path: root/vid-automation/src/main/java/vid/automation/test/sections/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vid-automation/src/main/java/vid/automation/test/sections/')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vid-automation/src/main/java/vid/automation/test/sections/ b/vid-automation/src/main/java/vid/automation/test/sections/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7cffd37b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vid-automation/src/main/java/vid/automation/test/sections/
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+package vid.automation.test.sections;
+import org.openqa.selenium.By;
+import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor;
+import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException;
+import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
+import org.testng.Assert;
+import vid.automation.test.Constants;
+import vid.automation.test.infra.Click;
+import vid.automation.test.infra.Get;
+import vid.automation.test.infra.Wait;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
+import static;
+import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
+import static org.hamcrest.collection.IsEmptyCollection.empty;
+import static vid.automation.test.Constants.DrawingBoard.*;
+public class DrawingBoardPage extends VidBasePage {
+ public DrawingBoardPage(){
+ super();
+ }
+ public void expandTreeByClickingNode(String nodeName, String... children) {
+ checkNodesVisible(children, false);
+ clickNode(nodeName);
+ checkNodesVisible(children, true);
+ }
+ public void clickNode(String nodeName) {
+ Click.byTestId(Constants.DrawingBoard.NODE_PREFIX + nodeName);
+ }
+ public void expandFirstItemInTreeByExpanderIcon(String treeDataTestId, String... children) {
+ checkNodesVisible(children, false);
+ Click.byXpath("//tree-root[@data-tests-id='" + treeDataTestId + "']//span[@class='" + Constants.DrawingBoard.TOGGLE_CHILDREN + "']");
+ checkNodesVisible(children, true);
+ }
+ public void checkLeafNodeHasNoExpander(String nodeName){
+ WebElement webElement = Get.byXpath("//div[contains(@class, '" + Constants.DrawingBoard.TREE_NODE_LEAF + "') and .//div[@data-tests-id='" + Constants.DrawingBoard.NODE_PREFIX + nodeName + "']]");
+ Assert.assertNotNull(webElement, "There is an expander to node " + nodeName + " without children");
+ }
+ public void verifyNonCollapsableTreeByClickingNode(String nodeName, String... children) {
+ checkNodesVisible(children, true);
+ clickNode(nodeName);
+ checkNodesVisible(children, true);
+ }
+ public void collapseFirstItemInTreeByCollapseIcon(String treeDataTestId, String... children) {
+ checkNodesVisible(children, true);
+ Click.byXpath("//tree-root[@data-tests-id='" + treeDataTestId + "']//span[@class='" + Constants.DrawingBoard.TOGGLE_CHILDREN + "']");
+ checkNodesVisible(children, false);
+ }
+ public void RefreshPage(){
+ GeneralUIUtils.getDriver().navigate().refresh();
+ }
+ public void assertInitalTextOfTree(String treeDataTestId, String[] initialElements) {
+ WebElement webElement = Get.byTestId(treeDataTestId);
+ String expected = String.join("\n", initialElements);
+ Wait.byText(expected);
+ Assert.assertEquals(webElement.getText(), expected);
+ }
+ public void checkAddButton(String[] rootElements){
+ String previousAddButton = null;
+ for (String root : rootElements) {
+ String currentButton = Constants.DrawingBoard.NODE_PREFIX + root + Constants.DrawingBoard.ADD_BUTTON;
+ checkThatButtonNotExist(currentButton);
+ GeneralUIUtils.hoverOnAreaByTestId(Constants.DrawingBoard.NODE_PREFIX + root);
+ checkThatButtonExist(currentButton);
+ if (previousAddButton != null) {
+ checkThatButtonNotExist(previousAddButton);
+ }
+ Click.byTestId(currentButton);
+ previousAddButton = currentButton;
+ }
+ }
+ public void clickAddButtonByNodeName(String treeNodeId) {
+ String nodeElement = "node-"+ treeNodeId;
+ String addButtonTestId = Constants.DrawingBoard.NODE_PREFIX + treeNodeId + Constants.DrawingBoard.ADD_BUTTON;
+ GeneralUIUtils.hoverOnAreaByTestId(nodeElement);
+ GeneralUIUtils.hoverOnAreaByTestId(addButtonTestId);
+ Click.byTestId(addButtonTestId);
+ }
+ private void checkThatButtonNotExist(String dataTestId){
+// Assert.assertFalse(GeneralUIUtils.isElementVisibleByTestId(dataTestId),"button " + dataTestId + " should not exist");
+ }
+ private void checkThatButtonExist(String dataTestId){
+// Assert.assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.isElementVisibleByTestId(dataTestId), "button " + dataTestId + " should exist");
+ }
+ private void checkThatPseudoElementNotExist(String dataTestId) {
+ assertPseudoElementDisplayProp(dataTestId, "none");
+ }
+ private void assertPseudoElementDisplayProp(String dataTestId, String expectedCssDisplayProp){
+ final JavascriptExecutor javascriptExecutor = (JavascriptExecutor) GeneralUIUtils.getDriver();
+ final Object cssDisplayProp = javascriptExecutor.executeScript("" +
+ "return window.getComputedStyle(" +
+ " document.querySelector('[data-tests-id=\""+dataTestId+"\"]'),':before'" +
+ ").getPropertyValue('display')"
+ );
+ assertThat("button " + dataTestId + " should exist", cssDisplayProp, is(expectedCssDisplayProp));
+ }
+ private void checkThatPseudoElementExist(String dataTestId) {
+ assertPseudoElementDisplayProp(dataTestId, "inline-block");
+ }
+ public void checkThatContextMenuExist(String contextMenu){
