diff options
14 files changed, 530 insertions, 520 deletions
diff --git a/vid-app-common/src/main/java/org/onap/vid/properties/Features.java b/vid-app-common/src/main/java/org/onap/vid/properties/Features.java index 0a78c3471..d1a0cf97f 100644 --- a/vid-app-common/src/main/java/org/onap/vid/properties/Features.java +++ b/vid-app-common/src/main/java/org/onap/vid/properties/Features.java @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ public enum Features implements Feature { FLAG_2002_VFM_UPGRADE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS, FLAG_2002_IDENTIFY_INVARIANT_MACRO_UUID_BY_BACKEND, FLAG_2004_INSTANTIATION_STATUS_FILTER, + FLAG_2004_TEMP_BUTTON_TO_INSTANTIATION_STATUS_FILTER, ; diff --git a/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/creationDialogController.js b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/creationDialogController.js index 15627835e..a35411dd1 100755 --- a/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/creationDialogController.js +++ b/vid-app-common/src/main/webapp/app/vid/scripts/controller/creationDialogController.js @@ -1,409 +1,413 @@ -/*-
- * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
- * VID
- * ================================================================================
- * Copyright (C) 2017 - 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
- * ================================================================================
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
- */
-"use strict";
-var creationDialogController = function (COMPONENT, FIELD, PARAMETER, $scope, $http, $timeout, $log,
- CreationService, UtilityService, DataService, VIDCONFIGURATION, $location, $uibModal, featureFlags) {
- $scope.isDialogVisible = false;
- $scope.isServiceError = false;
- $scope.summaryControl = {};
- $scope.userProvidedControl = {};
- var callbackFunction = undefined;
- var componentId = undefined;
- $scope.showReportWindow = function() {
- let errorMsg;
- if($scope.error !== undefined && $scope.error != null) {
- errorMsg = $scope.error;
- } else {
- errorMsg = "";
- }
- const modalWindow = $uibModal.open({
- templateUrl: 'app/vid/scripts/modals/report-modal/report-modal.html',
- controller: 'reportModalController',
- controllerAs: 'vm',
- resolve: {
- errorMsg: function () {
- return errorMsg;
- }
- }
- });
- $scope.isDialogVisible = false;
- $scope.popup.isVisible = false;
- };
- $scope.isShowErrorReport = function() {
- };
- $scope.shouldShowOldPopup = function () {
- return !DataService.getShouldIncludeInAsyncInstantiationFlow();
- };
- function receiveMessage(event) {
- if (event.data == 'closeIframe') {
- window.removeEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
- $scope.cancel();
- }
- else if (event.data.eventId == 'submitIframe') {
- {
- $location.path('/servicePlanning').search({serviceModelId: event.data.data.serviceModelId});
- }
- }
- $scope.$apply();
- }
- $scope.$on(COMPONENT.CREATE_COMPONENT, function (event, request) {
- $scope.isSpinnerVisible = true;
- $scope.isErrorVisible = false;
- $scope.isDataVisible = false;
- $scope.isConfirmEnabled = false;
- $scope.isDialogVisible = true;
- $scope.popup.isVisible = true;
- if (!$scope.shouldShowOldPopup()) {
- $scope.url = COMPONENT.SERVICE_POPUP_IFRAME_URL + request.modelNameVersionId + "&isCreate=true&r=" + Math.random();
- window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
- }
- else {
- callbackFunction = request.callbackFunction;
- componentId = request.componentId;
- CreationService.initializeComponent(request.componentId);
- CreationService.setHttpErrorHandler(function (response) {
- $scope.isServiceError = true;
- showError(FIELD.ERROR.SYSTEM_FAILURE, UtilityService
- .getHttpErrorMessage(response));
- });
- $scope.componentName = CreationService.getComponentDisplayName();
- CreationService.getParameters(handleGetParametersResponse);
- }
- });
- var handleGetParametersResponse = function (parameters) {
- $scope.summaryControl.setList(parameters.summaryList);
- $scope.userProvidedControl.setList(parameters.userProvidedList);
- $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false;
- $scope.isDataVisible = true;
- $scope.isConfirmEnabled = true;
- };
- var validateInstanceName = function (iname) {
- var patt1 = /^([a-z])+([0-9a-z\-_\.]*)$/i;
- if (iname == null) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!iname.match(patt1)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- };
- var validateMap = function (mname) {
- var patt1 = /^{(\s*\w+\s*:\s*\w+\s*)(\s*,\s*\w+\s*:\s*\w+\s*)*}$/im;
- if (mname == null) {
- return true;
- }
- if (!mname.match(patt1)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- };
- var validateList = function (lname) {
- var patt1 = /^\[(\s*\w+\s*)(\s*,\s*\w+\s*)*\]$/i;
- if (lname == null) {
- return true;
- }
- if (!lname.match(patt1)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- };
- $scope.userParameterChanged = function (id) {
- CreationService.updateUserParameterList(id, $scope.userProvidedControl);
- };
- $scope.confirm = function () {
- var requiredFields = $scope.userProvidedControl.getRequiredFields();
- if (requiredFields !== "") {
- showError(FIELD.ERROR.MISSING_DATA, requiredFields);
- return;
