead: DOC.createElement("table"),
- td: DOC.createElement("tr"),
- area: DOC.createElement("map"),
- tr: DOC.createElement("tbody"),
- col: DOC.createElement("colgroup"),
- legend: DOC.createElement("fieldset"),
- _default: DOC.createElement("div"),
- "g": DOC.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg")
- })
- this.optgroup = this.option
- this.tbody = this.tfoot = this.colgroup = this.caption = this.thead
- this.th = this.td
- }// jshint ignore:line
- String("circle,defs,ellipse,image,line,path,polygon,polyline,rect,symbol,text,use").replace(rword, function (tag) {
- tagHooks[tag] = tagHooks.g //处理SVG
- })
- var rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/
- var rxhtml = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig
- var scriptTypes = oneObject(["", "text/javascript", "text/ecmascript", "application/ecmascript", "application/javascript"])
- var script = DOC.createElement("script")
- var rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/
- avalon.parseHTML = function (html) {
- var fragment = hyperspace.cloneNode(false)
- if (typeof html !== "string") {
- return fragment
- }
- if (!rhtml.test(html)) {
- fragment.appendChild(DOC.createTextNode(html))
- return fragment
- }
- html = html.replace(rxhtml, "<$1></$2>").trim()
- var tag = (rtagName.exec(html) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(),
- //取得其标签名
- wrapper = tagHooks[tag] || tagHooks._default,
- firstChild
- wrapper.innerHTML = html
- var els = wrapper.getElementsByTagName("script")
- if (els.length) { //使用innerHTML生成的script节点不会发出请求与执行text属性
- for (var i = 0, el; el = els[i++];) {
- if (scriptTypes[el.type]) {
- var neo = script.cloneNode(false) //FF不能省略参数
- ap.forEach.call(el.attributes, function (attr) {
- neo.setAttribute(attr.name, attr.value)
- })// jshint ignore:line
- neo.text = el.text
- el.parentNode.replaceChild(neo, el)
- }
- }
- }
- while (firstChild = wrapper.firstChild) { // 将wrapper上的节点转移到文档碎片上!
- fragment.appendChild(firstChild)
- }
- return fragment
- }
- avalon.innerHTML = function (node, html) {
- var a = this.parseHTML(html)
- this.clearHTML(node).appendChild(a)
- }
- avalon.clearHTML = function (node) {
- node.textContent = ""
- while (node.firstChild) {
- node.removeChild(node.firstChild)
- }
- return node
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * 扫描系统 *
- **********************************************************************/
- avalon.scan = function (elem, vmodel) {
- elem = elem || root
- var vmodels = vmodel ? [].concat(vmodel) : []
- scanTag(elem, vmodels)
- }
- var stopScan = oneObject("area,base,basefont,br,col,command,embed,hr,img,input,link,meta,param,source,track,wbr,noscript,script,style,textarea".toUpperCase())
- function checkScan(elem, callback, innerHTML) {
- var id = setTimeout(function () {
- var currHTML = elem.innerHTML
- clearTimeout(id)
- if (currHTML === innerHTML) {
- callback()
- } else {
- checkScan(elem, callback, currHTML)
- }
- })
- }
- function createSignalTower(elem, vmodel) {
- var id = elem.getAttribute("avalonctrl") || vmodel.$id
- elem.setAttribute("avalonctrl", id)
- vmodel.$events.expr = elem.tagName + '[avalonctrl="' + id + '"]'
- }
- var getBindingCallback = function (elem, name, vmodels) {
- var callback = elem.getAttribute(name)
- if (callback) {
- for (var i = 0, vm; vm = vmodels[i++];) {
- if (vm.hasOwnProperty(callback) && typeof vm[callback] === "function") {
- return vm[callback]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function executeBindings(bindings, vmodels) {
- for (var i = 0, data; data = bindings[i++];) {
- data.vmodels = vmodels
- bindingHandlers[data.type](data, vmodels)
- if (data.evaluator && data.element && data.element.nodeType === 1) { //移除数据绑定,防止被二次解析
- //chrome使用removeAttributeNode移除不存在的特性节点时会报错 https://github.com/RubyLouvre/avalon/issues/99
- data.element.removeAttribute(data.name)
- }
- }
- bindings.length = 0
- }
- var mergeTextNodes = IEVersion && window.MutationObserver ? function (elem) {
- var node = elem.firstChild, text
- while (node) {
- var aaa = node.nextSibling
- if (node.nodeType === 3) {
- if (text) {
- text.nodeValue += node.nodeValue
- elem.removeChild(node)
- } else {
- text = node
- }
- } else {
- text = null
- }
- node = aaa
- }
- } : 0
- var rmsAttr = /ms-(\w+)-?(.*)/
- var priorityMap = {
- "if": 10,
- "repeat": 90,
- "data": 100,
- "widget": 110,
- "each": 1400,
- "with": 1500,
- "duplex": 2000,
- "on": 3000
- }
- var events = oneObject("animationend,blur,change,input,click,dblclick,focus,keydown,keypress,keyup,mousedown,mouseenter,mouseleave,mousemove,mouseout,mouseover,mouseup,scan,scroll,submit")
- var obsoleteAttrs = oneObject("value,title,alt,checked,selected,disabled,readonly,enabled")
- function bindingSorter(a, b) {
- return a.priority - b.priority
- }
- function scanAttr(elem, vmodels) {
- //防止setAttribute, removeAttribute时 attributes自动被同步,导致for循环出错
- var attributes = elem.hasAttributes() ? avalon.slice(elem.attributes) : []
- var bindings = [],
- msData = createMap(),
- match
- for (var i = 0, attr; attr = attributes[i++];) {
- if (attr.specified) {
- if (match = attr.name.match(rmsAttr)) {
- //如果是以指定前缀命名的
- var type = match[1]
- var param = match[2] || ""
- var value = attr.value
- var name = attr.name
- msData[name] = value
- if (events[type]) {
- param = type
- type = "on"
- } else if (obsoleteAttrs[type]) {
- log("warning!请改用ms-attr-" + type + "代替ms-" + type + "!")
- if (type === "enabled") {//吃掉ms-enabled绑定,用ms-disabled代替
- log("warning!ms-enabled或ms-attr-enabled已经被废弃")
- type = "disabled"
- value = "!(" + value + ")"
- }
- param = type
- type = "attr"
- elem.removeAttribute(name)
- name = "ms-attr-" + param
- elem.setAttribute(name, value)
- match = [name]
- msData[name] = value
- }
- if (typeof bindingHandlers[type] === "function") {
- var binding = {
- type: type,
- param: param,
- element: elem,
- name: match[0],
- value: value,
- priority: type in priorityMap ? priorityMap[type] : type.charCodeAt(0) * 10 + (Number(param) || 0)
- }
- if (type === "html" || type === "text") {
- var token = getToken(value)
- avalon.mix(binding, token)
- binding.filters = binding.filters.replace(rhasHtml, function () {
- binding.type = "html"
- binding.group = 1
- return ""
- })// jshint ignore:line
- }
- if (name === "ms-if-loop") {
- binding.priority += 100
- }
- if (vmodels.length) {
- bindings.push(binding)
- if (type === "widget") {
- elem.msData = elem.msData || msData
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var control = elem.type
- if (control && msData["ms-duplex"]) {
- if (msData["ms-attr-checked"] && /radio|checkbox/.test(control)) {
- log("warning!" + control + "控件不能同时定义ms-attr-checked与ms-duplex")
- }
- if (msData["ms-attr-value"] && /text|password/.test(control)) {
- log("warning!" + control + "控件不能同时定义ms-attr-value与ms-duplex")
- }
- }
- bindings.sort(bindingSorter)
- var scanNode = true
- for (i = 0; binding = bindings[i]; i++) {
- type = binding.type
- if (rnoscanAttrBinding.test(type)) {
- return executeBindings(bindings.slice(0, i + 1), vmodels)
- } else if (scanNode) {
- scanNode = !rnoscanNodeBinding.test(type)
- }
- }
- executeBindings(bindings, vmodels)
- if (scanNode && !stopScan[elem.tagName] && rbind.test(elem.innerHTML + elem.textContent)) {
- mergeTextNodes && mergeTextNodes(elem)
- scanNodeList(elem, vmodels) //扫描子孙元素
- }
- }
- var rnoscanAttrBinding = /^if|widget|repeat$/
- var rnoscanNodeBinding = /^each|with|html|include$/
- function scanNodeList(parent, vmodels) {
- var node = parent.firstChild
- while (node) {
- var nextNode = node.nextSibling
- scanNode(node, node.nodeType, vmodels)
- node = nextNode
- }
- }
- function scanNodeArray(nodes, vmodels) {
- for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i++];) {
- scanNode(node, node.nodeType, vmodels)
- }
- }
- function scanNode(node, nodeType, vmodels) {
- if (nodeType === 1) {
- scanTag(node, vmodels) //扫描元素节点
- if (node.msCallback) {
- node.msCallback()
- node.msCallback = void 0
- }
- } else if (nodeType === 3 && rexpr.test(node.data)) {
- scanText(node, vmodels) //扫描文本节点
- } else if (kernel.commentInterpolate && nodeType === 8 && !rexpr.test(node.nodeValue)) {
- scanText(node, vmodels) //扫描注释节点
- }
- }
- function scanTag(elem, vmodels, node) {
- //扫描顺序 ms-skip(0) --> ms-important(1) --> ms-controller(2) --> ms-if(10) --> ms-repeat(100)
- //--> ms-if-loop(110) --> ms-attr(970) ...--> ms-each(1400)-->ms-with(1500)--〉ms-duplex(2000)垫后
- var a = elem.getAttribute("ms-skip")
- var b = elem.getAttributeNode("ms-important")
- var c = elem.getAttributeNode("ms-controller")
- if (typeof a === "string") {
- return
- } else if (node = b || c) {
- var newVmodel = avalon.vmodels[node.value]
- if (!newVmodel) {
- return
- }
- //ms-important不包含父VM,ms-controller相反
- vmodels = node === b ? [newVmodel] : [newVmodel].concat(vmodels)
- elem.removeAttribute(node.name) //removeAttributeNode不会刷新[ms-controller]样式规则
- elem.classList.remove(node.name)
- createSignalTower(elem, newVmodel)
- }
- scanAttr(elem, vmodels) //扫描特性节点
- }
- var rhasHtml = /\|\s*html\s*/,
- r11a = /\|\|/g,
- rlt = /&lt;/g,
- rgt = /&gt;/g,
- rstringLiteral = /(['"])(\\\1|.)+?\1/g
- function getToken(value) {
- if (value.indexOf("|") > 0) {
- var scapegoat = value.replace(rstringLiteral, function (_) {
- return Array(_.length + 1).join("1")// jshint ignore:line
- })
- var index = scapegoat.replace(r11a, "\u1122\u3344").indexOf("|") //干掉所有短路或
- if (index > -1) {
- return {
- filters: value.slice(index),
- value: value.slice(0, index),
- expr: true
- }
- }
- }
- return {
- value: value,
- filters: "",
- expr: true
- }
- }
- function scanExpr(str) {
- var tokens = [],
- value, start = 0,
- stop
- do {
- stop = str.indexOf(openTag, start)
- if (stop === -1) {
- break
- }
- value = str.slice(start, stop)
- if (value) { // {{ 左边的文本
- tokens.push({
- value: value,
- filters: "",
- expr: false
- })
- }
- start = stop + openTag.length
- stop = str.indexOf(closeTag, start)
- if (stop === -1) {
- break
- }
- value = str.slice(start, stop)
- if (value) { //处理{{ }}插值表达式
- tokens.push(getToken(value))
- }
- start = stop + closeTag.length
- } while (1)
- value = str.slice(start)
- if (value) { //}} 右边的文本
- tokens.push({
- value: value,
- expr: false,
- filters: ""
- })
- }
- return tokens
- }
- function scanText(textNode, vmodels) {
- var bindings = []
- if (textNode.nodeType === 8) {
- var token = getToken(textNode.nodeValue)
- var tokens = [token]
- } else {
- tokens = scanExpr(textNode.data)
- }
- if (tokens.length) {
- for (var i = 0; token = tokens[i++];) {
- var node = DOC.createTextNode(token.value) //将文本转换为文本节点,并替换原来的文本节点
- if (token.expr) {
- token.type = "text"
- token.element = node
- token.filters = token.filters.replace(rhasHtml, function () {
- token.type = "html"
- token.group = 1
- return ""
- })// jshint ignore:line
- bindings.push(token) //收集带有插值表达式的文本
- }
- hyperspace.appendChild(node)
- }
- textNode.parentNode.replaceChild(hyperspace, textNode)
- if (bindings.length)
- executeBindings(bindings, vmodels)
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * avalon的原型方法定义区 *
- **********************************************************************/
- function hyphen(target) {
- //转换为连字符线风格
- return target.replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z]+)/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase()
- }
- function camelize(target) {
- //转换为驼峰风格
- if (target.indexOf("-") < 0 && target.indexOf("_") < 0) {
- return target //提前判断,提高getStyle等的效率
- }
- return target.replace(/[-_][^-_]/g, function (match) {
- return match.charAt(1).toUpperCase()
- })
- }
- "add,remove".replace(rword, function (method) {
- avalon.fn[method + "Class"] = function (cls) {
- var el = this[0]
- //https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/26
- if (cls && typeof cls === "string" && el && el.nodeType === 1) {
- cls.replace(/\S+/g, function (c) {
- el.classList[method](c)
- })
- }
- return this
- }
- })
- avalon.fn.mix({
- hasClass: function (cls) {
- var el = this[0] || {} //IE10+, chrome8+, firefox3.6+, safari5.1+,opera11.5+支持classList,chrome24+,firefox26+支持classList2.0
