AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-03-14Update oparent version to 1.1.0liamfallon1-1/+1
 * ============LICENSE_START==========================================
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 * Copyright © 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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For the file /epsdk-app-onap/src/main/webapp/app/fusion/external/ebz/angular_js/angular-sanitize.js, 
to the extent that it contains code originating from Erik Arvidsson, that code is used under the Apache-2.0 license, 
as permitted by http://erik.eae.net/simplehtmlparser/simplehtmlparser.js.
/avatar/a545b17a9723b96e796a0f4b61df6393?s=13&d=retro' />Pamela Dragosh3-3/+3 2017-11-10Fix release jobPamela Dragosh1-0/+29 2017-11-09brmsgw 1.1.0 dependencies instead of 1.1.1Jorge Hernandez2-3/+3 2017-11-07Update SNAPSHOT versionPamela Dragosh2-2/+2 2017-11-04non onap jars converted to onap versionv1. Hernandez1-1/+1 2017-10-26Updated the MicroService Policesrb71471-3/+3 2017-10-20change default DCAE_SERVERS default configurationJorge Hernandez1-1/+1 2017-10-18Updated the Portal Propertiesrb71471-3/+3 2017-10-17Updated Operational Policy payloadrb71471-7/+7 2017-10-13Updated Push Script to Match ComtroloopNamerb71471-3/+3 2017-10-11Modify Default DCAE Config Policies and TopicJorge Hernandez2-4/+4 2017-10-11Merge "Updated MS vCPE Config Policy"Pamela Dragosh1-1/+1 2017-10-11Change back docker version to 2Pamela Dragosh2-2/+2 2017-10-11Updated MS vCPE Config Policyrb71471-1/+1 2017-10-11Add ability to turn off policy preloadPamela Dragosh5-2/+29 2017-10-10Fixing the BRMS Param Rule TemplateTej, Tarun1-1223/+0 2017-10-10Merge "Rename actor from MSO 2 SO in vDNS policy creation"Pamela Dragosh1-1/+1 2017-10-10Rename actor from MSO 2 SO in vDNS policy creationHockla, Ali (ah999m)1-1/+1 2017-10-10Fixing Guard Permit PolicyTej, Tarun1-2/+2 2017-10-09ensure policies are not pushed until drools is upJorge Hernandez1-1/+2 2017-10-03pdp-x default resolution of indeterminate responseJorge Hernandez2-0/+7 2017-10-03Merge "increase script verbosity for "docker logs" output"Jorge Hernandez1-1/+1 2017-10-03Resolved the docker script issuerb71471-1/+1 2017-10-03increase script verbosity for "docker logs" outputJorge Hernandez1-1/+1 2017-10-02retrieve latest drl template at load installationJorge Hernandez1-2/+4 2017-10-02Fixing the BRMSGW versionTej, Tarun1-1/+1 2017-09-28update to the latest drlJorge Hernandez1-20/+16 2017-09-28Added Guard Template to PushScriptrb71471-8/+42 2017-09-28Merge "Updated the push policy script"Jorge Hernandez2-68/+1376 2017-09-27New controller changes to brmsgw confTej, Tarun1-5/+2 2017-09-27Updated the push policy scriptrb71472-68/+1376 2017-09-27Create docker compose script integrationPamela Dragosh1-0/+56 2017-09-26remove chmod and filesystem syncingJorge Hernandez1-11/+0 2017-09-26chmod + script execution issues in dockerJorge Hernandez2-3/+11 2017-09-25install support for pdp-x client authenticationJorge Hernandez1-6/+3 2017-09-21Upgrade to oparent release versionPamela Dragosh1-1/+1 2017-09-19allow for install customizations for drools appsJorge Hernandez1-0/+10 2017-09-18install defaults for guard/so componentsJorge Hernandez1-3/+9