- }
- var isUploadAvailable = false;
- var uploadIndex = 0;
- var paramList = $scope.userProvidedControl.getList();
- var isAnyError = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < paramList.length; i++) {
- if (paramList[i].id === FIELD.ID.SUPPLEMENTORY_DATA_FILE) {
- isUploadAvailable = true;
- uploadIndex = i;
- }
- if (paramList[i].id === FIELD.ID.UPLOAD_SUPPLEMENTORY_DATA_FILE && paramList[i].value && document.getElementById(FIELD.ID.SUPPLEMENTORY_DATA_FILE).value == '') {
- isAnyError = true;
- }
- }
- if (isUploadAvailable && isAnyError) {
- } else if (isUploadAvailable && document.getElementById(FIELD.ID.SUPPLEMENTORY_DATA_FILE).value != '') {
- var errorMsg = "";
- var fileInput = document.getElementById(FIELD.ID.SUPPLEMENTORY_DATA_FILE);
- var file = fileInput.files[0];
- var reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onload = function (e) {
- try {
- paramList[uploadIndex].value = JSON.parse(reader.result);
- FIELD.PARAMETER.SUPPLEMENTORY_DATA_FILE['value'] = paramList[uploadIndex].value;
- var instanceName = "";
- if (DataService.getALaCarte()) {
- if (paramList != null) {
- for (var i = 0; i < paramList.length; i++) {
- if (paramList[i].id === FIELD.ID.INSTANCE_NAME) {
- instanceName = paramList[i].value;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- var isValid = validateInstanceName(instanceName);
- if (isValid) {
- $scope.isErrorVisible = false;
- } else {
- return;
- }
- }
- var arbitraryParametersList = DataService.getArbitraryParameters();
- var p = null;
- if (UtilityService.hasContents(arbitraryParametersList)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < arbitraryParametersList.length; i++) {
- p = arbitraryParametersList[i];
- if (p.type === PARAMETER.MAP) {
- //validate a map: { <entry_key_1>: <entry_value_1>, ... , <entry_key_n>: <entry_value_n> }
- // need to find the value in paramList
- for (var j = 0; j < paramList.length; j++) {
- if (paramList[j].id === p.id) {
- p.value = paramList[j].value;
- var isValid = validateMap(p.value);
- if (isValid) {
- $scope.isErrorVisible = false;
- break;
- }
- else {
- showError(FIELD.ERROR.INVALID_MAP + p.id,
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (p.type === PARAMETER.LIST) {
- //validate a list: { value or a list of comma separated values }
- // need to find the value in paramList
- for (var j = 0; j < paramList.length; j++) {
- if (paramList[j].id === p.id) {
- p.value = paramList[j].value;
- var isValid = validateList(p.value);
- if (isValid) {
- $scope.isErrorVisible = false;
- break;
- }
- else {
- showError(FIELD.ERROR.INVALID_LIST + p.id,
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var requestDetails = CreationService
- .getMsoRequestDetails($scope.userProvidedControl.getList());
- $scope.isDialogVisible = false;
- $scope.$broadcast(COMPONENT.MSO_CREATE_REQ, {
- url: CreationService.getMsoUrl(),
- requestDetails: requestDetails,
- componentId: componentId,
- callbackFunction: function (response) {
- if (response.isSuccessful) {
- $scope.popup.isVisible = false;
- runCallback(response);
- } else {
- $scope.isDialogVisible = false;
- $scope.popup.isVisible = false;
- }
- }
- });
- } catch (e) {
- }
- if (errorMsg !== "") {
- showError(FIELD.ERROR.SYSTEM_FAILURE, errorMsg);
- }
- };
- reader.readAsText(file);
- } else {
- var paramList = $scope.userProvidedControl.getList();
- var instanceName = "";
- if (DataService.getALaCarte()) {
- if (paramList != null) {
- for (var i = 0; i < paramList.length; i++) {
- if (paramList[i].id === FIELD.ID.INSTANCE_NAME) {
- instanceName = paramList[i].value;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- var isValid = validateInstanceName(instanceName);
- if (isValid) {
- $scope.isErrorVisible = false;
- } else {
- return;
- }
- }
- var arbitraryParametersList = DataService.getArbitraryParameters();
- var p = null;
- if (UtilityService.hasContents(arbitraryParametersList)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < arbitraryParametersList.length; i++) {
- p = arbitraryParametersList[i];
- if (p.type === PARAMETER.MAP) {
- //validate a map: { <entry_key_1>: <entry_value_1>, ... , <entry_key_n>: <entry_value_n> }
- // need to find the value in paramList
- for (var j = 0; j < paramList.length; j++) {
- if (paramList[j].id === p.id) {
- p.value = paramList[j].value;
- var isValid = validateMap(p.value);
- if (isValid) {
- $scope.isErrorVisible = false;
- break;
- }
- else {
- showError(FIELD.ERROR.INVALID_MAP + p.id,
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (p.type === PARAMETER.LIST) {
- //validate a list: { value or a list of comma separated values }
- // need to find the value in paramList
- for (var j = 0; j < paramList.length; j++) {
- if (paramList[j].id === p.id) {
- p.value = paramList[j].value;
- var isValid = validateList(p.value);
- if (isValid) {
- $scope.isErrorVisible = false;
- break;
- }
- else {
- showError(FIELD.ERROR.INVALID_LIST + p.id,
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var requestDetails = CreationService
- .getMsoRequestDetails($scope.userProvidedControl.getList());
- $scope.isDialogVisible = false;
- $scope.$broadcast(COMPONENT.MSO_CREATE_REQ, {
- url: CreationService.getMsoUrl(),
- requestDetails: requestDetails,