- return el.nodeType === 1 && el.classList.contains(cls)
- },
- toggleClass: function (value, stateVal) {
- var className, i = 0
- var classNames = String(value).split(/\s+/)
- var isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean"
- while ((className = classNames[i++])) {
- var state = isBool ? stateVal : !this.hasClass(className)
- this[state ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](className)
- }
- return this
- },
- attr: function (name, value) {
- if (arguments.length === 2) {
- this[0].setAttribute(name, value)
- return this
- } else {
- return this[0].getAttribute(name)
- }
- },
- data: function (name, value) {
- name = "data-" + hyphen(name || "")
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 2:
- this.attr(name, value)
- return this
- case 1:
- var val = this.attr(name)
- return parseData(val)
- case 0:
- var ret = {}
- ap.forEach.call(this[0].attributes, function (attr) {
- if (attr) {
- name = attr.name
- if (!name.indexOf("data-")) {
- name = camelize(name.slice(5))
- ret[name] = parseData(attr.value)
- }
- }
- })
- return ret
- }
- },
- removeData: function (name) {
- name = "data-" + hyphen(name)
- this[0].removeAttribute(name)
- return this
- },
- css: function (name, value) {
- if (avalon.isPlainObject(name)) {
- for (var i in name) {
- avalon.css(this, i, name[i])
- }
- } else {
- var ret = avalon.css(this, name, value)
- }
- return ret !== void 0 ? ret : this
- },
- position: function () {
- var offsetParent, offset,
- elem = this[0],
- parentOffset = {
- top: 0,
- left: 0
- };
- if (!elem) {
- return
- }
- if (this.css("position") === "fixed") {
- offset = elem.getBoundingClientRect()
- } else {
- offsetParent = this.offsetParent() //得到真正的offsetParent
- offset = this.offset() // 得到正确的offsetParent
- if (offsetParent[0].tagName !== "HTML") {
- parentOffset = offsetParent.offset()
- }
- parentOffset.top += avalon.css(offsetParent[0], "borderTopWidth", true)
- parentOffset.left += avalon.css(offsetParent[0], "borderLeftWidth", true)
- // Subtract offsetParent scroll positions
- parentOffset.top -= offsetParent.scrollTop()
- parentOffset.left -= offsetParent.scrollLeft()
- }
- return {
- top: offset.top - parentOffset.top - avalon.css(elem, "marginTop", true),
- left: offset.left - parentOffset.left - avalon.css(elem, "marginLeft", true)
- }
- },
- offsetParent: function () {
- var offsetParent = this[0].offsetParent
- while (offsetParent && avalon.css(offsetParent, "position") === "static") {
- offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
- }
- return avalon(offsetParent || root)
- },
- bind: function (type, fn, phase) {
- if (this[0]) { //此方法不会链
- return avalon.bind(this[0], type, fn, phase)
- }
- },
- unbind: function (type, fn, phase) {
- if (this[0]) {
- avalon.unbind(this[0], type, fn, phase)
- }
- return this
- },
- val: function (value) {
- var node = this[0]
- if (node && node.nodeType === 1) {
- var get = arguments.length === 0
- var access = get ? ":get" : ":set"
- var fn = valHooks[getValType(node) + access]
- if (fn) {
- var val = fn(node, value)
- } else if (get) {
- return (node.value || "").replace(/\r/g, "")
- } else {
- node.value = value
- }
- }
- return get ? val : this
- }
- })
- if (root.dataset) {
- avalon.fn.data = function (name, val) {
- name = name && camelize(name)
- var dataset = this[0].dataset
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 2:
- dataset[name] = val
- return this
- case 1:
- val = dataset[name]
- return parseData(val)
- case 0:
- var ret = createMap()
- for (name in dataset) {
- ret[name] = parseData(dataset[name])
- }
- return ret
- }
- }
- }
- var rbrace = /(?:\{[\s\S]*\}|\[[\s\S]*\])$/
- avalon.parseJSON = JSON.parse
- function parseData(data) {
- try {
- if (typeof data === "object")
- return data
- data = data === "true" ? true :
- data === "false" ? false :
- data === "null" ? null : +data + "" === data ? +data : rbrace.test(data) ? JSON.parse(data) : data
- } catch (e) {
- }
- return data
- }
- avalon.each({
- scrollLeft: "pageXOffset",
- scrollTop: "pageYOffset"
- }, function (method, prop) {
- avalon.fn[method] = function (val) {
- var node = this[0] || {}, win = getWindow(node),
- top = method === "scrollTop"
- if (!arguments.length) {
- return win ? win[prop] : node[method]
- } else {
- if (win) {
- win.scrollTo(!top ? val : win[prop], top ? val : win[prop])
- } else {
- node[method] = val
- }
- }
- }
- })
- function getWindow(node) {
- return node.window && node.document ? node : node.nodeType === 9 ? node.defaultView : false
- }
- var cssHooks = avalon.cssHooks = createMap()
- var prefixes = ["", "-webkit-", "-moz-", "-ms-"] //去掉opera-15的支持
- var cssMap = {
- "float": "cssFloat"
- }
- avalon.cssNumber = oneObject("columnCount,order,fillOpacity,fontWeight,lineHeight,opacity,orphans,widows,zIndex,zoom")
- avalon.cssName = function (name, host, camelCase) {
- if (cssMap[name]) {
- return cssMap[name]
- }
- host = host || root.style
- for (var i = 0, n = prefixes.length; i < n; i++) {
- camelCase = camelize(prefixes[i] + name)
- if (camelCase in host) {
- return (cssMap[name] = camelCase)
- }
- }
- return null
- }
- cssHooks["@:set"] = function (node, name, value) {
- node.style[name] = value
- }
- cssHooks["@:get"] = function (node, name) {
- if (!node || !node.style) {
- throw new Error("getComputedStyle要求传入一个节点 " + node)
- }
- var ret, computed = getComputedStyle(node)
- if (computed) {
- ret = name === "filter" ? computed.getPropertyValue(name) : computed[name]
- if (ret === "") {
- ret = node.style[name] //其他浏览器需要我们手动取内联样式
- }
- }
- return ret
- }
- cssHooks["opacity:get"] = function (node) {
- var ret = cssHooks["@:get"](node, "opacity")
- return ret === "" ? "1" : ret
- }
- "top,left".replace(rword, function (name) {
- cssHooks[name + ":get"] = function (node) {
- var computed = cssHooks["@:get"](node, name)
- return /px$/.test(computed) ? computed :
- avalon(node).position()[name] + "px"
- }
- })
- var cssShow = {
- position: "absolute",
- visibility: "hidden",
- display: "block"
- }
- var rdisplayswap = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/
- function showHidden(node, array) {
- //http://www.cnblogs.com/rubylouvre/archive/2012/10/27/2742529.html
- if (node.offsetWidth <= 0) { //opera.offsetWidth可能小于0
- var styles = getComputedStyle(node, null)
- if (rdisplayswap.test(styles["display"])) {
- var obj = {
- node: node
- }
- for (var name in cssShow) {
- obj[name] = styles[name]
- node.style[name] = cssShow[name]
- }
- array.push(obj)
- }
- var parent = node.parentNode
- if (parent && parent.nodeType === 1) {
- showHidden(parent, array)
- }
- }
- }
- "Width,Height".replace(rword, function (name) { //fix 481
- var method = name.toLowerCase(),
- clientProp = "client" + name,
- scrollProp = "scroll" + name,
- offsetProp = "offset" + name
- cssHooks[method + ":get"] = function (node, which, override) {
- var boxSizing = -4
- if (typeof override === "number") {
- boxSizing = override
- }
- which = name === "Width" ? ["Left", "Right"] : ["Top", "Bottom"]
- var ret = node[offsetProp] // border-box 0
- if (boxSizing === 2) { // margin-box 2
- return ret + avalon.css(node, "margin" + which[0], true) + avalon.css(node, "margin" + which[1], true)
- }
- if (boxSizing < 0) { // padding-box -2
- ret = ret - avalon.css(node, "border" + which[0] + "Width", true) - avalon.css(node, "border" + which[1] + "Width", true)
- }
- if (boxSizing === -4) { // content-box -4
- ret = ret - avalon.css(node, "padding" + which[0], true) - avalon.css(node, "padding" + which[1], true)
- }
- return ret
- }
- cssHooks[method + "&get"] = function (node) {
- var hidden = [];
- showHidden(node, hidden);
- var val = cssHooks[method + ":get"](node)
- for (var i = 0, obj; obj = hidden[i++];) {
- node = obj.node
- for (var n in obj) {
- if (typeof obj[n] === "string") {
- node.style[n] = obj[n]
- }
- }
- }
- return val;
- }
- avalon.fn[method] = function (value) { //会忽视其display
- var node = this[0]
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- if (node.setTimeout) { //取得窗口尺寸,IE9后可以用node.innerWidth /innerHeight代替
- return node["inner" + name]
- }
- if (node.nodeType === 9) { //取得页面尺寸
- var doc = node.documentElement
- //FF chrome html.scrollHeight< body.scrollHeight
- //IE 标准模式 : html.scrollHeight> body.scrollHeight
- //IE 怪异模式 : html.scrollHeight 最大等于可视窗口多一点?
- return Math.max(node.body[scrollProp], doc[scrollProp], node.body[offsetProp], doc[offsetProp], doc[clientProp])
- }
- return cssHooks[method + "&get"](node)
- } else {
- return this.css(method, value)
- }
- }
- avalon.fn["inner" + name] = function () {
- return cssHooks[method + ":get"](this[0], void 0, -2)
- }
- avalon.fn["outer" + name] = function (includeMargin) {
- return cssHooks[method + ":get"](this[0], void 0, includeMargin === true ? 2 : 0)
- }
- })
- avalon.fn.offset = function () { //取得距离页面左右角的坐标
- var node = this[0]
- try {
- var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect()
- // Make sure element is not hidden (display: none) or disconnected
- // https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/2043/files#r23981494
- if (rect.width || rect.height || node.getClientRects().length) {
- var doc = node.ownerDocument
- var root = doc.documentElement
- var win = doc.defaultView
- return {
- top: rect.top + win.pageYOffset - root.clientTop,
- left: rect.left + win.pageXOffset - root.clientLeft
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- return {
- left: 0,
- top: 0
- }
- }
- }
- //=============================val相关=======================
- function getValType(elem) {
- var ret = elem.tagName.toLowerCase()
- return ret === "input" && /checkbox|radio/.test(elem.type) ? "checked" : ret
- }
- var valHooks = {
- "select:get": function (node, value) {
- var option, options = node.options,
- index = node.selectedIndex,
- one = node.type === "select-one" || index < 0,
- values = one ? null : [],
- max = one ? index + 1 : options.length,
- i = index < 0 ? max : one ? index : 0
- for (; i < max; i++) {
- option = options[i]
- //旧式IE在reset后不会改变selected,需要改用i === index判定
- //我们过滤所有disabled的option元素,但在safari5下,如果设置select为disable,那么其所有孩子都disable
- //因此当一个元素为disable,需要检测其是否显式设置了disable及其父节点的disable情况
- if ((option.selected || i === index) && !option.disabled) {
- value = option.value
- if (one) {
- return value
- }
- //收集所有selected值组成数组返回
- values.push(value)
- }
- }
- return values
- },
- "select:set": function (node, values, optionSet) {
- values = [].concat(values) //强制转换为数组
- for (var i = 0, el; el = node.options[i++];) {
- if ((el.selected = values.indexOf(el.value) > -1)) {
- optionSet = true
- }
- }
- if (!optionSet) {
- node.selectedIndex = -1
- }
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * 编译系统 *
- **********************************************************************/
- var quote = JSON.stringify
- var keywords = [
- "break,case,catch,continue,debugger,default,delete,do,else,false",
- "finally,for,function,if,in,instanceof,new,null,return,switch,this",
- "throw,true,try,typeof,var,void,while,with", /* 关键字*/
- "abstract,boolean,byte,char,class,const,double,enum,export,extends",
- "final,float,goto,implements,import,int,interface,long,native",
- "package,private,protected,public,short,static,super,synchronized",
- "throws,transient,volatile", /*保留字*/
- "arguments,let,yield,undefined" /* ECMA 5 - use strict*/].join(",")
- var rrexpstr = /\/\*[\w\W]*?\*\/|\/\/[^\n]*\n|\/\/[^\n]*$|"(?:[^"\\]|\\[\w\W])*"|'(?:[^'\\]|\\[\w\W])*'|[\s\t\n]*\.[\s\t\n]*[$\w\.]+/g
- var rsplit = /[^\w$]+/g
- var rkeywords = new RegExp(["\\b" + keywords.replace(/,/g, '\\b|\\b') + "\\b"].join('|'), 'g')
- var rnumber = /\b\d[^,]*/g
- var rcomma = /^,+|,+$/g
- var cacheVars = new Cache(512)
- var getVariables = function (code) {
- var key = "," + code.trim()
- var ret = cacheVars.get(key)
- if (ret) {
- return ret
- }
- var match = code
- .replace(rrexpstr, "")
- .replace(rsplit, ",")
- .replace(rkeywords, "")
- .replace(rnumber, "")
- .replace(rcomma, "")
- .split(/^$|,+/)
- return cacheVars.put(key, uniqSet(match))
- }
- /*添加赋值语句*/
- function addAssign(vars, scope, name, data) {
- var ret = [],
- prefix = " = " + name + "."