+ Assert.assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.isWebElementExistByTestId(contextMenu), "context menu should appear");
+ }
+ public void checkThatContextMenuNotExist(String contextMenu){
+ Assert.assertFalse(GeneralUIUtils.isWebElementExistByTestId(contextMenu), "context menu should not appear");
+ }
+ public void checkNodesVisible(String[] children, boolean shouldExist) {
+ checkElements(ImmutableList.copyOf(children),
+ childName -> GeneralUIUtils.isWebElementExistByTestId(Constants.DrawingBoard.NODE_PREFIX + childName) ? "exists" : "absent",
+ shouldExist ? "exists" : "absent", "visibility");
+ }
+ public void checkNodesHighlighted(String[] children) {
+ checkElements(ImmutableList.copyOf(children),
+ childName -> {
+ final WebElement webElement = Get.byTestId(Constants.DrawingBoard.NODE_PREFIX + childName);
+ final String color = webElement.getCssValue("color");
+ return color;
+ },
+ HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR, "highlightning");
+ }
+ public void checkNodesVisibleAndMatchIsHighlighted(String searchString, String... children) {
+ checkElements(ImmutableList.copyOf(children),
+ childName -> {
+ final WebElement webElement = Get.byTestId(Constants.DrawingBoard.NODE_PREFIX + childName);
+ String visible = webElement.isDisplayed() ? "visible" : "hidden";
+ String highlightedText;
+ String bgColor;
+ try {
+ final WebElement highlighted = webElement.findElement(By.cssSelector(".highlight"));
+ highlightedText = highlighted.getText();
+ bgColor = highlighted.getCssValue("background-color");
+ } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
+ highlightedText = "";
+ bgColor = "none";
+ }
+ return String.join("", visible, " and '", highlightedText, "' in ", bgColor);
+ },
+ "visible and '" + searchString + "' in rgb(157, 217, 239)", "match highlightning");
+ }
+ private void checkElements(Collection<String> elements, Function<String, String> predicate, String expected, final String description) {
+ final Map<String, String> expectedMap =
+ childName -> childName,
+ child -> expected
+ ));
+ final Map<String, String> actual =
+ childName -> childName,
+ predicate
+ ));
+ assertThat("There was an error in " + description + " of elements", actual, equalTo(expectedMap));
+ }
+ public void navigateToServicePlanningPage() {
+ navigateTo("/vid/app/ui/#/servicePlanning");
+ }
+ public void navigateToEmptyServicePlanningPage() {
+ navigateTo("/vid/app/ui/#/servicePlanningEmpty");
+ }
+ public void checkContextMenu(String node){
+ String contextMenuButton = Constants.DrawingBoard.NODE_PREFIX + node + Constants.DrawingBoard.CONTEXT_MENU_BUTTON;
+ final String contextMenu = Constants.DrawingBoard.CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM;
+ checkThatPseudoElementNotExist(contextMenuButton);
+ checkThatContextMenuNotExist(contextMenu);
+ GeneralUIUtils.hoverOnAreaByTestId(Constants.DrawingBoard.NODE_PREFIX + node);
+ checkThatPseudoElementExist(contextMenuButton);
+ Click.byTestId(contextMenuButton);
+ checkThatContextMenuExist(contextMenu);
+ }
+ public void checkSearch(){
+ String searchElement = Constants.DrawingBoard.SEARCH_LEFT_TREE;// TODO - should add that it is on the left tree and should create the id of the search element???
+ Assert.assertTrue(GeneralUIUtils.isWebElementExistByTestId(searchElement), "search " + searchElement + " should exist");
+ }
+ public void showTooltipByHoverAboveAlertIcon(String element){
+ assertThat("tooltip should not appear before click",
+ GeneralUIUtils.getDriver().findElements(By.xpath("//*[contains(@class, '" + "tooltip-inner" + "')]")),
+ is(empty())
+ );
+ GeneralUIUtils.hoverOnAreaByTestId(Constants.DrawingBoard.NODE_PREFIX + element + Constants.DrawingBoard.ALERT_ICON);
+ final WebElement webElement = GeneralUIUtils.getWebElementByContainsClassName("tooltip-inner");
+ assertThat(webElement.getText(), is("Missing required information. Please open and fill in the details."));
+ }
+ public void clickDeployButton(){
+ GeneralUIUtils.ultimateWait();
+ try {
+ GeneralUIUtils.clickOnElementByTestId(DEPLOY_BUTTON);
+ } catch (org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException e) {
+ // "deploy" replaces the iframe, so "TypeError: can't access dead object" exception is eventually thrown
+ if (!e.getMessage().startsWith("TypeError: can't access dead object")) {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void checkDeployButtonDisabled(){
+ Assert.assertFalse(Get.byTestId(DEPLOY_BUTTON).isEnabled(),"Deploy button is enabled and should be disabled");
+ }
+ public void checkExistsAndEnabled(String dataTestId){
+ Assert.assertFalse(GeneralUIUtils.isElementDisabled(dataTestId),"Element " + dataTestId + " should exist and be enabled");
+ }
+ public void checkServiceInstanceName(String expectedServiceName){
+ Assert.assertEquals(SERVICE_INSTANCE_VALUE, Get.byTestId(SERVICE_INSTANCE_TEST_ID).getText());
+ Assert.assertEquals(Get.byTestId(SERVICE_NAME).getText(),expectedServiceName);
+ }
+ public void checkServiceStatus() {
+ Assert.assertEquals(Get.byTestId(SERVICE_STATUS).getText(),STATUS_TEXT);
+ }
+ public void checkQuantityNumberIsCorrect(int expectedQuantity) {
+ Assert.assertEquals(Get.byTestId(QUANTITY_LABEL_TEST_ID).getText(), (String.valueOf(QUANTITY_LABEL_VALUE)));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Get.byTestId(SERVICE_QUANTITY).getText(), (String.valueOf(expectedQuantity)));
+ }