path: root/vid-automation/src/test/java/org/opencomp/vid/api/OperationalEnvironmentControllerApiTest.java
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authorkurczews <krzysztof.kurczewski@nokia.com>2018-08-13 13:40:47 +0200
committerkurczews <krzysztof.kurczewski@nokia.com>2018-08-13 13:43:12 +0200
commit2513c3cae11dbc717d2c22ffdd8266aa2e61a800 (patch)
tree7c1a9c1630be657506995f4a291504562bf712b1 /vid-automation/src/test/java/org/opencomp/vid/api/OperationalEnvironmentControllerApiTest.java
parent9b45c01d9bb3a4565ed64c20e72511edc0854636 (diff)
Renaming vid-automation #4
Change-Id: I907b9a6c199302d748918e236ee2945d56f4dd26 Issue-ID: VID-205 Signed-off-by: kurczews <krzysztof.kurczewski@nokia.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'vid-automation/src/test/java/org/opencomp/vid/api/OperationalEnvironmentControllerApiTest.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 431 deletions
diff --git a/vid-automation/src/test/java/org/opencomp/vid/api/OperationalEnvironmentControllerApiTest.java b/vid-automation/src/test/java/org/opencomp/vid/api/OperationalEnvironmentControllerApiTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 65b0253bd..000000000
--- a/vid-automation/src/test/java/org/opencomp/vid/api/OperationalEnvironmentControllerApiTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-package org.opencomp.vid.api;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
-import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils;
-import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity;
-import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;
-import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
-import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
-import org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException;
-import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
-import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
-import org.testng.annotations.Test;
-import vid.automation.test.services.SimulatorApi;
-import vid.automation.test.services.SimulatorApi.RegistrationStrategy;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.stream.Collectors;
-import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
-import static org.hamcrest.core.Is.is;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
-import static org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
-import static org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED;
-public class OperationalEnvironmentControllerApiTest extends BaseMsoApiTest {
- private static final String UUID = "927befca-e32c-4f7d-be8d-b4107e0ac31e";
- public static final String GET_STATUS_REQUEST_UUID = "3212b08c-0dcd-4d20-8c84-51e4f325c14a";
- private static final String BASIC_DEACTIVATE_REQUEST_BODY = "{}";
- private static final String BASIC_ACTIVATE_REQUEST_BODY = getResourceAsString("operationalEnvironmentController/activateOperationalEnvironment.json");
- private static final String BASIC_CREATE_REQUEST_BODY = getResourceAsString("operationalEnvironmentController/createOperationalEnvironment.json");
- private final String MSO_OK_RESPONSE_FOR_DEACTIVATE = "mso_ok_response_for_deactivate.json";
- public static final String GET_CLOUD_RESOURCES_REQUEST_STATUS = "get_cloud_resources_request_status.json";
- private final String MSO_ERROR_RESPONSE_FOR_DEACTIVATE = "mso_error_response_for_deactivate.json";
- private final String MSO_ERROR_RESPONSE_FOR_STATUS = "mso_error_response_for_status.json";
- private final String MSO_OK_RESPONSE_FOR_POST_OPERATIONAL_ENVIRONMENT = "mso_ok_response_for_post_operational_environmnet.json";
- private final String MSO_ERROR_RESPONSE_FOR_POST_OPERATIONAL_ENVIRONMENT = "mso_error_response_for_post_operational_environmnet.json";
- private final String missingParamErrorText = "Required String parameter 'operationalEnvironment' is not present";
- /*
- ## Tests
- [x] - Try all methods: only POST is working
- [x] - Send wrong requests; all are responded with 400 and nice description
- [x] - missing param
- [x] - missing body
- [x] - operationalEnvironment value is empty
- - Simulate MSO responses (status and body); verify all are propagated inside a VID's 200 OK
- [x] - [ 200, 202, 400, 404, 500 ]
- - Positive cases
- [x] - Request body is just '{}'
- [x] - Request body is with some fields
- [x] - URI with more query params
- ### Always verify
- [x] - Payload to MSO is the valid schema and values
- [ ] - RequestorId is ok
- */
- @Override
- @BeforeClass
- public void login() {
- super.login();
- }