- componentId: componentId,
- callbackFunction: function (response) {
- if (response.isSuccessful) {
- $scope.popup.isVisible = false;
- runCallback(response);
- } else {
- $scope.isDialogVisible = false;
- $scope.popup.isVisible = false;
- }
- }
- });
- }
- };
- $scope.cancel = function () {
- $scope.isDialogVisible = false;
- $scope.popup.isVisible = false;
- runCallback(false);
- };
- var runCallback = function (response) {
- if (angular.isFunction(callbackFunction)) {
- callbackFunction({
- isSuccessful: response.isSuccessful,
- control: $scope.userProvidedControl.getList(),
- instanceId: response.instanceId
- });
- }
- };
- var showError = function (summary, details) {
- var message = summary;
- if (UtilityService.hasContents(details)) {
- message += " (" + details + ")";
- }
- $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false;
- $scope.isErrorVisible = true;
- $scope.error = message;
- }
-appDS2.controller("creationDialogController", ["COMPONENT", "FIELD", "PARAMETER", "$scope", "$http",
- "$timeout", "$log", "CreationService", "UtilityService", "DataService", "VIDCONFIGURATION", "$location",
- "$uibModal", "featureFlags",
- creationDialogController]);
+/*- + * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= + * VID + * ================================================================================ + * Copyright (C) 2017 - 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. + * ================================================================================ + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= + */ + +"use strict"; + +var creationDialogController = function (COMPONENT, FIELD, PARAMETER, $scope, $http, $timeout, $log, + CreationService, UtilityService, DataService, VIDCONFIGURATION, $location, $uibModal, featureFlags) { + + $scope.isDialogVisible = false; + $scope.isServiceError = false; + $scope.summaryControl = {}; + $scope.userProvidedControl = {}; + + + var callbackFunction = undefined; + var componentId = undefined; + + $scope.showReportWindow = function() { + + let errorMsg; + + if($scope.error !== undefined && $scope.error != null) { + errorMsg = $scope.error; + } else { + errorMsg = ""; + } + + const modalWindow = $uibModal.open({ + templateUrl: 'app/vid/scripts/modals/report-modal/report-modal.html', + controller: 'reportModalController', + controllerAs: 'vm', + resolve: { + errorMsg: function () { + return errorMsg; + } + } + }); + + $scope.isDialogVisible = false; + $scope.popup.isVisible = false; + }; + + $scope.isShowErrorReport = function() { + return featureFlags.isOn(COMPONENT.FEATURE_FLAGS.FLAG_CREATE_ERROR_REPORTS); + }; + + $scope.shouldShowOldPopup = function () { + return !DataService.getShouldIncludeInAsyncInstantiationFlow(); + }; + + function receiveMessage(event) { + if (event.data == 'closeIframe') { + window.removeEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); + + $scope.cancel(); + } + else if (event.data.eventId == 'submitIframe') { + { + $location.path('/servicePlanning').search({serviceModelId: event.data.data.serviceModelId}); + } + } else if (event.data.eventId == 'showPreviousInstantiations') { + { + $location.path('/instantiationStatus').search({filterText: event.data.data.serviceModelId}); + } + } + $scope.$apply(); + } + + $scope.$on(COMPONENT.CREATE_COMPONENT, function (event, request) { + $scope.isSpinnerVisible = true; + $scope.isErrorVisible = false; + $scope.isDataVisible = false; + $scope.isConfirmEnabled = false; + $scope.isDialogVisible = true; + $scope.popup.isVisible = true; + + + if (!$scope.shouldShowOldPopup()) { + $scope.url = COMPONENT.SERVICE_POPUP_IFRAME_URL + request.modelNameVersionId + "&isCreate=true&r=" + Math.random(); + window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); + + } + else { + callbackFunction = request.callbackFunction; + componentId = request.componentId; + CreationService.initializeComponent(request.componentId); + + CreationService.setHttpErrorHandler(function (response) { + $scope.isServiceError = true; + showError(FIELD.ERROR.SYSTEM_FAILURE, UtilityService + .getHttpErrorMessage(response)); + }); + + $scope.componentName = CreationService.getComponentDisplayName(); + + CreationService.getParameters(handleGetParametersResponse); + } + + }); + + var handleGetParametersResponse = function (parameters) { + $scope.summaryControl.setList(parameters.summaryList); + $scope.userProvidedControl.setList(parameters.userProvidedList); + + $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false; + $scope.isDataVisible = true; + $scope.isConfirmEnabled = true; + }; + + var validateInstanceName = function (iname) { + var patt1 = /^([a-z])+([0-9a-z\-_\.]*)$/i; + + if (iname == null) { + return false; + } + if (!iname.match(patt1)) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + var validateMap = function (mname) { + var patt1 = /^{(\s*\w+\s*:\s*\w+\s*)(\s*,\s*\w+\s*:\s*\w+\s*)*}$/im; + if (mname == null) { + return true; + } + if (!mname.match(patt1)) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + + var validateList = function (lname) { + var patt1 = /^\[(\s*\w+\s*)(\s*,\s*\w+\s*)*\]$/i; + if (lname == null) { + return true; + } + if (!lname.match(patt1)) { + return false; + } + return true; + }; + + $scope.userParameterChanged = function (id) { + CreationService.updateUserParameterList(id, $scope.userProvidedControl); + }; + + $scope.confirm = function () { + + var requiredFields = $scope.userProvidedControl.getRequiredFields(); + if (requiredFields !