- var isProxy = /\$proxy\$each/.test(scope.$id)
- for (var i = vars.length, prop; prop = vars[--i];) {
- var el = isProxy && scope.$map[prop] ? "el" : prop
- if (scope.hasOwnProperty(el)) {
- ret.push(prop + prefix + el)
- data.vars.push(prop)
- if (data.type === "duplex") {
- vars.get = name + "." + el
- }
- vars.splice(i, 1)
- }
- }
- return ret
- }
- function uniqSet(array) {
- var ret = [],
- unique = {}
- for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
- var el = array[i]
- var id = el && typeof el.$id === "string" ? el.$id : el
- if (!unique[id]) {
- unique[id] = ret.push(el)
- }
- }
- return ret
- }
- var cacheExprs = new Cache(128)
- var rduplex = /\w\[.*\]|\w\.\w/
- var rproxy = /(\$proxy\$[a-z]+)\d+$/
- var rthimRightParentheses = /\)\s*$/
- var rthimOtherParentheses = /\)\s*\|/g
- var rquoteFilterName = /\|\s*([$\w]+)/g
- var rpatchBracket = /"\s*\["/g
- var rthimLeftParentheses = /"\s*\(/g
- function parseFilter(val, filters) {
- filters = filters
- .replace(rthimRightParentheses, "")//处理最后的小括号
- .replace(rthimOtherParentheses, function () {//处理其他小括号
- return "],|"
- })
- .replace(rquoteFilterName, function (a, b) { //处理|及它后面的过滤器的名字
- return "[" + quote(b)
- })
- .replace(rpatchBracket, function () {
- return '"],["'
- })
- .replace(rthimLeftParentheses, function () {
- return '",'
- }) + "]"
- return "return avalon.filters.$filter(" + val + ", " + filters + ")"
- }
- function parseExpr(code, scopes, data) {
- var dataType = data.type
- var filters = data.filters || ""
- var exprId = scopes.map(function (el) {
- return String(el.$id).replace(rproxy, "$1")
- }) + code + dataType + filters
- var vars = getVariables(code).concat(),
- assigns = [],
- names = [],
- args = [],
- prefix = ""
- //args 是一个对象数组, names 是将要生成的求值函数的参数
- scopes = uniqSet(scopes)
- data.vars = []
- for (var i = 0, sn = scopes.length; i < sn; i++) {
- if (vars.length) {
- var name = "vm" + expose + "_" + i
- names.push(name)
- args.push(scopes[i])
- assigns.push.apply(assigns, addAssign(vars, scopes[i], name, data))
- }
- }
- if (!assigns.length && dataType === "duplex") {
- return
- }
- if (dataType !== "duplex" && (code.indexOf("||") > -1 || code.indexOf("&&") > -1)) {
- //https://github.com/RubyLouvre/avalon/issues/583
- data.vars.forEach(function (v) {
- var reg = new RegExp("\\b" + v + "(?:\\.\\w+|\\[\\w+\\])+", "ig")
- code = code.replace(reg, function (_) {
- var c = _.charAt(v.length)
- var r = IEVersion ? code.slice(arguments[1] + _.length) : RegExp.rightContext
- var method = /^\s*\(/.test(r)
- if (c === "." || c === "[" || method) {//比如v为aa,我们只匹配aa.bb,aa[cc],不匹配aaa.xxx
- var name = "var" + String(Math.random()).replace(/^0\./, "")
- if (method) {//array.size()
- var array = _.split(".")
- if (array.length > 2) {
- var last = array.pop()
- assigns.push(name + " = " + array.join("."))
- return name + "." + last
- } else {
- return _
- }
- }
- assigns.push(name + " = " + _)
- return name
- } else {
- return _
- }
- })
- })
- }
- //---------------args----------------
- data.args = args
- //---------------cache----------------
- var fn = cacheExprs.get(exprId) //直接从缓存,免得重复生成
- if (fn) {
- data.evaluator = fn
- return
- }
- prefix = assigns.join(", ")
- if (prefix) {
- prefix = "var " + prefix
- }
- if (/\S/.test(filters)) { //文本绑定,双工绑定才有过滤器
- if (!/text|html/.test(data.type)) {
- throw Error("ms-" + data.type + "不支持过滤器")
- }
- code = "\nvar ret" + expose + " = " + code + ";\r\n"
- code += parseFilter("ret" + expose, filters)
- } else if (dataType === "duplex") { //双工绑定
- var _body = "'use strict';\nreturn function(vvv){\n\t" +
- prefix +
- ";\n\tif(!arguments.length){\n\t\treturn " +
- code +
- "\n\t}\n\t" + (!rduplex.test(code) ? vars.get : code) +
- "= vvv;\n} "
- try {
- fn = Function.apply(noop, names.concat(_body))
- data.evaluator = cacheExprs.put(exprId, fn)
- } catch (e) {
- log("debug: parse error," + e.message)
- }
- return
- } else if (dataType === "on") { //事件绑定
- if (code.indexOf("(") === -1) {
- code += ".call(this, $event)"
- } else {
- code = code.replace("(", ".call(this,")
- }
- names.push("$event")
- code = "\nreturn " + code + ";" //IE全家 Function("return ")出错,需要Function("return ;")
- var lastIndex = code.lastIndexOf("\nreturn")
- var header = code.slice(0, lastIndex)
- var footer = code.slice(lastIndex)
- code = header + "\n" + footer
- } else { //其他绑定
- code = "\nreturn " + code + ";" //IE全家 Function("return ")出错,需要Function("return ;")
- }
- try {
- fn = Function.apply(noop, names.concat("'use strict';\n" + prefix + code))
- data.evaluator = cacheExprs.put(exprId, fn)
- } catch (e) {
- log("debug: parse error," + e.message)
- } finally {
- vars = assigns = names = null //释放内存
- }
- }
- function parseExprProxy(code, scopes, data, tokens, noRegister) {
- if (Array.isArray(tokens)) {
- code = tokens.map(function (el) {
- return el.expr ? "(" + el.value + ")" : quote(el.value)
- }).join(" + ")
- }
- parseExpr(code, scopes, data)
- if (data.evaluator && !noRegister) {
- data.handler = bindingExecutors[data.handlerName || data.type]
- //方便调试
- //这里非常重要,我们通过判定视图刷新函数的element是否在DOM树决定
- //将它移出订阅者列表
- avalon.injectBinding(data)
- }
- }
- avalon.parseExprProxy = parseExprProxy
- var bools = ["autofocus,autoplay,async,allowTransparency,checked,controls",
- "declare,disabled,defer,defaultChecked,defaultSelected",
- "contentEditable,isMap,loop,multiple,noHref,noResize,noShade",
- "open,readOnly,selected"
- ].join(",")
- var boolMap = {}
- bools.replace(rword, function (name) {
- boolMap[name.toLowerCase()] = name
- })
- var propMap = { //属性名映射
- "accept-charset": "acceptCharset",
- "char": "ch",
- "charoff": "chOff",
- "class": "className",
- "for": "htmlFor",
- "http-equiv": "httpEquiv"
- }
- var anomaly = ["accessKey,bgColor,cellPadding,cellSpacing,codeBase,codeType,colSpan",
- "dateTime,defaultValue,frameBorder,longDesc,maxLength,marginWidth,marginHeight",
- "rowSpan,tabIndex,useMap,vSpace,valueType,vAlign"
- ].join(",")
- anomaly.replace(rword, function (name) {
- propMap[name.toLowerCase()] = name
- })
- var rnoscripts = /<noscript.*?>(?:[\s\S]+?)<\/noscript>/img
- var rnoscriptText = /<noscript.*?>([\s\S]+?)<\/noscript>/im
- var getXHR = function () {
- return new (window.XMLHttpRequest || ActiveXObject)("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") // jshint ignore:line
- }
- var cacheTmpls = avalon.templateCache = {}
- bindingHandlers.attr = function (data, vmodels) {
- var text = data.value.trim(),
- simple = true
- if (text.indexOf(openTag) > -1 && text.indexOf(closeTag) > 2) {
- simple = false
- if (rexpr.test(text) && RegExp.rightContext === "" && RegExp.leftContext === "") {
- simple = true
- text = RegExp.$1
- }
- }
- if (data.type === "include") {
- var elem = data.element
- data.includeRendered = getBindingCallback(elem, "data-include-rendered", vmodels)
- data.includeLoaded = getBindingCallback(elem, "data-include-loaded", vmodels)
- var outer = data.includeReplace = !!avalon(elem).data("includeReplace")
- if (avalon(elem).data("includeCache")) {
- data.templateCache = {}
- }
- data.startInclude = DOC.createComment("ms-include")
- data.endInclude = DOC.createComment("ms-include-end")
- if (outer) {
- data.element = data.startInclude
- elem.parentNode.insertBefore(data.startInclude, elem)
- elem.parentNode.insertBefore(data.endInclude, elem.nextSibling)
- } else {
- elem.insertBefore(data.startInclude, elem.firstChild)
- elem.appendChild(data.endInclude)
- }
- }
- data.handlerName = "attr" //handleName用于处理多种绑定共用同一种bindingExecutor的情况
- parseExprProxy(text, vmodels, data, (simple ? 0 : scanExpr(data.value)))
- }
- bindingExecutors.attr = function (val, elem, data) {
- var method = data.type,
- attrName = data.param
- if (method === "css") {
- avalon(elem).css(attrName, val)
- } else if (method === "attr") {
- // ms-attr-class="xxx" vm.xxx="aaa bbb ccc"将元素的className设置为aaa bbb ccc
- // ms-attr-class="xxx" vm.xxx=false 清空元素的所有类名
- // ms-attr-name="yyy" vm.yyy="ooo" 为元素设置name属性
- var toRemove = (val === false) || (val === null) || (val === void 0)
- if (!W3C && propMap[attrName]) { //旧式IE下需要进行名字映射
- attrName = propMap[attrName]
- }
- var bool = boolMap[attrName]
- if (typeof elem[bool] === "boolean") {
- elem[bool] = !!val //布尔属性必须使用el.xxx = true|false方式设值
- if (!val) { //如果为false, IE全系列下相当于setAttribute(xxx,''),会影响到样式,需要进一步处理
- toRemove = true
- }
- }
- if (toRemove) {
- return elem.removeAttribute(attrName)
- }
- //SVG只能使用setAttribute(xxx, yyy), VML只能使用elem.xxx = yyy ,HTML的固有属性必须elem.xxx = yyy
- var isInnate = rsvg.test(elem) ? false : (DOC.namespaces && isVML(elem)) ? true : attrName in elem.cloneNode(false)
- if (isInnate) {
- elem[attrName] = val
- } else {
- elem.setAttribute(attrName, val)
- }
- } else if (method === "include" && val) {
- var vmodels = data.vmodels
- var rendered = data.includeRendered
- var loaded = data.includeLoaded
- var replace = data.includeReplace
- var target = replace ? elem.parentNode : elem
- var scanTemplate = function (text) {
- if (loaded) {
- var newText = loaded.apply(target, [text].concat(vmodels))
- if (typeof newText === "string")
- text = newText
- }
- if (rendered) {
- checkScan(target, function () {
- rendered.call(target)
- }, NaN)
- }
- var lastID = data.includeLastID
- if (data.templateCache && lastID && lastID !== val) {
- var lastTemplate = data.templateCache[lastID]
- if (!lastTemplate) {
- lastTemplate = data.templateCache[lastID] = DOC.createElement("div")
- ifGroup.appendChild(lastTemplate)
- }
- }
- data.includeLastID = val
- while (true) {
- var node = data.startInclude.nextSibling
- if (node && node !== data.endInclude) {
- target.removeChild(node)
- if (lastTemplate)
- lastTemplate.appendChild(node)
- } else {
- break
- }
- }
- var dom = getTemplateNodes(data, val, text)
- var nodes = avalon.slice(dom.childNodes)
- target.insertBefore(dom, data.endInclude)
- scanNodeArray(nodes, vmodels)
- }
- if (data.param === "src") {
- if (typeof cacheTmpls[val] === "string") {
- avalon.nextTick(function () {
- scanTemplate(cacheTmpls[val])
- })
- } else if (Array.isArray(cacheTmpls[val])) { //#805 防止在循环绑定中发出许多相同的请求
- cacheTmpls[val].push(scanTemplate)
- } else {
- var xhr = getXHR()
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
- if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
- var s = xhr.status
- if (s >= 200 && s < 300 || s === 304 || s === 1223) {
- var text = xhr.responseText
- for (var f = 0, fn; fn = cacheTmpls[val][f++];) {
- fn(text)
- }
- cacheTmpls[val] = text
- }
- }
- }
- cacheTmpls[val] = [scanTemplate]
- xhr.open("GET", val, true)
- if ("withCredentials" in xhr) {
- xhr.withCredentials = true
- }
- xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
- xhr.send(null)
- }
- } else {
- //IE系列与够新的标准浏览器支持通过ID取得元素(firefox14+)
- //http://tjvantoll.com/2012/07/19/dom-element-references-as-global-variables/
- var el = val && val.nodeType === 1 ? val : DOC.getElementById(val)
- if (el) {