- @Test(dataProvider = "wrongHttpMethodsForAllUris")
- public void tryAllWrongMethods(HttpMethod httpMethod, String uri) throws IOException {
- try {
- ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(uri, httpMethod, new HttpEntity<ImmutableMap>(ImmutableMap.of()), String.class);
- assertThat("Response should be method not allowed => " + responseEntity, responseEntity.getBody(), containsString("Request method '" + httpMethod + "' not supported"));
- } catch (HttpClientErrorException e) {
- assertThat("Response should be method not allowed (by error code)", e.getStatusCode(), is(METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED));
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void activateWithAdditionalQueryParam() throws IOException {
- doWithFineRequest(BASIC_ACTIVATE_REQUEST_BODY, getActivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.EXTENDED), "/activate\"");
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions = { HttpClientErrorException.class })
- public void activateWithMissingOperationalEnvironmentParam() throws IOException {
- doWithBadRequest(BASIC_ACTIVATE_REQUEST_BODY, missingParamErrorText, getActivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.MISSING));
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions = { HttpClientErrorException.class })
- public void activateWithNoValueForOperationalEnvironmentParam() throws IOException {
- doWithBadRequest(BASIC_ACTIVATE_REQUEST_BODY, missingParamErrorText, getActivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.NO_VALUE));
- }
- @Test
- public void deactivateWithAdditionalQueryParam() throws IOException {
- doWithFineRequest(BASIC_DEACTIVATE_REQUEST_BODY, getDeactivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.EXTENDED), "/deactivate\"");
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions = { HttpClientErrorException.class })
- public void deactivateWithMissingOperationalEnvironmentParam() throws IOException {
- doWithBadRequest(BASIC_DEACTIVATE_REQUEST_BODY, missingParamErrorText, getDeactivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.MISSING));
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions = { HttpClientErrorException.class })
- public void deactivateWithNoValueForOperationalEnvironmentParam() throws IOException {
- doWithBadRequest(BASIC_DEACTIVATE_REQUEST_BODY, missingParamErrorText, getDeactivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.NO_VALUE));
- }
- @Test(dataProvider = "requestPayloads")
- public void activateWithBody(String requestBody) throws IOException {
- doWithFineRequest(requestBody, getActivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.OK), "/activate\"");
- }
- @Test(dataProvider = "requestPayloads")
- public void deactivateWithBody(String requestBody) throws IOException {
- doWithFineRequest(requestBody, getDeactivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.OK), "/deactivate\"");
- }
- private void doWithFineRequest(String requestBody, String targetUri, String v1) throws IOException {
- final String expectedResult = "" +
- "{" +
- " \"requestReferences\": {" +
- " \"requestId\": \"dbe54591-c8ed-46d3-abc7-d3a24873dfbd\"," +
- " \"instanceId\": \"" + UUID + "\"" +
- " }" +
- "}";
- callMsoWithFineRequest(MSO_OK_RESPONSE_FOR_DEACTIVATE, ImmutableMap.of(
- "/deactivate\"", v1,
- ,targetUri,requestBody,HttpStatus.ACCEPTED.value(),expectedResult, HttpMethod.POST);
- }
- @Test(dataProvider = "errorCodes")
- public void deactivateWithErrorResponse(int errorCode) throws IOException {
- doWithSimulatedErrorResponse(errorCode, getDeactivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.OK), BASIC_DEACTIVATE_REQUEST_BODY, "/deactivate\"", MSO_ERROR_RESPONSE_FOR_DEACTIVATE, HttpMethod.POST);
- }
- @Test(dataProvider = "errorCodes")
- public void activateWithErrorResponse(int errorCode) throws IOException {
- doWithSimulatedErrorResponse(errorCode, getActivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.OK), BASIC_ACTIVATE_REQUEST_BODY, "/activate\"", MSO_ERROR_RESPONSE_FOR_DEACTIVATE, HttpMethod.POST);
- }
- @Test(dataProvider = "errorCodes")
- public void testStatusWithErrorResponse(int errorCode) throws IOException {
- doWithSimulatedErrorResponse(errorCode, getStatusTargetUri(STATUS_URI_UUID_MODE.OK), "", "", MSO_ERROR_RESPONSE_FOR_STATUS, HttpMethod.GET);
- }
- private void doWithSimulatedErrorResponse(int errorCode, String targetUri, String basicRequestBody, String msoPathSuffix, String expectationTemplateFilename, HttpMethod method) throws IOException {