== "") { + showError(FIELD.ERROR.MISSING_DATA, requiredFields); + return; + } + + var isUploadAvailable = false; + var uploadIndex = 0; + var paramList = $scope.userProvidedControl.getList(); + var isAnyError = false; + for (var i = 0; i < paramList.length; i++) { + if (paramList[i].id === FIELD.ID.SUPPLEMENTORY_DATA_FILE) { + isUploadAvailable = true; + uploadIndex = i; + } + if (paramList[i].id === FIELD.ID.UPLOAD_SUPPLEMENTORY_DATA_FILE && paramList[i].value && document.getElementById(FIELD.ID.SUPPLEMENTORY_DATA_FILE).value == '') { + isAnyError = true; + } + } + + if (isUploadAvailable && isAnyError) { + showError(FIELD.ERROR.MISSING_DATA, FIELD.ERROR.MISSING_FILE); + + } else if (isUploadAvailable && document.getElementById(FIELD.ID.SUPPLEMENTORY_DATA_FILE).value != '') { + var errorMsg = ""; + var fileInput = document.getElementById(FIELD.ID.SUPPLEMENTORY_DATA_FILE); + var file = fileInput.files[0]; + var reader = new FileReader(); + reader.onload = function (e) { + try { + paramList[uploadIndex].value = JSON.parse(reader.result); + FIELD.PARAMETER.SUPPLEMENTORY_DATA_FILE['value'] = paramList[uploadIndex].value; + + var instanceName = ""; + + if (DataService.getALaCarte()) { + if (paramList != null) { + for (var i = 0; i < paramList.length; i++) { + if (paramList[i].id === FIELD.ID.INSTANCE_NAME) { + instanceName = paramList[i].value; + break; + } + } + } + var isValid = validateInstanceName(instanceName); + if (isValid) { + $scope.isErrorVisible = false; + } else { + showError(FIELD.ERROR.INVALID_INSTANCE_NAME + instanceName, + FIELD.ERROR.INSTANCE_NAME_VALIDATE); + return; + } + } + var arbitraryParametersList = DataService.getArbitraryParameters(); + var p = null; + if (UtilityService.hasContents(arbitraryParametersList)) { + for (var i = 0; i < arbitraryParametersList.length; i++) { + p = arbitraryParametersList[i]; + if (p.type === PARAMETER.MAP) { + //validate a map: { <entry_key_1>: <entry_value_1>, ... , <entry_key_n>: <entry_value_n> } + // need to find the value in paramList + for (var j = 0; j < paramList.length; j++) { + if (paramList[j].id === p.id) { + p.value = paramList[j].value; + var isValid = validateMap(p.value); + if (isValid) { + $scope.isErrorVisible = false; + break; + } + else { + showError(FIELD.ERROR.INVALID_MAP + p.id, + FIELD.ERROR.MAP_VALIDATE); + return; + } + } + } + } else if (p.type === PARAMETER.LIST) { + //validate a list: { value or a list of comma separated values } + // need to find the value in paramList + for (var j = 0; j < paramList.length; j++) { + if (paramList[j].id === p.id) { + p.value = paramList[j].value; + var isValid = validateList(p.value); + if (isValid) { + $scope.isErrorVisible = false; + break; + } + else { + showError(FIELD.ERROR.INVALID_LIST + p.id, + FIELD.ERROR.LIST_VALIDATE); + return; + } + } + } + } + } + } + var requestDetails = CreationService + .getMsoRequestDetails($scope.userProvidedControl.getList()); + + $scope.isDialogVisible = false; + + $scope.$broadcast(COMPONENT.MSO_CREATE_REQ, { + url: CreationService.getMsoUrl(), + requestDetails: requestDetails, + componentId: componentId, + callbackFunction: function (response) { + if (response.isSuccessful) { + $scope.popup.isVisible = false; + runCallback(response); + } else { + $scope.isDialogVisible = false; + $scope.popup.isVisible = false; + } + } + }); + + } catch (e) { + errorMsg = errorMsg + FIELD.ERROR.INVALID_DATA_FORMAT; + } + if (errorMsg !== "") { + showError(FIELD.ERROR.SYSTEM_FAILURE, errorMsg); + + } + }; + reader.readAsText(file); + } else { + + var paramList = $scope.userProvidedControl.getList(); + var instanceName = ""; + + if (DataService.getALaCarte()) { + if (paramList != null) { + for (var i = 0; i < paramList.length; i++) { + if (paramList[i].id === FIELD.ID.INSTANCE_NAME) { + instanceName = paramList[i].value; + break; + } + } + } + var isValid = validateInstanceName(instanceName); + if (isValid) { + $scope.isErrorVisible = false; + } else { + showError(FIELD.ERROR.INVALID_INSTANCE_NAME + instanceName, + FIELD.ERROR.INSTANCE_NAME_VALIDATE); + return; + } + } + var arbitraryParametersList = DataService.getArbitraryParameters(); + var p = null; + if (UtilityService.hasContents(arbitraryParametersList)) { + for (var i = 0; i < arbitraryParametersList.length; i++) { + p = arbitraryParametersList[i]; + if (p.type === PARAMETER.MAP) { + //validate a map: { <entry_key_1>: <entry_value_1>, ... , <entry_key_n>: <entry_value_n> } + // need to find the value in paramList + for (var j = 0; j < paramList.length; j++) { + if (paramList[j].id === p.id) { + p.value = paramList[j].value; + var isValid = validateMap(p.value); + if (isValid) { + $scope.isErrorVisible = false; + break; + } + else { + showError(FIELD.ERROR.INVALID_MAP + p.id, + FIELD.ERROR.MAP_VALIDATE); + return; + } + } + } + } else if (p.type === PARAMETER.LIST) { + //validate a list: { value or a list of comma separated values } + // need to find the value in paramList + for (var j = 0; j < paramList.length; j++) { + if (paramList[j].id === p.id) { + p.value = paramList[j].value; + var isValid = validateList(p.value); + if (isValid) { + $scope.isErrorVisible = false; + break; + } + else { + showError(FIELD.ERROR.INVALID_LIST + p.id, + FIELD.ERROR.LIST_VALIDATE); + return; + } + } + } + } + } + } + var requestDetails = CreationService + .getMsoRequestDetails($scope.userProvidedControl.getList()); + + $scope.isDialogVisible = false; + + $scope.