- if (el.tagName === "NOSCRIPT" && !(el.innerHTML || el.fixIE78)) { //IE7-8 innerText,innerHTML都无法取得其内容,IE6能取得其innerHTML
- xhr = getXHR() //IE9-11与chrome的innerHTML会得到转义的内容,它们的innerText可以
- xhr.open("GET", location, false) //谢谢Nodejs 乱炖群 深圳-纯属虚构
- xhr.send(null)
- //http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390349046?page=1#post-393492653
- var noscripts = DOC.getElementsByTagName("noscript")
- var array = (xhr.responseText || "").match(rnoscripts) || []
- var n = array.length
- for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- var tag = noscripts[i]
- if (tag) { //IE6-8中noscript标签的innerHTML,innerText是只读的
- tag.style.display = "none" //http://haslayout.net/css/noscript-Ghost-Bug
- tag.fixIE78 = (array[i].match(rnoscriptText) || ["", "&nbsp;"])[1]
- }
- }
- }
- avalon.nextTick(function () {
- scanTemplate(el.fixIE78 || el.value || el.innerText || el.innerHTML)
- })
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (!root.hasAttribute && typeof val === "string" && (method === "src" || method === "href")) {
- val = val.replace(/&amp;/g, "&") //处理IE67自动转义的问题
- }
- elem[method] = val
- if (window.chrome && elem.tagName === "EMBED") {
- var parent = elem.parentNode //#525 chrome1-37下embed标签动态设置src不能发生请求
- var comment = document.createComment("ms-src")
- parent.replaceChild(comment, elem)
- parent.replaceChild(elem, comment)
- }
- }
- }
- function getTemplateNodes(data, id, text) {
- var div = data.templateCache && data.templateCache[id]
- if (div) {
- var dom = DOC.createDocumentFragment(),
- firstChild
- while (firstChild = div.firstChild) {
- dom.appendChild(firstChild)
- }
- return dom
- }
- return avalon.parseHTML(text)
- }
- "title,alt,src,value,css,include,href".replace(rword, function (name) {
- bindingHandlers[name] = bindingHandlers.attr
- })
-//根据VM的属性值或表达式的值切换类名,ms-class="xxx yyy zzz:flag"
- bindingHandlers["class"] = function (data, vmodels) {
- var oldStyle = data.param,
- text = data.value,
- rightExpr
- data.handlerName = "class"
- if (!oldStyle || isFinite(oldStyle)) {
- data.param = "" //去掉数字
- var noExpr = text.replace(rexprg, function (a) {
- return a.replace(/./g, "0")
- //return Math.pow(10, a.length - 1) //将插值表达式插入10的N-1次方来占位
- })
- var colonIndex = noExpr.indexOf(":") //取得第一个冒号的位置
- if (colonIndex === -1) { // 比如 ms-class="aaa bbb ccc" 的情况
- var className = text
- } else { // 比如 ms-class-1="ui-state-active:checked" 的情况
- className = text.slice(0, colonIndex)
- rightExpr = text.slice(colonIndex + 1)
- parseExpr(rightExpr, vmodels, data) //决定是添加还是删除
- if (!data.evaluator) {
- log("debug: ms-class '" + (rightExpr || "").trim() + "' 不存在于VM中")
- return false
- } else {
- data._evaluator = data.evaluator
- data._args = data.args
- }
- }
- var hasExpr = rexpr.test(className) //比如ms-class="width{{w}}"的情况
- if (!hasExpr) {
- data.immobileClass = className
- }
- parseExprProxy("", vmodels, data, (hasExpr ? scanExpr(className) : 0))
- } else {
- data.immobileClass = data.oldStyle = data.param
- parseExprProxy(text, vmodels, data)
- }
- }
- bindingExecutors["class"] = function (val, elem, data) {
- var $elem = avalon(elem),
- method = data.type
- if (method === "class" && data.oldStyle) { //如果是旧风格
- $elem.toggleClass(data.oldStyle, !!val)
- } else {
- //如果存在冒号就有求值函数
- data.toggleClass = data._evaluator ? !!data._evaluator.apply(elem, data._args) : true
- data.newClass = data.immobileClass || val
- if (data.oldClass && data.newClass !== data.oldClass) {
- $elem.removeClass(data.oldClass)
- }
- data.oldClass = data.newClass
- switch (method) {
- case "class":
- $elem.toggleClass(data.newClass, data.toggleClass)
- break
- case "hover":
- case "active":
- if (!data.hasBindEvent) { //确保只绑定一次
- var activate = "mouseenter" //在移出移入时切换类名
- var abandon = "mouseleave"
- if (method === "active") { //在聚焦失焦中切换类名
- elem.tabIndex = elem.tabIndex || -1
- activate = "mousedown"
- abandon = "mouseup"
- var fn0 = $elem.bind("mouseleave", function () {
- data.toggleClass && $elem.removeClass(data.newClass)
- })
- }
- var fn1 = $elem.bind(activate, function () {
- data.toggleClass && $elem.addClass(data.newClass)
- })
- var fn2 = $elem.bind(abandon, function () {
- data.toggleClass && $elem.removeClass(data.newClass)
- })
- data.rollback = function () {
- $elem.unbind("mouseleave", fn0)
- $elem.unbind(activate, fn1)
- $elem.unbind(abandon, fn2)
- }
- data.hasBindEvent = true
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- "hover,active".replace(rword, function (method) {
- bindingHandlers[method] = bindingHandlers["class"]
- })
-//ms-controller绑定已经在scanTag 方法中实现
-// bindingHandlers.data 定义在if.js
- bindingExecutors.data = function (val, elem, data) {
- var key = "data-" + data.param
- if (val && typeof val === "object") {
- elem[key] = val
- } else {
- elem.setAttribute(key, String(val))
- }
- }
- var duplexBinding = bindingHandlers.duplex = function (data, vmodels) {
- var elem = data.element,
- hasCast
- parseExprProxy(data.value, vmodels, data, 0, 1)
- data.changed = getBindingCallback(elem, "data-duplex-changed", vmodels) || noop
- if (data.evaluator && data.args) {
- var params = []
- var casting = oneObject("string,number,boolean,checked")
- if (elem.type === "radio" && data.param === "") {
- data.param = "checked"
- }
- if (elem.msData) {
- elem.msData["ms-duplex"] = data.value
- }
- data.param.replace(/\w+/g, function (name) {
- if (/^(checkbox|radio)$/.test(elem.type) && /^(radio|checked)$/.test(name)) {
- if (name === "radio")
- log("ms-duplex-radio已经更名为ms-duplex-checked")
- name = "checked"
- data.isChecked = true
- }
- if (name === "bool") {
- name = "boolean"
- log("ms-duplex-bool已经更名为ms-duplex-boolean")
- } else if (name === "text") {
- name = "string"
- log("ms-duplex-text已经更名为ms-duplex-string")
- }
- if (casting[name]) {
- hasCast = true
- }
- avalon.Array.ensure(params, name)
- })
- if (!hasCast) {
- params.push("string")
- }
- data.param = params.join("-")
- data.bound = function (type, callback) {
- if (elem.addEventListener) {
- elem.addEventListener(type, callback, false)
- } else {
- elem.attachEvent("on" + type, callback)
- }
- var old = data.rollback
- data.rollback = function () {
- elem.avalonSetter = null
- avalon.unbind(elem, type, callback)
- old && old()
- }
- }
- for (var i in avalon.vmodels) {
- var v = avalon.vmodels[i]
- v.$fire("avalon-ms-duplex-init", data)
- }
- var cpipe = data.pipe || (data.pipe = pipe)
- cpipe(null, data, "init")
- var tagName = elem.tagName
- duplexBinding[tagName] && duplexBinding[tagName](elem, data.evaluator.apply(null, data.args), data)
- }
- }
-//不存在 bindingExecutors.duplex
- function fixNull(val) {
- return val == null ? "" : val
- }
- avalon.duplexHooks = {
- checked: {
- get: function (val, data) {
- return !data.element.oldValue
- }
- },
- string: {
- get: function (val) { //同步到VM
- return val
- },
- set: fixNull
- },
- "boolean": {
- get: function (val) {
- return val === "true"
- },
- set: fixNull
- },
- number: {
- get: function (val, data) {
- var number = parseFloat(val)
- if (-val === -number) {
- return number
- }
- var arr = /strong|medium|weak/.exec(data.element.getAttribute("data-duplex-number")) || ["medium"]
- switch (arr[0]) {
- case "strong":
- return 0
- case "medium":
- return val === "" ? "" : 0
- case "weak":
- return val
- }
- },
- set: fixNull
- }
- }
- function pipe(val, data, action, e) {
- data.param.replace(/\w+/g, function (name) {
- var hook = avalon.duplexHooks[name]
- if (hook && typeof hook[action] === "function") {
- val = hook[action](val, data)
- }
- })
- return val
- }
- var TimerID, ribbon = []
- avalon.tick = function (fn) {
- if (ribbon.push(fn) === 1) {
- TimerID = setInterval(ticker, 60)
- }
- }
- function ticker() {
- for (var n = ribbon.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
- var el = ribbon[n]
- if (el() === false) {
- ribbon.splice(n, 1)
- }
- }
- if (!ribbon.length) {
- clearInterval(TimerID)
- }
- }
- var watchValueInTimer = noop
- var rmsinput = /text|password|hidden/
- new function () { // jshint ignore:line
- try { //#272 IE9-IE11, firefox
- var setters = {}
- var aproto = HTMLInputElement.prototype
- var bproto = HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype
- function newSetter(value) { // jshint ignore:line
- if (avalon.contains(root, this)) {
- setters[this.tagName].call(this, value)
- if (!rmsinput.test(this.type))
- return
- if (!this.msFocus && this.avalonSetter) {
- this.avalonSetter()
- }
- }
- }
- var inputProto = HTMLInputElement.prototype
- Object.getOwnPropertyNames(inputProto) //故意引发IE6-8等浏览器报错
- setters["INPUT"] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(aproto, "value").set
- Object.defineProperty(aproto, "value", {
- set: newSetter
- })
- setters["TEXTAREA"] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(bproto, "value").set
- Object.defineProperty(bproto, "value", {
- set: newSetter
- })
- } catch (e) {
- //在chrome 43中 ms-duplex终于不需要使用定时器实现双向绑定了
- // http://updates.html5rocks.com/2015/04/DOM-attributes-now-on-the-prototype
- // https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jwA8mtClwxI-QJuHT7872Z0pxpZz8PBkf2bGAbsUtqs/edit?pli=1
- watchValueInTimer = avalon.tick
- }
- } // jshint ignore:line
-//处理radio, checkbox, text, textarea, password
- duplexBinding.INPUT = function (element, evaluator, data) {
- var $type = element.type,
- bound = data.bound,
- $elem = avalon(element),
- composing = false
- function callback(value) {
- data.changed.call(this, value, data)
- }
- function compositionStart() {
- composing = true
- }
- function compositionEnd() {
- composing = false
- }
- //当value变化时改变model的值
- var updateVModel = function () {
- if (composing) //处理中文输入法在minlengh下引发的BUG
- return
- var val = element.oldValue = element.value //防止递归调用形成死循环
- var lastValue = data.pipe(val, data, "get")
- if ($elem.data("duplexObserve") !== false) {
- evaluator(lastValue)
- callback.call(element, lastValue)
- if ($elem.data("duplex-focus")) {
- avalon.nextTick(function () {
- element.focus()
- })
- }
- }
- }
- //当model变化时,它就会改变value的值
- data.handler = function () {
- var val = data.pipe(evaluator(), data, "set") + ""
- if (val !== element.oldValue) {
- element.value = val
- }
- }
- if (data.isChecked || $type === "radio") {
- updateVModel = function () {
- if ($elem.data("duplexObserve") !== false) {
- var lastValue = data.pipe(element.value, data, "get")
- evaluator(lastValue)
- callback.call(element, lastValue)
- }
- }
- data.handler = function () {
- var val = evaluator()
- var checked = data.isChecked ? !!val : val + "" === element.value
- element.checked = element.oldValue = checked
- }
- bound("click", updateVModel)
- } else if ($type === "checkbox") {
- updateVModel = function () {
- if ($elem.data("duplexObserve") !== false) {
- var method = element.checked ? "ensure" : "remove"
- var array = evaluator()
- if (!Array.isArray(array)) {
- log("ms-duplex应用于checkbox上要对应一个数组")
- array = [array]
- }
- avalon.Array[method](array, data.pipe(element.value, data, "get"))