- final String expectedResult = "" +
- "<head>Huston, you have a problem<head>";
- callMsoWithSimulatedErrorResponse(expectationTemplateFilename, ImmutableMap.of(
- "/deactivate\"", msoPathSuffix,
- "500", errorCode,
- "ERROR_PAYLOAD", StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(expectedResult)
- ),targetUri,basicRequestBody,errorCode, expectedResult, method);
- }
- @Test(
- dataProvider = "requestPayloads",
- expectedExceptions = { HttpClientErrorException.class }
- )
- public void activateWithBadRequest(String requestBody) throws IOException {
- doWithBadRequest(requestBody, "HttpMessageNotReadableException", getActivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.OK));
- }
- @Test(
- dataProvider = "activateBadHalfBakedPayloads",
- expectedExceptions = { HttpClientErrorException.class }
- )
- public void activateWithBadHalfBakedPayload(String requestBody) throws IOException {
- doWithBadRequest(requestBody, "HttpMessageNotReadableException", getActivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.OK));
- }
- @Test(
- dataProvider = "requestPayloads",
- expectedExceptions = { HttpClientErrorException.class }
- )
- public void deactivateWithBadRequest(String requestBody) throws IOException {
- doWithBadRequest(requestBody, "HttpMessageNotReadableException", getDeactivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.OK));
- }
- private void doWithBadRequest(String requestBody, String httpMessageNotReadableException, String targetUri) throws IOException {
- SimulatorApi.registerExpectation(MSO_OK_RESPONSE_FOR_DEACTIVATE, ImmutableMap.of("UUID", UUID), RegistrationStrategy.CLEAR_THEN_SET);
- try {
- ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = restTemplate.postForEntity(targetUri, requestBody, String.class);
- } catch (HttpClientErrorException e) {
- assertThat("Response should be Bad Request (by error code)", e.getStatusCode(), is(BAD_REQUEST));
- assertThat("Response should be Bad Request (by body)", e.getResponseBodyAsString(), containsString(httpMessageNotReadableException));
- throw e;
- }
- }
- @DataProvider
- public Object[][] wrongHttpMethodsForAllUris() {
- ImmutableList<String> uris = ImmutableList.of(
- getDeactivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.OK),
- getActivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE.OK)
- );
- return Arrays.stream(HttpMethod.values())
- .filter(Streams.not(ImmutableList.of(
- HttpMethod.POST, // because POST *should* work
- HttpMethod.PATCH, // because PATCH is invalid method for Java.net
- HttpMethod.OPTIONS, // because OPTIONS is somehow valid... :-( => Allow=[GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH]
- HttpMethod.HEAD // because HEAD is like POST/GET but without body, so error is hidden
- )::contains))
- .flatMap(httpMethod -> uris.stream()
- .map(uri -> new Object[]{ httpMethod, uri}) // pair given method for each of the URIs
- )
- .collect(Collectors.toList())
- .toArray(new Object[][] {});
- }
- @DataProvider
- public static Object[][] requestPayloads(Method test) {
- switch (test.getName()) {
- case "deactivateWithBody":
- return new Object[][]{
- , {"{ \"a\": \"b\" }"}
- , {"{ \"a\": [ 55 ] }"}
- };
- case "activateWithBody":
- return new Object[][]{
- };
- default: // bad payloads
- return new Object[][]{
- {null}
- , {""}
- , {"{"}
- , {"foo"}
- };
- }
- }
- @DataProvider
- public static Object[][] activateBadHalfBakedPayloads(Method test) {
- final ImmutableList<String> strings = ImmutableList.of(
- "\"relatedInstanceId\": \"1117887f-068f-46d7-9e43-9b73bef17af8\"",
- "\"relatedInstanceName\": \"managing ECOMP Operational Environment\"",
- "\"workloadContext\": \"VNF_E2E-IST\"",
- "\"manifest\": {" +
- " \"serviceModelList\": [" +
- " {" +
- " \"serviceModelVersionId\": \"uuid2\"," +
- " \"recoveryAction\": \"retry\"" +
- " }" +
- " ]" +
- "}"
- );
- final LinkedList<String> tests = new LinkedList<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) {
- final ArrayList<String> aCase = new ArrayList<>(strings);
- aCase.remove(i);
- tests.add("{" + String.join(", ", aCase) + "}");
- }
- return tests.stream().map(o -> new Object[] { o }).collect(Collectors.toList()).toArray(new Object[][]{});
- }
- @DataProvider
- public static Object[][] errorCodes(Method test) {
- return new Object[][]{
- {500}, {505}, {400}, {401}, {405}
- };
- }
- @DataProvider
- public static Object[][] statusLegitUri(Method test) {
- return new Object[][]{
- };
- }
- @DataProvider
- public static Object[][] statusNotLegitUri(Method test) {
- return new Object[][]{
- };