$broadcast(COMPONENT.MSO_CREATE_REQ, { + url: CreationService.getMsoUrl(), + requestDetails: requestDetails, + componentId: componentId, + callbackFunction: function (response) { + if (response.isSuccessful) { + $scope.popup.isVisible = false; + runCallback(response); + } else { + $scope.isDialogVisible = false; + $scope.popup.isVisible = false; + } + } + }); + } + }; + + $scope.cancel = function () { + $scope.isDialogVisible = false; + $scope.popup.isVisible = false; + runCallback(false); + }; + + + var runCallback = function (response) { + if (angular.isFunction(callbackFunction)) { + callbackFunction({ + isSuccessful: response.isSuccessful, + control: $scope.userProvidedControl.getList(), + instanceId: response.instanceId + }); + } + }; + + var showError = function (summary, details) { + var message = summary; + if (UtilityService.hasContents(details)) { + message += " (" + details + ")"; + } + $scope.isSpinnerVisible = false; + $scope.isErrorVisible = true; + $scope.error = message; + } + +}; + +appDS2.controller("creationDialogController", ["COMPONENT", "FIELD", "PARAMETER", "$scope", "$http", + "$timeout", "$log", "CreationService", "UtilityService", "DataService", "VIDCONFIGURATION", "$location", + "$uibModal", "featureFlags", + creationDialogController]); diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/instantiationStatus.e2e.ts b/vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/instantiationStatus.e2e.ts index 054f7858b..9a0c1aa36 100644 --- a/vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/instantiationStatus.e2e.ts +++ b/vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/instantiationStatus.e2e.ts @@ -70,34 +70,46 @@ describe('Instantiation status', function () { cy.get('table#instantiation-status tbody tr').should('have.length', 3); }); + function getDropDownMenuByDataTestId(testId:String) { + return cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='${testId}']`); + } + + function clickOnTitleAndThenOnMenuWithJobId(jobId: string) { + cy.getElementByDataTestsId("instantiation-status-title").click(); + cy.get('#' + jobId).find('.menu-div').click(); + } + it('should enable correct menu items', function () { - cy.openIframe('app/ui/#/instantiationStatus'); - - // Instantiate action with Job status FAILED - isRetry = true - cy.get( '#5c2cd8e5-27d0-42e3-85a1-85db5eaba459').find('.menu-div').click(); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-retry']`).should('not.exist'); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-remove']`).should('exist'); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-open']`).should('exist'); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-hide']`).should('not.exist'); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-audit-info']`).should('not.exist'); - - // Instantiate action with Job status FAILED - isRetry = false - cy.get( '#e1db03c3-6274-4ff7-84cf-7bd3a3946de7').find('.menu-div').click(); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-retry']`).should('not.be.visible'); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-open']`).should('exist'); - - //Delete action with Job status IN_PROGRESS - cy.get( '#850dc7d2-5240-437f-9bcd-b1ed7dc339c2').find('.menu-div').click(); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-remove']`).should('exist'); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-open']`).should('exist'); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-hide']`).should('exist'); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-audit-info']`).should('not.exist'); - //Update action with Job status COMPLETED - cy.get( '#850dc7d2-5240-437f-9bcd-b1ed7dc339c1').find('.menu-div').click(); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-remove']`).should('exist'); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-open']`).should('not.exist'); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-hide']`).should('not.exist'); - cy.get('.dropdown-menu').find('.disabled').find(`[data-tests-id='context-menu-audit-info']`).should('not.exist'); + + cy.openIframe('app/ui/#/instantiationStatus'); + + // Instantiate action with Job status FAILED - isRetry = true + + clickOnTitleAndThenOnMenuWithJobId('5c2cd8e5-27d0-42e3-85a1-85db5eaba459'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-retry').should('not.exist'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-remove').should('exist'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-open').should('exist'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-hide').should('not.exist'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-audit-info').should('not.exist'); + + // Instantiate action with Job status FAILED - isRetry = false + clickOnTitleAndThenOnMenuWithJobId('e1db03c3-6274-4ff7-84cf-7bd3a3946de7'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-retry').should('not.be.visible'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-open').should('exist'); + + //Delete action with Job status IN_PROGRESS + clickOnTitleAndThenOnMenuWithJobId('850dc7d2-5240-437f-9bcd-b1ed7dc339c2'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-remove').should('exist'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-open').should('exist'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-hide').should('exist'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-audit-info').should('not.exist'); + + //Update action with Job status COMPLETED + clickOnTitleAndThenOnMenuWithJobId('850dc7d2-5240-437f-9bcd-b1ed7dc339c1'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-remove').should('exist'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-open').should('not.exist'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-hide').should('not.exist'); + getDropDownMenuByDataTestId('context-menu-audit-info').should('not.exist'); }); }); diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/service.popup.e2e.ts b/vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/service.popup.e2e.ts index d1d41d0d9..7d1a1829d 100644 --- a/vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/service.popup.e2e.ts +++ b/vid-webpack-master/cypress/integration/iFrames/service.popup.e2e.ts @@ -82,6 +82,14 @@ describe('Service popup', function () { cy.get('form-general-error').contains('Page contains errors. Please see details next to the relevant fields.'); }); }); + + it('when open service popup should show showPrevious button', () => { + cy.openIframe('/app/ui/#/servicePopup?serviceModelId=2f80c596-27e5-4ca9-b5bb-e03a7fd4c0fd&isCreate=true'); + cy.getElementByDataTestsId('ShowPreviousInstancesButton').contains('Previous Instantiation').click(); + + }) + + }); }); diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/cypress/support/jsonBuilders/mocks/jsons/asyncInstantiation.json b/vid-webpack-master/cypress/support/jsonBuilders/mocks/jsons/asyncInstantiation.json index 01eda9551..c6fc4ebc0 100644 --- a/vid-webpack-master/cypress/support/jsonBuilders/mocks/jsons/asyncInstantiation.json +++ b/vid-webpack-master/cypress/support/jsonBuilders/mocks/jsons/asyncInstantiation.json @@ -268,82 +268,6 @@ "isRetryEnabled": false }, { - "id": 2, - "created": 1524663233000, - "modified": 1524663236000, - "action": "INSTANTIATE", - "createdId": null, - "modifiedId": null, - "rowNum": null, - "auditUserId": null, - "auditTrail": null, - "jobId": "b1ff271b-829a-43f9-a2e3-23987a34f261", - "templateId": "262fccc5-cae9-4258-b522-540c4010e0a9", - "userId": "16807000", - "aLaCarte": true, - "msoRequestId": "c0011670-0e1a-4b74-945d-8bf5aede1d98", - "jobStatus": "FAILED", - "statusModifiedDate": 1524663233000, - "hidden": false, - "pause": false, - "owningEntityId": "d61e6f2d-12fa-4cc2-91df-7c244011d6fc", - "owningEntityName": "WayneHolland", - "project": "WATKINS", - "aicZoneId": "NFT1", - "aicZoneName": "NFTJSSSS-NFT1", - "tenantId": "bae71557c5bb4d5aac6743a4e5f1d054", - "tenantName": "AIN Web Tool-15-D-testalexandria", - "regionId": "hvf6", - "regionName": null, - "serviceType": "TYLER SILVIA", - "subscriberName": "e433710f-9217-458d-a79d-1c7aff376d89", - "serviceInstanceId": null, - "serviceInstanceName": "sPenLiZXXpqzsVck instance name_02", - "serviceModelId": "e49fbd11-e60c-4a8e-b4bf-30fbe8f4fcc0", - "serviceModelName": "action-data", - "serviceModelVersion": "1.0", - "createdBulkDate": 1524663233000, - "isRetryEnabled": true - }, - { - "id": 1, - "created": 1524663233000, - "modified": 1524663236000, - "action": "INSTANTIATE", - "createdId": null, - "modifiedId": null, - "rowNum": null, - "auditUserId": null, - "auditTrail": null, - "jobId": "850dc7d2-5240-437f-9bcd-b1ed7dc339ca", - "templateId": "262fccc5-cae9-4258-b522-540c4010e0a9", - "userId": "16807000", - "aLaCarte": true, - "msoRequestId": "c0011670-0e1a-4b74-945d-8bf5aede1d45", - "jobStatus": "IN_PROGRESS", - "statusModifiedDate": 1524663233000, - "hidden": false, - "pause": false, - "owningEntityId": "d61e6f2d-12fa-4cc2-91df-7c244011d6fc", - "owningEntityName": "WayneHolland", - "project": "WATKINS", - "aicZoneId": "NFT1", - "aicZoneName": "NFTJSSSS-NFT1", - "tenantId": "bae71557c5bb4d5aac6743a4e5f1d054", - "tenantName": "AIN Web Tool-15-D-testalexandria", - "regionId": "hvf6", - "regionName": null, - "serviceType": "TYLER SILVIA", - "subscriberName": "e433710f-9217-458d-a79d-1c7aff376d89", - "serviceInstanceId": null, - "serviceInstanceName": "sPenLiZXXpqzsVck instance name_01", - "serviceModelId": "e49fbd11-e60c-4a8e-b4bf-30fbe8f4fcc0", - "serviceModelName": "action-data", - "serviceModelVersion": "1.0", - "createdBulkDate": 1524663233000, - "isRetryEnabled": false - }, - { "id": 9, "created": 1524663233000, "modified": 1524663236000, diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/cypress/support/jsonBuilders/mocks/jsons/flags.cypress.json b/vid-webpack-master/cypress/support/jsonBuilders/mocks/jsons/flags.cypress.json index 0f5e15298..9afc1723f 100644 --- a/vid-webpack-master/cypress/support/jsonBuilders/mocks/jsons/flags.cypress.json +++ b/vid-webpack-master/cypress/support/jsonBuilders/mocks/jsons/flags.cypress.json @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ "FLAG_1911_INSTANTIATION_ORDER_BUTTON_IN_ASYNC_ALACARTE": false, "FLAG_2002_VNF_PLATFORM_MULTI_SELECT" : false, "FLAG_2002_VFM_UPGRADE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS": true, + "FLAG_2004_TEMP_BUTTON_TO_INSTANTIATION_STATUS_FILTER": true, "FLAG_2004_INSTANTIATION_STATUS_FILTER": true, "FLAG_2004_INSTANTIATION_TEMPLATES_POPUP" : false } diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/generic-form-popup.component.html b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/generic-form-popup.component.html index 5b8dfa9c9..f9da42607 100644 --- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/generic-form-popup.component.html +++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/generic-form-popup.component.html @@ -61,6 +61,13 @@ (click)="openTemplateModal()" ><span>Template</span></button> <button + *ngIf=isInstantiationStatusFilterFlagOn() + [attr.data-tests-id]="'ShowPreviousInstancesButton'" + type="button" class="btn btn-success submit" + (click)="formPopupDetails.onOtherAction(formPopupDetails.that, dynamicForm)"> + <span>Previous Instantiation</span> + </button> + <button [attr.data-tests-id]="'cancelButton'" type="button" class="btn btn-default cancel" (click)="formPopupDetails.onCancel(formPopupDetails.that, dynamicForm)"><span>Cancel</span></button> diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/generic-form-popup.component.ts b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/generic-form-popup.component.ts index cadce7ddb..159871f45 100644 --- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/generic-form-popup.component.ts +++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/generic-form-popup.component.ts @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import {AaiService} from "../../services/aaiService/aai.service"; import {GenericFormPopupService} from "./generic-form-popup.service"; import {FormControlModel} from "../../models/formControlModels/formControl.model"; import {FormGeneralErrorsService} from "../formGeneralErrors/formGeneralErrors.service"; +import {FeatureFlagsService, Features} from "../../services/featureFlag/feature-flags.service"; import {InstantiationTemplatesModalComponent} from "./instantiationTemplatesModal/instantiation.templates.modal.component"; @@ -146,6 +147,10 @@ export class GenericFormPopupComponent extends DialogComponent<PopupModel, boole openTemplateModal = (): void => { this._dialogService.addDialog(InstantiationTemplatesModalComponent, {}); } + + isInstantiationStatusFilterFlagOn() { + return FeatureFlagsService.getFlagState(Features.FLAG_2004_TEMP_BUTTON_TO_INSTANTIATION_STATUS_FILTER, this._store); + } } diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/genericFormServices/service/service.popup.service.spec.ts b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/genericFormServices/service/service.popup.service.spec.ts index ccfaacd0d..ebea695f7 100644 --- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/genericFormServices/service/service.popup.service.spec.ts +++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/genericFormServices/service/service.popup.service.spec.ts @@ -2140,6 +2140,33 @@ describe('Service popup service', () => { expect(service.closeDialogEvent.next).toHaveBeenCalledWith(that); }); + test('showPreviousInstantiations should trigger postMessage', () => { + let that = <any>{ + parentElementClassName: 'content', + _iframeService: iframeService, + resetPopupData : () =>{ }, + serviceModel:{ + uuid:'1111' + } + + }; + + let expectedMessage= { + eventId: 'showPreviousInstantiations', + data: { + serviceModelId: that.serviceModel.uuid + } + }; + + jest.spyOn(window.parent, 'postMessage'); + + service.showPreviousInstantiations(that, fb.group({})); + + expect( window.parent.postMessage).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedMessage,"*") + + }); + + test('getDynamicInputs should return list of controls' ,() => { const result: FormControlModel[] = service.getDynamicInputs('6b528779-44a3-4472-bdff-9cd15ec93450'); diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/genericFormServices/service/service.popup.service.ts b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/genericFormServices/service/service.popup.service.ts index e2033aa74..3e7e8c1e5 100644 --- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/genericFormServices/service/service.popup.service.ts +++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/genericFormServices/service/service.popup.service.ts @@ -59,7 +59,12 @@ export class ServicePopupService implements GenericPopupInterface { this.getDynamicInputs(serviceId), this.modelInformations, (that, form: FormGroup) => {that.onSubmit(that, form);}, - (that: any, form: FormGroup) => {that.onCancel(that, form); } + (that: any, form: FormGroup) => { + that.onCancel(that, form); + }, + (that: any, form: FormGroup) => { + that.showPreviousInstantiations(that, form); + } ); } @@ -123,13 +128,24 @@ export class ServicePopupService implements GenericPopupInterface { onSubmit(that, form: FormGroup, ...args): void { form = that.updateExtraValues(that, form); that.storeServiceInstance(form.value, args[0], [], new