- callback.call(element, array)
- }
- }
- data.handler = function () {
- var array = [].concat(evaluator()) //强制转换为数组
- element.checked = array.indexOf(data.pipe(element.value, data, "get")) > -1
- }
- bound("change", updateVModel)
- } else {
- var events = element.getAttribute("data-duplex-event") || "input"
- if (element.attributes["data-event"]) {
- log("data-event指令已经废弃,请改用data-duplex-event")
- }
- events.replace(rword, function (name) {
- switch (name) {
- case "input":
- bound("input", updateVModel)
- bound("DOMAutoComplete", updateVModel)
- if (!IEVersion) {
- bound("compositionstart", compositionStart)
- bound("compositionend", compositionEnd)
- }
- break
- default:
- bound(name, updateVModel)
- break
- }
- })
- bound("focus", function () {
- element.msFocus = true
- })
- bound("blur", function () {
- element.msFocus = false
- })
- if (rmsinput.test($type)) {
- watchValueInTimer(function () {
- if (root.contains(element)) {
- if (!element.msFocus && element.oldValue !== element.value) {
- updateVModel()
- }
- } else if (!element.msRetain) {
- return false
- }
- })
- }
- element.avalonSetter = updateVModel
- }
- element.oldValue = element.value
- avalon.injectBinding(data)
- callback.call(element, element.value)
- }
- duplexBinding.TEXTAREA = duplexBinding.INPUT
- duplexBinding.SELECT = function (element, evaluator, data) {
- var $elem = avalon(element)
- function updateVModel() {
- if ($elem.data("duplexObserve") !== false) {
- var val = $elem.val() //字符串或字符串数组
- if (Array.isArray(val)) {
- val = val.map(function (v) {
- return data.pipe(v, data, "get")
- })
- } else {
- val = data.pipe(val, data, "get")
- }
- if (val + "" !== element.oldValue) {
- evaluator(val)
- }
- data.changed.call(element, val, data)
- }
- }
- data.handler = function () {
- var val = evaluator()
- val = val && val.$model || val
- if (Array.isArray(val)) {
- if (!element.multiple) {
- log("ms-duplex在<select multiple=true>上要求对应一个数组")
- }
- } else {
- if (element.multiple) {
- log("ms-duplex在<select multiple=false>不能对应一个数组")
- }
- }
- //必须变成字符串后才能比较
- val = Array.isArray(val) ? val.map(String) : val + ""
- if (val + "" !== element.oldValue) {
- $elem.val(val)
- element.oldValue = val + ""
- }
- }
- data.bound("change", updateVModel)
- element.msCallback = function () {
- avalon.injectBinding(data)
- data.changed.call(element, evaluator(), data)
- }
- }
-// bindingHandlers.html 定义在if.js
- bindingExecutors.html = function (val, elem, data) {
- val = val == null ? "" : val
- var isHtmlFilter = "group" in data
- var parent = isHtmlFilter ? elem.parentNode : elem
- if (!parent)
- return
- if (typeof val === "string") {
- var fragment = avalon.parseHTML(val)
- } else if (val.nodeType === 11) { //将val转换为文档碎片
- fragment = val
- } else if (val.nodeType === 1 || val.item) {
- var nodes = val.nodeType === 1 ? val.childNodes : val.item
- fragment = hyperspace.cloneNode(true)
- while (nodes[0]) {
- fragment.appendChild(nodes[0])
- }
- }
- if (!fragment.firstChild) {
- fragment.appendChild(DOC.createComment("ms-html"))
- }
- nodes = avalon.slice(fragment.childNodes)
- //插入占位符, 如果是过滤器,需要有节制地移除指定的数量,如果是html指令,直接清空
- if (isHtmlFilter) {
- var n = data.group,
- i = 1
- data.group = nodes.length
- data.element = nodes[0]
- while (i < n) {
- var node = elem.nextSibling
- if (node) {
- parent.removeChild(node)
- i++
- }
- }
- parent.replaceChild(fragment, elem)
- } else {
- avalon.clearHTML(parent).appendChild(fragment)
- }
- scanNodeArray(nodes, data.vmodels)
- }
- bindingHandlers["if"] =
- bindingHandlers.data =
- bindingHandlers.text =
- bindingHandlers.html =
- function (data, vmodels) {
- parseExprProxy(data.value, vmodels, data)
- }
- bindingExecutors["if"] = function (val, elem, data) {
- if (val) { //插回DOM树
- if (elem.nodeType === 8) {
- elem.parentNode.replaceChild(data.template, elem)
- elem = data.element = data.template //这时可能为null
- }
- if (elem.getAttribute(data.name)) {
- elem.removeAttribute(data.name)
- scanAttr(elem, data.vmodels)
- }
- data.rollback = null
- } else { //移出DOM树,并用注释节点占据原位置
- if (elem.nodeType === 1) {
- var node = data.element = DOC.createComment("ms-if")
- elem.parentNode.replaceChild(node, elem)
- data.template = elem //元素节点
- ifGroup.appendChild(elem)
- data.rollback = function () {
- if (elem.parentNode === ifGroup) {
- ifGroup.removeChild(elem)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-//ms-important绑定已经在scanTag 方法中实现
- var rdash = /\(([^)]*)\)/
- bindingHandlers.on = function (data, vmodels) {
- var value = data.value
- data.type = "on"
- var eventType = data.param.replace(/-\d+$/, "") // ms-on-mousemove-10
- if (typeof bindingHandlers.on[eventType + "Hook"] === "function") {
- bindingHandlers.on[eventType + "Hook"](data)
- }
- if (value.indexOf("(") > 0 && value.indexOf(")") > -1) {
- var matched = (value.match(rdash) || ["", ""])[1].trim()
- if (matched === "" || matched === "$event") { // aaa() aaa($event)当成aaa处理
- value = value.replace(rdash, "")
- }
- }
- parseExprProxy(value, vmodels, data)
- }
- bindingExecutors.on = function (callback, elem, data) {
- callback = function (e) {
- var fn = data.evaluator || noop
- return fn.apply(this, data.args.concat(e))
- }
- var eventType = data.param.replace(/-\d+$/, "") // ms-on-mousemove-10
- if (eventType === "scan") {
- callback.call(elem, {
- type: eventType
- })
- } else if (typeof data.specialBind === "function") {
- data.specialBind(elem, callback)
- } else {
- var removeFn = avalon.bind(elem, eventType, callback)
- }
- data.rollback = function () {
- if (typeof data.specialUnbind === "function") {
- data.specialUnbind()
- } else {
- avalon.unbind(elem, eventType, removeFn)
- }
- }
- }
- bindingHandlers.repeat = function (data, vmodels) {
- var type = data.type
- parseExprProxy(data.value, vmodels, data, 0, 1)
- var freturn = false
- try {
- var $repeat = data.$repeat = data.evaluator.apply(0, data.args || [])
- var xtype = avalon.type($repeat)
- if (xtype !== "object" && xtype !== "array") {
- freturn = true
- avalon.log("warning:" + data.value + "只能是对象或数组")
- }
- } catch (e) {
- freturn = true
- }
- var arr = data.value.split(".") || []
- if (arr.length > 1) {
- arr.pop()
- var n = arr[0]
- for (var i = 0, v; v = vmodels[i++];) {
- if (v && v.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
- var events = v[n].$events || {}
- events[subscribers] = events[subscribers] || []
- events[subscribers].push(data)
- break
- }
- }
- }
- var elem = data.element
- elem.removeAttribute(data.name)
- data.sortedCallback = getBindingCallback(elem, "data-with-sorted", vmodels)
- data.renderedCallback = getBindingCallback(elem, "data-" + type + "-rendered", vmodels)
- var signature = generateID(type)
- var comment = data.element = DOC.createComment(signature + ":end")
- data.clone = DOC.createComment(signature)
- hyperspace.appendChild(comment)
- if (type === "each" || type === "with") {
- data.template = elem.innerHTML.trim()
- avalon.clearHTML(elem).appendChild(comment)
- } else {
- data.template = elem.outerHTML.trim()
- elem.parentNode.replaceChild(comment, elem)
- }
- data.template = avalon.parseHTML(data.template)
- data.rollback = function () {
- var elem = data.element
- if (!elem)
- return
- bindingExecutors.repeat.call(data, "clear")
- var parentNode = elem.parentNode
- var content = data.template
- var target = content.firstChild
- parentNode.replaceChild(content, elem)
- var start = data.$with
- start && start.parentNode && start.parentNode.removeChild(start)
- target = data.element = data.type === "repeat" ? target : parentNode
- }
- if (freturn) {
- return
- }
- data.handler = bindingExecutors.repeat
- data.$outer = {}
- var check0 = "$key"
- var check1 = "$val"
- if (Array.isArray($repeat)) {
- $repeat.$map[data.param || "el"] = 1
- check0 = "$first"
- check1 = "$last"
- }
- for (i = 0; v = vmodels[i++];) {
- if (v.hasOwnProperty(check0) && v.hasOwnProperty(check1)) {
- data.$outer = v
- break
- }
- }
- var $events = $repeat.$events
- var $list = ($events || {})[subscribers]
- if ($list && avalon.Array.ensure($list, data)) {
- addSubscribers(data, $list)
- }
- if (xtype === "object") {
- data.$with = true
- var pool = !$events ? {} : $events.$withProxyPool || ($events.$withProxyPool = {})
- data.handler("append", $repeat, pool)
- } else if ($repeat.length) {
- data.handler("add", 0, $repeat.length)
- }
- }
- bindingExecutors.repeat = function (method, pos, el) {
- if (method) {
- var data = this, start, fragment
- var end = data.element
- var comments = getComments(data)
- var parent = end.parentNode
- var transation = hyperspace.cloneNode(false)
- switch (method) {
- case "add": //在pos位置后添加el数组(pos为插入位置,el为要插入的个数)
- var n = pos + el
- var fragments = []
- var array = data.$repeat
- for (var i = pos; i < n; i++) {
- var proxy = array.$proxy[i]
- proxy.$outer = data.$outer
- shimController(data, transation, proxy, fragments)
- }
- parent.insertBefore(transation, comments[pos] || end)
- for (i = 0; fragment = fragments[i++];) {
- scanNodeArray(fragment.nodes, fragment.vmodels)
- fragment.nodes = fragment.vmodels = null
- }
- break
- case "del": //将pos后的el个元素删掉(pos, el都是数字)
- sweepNodes(comments[pos], comments[pos + el] || end)
- break
- case "clear":
- start = comments[0]
- if (start) {
- sweepNodes(start, end)
- }
- break
- case "move":
- start = comments[0]
- if (start) {
- var signature = start.nodeValue
- var rooms = []
- var room = [],
- node
- sweepNodes(start, end, function () {
- room.unshift(this)
- if (this.nodeValue === signature) {
- rooms.unshift(room)
- room = []
- }
- })
- sortByIndex(rooms, pos)
- while (room = rooms.shift()) {
- while (node = room.shift()) {
- transation.appendChild(node)
- }
- }
- parent.insertBefore(transation, end)
- }
- break
- case "append": //将pos的键值对从el中取出(pos为一个普通对象,el为预先生成好的代理VM对象池)
- var pool = el
- var keys = []
- fragments = []
- for (var key in pos) { //得到所有键名
- if (pos.hasOwnProperty(key) && key !== "hasOwnProperty") {
- keys.push(key)
- }
- }
- if (data.sortedCallback) { //如果有回调,则让它们排序
- var keys2 = data.sortedCallback.call(parent, keys)
- if (keys2 && Array.isArray(keys2) && keys2.length) {
- keys = keys2
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; key = keys[i++];) {
- if (key !== "hasOwnProperty") {
- if (!pool[key]) {
- pool[key] = withProxyAgent(key, data)
- }
- shimController(data, transation, pool[key], fragments)
- }
- }
- var comment = data.$with = data.clone
- parent.insertBefore(comment, end)
- parent.insertBefore(transation, end)
- for (i = 0; fragment = fragments[i++];) {
- scanNodeArray(fragment.nodes, fragment.vmodels)
- fragment.nodes = fragment.vmodels = null
- }
- break
- }
- if (method === "clear")
- method = "del"
- var callback = data.renderedCallback || noop,
- args = arguments
- checkScan(parent, function () {
- callback.apply(parent, args)
- if (parent.oldValue && parent.tagName === "SELECT") { //fix #503
- avalon(parent).val(parent.oldValue.split(","))
- }