- }
- MISSING(""),
- NO_VALUE("?operationalEnvironment="),
- OK(NO_VALUE.val + UUID),
- EXTENDED(OK.val + "&anotherParam=6");
- final String val;
- this.val = val;
- }
- }
- private enum STATUS_URI_UUID_MODE {
- MISSING(""),
- NO_VALUE("?requestId="),
- EXTENDED(OK.val + "&anotherParam=6");
- final String val;
- STATUS_URI_UUID_MODE(String val) {
- this.val = val;
- }
- }
- private String getDeactivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE uriUuidMode) {
- return uri.toASCIIString() + "/operationalEnvironment/deactivate" + uriUuidMode.val;
- }
- private String getActivationTargetUri(ACTIVATION_URI_UUID_MODE uriUuidMode) {
- return uri.toASCIIString() + "/operationalEnvironment/activate" + uriUuidMode.val;
- }
- private String getStatusTargetUri(STATUS_URI_UUID_MODE uriUuidMode) {
- return uri.toASCIIString() + "/operationalEnvironment/requestStatus" + uriUuidMode.val;
- }
- private String getCreateOperationEnvironmentUri() {
- return uri.toASCIIString() + "/operationalEnvironment/create";
- }
- @Test
- public void createWithSimplestBody()throws IOException {
- final String expectedResult = "" +
- "{" +
- " \"requestReferences\": {" +
- " \"requestId\": \"dbe54591-c8ed-46d3-abc7-d3a24873dfbd\","+
- " \"instanceId\": \"" + UUID + "\"" +
- " }" +
- "}";
- "UUID", UUID), getCreateOperationEnvironmentUri(), BASIC_CREATE_REQUEST_BODY, HttpStatus.ACCEPTED.value(), expectedResult, HttpMethod.POST);
- }
- @Test(dataProvider = "errorCodes")
- public void createWithErrorResponse(int errorCode) throws IOException {
- final String expectedResult = "" +
- "<head>Huston, you have a problem<head>";
- callMsoWithSimulatedErrorResponse(MSO_ERROR_RESPONSE_FOR_POST_OPERATIONAL_ENVIRONMENT,ImmutableMap.of(
- "500", errorCode,
- "ERROR_PAYLOAD", StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(expectedResult)
- ), getCreateOperationEnvironmentUri(), BASIC_CREATE_REQUEST_BODY, errorCode,expectedResult, HttpMethod.POST);
- }
- @Test(dataProvider = "statusLegitUri")
- public void testStatusWithLegitUri(STATUS_URI_UUID_MODE statusUriMode) throws IOException {
- String uri = getStatusTargetUri(statusUriMode);
- final String expectedResult = "" +
- "{" +
- " \"request\": {" +
- " \"requestId\": \"3212b08c-0dcd-4d20-8c84-51e4f325c14a\"," +
- " \"startTime\": \"Thu, 02 Jun 2017 02:51:59 GMT\"," +
- " \"instanceReferences\": {" +
- " \"operationalEnvironmentInstanceId\": \"bc305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546014\"" +
- " }," +
- " \"requestScope\": \"operationalEnvironment\"," +
- " \"requestType\": \"deactivate\"," +
- " \"requestDetails\": {" +
- " \"requestInfo\": {" +
- " \"resourceType\": \"operationalEnvironment\"," +
- " \"source\": \"VID\"," +
- " \"requestorId\": \"az2017\"" +
- " }," +
- " \"requestParameters\": {" +
- " \"operationalEnvironmentType\": \"VNF\"" +
- " }" +
- " }," +
- " \"requestStatus\": {" +
- " \"timestamp\": \"Thu, 02 Jun 2017 02:53:39 GMT\"," +
- " \"requestState\": \"COMPLETE\"," +
- " \"statusMessage\": \"Operational Environment successfully deactivated\"," +
- " \"percentProgress\": \"100\"" +
- " }" +
- " }" +
- "}";
- callMsoWithFineRequest(GET_CLOUD_RESOURCES_REQUEST_STATUS, ImmutableMap.of()
- ,uri,"",HttpStatus.OK.value(),expectedResult, HttpMethod.GET);
- }
- @Test(
- expectedExceptions = {HttpClientErrorException.class},
- dataProvider = "statusNotLegitUri"
- )
- public void testStatusWithBadRequest(STATUS_URI_UUID_MODE statusUriMode) throws IOException {
- SimulatorApi.registerExpectation(GET_CLOUD_RESOURCES_REQUEST_STATUS, RegistrationStrategy.CLEAR_THEN_SET);
- String uri = getStatusTargetUri(statusUriMode);
- try {
- ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = restTemplate.getForEntity(uri, String.class);
- } catch (HttpClientErrorException e) {
- assertThat("Response should be Bad Request (by error code)", e.getStatusCode(), is(BAD_REQUEST));
- assertThat("Response should be Bad Request (by body)", e.getResponseBodyAsString(), containsString("'requestId' is not present"));
- throw e;
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testStatusWithWrongMethodPost() throws IOException {
- SimulatorApi.registerExpectation(GET_CLOUD_RESOURCES_REQUEST_STATUS, RegistrationStrategy.CLEAR_THEN_SET);
- String myUri = getStatusTargetUri(STATUS_URI_UUID_MODE.OK);
- String response = restTemplate.postForObject(myUri, "", String.class);
- assertThat("Response should be method not allowed => " + response, response, containsString("Request method '" + HttpMethod.POST + "' not supported"));
- }