ModelInfo(that.serviceModel), that.serviceModel); - window.parent.postMessage( { - eventId: 'submitIframe', + const eventId = 'submitIframe'; + this.postMessageToWindowParent(eventId, that.serviceModel.uuid); + this.onCancel(that, form); + } + + showPreviousInstantiations(that, form: FormGroup,): void { + const eventId = 'showPreviousInstantiations'; + this.postMessageToWindowParent(eventId, that.serviceModel.uuid); + this.onCancel(that, form); + } + + private postMessageToWindowParent(eventId: string, serviceModelId:string) { + window.parent.postMessage({ + eventId: eventId, data: { - serviceModelId: that.serviceModel.uuid + serviceModelId } }, "*"); - this.onCancel(that, form); } updateExtraValues = (that, form) : any => { diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/instantiationTemplatesModal/instantiation.templates.modal.component.scss b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/instantiationTemplatesModal/instantiation.templates.modal.component.scss index 23c950c33..ef8d01a75 100644 --- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/instantiationTemplatesModal/instantiation.templates.modal.component.scss +++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/instantiationTemplatesModal/instantiation.templates.modal.component.scss @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ $grid-border: 1px #d2d2d2 solid; } .submit { - width: 120px; + min-width: 120px; height: 36px; background: #009fdb; border-radius: 2px; diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/instantiationTemplatesModal/instantiation.templates.modal.service.spec.ts b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/instantiationTemplatesModal/instantiation.templates.modal.service.spec.ts index f3bd9152e..1ff0f61e2 100644 --- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/instantiationTemplatesModal/instantiation.templates.modal.service.spec.ts +++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/components/genericFormPopup/instantiationTemplatesModal/instantiation.templates.modal.service.spec.ts @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ describe('instantiation templates modal service', () => { const tableRows: InstantiationTemplatesRowModel[] = service.convertResponseToUI(jobs); expect(tableRows).toHaveLength(1); expect(tableRows[0].userId).toEqual('16807000'); - expect(tableRows[0].createDate).toEqual('2018-04-29 12:52:35'); + expect((new Date(tableRows[0].createDate)).toISOString()).toEqual('2018-04-29T09:52:35.000Z'); expect(tableRows[0].instanceName).toEqual('serviceInstanceName'); expect(tableRows[0].instantiationStatus).toEqual('FAILED'); expect(tableRows[0].region).toEqual('hvf6 (AAA1)'); diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/models/formControlModels/formPopupDetails.model.ts b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/models/formControlModels/formPopupDetails.model.ts index 0a7e61082..40d74d63f 100644 --- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/models/formControlModels/formPopupDetails.model.ts +++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/models/formControlModels/formPopupDetails.model.ts @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ export class FormPopupDetails { modelInformationItems: ModelInformationItem[]; onSubmit : (that : any, form: FormGroup , ...args) => void; onCancel : (that : any, form: FormGroup) => void; + onOtherAction: (that: any, form: FormGroup) => void; + constructor(that : any, popupTypeName : PopupType , @@ -25,7 +27,8 @@ export class FormPopupDetails { dynamicInputsControlList : FormControlModel[], modelInformationItems : ModelInformationItem[], onSubmit : (that : any, form : FormGroup, ...args) => void, - onCancel : (that : any, form : FormGroup) => void){ + onCancel: (that: any, form: FormGroup) => void, + onOtherAction?: (that: any, form: FormGroup) => void) { this.title = title; this.leftSubTitle = leftSubTitle; this.rightSubTitle = rightSubTitle; @@ -34,6 +37,7 @@ export class FormPopupDetails { this.modelInformationItems = modelInformationItems; this.onSubmit = onSubmit; this.onCancel = onCancel; + this.onOtherAction = onOtherAction; this.popupTypeName = popupTypeName; this.UUIDData = UUIDData; this.that = that; diff --git a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/services/featureFlag/feature-flags.service.ts b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/services/featureFlag/feature-flags.service.ts index 2fb39e8b9..8570b0866 100644 --- a/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/services/featureFlag/feature-flags.service.ts +++ b/vid-webpack-master/src/app/shared/services/featureFlag/feature-flags.service.ts @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ export enum Features { FLAG_FLASH_MORE_ACTIONS_BUTTON_IN_OLD_VIEW_EDIT ='FLAG_FLASH_MORE_ACTIONS_BUTTON_IN_OLD_VIEW_EDIT', FLAG_2002_VFM_UPGRADE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS ='FLAG_2002_VFM_UPGRADE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS', FLAG_2004_INSTANTIATION_STATUS_FILTER ='FLAG_2004_INSTANTIATION_STATUS_FILTER', + FLAG_2004_TEMP_BUTTON_TO_INSTANTIATION_STATUS_FILTER ='FLAG_2004_TEMP_BUTTON_TO_INSTANTIATION_STATUS_FILTER', } @Injectable() |