- }, NaN)
- }
- }
- "with,each".replace(rword, function (name) {
- bindingHandlers[name] = bindingHandlers.repeat
- })
- function shimController(data, transation, proxy, fragments) {
- var content = data.template.cloneNode(true)
- var nodes = avalon.slice(content.childNodes)
- if (!data.$with) {
- content.insertBefore(data.clone.cloneNode(false), content.firstChild)
- }
- transation.appendChild(content)
- var nv = [proxy].concat(data.vmodels)
- var fragment = {
- nodes: nodes,
- vmodels: nv
- }
- fragments.push(fragment)
- }
- function getComments(data) {
- var end = data.element
- var signature = end.nodeValue.replace(":end", "")
- var node = end.previousSibling
- var array = []
- while (node) {
- if (node.nodeValue === signature) {
- array.unshift(node)
- }
- node = node.previousSibling
- }
- return array
- }
- function sweepNodes(start, end, callback) {
- while (true) {
- var node = end.previousSibling
- if (!node)
- break
- node.parentNode.removeChild(node)
- callback && callback.call(node)
- if (node === start) {
- break
- }
- }
- }
-// 为ms-each,ms-with, ms-repeat会创建一个代理VM,
-// 通过它们保持一个下上文,让用户能调用$index,$first,$last,$remove,$key,$val,$outer等属性与方法
-// 所有代理VM的产生,消费,收集,存放通过xxxProxyFactory,xxxProxyAgent, recycleProxies,xxxProxyPool实现
- var eachProxyPool = []
- var withProxyPool = []
- function eachProxyFactory() {
- var source = {
- $index: 0,
- $first: false,
- $last: false,
- $map: {},
- $host: [],
- $outer: {},
- $remove: avalon.noop,
- el: {
- get: function () {
- var e = this.$events
- var array = e.$index
- e.$index = e.el //#817 通过$index为el收集依赖
- try {
- return this.$host[this.$index]
- } finally {
- e.$index = array
- }
- },
- set: function (val) {
- this.$host.set(this.$index, val)
- }
- }
- }
- var second = {
- $last: 1,
- $first: 1,
- $index: 1
- }
- var proxy = modelFactory(source, second)
- proxy.$id = generateID("$proxy$each")
- return proxy
- }
- function eachProxyAgent(index, host) {
- var proxy = eachProxyPool.shift()
- if (!proxy) {
- proxy = eachProxyFactory()
- }
- var last = host.length - 1
- proxy.$index = index
- proxy.$first = index === 0
- proxy.$last = index === last
- proxy.$map = host.$map
- proxy.$host = host
- proxy.$remove = function () {
- return host.removeAt(proxy.$index)
- }
- return proxy
- }
- function withProxyFactory() {
- var proxy = modelFactory({
- $key: "",
- $outer: {},
- $host: {},
- $val: {
- get: function () {
- return this.$host[this.$key]
- },
- set: function (val) {
- this.$host[this.$key] = val
- }
- }
- }, {
- $val: 1
- })
- proxy.$id = generateID("$proxy$with")
- return proxy
- }
- function withProxyAgent(key, data) {
- var proxy = withProxyPool.pop()
- if (!proxy) {
- proxy = withProxyFactory()
- }
- var host = data.$repeat
- proxy.$key = key
- proxy.$host = host
- proxy.$outer = data.$outer
- if (host.$events) {
- proxy.$events.$val = host.$events[key]
- } else {
- proxy.$events = {}
- }
- return proxy
- }
- function recycleProxies(proxies, type) {
- var proxyPool = type === "each" ? eachProxyPool : withProxyPool
- avalon.each(proxies, function (key, proxy) {
- if (proxy.$events) {
- for (var i in proxy.$events) {
- if (Array.isArray(proxy.$events[i])) {
- proxy.$events[i].forEach(function (data) {
- if (typeof data === "object")
- disposeData(data)
- }) // jshint ignore:line
- proxy.$events[i].length = 0
- }
- }
- proxy.$host = proxy.$outer = {}
- if (proxyPool.unshift(proxy) > kernel.maxRepeatSize) {
- proxyPool.pop()
- }
- }
- })
- if (type === "each")
- proxies.length = 0
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * 各种指令 *
- **********************************************************************/
-//ms-skip绑定已经在scanTag 方法中实现
-// bindingHandlers.text 定义在if.js
- bindingExecutors.text = function (val, elem) {
- val = val == null ? "" : val //不在页面上显示undefined null
- if (elem.nodeType === 3) { //绑定在文本节点上
- try { //IE对游离于DOM树外的节点赋值会报错
- elem.data = val
- } catch (e) {
- }
- } else { //绑定在特性节点上
- elem.textContent = val
- }
- }
- function parseDisplay(nodeName, val) {
- //用于取得此类标签的默认display值
- var key = "_" + nodeName
- if (!parseDisplay[key]) {
- var node = DOC.createElement(nodeName)
- root.appendChild(node)
- if (W3C) {
- val = getComputedStyle(node, null).display
- } else {
- val = node.currentStyle.display
- }
- root.removeChild(node)
- parseDisplay[key] = val
- }
- return parseDisplay[key]
- }
- avalon.parseDisplay = parseDisplay
- bindingHandlers.visible = function (data, vmodels) {
- var elem = avalon(data.element)
- var display = elem.css("display")
- if (display === "none") {
- var style = elem[0].style
- var has = /visibility/i.test(style.cssText)
- var visible = elem.css("visibility")
- style.display = ""
- style.visibility = "hidden"
- display = elem.css("display")
- if (display === "none") {
- display = parseDisplay(elem[0].nodeName)
- }
- style.visibility = has ? visible : ""
- }
- data.display = display
- parseExprProxy(data.value, vmodels, data)
- }
- bindingExecutors.visible = function (val, elem, data) {
- elem.style.display = val ? data.display : "none"
- }
- bindingHandlers.widget = function (data, vmodels) {
- var args = data.value.match(rword)
- var elem = data.element
- var widget = args[0]
- var id = args[1]
- if (!id || id === "$") { //没有定义或为$时,取组件名+随机数
- id = generateID(widget)
- }
- var optName = args[2] || widget //没有定义,取组件名
- var constructor = avalon.ui[widget]
- if (typeof constructor === "function") { //ms-widget="tabs,tabsAAA,optname"
- vmodels = elem.vmodels || vmodels
- for (var i = 0, v; v = vmodels[i++];) {
- if (v.hasOwnProperty(optName) && typeof v[optName] === "object") {
- var vmOptions = v[optName]
- vmOptions = vmOptions.$model || vmOptions
- break
- }
- }
- if (vmOptions) {
- var wid = vmOptions[widget + "Id"]
- if (typeof wid === "string") {
- log("warning!不再支持" + widget + "Id")
- id = wid
- }
- }
- //抽取data-tooltip-text、data-tooltip-attr属性,组成一个配置对象
- var widgetData = avalon.getWidgetData(elem, widget)
- data.value = [widget, id, optName].join(",")
- data[widget + "Id"] = id
- data.evaluator = noop
- elem.msData["ms-widget-id"] = id
- var options = data[widget + "Options"] = avalon.mix({}, constructor.defaults, vmOptions || {}, widgetData)
- elem.removeAttribute("ms-widget")
- var vmodel = constructor(elem, data, vmodels) || {} //防止组件不返回VM
- if (vmodel.$id) {
- avalon.vmodels[id] = vmodel
- createSignalTower(elem, vmodel)
- try {
- vmodel.$init(function () {
- avalon.scan(elem, [vmodel].concat(vmodels))
- if (typeof options.onInit === "function") {
- options.onInit.call(elem, vmodel, options, vmodels)
- }
- })
- } catch (e) {
- }
- data.rollback = function () {
- try {
- vmodel.widgetElement = null
- vmodel.$remove()
- } catch (e) {
- }
- elem.msData = {}
- delete avalon.vmodels[vmodel.$id]
- }
- addSubscribers(data, widgetList)
- if (window.chrome) {
- elem.addEventListener("DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument", function () {
- setTimeout(removeSubscribers)
- })
- }
- } else {
- avalon.scan(elem, vmodels)
- }
- } else if (vmodels.length) { //如果该组件还没有加载,那么保存当前的vmodels
- elem.vmodels = vmodels
- }
- }
- var widgetList = []
-//不存在 bindingExecutors.widget
- /*********************************************************************
- * 自带过滤器 *
- **********************************************************************/
- var rscripts = /<script[^>]*>([\S\s]*?)<\/script\s*>/gim
- var ron = /\s+(on[^=\s]+)(?:=("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s>]+))?/g
- var ropen = /<\w+\b(?:(["'])[^"]*?(\1)|[^>])*>/ig
- var rsanitize = {
- a: /\b(href)\=("javascript[^"]*"|'javascript[^']*')/ig,
- img: /\b(src)\=("javascript[^"]*"|'javascript[^']*')/ig,
- form: /\b(action)\=("javascript[^"]*"|'javascript[^']*')/ig
- }
- var rsurrogate = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g
- var rnoalphanumeric = /([^\#-~| |!])/g;
- function numberFormat(number, decimals, point, thousands) {
- //form http://phpjs.org/functions/number_format/
- //number 必需,要格式化的数字
- //decimals 可选,规定多少个小数位。
- //point 可选,规定用作小数点的字符串(默认为 . )。
- //thousands 可选,规定用作千位分隔符的字符串(默认为 , ),如果设置了该参数,那么所有其他参数都是必需的。
- number = (number + '')
- .replace(/[^0-9+\-Ee.]/g, '')
- var n = !isFinite(+number) ? 0 : +number,
- prec = !isFinite(+decimals) ? 3 : Math.abs(decimals),
- sep = thousands || ",",
- dec = point || ".",
- s = '',
- toFixedFix = function (n, prec) {
- var k = Math.pow(10, prec)
- return '' + (Math.round(n * k) / k)
- .toFixed(prec)
- }
- // Fix for IE parseFloat(0.55).toFixed(0) = 0;
- s = (prec ? toFixedFix(n, prec) : '' + Math.round(n))
- .split('.')
- if (s[0].length > 3) {
- s[0] = s[0].replace(/\B(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, sep)
- }
- if ((s[1] || '')
- .length < prec) {
- s[1] = s[1] || ''
- s[1] += new Array(prec - s[1].length + 1)
- .join('0')
- }
- return s.join(dec)
- }
- var filters = avalon.filters = {
- uppercase: function (str) {
- return str.toUpperCase()
- },
- lowercase: function (str) {
- return str.toLowerCase()
- },
- truncate: function (str, length, truncation) {
- //length,新字符串长度,truncation,新字符串的结尾的字段,返回新字符串
- length = length || 30
- truncation = truncation === void(0) ? "..." : truncation
- return str.length > length ? str.slice(0, length - truncation.length) + truncation : String(str)
- },
- $filter: function (val) {
- for (var i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
- var array = arguments[i]
- var fn = avalon.filters[array.shift()]
- if (typeof fn === "function") {
- var arr = [val].concat(array)
- val = fn.apply(null, arr)
- }
- }
- return val
- },
- camelize: camelize,
- //https://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_Filter_Evasion_Cheat_Sheet
- // <a href="javasc&NewLine;ript&colon;alert('XSS')">chrome</a>
- // <a href="data:text/html;base64, PGltZyBzcmM9eCBvbmVycm9yPWFsZXJ0KDEpPg==">chrome</a>
- // <a href="jav ascript:alert('XSS');">IE67chrome</a>
- // <a href="jav&#x09;ascript:alert('XSS');">IE67chrome</a>
- // <a href="jav&#x0A;ascript:alert('XSS');">IE67chrome</a>
- sanitize: function (str) {
- return str.replace(rscripts, "").replace(ropen, function (a, b) {
- var match = a.toLowerCase().match(/<(\w+)\s/)
- if (match) { //处理a标签的href属性,img标签的src属性,form标签的action属性
- var reg = rsanitize[match[1]]
- if (reg) {
- a = a.replace(reg, function (s, name, value) {
- var quote = value.charAt(0)
- return name + "=" + quote + "javascript:void(0)" + quote// jshint ignore:line
- })
- }
- }
- return a.replace(ron, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ") //移除onXXX事件
- })
- },
- escape: function (str) {
- //将字符串经过 str 转义得到适合在页面中显示的内容, 例如替换 < 为 &lt
- return String(str).
- replace(/&/g, '&amp;').
- replace(rsurrogate, function (value) {
- var hi = value.charCodeAt(0)
- var low = value.charCodeAt(1)
- return '&#' + (((hi - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (low - 0xDC00) + 0x10000) + ';'
- }).
- replace(rnoalphanumeric, function (value) {
- return '&#' + value.charCodeAt(0) + ';'
- }).
- replace(/</g, '&lt;').
- replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
- },
- currency: function (amount, symbol, fractionSize) {
- return (symbol || "\uFFE5") + numberFormat(amount, isFinite(fractionSize) ? fractionSize : 2)
- },
- number: numberFormat
- }
- /*
- 'yyyy': 4 digit representation of year (e.g. AD 1 => 0001, AD 2010 => 2010)
- 'yy': 2 digit representation of year, padded (00-99). (e.g. AD 2001 => 01, AD 2010 => 10)
- 'y': 1 digit representation of year, e.g. (AD 1 => 1, AD 199 => 199)
- 'MMMM': Month in year (January-December)
- 'MMM': Month in year (Jan-Dec)
- 'MM': Month in year, padded (01-12)
- 'M': Month in year (1-12)
- 'dd': Day in month, padded (01-31)
- 'd': Day in month (1-31)
- 'EEEE': Day in Week,(Sunday-Saturday)
- 'EEE': Day in Week, (Sun-Sat)
- 'HH': Hour in day, padded (00-23)
- 'H': Hour in day (0-23)
- 'hh': Hour in am/pm, padded (01-12)
- 'h': Hour in am/pm, (1-12)
- 'mm': Minute in hour, padded (00-59)
- 'm': Minute in hour (0-59)
- 'ss': Second in minute, padded (00-59)
- 's': Second in minute (0-59)
- 'a': am/pm marker
- 'Z': 4 digit (+sign) representation of the timezone offset (-1200-+1200)
- format string can also be one of the following predefined localizable formats:
- 'medium': equivalent to 'MMM d, y h:mm:ss a' for en_US locale (e.g. Sep 3, 2010 12:05:08 pm)
- 'short': equivalent to 'M/d/yy h:mm a' for en_US locale (e.g. 9/3/10 12:05 pm)
- 'fullDate': equivalent to 'EEEE, MMMM d,y' for en_US locale (e.g. Friday, September 3, 2010)
- 'longDate': equivalent to 'MMMM d, y' for en_US locale (e.g. September 3, 2010
- 'mediumDate': equivalent to 'MMM d, y' for en_US locale (e.g. Sep 3, 2010)
- 'shortDate': equivalent to 'M/d/yy' for en_US locale (e.g. 9/3/10)
- 'mediumTime': equivalent to 'h:mm:ss a' for en_US locale (e.g. 12:05:08 pm)
- 'shortTime': equivalent to 'h:mm a' for en_US locale (e.g. 12:05 pm)
- */
- new function () {// jshint ignore:line
- function toInt(str) {
- return parseInt(str, 10) || 0
- }
- function padNumber(num, digits, trim) {
- var neg = ""
- if (num < 0) {
- neg = '-'
- num = -num
- }
- num = "" + num
- while (num.length < digits)
- num = "0" + num
- if (trim)
- num = num.substr(num.length - digits)
- return neg + num
- }
- function dateGetter(name, size, offset, trim) {
- return function (date) {
- var value = date["get" + name]()
- if (offset > 0 || value > -offset)
- value += offset
- if (value === 0 && offset === -12) {
- value = 12
- }
- return padNumber(value, size, trim)
- }
- }
- function dateStrGetter(name, shortForm) {
- return function (date, formats) {
- var value = date["get" + name]()
- var get = (shortForm ? ("SHORT" + name) : name).toUpperCase()
- return formats[get][value]
- }
- }
- function timeZoneGetter(date) {
- var zone = -1 * date.getTimezoneOffset()
- var paddedZone = (zone >= 0) ? "+" : ""
- paddedZone += padNumber(Math[zone > 0 ? "floor" : "ceil"](zone / 60), 2) + padNumber(Math.abs(zone % 60), 2)
- return paddedZone
- }
- //取得上午下午
- function ampmGetter(date, formats) {
- return date.getHours() < 12 ? formats.AMPMS[0] : formats.AMPMS[1]
- }
- var DATE_FORMATS = {
- yyyy: dateGetter("FullYear", 4),
- yy: dateGetter("FullYear", 2, 0, true),
- y: dateGetter("FullYear", 1),
- MMMM: dateStrGetter("Month"),
- MMM: dateStrGetter("Month", true),
- MM: dateGetter("Month", 2, 1),
- M: dateGetter("Month", 1, 1),
- dd: dateGetter("Date", 2),
- d: dateGetter("Date", 1),
- HH: dateGetter("Hours", 2),
- H: dateGetter("Hours", 1),
- hh: dateGetter("Hours", 2, -12),
- h: dateGetter("Hours", 1, -12),
- mm: dateGetter("Minutes", 2),
- m: dateGetter("Minutes", 1),
- ss: dateGetter("Seconds", 2),
- s: dateGetter("Seconds", 1),
- sss: dateGetter("Milliseconds", 3),
- EEEE: dateStrGetter("Day"),
- EEE: dateStrGetter("Day", true),
- a: ampmGetter,
- Z: timeZoneGetter
- }
- var rdateFormat = /((?:[^yMdHhmsaZE']+)|(?:'(?:[^']|'')*')|(?:E+|y+|M+|d+|H+|h+|m+|s+|a|Z))(.*)/
- var raspnetjson = /^\/Date\((\d+)\)\/$/
- filters.date = function (date, format) {
- var locate = filters.date.locate,
- text = "",
- parts = [],
- fn, match
- format = format || "mediumDate"
- format = locate[format] || format
- if (typeof date === "string") {
- if (/^\d+$/.test(date)) {
- date = toInt(date)
- } else if (raspnetjson.test(date)) {
- date = +RegExp.$1
- } else {
- var trimDate = date.trim()
- var dateArray = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- var oDate = new Date(0)
- //取得年月日
- trimDate = trimDate.replace(/^(\d+)\D(\d+)\D(\d+)/, function (_, a, b, c) {
- var array = c.length === 4 ? [c, a, b] : [a, b, c]
- dateArray[0] = toInt(array[0]) //年
- dateArray[1] = toInt(array[1]) - 1 //月
- dateArray[2] = toInt(array[2]) //日
- return ""
- })
- var dateSetter = oDate.setFullYear
- var timeSetter = oDate.setHours
- trimDate = trimDate.replace(/[T\s](\d+):(\d+):?(\d+)?\.?(\d)?/, function (_, a, b, c, d) {
- dateArray[3] = toInt(a) //小时
- dateArray[4] = toInt(b) //分钟
- dateArray[5] = toInt(c) //秒
- if (d) { //毫秒
- dateArray[6] = Math.round(parseFloat("0." + d) * 1000)
- }
- return ""
- })
- var tzHour = 0
- var tzMin = 0
- trimDate = trimDate.replace(/Z|([+-])(\d\d):?(\d\d)/, function (z, symbol, c, d) {
- dateSetter = oDate.setUTCFullYear
- timeSetter = oDate.setUTCHours
- if (symbol) {
- tzHour = toInt(symbol + c)
- tzMin = toInt(symbol + d)
- }
- return ""
- })
- dateArray[3] -= tzHour
- dateArray[4] -= tzMin
- dateSetter.apply(oDate, dateArray.slice(0, 3))
- timeSetter.apply(oDate, dateArray.slice(3))
- date = oDate
- }
- }
- if (typeof date === "number") {
- date = new Date(date)
- }
- if (avalon.type(date) !== "date") {
- return
- }
- while (format) {
- match = rdateFormat.exec(format)
- if (match) {
- parts = parts.concat(match.slice(1))
- format = parts.pop()
- } else {
- parts.push(format)
- format = null
- }
- }
- parts.forEach(function (value) {
- fn = DATE_FORMATS[value]
- text += fn ? fn(date, locate) : value.replace(/(^'|'$)/g, "").replace(/''/g, "'")
- })
- return text
- }
- var locate = {
- AMPMS: {
- 0: "上午",
- 1: "下午"
- },
- DAY: {
- 0: "星期日",
- 1: "星期一",
- 2: "星期二",
- 3: "星期三",
- 4: "星期四",
- 5: "星期五",
- 6: "星期六"
- },
- MONTH: {
- 0: "1月",
- 1: "2月",
- 2: "3月",
- 3: "4月",
- 4: "5月",
- 5: "6月",
- 6: "7月",
- 7: "8月",
- 8: "9月",
- 9: "10月",
- 10: "11月",
- 11: "12月"
- },
- "0": "周日",
- "1": "周一",
- "2": "周二",
- "3": "周三",
- "4": "周四",
- "5": "周五",
- "6": "周六"
- },
- fullDate: "y年M月d日EEEE",
- longDate: "y年M月d日",
- medium: "yyyy-M-d H:mm:ss",
- mediumDate: "yyyy-M-d",
- mediumTime: "H:mm:ss",
- "short": "yy-M-d ah:mm",
- shortDate: "yy-M-d",
- shortTime: "ah:mm"
- }
- locate.SHORTMONTH = locate.MONTH
- filters.date.locate = locate
- }// jshint ignore:line
- /*********************************************************************
- * AMD加载器 *
- **********************************************************************/
- var modules = avalon.modules = {
- "domReady!": {
- exports: avalon,
- state: 3
- },
- "avalon": {
- exports: avalon,
- state: 4
- }
- }
-// undefined 没有定义
-// 1(send) 已经发出请求
-// 2(loading) 已经被执行但还没有执行完成,在这个阶段define方法会被执行
-// 3(loaded) 执行完毕,通过onload/onreadystatechange回调判定,在这个阶段checkDeps方法会执行
-// 4(execute) 其依赖也执行完毕, 值放到exports对象上,在这个阶段fireFactory方法会执行
- modules.exports = modules.avalon
- new function () {// jshint ignore:line
- var loadings = [] //正在加载中的模块列表
- var factorys = [] //放置define方法的factory函数
- var rjsext = /\.js$/i
- function makeRequest(name, config) {
-//1. 去掉资源前缀
- var res = "js"
- name = name.replace(/^(\w+)\!/, function (a, b) {
- res = b
- return ""
- })
- if (res === "ready") {
- log("debug: ready!已经被废弃,请使用domReady!")
- res = "domReady"
- }
-//2. 去掉querystring, hash
- var query = ""
- name = name.replace(rquery, function (a) {
- query = a
- return ""
- })
- //3. 去掉扩展名
- var suffix = "." + res
- var ext = /js|css/.test(suffix) ? suffix : ""
- name = name.replace(/\.[a-z0-9]+$/g, function (a) {
- if (a === suffix) {
- ext = a
- return ""
- } else {
- return a
- }
- })
- var req = avalon.mix({
- query: query,
- ext: ext,
- res: res,
- name: name,
- toUrl: toUrl
- }, config)
- req.toUrl(name)
- return req
- }
- function fireRequest(req) {
- var name = req.name
- var res = req.res
- //1. 如果该模块已经发出请求,直接返回
- var module = modules[name]
- var urlNoQuery = name && req.urlNoQuery
- if (module && module.state >= 1) {
- return name
- }
- module = modules[urlNoQuery]
- if (module && module.state >= 3) {
- innerRequire(module.deps || [], module.factory, urlNoQuery)
- return urlNoQuery
- }
- if (name && !module) {
- module = modules[urlNoQuery] = {
- id: urlNoQuery,
- state: 1 //send
- }
- var wrap = function (obj) {
- resources[res] = obj
- obj.load(name, req, function (a) {
- if (arguments.length && a !== void 0) {
- module.exports = a
- }
- module.state = 4
- checkDeps()
- })
- }
- if (!resources[res]) {
- innerRequire([res], wrap)
- } else {
- wrap(resources[res])
- }
- }
- return name ? urlNoQuery : res + "!"
- }
-//核心API之一 require
- var requireQueue = []
- var isUserFirstRequire = false
- innerRequire = avalon.require = function (array, factory, parentUrl, defineConfig) {
- if (!isUserFirstRequire) {
- requireQueue.push(avalon.slice(arguments))
- if (arguments.length <= 2) {
- isUserFirstRequire = true
- var queue = requireQueue.splice(0, requireQueue.length), args
- while (args = queue.shift()) {
- innerRequire.apply(null, args)
- }
- }
- return
- }
- if (!Array.isArray(array)) {
- avalon.error("require方法的第一个参数应为数组 " + array)
- }
- var deps = [] // 放置所有依赖项的完整路径
- var uniq = createMap()
- var id = parentUrl || "callback" + setTimeout("1")// jshint ignore:line
- defineConfig = defineConfig || createMap()
- defineConfig.baseUrl = kernel.baseUrl
- var isBuilt = !!defineConfig.built
- if (parentUrl) {
- defineConfig.parentUrl = parentUrl.substr(0, parentUrl.lastIndexOf("/"))
- defineConfig.mapUrl = parentUrl.replace(rjsext, "")
- }
- if (isBuilt) {
- var req = makeRequest(defineConfig.defineName, defineConfig)
- id = req.urlNoQuery
- } else {
- array.forEach(function (name) {
- var req = makeRequest(name, defineConfig)
- var url = fireRequest(req) //加载资源,并返回该资源的完整地址
- if (url) {
- if (!uniq[url]) {
- deps.push(url)
- uniq[url] = "司徒正美" //去重
- }
- }
- })
- }
- var module = modules[id]
- if (!module || module.state !== 4) {
- modules[id] = {
- id: id,
- deps: isBuilt ? array.concat() : deps,
- factory: factory || noop,
- state: 3
- }
- }
- if (!module) {
- //如果此模块是定义在另一个JS文件中, 那必须等该文件加载完毕, 才能放到检测列队中
- loadings.push(id)
- }
- checkDeps()
- }
-//核心API之二 require
- innerRequire.define = function (name, deps, factory) { //模块名,依赖列表,模块本身
- if (typeof name !== "string") {
- factory = deps
- deps = name
- name = "anonymous"
- }
- if (!Array.isArray(deps)) {
- factory = deps
- deps = []
- }
- var config = {
- built: !isUserFirstRequire, //用r.js打包后,所有define会放到requirejs之前
- defineName: name
- }
- var args = [deps, factory, config]
- factory.require = function (url) {
- args.splice(2, 0, url)
- if (modules[url]) {
- modules[url].state = 3 //loaded
- var isCycle = false
- try {
- isCycle = checkCycle(modules[url].deps, url)
- } catch (e) {
- }
- if (isCycle) {
- avalon.error(url + "模块与之前的模块存在循环依赖,请不要直接用script标签引入" + url + "模块")
- }
- }
- delete factory.require //释放内存
- innerRequire.apply(null, args) //0,1,2 --> 1,2,0
- }
-//较新的浏览器中(IE8+ 、FireFox3.5+ 、Chrome4+ 、Safari4+),为了减小请求时间以优化体验,
-//但如果script标签是动态插入的, 就未必按照先请求先执行的原则了,目测只有firefox遵守
-//唯一比较一致的是,IE10+及其他标准浏览器,一旦开始解析脚本, 就会一直堵在那里,直接脚本解析完毕
- var url = config.built ? "unknown" : getCurrentScript()
- if (url) {
- var module = modules[url]
- if (module) {
- module.state = 2
- }
- factory.require(url)
- } else {//合并前后的safari,合并后的IE6-9走此分支
- factorys.push(factory)
- }
- }
-//核心API之三 require.config(settings)
- innerRequire.config = kernel
- //核心API之四 define.amd 标识其符合AMD规范
- innerRequire.define.amd = modules
- //==========================对用户配置项进行再加工==========================
- var allpaths = kernel["orig.paths"] = createMap()
- var allmaps = kernel["orig.map"] = createMap()
- var allpackages = kernel["packages"] = []
- var allargs = kernel["orig.args"] = createMap()
- avalon.mix(plugins, {
- paths: function (hash) {
- avalon.mix(allpaths, hash)
- kernel.paths = makeIndexArray(allpaths)
- },
- map: function (hash) {
- avalon.mix(allmaps, hash)
- var list = makeIndexArray(allmaps, 1, 1)
- avalon.each(list, function (_, item) {
- item.val = makeIndexArray(item.val)
- })
- kernel.map = list
- },
- packages: function (array) {
- array = array.concat(allpackages)
- var uniq = createMap()
- var ret = []
- for (var i = 0, pkg; pkg = array[i++];) {
- pkg = typeof pkg === "string" ? {name: pkg} : pkg
- var name = pkg.name
- if (!uniq[name]) {
- var url = joinPath(pkg.location || name, pkg.main || "main")
- url = url.replace(rjsext, "")
- ret.push(pkg)
- uniq[name] = pkg.location = url
- pkg.reg = makeMatcher(name)
- }
- }
- kernel.packages = ret.sort()
- },
- urlArgs: function (hash) {
- if (typeof hash === "string") {
- hash = {"*": hash}
- }
- avalon.mix(allargs, hash)
- kernel.urlArgs = makeIndexArray(allargs, 1)
- },
- baseUrl: function (url) {
- if (!isAbsUrl(url)) {
- var baseElement = head.getElementsByTagName("base")[0]
- if (baseElement) {
- head.removeChild(baseElement)
- }
- var node = DOC.createElement("a")
- node.href = url
- url = node.href
- if (baseElement) {
- head.insertBefore(baseElement, head.firstChild)
- }
- }
- if (url.length > 3)
- kernel.baseUrl = url
- },
- shim: function (obj) {
- for (var i in obj) {
- var value = obj[i]
- if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- value = obj[i] = {
- deps: value
- }
- }
- if (!value.exportsFn && (value.exports || value.init)) {
- value.exportsFn = makeExports(value)
- }
- }
- kernel.shim = obj
- }
- })
- //==============================内部方法=================================
- function checkCycle(deps, nick) {
- //检测是否存在循环依赖
- for (var i = 0, id; id = deps[i++];) {
- if (modules[id].state !== 4 &&
- (id === nick || checkCycle(modules[id].deps, nick))) {
- return true
- }
- }
- }
- function checkFail(node, onError) {
- var id = trimQuery(node.src) //检测是否死链
- node.onload = node.onerror = null
- if (onError) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- head.removeChild(node)
- node = null // 处理旧式IE下的循环引用问题
- })
- log("debug: 加载 " + id + " 失败" + onError + " " + (!modules[id].state))
- } else {
- return true
- }
- }
- function checkDeps() {
- //检测此JS模块的依赖是否都已安装完毕,是则安装自身
- loop: for (var i = loadings.length, id; id = loadings[--i];) {
- var obj = modules[id],
- deps = obj.deps
- if (!deps)
- continue
- for (var j = 0, key; key = deps[j]; j++) {
- if (Object(modules[key]).state !== 4) {
- continue loop
- }
- }
- //如果deps是空对象或者其依赖的模块的状态都是2
- if (obj.state !== 4) {
- loadings.splice(i, 1) //必须先移除再安装,防止在IE下DOM树建完后手动刷新页面,会多次执行它
- fireFactory(obj.id, obj.deps, obj.factory)
- checkDeps() //如果成功,则再执行一次,以防有些模块就差本模块没有安装好
- }
- }
- }
- function loadJS(url, id, callback) {
- //通过script节点加载目标模块
- var node = DOC.createElement("script")
- node.className = subscribers //让getCurrentScript只处理类名为subscribers的script节点
- node.onload = function () {
- var factory = factorys.pop()
- factory && factory.require(id)
- if (callback) {
- callback()
- }
- log("debug: 已成功加载 " + url)
- id && loadings.push(id)
- checkDeps()
- }
- node.onerror = function () {
- checkFail(node, true)
- }
- head.insertBefore(node, head.firstChild) //chrome下第二个参数不能为null
- node.src = url //插入到head的第一个节点前,防止IE6下head标签没闭合前使用appendChild抛错
- log("debug: 正准备加载 " + url) //更重要的是IE6下可以收窄getCurrentScript的寻找范围
- }
- var resources = innerRequire.plugins = {
- //三大常用资源插件 js!, css!, text!, ready!
- ready: {
- load: noop
- },
- js: {
- load: function (name, req, onLoad) {
- var url = req.url
- var id = req.urlNoQuery
- var shim = kernel.shim[name.replace(rjsext, "")]
- if (shim) { //shim机制
- innerRequire(shim.deps || [], function () {
- var args = avalon.slice(arguments)
- loadJS(url, id, function () {
- onLoad(shim.exportsFn ? shim.exportsFn.apply(0, args) : void 0)
- })
- })
- } else {
- loadJS(url, id)
- }
- }
- },
- css: {
- load: function (name, req, onLoad) {
- var url = req.url
- head.insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + url + '">')
- log("debug: 已成功加载 " + url)
- onLoad()
- }
- },
- text: {
- load: function (name, req, onLoad) {
- var url = req.url
- var xhr = getXHR()
- xhr.onload = function () {
- var status = xhr.status;
- if (status > 399 && status < 600) {
- avalon.error(url + " 对应资源不存在或没有开启 CORS")
- } else {
- log("debug: 已成功加载 " + url)
- onLoad(xhr.responseText)
- }
- }
- xhr.open("GET", url, true)
- if ("withCredentials" in xhr) {//这是处理跨域
- xhr.withCredentials = true
- }
- xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")//告诉后端这是AJAX请求
- xhr.send()
- log("debug: 正准备加载 " + url)
- }
- }
- }
- innerRequire.checkDeps = checkDeps
- var rquery = /(\?[^#]*)$/
- function trimQuery(url) {
- return (url || "").replace(rquery, "")
- }
- function isAbsUrl(path) {
- //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10687099/how-to-test-if-a-url-string-is-absolute-or-relative
- return /^(?:[a-z]+:)?\/\//i.test(String(path))
- }
- function getCurrentScript() {
- // inspireb by https://github.com/samyk/jiagra/blob/master/jiagra.js
- var stack
- try {
- a.b.c() //强制报错,以便捕获e.stack
- } catch (e) { //safari5的sourceURL,firefox的fileName,它们的效果与e.stack不一样
- stack = e.stack
- }
- if (stack) {
- /**e.stack最后一行在所有支持的浏览器大致如下:
- *chrome23:
- * at
- *firefox17:
- *@
- *opera12:http://www.oldapps.com/opera.php?system=Windows_XP
- *@
- *IE10:
- * at Global code (
- * //firefox4+ 可以用document.currentScript
- */
- stack = stack.split(/[@ ]/g).pop() //取得最后一行,最后一个空格或@之后的部分
- stack = stack[0] === "(" ? stack.slice(1, -1) : stack.replace(/\s/, "") //去掉换行符
- return trimQuery(stack.replace(/(:\d+)?:\d+$/i, "")) //去掉行号与或许存在的出错字符起始位置
- }
- var nodes = head.getElementsByTagName("script") //只在head标签中寻找
- for (var i = nodes.length, node; node = nodes[--i];) {
- if (node.className === subscribers && node.readyState === "interactive") {
- var url = node.src
- return node.className = trimQuery(url)
- }
- }
- }
- var rcallback = /^callback\d+$/
- function fireFactory(id, deps, factory) {
- var module = Object(modules[id])
- module.state = 4
- for (var i = 0, array = [], d; d = deps[i++];) {
- if (d === "exports") {
- var obj = module.exports || (module.exports = createMap())
- array.push(obj)
- } else {
- array.push(modules[d].exports)
- }
- }
- try {
- var ret = factory.apply(window, array)
- } catch (e) {
- log("执行[" + id + "]模块的factory抛错: " + e)
- }
- if (ret !== void 0) {
- module.exports = ret
- }
- if (rcallback.test(id)) {
- delete modules[id]
- }
- delete module.factory
- return ret
- }
- function toUrl(id) {
- if (id.indexOf(this.res + "!") === 0) {
- id = id.slice(this.res.length + 1) //处理define("css!style",[], function(){})的情况
- }
- var url = id
- //1. 是否命中paths配置项
- var usePath = 0
- var baseUrl = this.baseUrl
- var rootUrl = this.parentUrl || baseUrl
- eachIndexArray(id, kernel.paths, function (value, key) {
- url = url.replace(key, value)
- usePath = 1
- })
- //2. 是否命中packages配置项
- if (!usePath) {
- eachIndexArray(id, kernel.packages, function (value, key, item) {
- url = url.replace(item.name, item.location)
- })
- }
- //3. 是否命中map配置项
- if (this.mapUrl) {
- eachIndexArray(this.mapUrl, kernel.map, function (array) {
- eachIndexArray(url, array, function (mdValue, mdKey) {
- url = url.replace(mdKey, mdValue)
- rootUrl = baseUrl
- })
- })
- }
- var ext = this.ext
- if (ext && usePath && url.slice(-ext.length) === ext) {
- url = url.slice(0, -ext.length)
- }
- //4. 转换为绝对路径
- if (!isAbsUrl(url)) {
- rootUrl = this.built || /^\w/.test(url) ? baseUrl : rootUrl
- url = joinPath(rootUrl, url)
- }
- //5. 还原扩展名,query
- var urlNoQuery = url + ext
- url = urlNoQuery + this.query
- //6. 处理urlArgs
- eachIndexArray(id, kernel.urlArgs, function (value) {
- url += (url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + value;
- })
- this.url = url
- return this.urlNoQuery = urlNoQuery
- }
- function makeIndexArray(hash, useStar, part) {
- //创建一个经过特殊算法排好序的数组
- var index = hash2array(hash, useStar, part)
- index.sort(descSorterByName)
- return index
- }
- function makeMatcher(prefix) {
- return new RegExp('^' + prefix + '(/|$)')
- }
- function makeExports(value) {
- return function () {
- var ret
- if (value.init) {
- ret = value.init.apply(window, arguments)
- }
- return ret || (value.exports && getGlobal(value.exports))
- }
- }
- function hash2array(hash, useStar, part) {
- var array = [];
- for (var key in hash) {
- // if (hash.hasOwnProperty(key)) {//hash是由createMap创建没有hasOwnProperty
- var item = {
- name: key,
- val: hash[key]
- }
- array.push(item)
- item.reg = key === "*" && useStar ? /^/ : makeMatcher(key)
- if (part && key !== "*") {
- item.reg = new RegExp('\/' + key.replace(/^\//, "") + '(/|$)')
- }
- // }
- }
- return array
- }
- function eachIndexArray(moduleID, array, matcher) {
- array = array || []
- for (var i = 0, el; el = array[i++];) {
- if (el.reg.test(moduleID)) {
- matcher(el.val, el.name, el)
- return false
- }
- }
- }
- // 根据元素的name项进行数组字符数逆序的排序函数
- function descSorterByName(a, b) {
- var aaa = a.name
- var bbb = b.name
- if (bbb === "*") {
- return -1
- }
- if (aaa === "*") {
- return 1
- }
- return bbb.length - aaa.length
- }
- var rdeuce = /\/\w+\/\.\./
- function joinPath(a, b) {
- if (a.charAt(a.length - 1) !== "/") {
- a += "/"
- }
- if (b.slice(0, 2) === "./") { //相对于兄弟路径
- return a + b.slice(2)
- }
- if (b.slice(0, 2) === "..") { //相对于父路径
- a += b
- while (rdeuce.test(a)) {
- a = a.replace(rdeuce, "")
- }
- return a
- }
- if (b.slice(0, 1) === "/") {
- return a + b.slice(1)
- }
- return a + b
- }
- function getGlobal(value) {
- if (!value) {
- return value
- }
- var g = window
- value.split(".").forEach(function (part) {
- g = g[part]
- })
- return g
- }
- var mainNode = DOC.scripts[DOC.scripts.length - 1]
- var dataMain = mainNode.getAttribute("data-main")
- if (dataMain) {
- plugins.baseUrl(dataMain)
- var href = kernel.baseUrl
- kernel.baseUrl = href.slice(0, href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
- loadJS(href.replace(rjsext, "") + ".js")
- } else {
- var loaderUrl = trimQuery(mainNode.src)
- kernel.baseUrl = loaderUrl.slice(0, loaderUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
- }
- }// jshint ignore:line
- /*********************************************************************
- * DOMReady *
- **********************************************************************/
- var readyList = [], isReady
- var fireReady = function (fn) {
- isReady = true
- if (innerRequire) {
- modules["domReady!"].state = 4
- innerRequire.checkDeps()
- }
- while (fn = readyList.shift()) {
- fn(avalon)
- }
- }
- if (DOC.readyState === "complete") {
- setTimeout(fireReady) //如果在domReady之外加载
- } else {
- DOC.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fireReady)
- }
- window.addEventListener("load", fireReady)
- avalon.ready = function (fn) {
- if (!isReady) {
- readyList.push(fn)
- } else {
- fn(avalon)
- }
- }
- avalon.config({
- loader: true
- })
- avalon.ready(function () {
- avalon.scan(DOC.body)
- })
-// Register as a named AMD module, since avalon can be concatenated with other
-// files that may use define, but not via a proper concatenation script that
-// understands anonymous AMD modules. A named AMD is safest and most robust
-// way to register. Lowercase avalon is used because AMD module names are
-// derived from file names, and Avalon is normally delivered in a lowercase
-// file name. Do this after creating the global so that if an AMD module wants
-// to call noConflict to hide this version of avalon, it will work.
-// Note that for maximum portability, libraries that are not avalon should
-// declare themselves as anonymous modules, and avoid setting a global if an
-// AMD loader is present. avalon is a special case. For more information, see
-// https://github.com/jrburke/requirejs/wiki/Updating-existing-libraries#wiki-anon
- if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
- define("avalon", [], function () {
- return avalon
- })
- }
-// Map over avalon in case of overwrite
- var _avalon = window.avalon
- avalon.noConflict = function (deep) {
- if (deep && window.avalon === avalon) {
- window.avalon = _avalon
- }
- return avalon
- }
-// Expose avalon identifiers, even in AMD
-// and CommonJS for browser emulators
- if (noGlobal === void 0) {
- window.avalon = avalon
- }
- window._injectTer = function (code) {
- return eval(code)
- }
- return avalon
-})); \ No newline at end of file